CV-Europass-Mella Sarah Elmania PDF
CV-Europass-Mella Sarah Elmania PDF
CV-Europass-Mella Sarah Elmania PDF
PERSONAL STATEMENT Undergraduate student, Departement of Aquatic Products Technology, IPB University,
Indonesia. My thesis is about macroalgae exploration Valoniopsis pachynema from Tikus
Island, Bengkulu, Indonesia which is the syntype location of the seaweed and its benefit for
against larvae of Aedes aegypti.
English C1 C1 B2 B2 B2
French A1 A2 A2 A1 A1
Levels: A1 and A2: Basic user - B1 and B2: Independent user - C1 and C2: Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Organisational / managerial skills ▪ Leadeship (currently reponsible as a mentor of student's activities and project)
▪ Good organizational skill gained through head of departement Multimedia, Information, and
Communication, Student association Indonesia Green Action Forum (IGAF IPB) 2016-2017, vice
head of departement public relation and partnership, Student association Indonesia Green Action
Forum (IGAF IPB) 2017-2018, steering comittee , Student association Indonesia Green Action
Forum (IGAF IPB) 2018-now, and staff of departement knowledge enpowering Association of
Major Student 2017-2018
▪ Good team leading skills gained through experiences become head project of IPB goes to School
and campus promotional canvassing in Bengkulu 2016, person in charge (PIC) of Gelar Produk
UMKM Juara dan Festival Cinta Anak Tani (collaborated by West Java Govermental), and head
project of Gerakan Cinta Anak Tani (GCAT 8) for enpowering farmer's children to continue campus
▪ Good social skill gained through experience as volunteer of IPB Goes to Field (IGTF) in Ngawi
2017, organizing comittee of IPB University and Kyoto University Symposium 20218, basic and
advance student of Six-University Initiative Japan Indonesia (SUIJI SLP) in Bogor, Indonesia and
Muroto, Kochi, Japan held by LPPM IPB 2018-2019
Proficient user Proficient user Independent user Proficient user Independent user
Certifications ▪ Cerficate of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) given by LSP JMKP (Lembaga Sertifikasi
Profesi Jaminan Mutu dan Keamanan Pangan) / Certification of Profesional Quality and Food
Safety, 2019
▪ Cerficate of Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) given by Himasilkan IPB, 2017
Citations Adji AN. 2016. Seri fantasteen ghost dormitory : produksi komersial sastra di Indonesia. Jurnal Pena
Indonesia. 2(2) : 102-120 used citation from my book : Ghost Dormitory in Den Haag (Mizan Fantasi
Conferences ▪ Participant of Powershift Malaysia, Climate Change and Environment, Malaysia 2016
▪ Exhibitor of Prepatory Comittee UN Habitat 2016 , Surabaya, Indonesia
▪ Exhibitor of Korea International Water Week 2017 held by Korea Water Forum, Gyeongju, South
Honours and awards ▪ IPB Green Enviromental Ambassador (IGEA) – 1st winner, 2016
▪ ESSENTIAL Poetry Competition – 3rd winner, 2016
▪ FMAC Poetry Competition – 3rd winner, 201 7
▪ ITS EXPO Paper Competition – 3rd winner, 2017
▪ Outstanding student of Departement Aquatic Products Technology, IPB University 2018
▪ Outstanding student of Faculty Fisheries and Marine Science
IPB 2018
▪ Awardee of JASSO Scholarship for SUIJI (Six Universities Initiative
Indonesia-Japan), Kochi University, Japan, 2018
▪ Awardee of Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) Program for Science and Engineering ASEAN
Students, Mokpo National Maritime University, South Korea, 2019
▪ A book entitled “Ghost Dormitory in Den Haag”, published by Mizan Fantasi, September 2015.
▪ A book entitled “Sagacibu”, published by Mizan Fantasi, June 2014.
▪ Antology book "Dibalik Pintu : Mawapres IPB 2018", published by Idekita, February 2019.