Pestel Analysis
Pestel Analysis
Pestel Analysis
Legal Economic
Political Factor: These are about how and to what degree a legislature mediates in the
economy. This can incorporate – government strategy, political security or instability in
abroad markets, foreign trade policy, charge arrangement, labor law, environmental law,
trade restrictions and so on. From the retrospective it is clear that political factors also
influence relationships and how they collaborate. Relationships must be able to react and
to change their support arrangements if appropriate to today's and expected future
legislation. The idea that it is an app-based marketplace cannot be politically unstable.
Access to the Internet is here a major concern.
Economic Factor: Economic factors have a significant impact on how and how successful
an organization is. Conditions include – economic growth, interest rates, currency rates,
inflation, consumer and business disposable income etc. The macroeconomic and
microeconomic aspects may be further discounted. Macroeconomic factors affect demand
management in any specific economy. Governments use their key instruments for
regulation of interest rates, fiscal policy and government expenditure. Everything about
microeconomic factors is how people spend their incomes. This has a significant impact in
particular on B2C organizations. Bangladesh is a developing country, where per capita
earnings are low. Deligram's pricing should therefore be done accordingly.
Social Factor: Social factors are indeed the areas of common values and people's attitudes.
These include population growth, spread of age, attitudes towards a profession, social
opinion and so on. Such influences are particularly interesting because they directly
influence the perception and motivation of consumers by advertisers.
People in our country feel it is not trustworthy for online business. If this belief can be
changed, Deligram will gain new customers more market share.
Technological Factor: We are all aware of the rapid changes in the technological
landscape and how that affects our marketing. This is the mobile generation, and most of
Deligram's target market uses one. To conquer the market, Deligram relies on mobile
Environmental Factor: Environmental factors include environmental and ecological
issues such as weather, climate and climate change, which can impact sectors such as
tourism, agriculture and insurance in particular. But since Deligram is an internet-based
company, it has no impact on the environment.
Legal Factor: Legal considerations include regulations on segregation, consumer law,
antitrust law, labor law, health and safety law. These factors can affect the operation of a
company, its costs, and the demand for its products.
Although Bangladesh is a developing country, these online businesses are very lenient to
the government. It is not badly affected by the rule.
(, 2019), (2018)