A. Organization 1
1. Sales and Distribution 1
A. Organization
1. Sales and Distribution
1.1. Sales Area
Q: 1) Do you need to keep the sales activities of particular enterprise areas/business areas
or product groups completely separate?
Q: 3) If you have multiple companies, are sales in one company sourced from a plant in
another company? In which company is the revenue recognized?
A: No
Q: 1) Who is responsible for sales-related components in the material and customer master
A: Agency responsible for creation of custome master would be Sales and maintaining sales
related data in material mastern would be a team of Sales, marketing & Finance. However
access can be given to field people to initially create the Customer Master for creation of
Q: 4) How is your sales and distribution processing structured? For example, is order
processing/billing centralized or decentralized?
A: Centralised
Q: 5) EH&S : Do you carry out dangerous goods checks on the basis of deliveries?
A: No
1.3. Distribution channel
Q: 1) Do you sell your products via a number of distribution channels (via direct sales, in
retail trade, cash & carry, and so on)?
A: No
A: There are various sales offices for catering the business. These are
Q: 3) Do you evaluate at sales representative level? If yes, please consider also the partner
B. Master Data
1. General Master Records
1.1. Material Master
A: Sales
A: Yes
Q: 3) What is the default sales unit in sales processing and what are alternative sales
Q: 6) Do you group similar products together (for example, in divisions or material groups)?
A: Yes
Q: 8) If you have multiple plants, is your material normally supplied by a specific plant?
A: Yes
Q: 9) Do you maintain additional types of grouping for other processes (for example, rebate,
statistics, commission or pricing)?
Q: 12) Are there materials that must be shipped in certain multiples (delivery units)?
A: Yes
Q: 31) Describe the structure and numbering system for material numbers
(internal/external, specific to material type, other criteria).
Q: 32) Which material types do you use (please complete): FERT, HALB, ROH, KMAT,
HAWA, FMHI, ...?
Q: 35) Please describe the process for creating and adding to material data. Include release
procedure/status, important sequences, automatic notifications (workflow), responsibilities,
authorizations, involved systems, and so on.
A: To be addressed later
Q: 43) Are your materials taxable? Describe
A: Yes
Q: 44) For a material is there a main delivery location for a sales department?
A: Multi Location
Q: 1) Which types of business partner do you have? For example, sole proprietor, legal
person, employees, foreign, other?
A: Sales Employees, Customer, ship to party, bill to party, payer, consultants, builders
Q: 2) How many active customers do you intend to transfer to your R/3 System?
A: 5000
A: To be addressed later
A: [ ]Yes Yes
[ ]No
A: [ ]Yes Yes
[ ]No
A: [ ]Yes Yes
[ ]No
A: To be addressed later
A: Yes
Q: 13) Do you want to record any specific marketing information (for example, Nielsen IDs,
customer classification)?
A: Yes
A: Yes
Q: 16) Does your customer allow you to combine different sales orders into one delivery?
A: [ ]Yes Yes
[ ]No
A: Yes
Q: 18) If you have multiple plants, is your customer normally supplied by a specific plant?
A: No
Q: 21) Do you record foreign trade customers who are placed on an export control list to
possibly deny deliveries to them?
Q: 24) Are there any discounts linked to terms of payment, such as cash discounts?
A: Yes
Q: 25) Do you have sales documents in foreign currencies? Describe how the exchange
rate is calculated.
A: No
Q: 28) What Incoterms will your customers use (for example, FOB, free domicile)?
Q: 30) Which texts are used for the different sales documents (for sales, shipping, billing)?
Q: 33) Do you ever need to block a customer for sales processing? If so, describe the
process in detail.
A: Yes
A: [ ]Yes
[ ]No NO
A: [ ]Yes
[ ]No NO
A: [ ]Yes YES
[ ]No
A: [ ]Yes
[ ]NoNO
Q: 4) What type of rebates do you offer (for example, volume, quantity, lump sum)?
2.2. Conditions
Q: 1) Which general methods of price determination do you use (e.g. list price with
discounts, surcharges)?
Q: 2) Which price types do you use, what are your criteria, and how do you compute them?
Q: 3) Do you work with surcharges? If so, which types of surcharge and criteria do you use
and how is the calculation carried out?
A: Yes
Q: 4) Do work with discounts? If so, what kind of discounts and criteria do you use and how
is the calculation carried out?
A: Yes
Q: 5) Which prices, surcharges, discounts, and freight costs apply to the whole document
and which apply to the item level only?
A: To be finalized
A: [ ]Yes Yes
[ ]No
Q: 7) Do work with freight costs? If so, what kinds of freight costs and criteria do you use
and how is the calculation carried out?
A: Yes
Q: 8) Do you work with taxes? If so, which types of tax and criteria do you use and how is
the calculation carried out?
A: Yes
Q: 9) Do work with discounts in kind? If so, what kinds of discount in kind do you use?
A: Yes
Q: 12) Does the same pricing structure apply to all order types?
A: No
A: Yes
Q: 18) If you process cross-company orders, do you calculate these based on a specified
amount or on a percentage of the price per piece?
Q: 23) Do you need to determine prices based on the variant configuration results? For
example, when selling an automobile, options for number of doors, color, engine size, and
music system help determine the price to be charged.
A: Price will be calculated by engineering software which is external. The input is given by
engineering department to sales based on out put from engineering software
Q: 28) How are the pricing conditions specified (e.g. quantity, percentage, scales, fixed
A: To be addressed later
Q: 30) What criteria should be maintained for conditions (country, customer group, and so
Q: 32) Do you base the price of an item on the production cost or the cost of purchase of
the material?
2.3. Output
Q: 1) What master data fields do you use to determine what output to send?
Q: 2) What type of output do you send (e.g. Paper, Fax, EDI, Internet)?
C. Business Processes
1. Sales and Distribution
A: sales representative are responsible for getting inquiry from the market and analyzing
market potential. CSD is responsible to provide price and other relevant details to sales by
coordinating with engineering and other functions. Sales function will crate and submit
quotation to customer. Sales contract is prepared by CSD for customer acceptance and CSD
creates sales order with all relevant details. Engineering function creates shipping BoM.
Dispatch function ship the material to customer and also creates the invoie.
A: Inquiry received from the customer is entered in the predefined format. All these details
are passed on to CSD department fro further working on price, detailing and other working.
Q: 2) Are alternative items required for inquiry processing and how do you handle them?
A: No
Q: 3) Do you allow inquiries for products still under development (text item)?
A: Yes
A: [ ]Yes Yes
[ ]No
Q: 3) Do you use a certain order type to indicate that the sales order references a contract?
If so, then for what reasons?
A: No
Q: 4) Are there any time agreements that are relevant to contracts (for example, delivery
times, commitment dates, validity periods)?
Q: 5) Are your contracts valid for a set time period or do you offer renewals?
A: Yes
A: [ ]Yes
[ ]No No
Q: 3) Do you use a certain order type to indicate that the sales order references a contract?
If so, then for what reasons?
A: No
Q: 4) Are there any time agreements that are relevant to contracts (for example, delivery
times, commitment dates, validity periods)?
A: Yes
Q: 5) Are your contracts valid for a set time period or do you offer renewals?
A: Yes
13 Customer Scheduling Agreement Processing
A: Yes
Explanation: Describe which time components you use, and what these depend on.
Examples: loading time, packing time, transit time, transit lead time Time components can
depend on the material, shipping point, and route.
A: Given in detailing
A: Yes
A: No
A: No
A: Once price and other details are received, quotation is prepared with all
A: Apart from attaching the documents, some text is requited for terms and condition and
Q: 4) Are there any time agreements that are relevant to quotations (for example, delivery
time, commitment dates, validity periods)?
A: No
A: Yes
Q: 1) Does your organization have specialists who only process specific types of customer
orders (for example government,international, OEM, reseller) or products (for example,
specific product lines)?
A: Option is open
Q: 2) Do you presently separate your standard orders by any variables (for example,
document type, sales organization, sales representative, customer type) for ease of
processing or reporting purposes?
A: At present system is manual but we need to separate order type withy their application
and based on various regions. We Also need reports based on sales organization, market
segment, industry sector, sales offices etc
Q: 3) What information do you capture on a sales order? List your current sales order types
(including returns and credit/debit memo requests).
A: Sales order contains information about customer details, delivery and shipping condition,
payment terms, products details with quantities to be supplied, pricing details with text and
attachment of all relevant documents.
A: Mainly orders are received based on acceptance of quotation by the customer. Once
customer accepts the quotation, sales contract is signed followed by Sales Order.
Q: 5) Do you convert other sales document types (such as inquiries, quotations) into sales
A: Yes
Q: 6) When creating an order, do you check to see if the purchase order has been used
A: [ ]Yes Yes
[ ]No
Q: 9) What are your rules for checking available stock? Describe them in detail.
Q: 11) Do you have a standard lead time in days for the customer#s requested delivery
A: [ ]Yes Yes
[ ]No
A: Yes
Q: 15) What information from a sales document do you consider obligatory and would like
to appear on an incompletion log if missing? Do you want it to be possible to save the
document as incomplete if any of this information is missing?
A: Purchase order no, date, payment terms, shipping terms, all pricing elements, Excise
Code, ST Nos, etc.
Q: 18) Do you take your materials in your customers stock into account when planning
A: No
Q: 19) Do you sell goods that you purchase from a vendor? Do you always purchase these
materials, or only for certain orders?
A: Yes we sell goods purchased from vendors.
Q: 20) Do you receive goods directly from your vendor to fulfill your customer orders?
A: Yes
Q: 21) Does each item have different detailed information? For example, do they have
different ship-to parties?
A: Yes
A: Yes
A: No
Q: 26) In certain orders, do you not invoice the customer for the materials?
A: [ ]Yes
[ ]No No
Q: 27) How do you handle free materials (e.g. samples, donations). Do you use a separate
item or separate order type?
A: Free materials are sent as per requirement and decision by certain authorties.
A: Yes
Q: 29) How do you handle free goods in a sales order (with or without a separate item for
the free good item)?
A: It is sent free of charge to customer. It is separate line item in the sales order
Q: 32) When listing sales orders on the screen for further processing, what information do
you need to show?
Q: 34) How do you follow up on your customer requirements? See also production planning
Q: 3) How do you handle risk management in your company? Describe the procedure in
A: Yes
Q: 8) How do you handle the review of blocked sales documents (for example, send mail to
credit representative)?
Q: 9) At which step in the sales process and at what level do you use risk management
(e.g. sales order, delivery)?
Q: 10) Which parameters are considered in the credit check (for example, maximum
document value, time period), and how does the system react if the credit limit is exceeded
(warning, block, error message)?
A: Will be described after formulation of credit policies
Q: 11) Do you have a default max. credit limit for new customers?
1.2.4. Shipping Delivery Processing
Q: 1) List all documents required to complete the delivery process (e.g. picking list, packing
list or bill of loading) and what information they contain.
Explanation: Note: For each document, collect sample printouts and decide which
information (data fields) the documents must contain.
Q: 2) If you have multiple plants, how do you determine what plant a product is delivered
Q: 11) Do you ever group deliveries together for different reason (e.g. freight lists, loading
list, collective picking)?
A: Yes
Explanation: Note: With multilevel packing, you can print out labels for different packaging
levels. Examples of packaging levels are boxes, wire baskets, and pallets. Decide on the
information and format for the labels. Note the special printer requirements.
A: No
Q: 14) What types of text do you require in your delivery documents, and are they required
on output?
Explanation: Note: Decide how each text type will be filled. For example, a text can be
copied from the customer master, material master, preceding document, or standard text. In
addition, INCLUDE commands must be added to delivery note forms for all text types that
you want to print.
Q: 15) What information do you consider necessary for a delivery and would like to appear
on an incompletion log if missing?
Q: 16) Do your customers accept partial deliveries in case of lack of availability and what
are the rules for creating them?
Explanation: Note: When you check the availability, you should also decide what your ATP
quantity should be. For example, should it only include the physical stock quantity, or should it
also include goods receipts, production orders, and purchase orders?
A: Yes
Q: 20) What should happen if the delivery quantity differs from the order quantity?
Q: 21) What are the reasons you would ever block a sales document from delivery?
Q: 1) Are there business transactions for which the invoice is only generated when the
customer has confirmed the arrival of the delivery?
A: No
Q: 2) Do you often have deliveries for which the delivery quantity varies or is not known
exactly at the time of delivery?
A: No
20 Picking
A: [ ]Yes Yes
[ ]No
Q: 2) Do you group deliveries together to expedite the picking process (picking wave)?
A: [ ]Yes May be
[ ]No
Q: 3) Are you supported by a sub-system when picking (e.g. radio, PDC, warehouse control
unit, etc.)?
A: No
Q: 1) When do you process goods issue and how (delivery time, transportation time)?
Explanation: Note: An SD order creates a delivery immediately, which does not need to be
picked. You only need to post the goods issue to build up the customer consignment stock.
Decide when and where the goods issue is to be posted (for example, manually or in batch).
A: At the time of shipping / delivery, conformation of goods is carried out. Picking is done for
relevant items and after picking process is over, goods issue is done
A: In case when access material is sent, goods cancellation will be done. In case of wrong
supplies goods issue cancellation is required
1.2.5. Billing Processing Billing Documents
A: centralized
Q: 2) Are billing documents created individually (one billing document per sales order or
delivery) or collectively (one or more billing document for several orders or deliveries)?
Explanation: Note: The standard R/3 system always attempts to merge deliveries with certain
identical header data (such as identical partners, Incoterms, terms of payment, etc.). You can
program additional merging or splitting criteria into the copying control between delivery and
A: Billing documents will be created both ways that is individually as well as combine. This is
required as per the scenario
Q: 3) Which documents are your billing documents based on (e.g. order, delivery)? Please
describe in detail.
Explanation: Note: Answer the same question for all other transactions such as returns,
credit memos, debit memos, and normal sales.
A: billing documents will be based on both i.e. order as will as delivery. In case of order is
routed through projects systems, billing will be carried out as per mile stone through projects
Q: 4) Are billing documents processed online or in batch? Describe the process for
reviewing exception messages/error logs.
A: Immediately after creation of billing document, print will be taken from the system
Q: 6) Do customers have a predefined time when they receive invoices (billing schedules)?
Explanation: Note: In the customer master, you can specify a special calendar so that
invoices can only be created on particular days. However, you should restrict the number of
different calendars.
A: No
Q: 7) In which cases do you combine or split orders/deliveries into invoices? Describe your
consolidation/split criteria (e.g. payment terms, customer, export data).
Explanation: Note: The standard R/3 system always attempts to merge deliveries with certain
identical header data (such as identical partners, Incoterms, terms of payment, etc.). You can
program additional merging or splitting criteria into the copying control between delivery and
A: In case of partial deliveries, separate excise invoices will be raised and then finally there
will be one invoice. Milestone billing will be handled in standard way.
Q: 8) What type of billing documents are created (e.g. invoice, pro forma invoice, credit
notes, debit notes, export invoice)?
A: invoice, pro forma invoice, credit notes, debit notes, export invoice
Q: 10) Periodic billing allows a specified amount to be billed over a certain time period. Do
you utilize periodic billing (e.g. for rental contract type documents)?
A: [ ]YesYes
[ ]No
A: Yes
Q: 12) Milestone billing allows you to bill once a certain work level has been reached. Do
you use milestone billing (e.g. for make-to-order type documents)?
A: [ ]Yes Yes
[ ]No
Q: 13) How are prices copied from sales documents to billing documents?
A: . We require that the prices mentioned at the time of sales order needs to be copied
Q: 14) In what cases can quantity differences occur between sales documents and billing
documents? (for example, price changes, currency fluctuations, taxes, inflationary
A: applicable
Q: 15) Do you wait to bill the customer until receipt of delivery has been confirmed?
A: No
Q: 16) What are the reasons you would ever block a delivery from creating an invoice?
A: The delivery should be blocked for creating an invoice in case of exceeding credit limit or
any decision which will resulting in blocking of invoice.
Q: 17) What types of text are required in your billing documents? Are they required on
Explanation: Note: Decide how each text type will be filled. For example, a text can be
copied from the customer master, material master, preceding document, or standard text. In
addition, INCLUDE commands must be added to billing documents for all text types that you
want to print.
A: Yes
Q: 18) What information is required in your lists of deliveries due for billing (billing due list)?
Explanation: Note: These lists can be modified to some extent. For example, you can add or
delete columns.
Explanation: Note: These lists can be modified to some extent. You can add or remove
Q: 20) When do you want to post accounting for your sales invoices (e.g. immediately, after
A: After review
Q: 21) Which information is required for the accounting document (for example, reference
A: Billing document no which in turn will be having traceability for customer and material
Q: 1) What type of billing documents are created (e.g. invoice, pro forma invoice, credit
notes, debit notes, export invoice)?
A: invoice, pro forma invoice, credit notes, debit notes, export invoice
Q: 1) Would your customers require a list of all billing documents that were created for a
specified period (e.g. all documents from 1-15 of the month)?
A: Yes
Q: 2) Are there any special discounts that would be applied to this invoice list?
A: Yes may be applicable but will vary from customer to customer and order to order.
Q: 1) Under which circumstances and why would you cancel a billing document?
A: yes
Q: 2) Please describe in detail the different analyses/reports that you will use.
Explanation: For each report, specify the receiver of the report, the reporting frequency and
content of the report. The content should describe the key figures of the report and state the
different levels, at which these key figures are aggregated.
A: As above
1.3. Sales Order Processing: Make/Assembly To Order
A: [ ]Yes
[ ]No No
Q: 3) Do you use a certain order type to indicate that the sales order references a contract?
If so, then for what reasons?
A: No
Q: 4) Are there any time agreements that are relevant to contracts (for example, delivery
times, commitment dates, validity periods)?
Q: 5) Are your contracts valid for a set time period or do you offer renewals?
A: Yes
A: [ ]Yes
[ ]No No
Q: 3) Do you use a certain order type to indicate that the sales order references a contract?
If so, then for what reasons?
A: No
Q: 4) Are there any time agreements that are relevant to contracts (for example, delivery
times, commitment dates, validity periods)?
A: Yes
Q: 5) Are your contracts valid for a set time period or do you offer renewals?
A: Yes
A: Yes
A: Yes
A: No
A: No
A: Once price and other details are received, quotation is prepared with all
A: Apart from attaching the documents, some text is requited for terms and condition and
Q: 4) Are there any time agreements that are relevant to quotations (for example, delivery
time, commitment dates, validity periods)?
A: Yes validity of quotation is specified
A: No
A: Yes
Q: 1) Does your organization have specialists who only process specific types of customer
orders (for example government,international, OEM, reseller) or products (for example,
specific product lines)?
A: No
Q: 2) Do you presently separate your standard orders by any variables (for example,
document type, sales organization, sales representative, customer type) for ease of
processing or reporting purposes?
A: At present system is manual but we need to separate order type withy their application
and based on various regions. We Also need reports based on sales organization, market
segment, industry sector, sales offices etc
Q: 3) What information do you capture on a sales order? List your current sales order types
(including returns and credit/debit memo requests).
A: Sales order contains information about customer details, delivery and shipping condition,
payment terms, products details with quantities to be supplied, pricing details with text and
attachment of all relevant documents.
A: Mainly orders are received based on acceptance of quotation by the customer. Once
customer accepts the quotation, sales contract is
Q: 5) Do you convert other sales document types (such as inquiries, quotations) into sales
A: Yes
Q: 6) When creating an order, do you check to see if the purchase order has been used
A: [ ]Yes
[ ]No No
Q: 7) List the reasons for creating a sales order.
Q: 11) Do you have a standard lead time in days for the customer#s requested delivery
A: [ ]Yes
[ ]No No
Q: 15) What information from a sales document do you consider obligatory and would like
to appear on an incompletion log if missing? Do you want it to be possible to save the
document as incomplete if any of this information is missing?
A: Purchase order no, date, payment terms, shipping terms, all pricing elements,
A: No
Q: 18) Do you take your materials in your customers stock into account when planning
A: No
Q: 19) Do you sell goods that you purchase from a vendor? Do you always purchase these
materials, or only for certain orders?
Q: 20) Do you receive goods directly from your vendor to fulfill your customer orders?
A: Yes
Q: 21) Does each item have different detailed information? For example, do they have
different ship-to parties?
A: No
A: Yes
A: No
Q: 26) In certain orders, do you not invoice the customer for the materials?
A: [ ]Yes
[ ]No No
Q: 27) How do you handle free materials (e.g. samples, donations). Do you use a separate
item or separate order type?
A: Free materials are sent as per requirement and decision by certain authorties.
A: No
Q: 29) How do you handle free goods in a sales order (with or without a separate item for
the free good item)?
A: It is sent free of charge to customer. It is separate line item in the sales order
Q: 32) When listing sales orders on the screen for further processing, what information do
you need to show?
Q: 34) How do you follow up on your customer requirements? See also production planning
Q: 3) How do you handle risk management in your company? Describe the procedure in
Q: 8) How do you handle the review of blocked sales documents (for example, send mail to
credit representative)?
Q: 9) At which step in the sales process and at what level do you use risk management
(e.g. sales order, delivery)?
Q: 10) Which parameters are considered in the credit check (for example, maximum
document value, time period), and how does the system react if the credit limit is exceeded
(warning, block, error message)?
Q: 11) Do you have a default max. credit limit for new customers?
1.3.4. Shipping Delivery Processing
Q: 1) List all documents required to complete the delivery process (e.g. picking list, packing
list or bill of loading) and what information they contain.
Explanation: Note: For each document, collect sample printouts and decide which
information (data fields) the documents must contain.
Q: 2) If you have multiple plants, how do you determine what plant a product is delivered
A: Based on sales order and deliveries. Handled in projects systems in case of PEB
Q: 11) Do you ever group deliveries together for different reason (e.g. freight lists, loading
list, collective picking)?
A: Yes
Explanation: Note: With multilevel packing, you can print out labels for different packaging
levels. Examples of packaging levels are boxes, wire baskets, and pallets. Decide on the
information and format for the labels. Note the special printer requirements.
A: No
Q: 14) What types of text do you require in your delivery documents, and are they required
on output?
Explanation: Note: Decide how each text type will be filled. For example, a text can be
copied from the customer master, material master, preceding document, or standard text. In
addition, INCLUDE commands must be added to delivery note forms for all text types that
you want to print.
Q: 15) What information do you consider necessary for a delivery and would like to appear
on an incompletion log if missing?
Q: 16) Do your customers accept partial deliveries in case of lack of availability and what
are the rules for creating them?
Explanation: Note: When you check the availability, you should also decide what your ATP
quantity should be. For example, should it only include the physical stock quantity, or should it
also include goods receipts, production orders, and purchase orders?
A: Yes
Q: 20) What should happen if the delivery quantity differs from the order quantity?
A: In case of delivery quantity is more then order, system should not allow to deliver
Q: 1) Are there business transactions for which the invoice is only generated when the
customer has confirmed the arrival of the delivery?
A: No
Q: 2) Do you often have deliveries for which the delivery quantity varies or is not known
exactly at the time of delivery?
A: No Picking
A: [ ]Yes Yes
[ ]No
Q: 2) Do you group deliveries together to expedite the picking process (picking wave)?
A: [ ]Yes May be
[ ]No
Q: 3) Are you supported by a sub-system when picking (e.g. radio, PDC, warehouse control
unit, etc.)?
A: No
Q: 1) When do you process goods issue and how (delivery time, transportation time)?
Explanation: Note: An SD order creates a delivery immediately, which does not need to be
picked. You only need to post the goods issue to build up the customer consignment stock.
Decide when and where the goods issue is to be posted (for example, manually or in batch).
A: At the time of shipping / delivery, conformation of goods is carried out. Picking os done for
relevant items and after picking process is over, goods issue is done
A: In case when access material is sent, goods cancellation will be done. In case of wrong
supplies goods issue cancellation is required
1.3.5. Billing Processing Billing Documents
A: Centalized
Q: 2) Are billing documents created individually (one billing document per sales order or
delivery) or collectively (one or more billing document for several orders or deliveries)?
Explanation: Note: The standard R/3 system always attempts to merge deliveries with certain
identical header data (such as identical partners, Incoterms, terms of payment, etc.). You can
program additional merging or splitting criteria into the copying control between delivery and
A: Billing documents will be created both ways that is individually as well as combine. This is
required as per the scenario
Q: 3) Which documents are your billing documents based on (e.g. order, delivery)? Please
describe in detail.
Explanation: Note: Answer the same question for all other transactions such as returns,
credit memos, debit memos, and normal sales.
A: billing documents will be based on both i.e. order as will as delivery. In case of order is
routed through projects systems, billing will be carried out as per mile stone through projects
Q: 4) Are billing documents processed online or in batch? Describe the process for
reviewing exception messages/error logs.
A: Immediately after creation of billing document, print will be taken from the system
Q: 6) Do customers have a predefined time when they receive invoices (billing schedules)?
Explanation: Note: In the customer master, you can specify a special calendar so that
invoices can only be created on particular days. However, you should restrict the number of
different calendars.
A: No
Q: 7) In which cases do you combine or split orders/deliveries into invoices? Describe your
consolidation/split criteria (e.g. payment terms, customer, export data).
Explanation: Note: The standard R/3 system always attempts to merge deliveries with certain
identical header data (such as identical partners, Incoterms, terms of payment, etc.). You can
program additional merging or splitting criteria into the copying control between delivery and
A: In case of partial deliveries, separate excise invoices will be raised and then finally there
will be one invoice. Milestone billing will be handled in standard way.
Q: 8) What type of billing documents are created (e.g. invoice, pro forma invoice, credit
notes, debit notes, export invoice)?
A: invoice, pro forma invoice, credit notes, debit notes, export invoice
Q: 10) Periodic billing allows a specified amount to be billed over a certain time period. Do
you utilize periodic billing (e.g. for rental contract type documents)?
A: [ ]Yes
[ ]No No
A: Yes
Q: 12) Milestone billing allows you to bill once a certain work level has been reached. Do
you use milestone billing (e.g. for make-to-order type documents)?
A: [ ]Yes Yes
[ ]No
Q: 13) How are prices copied from sales documents to billing documents?
A: Presently all these activities are carried out manually. We require that the prices
mentioned at the time of sales order needs to be copied
Q: 14) In what cases can quantity differences occur between sales documents and billing
documents? (for example, price changes, currency fluctuations, taxes, inflationary
A: Not applicable
Q: 15) Do you wait to bill the customer until receipt of delivery has been confirmed?
A: No
Q: 16) What are the reasons you would ever block a delivery from creating an invoice?
A: The delivery should be blocked for creating an invoice in case of exceeding credit limit or
any decision which will resulting in blocking of invoice.
Q: 17) What types of text are required in your billing documents? Are they required on
Explanation: Note: Decide how each text type will be filled. For example, a text can be
copied from the customer master, material master, preceding document, or standard text. In
addition, INCLUDE commands must be added to billing documents for all text types that you
want to print.
A: general
Q: 18) What information is required in your lists of deliveries due for billing (billing due list)?
Explanation: Note: These lists can be modified to some extent. For example, you can add or
delete columns.
A: List of all the deliveries with due date for deliveries .
Explanation: Note: These lists can be modified to some extent. You can add or remove
Q: 20) When do you want to post accounting for your sales invoices (e.g. immediately, after
A: After reveiw
Q: 21) Which information is required for the accounting document (for example, reference
A: Billing document no which in turn will be having traceability for customer and material
A: With finance
Q: 1) What type of billing documents are created (e.g. invoice, pro forma invoice, credit
notes, debit notes, export invoice)?
A: invoice, pro forma invoice, credit notes, debit notes, export invoice
Q: 1) Would your customers require a list of all billing documents that were created for a
specified period (e.g. all documents from 1-15 of the month)?
A: May be
Q: 2) Are there any special discounts that would be applied to this invoice list?
A: Yes may be applicable but will vary from customer to customer and order to order.
37 Billing Document Cancellation
Q: 1) Under which circumstances and why would you cancel a billing document?
A: No
Q: 2) Please describe in detail the different analyses/reports that you will use.
Explanation: For each report, specify the receiver of the report, the reporting frequency and
content of the report. The content should describe the key figures of the report and state the
different levels, at which these key figures are aggregated.
A: As above
Q: 1) Does your organization have specialists who only process specific types of customer
orders (for example government,international, OEM, reseller) or products (for example,
specific product lines)?
Q: 2) Do you presently separate your standard orders by any variables (for example,
document type, sales organization, sales representative, customer type) for ease of
processing or reporting purposes?
Q: 3) What information do you capture on a sales order? List your current sales order types
(including returns and credit/debit memo requests).
A: Customer specific information along with material to be fro consignment fill up will be
captured in the sales order. Any specific terms / instructions will be done through text
A: Consignment orders are generally received through fax and e mails. Internal requirement
may also result in consignment order
Q: 5) Do you convert other sales document types (such as inquiries, quotations) into sales
A: Yes
Q: 6) When creating an order, do you check to see if the purchase order has been used
A: [ ]Yes Yes
[ ]No
A: For sending material for exhibition or at customer site for specific period of time
A: Cancellation of order
Q: 9) What are your rules for checking available stock? Describe them in detail.
Q: 11) Do you have a standard lead time in days for the customer#s requested delivery
A: [ ]Yes yes
[ ]No
Q: 14) What types of text do you require on your sales documents? Are they required on
Explanation: Note: Decide how each text type will be filled. For example, a text can be
copied from the customer master, material master, preceding document, or standard text. In
addition, INCLUDE commands must be added to delivery note forms for all text types that
you want to print.
Q: 15) What information from a sales document do you consider obligatory and would like
to appear on an incompletion log if missing? Do you want it to be possible to save the
document as incomplete if any of this information is missing?
Q: 22) Do you receive goods directly from your vendor to fulfill your customer orders?
Q: 23) Do you allow customers to keep your material in stock while you retain ownership?
A: [ ]Yes Yes
[ ]No
Q: 24) Does each item have different detailed information? For example, do they have
different ship-to parties?
A: No
A: Yes
Q: 27) Do you use serial materials? Describe in detail.
A: No
Q: 28) In certain orders, do you not invoice the customer for the materials?
A: [ ]Yes yes
[ ]No
Q: 29) How do you handle free materials (e.g. samples, donations). Do you use a separate
item or separate order type?
A: Yes the treatment given to free of charge material is different from regular orders.
A: Yes
Q: 1) What method will be used to determine when to bill the customer for consumed
A: Standard sales cycle will be used for selling material from consignment fill up
Q: 2) How are you be notified when your customer has sold the product?
A: [ ]Yes Yes
[ ]No
Q: 2) Do you let customers place material back into consignment stock after it has been
issued? (Consignment Return Delivery Processing)
A: [ ]Yes yes
[ ]No
1.4.2. Shipping Delivery for Consignment Fill-up
Q: 1) List all documents required to complete the delivery process (e.g. picking list, packing
list or bill of loading) and what information they contain.
Explanation: Note: For each document, collect sample printouts and decide which
information (data fields) the documents must contain.
A: Delivery note containing list of items shipped in required for completion of delivery
Q: 2) If you have multiple plants, how do you determine what plant a product is delivered
Q: 6) Do you have a standard lead time in days for the customer#s requested delivery
A: Not applicable
Explanation: Note: Serial numbers can be assigned at various points such as at the goods
receipt posting (from the production line) or later when the delivery is created.
A: Not applicable
Q: 9) Do you add additional prices at the delivery time (for example, packing or postage
Q: 11) Do you ever group deliveries together for different reason (e.g. freight lists, loading
list, collective picking)?
A: May be required
Explanation: Note: With multilevel packing, you can print out labels for different packaging
levels. Examples of packaging levels are boxes, wire baskets, and pallets. Decide on the
information and format for the labels. Note the special printer requirements.
A: No
Q: 13) Do you allow items that weren't in the sales order to be added to a delivery?
A: No
Q: 15) What information do you consider necessary for a delivery and would like to appear
on an incompletion log if missing?
Q: 16) Do your customers accept partial deliveries in case of lack of availability and what
are the rules for creating them?
A: Yes
Explanation: Note: When you check the availability, you should also decide what your ATP
quantity should be. For example, should it only include the physical stock quantity, or should it
also include goods receipts, production orders, and purchase orders?
A: Yes
Q: 19) Do you track Over Delivery or Under Delivery tolerance percentages for your
A: No
Q: 20) What should happen if the delivery quantity differs from the order quantity?
A: If delivery quantity is more then order quantity system should not allow for delivery, if the
quantity is less the ordered quantity, system should allow for the same.
Q: 21) What are the reasons you would ever block a sales document from delivery?
Q: 1) List all documents required to complete the delivery process (e.g. picking list, packing
list or bill of loading) and what information they contain.
Explanation: Note: For each document, collect sample printouts and decide which
information (data fields) the documents must contain.
A: Delivery note containing list of items shipped in required for completion of delivery
Q: 2) If you have multiple plants, how do you determine what plant a product is delivered
Q: 6) Do you have a standard lead time in days for the customer#s requested delivery
A: Not applicable
Explanation: Note: Serial numbers can be assigned at various points such as at the goods
receipt posting (from the production line) or later when the delivery is created.
A: Not applicable
Q: 9) Do you add additional prices at the delivery time (for example, packing or postage
Q: 11) Do you ever group deliveries together for different reason (e.g. freight lists, loading
list, collective picking)?
A: May be required
Explanation: Note: With multilevel packing, you can print out labels for different packaging
levels. Examples of packaging levels are boxes, wire baskets, and pallets. Decide on the
information and format for the labels. Note the special printer requirements.
A: No
Q: 13) Do you allow items that weren't in the sales order to be added to a delivery?
A: No
Q: 15) What information do you consider necessary for a delivery and would like to appear
on an incompletion log if missing?
Q: 16) Do your customers accept partial deliveries in case of lack of availability and what
are the rules for creating them?
A: Yes
Explanation: Note: When you check the availability, you should also decide what your ATP
quantity should be. For example, should it only include the physical stock quantity, or should it
also include goods receipts, production orders, and purchase orders?
A: Yes
Q: 19) Do you track Over Delivery or Under Delivery tolerance percentages for your
A: No
Q: 20) What should happen if the delivery quantity differs from the order quantity?
A: If delivery quantity is more then order quantity system should not allow for delivery, if the
quantity is less the ordered quantity, system should allow for the same.
Q: 21) What are the reasons you would ever block a sales document from delivery?
Q: 1) List all documents required to complete the delivery process (e.g. picking list, packing
list or bill of loading) and what information they contain.
Explanation: Note: For each document, collect sample printouts and decide which
information (data fields) the documents must contain.
A: Delivery note containing list of items shipped in required for completion of delivery
Q: 2) If you have multiple plants, how do you determine what plant a product is delivered
Q: 6) Do you have a standard lead time in days for the customer#s requested delivery
A: Not applicable
Explanation: Note: Serial numbers can be assigned at various points such as at the goods
receipt posting (from the production line) or later when the delivery is created.
A: Not applicable
Q: 9) Do you add additional prices at the delivery time (for example, packing or postage
Q: 11) Do you ever group deliveries together for different reason (e.g. freight lists, loading
list, collective picking)?
A: May be required
Explanation: Note: With multilevel packing, you can print out labels for different packaging
levels. Examples of packaging levels are boxes, wire baskets, and pallets. Decide on the
information and format for the labels. Note the special printer requirements.
A: No
Q: 13) Do you allow items that weren't in the sales order to be added to a delivery?
A: No
Q: 15) What information do you consider necessary for a delivery and would like to appear
on an incompletion log if missing?
Q: 16) Do your customers accept partial deliveries in case of lack of availability and what
are the rules for creating them?
A: Yes
Explanation: Note: When you check the availability, you should also decide what your ATP
quantity should be. For example, should it only include the physical stock quantity, or should it
also include goods receipts, production orders, and purchase orders?
A: Yes
Q: 19) Do you track Over Delivery or Under Delivery tolerance percentages for your
A: No
Q: 20) What should happen if the delivery quantity differs from the order quantity?
A: If delivery quantity is more then order quantity system should not allow for delivery, if the
quantity is less the ordered quantity, system should allow for the same.
Q: 21) What are the reasons you would ever block a sales document from delivery?
Q: 1) When do you process goods issue and how (delivery time, transportation time)?
Explanation: Note: An SD order creates a delivery immediately, which does not need to be
picked. You only need to post the goods issue to build up the customer consignment stock.
Decide when and where the goods issue is to be posted (for example, manually or in batch).
Q: 1) When do you process goods issue and how (delivery time, transportation time)?
Explanation: Note: An SD order creates a delivery immediately, which does not need to be
picked. You only need to post the goods issue to build up the customer consignment stock.
Decide when and where the goods issue is to be posted (for example, manually or in batch).
A: Goods receipt is done with reference to the consignment pick order created
A: Provision for cancellation of goods issue must be available in the system to calccel the
goods issue
1.4.3. Information System Evaluation: Logistics Information System
Q: 2) Please describe in detail the different analyses/reports that you will use.
Explanation: For each report, specify the receiver of the report, the reporting frequency and
content of the report. The content should describe the key figures of the report and state the
different levels, at which these key figures are aggregated.
Q: 3) Are there internal costs charged between subsidiaries and how are they billed?
A: Information on rejected or defective material is received from customer followed by
material. After taking the decision the material is taken back by the company for either issuing
credit memo or for replacing the material
A: Yes
Q: 5) Do you accept returns on all materials? If not, which materials can not be returned
and why?
Q: 6) To which type of stock will the product be placed on return (for example: inspection,
unrestricted, quality, blocked)?
A: Blocked stock
Q: 1) Do your debit and credit notes (memos) need to go through an approval process? If
so, describe it.
A: Yes
Q: 2) Are credit/debit notes linked to previous documents (for example, orders, invoices)?
A: [ ]Yes Yes
[ ]No
Q: 1) Do your debit and credit notes (memos) need to go through an approval process? If
so, describe it.
A: Yes
Q: 2) Are credit/debit notes linked to previous documents (for example, orders, invoices)?
A: [ ]Yes Yes
[ ]No
1.6.2. Shipping Delivery for Returns
Q: 1) List all documents required to complete the delivery process (e.g. picking list, packing
list or bill of loading) and what information they contain.
Explanation: Note: For each document, collect sample printouts and decide which
information (data fields) the documents must contain.
A: In case of returns the details of defective material along with the defects is required to
complete the goods receipt delivery process.
1.6.3. Billing Credit Memo from Customer Complaint / Returns
A: Centralized
Q: 2) Are billing documents created individually (one billing document per sales order or
delivery) or collectively (one or more billing document for several orders or deliveries)?
Explanation: Note: The standard R/3 system always attempts to merge deliveries with certain
identical header data (such as identical partners, Incoterms, terms of payment, etc.). You can
program additional merging or splitting criteria into the copying control between delivery and
A: Individual
Q: 3) Which documents are your billing documents based on (e.g. order, delivery)? Please
describe in detail.
Explanation: Note: Answer the same question for all other transactions such as returns,
credit memos, debit memos, and normal sales.
Q: 4) Are billing documents processed online or in batch? Describe the process for
reviewing exception messages/error logs.
Q: 6) Do customers have a predefined time when they receive invoices (billing schedules)?
Explanation: Note: In the customer master, you can specify a special calendar so that
invoices can only be created on particular days. However, you should restrict the number of
different calendars.
A: Not Applicable
Q: 7) In which cases do you combine or split orders/deliveries into invoices? Describe your
consolidation/split criteria (e.g. payment terms, customer, export data).
Explanation: Note: The standard R/3 system always attempts to merge deliveries with certain
identical header data (such as identical partners, Incoterms, terms of payment, etc.). You can
program additional merging or splitting criteria into the copying control between delivery and
A: Yes
Q: 8) What type of billing documents are created (e.g. invoice, pro forma invoice, credit
notes, debit notes, export invoice)?
A: Yes
Q: 10) Periodic billing allows a specified amount to be billed over a certain time period. Do
you utilize periodic billing (e.g. for rental contract type documents)?
A: [ ]Yes yes
[ ]No
Q: 13) How are prices copied from sales documents to billing documents?
A: we wish to copy the pricing elements from sales documents to billing document for the
purpose of credit and debit memo
Q: 14) In what cases can quantity differences occur between sales documents and billing
documents? (for example, price changes, currency fluctuations, taxes, inflationary
Q: 15) Do you wait to bill the customer until receipt of delivery has been confirmed?
A: In case of credit memo, we will wait till post goods receipt of material and decision for
issue of credit memo.
Q: 16) What are the reasons you would ever block a delivery from creating an invoice?
A: In case of material return, till the concerned authorities decides the action, we block the
delivery while creating credit memo
Q: 17) What types of text are required in your billing documents? Are they required on
Explanation: Note: Decide how each text type will be filled. For example, a text can be
copied from the customer master, material master, preceding document, or standard text. In
addition, INCLUDE commands must be added to billing documents for all text types that you
want to print.
A: Freely defined text will be maintained for credit and debit memo
Q: 18) What information is required in your lists of deliveries due for billing (billing due list)?
Explanation: Note: These lists can be modified to some extent. For example, you can add or
delete columns.
Explanation: Note: These lists can be modified to some extent. You can add or remove
Q: 20) When do you want to post accounting for your sales invoices (e.g. immediately, after
A: immediately
Q: 21) Which information is required for the accounting document (for example, reference
A: reference No of billing document is required
Q: 1) Under which circumstances and why would you cancel a billing document?
Q: 1) Which general methods of price determination do you use (e.g. list price with
discounts, surcharges)?
A: For standard products it will be list price for customized products it will done through
separate condition type.
Q: 2) Which price types do you use, what are your criteria, and how do you compute them?
Q: 3) Do you work with surcharges? If so, which types of surcharge and criteria do you use
and how is the calculation carried out?
Q: 4) Do work with discounts? If so, what kind of discounts and criteria do you use and how
is the calculation carried out?
Q: 5) Which prices, surcharges, discounts, and freight costs apply to the whole document
and which apply to the item level only?
A: [ ]Yes Yes
[ ]No
Q: 7) Do work with freight costs? If so, what kinds of freight costs and criteria do you use
and how is the calculation carried out?
A: Will be decided later
Q: 8) Do you work with taxes? If so, which types of tax and criteria do you use and how is
the calculation carried out?
A: Yes we do work with taxes, We work on state based taxes which includes VAT, Sales tax
and CST along with cess, octroi and other local tax laws.
A: pricing is based on the date at which sales order is confirmed. But we also need provision
to change
Q: 14) Do you work with commissions (e.g. for sales personnel, carriers/forwarders)?
A: No
Q: 15) Which pricing information do you record for statistical purposes (without changing
the price)? For example, material costs, profit margins, or sub-totals printed on invoices.
A: Mainly we record basic price, discount, freight and other major charges for information
A: Yes
A: yet not decided but based on requirement we may sue these scales
Q: 21) Do you have multiple prices and discounts for a customer and require the system to
search the combination of all eligible prices and discounts and give the customer the "best" or
"lowest" price?
Q: 23) Do you need to determine prices based on the variant configuration results? For
example, when selling an automobile, options for number of doors, color, engine size, and
music system help determine the price to be charged.
A: Yes
Q: 24) Do you use an external tax package?
A: [ ]Yes
[ ]No No
Q: 25) Do you carry out a price determination process for projects with make-to-order
A: Yes
A: Customer, material and condition master data are used for pricing. At the same tiem we
will use some manual, conditions for pricing.
Q: 28) How are the pricing conditions specified (e.g. quantity, percentage, scales, fixed
Q: 29) Which reports and analyses do you need for price determination purposes?
A: For price determination our engineering function will be using specific software.
Q: 30) Do you base the price of an item on the production cost or the cost of purchase of
the material?
A: [ ]Yes
[ ]No No
Q: 31) Do all the variants of a generic article have different sales prices?
A: No
Q: 32) If so, do the sales prices of the generic article variants differ in only a few cases?
A: Not applicable
A: [ ]Yes Yes
[ ]No
Q: 35) Are sales conditions to be adopted from other systems or other R/3 systems (such
as the end consumer prices suggested by the manufacturer)?
A: [ ]Yes
[ ]No No
Q: 36) If you work in the wholesale area: Do you wish to overwrite conditions determined in
sales or store orders stemming from master records with e.g. end consumer prices and use
them for subesequent documents?
A: [ ]Yes
[ ]No No
Q: 1) Do your debit and credit notes (memos) need to go through an approval process? If
so, describe it.
A: Yes
Q: 2) Are credit/debit notes linked to previous documents (for example, orders, invoices)?
A: [ ]Yes Yes
[ ]No
Q: 1) How often do you reimburse the customer for their rebates - weekly, monthly, quarterly
or yearly?
Q: 5) Do you allow partial settlements for rebates? How do you handle them?
Q: 2) Are billing documents created individually (one billing document per sales order or
delivery) or collectively (one or more billing document for several orders or deliveries)?
Explanation: Note: The standard R/3 system always attempts to merge deliveries with certain
identical header data (such as identical partners, Incoterms, terms of payment, etc.). You can
program additional merging or splitting criteria into the copying control between delivery and
Any other information you want to provide which is not covered above. Please provide