Hypertrophy Programme Week 21-30

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Workout 1 Workout 2

Hypertrophy Phase 1 Upper 1 Lower 1

Programme Week 1-
10 Phase 2 Lower Horizontal Push/Pull

Phase 1 Back/Hams Chest/Delts

Programme Week 11-
20 Phase 2 Lower

Phase 1 Lower Chest/Delts/Triceps

Programme Week 21-
Phase 2 Back/Triceps Chest/Biceps
Workout 3 Workout 4 Workout 5

Upper 2 Lower 2 Core

Vertical Push/Pull Arms & Traps Chest/Core

Back/Rear Delts Quads/Chest/Delts Arms

Chest/Triceps Back/Biceps Compound

Back/Biceps Core Calves

Delts/Back Lower Chest/Delts/Arms

Workout 6 Workout 7

Calves NA

Calves NA

Core Calves

Core Calves


Core Calves
Workout 1 Order Movement

A Heel Elevated BB Squat

B DB Step Ups

Leg Press (Feet Shoulder Width,


Quads/Hams C2 Wide Stance Goblet Squat

D1 Seated Leg Curl

D2 Walking DB Lunges

E BB Hip Thrust

Workout 2 Order Movement

A Flat DB Press

B Seated BB Press

C Standing Cable Fly (Shoulder Height)

D Dips (Chest Focused)

Chest, Shoulders
& Triceps
E1 Seated DB Lateral Raises

E2 Close Grip BB Press

F Cable Tricep Extension

G Overhead Tricep Ext (2 Hands x 1 DB)

Workout 3 Order Movement

A Chin Up (Neutral Grip - Weighted)

BB Deadlifts (off blocks 3-4 inches

off floor)

Back, Traps &

One Arm Hammer Row (Neutral
D Standing BB/Hex Shrugs
Back, Traps &
E1 Reverse Cable Fly

E2 Standing EZ Curls (21's)

G1 Standing T-Bar Row

G2 Seated DB Curl (Supinated)

Order Movement

Hanging Knee Raise (Bench Under


B Decline Crunch
C Rope Crunch

D Ball Crunch

Order Movement

A Seated Calf Raises

B Standing BB Calf Raises
Week 1

Video Link Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments

https://vimeo.com/202275243 12 3 3120 90 sec

https://vimeo.com/202454515 10 3 2110 80 sec

https://vimeo.com/196325343 12 3020
3 90 sec
https://vimeo.com/261887496 12 3010

https://vimeo.com/202275309 12 3011
3 90 sec
https://vimeo.com/198316720 14 2010

https://vimeo.com/288514463 10 3 2011 70 sec

Video Link Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments

https://vimeo.com/246014572 6 3 2011 120 sec

https://vimeo.com/198316477 8 3 2010 90 sec

https://vimeo.com/198182839 12 3 3020 60 sec

https://vimeo.com/198323045 8 3 2021 80 sec

https://vimeo.com/198182783 15 3020
3 80 sec
https://vimeo.com/243933363 10 3010

https://vimeo.com/243933141 12 3 3011 60 sec

https://vimeo.com/196325620 12 3 2010 60 sec

Video Link Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments

https://vimeo.com/196323338 5 3 2110 120 sec

https://vimeo.com/246014485 8 3 2111 90 sec

https://vimeo.com/291396577 10 3 3011 60 sec

https://vimeo.com/196314245/ 10 3 2011 70 sec

https://vimeo.com/243932979 12 3010 7 reps full

3 80 sec ROM, 7 reps
https://vimeo.com/243932979 21 NA top 1/2, then
7 reps bottom
https://vimeo.com/307264881 10 3011 half
3 90 sec
https://vimeo.com/196326237 12 3020

Video Link Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments

https://vimeo.com/209901658 8 3 3011 80 sec

https://vimeo.com/209901420 10 3 2011 60 sec

https://vimeo.com/258810043 10 3 2011 60 sec

https://vimeo.com/258809531 12 3 3031 60 sec

Video Link Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments

https://vimeo.com/215635918 10 4 2111 60 sec

https://vimeo.com/215635796 15 4 2011 80 sec

Week 2 Week 3

Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments Reps Sets

12 3 3120 90 sec 12 3

10 3 2110 80 sec 12 3

12 3020 12
3 90 sec 3
12 3010 12

12 3011 12
4 90 sec 4
14 2010 16

10 4 2011 70 sec 10 4

Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments Reps Sets

6 4 2011 120 sec 6 4

8 3 2010 90 sec 8 4

12 4 3020 60 sec 12 4

8 3 2021 80 sec 8 4

dropset final
15 3020 15
3 80 sec 4
10 3010 10

12 4 3011 60 sec 12 4

12 3 2010 60 sec 12 4

Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments Reps Sets

5 4 2110 120 sec 6 4

8 4 2111 90 sec 8 4
10 3 3011 60 sec 10 3

10 3 2011 70 sec 10 4

12 3010 dropset final 12

7 reps
set full
3 80 sec ROM, 7 reps 3
21 NA top 1/2, then 7 21
reps bottom
half final
10 3011 12
3 90 sec 3
12 3020 12

Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments Reps Sets

8 3 3011 70 sec 10 4

10 4 2011 60 sec 12 4

10 3 2011 60 sec 12 4

12 3 3031 60 sec 12 3

Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments Reps Sets

10 4 2111 60 sec 10 4

15 4 2011 60 sec 15 4
Week 3 Week 4

Tempo Rest Interval Comments Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval

superset 10
reps wide
3120 90 sec 12 4 3120 90 sec
stance + flat
2110 80 sec 12 3 2110 80 sec

dropset final
3020 12 3020
90 sec 4 90 sec
3010 12 3010

3011 12 3011
90 sec 4 90 sec
2010 18 2010

2011 70 sec 10 4 2011 70 sec

Tempo Rest Interval Comments Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval

2011 120 sec 6 4 2011 120 sec

2010 90 sec 8 4 2010 90 sec

3020 60 sec 12 4 3020 60 sec

2021 80 sec 8 4 2021 80 sec

2 x dropset
3020 15 3020
final set
80 sec 4 80 sec
3010 10 3010

dropset final
3011 60 sec 12 4 3011 60 sec
2010 60 sec dropset final 12 2010 60 sec

Tempo Rest Interval Comments Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval

2110 120 sec 6 4 2110 120 sec

2111 90 sec 8 4 2111 90 sec

3011 60 sec 10 3 3011 60 sec

2011 70 sec 10 4 2011 70 sec

3010 dropset final 12 3010

7 reps
set full
80 sec ROM, 7 reps 4 80 sec
NA top 1/2, then 7 21 NA
reps bottom
half final
3011 12 3011
90 sec 4 90 sec
dropset final
3020 12 3020

Tempo Rest Interval Comments Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval

3011 70 sec 10 4 3011 70 sec

2011 60 sec 12 4 2011 60 sec

2011 60 sec 15 4 2011 60 sec

3031 60 sec 12 4 3031 60 sec

Tempo Rest Interval Comments Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval

dropset final
2111 60 sec 10 5 2111 60 sec
dropset final
2011 60 sec 20 5 2011 60 sec
Week 5 - Deload

Comments Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments

superset 10
reps wide
12 3 3120 90 sec
stance + flat
10 3 2110 80 sec

dropset final
12 3020
2 90 sec
12 3010

12 3011
2 90 sec
14 2010

10 3 2011 70 sec

Comments Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments

6 3 2011 120 sec

8 3 2010 90 sec

12 3 3020 60 sec

8 3 2021 80 sec

2 x dropset
15 3020
final set
3 80 sec
10 3010

12 3 3011 60 sec

12 3 2010 60 sec

Comments Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments

dropset final
set with 5 3 2110 120 sec
8 3 2111 90 sec
dropset final
10 3 3011 60 sec
dropset final
10 3 2011 70 sec
dropset final 12 3010
7 reps
set full 7 reps full
ROM, 7 reps 3 80 sec ROM, 7 reps
top 1/2, then 7 21 NA top 1/2, then 7
reps bottom reps bottom
half final half
12 3011
3 90 sec
dropset final
12 3020

Comments Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments

Comments Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments

dropset final
dropset final
Workout 1 Order Movement Video Link

A1 Close Grip Press (In Cage) https://vimeo.com/198200374

A2 Bent Over BB Row (Pronated Grip) https://vimeo.com/198316529

B1 Cable Pulldown https://vimeo.com/198198705

B2 Single Arm Cable Extension (Hold Ball) https://vimeo.com/196326428

C1 Seated Cable Row (Close Neutral Grip) https://vimeo.com/246013967

C2 Bench Dips https://vimeo.com/196316413

D1 Seated Upright Cable Row https://vimeo.com/258813237

D2 Cable Tricep Crossover https://vimeo.com/243933141

Workout 2 Order Movement Video Link

A1 Incline DB Press https://vimeo.com/291395877

A2 Incline DB Curl https://vimeo.com/196324682

B1 Hammer Strength Chest Press https://vimeo.com/244128846

B2 Standing Hammer Curls https://vimeo.com/246014462

C1 Incline Cable Press https://vimeo.com/244129059

C2 Behind Head Cable Curl https://vimeo.com/196325670

D1 Landmine Chest Press https://vimeo.com/244129421

D2 Reverse EZ Curl https://vimeo.com/246014628

Workout 3 Order Movement Video Link

A BB Deadlifts https://vimeo.com/246014485

B BB Shoulder Press (In Cage) https://vimeo.com/198316477

C1 Iso Lateral High Row https://vimeo.com/307264846

Delts/Back C2 Bent Over Reverse DB Fly https://vimeo.com/246013944

D Rear Delt Upright Row https://vimeo.com/243934325

F1 Seated Face Pull https://vimeo.com/243934749

F2 Cable Shrug https://vimeo.com/196319341

Workout 4 Order Movement Video Link

A BB Romanian Deadlift https://vimeo.com/198182145

B Static DB Lunge https://vimeo.com/261887375

C1 Lying Leg Curl https://vimeo.com/246014713

Lower Body
C2 Heel Elevated DB Squat https://vimeo.com/246014252

D Leg Extension https://vimeo.com/198316623

E Leg Press (Single Leg - Glute Focus) https://vimeo.com/246013892

Workout 5 Order Movement Video Link

A Flat DB Press https://vimeo.com/246014572

B1 Seated DB Lateral Raise Countdown https://vimeo.com/307264905

B2 Seated DB Bicep Curl (Supinated) https://vimeo.com/196326237

C1 Seated Cable Fly https://vimeo.com/244129562

Chest/Delts/ Arms C2 Tricep DB Kickback (Single Arm) https://vimeo.com/246013924

D1 Single Arm Cable Lateral Raise https://vimeo.com/244130065

D2 Press Ups (Upper Body Elevated) https://vimeo.com/198316669

Chest/Delts/ Arms

E1 Preacher Curl (Bench Or Machine) https://vimeo.com/196325808

E2 Seated Overhead EZ Bar Extension https://vimeo.com/196325620

Order Movement Video Link

A Hanging Knee Raise (Side to side) https://vimeo.com/258809737

B Ball Crunch https://vimeo.com/258809531

Core C Knee Raise (Dip Station) https://vimeo.com/209901658

D Reverse Crunch (Twists at top) https://vimeo.com/209901540

E Side Crunch https://vimeo.com/209900874

Order Movement Video Link

A Standing Calf Raises https://vimeo.com/215635796

Calves B1 Leg Press Calf Raises https://vimeo.com/258813028

B2 Bodyweight Standing Calf Raises https://vimeo.com/215635796

Week 1 Week 2

Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments

8 2020 8 2020
3 90 sec 4 90 sec
8 3110 8 3110

10 3021 10 3021
3 90 sec 4 90 sec
10 2011 10 2011

10 3121 10 3121
3 90 sec 3 90 sec
12 2010 12 2010

10 3022 10 3022
3 90 sec 3 90 sec
12 3021 12 3021

Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments

8 3020 8 3020
3 90 sec 4 90 sec
10 3010 10 3010

10 3011 10 3011
3 90 sec 4 90 sec
14 2010 14 2010

10 3010 10 3010
3 90 sec 3 90 sec
10 2111 10 2111

12 3020 12 3020
3 90 sec 3 90 sec
12 2011 12 2011

Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments

8 3 3121 90 sec 8 3 3121 90 sec

rest on
barrier for 2 rest on barrier
seconds in for 2 seconds
8 3 2210 90 sec 8 4 2210 90 sec
between reps in between
10 3011 supinated grip 10 3011 supinated grip
3 90 sec 3 90 sec
12 2010 12 2010

10 3 1010 70 sec 10 3 1010 70 sec

10 3011 10 3011
3 80 sec 4 80 sec
12 2012 12 2012

Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments

10 3 3120 80 sec 10 4 3120 80 sec

30 sec in 30 sec in
10 3 2011 10 3 2011
between legs between legs

10 3011 10 3011
3 90 sec 3 90 sec
12 3020 12 3020

10 4 3011 40 sec 10 5 3011 40 sec

12 3 3010 70 sec 12 3 3010 70 sec

Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval countdown

Comments -5 Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments
countdown - 5
reps, pause
pause 3 for reps,pause
pause3for 5
8 3 2310 90 sec 5seconds
secondsatat 8 4 2310 90 sec seconds atat
seconds top
top on 5th
bottom of rep,
rep bottom of rep
on 5th rep, 4
4 reps, pause
15 NA 15 NA reps, pause for 4
for 4 seconds
3 90 sec 3 90 sec seconds at top
at top for 4th
10 2010 10 2010 for 4th rep
rep (repeat
(repeat until you
until you reach
reach 1)
10 3011 1) 10 3011
3 90 sec 4 90 sec
10 2011 10 2011

12 3020 12 3020
3 60 sec 3 60 sec
15 2011 15 2011
12 3010 12 3010
3 90 sec 3 90 sec
12 3010 12 3010

Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments

12 3 2110 90 sec 14 3 2110 90 sec

12 3 3122 60 sec 15 3 3122 60 sec

10 3 3011 80 sec 10 4 3011 80 sec

10 3 2010 70 sec 10 3 2010 70 sec

12 3 2011 60 sec 12 3 2011 60 sec

Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments

every 10th Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments
every 10th rep
rep hold
30 3 2011 80 sec contraction 30 3 2011 80 sec
contraction for
for 10
10 seconds
10 2111 seconds 10 2111
3 80 sec 4 80 sec
15 1011 20 1011
Week 3 Week 4

Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval
(new tempo) let
bar rest on barrier
8 2310 8 2310
for 3 seconds in
4 90 sec between reps 4 90 sec
10 3110 10 3110

10 3021 10 3021
4 90 sec 4 90 sec
12 2011 12 2011

10 3121 10 3121
4 90 sec 4 90 sec
15 2010 15 2010

12 3022 12 3022
4 90 sec 4 90 sec
12 3021 12 3021

Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval

8 3020 8 3020
4 90 sec 4 90 sec
10 3010 10 3010

10 3011 dropset final set 10 3011

4 90 sec 4 90 sec
14 2010 dropset final set 14 2010

10 3010 10 3010
4 90 sec 4 90 sec
10 2111 10 2111

12 3020 12 3020
4 90 sec 4 90 sec
12 2011 12 2011

Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval

8 3 3121 90 sec 8 4 3121 90 sec

rest on barrier
8 4 2210 90 sec for 2 seconds in 8 4 2210 90 sec
between reps
10 3011 pronated grip 10 3011
4 90 sec 4 90 sec
12 2010 12 2010

10 3 1010 70 sec dropset final set 10 3 1010 70 sec

10 3011 10 3011
4 80 sec 4 80 sec
12 2012 12 2012

Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval

10 4 3120 80 sec 10 4 3120 80 sec

30 sec in 30 sec in
10 4 2011 10 4 2011
between legs between legs

10 3011 10 3011
4 90 sec 4 90 sec
12 3020 12 3020

10 5 3011 40 sec 10 5 3011 40 sec

12 3 3010 70 sec 12 3 3010 70 sec

Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval
countdown - 5
pause 3 seconds
reps, pause for 5
8 4 2310 90 sec 8 4 2310 90 sec
seconds at of
at bottom toprep
5th rep, 4 reps,
15 NA 15 NA
pause for 4
3 90 sec seconds at top for 3 90 sec
10 2010 4th rep (repeat 10 2010
until you reach 1)
10 3011 10 3011
4 90 sec 4 90 sec
10 2011 10 2011

12 3020 12 3020
4 60 sec 4 60 sec
15 2011 20 2011
12 3010 12 3010
4 90 sec 4 90 sec
12 3010 12 3010

Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval

14 4 2110 90 sec 14 4 2110 90 sec

15 3 3122 60 sec 15 4 3122 60 sec

10 4 3011 80 sec 10 4 3011 80 sec

12 3 2010 70 sec 12 4 2010 70 sec

12 3 2011 60 sec 12 3 2011 60 sec

Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval
every 10th rep
30 4 2011 80 sec hold contraction 30 4 2011 80 sec
for 10 seconds
12 2111 12 2111
4 60 sec 5 60 sec
20 1011 20 1011
eek 4 Week 5 - Deload

Comments Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments

(new tempo) let
bar rest on barrier
8 2020
for 3 seconds in
between reps 3 90 sec
8 3110

10 3021
3 90 sec
10 2011

dropset final set 10 3121

2 90 sec
12 2010

10 3022
2 90 sec
dropset final set 12 3021

Comments Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments

8 3020
3 90 sec
10 3010

dropset final set 10 3011

3 90 sec
dropset final set 14 2010

dropset final set 10 3010

2 90 sec
10 2111

12 3020
2 90 sec
dropset final set 12 2011

Comments Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments

8 3 3121 90 sec
rest on barrier rest on barrier for
for 2 seconds in 8 3 2210 90 sec 2 seconds in
between reps between reps
pronated grip +
10 3011 pronated grip
dropset final set
2 90 sec
12 2010

dropset final set 10 2 1010 70 sec

10 3011
3 80 sec
12 2012

Comments Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments

10 3 3120 80 sec
30 sec in
dropset final set 10 3 2011
between legs
double dropset
10 3011
final set
3 90 sec
dropset final set 12 3020

double dropset
10 3 3011 40 sec
final set
12 2 3010 70 sec

Comments Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments

countdown - 5
pause 3 seconds
reps, pause for 5
seconds at of
at bottom toprep
5th rep, 4 reps,
pause for 4
seconds at top for
4th rep final set
until you reach 1)
dropset final set

dropset final set

Comments Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments

Comments Reps Sets Tempo Rest Interval Comments

every 10th rep
hold contraction
for 10 seconds
Exercise Replacement 1

BB Box Squats Hex Bar Squats

BB Back Squats Smith Machine Squats

Single Leg Lying Leg Curl Lying DB Curl

Leg Press Hack Squats

Heel Elevated DB Squat Heel Elevated BB Squats

Bulgarian Split Squat Static DB/BB Lunges

Legs Glute Ham Raise Lying Leg Curl

Lying Leg Curl Lying DB Curl

Leg Extension Heel Elevated DB Squats

Leg Press (Single Leg) DB/BB Bulgarian Split Squat

Rowing Machine Glute Ham Raise Glute Ham Raise

Rowing Machine Glute Ham

BB Hip Thrust

DB/BB Walking Lunges Static DB/BB Lunges

Flat DB Press Iso Lateral Flat Plate Press

Incline DB Press Iso Lateral Incline Plate Press

Incline BB Press Incline Smith Machine Press

Seated Cable Flys Pec Deck

Flat BB Press Flat Smith Machine Press

Hammer Strength Press Incline Smith Machine Press

Landmine Chest Press Hammer Strength Press

Upright Cable Press Flat DB Press

One Arm DB Row Single Arm Iso Lateral Row

Chin Up (Neutral Grip) Close Grip Lat Pulldown

Wide Grip Lat Pulldown Wide Grip Pull Ups

Cable Rope Face Pulls Seated Cable Rope Row

BB Deadlifts DB/BB Romanian Deadlifts

Seated One Arm Cable Row One Arm DB Row

Back Chin Up (Wide Grip) Wide Grip Lat Pulldown

BB Bench Rows (Supinated Grip) Iso Lateral Row

Upright Cable Row Seated Cable Row

Cable Lat Pulldown Iso Lateral High Row

Cable Pulldown Lying DB Pullover

Standing T-Bar Row Seated Cable Row

Iso Lateral High Row Single Arm Lat Pullown

Seated BB (Or Smith

Seated DB Shoulder Press
Machine) Press
Seated DB Lateral Raises Standing Cable Lateral Raises

Standing Cable Raises (Single Arm) One Arm DB Lateral Raise

Incline Bench DB Rear Delt Fly

Standing/Bent Over Cable
Rear Delt Fly
Seated BB (Or Smith Machine)
Seated DB Shoulder Press
Incline Bench Rear Delt Fly Reverse Pec Deck

Standing Cable Raises Standing DB Lateral Raise

Incline Bench DB Hammer Curls Cable Bicep Curls

Standing BB Curls Standing EZ Curls

Biceps Single Arm Preacher Curls Single Arm Cable Curl

Standing Reverse Grip EZ Curls

Reverse Grip Cable Curls
(Hands Shoulder Width)
Standing EZ Curls Standing DB Curls

EZ Bar/DB Skull Crushers Overhead DB Tricep Extension

Overhead DB Tricep Extension Overhead Cable Extension

Double Rope Cable Tricep
Triceps Tricep Cable Pressdown
Double Rope Cable Tricep
Tricep Cable Pressdown
DB Tricep Kickbacks Tricep Dips

Standing BB Shrugs Standing Hex Bar Shrugs

Seated DB Shrugs Standing Hex Bar Shrugs

Cable Shrug Standing DB Shrugs
Seated Cable Shrugs
Incline Bench DB Shrugs
(Leaning Back)

45 Degree Leg Press Calf

Seated Calf Raises
45 Degree Leg Press Calf
Calves Standing Calf Raises
Single Leg Standing Calf
Seated Single Leg Calf Raises Raises
Replacement 2

Squat Machine

Hack Squats

Seated Leg Curl

BB Box Squats

Hack Squats

Single Leg Leg Press

DB/BB Romanian Deadlifts

Seated Leg Curl

Leg Press (Feet Narrow & Low)

DB/BB Step Ups

DB/BB Romanian Deadlifts

BB Good Morning

DB/BB Step Ups

Seated Upright Cable Press

Seated Incline Cable Press

Iso Lateral Incline Plate Press

Flat DB Fly

Iso Lateral Flat Plate Press

Flat/Decline BB Press

Seated Incline Cable Press

Iso Lateral Flat Plate Press

Single Arm Cable Row

Iso Lateral High Row

Iso Lateral High Row

Reverse Pec Deck


Single Arm Iso Lateral Row

Iso Lateral High Row

Seated Cable Wide Row

Iso Lateral Row

Wide Grip Lat Pulldown

Underhand Grip Lat
Bent Over BB Row

Wide Grip Lat Pulldown

Iso Lateral Overhead Press

One Arm DB Lateral Raise

Hammer Strength Iso Lateral

Reverse Pec Deck

Iso Lateral Overhead Press

Reverse Cable Fly

Hammer Strength Iso
Lateral Raise

Incline Bench DB Supinated


Cable Bicep Curls

Concentration Curls

DB Zottman Curls

Cable Bicep Curls

Overhead Cable Extension

EZ Bar/DB Skull Crushers

Single Arm Cable Tricep
Single Arm Cable Tricep
Single Arm Cable Tricep

Standing DB Shrugs

Standing BB Shrugs

Incline Bench DB Shrugs

Standing DB Shrugs

Standing Calf Raises

Seated Calf Raises

Single Leg 45 Degree Leg
Press Calf Raises

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