Transcom UPL Fy21
Transcom UPL Fy21
Transcom UPL Fy21
RECOMMENDATION: For FY21, buy back 10 x KC-10 and 13 x KC-135 aircraft at a cost of
approximately $110M.
USTRANSCOM Fiscal Year 2021 Unfunded Priorities List
Priority USTRANSCOM FY21 Unfunded Priorities Appn BLI PE TY$M
2 Surge Ship Readiness 1804 02-2A1F 0408042N $85.1
Provides funding to address maintenance backlog for 15 Military Sealift Command operated
sealift ships. Includes full funding of (4) 5-year regulatory drydocking overhauls for
SHUGHART, YANO, GORDON and KOCAK and class maintenance, spare parts and
obsolescence prevention for all ships.