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Highlight: Key Result Areas

or they may not be delegating

Sum mary effectively.
“Key Result Areas” or KRAs refer to
general areas of outcomes or outputs for Key result areas are worded using as few
which a role is responsible. A typical terms as possible with no verbs (i.e.,
role targets three to five KRA. KRAs these are about results, not action) and
are also known as key work outputs no direction/measurement (e.g., words
(KWOs). such as "good," "increased" or
"decreased"). They simply describe the
Value areas for which one is responsible for
Identifying KRAs helps individuals:
· Clarify their roles Example
· Align their roles to the
Consider a hockey team. No player is
organisation’s business or strategic
responsible for "wins;" this is an
outcome for the entire team. Each player
· Focus on results rather than
has specific KRAs to maintain. The
goaltender has one primary KRA, “shots
· Communicate their role’s purposes stopped” and a secondary KRA,
to others “rebounds.” The defence position is
· Set goals and objectives primarily accountable for keeping the
· Prioritize their activities, and puck away from the net, and getting the
therefore improve their time/work puck out of the defensive zone. These
management might be worded as the following KRAs:
· Make value-added decisions “shots on net” and “defensive zone
control.” NOTE: Both defence players
Description share these accountabilities. Forwards
Key result areas (KRAs) capture about are primarily responsible for scoring and
80% of a work role. The remainder of keeping the puck in the offensive zone.
the role is usually devoted to areas of These might be worded as the following
shared responsibility (e.g., helping team KRAs: “goals scored” and “offensive
members, participating in activities for zone control.” Note that this description
the good of the organisation). For refers only to general play, not
example, “image of the organisation” is powerplays or penalty-killing.
usually a very senior official’s key result Individuals or lines may have additional
area, but hopefully all employees KRAs under these circumstances.
contribute to this outcome.
For another example, consider a server
Most roles include 3 to 5 key result in a restaurant. “Customer satisfaction”
areas. If individuals are accountable for is not a key work output—everyone in
more than this, they may be overloaded, the restaurant contributes to that aim.

Life-Role Development Group, 2001

However, “customer rapport” is a key
work output of the server. Whether or
not the food is good, on time, or hot, the
server is expected to develop rapport
with customers. Other key work outputs
might include “paid bills” and “delivered
food & beverages.”

Individuals undertake the following
steps to determine the KRAs for their
1. They list their main day-to-day
2. For each activity, they ask “Why do
I do this?”
3. They review the answers to their
“why” questions, looking for
common themes or areas.
4. They identify their KRAs from
these themes.
5. They share their KRAs, preferably
with those they report to, those they
work along with, and those who
report to them.

Individuals who identify their KRAs
· Work with those they report to, those
they work along with, and those who
report to them to identify their KRAs
so all on a team have clarity
regarding outputs.
· Develop specific goals and
objectives, and plans to reach them.
· Take control of their time/work
management strategies

Life-Role Development Group, 2001

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