or the by-laws of the corporation. or business of MIC is Pasig, Metro Manila, the addressed to each stockholder at his place of
(Sec. 23, Corporation Code) holding of the annual stockholder’s meeting residence as shown on the books of the
2008 4. A natural person, of legal age, whether or in Manila is proper. corporation deposited to the addressee in the
Article XII, Sec 16 provides that Congress shall not a Filipino citizen but under the SEC rules 3. No. Ting cannot question the validity of post office with postage prepaid, or served
not, except by general law, provide for the he must be a resident of the Philippines and corporate resolutions passed in the BOD personally. In the present case, the
formation, organization, or regulation of provided that he is not the president of the meeting because Section 53 of the Code does resolutions are not binding on the corporation
private corporations. Government-owned same corporation at the same time. (SEC not require that the meeting must held within and its stockholders including Jimmy Morato.
and controlled corporations may be created Opinion No. 10-24) the city or municipality where the principal While these resolutions were approved by the
or established by special charters in the 5. A natural person, of legal age, and a Filipino office of the corporation is located. The stockholders, the directors’ approval, which is
interest of the common good and subject to resident citizen may become a secretary of directors' meeting can be held anywhere in or required by law in such case, does not exist.
the test of economic viability the corporation provided that he is not the outside the Philippines.
- president of the same corporation at the b) Jimmy Morato can petition the RTC to
Yes. NPC is a government owned and same time. 1996 declare the 2 resolutions, as well as any and
controlled corporation created by a special The dealership agreement is valid PROVIDED all actions taken by the BOD thereunder, null
charter. It’s charter allows the composition of 2005 the following conditions under section 32 of and void.
its board of directors to be reduced. The The Korean National can still be a member of BP 68 are complied with. The law provides
prohibition only applies to private the Board of Directors as long as sixty percent that a contract of the corporation with one or 2005
corporations. As clearly enunciated in Article (60%) of the Board of Directors are Filipinos. more of its directors or trustees or officers is Under what conditions may a stock
XII, Sec.16: Congress shall not, except by Corporations that are sixty percent (60%) voidable, at the option of such corporation, corporation acquire its own shares?
general law, provide for the formation, owned by Filipinos can engaged in the unless all the following conditions are The corporation may acquire its own shares
organization, or regulation of private business of exploration, development and present: 1) that the presence of such director when it has unrestricted retained earnings in
corporations. The general law creating private utilization of natural resources (Art. XII, Sec. 2, or trustee in the board meeting in which the its books to cover the shares to be
corporations is governed by Batas Pambansa 1987 Constitution). The election of aliens as contract was approved was not necessary to purchased/acquired and if it is for a legitimate
Blg.68 otherwise known as the Corporation members of the Board of Directors engaging constitute a quorum for such meeting; 2) that corporate purpose/s.
Code of the Philippines where the number of in partially-nationalized activities is allowed in the vote of such director or trustee was not
directors of trustees shall not be less than five proportion to their allowable participation or necessary for the approval of the contract; 3) 1996,1995
nor more than fifteen. Since NPC is not share in the capital of such entities (Sec. 2-A, that the contract is fair and reasonable under Under Section 42 of the Corporation Code, a
governed by the Corporation Code, the Anti Dummy Law) Nothing in the facts shows the circumstances; and 4) that in case of an corporation may invest its funds in another
standard number of directors is not required. that more than forty percent (40%) of the officer, the contract has been previously corporation or business or for any other
Board of Directors are foreigners. authorized by the board of directors. purposes when approved by a majority of the
1996 board of directors or trustees and ratified by
Yes. A corporation may enter into a joint (1998, 2000, 2001, 2003) 2005 the stockholders representing at least two-
venture with another where the nature of No. In a similar case Gokongwei vs. SEC, it was Doctrine of Corporate Opportunity thirds (2/3) of the outstanding capital stock,
that venture is in line with the business held that a corporation is authorized to It is where a director, by virtue of his office, or by at least two thirds (2/3) of the members
authorized by its charter. (Tuason v. Bolanos, prescribe the qualifications of its directors. A acquires for himself a business opportunity in the case of non-stock corporations, at a
G.R. No. L-4935, May 28, 1954) However, provision in the by-laws of the corporation which should belong to the corporation, stockholder's or member's meeting duly
inasmuch as the term ‘joint venture’ has no that no person shall qualify or be eligible for thereby obtaining profits to the prejudice of called for the purpose. There must be written
precise legal definition, it may take various nomination for elections to the BOD if he is such corporation In such a case, a director notice of the proposed investment and the
forms. It could take the form of a simple engaged in any business which competes with shall refund to the corporation all the profits time and place of the meeting shall be
pooling of resources (not involving that of the Corporation is valid, provided, he realizes on a business opportunity which: addressed to each stockholder or member at
incorporation) between two or more however, that before such nominee is 1. The corporation is financially able to his place of residence as shown on the books
corporations for a specific project, purpose or disqualified. A director stands in a undertake; 2. From its nature, is in line with of the corporation and deposited to the
undertaking, or for a limited time. It may competition from being elected to the board corporations business and is of practical addressee in the post office with postage
involve the creation of a more formal of directors is a reasonable exercise of advantage to it; and 3. The corporation has an prepaid, or served personally.
structure, and, hence, the formation of a corporate authority. Sound principles of interest or a reasonable expectancy, unless
corporation. What is prohibited by law is the corporate management counsel against the act has been ratified by a vote of the 2005
creation of a partnership between sharing sensitive information with a director stockholders owning or representing at least a) Voidable – A contract of the corporation
corporations but not the creation of a joint whose fiduciary duty to loyalty may well two-thirds of the outstanding capital stock. with one or more of its directors or trustees
venture require that he discloses this information to a This shall apply notwithstanding the fact that or officers is voidable, at the option of such
- competitive rival. In the case at bar, the the director risked his own funds in the corporation (Sec 32, Corporation Code). Such
1. X, Y, Z, and T can be incorporators. The petition of Y is not tenable because he has no venture (Sec 34, CCP). contract can be ratified by the vote of the
corporations and S cannot be incorporators vested right to be elected as a director. When stockholders representing at least two-thirds
since the former are not natural persons and a person buys stock in a corporation he does 1998 of the outstanding capital stock in a meeting
the latter is not of legal age. (Sec. 10, so with the knowledge that its affairs are a) No. Sec. 38 of the Corporation Code called for the purpose: Provided, that full
Corporation Code). All of the foregoing can dominated by a majority of the stockholders. provides that no corporation shall increase or disclosure of the adverse interest of the
become subscribers except S since she is not Such amendment made in the by-laws is valid. decrease capital stock or incur create or directors or trustees involved is made at such
yet of legal age. increase bonded indebtedness unless meeting: Provided, however, That the
2. The difference between the two is as 1993 approved by a majority of the board of contract is fair and reasonable under the
follows: a) an incorporator is a signatory of 1. Section 54 of the Code provides that it is the directors and, at a stockholders’ meeting duly circumstances
the AOI while a subscriber is not; b) there is a President who shall preside over the called for the purpose, two-thirds of the
limit for the number of incorporators while directors' meeting, unless the by-laws provide outstanding capital stock shall favor the b) The Board of Directors of XL Foods
there is no limit in the number of subscribers; otherwise. However, in practice it is the increase or diminution of the capital stock, or Corporation declared and paid cash dividends
c) an incorporator must be a natural person Chairman who presides because the the incurring, creating or increasing any without approval of the stockholders.
while a subscriber can be either natural or President only reports to the Chairman. Only bonded indebtedness. Written notice of the
juridical person and d) incorporators has a in the absence of a Chairman can a President proposed increase or diminution of the capital b) Valid – Approval of the stockholders is not
residence requirement while there is no such preside over directors meetings. stock or of the incurring, creating, or required in declaring cash dividends
requirement in case of subscribers. 2. No. Sec. 51 provides that the annual increasing of any bonded indebtedness and of
3. A natural person, of legal age, and who stockholders’ meeting shall be held in the city the time and place of the stockholder’s c.)XL Foods Corporation guaranteed the loan
owns at least one share of stock registered in or municipality where the principal office is meeting at which the proposed increase or of its sister company XL Meat Products, Inc.
his name in the books of the corporation and located. For this purpose, the law also diminution of the capital stock or the
must have all the qualifications and none of provides that Metro Manila is considered a incurring or increasing of any bonded c) Void – This is an ultra vires act on part of XL
the disqualifications provided for by the law city or municipality. Since the principal office indebtedness us to be considered, must be Foods Corporation, and is not one of the
powers provided for in Sec. 36 of the b) The instances when a corporation shall not 2. A corporation may be dissolved voluntarily, 2. No. The venue for actions involving intra-
Corporation Code. It can be ratified provided be held liable for not declaring dividends are: by shortening of the corporate term and corporate controversies are now under the
it is not illegal per se but merely beyond the (Sec.43) through involuntary dissolution. In voluntary jurisdiction of the RTC acting as a special
power of the corporation by the approval of dissolution, the action for dissolution must be commercial court. (Sec. 5, A.M. NO. 01-2-04-
the majority of the board and vote of the 1) when justified by definite corporate approved by majority of the directors or SC)
stockholders representing at least two thirds expansion projects or programs approved by trustees and 2/3 of the stockholders
of the outstanding capital stock. Where the the BOD; or representing the outstanding capital stock or
contract or act is not illegal per se but merely members, publication requirement and filed Conflict of Interest; Ratification (2008)
beyond the power of the corporation, the 2) when the corporation is prohibited under with SEC which will issue certificate of The contracts of Paolo, who owns 15% of the
same is merely voidable and may be enforced any loan agreement with any financial dissolution. If there are creditors affected, Outstanding Capital Stock of the office
by performance, ratification, or estoppels, or institution or creditor, whether local or there must be a hearing to hear the objections building company is concerned if they were
on equitable grounds (Republic v. Acoje foreign, from declaring dividends without its and claims of the creditors. In case of not approved by the Board of Directors and
Mining Co., Inc) especially if no creditors are or his consent, and such consent has not yet shortening of corporate term, through Paolo was not designated to execute them on
prejudiced thereby and no rights of the state been secured; or amendment of the AOI. In involuntary behalf of said company.
or the public are involved (Flecher, p.585). dissolution, through filing of a verified On the other hand, if the contracts were duly
3) when it can be clearly shown that such complaint with the SEC based on any ground approved by the Board of Directors of the
2005 retention is necessary under special provided by law or rules. office building company with Paolo duly
A corporation may declare dividends when circumstances obtaining in the corporation, designated as company representative, they
there is unrestricted retained earnings, a such as when there is need for special reserve 1997 would nevertheless be voided at the option of
resolution of the Board of Directors and in for probable contingencies. the company. Under Sec. 32 of the
case of declaration of stock dividends, a Q: The corporation, once dissolved, Corporation Code. “A contract of the
ratification of the stockholders representing 1991 thereafter continues to be a body corporate corporation with one or more of its directors
two-thirds (2/3) of the outstanding capital I would not approve a proposed stipulation in for three years for purposes of prosecuting or trustees or officers is voidable at the option
stock. the management contract that the managing and defending suits by and against it and of of such corporation, unless all the following
corporation, as an additional compensation enabling it to settle and close its affairs, conditions are present,” (a) if Paolo as a
From what funds are cash and stock dividends to it, should be entitled to 10% of any stock culminating in the final disposition and director in the board meeting in which the
sourced? Explain why (2005) dividend that may be declared. Stockholders distribution of its remaining assets. If the 3 contracts were approved was not necessary
Dividends either cash or stock dividend must are the only ones entitled to receive stock year extended life expires without a trustee or to constitute a quorum for such meeting; (b)
be declared out of unrestriscted retained dividends (Nielsen & Co v Lepanto Mining 26 receiver being designated by the corporation Paolo’s vote at such meeting was not
earnings because of the Trust Fund Doctrine. s 569) I would add that the unsubscribed within that period and by that time (expiry of necessary for the approval of the contracts;
The Trust Fund Doctrine provides that capital stock of a corporation may only be the 3 year extended term), the corporate (c) Each of the contract are fair and
subscription to the capital stock of a issued for cash or property or for services liquidation is not yet over, how, if at all, can a reasonable under the circumstances.
corporation constitute a fund to which the already rendered constituting a demandable final settlement of the corporate affairs be
creditors have the right to look for the debt (Sec 62 Corp Code). As an alternative, I made? If condition (a) or (b) is absent, Sec, 32
satisfaction of their claims (Ong vs Tiu, G.R. would suggest that the managing corporation - requires that the contracts must be ratified by
No. 144476, April 8, 2003). Thus, dividends should instead be given a net profit The liquidation can continue with the winding the shareholders representing at least two-
must never impair the subscribed capital participation and, if it later so desires, to then up. The members of the BOD can continue thirds (2/3) of outstanding capital stock,
stock. convert the amount that may be due thereby with the winding of the corporate affairs until provided that there was full disclosure of the
to equity or shares of stock at no less than the final liquidation. They can act as trustees or adverse interest of Paolo to Pedro.
2008 par value thereof. receivers for this purpose.
1. Ace is entitled to the whole amount of his BOD; Qualifications (2012)
shares which is 100,000. A contract of 1993 2000 X filipino immigrant
subscription is an indivisible contract. If only a) As a general rule, A cannot bring a The cases can be pursued even beyond May Y filipino
partial payment for the subscription was derivative suit in the name of the corporation 30, 1997, the last day of the corporate Z resident alien
made, it cannot be the basis for the amount concerning an act that took place before he existence of GHQ Corp. The Corporation is not S Filipino/ 16 yrs old
of cash dividend in favor of the stockholder. became a stockholder. However, if the act actually dissolved upon the expiration of its X,Y,Z and T could all be incorporators and
Cash dividends due on delinquent stocks shall complained of is a continuing one, A may do corporate term. There is still the period for subscribers. Note, however, that Sec.10 of the
first be applied to the unpaid balance on the so. liquidation or winding up. Corporation Code requires that there must be
subscription plus cost and expenses. (Sec 43) b) No. In a derivative suit, the action is at least five but not more than fifteen
Stocks become delinquent 30 days from the instituted/ brought in the name of a 1998 incorporators (who must all be natural
due date specified in the contract of corporation and reliefs are prayed for therein A foreign corporation is deemed to “deemed persons) and that a majority of the
subscription or in the date stated in the call for the corporation, by a minority business in the Philippines” if it is continuing incorporators must be residents of the
made by the board (Sec 67). In this case, the stockholder. The law does not qualify the the body or substance of the business or Philippines. S, being a minor, could neither be
cash dividend is not yet delinquent. Ace Cruz, term “minority” in terms of the number of enterprise for which it was organized. It is the an incorporator nor a subscriber. GGG
therefore can claim the entire cash dividend shares owned by a stockholder bringing the intention of an entity to continue the body of Corporation, CCC Corporation, and KKK
payable on December 1, 2008. action in behalf of the corporation. (SMC v its business in the country. The grant and Corporation, CCC Corporation, and KKK
2. No. No certificate of stock shall be issued to Khan 176 SCRA 448) extension of 90-day credit terms of a foreign Corporation could not be incorporators as
a subscriber until the full amount of c) No. Watered shares are those sold by the corporation to a domestic corporation for they are not natural persons. However, they
subscription together with interest and corporation for less than the par/book value. every purchase shows an intention to could be subscribers,
expenses (in case of delinquent shares), if any In the instant case, it will depend upon the continue transacting with the latter.
is due, has been paid (Sec 64).Clearly, since value of services rendered in relation to the Incorporator vs subscriber
Ace Cruz did not pay the full subscription yet, total par value of the shares. 2006 Some of the differences are as follows: first,
the certificate of stock shall not be issued to 1. An intra-corporate controversy is one all the incorporators are required to sign and
him. 2012. which arises between a stockholder and the acknowledge the Articles of Incorporation
1. No. AAA Corporation is an artificial being corporation and pertains to the enforcement while the subscribers, as such, are not subject
2001 created by law and has a legal personality of of the parties’ correlative rights and to the same requirement; second, the
a) Corporation X is guilty of violating its own. A corporation does not owe its obligations under the Corporation Code and incorporators could be either natural or
Section 43 of the Corp Code. This provision existence upon the presence of assets and the internal and intra-corporate regulatory juridical persons; and third, the number of
prohibits stock corporations from retaining properties. It can only be dissolved in cases rules of the corporation (Real v. Sangu incorporators cannot exceed fifteen while the
surplus profits in excess of 100% of their paid- provided for by law. As such, AAA Corporation Philippines Inc., G.R. No. 168757 January 19, number of subscribers could be more than
in capital. will subsist regardless of the sale of all of its 2011). fifteen (subject to compliance, in the
assets and liabilities to another corporation.
appropriate cases, with the requirements of than if she were to form a separate any circumstance that would excuse or -
the Securities Regulation Code). corporation. However, all the assets of the favorably explain the action of F. Yes, the taxicab company can be liable for
existing corporation will be liable for the - damages because it failed to comply with its
X,Y,Z and T could be directors (subject to the debts and losses of the restaurant business. A corporation would be liable for the acts of obligation as a common carrier to use
residency requirement mentioned in (a) - its Board of Directors and officers if the said extraordinary diligence in transporting the
above and any nationality requirement under The corporation must have at least five acts were performed by them in accordance passenger, and because at the time of death
the law governing the business of the directors (Section 14 of the Corporation with powers granted to them under the of the passenger, the cab driver was violating
corporation) but not GGG Corporation, CCC Code). It Must also have a president, a Corporation Code, the articles of a traffic regulation. Under Art. 2185 of Civil
Corporation, and KKK Corporation as they are treasure, and secretary (Section 25 of the incorporation and by-laws of the corporation, Code, it is presumed that a person driving a
not natural persons. However, the Corporation Code). the laws and regulations governing the motor vehicle has been negligent if at time of
aforementioned corporations could have - business of, or otherwise applicable to, the mishap he was violating a traffic regulation,
their respective representatives nominated Every director must own at least one share of corporation, and, in the case of officers, the such as when he was driving on the wrong
and possibly elected as directors by the the capital stock of the corporation, which resolutions approved by the Board of side of the road (Mallari, Sr. v. CA, G.R. No.
stockholders. Each director must own at least must be recorded in his name on the books of Directors. 128607, 31 January 2000).
one share of the capital stock of the the corporation, and a majority of the
corporation (Sec.23, Corporation Code). directors must be residents of the Philippines As the directors have a personality separate Stockholders; Appraisal Right (2007)
- (Section 25 of the Corporation Code). from that of the corporation, they would be Appraisal right is the right of stockholder, who
The Corporation Code does not impose any personally liable only if they acted wilfully and dissents from a fundamental or extraordinary
nationality or residency requirement in The president must also be a director. The knowingly vote for or assent to a patently corporate action, to demand payment of the
respect of the Treasurer. Any such secretary must be a resident and citizen of the unlawful act of the corporation, or when they fair value of his shares. It is the right of a
requirement or any other reasonable Philippines (Section 25 of the Corporation are guilty of gross negligence or bad faith in di stockholder to withdraw from the
requirement may be adopted by the Code). recting the affairs of the corporation, or when corporation and demand payment of the fair
corporation and reflected in its by-laws, or they acquire any personal or pecuniary value of his shares after dissenting form
required by the law(s) governing the business Derivative Suit; Expiration of Term (2013) interest in conflict with their duty as directors, certain corporate acts involving fundamental
of the corporation or a law of general The remaining directors cannot elect new which acts result in damages to the changes in the corporate structure (Section
application (e.g., the Anti- Dummy Law which directors to fill in the two vacancies. The corporation, its stockholders or other 81, Corporation Code).
applies to all nationalized businesses). board of directors may fill up vacancy only if persons, when they agree to hold themselves -
Accordingly, anybody with the qualifications the ground is not due to expiration of term, personally and solidarily liable with the No, T cannot exercise the right of appraisal in
required under the by-laws of the corporation removal or increase in the number of board corporation, or when they are made, by a this case. When S transferred his shares to T
or under the law(s) governing the business of seats. In this case, the term of the two specific provision of law, to personally answer and T was issued new stock certificates, the
the corporation, could be elected Treasurer directors expired after one year. They hold- for the corporate action. (Sec. 31, appraisal right of S ceased, and T acquired all
by the Board of Directors. Note, however, that over period is not part of their term. The Corporation Code). the rights of a regular stockholder. The
the Treasurer could not be the President at vacancies should be filled up by election by transfer of shares from S to T constitutes an
the same time (Sec. 25, Corporation Code). the stockholders (Valle Verde Country Club, Piercing the Corporate Veil (2008) abandonment of the appraisal right of S. All
Inc. v. Africa, 598 SCRA 202, 2009). I would sue Nelson, as the person who owned the T acquired from the issuance of new stock
The Secretary is required to be both a resident and controlled Sonnel Contruction Company, certificated was the rights of a regular
and a citizen of the Philippines (Sec. 10, The derivative suit was improper. In a under the doctrine of “piercing the veil of stockholders (Section 86, Corporation Code).
Corporation Code). derivative suit, the corporation, not the corporate fiction.” Although a corporation has
individual stockholder, must be the aggrieved a juridical personality separate and distinct Stockholders; Contractual Relationship;
[Note: The problem does not state what kind party and that the stockholder is suing on from that of its stockholders, when the Quorum (2009)
of business the corporation would engaged in. behalf of the corporation. What stockholder X corporation is used merely as an alter ego or Yes. The articles of Incorporation define the
Neither does it state whether X,Y,Z and T are is asserting is his individual right as a controlled for the benefit of a stockholder, or charter of the corporation and the contractual
all of legal age and otherwise have the stockholder to elect the two directors. The when it is necessary to render justice, then relationship between the State and the
capacity to enter into contracts. Accordingly, case partakes more of an election contest the courts have the right to pierce the veil of Corporation, the State and the stockholders,
the suggested answer set out below assume under the rules on intra-corporate corporate fiction to hold the and between the corporation and the
that the corporation would not be engaging in controversy (Legaspi Towers 300, Inc. v. controllingstockholder-officer personally stockholders. Its contents are thus binding
a nationalized activity and that X,Y,Z and T are Muer, 673 SCRA 453, 2012). liable for the corporate tort or wrong upon both the corporation and the
all of legal age and otherwise have the committed. stockholders, conferring on Juancho a clear
capacity to enter into contracts.] Dividends; Declaration of Dividends (2009) right to have his stockholding recorded
True. Dividends on shares of stock of a The contractor should also be held liable, -
Corporation; Sole Proprietorship (2010) corporation, whether cash dividend or stock since being an independent contractor it is A quorum consists of the majority of the
If Dianne will set up a separate corporation, dividend, can be validly declared only out of liable for the fault or negligence of its people. totality of the shares which gave been
her liability for its obligations and losses will unrestricted retained earnings (Sec. 43, - subscribed and issued. Thus the quorum for
be limited to the amount of her subscription Corporation Code). It cannot be declared out If you were the counsel for Sonnel such meeting would be 289 shares or a
in the absence of showing that there is a of the capital. Otherwise, such declaration of Construction, how would you defend your majority of the 576 shares issued and
ground to disregard its separate juridical dividend will violate the trust fund doctrine client? What would be your theory? outstanding as indicated in the article of
personality. If she were to operate a single I would use the theory that the company incorporation. This includes the 33 common
proprietorship, her liability for its debts and Liabilities; BOD; Corporate Acts (2012) cannot be held liable for damages because shares reflected in the stock and transfer
losses will be unlimited. there was no fraud or negligence by its book, there being no mention or showing of
No. In approving the transaction, the directors officers in undertaking the project for the any transaction effected from the time of
The formation and the operation of a were not acting their personal capacities but construction of the building or the selection of Triple A’s incorporation in 1960up to the said
corporation require a great deal of paper rather in behalf of XYZ Corporation exercising a construction company. Since a contractor is meeting (Section 52 in Relation to Section 137
work and record-keeping. This is not the the powers of the corporation and conduction not an agent of Sonnel Construction, the of corporation Code; Lanuza
situation in the case of a single proprietorship. its business (Sec. 23, Corporation Code). The latter cannot be held liable for the v. court of Appeals, 454 SCRA 54 (2005))
problem contains no facts that would indicate contractor’s negligence. I would also argue
If Dianne will form a separate corporation, it that the directors acted otherwise. that piercing the veil of corporate fiction is a Stockholders; Preferred Shares (2013)
can raise more funds for the business than if - remedy of last resort and cannot be availed of The holding of Bernard Fleet equivalent to the
she were to set up a single proprietorship. Yes, F could be sued in his personal capacity without clear evidence showing fraud or outstanding common shares is illegal. His
because he knowingly consented to the non- disrespect of the separate juridical holdings of preferred shares should not
If she were to set up the restaurant as a delivery of the promised supplies contrary to personality of the corporation. Mere control exceed 40%. Since the constitutional
branch office an existing corporation, the the contract that was duly approved by the of equity has not been considered as requirement of 60% Filipino ownership of the
corporation will have more funds as capital Board of Directors. The problem does indicate sufficient basis for piercing the veil. capital of public utilities applies not only to
voting control but also to beneficial
ownership of the corporation, it should also
apply to the preferred shares. Preferred
shares are also entitled to vote in certain
corporated matters. (Gamboa v. Teves, 682
SCRA 397, 2012) The state shall develop a self-
reliant and independent n ational economy
effectively controlled by Filipinos. (Articles II,
Sec. 19, 1987 Constitution) The effective
control here should be mirrored across the
board on all kinds of shares.