COVID-19 Genesis - Review of Factors
COVID-19 Genesis - Review of Factors
COVID-19 Genesis - Review of Factors
(NIAID-RML, 2020)
(NIAID-RML, 2020)
By Gregory C. Brundage
Draft article February 17, 2020
Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
This paper explores a wide range of virologic, physiologic, environmental, historical, political,
economic, psychological, legal/criminological and military factors necessary to construct a
statistical model of the genesis of COVID-19 in November/December 2019 in Wuhan China. At
this time researchers around the world are racing to develop COVID-19 vaccines and treatments
for existing cases. Contrary to media promoted statistics, this study reveals COVID-19 has an
infection rate 19.4 times faster than SARS, and is already four times deadlier two months into the
spread of this disease (December 8, 2019-February 8, 2020). Authorities in China and the United
States are both claiming that COVID-19 came about in a natural way implying it was definitely not
the result of an accidental or intentional containment breech at Wuhan Virology Institute or a
more sophisticated biological weapon attack. Any arguments to the contrary are swiftly
discredited as “conspiracy theories.” Overlapping but otherwise much different rational for
American and Chinese governments to assert the genesis of this disease was a natural occurrence
are also explored and evaluated. Simultaneously understanding the genesis of a novel virus may
be helpful in developing vaccines and a cure. To write there is a ‘strong relationship’ between the
American DARPA contracted ‘Galveston National Laboratory - Infectious Disease Research Center’
in Texas USA and Wuhan Institute of Virology is an understatement as according to the Galveston
National laboratory internet site they are directing the Wuhan maximum biocontainment
laboratories (MCLs). The relative probabilities of COVID-19 naturally evolving in Wuhan at that
time, accidental containment breech, intentional containment breech and biological weapons
attack are explored. The role of the American Defense Planning Guidance (DPG) as a potential
rational and in effect a mandate for initiating a bioweapon attack on China is explored, as is
potential complicity in a possible bioweapons attack on China by various US ally nations whose
current political structures require the maintenance of American hegemony. It is concluded that
1) the Chinese central state has done everything reasonably possible to share information
concerning the outbreak and spread of COVID-19, inhibit that spread, and develop a cure and
vaccine, 2) based on a large number of known possible causative factors it is at least 50% possible
the genesis of the COVID-19 was not a product of “natural forces” but rather either an accidental
or intentional containment breech or a more sophisticated bio-weapon attack designed with
CRSPR gene-editing technology at DARPA for the purpose of diminishing Chinese economic
development and assuring the preservation of American global economic hegemony.
Recommendations in the conclusions of this article include a) rational for a bifurcated news
reporting approach in the US and China to minimize risks in both countries b) an American public,
Congressional and Senate evaluation of the DPG as a possible cause of international conflict and
war, c) an international body must be formed to investigate, regulate and monitor BSL-3 and BSL-
4 research, safety standards and containment breeches, and forcibly stop bioweapons
development as there is none now. This international body must have enforcement powers to
stop bioweapons development permanently. d) There must be a global on-line publicly accessible
record of all pathogens and where they are so when containment breeches occur people at least
know what is killing them and where it came from. Penalties for violating these new bio-
pathogenic laws should be strong enough to present a powerful deterrence. No nations’ “national
security” should preempt the right of all people to live free of biological warfare weapons or the
fear of them.
Draft article February 17, 2020
Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China .................................................... 1
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................... 2
CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 6
Etiology ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Section 1 Winter environmental conditions at the genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan and
physiologic characteristics of bats............................................................................................. 12
Section 2 The size of China and improbability of COVID-19 appearing specifically in Wuhan . 14
Section 3 Unique characteristics of COVID-19 .......................................................................... 14
High mutation rate ................................................................................................................ 14
Delay onset of symptoms ...................................................................................................... 14
Gender and ethnic targeting by ACE and ACE 2 .................................................................... 15
Immuno-suppressive characteristics ..................................................................................... 17
Rapid infection and spread rate ............................................................................................ 17
A comparison of SARS spread and death rates compared to COVID-19 ............................... 19
Section 4 DARPA related virus research center in Wuhan ........................................................ 20
DARPA’s extensive research in virology, gene-splicing/CRISPR research, use of bats as a
bioweapons carrier, and research on the migratory pathways of bats ................................ 22
Biological Weapons Convention (BWC)................................................................................. 24
Section 5 Genocide and Eugenics .............................................................................................. 25
Genocide................................................................................................................................ 25
Eugenics ................................................................................................................................. 27
Section 6 Pre-WWII American drive for world hegemony ........................................................ 30
Section 7 Defense Planning Guidance (DPG) as rational for the aggressiveness of American
foreign policy ............................................................................................................................. 34
Two top American government officials made public statements identifying China as the
primary target of the American Defense Department within the past six months .............. 36
Ultra-brief recap of the past 20 years of American foreign aggression ................................ 36
The rapid rise in racial violence and religious bigotry in the United States encouraged by
President Trump .................................................................................................................... 39
CIA driven ongoing covert attacks on three of China’s peripheral states, specifically Hong
Kong, Xinjiang and Tibet ........................................................................................................ 40
Draft article February 17, 2020
Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
Draft article February 17, 2020
Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
Draft article February 17, 2020
Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
During the last 20 years three coronaviruses have appeared.1
• SARS-CoV which first appeared in Guangdong, China in 2002 and first identified in 2003,
infected 8,000 persons and caused 774 deaths
• MERS-CoV first appeared in Saudi Arabia in 2012. By the end of November 2019 there
were 2,494 confirmed cases and 858 associated deaths
• SARS-CoV-2, later named 2019-nCoV, and then COVID-19 first appeared December 30,
2019 in Wuhan China. As of February 15, 2020, 23:56 GMT, 1,666 deaths of 69,055
confirmed cases in 29 countries and territories. The fatality rate is still being assessed.2
On January 31, 2020 a bioRxiv preprint was posted online titled “Uncanny similarity of unique
inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag” by Indian researchers Pradhan
et. al. asserting they found 4 insertions in the spike glycoprotein (S) unique to the 2019-nCoV
with amino acid residues in all the 4 inserts with identity or similarity to those in the HIV1 gp120
or HIV-1 Gag. That study was quickly discredited and withdrawn. This researcher attempted to
replicate their results and did not find the specific unique amino acid sequences reported in
their study (GTNGTKR, YYHKNNKS, GDSSS, QTNSPRRRA) in the samples they reported (Wuhan-
HU-1, Accession NC_045512) and of SARS CoV (GZ02, Accession AY390556).
The one thing American and Chinese officials appear to agree on is that the genesis of COVID-19
epidemic is of natural origin and not an accidental or intentional containment breech at Wuhan
Institute of Virology, or a biological weapons attack released at Wuhan to make it appear to be a
containment breech. This article reviews those forbidden theories from a wide range of
virologic, physiologic, environmental, political, economic, historical, psychological,
legal/criminological and military perspectives.
On Wednesday February 5, 2019 a snow storm started in Beijing which continued through to
Thursday morning. The dawn of February 6th in Beijing saw history’s greatest economic engine
apparently ground to a halt. The most dynamic world capital in all of human history was totally
silent. The COVID-19 epidemic had raged around the country for more than a month and
schools, factories, entertainment and sports facilities, practically everything was shut and
locked. No funerals are permitted for the growing number of victims of COVID-19, instead they
Draft article February 17, 2020
Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
were quickly cremated. Villages, towns, suburbs, and apartment complexes are walled and
fenced with security checkpoints at what few entrances there were making travel difficult, and
then the blizzard hit. On Thursday morning February 6th, 2019, a strange and eerie silence
enshrouded Beijing. Snow storms like that in early February are quite normal in Beijing, but this
year everything was different. In spite of all that, at 9:00 am Beijing’s Walmarts opened, along
with thousands of other stores, KFC opened soon after, and life more or less returned to normal,
except practically everyone was wearing filter face masks. True, the lines at Walmart were long
with people’s shopping carts filled to the brim and above not necessarily because of hoarding,
but rather people just wanted to minimize the number of times they had to go grocery
Certainly, correlation does not prove causation and the USA cannot possibly be responsible for
every leaf that falls from the tree of life. Simultaneously it is also true that in a room full of
smoking guns and dead bodies, some kind of crime probably occurred. And, when it occurs that
there is a chorus on the sidelines laughing merrily, cheering the whole thing on and profiting
from the slaughter, it is not unreasonable to wonder if some members of that chorus might
possibly have had something to with that crime.
It is presumed that virologists studying COVID-19 are already aware there is at least a 50%
probability this virus did not occur naturally, as they are not naïve, and probably also realize that
the Chinese government would have to keep the possibility of a containment breech or
biological attack secret in order to maintain public order.
Were the Chinese public to be fully aware of the potential or probable American complicity in
the COVID-2019 epidemic, Americans might not be safe in China. Surviving victim family
members of those who died of COVID-19 would have a lot of justifiable anger and unfortunately
mobs can form in an instant, anywhere in the world. This kind of thing would “fit” perfectly into
a hypothetical American game-plan for further isolating and defaming China. Thus, logically, the
Chinese government has no choice but to continue to assert the origin of COVID-19 is of natural
causes and hope the next American president is not so virulently anti-China as is the present
American administration. American foreign policy always capitalizes on radicalizing target
populations in order to provoke responses used as justification for even greater aggression by
the US DoD directed towards those target populations.
There is almost no possibility that at some time in the future the Chinese government will
acknowledge this disease may have been directly related in some way to research at the Wuhan
Virology Institute for several reasons, one being that COVID-19 appeared 80 kilometers away at
the wet market, and also the containment practices at the Wuhan Institute of Virology are
extremely strict.
In regards to Americans however, who are planning on voting in the November election this
year, they should be aware there is at least a 50% probability their intelligence chiefs and
President approved a biological weapons attack on China. Certainly, accidental containment
leaks do occur fairly often at BSL-3 and BSL-4 facilities as is reviewed in some detail later in this
Draft article February 17, 2020
Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
However, it would be just as reckless and negligent to emphatically assert that COVID-19 came
about from natural causes as it would be to emphatically assert it came about from other
causes. At some point all potential causative factors responsible for the genesis of the COVID-19
epidemic must be dispassionately examined.
This article is exactly that, a probability analysis of potential causes of the COVID-19 epidemic.
For example, the relative area of Wuhan is compared to the area of China and it is found that
Wuhan is less than one millionth the size of China. Given that Wuhan is the location of China’s
largest BSL-3 and BSL-4 microbiology research facilities, that means the probability of COVID-19
appearing randomly in Wuhan specifically is about one in a million, although environmental
conditions such as winter temperatures at the time COVID-19’s appearance, ideal virus
incubation temperatures and bat physiology also need to be incorporated into that probability
statistic as is presented later in this paper.
Probability models don’t “prove” anything, but might in this case be of some assistance in
calculating the likelihood of the origin of COVID-19, and thereby a more effective vaccine.
“Yang also refuted speculation that the virus was leaked from a lab,
saying that it could not have come from the Wuhan Institute of Virology,
as it did not have the coronavirus. It was experts of the Chinese Center
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) [that] isolated the novel
Draft article February 17, 2020
Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
“Yang told the Global Times the Wuhan Institute of Virology is a biosafety
Level 4, lab, and its protective measures are extremely strict.
“But there was no way to prove it. ‘The topic is not appropriate to
circulate and ferment among the public. I have to say that biochemical
war lacks ethics and its possibility is extremely small,’ he said.”
Those who have lived in China know the phrase “extremely strict,” is no joke or exaggeration.
It would however be simpler for a staff person from the American consulate in Wuhan to
transport a bioweapon into China and plant it at the wet market than an athlete. Diplomatic
immunity would allow for a frozen container to be imported into China without inspection, and
it would be perfectly normal for a consulate employee to go to the wet market as those markets
always have the freshest fruits, vegetables, meats and fish in every city. They are often quite
crowded in the mornings. A visiting athlete however might find getting there a bit difficult,
wouldn’t have a transportable freezer container and wouldn’t have diplomatic immunity if
caught. American consulate personnel are there 24/7/365 and know the city quite well. The CIA
always uses State Department cover identities, except for their NOC officers.
Draft article February 17, 2020
Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
Having such a long-established diplomatic presence in Wuhan radically increases the probability
that the CIA has a wide base of Chinese agents there. Unlike the movies, CIA officers almost
never get involved directly in operations. Their primary job is to recruit local agents to do their
dirty work for them. In China the CIA has a very large and well-developed network of
underground “Christian” churches that are largely sympathetic to an American “agenda,” and a
tendency towards “magical thinking” which allows for anything to be rationalized in the name of
Why would the Chinese media prefer to point a finger at an athlete from the World Military
Games? Those foreign athletes are gone now and it’s the only way to protect the American
consulate in Wuhan. Chinese officials have an extreme need to try to maintain the status quo as
long as possible and hope that a more reasonable president is elected later this year. The
Chinese government wants international harmony and doesn’t want conflict. Also, the Chinese
government and individuals have invested literally trillions of dollars in the USA. Chinese
philosophy is based on Confucian harmony and in the final analysis harmony is more profitable
than war which creates only losers.
Simultaneously, the American DoD has a proven habit of exporting death to target populations
around the world.
Ethnic Bioweapons
Draft article February 17, 2020
Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
Note the above article is dated June 14, 2019, before the appearance of COVID-2019, ergo not a
“conspiracy theory” in response to it.
What kind of delivery system might a foreign intelligence officer or agent have used to disperse
the original COVID-19 virus around the market in Wuhan?
COVID-19 could have been released at the Wuhan wet market in a hundred ways. For example,
the virus could have been laced into powdered feces3, dumped into the back of a pickup truck
and then parked in the Wuhan wet market parking lot upwind of the market on a day with a
strong wind. A strong wind could blow perhaps 50 or 100 kilos of infected dust over the market
and at least some people would begin to show symptoms of COVID-2019 within a week.
Following that the pickup truck could then drive in circles around the market at relatively high
speeds so the road bumps would help scatter what the wind didn’t send into the air. Then,
naturally the driver would want to take that pickup truck to a car wash. Conversely, an agent
could have delivered the virus immersed in a nutritive solution via drone.
An intentional biological weapon attack released in Wuhan would make sense from an American
military strategic point of view given that Wuhan is directly south of Beijing and several bat
subspecies fly north in the Spring, CIA funding for the color revolution in Hong Kong has been
proven, CIA has engaged in circulating terrorists from Xinjiang to Syria where they were trained
and then sent back to Xinjiang to promote a separatist movement, and the CIA multi-decade
support of the Tibetan independence movement is well documented.
In other words, after hitting China at three peripheral points, Hong Kong, Xinjiang, and Tibet, it
makes perfect strategic sense to attack China at its heart: Beijing. The goal of this strategy, to
slow or shatter the Chinese economy is – as unethical as it may sound to most – actually
mandated by the American Defense Planning Guidance (DPG). That China is the “primary target”
of America’s “Department of Defense” was also publicly acknowledged by two top American
government officials within the last year and reported in the major media.
Thus, researchers working on a vaccine and cure for COVID-19 should be aware based on
statistical modeling within an environmental/physiologic/political/military/medical context, this
disease quite possibly (≥0.5) did not naturally occur. Likewise, Americans in this election year of
2020 should be aware there is some possibility their own government under the administration
of President Trump has begun a new age of asymmetric biological warfare.
Draft article February 17, 2020
Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
“Since Dec 8, 2019, several cases of pneumonia of unknown etiology have
been reported in Wuhan, Hubei province, China. Most patients worked
at or lived around the local Huanan seafood wholesale market, where live
animals were also on sale. In the early stages of this pneumonia, severe
acute respiratory infection symptoms occurred, with some patients
rapidly developing acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), acute
respiratory failure, and other serious complications. On Jan 7, a novel
coronavirus was identified by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) from the throat swab sample of a patient, and was
subsequently named COVID-19 by WHO.”
“The ten genome sequences of COVID-19 obtained from the nine patients
were extremely similar, exhibiting more than 99·98% sequence identity.
Notably, COVID-19 was closely related (with 88% identity) to two bat-
derived severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-like coronaviruses,
bat-SL-CoVZC45 and bat-SL-CoVZXC21, collected in 2018 in Zhoushan,
eastern China, but were more distant from SARS-CoV (about 79%) and
MERS-CoV (about 50%). Phylogenetic analysis revealed that COVID-19 fell
Draft article February 17, 2020
Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
Bats are the only flying mammals and also unique in that they can carry viruses without being
infected themselves. They are perfect incubators and carriers of viruses in the proper
environmental conditions.
COVID-19 first appeared in Wuhan December 8th, 2019. The average temperature in Wuhan in
November and December are: high 17° / low 8° and 11° / 2° respectively. Simultaneously,
viruses appear to grow best in warmer temperatures:
Whereas cold viruses often flourish in winter, they are not often first incubated in bats, who
though mammals have a very wide range of body temperatures, usually about the same as local
environmental conditions, generally ranging from 2⁰ C. to 41.5°.
Thus, when it is cold outside their bodies are more or less equally cold, except when they fly at
which time their body temperatures rise to about the same as humans. Bats appear to rest
Draft article February 17, 2020
Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
about 79% of the day.4 Thus, November and December are not the mostly likely time for the
incubation of a novel virus in bats in Wuhan. Further south such as in Yunnan province would
have been a more likely place for the evolution of a novel virus in bats. Bats are eaten widely
throughout South China, South Asia, Africa, and Latin America.5
And unfortunately, “viruses showing high mutation rates tend to evade immunity more
“Asymptomatic cases set the new virus apart from the related
coronavirus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). There
was a global outbreak of this virus in 2002–03, but it usually spread only
Ecology of Bats, edited by T.H. Kunz, P. 34 Springer Science & Business Media, 2013.
Exploitation of Bats for Bushmeat and Medicine
Draft article February 17, 2020
Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
once people were ill enough to need hospital care. Once outbreaks in
hospitals were brought under control, SARS was contained. There is no
evidence that the virus is still circulating in humans, says Mackay.”
Later (pre-press release) research found incubation period up to 24 days in rare cases, and a
median reported incubation period of 3-5 days.
The SARS epidemic (2003) appeared to target primarily Asian and Black men according to
studies in Japan, Kyrgyzstan and China.
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Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
Kazuomi Kario, Nobuyuki Kanai, Ken Saito, Naoki Nago, Takefumi Matsuo,
and Kazuyuki Shimada Originally published1 May 1996
Draft article February 17, 2020
Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
Thus, the ACE*D allele may be an independent risk factor for the
development of cerebrovascular disease in hypertensive patients. The
consistency of our results in different racial populations and their
pathological relevance still need to be assessed by larger prospective
association studies or linkage-based family studies.”
Immuno-suppressive characteristics
• A combination of flu and HIV medications appear to work best treating COVID-19.8
• The COVID-19 belongs to Betacoronavirus which also contains SARS-CoV and Middle
East respiratory syndrome CoV (MERS-CoV).
020-0282-0 Which begs the apriori question: How did Wuhan bats become infected with
this deadly combination9 virus in the first place?
“This review found that the estimated mean R0 for 2019-nCoV is around
3.28, with a median of 2.79 and IQR of 1.16, which is considerably higher
than the WHO estimate at 1.95. These estimates of R0 depend on the
estimation method used as well as the validity of the underlying
assumptions. Due to insufficient data and short onset time, current
estimates of R0for 2019-nCoVare possibly biased.”
Draft article February 17, 2020
Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
• It was reported February 3rd in many mainstream news reports including NYT, CNN and
Business Insider that the death toll of Novo-Coronavirus had already exceeded that of
the SARS epidemic. (Given that the first cases were reported less than two months
earlier, December 8, 2019)
• As of February 4, 2020, COVID-19 has already spread to 25 countries.10
• Feb 5, 2019, 8:15 am China’s Global Times reported:
Chinese health authorities Wednesday said it received reports of 3,887
new confirmed cases of novel coronavirus infection and 65 deaths on
Tuesday from 31 provincial-level regions and the Xinjiang Production and
Construction Corps.”
“A total of 24,324 cases of COVID-19 were confirmed on the Chinese
mainland as of Tuesday morning, with 490 deaths, said China's National
Health Commission. (That number was revised to 563 by nightfall.)
• As of February 6, 2020, 28,338 cases, of which 3,863 (14%) are in critical
condition, Deaths: 565, infections appeared in 28 countries.11
Unfortunately, the geographic spread rate is large though Chinese government efforts to restrict
travel and monitor travelers have been pervasive.
Under our lower bound estimate of 6.26 days for the doubling time,
190/369 cities lie above the 50% threshold for importation. Our risk
assessment identified several cities throughout China likely to be
10 (As of Feb. 4, 2019)
Draft article February 17, 2020
Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
Thus, in a two-month period, December 8 to February 8, 724 deaths from COVID-19 were
That is 774 deaths in a nine-month period from SARS. Compare that to the 724 deaths from
COVID-19 in only two months.
• Thus, from the onset of the epidemic, COVID-19 appears to be about four times deadlier
than the SARS epidemic
• Over an eight-month period there were 8,098 reported cases of SARS, whereas in the
two months of the COVID-19 there have been 34,915 reported cases.
Draft article February 17, 2020
Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
“During the SARS outbreak between November 2002 and July 2003, 774
people died globally, while the number of reported cases was 8,098,
suggesting a far lower transmission rate than the latest coronavirus, but
a higher mortality rate.”
On February 8, 2019, reports cite 34,915 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in 28 countries, and that
is only over a two-month period (December 8, 2099 to February 8, 2020), compared to 8,098
reported cases during the SARS epidemic over a nine-month period.
• COVID-19 has a 19.4 times faster infection rate than SARS, and is four times deadlier.
Because of the slow incubation rates, statistics regarding COVID-19 infection rates are almost
always at least a week behind and the spread rate more rapid than current numbers make it
Exactly how seriously someone should take a new disease such as COVID-19 is not a matter of
debate. On one hand people should assume worst case scenarios and take extraordinary
precautions. On the other hand, panic does not help, and victimizing those who don’t appreciate
the seriousness of this disease doesn’t help (but education does help). The Chinese government
attempts to keep people calm but safety conscious which appears to be a wise approach and
consequently the media in China is downplaying the potential dangerousness of this disease.
Worldwide however almost no attention is being paid to the rapid spread of COVID-19 and this
may prove to be a serious miscalculation.
Draft article February 17, 2020
Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
The use of a biological weapon on America’s “primary target” in peacetime would be a “novel
tactical option.”
Their internet site goes into some detail on their advanced research in virology, use of bats as
transmission carriers, and even migratory patterns of bats.
The Galveston National Laboratory has expertise in the precise techniques to create a very
precisely ethnic-specific targeted virus.
Draft article February 17, 2020
Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
Draft article February 17, 2020
Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
Domestic and genetically engineered pigs are being increasingly exploited as a system for
modeling human disease.12
That quote says: “…the greatest health benefits,” however that research can equally be applied
to creating the greatest damage to a target population. That is the true nature of bioweapons
research, not simply protecting American soldiers. All of DAPRA’s research can be turned around
for the strategic application of biological weapons.
If DARPA’s PREEMPT goal was really to “predict and contain viral mutations to prevent cross-
species transmission of disease from animals and insects to humans” as their advertising states,
they certainly failed spectacularly at that in Wuhan. Conversely, they do know quite a bit about
that subject and perhaps they succeeded in attaining a quite different goal. Again, the odds are
about 50/50.
Draft article February 17, 2020
Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
“But there was no way to prove it. ‘The topic is not appropriate to
circulate and ferment among the public. I have to say that biochemical
war lacks ethics and its possibility is extremely small,’ he said.”
The above clipping dated February 16, 2019 is the first time Chinese English language media has
even vaguely addressed the possibility COVID-19 could be a US designed bioweapon. Note the
caveat that ‘the topic is not appropriate to circulate and ferment among the public.’”
Presumably he is referring to the Chinese public.
It’s a slippery slope when nations start researching bioweapons because they have to collect,
store, and/or create them to research them. And DARPA has done all three.
“The Second Review Conference (1986) agreed that the States Parties
were to implement a number of confidence-building measures (CBM) in
order to prevent or reduce the occurrence of ambiguities, doubts and
suspicions and in order to improve international co-operation in the field
of peaceful biological activities. The CBMs were expanded by the Third
Review Conference (1991).
Draft article February 17, 2020
Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
If, DARPA was following mandates in the DPG,13 that is to proactively prevent any nation or region
from even aspiring to compete with the USA politically, economically or militarily and
consequently designed ethnic-specific viruses for offensive use in Asia, and either an intentional
containment breech or release of a biological weapon outside of Wuhan Institute of Virology was
committed by someone associated with a government of the United States or private American
intelligence related organization then the following laws will apply.
Article I
Article II
See section: h₁) Defense Planning Guidance (DPG) as rational for the aggressiveness of American foreign
Draft article February 17, 2020
Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
Article III
(a) Genocide;
Article IV
The legal review above might not seem germane to a probability analysis of the genesis of
COVID-19 as the US so routinely ignores international laws they seem quite irrelevant.
However, November 15, 2016 the UN and the International Criminal Court (ICC) released a
statement that US Forces directed by CIA may have committed War Crimes in Afghanistan, thus
representing a 90⁰ turn in the orientation of the UN. Subsequently on December 20, 2019 the
ICC announced an intention to conduct an official probe into alleged war crimes in Palestine.
Draft article February 17, 2020
Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
Three days later on December 23rd American new media reported “ICC Holds Historic Hearing on
U.S. Torture and Other Grave Crimes in Afghanistan.”
In other words, the Department of Defense could and perhaps should ponder deeply before
starting another overt military war given that the ICC might actually prosecute them for a
change. This has never happened before as the US is not a signatory nation to the Rome Statue,
however, any signatory nation can start the proceedings. There are 123 signatory nations to the
Rome Statue.
In a probability study of the genesis of COVID-19, international law might have both positive and
negative values, e.g. international laws against the making, storing or use of biological weapons
is strictly prohibited, but the ICC never attempted to prosecute the US before giving those laws a
null (=0) value.
The following section on genocide and eugenics need to be included in a probability model for
calculating the genesis of COVID-19 for two reasons. 1) Over 50% of the fatalities from COVID-19
have been men over 50 with symptoms of comorbidity, and 2) the history behind the genesis of
WWII and the subsequent American rise to the position of the sole global superpower may
partly be found in American research on eugenics, which then found its way to Nazi Germany
where it was widely accepted and applied in a brutal fashion.
“The science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to
increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics. Developed
largely by Francis Galton as a method of improving the human race, it fell
into disfavor only after the perversion of its doctrines by the Nazis.”
“Was Nazi eugenics created in the US? A review of War Against the Weak:
Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create A Master Race by Edwin
See section: h₂) Two top American government officials made public statements identifying China as the
primary target of the American Defense Department within the past six months
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Black, published by Four Walls Eight Windows, New York, NY, USA, by
Garland E. Allen
“The author's central thesis is that Nazi racial hygiene and its ultimate
manifestations in the Holocaust were imported lock, stock and barrel
from the USA, and that, indeed, it was US ruling elites who hatched the
idea of creating a master Aryan race by selective breeding and then
passed it along to the Nazis. More specifically, Black argues that the
Rockefeller Foundation (RF) and the Carnegie Institution of Washington
(CIW) funded much of the American-based movement, both at home and
abroad, and so sat in the driver's seat guiding Nazi racial hygienists along
their fateful path...
“Black is also correct that the American and German eugenicists were in
close contact with each other, especially after World War I: they were
working together in international organizations, following and even
reporting on developments in eugenics in each other's countries. The
Germans did, in fact, borrow much of their 1933 Law for the Prevention
of Hereditarily Defective Offspring (the so-called 'sterilization law') from
the model sterilization law drawn up for the various states by Harry H.
Laughlin, Superintendent of the ERO, and a number of American
eugenicists were impressed with the Nazi eugenics laws after 1933.”
According to a study by Lancet, most of the patients studied suffering from COVID-19 were/are
older men who had preexisting comorbid health problems.
“Most patients were men, with a mean age of 55·5 years (SD 13·1;
table 1). 50 (51%) patients had chronic diseases, including
cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, endocrine system
disease, digestive system disease, respiratory system disease,
malignant tumor, and nervous system disease (table 1).”
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The above could be described as a form of the “culling of the weak,” specifically men as is
prescribed in eugenics.
Given that like SARS, COVID-19 may target a disproportionally higher percentage of Asian men,15
were this disease found to have been genetically engineered, it would be considered genocide
and a violation of a number of international laws, including laws against genocide.
“Rising to prominence with his 1976 book ‘The Selfish Gene,’ Dawkins
became one of the foremost researchers pushing the gene-centered view
of evolution. This view maintains that evolution occurs through the
survival of particular genes, rather than the organism as a whole. This
work also introduced the concept of the ‘meme.’
“In later years he became better known as an outspoken atheist, with his
2006 book ‘The God Delusion’ selling more than three million copies and
provoking a flurry of debate in academia and media.”
‘Tedious old racist’: Richard Dawkins under fire for dismissing ‘aggressive’
Muslim prayer
17 Jul, 2018
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The American drive to maintain global hegemony is probably the primary factor to be
considered when analyzing the probability of the COVID-19 being a motivated attack upon China
in light of China’s rise as a global superpower with an economy that has the potential to grow
larger than the American economy. The following section provides evidence that American
foreign policy makers may (“probably,” “almost certainly” depending on which probability
formula one uses) have worked diligently together with the large international banks to start
WWII, the war from which the USA emerged as the sole superpower, a position it strongly
wishes to maintain, and that maintenance in in fact mandated in the DPG.
“1st: from 1919 to 1924 — to prepare the ground for massive American
financial investment in the German economy;
“3rd: from 1929 to 1933 — provoking and unleashing a deep financial and
economic crisis and ensuring the Nazis come to power;
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and large banks such as Deutsche Bank, Dresdner Bank, Donat Bank etc.
were under the control of American financial capital...
“The political force that was intended to play a crucial role in the Anglo-
American plans was being simultaneously prepared. We are talking about
the funding of the Nazi party and A. Hitler personally...
“It was through Smith’s circle of acquaintances Hitler was first introduced
to Ernst Franz Sedgwick Hanfstaengl (Putzie), a graduate of Harvard
University who played an important role in the formation of A. Hitler as a
politician, rendered him significant financial support, and secured him
the acquaintance and communication with senior British figures...
Instrumental in this process on the American side were John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles16, who
after the war were promoted to Secretary of State and Director of CIA, respectively. This may
seem counter-intuitive. How could two men who helped finance and arm the Nazis be rewarded
with such lofty governmental posts after the war?
The Dulles’ were not the only ones to profit from WWII.
James Srodes, Allen Dulles: Master of Spies, Regnery Publishing, July 1, 2000
Peter Grose, Gentleman Spy, The Life of Allen Dulles, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, November 1, 1994
David Talbot, “The Devil's Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America's Secret Government”
HarperCollins, 2015
Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates, Volume 96, Part 18,
Antony C. Sutton, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, Clairview Books, November 2010
Michael Salter, Nazi War Crimes, US Intelligence and Selective Prosecution at Nuremberg, Routledge-Cavendish, May
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“Rumours of a link between the US first family and the Nazi war machine
have circulated for decades. Now the Guardian can reveal how
repercussions of events that culminated in action under the Trading with
the Enemy Act are still being felt by today’s president...
“Bush was also on the board of at least one of the companies that formed
part of a multinational network of front companies to allow Thyssen to
move assets around the world.
“Thyssen owned the largest steel and coal company in Germany and grew
rich from Hitler's efforts to re-arm between the two world wars. One of
the pillars in Thyssen's international corporate web, UBC, worked
exclusively for, and was owned by, a Thyssen-controlled bank in the
Netherlands. More tantalising are Bush’s links to the Consolidated Silesian
Steel Company (CSSC), based in mineral rich Silesia on the German-Polish
border. During the war, the company made use of Nazi slave labour from
the concentration camps, including Auschwitz. The ownership of CSSC
changed hands several times in the 1930s, but documents from the US
National Archive declassified last year link Bush to CSSC, although it is not
clear if he and UBC were still involved in the company when Thyssen's
American assets were seized in 1942.
“Three sets of archives spell out Prescott Bush's involvement. All three are
readily available, thanks to the efficient US archive system and a helpful
and dedicated staff at both the Library of Congress in Washington and the
National Archives at the University of Maryland…”
Though the above may seem a bit far afield from the COVID-19 outbreak in China in 2019, it does
establish a pattern of behavior – the drive towards global hegemony - on the part of that nation
which may have created – using DARPA’s high-end CRISPR gene-editing applications – COVID-19.
After WWII: How Thousands of Nazis Were ‘Rewarded’ With Life in The
U.S., November 5, 2014
“In his new book, The Nazis Next Door, Lichtblau reports that thousands
of Nazis managed to settle in the United States after World War II, often
with the direct assistance of American intelligence officials who saw them
as potential spies and informants in the Cold War against the Soviet
“‘You had teams of lawyers and investigators and historians at the Justice
Department who began ... looking at hundreds and hundreds of names
of suspected Nazis and Nazi collaborators who were living all around the
country, in Queens, in Baltimore, in Florida and Chicago," he says.
“And, in some cases, the CIA had scrubbed the Nazis’ files, Lichtblau says.
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“‘They actively cleansed their records," Lichtblau says. ‘They realized that
guys who had been involved at senior levels of Nazi atrocities would not
pass through immigration at the INS — and they basically removed a lot
of the Nazi material from their files.’
Those Nazis that went to work with the CIA did very well. So well in fact that in 1961, then
Director of CIA Allen Dulles was quoted as saying he was “afraid of the growing power of a Nazi
faction within the CIA.” He was fired shortly thereafter by John Kennedy. None-the-less, the
modern CIA that Allen Dulles created overthrew or attempted to overthrow more than 50
foreign governments.17 18
On the Japanese side of WWII, one might recall it was the American Perry Expedition led directly
to the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and the western ‘Great Powers,’ the
William Blum, Killing Hope, U.S. Military and CIA Interventions since World War II
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collapse of the ruling Tokugawa shogunate, the Meiji Restoration, the modern military
industrialization of Japan, the pre-WWII Zaibatsu and post-war Keiretsu. The end result of WWII
was uncontested American unipolar global hegemony, a hegemony they will maintain at any
cost. The first rule any criminal investigator learns is: “Follow the money,” and the question they
must answer is: “Who profits from this crime.” Thus, the effort, money and human lives that
went into establishing the USA as the sole superpower, are not inconsiderable, and American
intentions to maintain that status are quite substantial as well.
This section should at least demonstrate there is nothing the US will not do to keep or maintain
global hegemony, a critical factor in a probability analysis of the genesis of COVID-19.
This directive was primarily designed to counter a perceived “threat” that Japanese technology
could work together with Chinese manpower and possibly lead to East Asia overshadowing the
US and becoming the world’s dominant economic power. In the 1980s however the Japanese
experienced “the lost decade,” its’ economy flattened out and all seemed “well” for a while in
the American Department of Defense.
And then in 1992 the mandate to take proactive measures to prevent any other nation or region
to politically, economically or militarily compete with the USA popped up again.
“Among its more salient points, the draft guidance called for massive
increases in defense spending, the assertion of lone superpower status,
the prevention of the emergence of any regional competitors, the use of
preventive—or preemptive—force, and the idea of forsaking
multilateralism if it did not suit U.S. interests. It called for intervening in
disputes throughout the globe, even when the disputes were not directly
related to U.S. interests, arguing that the United States should “retain the
preeminent responsibility for addressing selectively those wrongs which
threaten not only our interests, but those of our allies or friends, or which
could seriously disrupt international relations.” “According to the draft
DPG, the United States must also ‘show the leadership necessary to
establish and protect a new order that holds the promise of convincing
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Every few years since then they come up with a new version, however the themes stay the
same. The 2018 version includes the following:
“As Secretary of Defense Mattis unveiled it last week at the Johns Hopkins
University-School of Advanced International Studies, his language was as
candid as the NDS itself and should inspire real fear among anyone
concerned about U.S. national security: “
“While the U.S. military faces five major challenges in line with American
national security interests—China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, and
terrorists—countering the first two across the spectrum of conflict,
including at the high-end and in the gray zone, are prioritized in this
strategy. Specifically, this means the U.S. military will bias toward
competing with China and Russia, most likely in the South China Sea, and
the East China Sea, and Europe, respectively. While competition in the
form of countering China and Russia is the preeminent theme of the NDS,
the strategy subtly conveys that these two challengers are different, with
China appearing to be the first among equals.”
The “gray zone” means “illegal but they think they can get away with it.” Clearly China is the
number one target of American aggression at this time.
• China’s economy has been growing much more quickly than the economy of the United
States for many years, and American Defense Department officials believe the Chinese
economy will surpass that of the American economy within the next few years.
• President Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road Initiative has been very successful and has greatly
increased respect for China around the world, while America’s endless predatory
military exploits and other highly aggressive foreign policies have greatly diminished
respect for the United States around the world since the end of the Cold War.
Whereas a mature adult with a sense of moral obligation might take responsibility for that loss
of influence and respect, the entire history of the United States has been characterized by
hostile takeovers, first of the land from the native Americans, then exploitation of African slaves,
and then endless foreign “interventions,” military and intelligence driven (coups, revolutions,
etc.) Though President Eisenhower warned about the dangers of the “military industrial
complex”19 not enough people paid attention to make a difference.
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The DPG mandates that no nation be allowed to compete with the USA militarily, economically
or politically. Triggering WWIII to maintain global hegemony has distinct liabilities. For example,
it is not the 1940s, or 1990s now. China, Russia and Iran have had plenty of time to prepare for
WWIII. Also, there is evidence that the USA has used DARPA designed bio-weapons against
China in the form of SARS and COVID-19.20 Given that the gloves are off, starting WWIII could
well result in numerous Constitutional violations and violations of various Amendments of the
Bill of Rights.
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect
Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the
common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings
of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this
Constitution for the United States of America.”
There is no justice in the DPG, only death. There is no liberty in death, and WWIII will bring
massive death to the people of the United States of America. It will not ensure domestic
tranquility; it will do just the opposite. The DPG and WWIII it guarantees is also a violation of
Amendment 5 of the Bill of Rights - Protection of Rights to Life, Liberty, and Property.
Congress and the Senate need to study the newest version of the DPG, and order its destruction.
For all practical purposes it rationalized and mandated a bioweapons attack on China to prevent
China’s economy from growing larger than the American economy. This represents a violation of
the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, because in WWIII, there will be no winners. China, Russia
and Iran are not backwards third world countries. The DPG and WWIII it will engender
powerfully threatens to abolish all guarantees of life and liberty in the United States, forever.
Two top American government officials made public statements identifying China as the
primary target of the American Defense Department within the past six months
September 23, 2019 - American Department of Defence Policy Chief John C. Rood was quoted
saying: “China Poses Largest Long-Term Threat to U.S.”21
January 30, 2020 - Secretary of State and former CIA Director Michael Pompeo called China’s
ruling party (the Chinese Communist Party) the ‘Central Threat of Our Times’ which was then
reported by all the major mainstream media including NYT, BBC, Reuters, etc.22
See: COVID-19 Genesis - Review of Factors by this author, posted on
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Thus, to call today’s political milieu the “age of American impunity” would not be an
exaggeration. In some of the above cases of international aggression it is difficult to ascertain if
the intention was 1) direct harm to perceived adversaries, or 2) provocation of perceived
adversaries in hope of eliciting a response which could used as a pretext for greater aggression
(e.g. assassination of Iranian Major General Qasem Soleimani).
The argument can be made that foreign policy chiefs in the United
States may believe they can provoke and then win WWIII, and in
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fact that is the only way they can maintain global hegemony in the
face of China’s growing economy and global influence.
And thus, are highly motivated to provoke those nations it perceives to be main targets in hope
of obtaining a response that can be used to justify an all-out war, which they are certain they
will win.
And thus, Iranian and Chinese government officials must be very circumspect in regards to their
words and actions in response to very provocative and aggressive actions by the US government
(e.g. murder of Iranian Commander Soleimani and associates while on a diplomatic mission in
Iraq, the Trade War with China, and possibly COVID-19).
“In recent years, amid the new wave of protectionism and unilateralism
in the US, targeting China has become a political buy-in for politicians.
One after another, like a competition, politicians staged various China
threat theories to gain political capital.”
Parallel to foreign aggression, there is a rapid spike of aggression directed towards people of
color and Muslims within the United States as well. Cultivating a base of domestic racial and
religious bigotry facilitates public acceptance of foreign racial and religious bigotry.
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The rapid rise in racial violence and religious bigotry in the United States encouraged by
President Trump
“The Effect of President Trump's Election on Hate Crimes, Griffin Sims
Edwards, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Stephen Rushin, Loyola
University Chicago School of Law
Belying the erroneous but widely accepted notion that minorities are “somehow to blame” for
all “the problems,” of violence in the USA.
As a factor in a probability equation promoting racial bigotry within the USA, desensitizes
Americans to violence against racial (and religious) bigotry, making the idea of say for example,
using a biological weapon against China seem “not quite so terrible a thing after all."
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CIA driven ongoing covert attacks on three of China’s peripheral states, specifically Hong Kong,
Xinjiang and Tibet
The larger American strategic theme here could be attack and weaken three corners first, before
launching an attack on the heart of China, Beijing. COVID-19 incidentally attacks primarily the
lungs, heart and kidneys.
Hong Kong
Hong Kong erupts even as China tightens screws on civil society, by Simon
Denyer, September 30, 2014 - Washington Post
“‘They are very concerned about Color Revolutions, they are very
concerned about what is going on in Ukraine,’ said the international NGO
manager, whose organization is partly financed by the National
Endowment for Democracy (NED), blamed here for supporting the
protests in Kiev’s central Maidan square. They say, ‘Your money is coming
from the same people. Clearly you want to overthrow China.’
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“Of course, NED and its many subsidiaries including the International
Republican Institute and the National Democratic Institute do no such
thing as ‘promoting democracy,’ and instead are in the business of
constructing a global network of neo-imperial administration termed
‘civil society’ that interlocks with the West’s many so-called
“international institutions” which in turn are completely controlled by
interests in Washington, upon Wall Street, and in the cities of London and
The above are two western news sources. Also note they are more than five years old and this
CIA funded color revolution in Hong Kong has been going on for a long time. NED has a large
internet site and openly offers big money to those willing to “join the cause” and promote
“democracy.” There really isn’t any attempt to conceal their intent or methods for promoting
insurrection in any country, although some other (also government funded) “NGOs” are much
more shadowy. Hong Kong demonstrators and rioters are very “confident” (read arrogant) for
several reasons: 1) they are well paid, 2) they know they have CIA support, 3) they know that
China is very sensitive about its international image and doesn’t want another Tiananmen Square
fiasco damaging that image, 4) China’s economy is largely dependent on its image for its’
economic prosperity. 5) thus, the demonstrators and rioters know they can get away with virtually
anything. (video)
“Xinmin Evening News, a Shanghai metro paper put out by the Chinese
Communist Party Shanghai Municipal Committee, published an article on
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“The Xinmin article warns that ‘although U.S. NGOs are ostensibly not
government organizations, in reality they cannot cut off ties with the U.S.
government, businesses, or the religious community,’ and that China can
neither ‘lower its guard against American NGOs, nor treat them purely as
dangerous scourges. Management in accordance with the law is the key
to letting in American NGOs that have a genuine desire to help China and
not those that just want to cause chaos.’ Citing Chinese government
reports, Xinmin states that over 1,000 American NGOs have operated in
mainland China since 1978, providing a total of 20 billion yuan (U.S.$2.9
billion) in funding. Noting that 82 percent of this funding has flowed into
higher education institutions, research institutions, and government
agencies—rather than civil society organizations—the article implies that
foreign NGOs could even be infiltrating the government system itself.
“The Xinmin news story focuses primarily on the NED. It accuses the NED
of playing a role in Hong Kong protesters’ occupation of the territory’s
Legislative Council on July 1, which it refers to as a “chaotic and damaging
incident” planned and conducted by the opposition coalition in Hong
Kong, ‘Hong Kong Independence’ elements, and Western anti-China
forces. The article claims that NED has supported every major protest in
Hong Kong since 2003, and works to ‘cultivate backbone ‘Hong Kong
Independence’ supporters, such as Joshua Wong. ‘The NED has become
the biggest black hand affecting Hong Kong’s stability, causing far more
harm than the Hong Kong independence elements [visible] at the front
of the stage.’ The article further asserted that the NED’s activities in Hong
Kong are mainly carried out by the National Democratic Institute and the
American Center for International Labor Solidarity. According to the
article, these organizations are two long-term funding sources for the
Hong Kong Democratic Party as well as for non-profits such as SynergyNet
and Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor.
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institutions, the media, and other NGOs. But because the activities are
carried out through private channels and operated under the guise of the
market, they are “highly concealed,” the article says. “[The NED]
frequently supports ‘democratic movements,’ ‘Tibet independence,’
‘Xinjiang independence,’ and other forces in and outside China, directly
interfering in China’s internal affairs.” Specifically, the article states that
the NED was behind the 2008 Tibetan unrest and the 2009 riots in Urumqi,
Xinjiang, two of the largest incidents of violence and ethnic clashes in
China in recent years.”
“Protests in Hong Kong routinely carry the US flag and photos of Donald
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“U.S., British and Hong Kong’s colonial flags are prominent in these
confrontations, along with defaced flags and other symbols of People’s
“The New York Times described the airport shutdown: “The protests at
the airport have been deeply tactical, as the largely leaderless movement
strikes at a vital economic artery. Hong Kong International Airport, which
opened in 1998, the year after China reclaimed the territory from Britain,
serves as a gateway to the rest of Asia. Sleek and well run, the airport
accommodates nearly 75 million passengers a year and handles more
than 5.1 million metric tons of cargo.” (Aug. 14)
“Even if the leaders of these reactionary actions decide to pull back from
the brink and recalibrate their tactics, based on the Chinese
government’s strong warnings, it is important to understand a movement
that has such strong U.S. support…
As a factor in a probability equation calculating the possibility of the American DoD either
intentionally causing a containment breech at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, or launching a
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DARPA mutated version of coronavirus in China the covert attacks on Hong Kong could be part
of the “impunity” factor, and/or a “stage 1” factor.
“China detaining millions of Uyghurs? Serious problems with claims by
US-backed NGO and far-right researcher ‘led by God’ against Beijing
“Claims that China has detained millions of Uyghur Muslims are based
largely on two studies. A closer look at these papers reveals US
government backing, absurdly shoddy methodologies, and a rapture-
ready evangelical researcher named Adrian Zenz.
“To drum up support for the sanctions bill, Western governments and
media outlets have portrayed the People’s Republic as a human rights
violator on par with Nazi Germany. Republican Rep. Chris Smith, for
instance, denounced the Chinese government for what he called the
“mass internment of millions on a scale not seen since the Holocaust,” in
“modern-day concentration camps.”
“The claim that China has detained millions of ethnic Uyghurs in its
Xinjiang region is repeated with increasing frequency, but little scrutiny
is ever applied. Yet a closer look at the figure and how it was obtained
reveals a serious deficiency in data.
“The second study relied on flimsy media reports and speculation. It was
authored by Adrian Zenz, a far-right fundamentalist Christian who
opposes homosexuality and gender equality, supports “scriptural
spanking” of children, and believes he is “led by God” on a “mission”
against China.
“As Washington ratchets up pressure on China, Zenz has been lifted out
of obscurity and transformed almost overnight into a go-to pundit on
Xinjiang. He has testified before Congress, providing commentary in
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outlets from the Wall Street Journal to Democracy Now!, and delivering
expert quotes in the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists’
recent “China Cables” report. His Twitter bio notes that he is “moving
across the Atlantic” from his native Germany.
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“In its mounting pressure campaign against China, the US is not only
relying on CHRD for data; it is directly funding its operations. As Ben
Norton and Ajit Singh previously reported for The Grayzone, CHRD
receives significant financial support from Washington’s regime-change
arm, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).
“The second key source for claims that China has detained millions of
Uyghur Muslims is Adrian Zenz. He is a senior fellow in China studies at
the far-right Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, which was
established by the US government in 1983.
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“Since at least 2011 at the start of the NATO war against Bashar al Assad’s
Syria, Turkey had played a key role in facilitating the flow of Chinese
Uyghur people to become Jihadists in Syria. I deliberately use “had” tense
to give benefit of the doubt if it still is the case today or if it has become
an embarrassment for Erdogan and Turkish intelligence. In any case it
seems that thousands of Uyghurs are holed up in Syria, most around Idlib,
the reported last outpost of anti-regime terrorists.
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“‘I have written extensively in my book, The Lost Hegemon, about career
senior CIA operative Graham Fuller. Former Istanbul CIA station chief,
Fuller was one of the architects of the Reagan-Bush Iran-Contra affair,
and a prime CIA sponsor or handler of Gülen who facilitated Gulen’s USA
exile. He was also by his own admission, in Istanbul the night of the failed
2016 coup. In 1999 during the end of the Russian Yelstin era, Fuller
“This is what the covert US weaponization of ETIM is aimed at. Like most
radical Sunni Jihadist groups, Turani’s ETIM got funding as most radical
Sunni Jihadist groups from Saudi Arabia.
“In the late 1990s, Hasan Mahsum, also known as Abu-Muhammad al-
Turkestani, founder of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, moved
ETIM’s headquarters to Kabul, taking shelter under Taliban-controlled
Afghanistan. In Afghanistan, ETIM leaders met with Osama bin Laden and
other leaders of the CIA-trained Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and the Islamic
Movement of Uzbekistan to coordinate actions across Central Asia. When
the Pakistani military assassinated al-Turkestani in 2003 Turani became
head of ETIM, and took his roadshow to Washington.
“In his own study of Xinjiang, the CIA’s Graham E. Fuller noted that Saudi
Arabian groups had disseminated extremist Wahhabi religious literature
and possibly small arms through sympathizers in Xinjiang, and that young
Turkic Muslims had been recruited to study at madrasas in Pakistan,
Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia. He adds that Uyghurs from Xinjiang also
fought alongside Osama bin Laden’s Al Qaeda in Afghanistan in the 1980s.
Fuller noted,
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“Explicitly, and this is new, the Pentagon paper does not cite a military
threat but an economic one. It states, “China and Russia are now
undermining the international order from within the system by exploiting
its benefits while simultaneously undercutting its principles and ‘rules of
the road.’” The escalating trade war against China, threats of sanctions
over allegations of Uyghur detention camps in Xinjiang, threats of
sanctions if China buys Russian defense equipment, all is aimed at
disruption of the sole emerging threat to a Washington global order, one
that is not based on freedom or justice but rather on fear and tyranny.
How China’s authorities are trying to deal with this full assault is another
issue. The context of events in Xinjiang however needs to be made clear.
The West and especially Washington is engaged in full-scale irregular war
against the stability of China.”
The strange thing is, “Inter-state strategic competition” is just a spin phrase on “free-market”
trade. Yes, nations trade, however it doesn’t have to be a lose-lose scenario or even a
competition. Socialism isn’t about competition really, capitalism is. Win-win scenarios are
possible when people cooperate in a complimentary fashion. Even Adam Smith agreed with
that. There doesn’t have to be “losers” in the international marketplace. Good business is
mutually beneficial. Cut-throat business is bad business.
“‘We condemn this, we protest it,’ said Perincek, calling the U.S. bill
‘imperialistic interference,’ in an interview with Xinhua.
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“China has expressed strong indignation over and firm opposition to the
passage of the bill.
“The passage of the bill does not reflect reality on the ground given the
high quality of living of ethnic minorities in China's Xinjiang Uygur
Autonomous Region, noted Perincek.”
American efforts to destabilize Tibet began decades ago.
World News Briefs; Dalai Lama Group Says It Got Money from C.I.A. By
the Associated Press, Oct. 2, 1998
CIA Gave Aid to Tibetan Exiles in ‘60s, Files Show, By Jim Mann, Sep. 15,
“For much of the 1960s, the CIA provided the Tibetan exile movement
with $1.7 million a year for operations against China, including an annual
subsidy of $180,000 for the Dalai Lama, according to newly released U.S.
intelligence documents.
“The money for the Tibetans and the Dalai Lama was part of the CIA’s
worldwide effort during the height of the Cold War to undermine
Communist governments, particularly in the Soviet Union and China.”
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Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
“When the CIA secretly funded and trained Tibetan exiles for insurgency
against Chinese rule
“It expands upon a 1998 documentary in which Tibetans tell how they
were chosen by the CIA, and US spy agency officers explain rationale for
supporting them, by Clarence Tsui, 26 Feb, 2019
“In the film, which is showing on a loop as part of the exhibition, former
combatants – among them Tenzing’s late father, Lhamo Tsering – talk
about leaving India for the United States to receive training in a high-
altitude camp in the state of Colorado. Having not even seen a car before,
these men learned the basics of guerilla warfare, and even did airborne
drills to prepare for potential parachuting missions into Tibet.
“Tenzing says the bulk of the additional material being shown at the
exhibition came from people heavily involved in the operation. There
were interviews he could not fit into the hour-long documentary back in
1998, and also artefacts drawn from his late father’s possessions and
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Though Project Shadow Circus may have officially ended, the interference in Tibet’s domestic
affairs continues via the Dalai Lama’s statements praising self-immolations, and real terrorists
the CIA flies in from Syria and other locations.
“The Chinese commentary called the Dalai Lama a ‘tricky liar skilled in
double-dealing’ who wants to build a ‘Berlin Wall’ of ethnic segregation
and confrontation. ‘The remarks of the Dalai Lama remind us of the
uncontrolled and cruel Nazi during the second world war ... How similar
it is to the Holocaust committed by Hitler on the Jewish!’ the commentary
said in criticizing the Dalai Lama’s call for high levels of autonomy for
Tibetan areas.
“It also said the Dalai Lama was controlled by the US and his relatives
were working for the CIA. It added that the Dalai Lama, by praising the
courage of those who died from self-immolations, left no doubt among
his followers that one way for them to earn his prayers was for them to
set themselves on fire.”
As of June 5, 2017, there have been 150 self-immolations reported in Tibet as of February 27,
2009 when Tapey, a young monk from Kirti Monastery, set himself on fire in the marketplace in
Ngawa City, Ngawa County, Sichuan. Though the mainstream American news media generally
applauds these horrid acts, anyone who knows anything about Buddhism knows with certainty
the first law in Buddhism is: “protect life.” That American intelligence officers and agents have so
radicalized otherwise innocent and good Buddhist monks is a level of evil beyond imagining. Again,
useful indicators in “Stage 1,” and impunity factors.
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Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
This kind of “targeted assassination” is illegal under American and international law, and most
people would simply call it murder.
In November 2016 Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehgan and his Chinese counterpart, Chang
Wanquan, signed an agreement on November 14 pledging closer military cooperation in a
number of areas including military training and counterterrorism operations. Both sides also
pledged to hold joint military exercises in the near future.
China, Russia and Iran performed joint naval exercises in late December 2019.
China, Russia and Iran begin joint naval drills, December 28, 2019
“The four-day exercise in the Indian Ocean and Gulf of Oman comes at a
time of heightened tensions between US and Iran.”
The improbable arrest of Harvard Professor Charles Lieber who worked for DARPA and at the
Wuhan University of Technology
The arrest of Harvard Professor Charles Lieber who worked for DARPA and at WUT is a very
unusual event.
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Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
The timing of his arrest, and that he is a professor of chemical biology in Wuhan, and the CIA’s
long history with the CIA raise questions. The world of spies and spooks is sometimes called the
“land of smoke and mirrors” for a reason. The upper echelon on those organizations are often or
usually very good at obscuring facts ostensibly designed to protect national security, but in fact
more often used to obscure their own licentious perfidy. His arrest at that particular time could
simply be a “red herring,” (non-relevant event or person) designed to “stir the mud” there in
Wuhan, while also providing a public stab at China in academic circles for “stealing American
secrets.” In any case, it was American Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA)
funded Galveston National Laboratory in Texas that apparently designed and to some extent at
least managed the Wuhan Institute of Virology, according to their website.
According to the Galveston National laboratory - Infections Disease Research center they are directing
the Wuhan maximum biocontainment laboratories (MCLs).
26 &
Animal Models for Assessing Countermeasures to Bioterrorism Agents by National Research Council,
Division on Earth and Life Studies, Institute for Laboratory Animal Research, Committee on Animal Models
for Assessing Countermeasures to Bioterrorism Agents
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Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
5. The probability that the COVID-19 should appear just before Chinese New Year’s, given
that more Chinese travel more often and longer distances during New Year’s holiday
than any other time of the year
6. The probability that DARPA should also happen to be investigating coronavirus, the use
of bats as transmission vehicles, and their study of bat migration pathways, given that:
a. Wuhan is south of Beijing
b. Many bat species migrate north in spring time
7. The probability that viruses and their mutations are extremely unpredictable, and
DARPA is a research facility
8. The probability that disregarding laws prohibiting the manufacturing and storage of
biological pathogens, the American Department of Defense (DoD) breaks international
laws with impunity in pursuing resource wealth and geostrategic goals, and DARPA
breaks international law with impunity doing its research on weaponized pathogens
(thus implying the DoD may also well harbor no inhibitions in regards to launching a
bioweapon attack against China as large parts of their research is illegal anyways)
9. The probability that key American government individuals (the Dulles brothers) helped
bring the Nazis to power, protected them after the war and the CIA’s known record of
attempting to overthrow more than 40 foreign governments demonstrates a habit and
pattern of behavior of impunity to law and ethics suggesting that launching a bio-
weapons attack on China is not inconceivable
10. The probability that WWII provided the opportunity for the USA to become the sole
superpower in the world and foreign wars help maintain that hegemony
11. The probability that the Nazis also did extensive research on biological and chemical
warfare, and the CIA brought about 1,500 Nazi scientists to work for them after WWII
12. The probability that the Nazis engaged in genocide and eugenics – American history
started with the genocide of the native American population and the United States has
been engaged in nearly continual warfare ever since. Nazi eugenics was based on an
earlier American version.
13. By selectively targeting older Asian men with pre-existing comorbid medical conditions,
COVID-19 has the potential to function in a manner similar to that described by
eugenics; because it appears to target Asians, it has the potential to also effect a
genocide, though if that will happen is entirely unknown. It is within the prevue of
DARPA to find answers to that kind of question. That is what they are mandated to
determine via their research projects.
14. By the time the USA dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan had
already lost the war and those cities held no particular strategic advantage leading most
to believe the nuclear weapons were dropped primarily to research the short and long-
term human and environmental effects of atomic weapons.
15. American foreign policy is extremely aggressive, frequently initiates illegal wars,
frequently engages in war crimes (starting a war is a war crime) which could be
considered genocides, crimes against humanity with utter impunity to international law.
Though the USA has fought in many wars since WWII, none of them have been on US
territory, and thus Americans might have a very casual attitude towards starting wars
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16. The American Defence Planning Guide and two top government officials recently cited
China as the primary target/enemy of the United States
17. Defense Department planners in the USA definitely believe that China’s growing
economic and political influence threaten its dominance, and consequently are
compelled by mandates in the Defense Planning Guidance (DPG) to diminish China
economically in order to maintain global dominance and a biological weapons attack
could accomplish that.27
18. Harvard University has a long history of very close association with the CIA, and the
unprecedented arrest of Harvard Professor Charles Lieber chair of the department of
chemistry and chemical biology at Harvard University and also a lead researcher in
Wuhan University is also an extremely improbable event.
Take just two factors, for example the relative sizes of Wuhan compared to China and one finds
the probability of COVID-19 appearing in Wuhan specifically to be somewhere between one in
500,000 and one in a million. Now take another factor, the probability that a Harvard professor
working for the Department of Defence, should happen to be working at Wuhan University.
How many Harvard professors are arrested on Federal charges? What is the probability of that?
One in a hundred? One in a thousand?
Taking a middle road, calculate the odds at 1 in 500. Now, take the most conservative
probability of COVID-19 appearing randomly in Wuhan, of all places in China, 1/500,000
(0.000002) and multiply that times the probability of a Harvard University professor working for
the American Defense Department holding a key role in the exact location where the COVID-19
started, and then being arrested by federal authorities in the USA: 1/500 (0.002).
That’s a one in four billion probability from those two factors alone. Multiply that times the
improbability of the other very odd but related factors listed above and that number becomes
one in a hundred trillion very quickly.
Thus, the probability of COVID-19 appearing randomly in Wuhan specifically, at that particular
time given the environmental factors, the goals outlined in the DPG, the specific research
DARPA was and is working on, statements by top American officials regarding China, and so on,
and COVID-19 appearing randomly in Wuhan quickly becomes highly unlikely. The results of any
statistical analysis28 of events leading to the outbreak of COVID-19 will be the same.
China’s stock markets slump on coronavirus black swan economic impact,
Virtually any statistical test will yield the same results. Chi Square (is there a relationship between DoD
activities and foreign deaths?), correlation (DoD presence-foreign deaths; correlational analysis between
federal arrests and criminal activity…), T-Test (how is Wuhan different from Xi’an?), down to the z-test (is
the Wuhan Institute of Virology a “normal” Chinese research facility compared to others, like for example
how many Chinese labs producing deadly pathogens are designed by and operate under the guidance of
American Harvard professors also working for American DoD?), and the results will be the same.
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Conversely one could do simple correlational tests between DoD activity and death in foreign
countries. Take for example AFRICOM29. One of its goals is to erode and undermine Chinese
business development in Africa. African leaders may be pleased with the presence of foreign
military troops there to support them, and they will get that support as long as they cooperate
in stymieing Chinese business interests. Just doing business with China or Russia invites
American covertly driven conflicts in foreign nations. All kinds of interesting correlates can be
found in the developing world if one wishes to look for them, keeping in mind China and Russia
are now the main targets of American aggression. Although corporate controlled American
mainstream media has been very effective in persuading most Americans to have an
“unfavorable view” of China30, most European leaders are not so gullible, and so the US has to
go it alone in confronting China around the world, except for the UK which is willing to follow
the USA anywhere, and France which receives extensive American military support in its African
The American political and military focus on China began with the ‘Pivot to Asia’ after Hillary
Clinton authored America's Pacific Century, in Foreign Policy31 in 2011, the same year the Syrian
Civil war started, the Egyptian Revolution began, the leader of Libya Muammar al-Gaddafi was
tortured and murdered starting that proxy war, the political crisis in Yemen began leading to the
proxy war and so on. Correlations between Hillary Clinton led interventions while working as
Obama’s Secretary of State in foreign nations and extreme violence, torture and death are very
high.32 In fact one could build a statistically based argument that the rise of both Clintons on the
political landscape of the US is highly correlated with violent DoD driven death.33
Most correlates are easy to find. American military forces went in to Iraq for the stated purpose
of “liberating” them from Saddam Hussein who was alleged to have weapons of mass
destruction and over a million people were killed.
Biological weapons however are far more cost-effective that conventional military and one well-
placed DARPA contracted professor or even an unpaid foreign agent can “facilitate” the deaths
of very large numbers of targeted individuals, while slowing an entire national economy at
AFRICOM is tasked to militarily support American and French backed leaders in African countries and
otherwise protect Euro-American political and economic goals for the continent.
August 13, 2019 “Sixty percent of US citizens now hold generally unfavorable view of China,” according
to a survey published in August 2019 by the Pew Research Center. “This is up from 47% in 2018 and at the
highest level since Pew Research Center began asking the question.”
She however was only following traditional American beliefs in Manifest Destiny and American
Exceptionalism, both of which are foundation maxims rationalizing and driving American global
hegemonic efforts designed to reign over the earth in perpetuity. Eliminating China as an economic
competitor would obviously be a high priority in actualizing those efforts.
One could argue that the Afghan and Iraq wars started during the Administration of George W. Bush,
however he launched those wars on the advice of DCI George Tenet who was appointed by President
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relatively low cost. DARPA’s budget in 2019 was a paltry $3.427 billion, about 1/10th that of the
All of the above factors would have to be quantified in calculating the precise probabilities
involved in COVID-19 naturally occurring in Wuhan at that time vs. accidental containment
breech vs. intentional containment breech vs. a more evolved bioweapons attack in Wuhan in
November/December 2019.34
At this time, given the available data, the best one can calculate the odds is approximating
50/50, however to say or suggest the appearance of COVID-19 in Wuhan at that time was
definitely natural and definitely not intentional is clearly erroneous based on a huge number of
political and economic micro and macro trends and their derivative factors’ probabilities.
In regards to “macro-trends” one finds a historic trend in the US to always have a primary hated
Rhetoric & Public Affairs, Vol. 19, Number 3, Fall 2016, pp. 365-396
The USA is doing this now, transferring the War on Terror into an asymmetric war on China,
which began with Hillary Clinton’s Pivot to Asia policy.
And unfortunately this author left his supercomputer in his other pants pocket and thus has to calculate
the probabilities involved the old fashioned way, using his brain.
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Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
The savagery of American domestic and foreign policies cannot and should not be
underestimated in building probability models of American DoD exploits around the world and
the probability the current COVID-19 epidemic being one of those exploits is at least 50%.
Frozen corona virus and/or already infected bats could so easily have been flown into China
from the US on a diplomatic flight,35 however it is equally likely they were already doing
research on coronavirus and other potential bioweapons at the Wuhan Institute of Virology -
with all the best intentions in the world. The coronavirus could have first mutated into COVID-19
within a host bat, or have been genetically engineered and then implanted in a bat. The odds
might be considered 50/50 however it seems unlikely Wuhan Institute of Virology would create
COVID, as there are multi-national studies (Japanese, Kyrgyz and Chinese) suggesting ACE at
least and possibly ACE2 are ethnic specific.
For its part US administration officials would not wish any suspicions aroused it might have
unleashed a biological weapon in Wuhan which has killed more than a thousand people and has
the potential to kill far more. (The total infection number soared to 68,500 with 1,665 deaths as
of 24:00 Feb 15.36)
Such an action would be a flagrant violation of innumerable American and international laws
and most assuredly end with several administration and defense department officials going to
prison for extended periods of time. Thus, US administration and the mainstream media it
totally controls are very highly motivated to keep its (potential) role in the COVID-19 epidemic
flying completely under the radar forever.
U.S. Consulate General Wuhan
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be proved, American DoD/CIA cannot be blamed, and anyone with the temerity to suggest they
are to blame will be lambasted as a “conspiracy theorist,” at best.
Unfortunately, in a case such as the COVID-19, knowing the genesis of this novel virus may be
some help in developing a vaccine and cure. Virologists attempting to create vaccines
sometimes build into those vaccines predictions regarding how the virus may change over time.
Knowing the genesis of any specific virus can help in that predictive modeling.
Thus, denying some obvious potential causes for the genesis of this disease is counterproductive
to protecting the world from it.37
Does the American government operate in secret to destroy entire nations? Obviously yes. The
CIA’s budget in 2020 is US$ 42.4 billion in 2020 and that is only a small percentage of their total
income given their influence in world-wide organized crime. The color revolution in Hong Kong
for example is an example of organized crime. Virtually everything the CIA does is one form or
another of organized crime and their business is conspiracy, that is, they work in secret with
foreigners they hire as agents to engage in illegal actions within their own countries.38
If COVID-19 was intentionally released as a bioweapon will DoD use another bioweapon in the
near future against China?
That seems unlikely because they use statistical modeling to keep the probability of their
detection in covert operations low. Here probability equations bifurcate. On one hand the virus
can and probably will keep mutating both in humans, bats and possibly jump to other animal
species. On the other hand, DARPA may have created a whole series of related COVID-19 viruses
currently sitting in the freezers of intelligence officers or agents distributed around China
waiting for the “greenlight” to release them. That would be most unfortunate indeed, but it is
not inconceivable give the known habits and patterns of behavior of the American DoD. As Yogi
Berra said, “It isn't over till it’s over.”
Blaming the victim of either a naturally occurring disaster or a genuine criminal assault is
counterproductive to healing and a despicable act, and various factions have used the COVID-19
epidemic to further their own anti-China agendas.
Thus, putting this writer in a rather awkward position. Publish the contextual background leading to
potential American motivation to launch a bioweapons attack against China as a social obligation assisting
in finding a vaccine and cure, or join the conspiracy of silence accepting the false premise that the
appearance of 2019-nCov must be of natural origin. Having known many American military and
intelligence officers since my earliest youth and the very “cold-blooded” nature of some of them, I
decided my duty to warn outweighed my fear of ridicule.
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“China doomers are ill, not the Chinese economy, February 7, 2020
“Uncertainty remains over the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, but one
prediction that has since been verified is how the epidemic has revitalized
the chorus of foreign officials, experts, and reporters in their relentless
push of conspiracy theories regarding the collapse of China and its
economy, or in short, ‘China doomers.’
“The majority of what this foreign chorus sings consists of old songs on
how the impending collapse of the Chinese economy will happen as a
result of the country's political and economic systems...
“For those unaware of the historical background of the phrase ‘sick man
of Asia,’ it reflects what Japanese imperialists used to refer to the country
before and during its invasion of China.
“Using this phrase sickens the Chinese to the stomach, especially during
such a sensitive period where China is racing to save lives from the
“As expected, other than the deeply insensitive headline, Mead’s article
features familiar and baseless criticism on China, and filled with over-the-
top predictions on the country's demise.
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Clearly the author(s) of the above article make valid arguments, however the motivation
attributed to those who spread disinformation may be incorrect. Though it is possible Mead and
those like him are motivated by ego-needs (“silly media puppet desperate for attention”), it is
more likely most China bashers ascribe to an organized and well-paid political agenda to attack
In one of the most cynical uses of disinformation one finds the following:
By Liu Xin, Hu Yuwei and Chen Qingqing Source: Global Times, February
8, 2020
“While many in the Chinese mainland were mourning Li’s death, Hong
Kong and anti-China groups were enlisting people to help sensationalize
the story on Chinese social media in efforts to spread negative publicity
on the mainland and incite the so-called democratic movement.
Have mistakes been made, yes. On the other hand, police training programs don’t routinely
teach entry level police officers much about virology or potential effects of pandemics. China,
like all other nations suffers from online rumors and gossip that are often quite malicious.
Virtually all nations take measures to counter that “fake news,” and some entry-level police
officer making a mistake like that should not cast negative light on the Central government’s
maximum “spare no expense” effort to contain the spread of COVID-19. WHO has congratulated
the Chinese central government39 on its fast and comprehensive response to the outbreak of
Hong Kong radicals however, using it to further their “democratic” rebellion however, is
predictable. For example, the epidemic picked up considerable momentum in late January, and
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virtually everyone in Beijing is wearing a filter facemask. Were COVID-19 to spread around the
US, what is the probability everyone would wear a face mask? An absolute belief in American
Manifest Destiny and American Exceptionalism, plus widely held beliefs in some abstract notion
of ‘freedom,’ would encourage large segments of the American population to disregard ordinary
precautions regarding the spread of this or any infectious disease. Though many in the USA have
a sense of social responsibility, unfortunately many do not.
• The probability of an American in the USA having HIV/AIDS is 4.9 times higher than a
Chinese in China.
Of course, the global concept of freedom incorporates many factors, however statistics
measuring the percentages of Americans in prison compared to Chinese in prison will reveal
approximately the same percentages. Being in prison is also a distinct limitation on freedom.
Likewise, given that illegal drug addiction makes a person into the slave of the drug and the
person(s) that sell that drug, a much higher percentage of Chinese are “free” compared to
Thus, criticisms of Chinese state control often fail to account for the number of ways Chinese are
freer than Americans, e.g. the freedom to live, the freedom to not be in prison, and the freedom
to not be a slave to a drug or drug dealer.
Disinformation40 is a weapon of war, and the US DoD has chosen China to be the principal
The disinformation machine, April 14th, 2019 https://www.investigate-
Strategic Deception in the Age of ‘TRUTHINESS,’ December 2018 In book: Deception and Deceptive
Communication, Sergei A Samoilenko
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Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
“It’s not difficult to be skeptical about GE’s ability to operate as a fair and
unbiased journalistic organization.”
“Recently Brian Williams, anchor of the NBC Nightly News, was removed
from the anchor desk and suspended for six months. According to a
statement released by NBC, Williams was suspended for
‘misrepresenting events which occurred while he was covering the Iraq
War in 2003. It then became clear that on other occasions Brian had done
the same while telling that story in other venues.’ In a nutshell, Brian
Williams lied.
“It’s important to note that not only was he the anchor of NBC Nightly
News; he was also its Managing Editor. As such he was one of, if not the,
most powerful person in the newsroom. He assigned stories, decided
which stories NBC Nightly News would cover and how to cover them. As
the Managing Editor, Williams also set and enforced policies and
procedures used by those in the newsroom. In short, if you can’t trust the
integrity of the Managing Editor, you can’t trust the story. If you can’t
trust the story, you can’t trust the news broadcast. Trust is the lifeblood
of a journalist and the news organizations they work for.
How Disinformation Hacks Your Brain, The digital age has heightened our vulnerability to falsehood, but
recognizing such weaknesses can help guard against them, by Brett Beasley on December 26, 2019
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“It is important to remember that Brian Williams works for NBC. Up until
2013 General Electric (GE) owned NBC. According to a report by Business
Insider, using 2012 data, GE was the 12th largest defense contractor in
America. GE’s Intelligent Platforms – Military and Aerospace division
generated $4.3B in military arms sales for that year.
“‘If you can’t trust the integrity of the Managing can’t trust
the news broadcast.’
“With such large revenues and profits at stake, it’s not difficult to be
skeptical about GE’s ability to operate as a fair and unbiased journalistic
organization. As Eisenhower said, “This conjunction of an immense
military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American
experience. The total influence – economic, political, even spiritual – is
felt in every city, every State house, every office of the Federal
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Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
“America was led into the invasion of Iraq based upon misinformation,
disinformation, and lies that were contrived and disseminated by officials
at the highest levels of the American government. According to Seymor
Hersh and others, Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith created the Office of
Special Plans in the Pentagon to find evidence that Saddam Hussein had
close ties to al Qaeda and chemical and nuclear weapons. When no
evidence could be found they manufactured it.”
It is worth recalling that China is not the only target of the American disinformation machine.
Russia and Muslim countries have also suffered immeasurable loss due to the effectiveness of
mainstream medias ability to dupe people. Tulsi Gabbard, the one candidate for the November
2020 election that is solidly anti-war is being labeled as a Russian tool.
“‘Why are you voting for Putin?’ Tulsi Gabbard supporters harassed at
Iowa caucuses”
It is tragic we live in a time when advocating for peace automatically makes one an “enemy” of
the American state. This is particularly unfortunate given that neither China or Russia is an enemy
of the USA. All nations and individuals seek self-determination and should not be castigated or
attacked for that natural desire and right according to international law.
On the Chinese side, positive thinking and the immune system, conscientiousness and
Quite a number of scientific research studies have confirmed that positive thinking enhances
immune response.
An article published by John Hopkins titled: “The Power of Positive Thinking” reported
Likewise, reports: “Optimism Boosts Immune System” (Stephanie Pappas March
25, 2010)
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And thus, the Chinese government is certainly justified in its attempts to bolster the confidence
and optimism of the Chinese people in their ability to defend against COVID-19. For example:
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As a factor in a probability equation, statisticians must take into account that American media
plays an extremely powerful role protecting American DoD from censure for violations of
international law such as crimes against humanity and war crimes. Those who claim abuse of
power by the American media (including and especially the use of disinformation) are reflexively
labeled “conspiracy theorists.”
William Blum, Killing Hope, U.S. Military and CIA Interventions since
World War II, p. 15
[Permission to quote granted by William Blum via email March 15, 2018]
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Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
Given that improbable event, three other possibilities regarding the outbreak of the COVID-19
appearing in Wuhan include:
An intentional containment breach could have been done by for example a disgruntled or
mentally ill employee, or potentially an agent of some aggressor nation or nations.
The phrase “potential aggressor nation(s)” would most probably refer to those nations that have
a vested interest in seeing China’s economy badly damaged or fail. That could possibly include
the USA, and/or one or more close allies of the USA acting individually or conjointly.
Were the COVID-19 epidemic due to either an intentional containment breech or a biological
warfare attack on China, it probably would have been launched sometime in
November/December 2019.
Below are the four potential primary causative factors in the COVID-19 Wuhan epidemic with
hypothetical approximate probabilities given available evidence as of the time of this writing
(February 11, 2020) with rational to be presented later in this paper.
An accidental containment leak seems very unlikely for several reasons. First, it implies COVID-19 was in
the Wuhan lab. Why would they have an ethnic-specific virus that targets Asians(?) suppresses the
immune system and attacks lungs, heart and kidneys in their lab? Second, according to the central
tendency theorem in statistics, the average worker in China is likely to be about as careful as the average
worker anywhere, however, with its population of 1.4 billion the most careful of Chinese workers would
have been selected for the Wuhan Virology Institute lab are probably going to be among the most careful
workers in the world, lowering the probability of an accidental containment leak below one in one
hundred. Third, that both WHO and Galveston Virology lab designed and coordinate the Wuhan Institute
of Virology, it probably uses the highest-level state-of-the-art employee training, technology, procedural
systems and 24/7 monitoring.
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Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
Both intentional containment leak and intentional release of a laboratory manufactured COVID-
19 bioweapon are criminal acts under the auspices of international law.42
If COVID-19 is a genetically modified bioweapon designed for mass destruction in China, any
attempt to predict the aggressor nation suspect(s) must first examine those nations that have 1)
the capability to produce such a bioweapon and 2) motivation to engage in such a crime.
Capability here means does advanced research on biological pathogenic weapons including
virology using CRISPR and/or other sophisticated gene-editing technologies.
Motivation here means could engage in a bioweapons attack based on perceived nationalist
driven strategic political and/or economic goals.
Would an agreement have to have been made between for example an American politician or
intelligence official in order for a foreign power to unilaterally or conjointly participate in a
bioweapons attack?
At the time of the founding of the United States efforts to put distinct limits on the power of the
president were made, e.g. the tripartite structure of the government, states’ rights, freedom of
the press and so on. However, over the past nearly two and a half centuries many of those
safeguards have eroded. In many ways today’s presidents are like kings and in some cases
tyrants and dictators primarily due to corporate control of the media which can have undue
influence on voting patterns for the Congress and Senate, some judges and legislators.
Thus, some US ally nations’ leaders may be persuaded to feed into any particular president’s
agenda rather easily and given the lack of scrutiny by the mostly corporate owned mainstream
media, not only in the US but other nations as well, get away with murder on a very large scale.
Many or most believe the “targeted assassination” of Iranian Qassem Soleimani and his nine
associates in Iraq which was approved by President Trump was murder. Michael Pompeo’s role
in steering President Trump is well known.
Likewise, President Trump has set the stage for a war with Iran, and though a majority in the
Senate and Congress and the world do not agree with his rational for that war, there are no
legislative or judicial powers in the US that can stop him though an attempt was made.
1972 “Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, and Stockpiling of Bacteriological
(Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction,” known as the BWC, was developed. This treaty
prohibits the development, production, and stockpiling of pathogens or toxins in “quantities that have no
justification for prophylactic, protective or other peaceful purposes”
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“But Trump is certain to veto the resolution, and it is unlikely that either
the House or Senate would have the two-thirds majority needed to
override him, making Thursday's vote more of a symbolic rebuke.”
How many innocent people will die in a war in Iran? Tragically the best the US government can
do is give him a symbolic “rebuke.”
Hearing of this, four knights on December 29, 1170 murdered Becket in front of the altar of
Canterbury Cathedral.
President Trump is a very powerful person. And, no doubt like British King Henry II all he would
have to ask is: “Will no one rid me of this troublesome China?”
On June 8, 2017, reported FBI Director James Comey, while testifying before the U.S.
Senate intelligence committee compared the President’s “hope” that he’d “drop” the probe into
NSA advisor Michael Flynn’s Russian ties, to King Henry II’s famous line implicitly ordering the
death of Thomas Beckett. (For a video of that testimony, see:
FBI Director James Comey subsequently answered that he would take such a suggestion “as a
directive.” Thus, this quote, and the plausibly deniable power it confers would probably have
been known to President Trump.
Likewise, any of the USA’s ally countries’ national leaders could do some “horse-trading” with
President Trump, a quid pro quo explicit or implicit deal that might appear mutually beneficial to
both parties.
The following sections record American, and few American ally nations’ 1) bioweapon history
and capability, 2a) history of military aggression against China specifically if any, 2b) pursuance
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Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
In regards to a study of motivation for a crime, the first question usually is: “Who profits from
this crime?”
A hypothetical shortlist of nations that have the capability and potentially the motivation to
launch a biological weapon attack on China includes: USA, India, UK, France, Israel, and Saudi
Arabia as they have provable motivation to maintain the USA as the sole global superpower and
China’s growing economy has the potential to grow larger than the American economy.43 44
“…During the Korean War, the Soviet Union, China, and North Korea
accused the USA of using agents of biological warfare against North Korea
(1, 18). In later years the USA admitted that it had the capability of
producing such weapons, although it denied having used them. However,
the credibility of the USA was undermined by its failure to ratify the
Geneva Protocol of 1925, by public acknowledgment of its own offensive
biological warfare program, and by suspicions of collaboration with
former Unit 731 scientists (1, 18).
“In the USA, an offensive biological warfare program was begun in 1942
under the direction of a civilian agency, the War Reserve Service (1). The
program included a research and development facility at Camp Detrick,
Maryland (renamed Fort Detrick in 1956 and known today as the US Army
Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases [USAMRIID]), testing
sites in Mississippi and Utah, and a production facility in Terra Haute,
“In addition to these efforts in the USA, many other countries continued
their biological weapons research, including Canada, Britain, France, and
the Soviet Union….
For obvious reasons, e.g. China has three times the population of the USA and is modernizing.
South Korea could be added to this list; however, I didn’t put it on there for one main reason. During my
seven years working in South Korea (before moving to China) I worked for four years at the high security
ROK Gyeryongdae (계룡대) tri-service headquarters complex where all military operations are planned
and controlled and had many conversations with high ranking officers. When asked, one thing they all
mentioned was: They were much more concerned about an attack from Japan than China. I almost did
add it to the above list because a bioweapons attack could come from labs coordinated not by the military
but by the KCIA, which is civilian based (like the American CIA) and more politically oriented. It was a
50/50 call and I left it off the above list for expediency.
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“The Eastern European press stated that Great Britain had used biological
weapons in Oman in 1957.
“The Chinese alleged that the USA caused a cholera epidemic in Hong
Kong in 1961.
“In July 1964, the Soviet newspaper Pravda asserted that the US Military
Commission in Columbia and Colombian troops had used biological
agents against peasants in Colombia and Bolivia.
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Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
Following is a list of American attempts to overthrow foreign governments since 1945. Some of
the following were military conflicts, others were “intelligence-driven” well-organized and
funded revolutions and coups, election manipulation, and so on.
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Draft article February 17, 2020
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Iraq 2003 *
Haiti 2004 *
Somalia 2007 to present
Honduras 2009 *
Libya 2011 *
Syria 2012
Ukraine 2014 *
Turkey 2016
Venezuela 2019
Bolivia 2019 *
Iran 2019
There have been many allegations of American use of biological weapons. Two of them include:
The long lists above of aggression against foreign nations by the USA establishes a known habit
by the United States as defined by law,45 of flaunting international laws including war crimes
(starting a war is a war crime), crimes against humanity, prohibitions on the interference in the
affairs of other nations and so on. There is no doubt that the United States is, over its short
history, history’s single greatest killer of human beings, by far. Though the USA always
rationalizes its foreign aggression, the remoteness of its location geographically and its sheer
volume of aggression cast serious doubts on any claims of self-defense as legitimate rational.
Unfortunately, the UN Security Council by its consistent failure to uphold international law since
at least 1947, has acted to reinforce American impunity to international law.
“Habit” as defined by law is “a disposition or condition of the body or mind acquired by custom or a
usual repetition of the same act or function. Case law includes: Knickerbocker L. Ins. Co. v. Foley, 105 U. S.
354,26 L. Ed. 1055; Conner v. Citizens’ St. R. Co., 146 Ind. 430, 45 N. E. 662; State v. Skillicorn,104 Iowa, 97,
73 N. W. 503; State v. Robinson, 111 Ala. 4S2, 20 South. 30.”
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Also giving foreign policy makers freedom to possibly launch a bioweapon attack on China are
weaknesses in the Biological Weapons Convention.
“However, like the 1925 Geneva Protocol, the BWC does not provide firm
guidelines for inspections and control of disarmament and adherence to
the protocol. In addition, there are no guidelines on enforcement and
how to deal with violations. Furthermore, there are unresolved
controversies about the definition of “defensive research” and the
quantities of pathogens necessary for benevolent research (24, 25).
Alleged violations of the BWC were to be reported to the UN Security
Council, which may in turn initiate inspections of accused parties, as well
as modalities of correction. The right of permanent members of the
Security Council to veto proposed inspections, however, undermines this
“As long as there are no concrete provisions for enforcement, the BWC
will remain a toothless instrument in the hands of the UN Security
Two years ago (2017), a book titled Spy Schools: How the CIA, FBI and Foreign Intelligence
Secretly Exploit America’s Universities (Henry Holt and Company) was published. One reviewer
summarized parts as follows:
Also see:
Meanwhile, the Chinese government freely gives Permanent Resident Cards to Harvard
University and other Ivy League graduates. It is part of a point system incorporated into the PR
card system.
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Harvard is the university for the CIA and future DARPA researchers. Harvard offers many classes
attended by CIA officers in training and in regards to DARPA even has on-line classes teaching
people how to do CRISPR gene-editing.
What you'll learn: Explain the way in which CRISPR can be used as a tool
to edit genes
Analyze how CRISPR can be used to optimize microbes for the food,
health, and energy industries
The University of Alabama at Birmingham has DARPA contracts for viral research including
…one finds they list 9,251 research projects on viruses; 9,219 of those are sequencing projects.
The Chinese government appears to believe they can “harmonize” with the CIA. They believe
mutual interest will make them safe. “Our economies are linked,” they say. Others report
hindsight is 20/20. As Michael Pompeo and Defence Policy Chief John C. Rood said, China is the
“primary target,” which is a politically correct way of saying: “main enemy.”
Since WWII the USA has been the sole superpower and due to China’s rising economy and
respect worldwide, it has the potential to create a new multi-polar system in regards to world
4) American Administration’s response to 2019-n-Cov – Blame the victim and promote fear of
US exploiting of coronavirus crisis unworthy of a great power
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“On the one hand, US officials regard the outbreak of the novel
coronavirus from the perspective of geopolitics, harboring the mind-set
of schadenfreude, in which they take pleasure in other people's
misfortune. Washington may think the epidemic would slow the pace of
China's development, realizing US' goals as it engages in a strategic
competition with China.
“On the other hand, the US has long had a deep-seated prejudice against
China's system of governance. It has used the epidemic as an opportunity
to unfairly blame the Chinese system of failing to effectively prevent and
control the NCP during the initial outbreak.
“To some extent, US’ moves and words on the outbreak show
Washington is using it as an opportunity in its competition with Beijing,
which is inconsistent with the image of a responsible great power.”
Chinese officials are not blaming the US or any other nation for the appearance of COVID-19 and
is instead saying its appearance is of natural origin.
“Ayurveda is considered by many scholars to be the oldest healing science. In Sanskrit, Ayurveda
means “The Science of Life.” Ayurvedic knowledge originated in India more than 5,000 years ago
and is often called the “Mother of All Healing.”
The Roots of Ayurveda - Selections from Sanskrit Medical Writings Selection, translations &
introduction DOMINIK WUJASTY, by Dominik Wujastyk
Makes 195 references to poisons including antidotes and other medical treatment for some of
The ancient Indian text the Arthashastra (2nd c. BCE - 3rd century CE) ostensibly about the art
of statecraft makes 25 references to the use of poisons, mostly in food and drinks, but includes
the use of aphronias, poisonous smoke and poisonous snakes.
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In Chapter 1: The duties of a messenger one finds: “Spies, under concealment, may capture the
enemy's fort, country, or camp with the aid of weapons, poison, or fire... In Chapter 2 there are
rather detailed descriptions of the use of “honey traps” using poisons and the use of medicinal
drugs containing poisons.
“He should also make use of fiery spies and poison. Against what is
described as deserving protection in the chapter, "Safety of his own
person," fiery spies and poisoners should be employed (in the enemy's
court). Keepers of harlots should excite love in the minds of the leaders
of the enemy’s army by exhibiting women endowed with youth and
“Or to those who have fallen in love, spies, under the guise of ascetics,
may administer poison under the plea that the medical drugs given to
them are capable of securing the object of love.
“A spy, under the guise of a merchant, may, under the plea of winning
the love of an immediate maid-servant of the beautiful queen (of the
enemy), shower wealth upon her and then give her up. A spy in the
service of the merchant may give to another spy, employed as a servant
of the maid-servant, some medical drug, telling the latter that (in order
to regain the love of the merchant), the drug may be applied to the
person of the merchant (by the maid-servant). On her attaining success
(the maid-servant) may inform the queen that the same drug may be
applied to the person of the king (to secure his love), and then change
the drug for poison.”
In Chapter 4: “Spies with weapons and fire, and poison; and destruction of supply, stores and
granaries” on finds advice on the use of the Madana plant.
“…or, for the first day, he may distribute a mild or intoxicating variety of
liquor, and on the following days such liquor as is mixed with poison; or
having given pure liquor to the officers of the enemy’s army, he may
give them poisoned liquor when they are in intoxication.”
In Chapter 5: Capture of the enemy by means of secret contrivances or by means of the army,
and complete victory, one finds: “women under concealment may throw a snake, or poison, or
fire or poisonous smoke over his person when he is asleep in confined place.”
The above two brief reviews represent only a tiny fragment of India’s vast ancient herbology and
toxicology reservoirs.
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There have also been several very near critical threshold conflicts in the recent past with China
In 2017 the internet was buzzing with predictions about a war between India and China.
“As the two giants stare each other down in the Himalayas, the real
conflict may erupt at sea.”
“This is how it could go down if China and India went to war, by Blake
To write there might be some “bad blood” between China and India could an exaggeration.
Mainstream media routinely exaggerates issues. On the other hand, in a conflict, the loser tends
to remember the conflict much better than the winner.
Key point: The Chinese-Indian War still has implications for how each
country views the other today.
Allen Dulles, third Director of the CIA had a very close relationship with "very pretty" Vijaya Lakshmi
Nehru of India from the time she was 14 in Allahabad from 1914. He was a well known compulsive
“womanizer.” In 1953, as Mrs. Pandit, she became the first woman President of the United Nations
General Assembly. That was the same year Allen Dulles became Director of the CIA. Her older brother
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was the first prime minister of India serving from 1946 – 1964. Thus, the
relationship between India and the CIA has always been a very close one.
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“In 1962, the world’s two most populous countries went to war against
one another in a pair of remote, mountainous border regions. In less than
a month, China dealt India a devastating defeat, driving Indian forces
back on all fronts. Along with breaking hopes of political solidarity in the
developing world, the war helped structure the politics of East and
Southeast Asia for generations. Even today, as Indian and Chinese forces
square off on the Doklam Plateau, the legacy of the 1962 resonates in
both countries.”
One might wonder why “National Interest” would be interested in publishing this article on
February 11, 2020, given some degree of enmity at this time because of what can be interpreted
as inflammatory excesses by Indian researchers in regards to the COVID-19 Wuhan epidemic, as
it would appear to potentially add fuel to the fire, possibly bringing back bad memories on the
part of some Indians thereby potentially provoking them.
China and India despite being divided by the Himalaya Mountains have had many differences
over the centuries and even the relatively recent past. For example, during the 1990s China and
India were engaged - sort of - in a proxy war in Sri Lanka. Whereas the primary semi-domestic
belligerents – the international designated terrorist group the LTTE were directly funded and
aided by India, China only provided minimal weapons support to the democratically elected
Buddhist Sri Lanka government in their effort to stop the separatist terrorist Tamil Hindu
revolution.48 At that time, India and the United States were United in a separatist terrorist attack
upon the Buddhist government.
“China shares a border with more countries than any other state. (4)
Since 1949, it has also had border disputes with every one of its 20
neighbors. (5) Yet China has also resolved its border disputes with many
of them, including Myanmar (1960), Nepal (1961), North Korea (1962),
Mongolia (1962), Pakistan (1963) and Laos (1991). (6) It has even
managed to reach territorial settlements with former enemies, notably
Vietnam (1999) and Russia (1991‐94). (7) In some cases, these disputes
were settled according to international norms through ‘peaceful and
concessionary diplomatic based on mutual understanding’. (8) In others,
such as with Russia and Vietnam, resolution only occurred following
armed conflict. Moreover, in reaching its settlements, China has usually
Casualties in that war were at minimum 150,000, with about 100,000 being civilians. This writer was in
Sri Lanka during that time and members of the Colombo Press Club provided me with 20+ newspaper
clippings regarding arrests of Christian NGOs mostly at the airport bringing weapons and money to the
terrorist organization LTTE. The LTTE also contributed heavily to the DNC and Clinton Foundation. /
20-million-insider-trading-case/story?id=8845975 /
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received less than 50 per cent of the land in dispute. (9) So why then, if
China can compromise on some territorial disputes, has resolution of the
Himalayan dispute with India proven so difficult?”
One British strategy to maintain its hegemony involved drawing national border lines in Asia and
Africa designed to create conflicts between distinctly different indigenous peoples. This worked
well for them, and many of those conflicts have simmered and occasionally boiled for centuries.
They are in effect a form of political poison following the old adage: “divide and conquer,” or
divide et impera in Latin, a saying old in the time of Rome.
Having been a colony of the UK for a very long time (200 years), Indian military strategists have
inculcated some parts of British strategy into their own. (The argument can be made however
that the British learned more from the Indians than vice versa; ditto for the USA.)
In either event, one example of an Indian replication of presumably a British stratagem is their
2020 revival of a “Great Game,” strategy, which consists of a media driven disinformation and
provocation campaign against China in the wake of the COVID-19 Wuhan epidemic.
India’s “Great Game” disinformation campaign against China in the wake of the COVID-19
Wuhan epidemic
It all started – seemingly – innocently with an article published on bioRxiv preprint posted online
Jan. 31, 2020, This site is a way for researchers
to share new information before peer review and publication, something quite useful in the
case of an unexpected medical epidemic of unknown proportions. The title of the article was:
“Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the COVID-19 spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag.”
This article, which appeared to be a professionally written draft presented some “startling
“…found 4 insertions in the spike glycoprotein (S) which are unique to the
COVID-19 and are not present in other coronaviruses. Importantly,
amino acid residues in all the 4 inserts have identity or similarity to those
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in the HIV1 gp120 or HIV-1 Gag. Interestingly, despite the inserts being
discontinuous on the primary amino acid sequence, 3D-modelling of the
COVID-19 suggests that they converge to constitute the receptor binding
site. The finding of 4 unique inserts in the COVID-19, all of which have
identity /similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of
HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature.”
This directly implied that the COVID-19 was the product of gene-splicing and unquestionably a
This Chinese government immediately rebuffed the article calling it a hoax, and it was
withdrawn with promises by the authors that they would do a more exacting study and prove
their case more solidly.
Reading the article, it is easy to get caught up in the excitement of a scientific hunt, and their
results were so dramatic many wanted to believe them.
After all, of all places in China why did COVID-19 appear in Wuhan, the center of China's
virologic research? That by itself is a one in a million proposition.
A more careful reading however illuminates some methodological flaws. Before that however it
helps to understand exactly what they did in their research. They compared all the COVID-19
nucleotide sequences with all other viruses and found it compared most closely with SARS CoV.
That by itself should have been enough to alert research scientists there was something wrong
with this study as that was a direct contradiction of several other research papers, including one
published the day before in Lancet.
“The ten genome sequences of COVID-19 obtained from the nine patients
were extremely similar, exhibiting more than 99·98% sequence identity.
Notably, COVID-19 was closely related (with 88% identity) to two bat-
derived severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-like coronaviruses,
bat-SL-CoVZC45 and bat-SL-CoVZXC21, collected in 2018 in Zhoushan,
eastern China, but were more distant from SARS-CoV (about 79%) and
MERS-CoV (about 50%). Phylogenetic analysis revealed that COVID-19 fell
within the subgenus Sarbecovirus of the genus Betacoronavirus, with a
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In any case then the Indian researchers report lining up the sequences one atop the other and
looked for differences between COVID-19 and SARS CoV using specialized software (most of
which can be found on the internet and used for free.) They report finding four very strange
differences, like blank spots, that appeared to have been filled in with sequences from HIV. That
certainly seems like damning and irrefutable evidence that the COVID-19 was genetically
engineered to suppress the immune systems of the victims of that disease, which is what some
clinical studies have suggested.
They cited specifically: “The sequences of spike proteins of COVID-19 (Wuhan-HU-1, Accession
NC_045512) and of SARS CoV (GZ02, Accession AY390556) and aligned them using MultiAlin
software. They can incidentally be downloaded from (Anyone can replicate their methodology,
almost,49 but the results will be probably be different.)
They report they found “the four inserts are present in all Wuhan 2019nCoV viruses except the
COVID-19 virus of Bat as a host [Fig.S4]” which “proves” 2019nCoV did not come from bats, and
instead came from somewhere else, presumably the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Many other studies found high congruencies between COVID-19 and the bat bourn nucleotide
sequences. If the authors had presented a table of other samples they compared, someone
I tried to replicate their study downloading both Wuhan-HU-1, Accession NC_045512 & SARS CoV
(GZ02, Accession AY390556) and saving them on “fasta.” Then did a BLAST comparison pulling out the
sequences that didn’t match. Following that I did a simple “find” search for GTNGTKR, the first alleged
“Insert.” There were no matches. My method was simpler than theirs but should have at least found the
GTNGTKR sequence. Then I searched for the other “Insert” sequences, and again, found no matches.
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maybe could have replicated their research, though it is possible either their raw data was
intentionally tainted (perhaps by a third party), or subsequent researchers’ data has been
tampered. (This latter suggestion is impossible really because has
data coming in from all over the world with 2019nCoV nucleotide sequences. Or it is possible
they just faked the data. If the raw data from NCBI were altered it would be discovered quickly
which reduces the probability of that as a factor significantly.) In short, their study looks fake.
In any case, that study, and the retraction of it was only another shot in what had already
became a media circus.
“Yellow journalism” refers to wildly exaggerated and downright false claims used to
sensationalize fake “news” for financial or political purposes. It was first coined during a battle
for dominance between two newspapers (
1898/yellow-journalism ) and soon after helped “push” the Spanish American war, one of the
USA’s colonial endeavors involving the invasion of Cuba and the Philippines.
In 1941, Frank Mott said that there were five things that made up yellow journalism:
• headlines in huge print that were meant to scare people, often of news that wasn't very
• using many pictures or drawings using fake interviews, headlines that didn't tell the
whole truth, pseudoscience (fake science), and false information from people who said
they were experts
• full-color parts of the newspaper on Sundays, usually with comic strips (which is now
normal in the United States)
• taking the side of the ‘underdog’ against the system.
By GreatGameIndia -
January 26, 2020 | Last modified on February 6th, 2020 at 1:17 pm,
Draft article February 17, 2020
Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
BTWC Article X IHR (Art 5 and 44) and BTWC Articles: capacity building,
collaboration and assistance►
“5. Each State Party shall develop, strengthen and maintain, as soon as
possible but no later than five years from entry into force of these
Regulations for State Party, the capacity to detect, assess, notify and
report events in accordance with these Regulations, as specified in Annex
►44.1 States Parties shall undertake to collaborate with each other, to the
extent possible, in:(a) the detection and assessment of, and response to,
events as provided under these Regulations;(b) the provision or
facilitation of technical cooperation and logistical support, particularly in
the development, strengthening and maintenance of the public health
capacities required under these Regulations....
“►Grants the States Parties to the Convention the right to participate in,
and the undertaking to facilitate, the exchange of equipment, materials
and information for the use of biological agents for peaceful purposes, as
well as scientific cooperation in the field.
BTWC Article X
In other words, if the esteemed Chinese researchers referred to in the article
had wanted samples of coronavirus all they had to do was ask. There was never any need to steal
or smuggle samples.
That article doesn’t mention that there was about to be a large influx of Middle Easterners (Saudis)
entering China shortly after that (in the wake of a $10 billion dollar business deal) and the Chinese
government had a need to study to the MERS sequences. If the Chinese researchers were refused
the samples (a violation of WHO guidelines) they asked for, they would have had a real problem.
If indeed Chinese distinguished and highly respected researchers50 as the article suggests really
did steal samples of that virus, there must have been some extraordinary reasons, such as they
www.researchgate reports Angguo Qiu of National Microbiology Laboratory, Canada, Winnipeg (NML)
has 161 publications to her name.
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suspected Canada’s National Microbiology Laboratory was creating their own bioweapons and
wanted to confirm or deny that suspicion.
An Israeli newspaper51 goes into more exacting detail stating that Qiu stole Ebola virus. China has
large projects in Africa with thousands of workers there. Again, if they needed samples of Ebola
virus from Canada’s National Microbiology Laboratory all they would have had to do was ask. If
refused, why? If they wanted some specific strains of Ebola virus they could have flown to a clinic
in Central African Republic. (Or a BSL lab in Africa of which there are several including Libya,
Morocco, Sudan, Somalia, Tunisia and others.) China has 1) thousands of workers in Africa, and 2)
has already been doing research on Ebola since at least 2015. (Tong, Y.-G. et al. Nature 524, 93–
96 (2015), and see:
BTWC Article X IHR (Art 5 and 44) and BTWC Articles: “Capacity building, collaboration and
assistance” which clearly mandates: “Grants the States Parties to the Convention the right to
participate in, and the undertaking to facilitate, the exchange of equipment, materials and
information for the use of biological agents for peaceful purposes, as well as scientific cooperation
in the field.”
Is it possible Chinese researchers are locked out of some projects at Canada’s National
Microbiology Laboratory even when there was potentially life threatening need? (Chinese
workers in Africa needing protection from some new strain of Ebola, or an influx of Saudis into
China, given that Saudi Arabia has its own MERS epidemic?)
Furthermore, why are these kinds of reports only appearing in Indian and Israeli news?
If professor Qiu really was stealing potential bioweapons from Canada’s National Microbiology
Laboratory (NML), why wasn’t she arrested and charged? There are no newspapers reporting
that. If it is true they were smuggling virus samples and not arrested is it possible that laboratory
was doing its own illegal bioweapon manufacturing and didn’t want that dragged through the
court and press? The US often outsources its illegal research projects to foreign countries, and it
is entirely possible Canada’s National Microbiology Laboratory was working on exactly those
kinds of (illegal) projects. Given American government officials designation of China as the “main
target,” attempting to defend China from what could potentially be bioweapons designed to
attack China or Chinese workers in Africa seems like something any reasonable ethically minded
person would do, not just some diabolical “Chinese agent.”
The American “Defense Guidance Plan,” states no nation or region will be allowed to compete
with the USA. China’s economy is growing as it modernizes and will probably get larger than the
American economy within the next few years because China has three times the population of
the USA. COVID-19 has already killed over a thousand Chinese, and yet India, a very close ally to
the USA is smearing China, via blaming the victim, for any attempt to protect itself.
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When a broader range of information is evaluated, it appears this article is another smear job on
Chinese. If any researcher has a demonstratable need for virus samples they are supposed to
get them. If refused, something strange is going on.
The Begin–Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (BESA Center) is a conservative Israeli think tank
well known as a right-wing organization that advocates pro-military views, exactly the kind of
place anti-China (ergo pro-American) strategic disinformation would come from.
The claim of 40 Chinese facilities involved in bio-weapon research is not referenced. There is
strong published evidence suggesting that is a false claim.
If there really were 40 Chinese facilities producing bio-weapons in China all the Chinese would
probably dead already from containment leaks, because containment leaks do happen, even in
the most careful of countries like Sweden for example.52
This is an inflammatory and false accusation by an Israeli source exaggerated even further by
the Indian “greatgameindia” internet site.
Virologic testing centers are obviously needed in China, and in fact the number they have is
clearly not enough in the wake of 2019nCoV which has already killed over a thousand Chinese
(as of February 12, 2020). The Chinese center in Wuhan incidentally was also built under the
auspices of WHO and American Galveston National laboratory. Other American partners include
the University of Alabama, University of North Texas, EcoHealth Alliance, Harvard University,
The National Institutes of Health, the United States, National Wildlife Federation.
If any BSL-4 lab should have been safe, it would have been that one as it received more foreign
oversight than any other BSL-4 lab in history.
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That article is also loaded with ridiculous inflammatory phrases like “Infiltrating the Canadian
Lab.” Ms. Qiu has practically lived in labs since she was a student. She was a professor at the
Canadian laboratory. She has over 161 publications and doesn’t need to “infiltrate” a lab being
one of the world’s foremost experts on microbiology.
“In January 2018, the lab was operational ‘for global experiments on
BSL-4 pathogens,’ wrote Guizhen Wu in the journal Biosafety and
Health. ‘After a laboratory leak incident of SARS in 2004, the former
Ministry of Health of China initiated the construction of preservation
laboratories for high-level pathogens such as SARS, coronavirus, and
pandemic influenza virus,’ wrote Guizhen Wu.”
What evidence does the writer have to suggest China has a “warfare program?” There are no
references to support that claim. In fact, China is decades behind the USA, Israel, India, France
and other countries in virology research starting so late in the “game” as it did, and in the wake
of COVID-19 clearly has a reason to continue with its research, regardless as to what some
amateur Indian “journalists” think about it. incidentally considers the entire Indian research foray into the COVID-19 outbreak
and the “journalism” that accompanies it, hogwash.
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Since 5 August, no foreign journalists have been granted permission from the Indian
government to report in Kashmir; even American Senators are denied entry.53
• Oct. 31, 2019 India strips Kashmir of constitutional autonomy and divides it in two
In fact, the War in Kashmir has been ongoing since 1947 and most battles are not reported in
the international media.54
“A state, like a class, has its moment in history and must make the best
use of it. Failure to do so means premature decline and, perhaps,
unnecessary poverty. Great Britain’s moment came in the 1830’s when,
as the first industrialized state, she tried to create the conditions
necessary for her stability as the first world power. That the attempt
was a failure was shown by her defeat in the First Afghan War. The
attempt is now known as the Great Game in Asia and it began one
hundred and fifty years ago, on 12 January 1830, when the President of
the Board of Control for India, Lord Ellenborough told the Governor-
General, Lord William Bentinck, to open up a new route to Bokhara.”
The so-called Great Game must have seemed fun to the British aristocracy at the time, however
for the thousands of British “lads” that fought and died in those wars it wasn’t a game. For the
millions of people in Africa, Asia and the Americas that suffered and died, it wasn’t a game
either. It’s tragic some reckless individuals in India are apparently taking what is an enormous
human tragedy, the deadly COVID-19 epidemic and trying to turn it into some kind of “great
game” in a tragic copy of the ill-fated British “great game.”
It is logical that both the White House and President Xi are claiming COVID-19 came about as a
natural event, when in fact it could have been an accidental or intentional containment leak, or
any number of foreign state actors could have initiated it.
True, circumstantial evidence points most directly at the USA, or a third-party nation such as
India, Israel, the UK, and France, however proof will be difficult or impossible to come by.
There are those who believe there are no rules in “The Great Game,” and perhaps should be
reminded that in the end, it’s the narrative of the history books that determines if it was a
This author visited “Free Kashmir” (the Pakistani side while working as a reporter) in 1993 and
conducted a survey of Kashmiris. A significant margin of Kashmiris reported that the USA, Russia and
Israel were helping India in its war to maintain hegemony in Kashmir. In April 1948 UNSC Res. 47 of 21
granted a plebiscite to Kashmir, however that was never honored. UN Peacekeepers have never been
allowed in Kashmir. India with American help controls most of the news of most of South Asia.
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“game,” or just another form of extreme predatory violence, sacrificing human lives on the altar
of some group’s super-inflated ego.
There should be no pride in the slaughter of innocents and the victims of COVID-19 are
innocent, as are those heroic individuals who risk their lives to fight against the treachery of
colonialism, the injuries it inflicts upon entire populations and the wounds that in some cases
never heal.
The Chinese leadership should be respected for its willingness to “stand down,” while
maintaining the moral high ground and enduring this time of great suffering and danger without
pointing fingers or blaming others. Some things may never be known with certainty.55
Perhaps Global Times newspaper is right when describing some US officials maligning China
during this tragic COVID-19 epidemic as schadenfreude. also presents a lengthy interview with Dr. Francis Boyle, an attorney who
helped draft the Biological Weapons Act. Reading the interview is a bit like watching a waltz, or
perhaps a Tango, specifically the Assassins Tango.
“Dr. Francis Boyle: They’re complete unsafe. BSL-3 and BSL-4 lab are only
designed for research development testing of offense of biological
warfare agents. In my opinion, they serve no legitimate purpose at all.
They should all be shut down, every one of them. Even assuming, they’re
simply too dangerous. If you want, there’s an excellent documentary
called Anthrax Wars by Nadler and Coen and I’m in there. Repeatedly at
the end, I say with respect to these labs, three and four, this is a
catastrophe waiting to happen. Well, I’m afraid the catastrophe is now
happened. So there it is.”
This seems like a rather unlikely answer by Dr. Francis Boyle. For example, China’s BSL-4 Wuhan
Institute of Virology was designed and built under the direction of Galveston National laboratory,
and WHO, and other American partners include the University of Alabama, University of North
Texas, EcoHealth Alliance, Harvard University, The National Institutes of Health, the United States,
This writer has made a life habit of analyzing complex systems and evaluating probability and risk, and the final
word on the yellow journalism coming from India is: “Methinks thou dost protest too much.”
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and National Wildlife Federation.56 It seems very unlikely all those distinguished bodies would
help China build a laboratory specifically and only for creating bioweapons.
“Dr. Francis Boyle: Well, it’s criminality. It does appear they stole
something there from Winnipeg. This activity that they engaged in clearly
violates the Biological Weapons Convention. Research development of
biological weapons these days is an international crime, the use of it
would be. That was criminal.
“I’m not saying they deliberately inflicted this on their own people, but it
leaked out of there and all these BSL-4 facilities leak. Everyone knows that
who studies this. So this was a catastrophe waiting to happen.
Unfortunately, it happened. The Chinese government under Xi and his
comrades there have been covering this up from the get-go. The first
reported case was December 1, so they’d been sitting on this until they
couldn’t anymore. And everything they’re telling you is a lie. It’s
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acting like a judge, jury and media executioner with quotes like that. “The
WHO was in on it. They’ve approved many of these BSL-4 labs., they know
exactly what’s going on and that is a WHO research-approved laboratory.
They know what’s going on too. You can’t really believe anything the
WHO is telling you about this, either they’re up to their eyeballs in it, in
my opinion.”
The World Health Organization is helping China make biological weapons that are illegal in
international law? That lacks face validity. Where would WHO’s motivation come from for a crime
like that?
Most of the article is highly inflammatory with false unproven ridiculous allegations that appear
to have the purpose of smearing China. Were Chinese people to read that it would spread alarm
and distrust in the Chinese government, exactly the kind of disinformation campaign a hostile
nation’s intelligence agency would concoct. The does have many
characteristics of an intelligence operation, and the interview with Dr. Boyle makes it appear to
be a joint US/Indian intelligence operation.
• Update: Chinese Biowarfare agents at Harvard University caught smuggling deadly viruses
• Update 2: Indian Scientists Discover Coronavirus Engineered With AIDS Like Insertions
Exactly fitting the description of “yellow journalism” (“EXPLOSIVE”) and also constituting
defamation and a potential intelligence operation designed to diminish China’s reputation in the
international marketplace and diminish Chinese people’s trust in their own government. It may
be a “great game” for the creators of that internet site, however it isn’t to the innocent victims
of COVID-19, their family members or all of the innocent people in China and around the world
who are conned by that kind of targeted disinformation.
Were they writing ordinary tabloid news, say for example about flying cat harassing Brad Pitt,
one might smile and forget it. However, given the massive and destructive campaign to malign
China, and destroy its economy, is more than just offensive, its potentially
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an offensive intelligence operation and a violation of the UN Charter via interfering in the
domestic affairs of a foreign state. (Chapter 1, Article 2, No. 4)
Indians have been caught doing this before even in the recent past57 although in the case of the
“” internet site and specifically the interview with Dr. Boyle it appears to be
a joint American/Indian offensive intelligence operation.
India’s role in the current COVID-19 epidemic is not surprising, as they had two hundred years’
experience as a colonized people and some, particularly Prime Minister Narendra Modi
apparently feel the need to continue as a willing servant to western hegemony.58
“Pro-Indian 'fake websites targeted decision makers in Europe” by Flora Carmichael & Abid Hussain BBC
World Service, Dec. 16, 2019
It’s difficult to imagine that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is unaware that after destroying
China, the US will turn its guns on India as they are after all, not white and “Christian.” India is only a
useful tool at the minute and will be sent back to the stone ages, discarded, as soon as it is conveniently
possible. China is the main target now, however India is sure to follow. Ditto for Saudi Arabia and Israel.
France and the UK will be tolerated for the time being as long as they remain ex-world powers aspiring to
no roles greater than being relatively isolated poor nations. The realpolitik of today is: kowtow to
American absolute hegemony in perpetuity, or be destroyed by it. In the vernacular this might be
phrased: Bend over, shave your hind parts and oil up in preparation for ritual mounting by the alpha
monkey, the USA. International law? Forget it. It’s just another tool of American hegemony. The UN was
intentionally structured to be a “do-nothing” organization.
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In the United Kingdom, the Microbiological Research Department was established in 1947 and
expanded in 1951. Plans for pilot biological warfare were made and research continued on the
development of new biological agents and weapons design. Britain conducted several trials with
biological warfare agents in the Bahamas, in the Isles of Lewis, and in Scottish waters to refine
these weapons.
The Eastern European press stated that Great Britain had used biological weapons in Oman in
“Lord Napier distinctly recommended that a small British force ‘should take possession of the
Island of Hongkong, in the eastern entrance of the Canton River, which is admirably adapted for
every purpose.’” (Eitel, E. J. 1882)
“Every purpose” came to include importing thousands of tons of opium into China. Due to the
military superiority of the British Navy in 1842 the Chinese had no choice but to surrender Hong
Kong to the British, and it along with Guangzhou (Canton) quickly became the centers of
massive opium distribution in China.
The second Governor, Sir John Davis, once remarked that “almost every person in Hong Kong in
possession of capital and not connected with government employment was employed in the
opium trade. In fact, few of the leading firms in Hong Kong were not connected with the
discreditable but profitable traffic in opium.”
Chinese authorities have also alleged that the USA caused a cholera epidemic in Hong Kong in
In sum, the very unequal relationship with the British was disastrous for China which was in the
middle of a revolutionary war to overthrow the corrupt foreign supported Manchu Qing Dynasty
in which at least 50 million Chinese were killed.
“David Cameron would have us look back to the days of the British empire
with pride. But there is little in the brutal oppression and naked greed
with which it was built that deserves our respect.
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“Britain's empire was established, and maintained for more than two
centuries, through bloodshed, violence, brutality, conquest and war. Not
a year went by without large numbers of its inhabitants being obliged to
suffer for their involuntary participation in the colonial experience.
Slavery, famine, prison, battle, murder, extermination – these were their
various fates...
“For much of its early history, the British ruled their empire through
terror. The colonies were run as a military dictatorship, often under
martial law, and the majority of colonial governors were military officers.
"Special" courts and courts martial were set up to deal with dissidents,
and handed out rough and speedy injustice. Normal judicial procedures
were replaced by rule through terror; resistance was crushed, rebellion
suffocated. No historical or legal work deals with martial law. It means
the absence of law, other than that decreed by a military governor.”
Since 1945 the UK has participated in innumerable conflicts, including the following:
Palestine- (1945-1948)
Malayan Emergency-(1948-1960)
Korean War-(1950-1953)
Cyprus Emergency--(1955-1959)
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Aden Conflict-(1964-1967)
Where is the British spirit that preserved through the Roman colonization of England north of
Hadrian’s wall(?) and rose up and fought in defiance of King John forcing him to sign the Magna
Carta? Instead now are the British people satisfied to be nothing more than the obedient slave
of a colonizer far more brutal than even the Romans, ruled by leaders more decadent than
Caligula and King John combined?
And what about the great British Common Law? Are the homes of the Afghans, Iraqis, and
Chinese any less their castles than the homes of the British?
Perhaps the great bard Shakespeare was right reading into the mind of Mark Anthony: “The evil
that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones.”
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The ultra-wealthy British aristocracy and corporate shareholder are most certainly highly likely to
support American hegemony, for without it they might actually have to get jobs and work for a
living. Instead, harvesting the blood of innocents via weapons sales and stolen natural resources
from “people of color” in “developing” countries is so much more lucrative and easier.
Likewise British foreign intelligence is possible the world master of deception, provocation,
division and conquest through guile. The motto of the British SAS is: ‘Who Dares Wins.’
There is no doubt China’s people and economy have been severely hurt by the COVID-19 epidemic
and if this was a bioweapons attack it absolutely falls within the well-established racist and greed
motivated habit and pattern of British foreign policy for the past 500 years.
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Figure 1
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“On the one hand, African heads of state were handpicked by Paris, after
two “job interviews,” first with Jacques Foccart, General de Gaulle’s
trusted advisor on African matters, then with de Gaulle himself, if the first
screening was conclusive. Nothing was ever said on record, of course, but
the African president thus “elected” was neither foolish nor foolhardy,
and knew what was expected of him: to put the resources of his country
at France’s disposal and routinely vote alongside the latter at the UN.
“To put it bluntly, this politician should never forget that he was nothing
but a puppet, or that he must consider a foreign country’s interests
before taking any decision or signing any bill. This approach is how France
has maintained, since the sixties and up to the present day, its status as
a “world power” wielding a modicum of clout, and feels more…
independent vis-à-vis its powerful American ally! As long as the terms of
this “gentlemen’s agreement” are complied with, the African president
can toss his political opponents to the sharp toothed, flesh-hungry
crocodiles frothing in his private pond, crown himself emperor, embezzle
and deposit billions in Swiss accounts, all without fearing the slightest
rebuke. In any case, the well-oiled engine runs only through back
channels and shady networks.
“Further, all that has been done and said by French authorities in the
wake of the so-called “Arab Spring’’ – the infamous assassination of
Gaddafi in Libya and the occupation of Mali – is consistent with the
political rationale behind Françafrique.
An exaggeration? No. France is still very much a colonial power in Africa supported by American
military might emanating from AFRICOM.
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French continued domination in Africa is totally dependent on the USA maintaining global
hegemony. In a multi-polar world with the International Criminal Court actually functioning as it
should, France would have to restructure its economy and learn to survive on its own without the
vampire-like blood it drains from African natural resources and the millions of human lives it
crushes beneath its iron boot.
“Former colonial power France was the second largest empire in the
world after Britain and the biggest in Africa during the 19th and 20th
centuries. Even after the colonial times came to an end and most of the
colonies gained their independence, the vestiges of colonialism remains
and France maintains special relations with its former colonies. The first
Ivorian President Félix Houphouët-Boigny introduced the expression ‘La
Françafrique’ in 1955 to define the wish of some members of the African
elite to maintain special relations with France after their independence.
Since then, this term has been used several times in a pejorative meaning
to describe French neo-colonial dominance in Africa...
“Did you know many African countries continue to pay colonial tax to
France since their independence till today!
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“Three thousand French left the country, taking all their property and
destroying anything that which could not be moved: schools, nurseries,
public administration buildings were crumbled; cars, books, medicine,
research institute instruments, tractors were crushed and sabotaged;
horses, cows in the farms were killed, and food in warehouses were
burned or poisoned.
“The purpose of this outrageous act was to send a clear message to all
other colonies that the consequences for rejecting France would be very
“Slowly fear spread through the African elite, and none after the Guinea
events ever found the courage to follow the example of Sékou Touré,
whose slogan was “We prefer freedom in poverty to opulence in slavery.”
“The financial situation of the newly independent Togo was very unstable,
so in order to get out the situation, Olympio decided to get out the French
colonial money FCFA (the franc for French African colonies), and issue the
county own currency.
“On January 13, 1963, three days after he started printing his country
own currency, a squad of illiterate soldiers backed by France killed the
first elected president of newly independent Africa. Olympio was killed
by an ex French Foreign Legionnaire army sergeant called Etienne
Gnassingbe who supposedly received a bounty of $612 from the local
French embassy for the hit man job.
“On June 30, 1962, Modiba Keita, the first president of the Republic of
Mali, decided to withdraw from the French colonial currency FCFA which
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“On November 19, 1968, like, Olympio, Keita will be the victim of a coup
carried out by another ex-French Foreign legionnaire, the Lieutenant
Moussa Traoré.
Congo 3
Tchad 3
Burundi 4
Central Africa 4
Niger 4
Mauritania 4
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Burkina Faso 5
Comores 5
TOTAL (1 + 2) 45 TOTAL 22
“‘Without Africa, France will slide down into the rank of a third [world]
“At this very moment I’m writing this article, 14 African countries are
obliged by France, through a colonial pact, to put 85% of their foreign
reserve into France central bank under French minister of Finance control.
Until now, 2014, Togo and about 13 other African countries still have to
pay colonial debt to France. African leaders who refuse are killed or victim
of coup. Those who obey are supported and rewarded by France with
lavish lifestyle while their people endure extreme poverty, and
“It’s such an evil system even denounced by the European Union, but
France is not ready to move from that colonial system which puts about
500 billion dollars from Africa to its treasury year in year out.
“African leaders would work in the interest of their people if they were
not constantly stalked and bullied by colonial countries...
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“The CFA central banks also impose a cap on credit extended to each
member country equivalent to 20% of that country’s public revenue in
the preceding year. Even though the BEAC and the BCEAO have an
overdraft facility with the French Treasury, the drawdowns on those
overdraft facilities are subject to the consent of the French Treasury. The
final say is that of the French Treasury which has invested the foreign
reserves of the African countries in its own name on the Paris Bourse.
“In short, more than 80% of the foreign reserves of these African
countries are deposited in the “operations accounts” controlled by the
French Treasury. The two CFA banks are African in name, but have no
monetary policies of their own. The countries themselves do not know,
nor are they told, how much of the pool of foreign reserves held by the
French Treasury belongs to them as a group or individually.
“It’s now estimated that France is holding close to 500 billions African
countries money in its treasury, and would do anything to fight anyone
who want to shed a light on this dark side of the old empire.”
“The U.S. military has long insisted that it maintains a “light footprint” in
Africa, and there have been reports of proposed drawdowns in special
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“For the last 10 years, AFRICOM has not only sought to define its
presence as limited in scope, but its military outposts as small, temporary,
and little more than local bases where Americans are tenants. For
instance, this is how Waldhauser described a low-profile drone outpost
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in Tunisia last year: “And it’s not our base, it’s the Tunisians’ base.” On a
visit to a U.S. facility in Senegal this summer, the AFRICOM chief took
pains to emphasize that the U.S. had no intension of establishing a
permanent base there. Still, there’s no denying the scope of AFRICOM’s
network of outposts, nor the growth in infrastructure. Air Forces Africa
alone, the command’s air component, has recently completed or is
currently working on nearly 30 construction projects across four
countries in Africa. “The U.S. footprint on the African continent has grown
markedly over the last decade to promote U.S. security interests on the
continent,” Navy Cmdr. Candice Tresch, a Pentagon spokesperson, told
The Intercept.
“While China, France, Russia, and the United Arab Emirates have
increased their own military engagement in Africa in recent years and a
number of countries now possess outposts on the continent, none
approach the wide-ranging U.S. footprint. China, for example, has just
one base in Africa – a facility in Djibouti.
“While troops and outposts periodically come and go from the continent,
and some locations used by commandos conducting sensitive missions
are likely kept under wraps, Teil’s map represents the most current and
complete accounting available and indicates the areas of the continent of
greatest concern to Africa Command. “The distribution of bases suggests
that the U.S. military is organized around three counter-terrorism
theaters in Africa: the Horn of Africa — Somalia, Djibouti, Kenya; Libya;
and the Sahel — Cameroon, Chad, Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso,” says
“Teil’s briefing confirms, for the first time, that the U.S. military currently
has more sites in Niger — five, including two cooperative security
locations — than any other country on the western side of the continent.
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Niamey, the country’s capital, is the location of Air Base 101, a longtime
U.S. drone outpost attached to Diori Hamani International Airport; the
site of a Special Operations Advanced Operations Base; and the West
Africa node for AFRICOM’s contractor-provided personnel recovery and
casualty evacuation services. The other CSL, in the remote smuggling hub
of Agadez, is set to become the premier U.S. military outpost in West
Africa. That drone base, located at Nigerien Air Base 201, not only boasts
a $100 million construction price tag but, with operating expenses, is
estimated to cost U.S. taxpayers more than a quarter-billion dollars by
2024 when the 10-year agreement for its use ends.”
Consequently, though on the surface French-Chinese relations are very good, under the surface
France is highly motivated to see the Chinese economy fail in order to assure it can continue its
colonial exploitation of Africa forever.
Also see:
Due to its very tight security systems not a lot is known about Israeli bioweapons programs.
However, information “containment leaks” are as or more common than nuclear and
bioweapon leaks.
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Also see:
Victor Ostrovsky, a former Mossad case officer, the author of several books has shed some light
on the inner workings of the Israeli bioweapons’ programs:
By Victor Ostrovsky
“The plane’s cargo was the subject of wide speculation for the next six
years. The local media suspected something was not right when the crash
site was cordoned off and access was limited to non-Dutch search teams
in space suit-like protective gear…
“Finally, on Oct. 1 of this year (1998), the Dutch daily newspaper NRC
Handelsblad reported it had obtained documents confirming that when
the El Al flight crashed six years ago it had on board 190 liters of dimethyl
methyl phosphonate (DMMP), a chemical used to produce Sarin, the
nerve gas used to deadly effect by members of a religious cult on the
Tokyo subway system.
“The following day a spokesman for El Al, the Israeli national airline,
confirmed that “the documentation states that DMMP was on the plane,
that it was packed in accordance with the international regulations
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governing uplift of this material, and the document was signed by the
captain stating that everything was in order prior to departure. All of
these documents were turned over to the Dutch authorities after the
accident.” It was further learned that the chemical in question was
ordered by the Israeli biological institute in Nes Zionna. Finally, the jig was
“The Dutch paper said the chemical came from Solkatronic Chemicals Inc.,
an American company based both in Pennsylvania and at 30 Two Bridges
Road, Fairfield, NJ 07004-1530. The newspaper also reported that the
amount of DMMP on board the aircraft was enough to produce up to 594
pounds of Sarin, and that three of the four main components needed for
Sarin production were on the plane.
“Despite the fact that Israel has accused just about every country it
regards as an enemy of developing chemical and biological weapons, it
has never acknowledged its own programs to develop weapons of mass
destruction. Yet a biologist who once held a senior post in Israeli
intelligence told Mahanimi, “There is hardly a single known or unknown
form of chemical or biological weapon...which is not manufactured at the
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“The institute answers only to the office of the prime minister (as does
Mossad), but professionally is under the direction of “REFAEL” (Rashut
Pituach Amtsai Lechima). This is the weapons development authority, the
umbrella agency for the weapons development in Israel.
“The fact that none of this detail has been covered in the U.S. mainstream
media is testimony to the power of Israel’s U.S. lobby which, it seems, has
enabled the Israeli government to get away with anything up to and
including murder, over and over again.
“So the next time someone shouts, “The sky is falling, the sky is falling,”
Americans might well take a minute to look up. You never know what
might be coming down.
“Victor Ostrovsky, a former Mossad case officer, has written two books
about his experiences, By Way of Deception: The Making and Unmaking
of a Mossad Officer and The Other Side of Deception: A Rogue Agent
Exposes the Mossad’s Secret Agenda.”
Like the USA, UK, France, and India, Israel also has extensive virologic research centers in
universities and hospitals. For example:
“The lab is located in Assuta Ramat Hahayal, Tel Aviv and is focused on
gene regulators, particularly microRNAs, in order to reach a global
systems perspective on the mechanistic roles of small RNA before
disease onset and during disease development.”
It is very possible the hospital research is genuinely health related, although there are always
going to be “dual-use” applications for any particular research breakthrough.
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It appears to have been weapons sales from Israel that brought China and Israel together
starting in 1979.59
It wasn't until 1992 that Israel and China established representative offices in Beijing and Tel
Aviv. These days Israel has good ties with China and over a thousand businesses operating in
China. Israel also appears on a very short list of preferential countries for easy Permanent
Resident cards in China (along with the US). China works hard as promoting “harmony,” even
when it appears to not be in their own interest, e.g. opening the door to thousands of foreign
intelligence officers who may potentially have the motivation to promote “regime change” in
“[O]n May 16, 1916, the Sykes-Picot Agreement, officially known as the
Asia Minor Agreement, laid down the borders of the Middle East as we
have known them for a century. The diplomats, Francois Georges-Picot
for France and Sir Mark Sykes for Britain, had worked out the details in
five months of negotiations, from November 1915 to March 1916.
“The agreement was marked out on a map with grease pencil in a series
of straight lines, most likely to create 'uncomplicated borders.' The
agreement divided the land that had been under Ottoman rule since the
early 16th century into new countries in two spheres of influence: Iraq,
Transjordan and Palestine under British control; and Syria and Lebanon
under French control.”
At this time Israel almost completely controls the organs of government in the USA.
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In January 2019, the US Senate passed a bill that endorsed state anti-boycott legislation,
including those that encompass settlement business activity.60
Before this bill was introduced and drafted in the United States Congress, twenty-six states had
passed similar legislation or had executive orders issued by their governor to restrict boycotting
of Israeli goods by state contractors. The states are: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California,
Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland,
Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio,
Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, and Wisconsin.61
Dissent is not tolerated in the United States when it comes to the absolute sovereignty over the
entire Middle East by Israel. Israel can kill who they like in any country, “detain,” torture and
make people “disappear” at will. Riding on the strong wings of the USA they appear to have
always experienced Teflon-like immunity to international law, in addition to sovereign-like
power within the USA.
For examples, Florida required the State Board of Administration to create a list of companies
that are boycotting Israel, and the Tennessee General Assembly called BDS a movement of
"spreading anti-Semitism and advocating the elimination of the Jewish state.
Such a thing has never happened in American history before. During South African Apartheid
many Americans boycotted South African goods which helped force an end to their apartheid
laws. That clearly will not happen in Israel’s case because their lobbyists in Washington DC are
too wealthy and influential. Any criticism of Israeli human rights abuses in Palestine are swiftly
labeled “anti-Semitic” and Americans will be punished.
On other words, Americans are forced by Israeli money and political influence to totally support
Israel or be punished. Though there are a few American congresswomen who try to resist the
wave of absolute Israeli control of the American government, they are frequently lambasted in
the media for it, they represent a small minority and their efforts have not yet at least bourn
fruit, except perhaps in regards to their symbolic value. Arch-conservative politicians usually
permit a few token minority voices to exist in order to “prove” the USA really has a fair and
balanced system, which is does not.
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Indeed, criticism of Israel’s policies and practices can get one very publicly labeled as “more
sinister than ISIS,” which was renowned for chopping off innocent people’s heads en masse and
other extreme crimes against humanity.
13 Feb, 2020
“The US government will not provide information to the UN for its list of
companies operating in occupied Palestinian territories, US State
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“‘The United States has long opposed the creation or release of this
database,’ Pompeo said in a statement on Thursday. ‘Its publication
only confirms the unrelenting anti-Israel bias so prevalent at the United
Nations... Attempts to isolate Israel run counter to all of our efforts to
build conditions conducive to Israeli-Palestinian negotiations that lead
to a comprehensive and enduring peace.’”
The readers of this kind of report are always left to wonder what “peace” Pompeo is referring
to, as there has been no peace in the Middle East since the adoption of United Nations
Resolution 181 on November 29, 1947 by the United Nations General Assembly of a resolution
recommending the adoption and implementation of a plan to annex a large part of Palestine
and give it to Israel. The phrase “maintaining the peace” however is a useful fiction to reassure
moderate tax payers that their foreign aid to Israel is well spent. The above quote by Secretary
of State Pompeo is only one of a long list of contentious issues between American foreign policy
and the United States.
The USA for example is backing militant Khalifa Haftar in a war against a United Nations’ backed
coalition government in Libya in the wake of the CIA orchestrated torture/rape and murder of
former Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi.
In other words, Israeli aggression in Palestine, Lebanon, the entire Middle East region and
beyond even into the organs of the American political structure and media and will remain
unrestrained by law or justice only as long the USA maintains absolute global hegemony.
Even in China Israeli business people routinely break laws, use Chinese gangsters to manipulate
and in some cases destroy business competitors, buys and manipulates police at all levels and
threatens and severely punishes Chinese citizens that do not follow their dictates. The Chinese
government meekly ignores it all in its efforts to promote international harmony.
For a real-time map of US states that have enacted anti-boycott Israel legislation, see:
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Without American military and financial support Israel could not continue to exist unless it gave
back a considerable amount of land to the Palestinians and ceased its practice of apartheid.63
China’s Belt and Road Initiative has positioned China to become a dominant world power, and
the USA and its close allies will do anything to effect “regime change” in China.
“In the Name of ‘Israel’s Security’: Retreating US Gives Israel Billions More
in Military Funding
“The maxim ‘What’s good for Israel is good for America’ continues to
reign supreme among Washington’s political elites, despite the fact that
such irrational thinking has wrought disasters on the Middle East region,
and is finally forcing a hasty and humiliating American retreat.
“The latest aid package to Israel will officially put into law a
“Memorandum of Understanding” that was reached between the right-
wing government of Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu and the
Barack Obama administration in 2016. Obama had then offered Israel the
largest military aid package in US history.
“Senator Rubio explained the passing of the recent Bill in terms of the
‘unprecedented threats’ that are supposedly faced by Israel.
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“For his part, Senator Coons said that “the events of the past few days,''
referring to the US-Iran escalation, were “a stark reminder of the
importance of US assistance to Israel's security.”
“Particularly odd in Coons’ statement is the fact that it was not Israel, but
US positions in Iraq that were struck by Iranian missiles, themselves a
response to the killing of Iranian military commander, Qassem Soleimani.
“This further confirms that the blind US support of Israel is not motivated
by a centralized American strategy, one that aims at serving US interests.
Instead, the unconditional – and, often, self-defeating - American funding
of the Israeli war machine is largely linked to domestic US politics and,
indeed, the unparalleled power wielded by the pro-Israel lobby in the
United States.
“The vast majority of this funding - over $101 billion - went directly to the
Israeli military budget, while over $34 billion and $7 billion were given to
Israel in terms of economic aid and missile defense funding, respectively.
“This massive budget includes much more than the $3.3 billion of annual
funding, but other amounts and perks rarely make headlines. Anywhere
between $500 million to $800 million are given to Israel every year as
part of a missile defense package; approximately, an additional $1 billion
benefits Israel in the form of tax-deductible donations, while $500 billion
are invested in Israeli bonds.
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“US relations with Israel are not governed by the kind of political wisdom
that is predicated on mutual benefit. But they are not entirely irrational
either, as the American ruling classes have aligned their interests, their
perception of the Middle East and their country’s role in that region with
that of Israel, thanks to years of media and official indoctrination.
“Despite the fact that the US is retreating from the region, lacking
strategy and future vision, US lawmakers are congratulating themselves
on passing yet another generous aid package to Israel. They feel proud of
their great feat, because, in their confused thinking, a ‘secured’ Israel is
the only guarantor of US dominance in the Middle East, a theory that has
been proven false, time and time again.”
“‘Since March 2015, the US has supported Saudi Arabia and its allies in
their criminal war of aggression against Yemen, committing daily war
crimes, especially against civilians, who are now suffering a cholera
epidemic with more than 400,000 victims. Cholera is caused by the
bacteria Vibrio cholera and has been weaponized by the US, Japan (in
World War II), South Africa (under apartheid), Iraq (under Saddam), and
other states. To be most effective, cholera must be spread through water
supplies. That’s what’s happening in Yemen now. More than two years of
bombing has largely destroyed Yemen’s infrastructure, water and sewage
systems are destroyed, hospitals and clinics are destroyed, and the
population of about 25 million has almost no protection against the
spread of cholera. The UN says Yemen’s cholera epidemic is “the largest
ever recorded in any country in a single year since records began.”
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The following is an example of Saudi use of chemical weapons, not biological warfare per se, but
rather equally illegal chemical warfare, however does establish that international law means
about the same in Saudi Arabia as the USA.
Thomas Gibbons-Neff
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Saudi Arabia appears to have at least one national defense bioweapons facility.
CERTEK has installed a new BSL-3 that will be used for tuberculosis
Thus, having both bioweapons research and animal research facilities, they do in vivo research
on animals used as biologic delivery weapons, ranging from insects, to bats, etc. Yemenis and
Syrians are just two of their favorite research subject groups.
Given the very tight control on news coming out of Saudi Arabia, it is highly likely they have
other BSL-3 and BSL-4 defence department biological research centers not found on the
In regards to auxiliary research and development, Saudi Arabia has some excellent universities,
e.g. King Saud University Botany & Microbiology Department service unit (Central Research
Laboratory) containing the most “updated technical equipment in addition to an integrated
micro preparations unit to assist in the scientific research projects and experiments for
members of the faculty and postgraduate students.”
In a 2016-2017 study WHO determined that “some of the NICs and other reference laboratories
in the Region have major gaps on biosafety measures including bio-waste management and
security of the laboratory.”
“To address the above gaps and facilitate the process of enhancing
standard biosafety measures, a regional biosafety training course for
containment of influenza and other infectious diseases of international
concern was organized by WHO in collaboration with U.S. Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in partnership with the Association
of Public Health Laboratories (APHL). The aim of the training course was
to present best practices that will assist the Member States in the
development of biosafety programmes within the NICs. The training
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_38.pdf?ua=1 (Bold text added by author.)
Saudi Arabia is a very “rich” country; however, its wealth is bimodally distributed. Most of the
work is done by foreigners in Saudi Arabia, though Sauds often or usually hold management
positions. They often don’t show up at work, and consequently discipline and protocol among
the workers can be weak.64
The Saudi population incidentally has been suffering from a MERS outbreak, 2012-2018,
Cumulative Number of cases: 1,876; Deaths 726, CFR 38.6%. The percentage of infections as the
direct result of containment breeches is unknown.
“Notably, 2019-nCoV was closely related (with 88% identity) to two bat-
derived severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-like coronaviruses,
bat-SL-CoVZC45 and bat-SL-CoVZXC21, collected in 2018 in Zhoushan,
eastern China, but were more distant from SARS-CoV (about 79%) and
MERS-CoV (about 50%)..”
MERS stands for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome and appears to have about a 50% overlap in
gene identity with COVID-19 at least in that study.
In the summer of 2019 Saudi officials signed an agreement to invest some $10 billion in an oil
refinery in Northwest China.65
Saudi-India alliance
Although most Saudi high-level security is provided by US PMCs, most of the day to day security
and IT work is done by Indians. It is entirely possible there is a great deal of cooperation in a
number of security fields between Saudi Arabia and India.
This is a bit surprising in some ways. Although Pakistan – a Muslim country - for example has
quite a number of Nobel Prize winners and very brilliant scientists, the Saudis prefer to work
with Indians. This may reflect an American bias; the probability is 50/50.
It should be noted China is not on that or any list of nations with “gaps” in security protocol at their BSL
3 & 4 laboratories.
And, coincidentally or not, this writer started meeting quite a number of Saudis citizens shortly
thereafter in Beijing grocery stores and other places around town.
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Saudi-USA alliance
Numerous American mainstream news publications reported in mid-May 2017 that President
Trump and Saudi royal crown prince Mohamad bin Salman (MBS) signed weapons deals worth
nearly $110 billion immediately and $350 billion over a ten-year period, and then in July of 2019
President Trump vetoed a Congressional and Senate ban on weapons sales to Saudi Arabia.
Thus, Saudi royal crown prince Mohamad bin Salman is much beholding to President Trump and
would probably do anything to please him. The family Saud remains in power in Saudi Arabia not
because of popular support, but rather because of its unassailable military and police might.
In February 2019 Saudi Arabia signed a $10 billion deal with China to build an oil refinery, and
this was followed by a large influx of Saudis to China. Thus, they have motivation, methods and
opportunities to have launched a biological weapons attack on China. In 2017 King Salman
visited Beijing and signed a $65 deal with China.
Saudi royal crown prince Mohamad bin Salman however is not his father, and certainly has the
power to think and act independently, as his alleged murder of Washington Post reporter Jamal
Khashoggi in 2019 implies. That alleged murder indicates a level of sociopathic thinking that
could be capable of anything. Hence, the possibility of MBS launching of a bioweapon in Wuhan
is not inconsiderable. Like President Trump he appears to believe himself above all laws of God
and man and well beyond the reach of any kind of justice.
Yemen’s civil war began in 2014 when Houthi insurgents, fed up with the economic restrictions
imposed on them by the Saudi backed President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi rose up and began a
war of liberation. In March of 2015 Saudi Arabia led a coalition of Arab nations with U.S. logistic
and intelligence against the people of Yemen. The cost of that war has been very, very high for
the Yemeni people.
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Saudi Arabia's involvement in the Syrian War involved the large-scale supply of weapons and
ammunition to various rebel groups in Syria during the Syrian Civil War. Around half a million
people have been killed in that war.67
Though Saudis claim they are only countering Iranian hegemony in the region, it was the Saudis
that started the hegemony “game” there by installing its puppets in various nations. Only after
the indigenous people of those nations rose up against Saudi Hegemony, did Iran become
Saudi Arabia would earn Iran’s lasting enmity when it decided at that point to back Saddam.
Support from the Saudis and other allies would help Saddam survive, but not before more than
one million lost their lives in the brutal eight-year long war.
“Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, often known as MBS, told
heads of US-based Jewish groups that the Palestinian leadership must
accept conditions for peace put forward by the administration of US
President Donald Trump, according to a report on Israeli media 30 April
2018. During a closed-door meeting last month in New York with the
organisations' leaders, bin Salman harshly criticised Palestinian President
Mahmoud Abbas, Channel 10 news reported on Sunday, citing an Israeli
diplomatic wire and sources.
“‘In the last several decades the Palestinian leadership has missed one
opportunity after the other and rejected all the peace proposals it was
given,’ bin Salman reportedly said in a report published on Axios website
by Barak Ravid, Channel 10's senior diplomatic correspondent. ‘It is about
time the Palestinians take the proposals and agree to come to the
negotiations table or shut up and stop complaining.’”
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The group, which is currently led by Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, has close
political and military ties with Syria and Iran, and is designated by the
United States and other Western nations as a terrorist group. The
political arm of Hezbollah is deeply involved in Lebanese politics, with
seats in the government, and the group has a history of providing social
programs, schools and health care to the Lebanese Shi'ite community.
In Washington and Tel Aviv’s eyes, anyone who builds schools and offers health care to poor
Muslims must be a terrorist.
Party of God
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Upon the realization that the IDF was entrenching itself in south Lebanon,
and influenced and assisted by 1,500 Iranian Revolutionary Guards in
Lebanon, Hizballah cells began developing with the immediate desire to
resist the Israeli invasion.
When Washington and Tel Aviv want to carve off a piece of Lebanon, or take over Syria, anyone
who resists is labeled a terrorist, and there will be Saudi Arabia helping the aggressors. That’s
the reality. Just so anyone who uses a Huawei telephone, is a communist sympathizer and can
also become a target. The USA foreign policy makers are indeed playing a zero-sum game, which
ultimately will have lose-lose results for all who get sucked into it. This is why Chinese officials
feel the need to simply rise above the conflicts Washington and its allies create, and why they
push the line that the COVID-19 is of natural causes. They are simply refusing to get sucked into
the endless and escalatory conflicts the US so loves to create. That’s called “taking the moral
high-ground.” It’s considered by most grownups, the mature thing to do and now doubt scores a
lot of points in the wisdom department.
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On the surface Saudi Arabia’s relationship with China is in the ascendance phase as of February
Saudi Arabia strikes $10 billion China deal, talks de-radicalisation with Xi
Section 11 Overview
The effects of the colonial cabal on Palestine
There isn’t any doubt that the USA, Israel and their allies are day by day, year by year and
decade by decade stealing larger and larger quantities of land from Palestine. The UN does
occasionally issue a statement or something, but has been entirely ineffective in making any
difference at all in this situation. That is because the UN was designed from the beginning to be
a 100% supporter of western hegemony. The people of color in the world are not represented,
except for token faces in the General Assembly – the UN “Advisory Body” that has no power
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Draft article February 17, 2020
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Chinese economic expansion has been tremendous and steady since the Deng Xiaoping
economic reforms. President Trump’s Trade war against China however dampened that a bit,
and the COVID-19 has slowed down Chinese economic growth even further, though the long-
term effects, if any, have yet to be seen. The Chinese government is wisely promoting a
“confidence” campaign. As of this writing there is lively debate regarding the opening of many
factories and schools in China given the possibility of increased COVID-19 infection rates from
large numbers of people in close proximity to each other and the highly infectious and deadly
nature of this particular virus.
The general trend of American foreign policy is to allow nations to develop while profiting from
that development, then when they reach the point where they might be able to compete with
the USA, destroys them.
Iraq and Iran were well developed nations that had computer driven social security cheques
mailed to their elderly people before the American inspired Iraq/Iran war. The infrastructures of
both nations were destroyed.
1945/5601481 Most American armed conflicts are TOP SECRET yet have occurred on all continents.
Many mental health professionals believe President Donald Trump has a deteriorating mental illness.
2019-12 More than 60,000 mental health professionals signed a petition stating in their professional
opinions President Trump has a serious mental illness
time-cure/201709/the-dangerous-case-donald-trump /
Including its support for the LTTE in Sri Lanka Civil War
Since its founding in 1947/1948 barely a day has gone by without Israel attacking some neighbor in one
way or another. Consequently Israel keeps
growing and Palestine keeps shrinking.
Without American support there would be a revolution in Saudi Arabia against the Family Saud, who
are largely thought to be Jewish. They are not popular leaders.
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Saudi Arabia is the twin brother of Israel and the biggest killer in the Middle East. The leadership
in both nations can only survive with American help and continued American global hegemony.
养虎为患 yang hǔ wéi huàn To nurture a tiger invites calamity, indulge one's
enemy is asking for trouble, rear a tiger and court disaster, if you’re too lenient
with somebody, he will damage you later, and to cherish a snake in one's
家和万事兴 jiā hé wàn shìxīng If the family lives in harmony all affairs will prosper
The COVID-19 Wuhan epidemic however might change the current stalemate between these
opposing philosophies.
No doubt the concepts of both the common man and the government in China have merit.
The deciding factor may be how long the COVID-19 Wuhan epidemic lasts and how many people
will die.
That the USA and its allies will continue to attempt “regime change” in China by any means
necessary is highly probable.
If the US is successful this could entail a civil war in China resulting in China being divided into
several smaller nations with the south of China choosing Shanghai as its capital which would
most probably be under the umbrella of American hegemony, and the north having Beijing as its
capital. Xinjian and Hong Kong might possibly go their separate ways, and Tibet would break off
and no doubt host several American/Indian sponsored thermonuclear missile sites aimed at
Beijing. If and when the fighting stops, it will be a very different much smaller, much poorer
collection of little Chinas. This scenario is a vision of doomsday to most Chinese, who though
sometimes ambivalent in regards to the government, would no doubt rally around the
Translations assisted by
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government as the only viable alternative to the future US foreign policy makers envision for
Practically everyone in the world knows perfectly well what’s going on though many, most in
fact are afraid to say or write it out loud. In some cases, like with the Chinese government,
they’re taking the “high road” brushing it off and keep going forward. Others, like this writer and
most of the world-wide alternative press are shouting: Wake up people!
Can the USA shave a few points off of China’s growth rate? Sure. They’ve done that. There’s
even a reasonably high probability one way or another they are responsible for the COVID-19
epidemic. China however has again and again in history survived attacks, and no doubt will
survive this one as well.
If a moderate liberal wins the next presidential election that would at least slightly increase the
probability of reducing hostile attacks on China. At the same time, thus far no president has
managed to exert any control whatsoever over the CIA. Especially since 70% of the CIA’s budget
is outsourced to private intelligence companies, it has a huge amount of autonomy from
presidential, Congressional and Senate oversight.
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If another arch conservative like Donald Trump wins re-election, the anti-China campaign will
only intensify, though it is unlikely the US administrations doomsday hopes for China and the
world will come to pass.
China has survived many foreign invaders over the past 5,000 years; however, the overt military
and covert intelligence capabilities of the USA are an aberration in history. True, the USA has
some loyal servants, but not that many really. They buy “friends” but the loyalty of those friends
is in most cases limited.
Chinese leaders are prepared to take the more difficult road and prove the moral superiority of
harmony. Confucius for example willingly left his lofty ministerial position and faced death with
his followers in a no-mans-land based on his firm belief in moral principles.
True the economies of American “partners in crime” (“potential aggressor nations”) are highly
dependent on the US maintaining absolute hegemony, and consequently those national leaders
don’t consider “harmony” as an option. Though they will smile and be very charming indeed, it
is unlikely they will stop or even diminish their individual and collective endeavors to divide and
destroy China. China’s counterintelligence simultaneously is no doubt smiling back, and taking
careful notes on who are friends, and who are not. Saudi Arabia’s oil is not infinite. American
temporary tolerance of Israel’s absolute cruelty to Palestinians, and state capture of the US is
not going unnoticed in the US or world-wide either. The British and French are teetering on the
edge of their down downfalls via their lack of concern for the common people. The outbreak of
a civil war in the United States is not inconsiderable either. Neither is a radical shift in voting
patterns. Americans too are fed up with the status quo.
“And, behold, one of them which were with Jesus stretched out
his hand, and drew his sword, and struck a servant of the high
priest's, and smote off his ear. 52Then said Jesus unto him, ‘Put
up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword
shall perish with the sword.’” (Matthew 26:51-52)
China’s rapid and intelligent approaches to containment of the COVID-19 epidemic are heroic as
are their efforts to find a cure and vaccine.
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Scenario 1 – In the wake of a biological world war mainly mixed-race people survive
Should a biological world war occur, it is possible a preponderance of mixed-race people might
survive as they would not be so specifically targeted by any one particular disease.
As for Semites, whites, blacks, Latinos and Asians, their futures are highly unlikely in the wake of
the biological warfare that may have already begun, though as many as 5% to 10% of each of
those populations might survive.
Likewise, it is possible Islam is likely to survive as the predominant religion as from the beginning
it was specifically and emphatically designed to be race neutral, as compared to Hinduism,
Judaism and Christianity which have all been fundamentally racist for most of their histories.
Buddhists however might survive as there is no trace of racism in their teachings and
consequently, they are genetically diverse. They represent 8% to 10% of the world’s population.
Thus, if there is a biological world war, and if any humans survive at all, they will probably
practice a form of Islamic Sufism, as Sufism is something of a Muslim/Buddhist amalgam.
Though this may seem like an unlikely ending to the history of biological warfare, it is one of two
most probable conclusions.
Should what appears to be current trends in biological warfare capabilities continue, it will be
incumbent upon African, Asian and Latino nations to have large stockpiles of Euro-American
ethnic-specific bioweapons along with dispersion methods fully developed and in place, as a
deterrence to the possibility that the USA already has stockpiles of ethnic-specific bioweapons
ready for them, in effect creating a homeostatic status of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD).
The probability of accidental containment breeches is extremely high, quite probably also
leading to a World Biological War, in which at least 50% - 80% of the world population would be
It is true in some Middle Eastern locations a great deal of genetic mixing occurred before the rise of
Christianity and Islam; however, they are predominantly Muslim countries now. Furthermore though the Maronites may be
proud of their genetic isolation, and have sponsored quite a bit of research, that isolation may work
against them in the bio-pathogenetic wars.
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And, who would be to blame? There is no question whatsoever it has been the United States
driving the arms race all around the planet in an effort to maintain American monopolar
hegemony. After the biological world war, the USA will be a pariah state, loathed and despised
by all. It can expect to pay restitution, the loss of enormous assets like Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto
Rico, and so on, that after-all deserve freedom from American hegemony, and face isolation for
an extended period of time, possibly decades or longer.
Scenario 2 – The Euro-American global capitalist fascists’ plan: Only Euro-Americans survive
The following is what American Eugenics proponents, neo-Nazis, alt-right, and other bigoted
extremists are hoping for. But, a little background first to understand the context they are
thinking about.
350,000 years ago Neanderthal and Denisovan ancestors left Africa and
migrated throughout Eurasia.
50,000 to 55,000 years ago Neanderthals and human ancestors interbred (in the
Middle East) spreading north and west
“We show that Neandertals shared more genetic variants with present-
day humans in Eurasia than with present-day humans in sub-Saharan
Africa, suggesting that gene flow from Neandertals into the ancestors of
non-Africans occurred before the divergence of Eurasian groups from
each other.”
Science, May 7, 2010: Vol. 328, Issue 5979, pp. 710-722, DOI:
The above study may come as a horrifying surprise to some neo-Nazi Euro-American racists, as it
suggests Africans are more “human” than Europeans, Middle-Easterners or Asians who mixed
more with Neanderthals 50,000 - 55,000 years ago in the Middle East. A detailed map of the
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“No one knows precisely why Neanderthals died out 40,000 years ago,77
but we do know there was some intermarriage between their community
and our ancestors. Many of these genes have been purged from the
modern human population over time due to natural selection, so the
current prevalence is only 1–4% of the current human genome.
Some believe they were murdered by humans, in a manner similar to “eugenic” plans for all other races
of humans promoted by some wildly bigoted Euro-Americans. There is some possibility Harvard (and
other ivy league university professors) could be taking a lead in this planning as they are the bastion
university of the CIA.
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collective might on destroying China. As soon as that war is won, they would almost
certainly to go back and annihilate Islam and all Semites world-wide.
Ergo, it is extremely unlikely Chinese theories on harmony are going to influence American
foreign policies even a little. The attack on China isn’t just from the USA, it is supported by the
world’s most powerful entities, western banks, and isn’t so short-sighted as to only have China
in mind – the destruction of China is only a stepping stone to its future conquests.
After the total collapse of all significant Muslim and other Semitic nations, then India will be
targeted. India doesn’t have much in the way of natural resources to offer Euro-Americans, and
thus might be spared in the first wave. However, their high population is a drain on the earth’s
resources so they will certainly be annihilated in the second wave. African people might be
spared during this process simply for their labor power in extracting their natural resources for
the benefit of Euro-Americans.
In the end, Euro-Americans will totally rule the entire earth and all other people will be in effect
slaves, before they extinct, like the Neanderthals. There won’t be that many other people
anyways thanks to the cost effectiveness of biological weapons.
Quite unbelievably terrible, but that’s probably (95%) the plan given historic and contemporary
Other Scenarios
1. All humans die. Only cockroaches inhabit the planet and they only survive because so
many are frozen in the stratosphere. After most of the deadly bacterial and viral
pathogens on earth die out due to the lack of suitable hosts, some of the cockroaches
will float down will find a pleasantly quiet earth.
2. The United Nations finds a way to reorganize itself and follows the suggestions in this
article; the US backed into a corner is forced to reduce its defense spending by 50% the
first year, and 90% within five years. The “extra money” is used to 1) Pay back some of
the $23 trillion the USA has borrowed in recent years, and start to rebuild those nations
it destroyed, and the USA as well. The USA owes restitution for war crimes and crimes
against humanity to a great many countries.
3. The big bankers read this article and figure out that they’ve made some horrible
miscalculations, follow the suggestions in this article, and force the USA to follow the
suggestions in #2 above.
It is unlikely Chinese, Latin Americas or Africans will work towards global domination as it
doesn’t fit into their philosophical frameworks. Those who have experienced colonialism over
extended periods of time are not so likely to impose it on others.
Euro-Americans however over the past 500 years have proven to be highly aggressive and
successful in that aggression. Colonialism has proven very profitable to them and they are not
likely to voluntarily cease that activity. Hence the dilemma of a totally ineffectual United Nations
supported by grossly swollen big banks.
Draft article February 17, 2020
Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
Final Destination
By the time the world’s first Biological War is finished however it will be too late for
recriminations. One can only hope if humanity survives, future civilizations will not be ruled by
greedy tyrants willing to risk global annihilation in order to “prove” and maintain their own
highly dubious racial and religious “superiority.”
The United Nations as usual, is sleeping, and the clock is ticking at ever accelerating speeds now
that the biological wars may well have begun launched in Wuhan on the watch of President
Donald Trump on the advice of his Secretary of State Michael Pompeo and with the full backing
of their Nazi followers.
• The American public however should be informed there is in fact a reasonably high
probability the COVID-19 outbreak was either 1) an accidental or 2) intentional
“containment breech,” or a 3) pre-planned sophisticated biological weapons attack by
the American DoD, mandated by the DPG, formulated in DAPRA and authorized by the
CIA and President Trump, an Crime Against Humanity and violation of innumerable
American and International laws.78
Though that kind of bifurcated news reporting might seem disingenuous to some, it is a
common occurrence. In the wake of the American “targeted assassination” (murder according
to many) of Quds Commander Soleimani January 3rd, 2020, the Iranian press reported hundreds
of American deaths and the American media reported no deaths or injuries (though reports of
concussions later poured out to place shame on the “bad, bad” Iranians). This kind of bifurcated
news has many practical advantages.
The critically thinking reader may wonder, how can the author write: “50/50” in one sentence, and
“highly likely” in another. The answer is simple. There is no single statistical “truth.” Values derived from
statistical equations can vary widely depending on how the factor information is quantified and the
specific equations used to analyze that data. From several points of view (data coding methodologies and
statistical formulas), the probability of 2019-nCov appearing naturally specifically in Wuhan at specifically
that time approaches zero.
Draft article February 17, 2020
Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
• Though Chinese administrators might not care for this approach at this time,79 the
American Defense Planning Guidance (DPG) will ensure one attack after another upon
China until China is destroyed or it is largely rewritten. That document itself mandates
extreme violations of the original 1945 UN Charter and innumerable amendments and
other international laws. It is a psychopathic danger to everyone on earth. It must
become a public issue in the USA, and soon.
Given the contentious political and military considerations involved and novel features of the
COVID-19 it is not unreasonable to ask, if this was a bioweapon attack, how high up did that
decision-making process go?
Was this potential attack a “lone wolf” leak by a single DARPA researcher(?) or was this a
preplanned attack packaged and approved of by the CIA with presidential authorization? The
latter is more likely given mandates articulately defined in The Defense Planning Guidance (DPG)
and larger political trends. According to that regularly updated document, large parts of which
are now TOP SECRET, no nation will be allowed to economically, militarily or politically compete
with the United States, and the Department of Defence is mandated to ensure no nation can
economically, militarily or politically compete with the United States.
The larger political/military strategy here could be a multi-year three-pronged attack (Tibet,
Xinjiang, Hong Kong) on the corners of China, followed by - what could be - a massive assault to
the heart of China, Beijing, via Wuhan.
They fear primarily two things: 1) possible blame for a containment breech and 2) violent anti-American
sentiments, possibly including a civilian led boycott of American products and services, which would only
exacerbate international tensions rather than heal them. What they hope for is Americans electing a
president that is not mentally ill in November 2020. Unfortunately, President Trump is highly likely to do
irreparable harm before that time via other attacks of one kind or another, and definitively start a war
against Iran. In other words, just waiting is not a good solution.
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Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
'corners' of this body, and thus weaken him. It is important to know how
to do this, so you must research this deeply.”
This hypothetical “assault” on the political and financial heart of China, Beijing is surrounded by
a number of highly improbable events.
• The timing of the appearance of COVID-19 – in winter, just before Chinese New Year’s
holiday – that holiday in China in which more people travel than anywhere else in the
world, all at the same time,
• In Wuhan’s just south of Beijing, given that bats frequently fly north in Spring, and
• DARPA’s admitted study of various pathogens including viruses and specifically
coronavirus, and the migratory flights of bats
• The novelty of this disease
The above present substantial circumstantial evidence suggests this COVID-19 epidemic was a
planned attack, however improbable events do happen from time to time, e.g. the mutation
resulting in blue eyes.
• The “novel” aspects of COVID-19 given that DARPA has done extensive research on gene
splicing with viruses, use of bats as carriers, studied their migration pathways and
advertises all that on its website.
…proving methods.
That it was DARPA funded, Galveston National laboratory - Infections Disease Research center
that designed and directed the Wuhan Institute of Virology is not however a “smoking gun.”
Definitely not.
Draft article February 17, 2020
Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
Infections Disease Research center they are directing the Wuhan maximum biocontainment
laboratories (MCLs).
The Galveston National Laboratory has expertise in the precise techniques to create a
"mutated" virus.
Should proof that COVID-19 was intentionally manufactured80 and even more unlikely get into
the media, there is a high probability American administration would find a scapegoat to blame
it on and go with the “lone wolf,” deranged madman narrative.
1. The American public should be informed there is a reasonably high probability the USA
is responsible for deaths of thousands in China due an intentional biological attack
launched in Wuhan specifically to make it look like a containment breech for the
purpose of blaming the Chinese, a classic CIA strategy of blaming the victim for its
2. The American Defense Planning Guide (DPG) must be exposed worldwide, loudly
repudiated and replaced with something that is not insane. Countries in a sane world
are allowed to grow at their speed without fear of the United States starting wars to
prevent them from that natural growth and development. No nation or individual has a
right to stop the natural growth and development of another individual or nation. The
DPG mandating the US military and intelligence departments and agencies enforce
This proof could come from a number of sources. for example, Chinese Counterintelligence could have
evidence of this they wish to maintain secret for the time being, there could be security video of an
intentional containment breech, someone who participated in this could confess as part of plea bargain in
China or the USA, or some peculiarity in the RNA structure of the 2019-nCoV could prove a non-natural
source. Probability models can only point the way, they are not likely to provide proofs.
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Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
US Constitution - Article III (Article 3 - Judicial)
The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour...
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Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
Draft article February 17, 2020
Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
17. The State Department is supposed to be the diplomatic branch of government. Instead
it functions as a branch of the CIA. It needs to start to learn and practice diplomacy.
Ambassadors should not be rich friends of presidents. They should be social scientists
and economists who understand the concepts of win-win solutions and mutually
beneficial relationships. They have a lot to learn from Chinese diplomats.
18. The principle leaders of all branches within the “deep state” including foundations,
institutes, think tanks, intelligence and police organizations, PMCs and Private
intelligence agencies, fortune 500 companies, etc. need to learn that peace is better for
business than killing. Starving, impoverished, diseased and dead people don’t buy
19. At least 25% of the current budget of the DoD should be invested in environmental
restoration and alternative energy development.
20. The American Department of Education and ministries of education worldwide need to
incorporate conflict resolution skills training into all levels of education, K-12.
21. Both the Chinese and American governments should encourage their medias to better
promote moderate exercise to boost immune response. The word “moderate” is critical
here. At present the American Medical Association is functioning with big
pharmaceutical companies to promote illness rather than prevent it.
22. It is most certainly in the interests of even the western mainstream media to promote
the above suggestions; it can most certainly be considered a form of “enlightened self-
interest” given that biological weapons have the potential extinguish all life on earth.
a. Are the publishers, editors and producers of western news willing to bet their
lives, and the lives of their families and all of humanity on the quirky nature of
DARPA manufactured viral and bacterial mutations?
b. Ditto for bankers, politicians and even the neo-Nazis
23. More accurate histories need to be taught world-wide to prevent horrific abuses of
power such as the USA, UK, France and Israel still engage in, e.g. acting as colonial
powers in Africa, Latin American and Asia. The real evils and cruelties of colonialism
need to be stressed worldwide. Media and history books worldwide should not deny or
fragment Euro-American colonialism. The history of the past 500 years has been
characterized by one Euro-American driven colonial holocaust after another culminating
in many occurring simultaneously since 9/11. Even in Beijing private schools usually
teach an exclusively Euro-American-centric perspective on history, which virtually
always begins with the Greeks, then Romans, and pretty much ignores the fact that
Chinese invented practically everything before the 16th Century (except the wheel which
appears to be of Mesopotamian origin, corresponding to modern day Syria and Iraq).
24. Respect for all people must begin in early childhood by reinforcing genuine gender
equality. It is the belief of many that it is the early learning of sexism that sets the stage
for later bigotry. Even though it has been a Euro-American alliance of the ultra-rich
driving the genocidal colonial wars the past 500 years, 90% of Euro-Americans are
blameless because most have been ensnared in the very effective disinformation
machine of the world’s capitalists, the richest 1% of the world’s population. All people
must be evaluated on individual merits such as wisdom, level of social egalitarianism
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Probability Model of the Genesis of COVID-19 in Wuhan China
and effort, not ethnicity, religion, gender, age, physical attractiveness, populist acting
ability, political orientation or other superficial characteristics.
Draft article February 17, 2020