Business Plan Sugoi Rest

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Executive Summary

Research for Sugoi Restaurant started on April 1, 2018. The intention of this restaurant
was to provide empowerment for ourselves while providing ramen noodles for the
Guyanese public in and around Georgetown.

Ramen originated in China, then traveled to Japan in the early 1900s, where shotgun
shops sprang up to serve businessmen and women on their lunch breaks. Whether in
summer or winter, the Japanese stood at counters with their mouths hovering over
bowls of piping hot soup.

Guyana, then, is about 100 years behind this trend, but we are fully embraced it now. In
Georgetown where our main dish almost always is meat served with some form of rice
or it is burgers with fries. This variation of ramen noodles that we will be offering at
Sugoi Restaurant will be something different for all our Guyanese.

Guyana is in a place of transition at present. People from different cultures are coming
into our country daily for different purposes.

At Sugoi Restaurant we will be providing people with the option of moving away from
the mundane lunch and try our variations of ramen noodles and soups.

A proper bowl of ramen can still prove elusive. In its simplest form, three components
make or break a bowl of ramen: the broth (made from chicken, fish, pork, or a
combination of all three), the noodles (from thick and straight to curly and thin), and
the toppings (seaweed, pork, soft-boiled egg, scallions, corn, ground meat, bamboo
shoots, and fish cakes). We will be offering all of these at Sugoi Restaurant.

Apart from serving healthy, delicious ramen noodles we also be serving these meals in a
timely manner. Very often we go to buy lunch at restaurants and end up waiting almost
three quarters of an hour just to be served. Our customers will be served in a prompt

Further, our customers will have the option of deciding how they will prefer their
Ramen. This is Guyana and we have observed that majority of Guyanese like to have
variation of their meals. They will be able to ‘creolize’ their ramen to their unique taste

Personal Goals

We are a group of working young individuals who are always on the go. We found that
we do not always have time to prepare our meals. Hence, the ramen shop. This is where
we will offer individuals affordable and tasty ramen noodle of all flavours. Our personal
goal is to share our love for great food with the public. We define our personal success
as a balance of healthy eating, exercise and doing meaningful work.

A recent study coming out of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) has shown that
Guyana has a youth unemployment rate of about 40%. Hence we have decided to
establish Sugoi Restaurant to curb the unemployment situation for ourselves. At the
same time providing the public with tasty and affordable meals.

Business Vision

Sugoi Restaurant is dedicated to providing a unique platform for ramen noodle for the
Guyanese population and empowering youths through the creation of employment.

Business Objectives

Short-term Objectives

 To dedicate more time and energy to Sugoi Restaurant by December, 2018.

 To establish the Sugoi Restaurant to sell our tasty noodle Giftland Mall, Turkeyen,
East Coast Demerara by December, 2018.
 To carry out a successful charitable food drive in less fortunate rural primary schools
around Georgetown by December 23rd, 2018.
 To create employment for three [3] young people by December, 2018.

Long –term Objectives

 To introduce Sugoi Restaurant to the Guyanese public by October, 2018.

 To expand Sugoi Restaurant Marketing Scope by launching it in GEM Magazine by
December, 2018.
 To build a relationships with our customers.



Sugoi Restaurant will provide delicious, tasty and healthy ramen noodles at an

affordable price to the Guyanese public.

Sample of some ramen noodles to be sold at the Sugoi Restaurant

Business Operations

The Team

Ms. Kaydina Gir (Founder and Chief Operations Officer)


I will be responsible for developing and maintaining the Business plan, ensuring that

the service roadmap is in alignment with my Startup vision, managing the Restaurant

i.e. ensuring that the meals are prepared according to international standards.

Mr. Kaliesh Sammy (Editor-in-Chief and Marketing Manager)


Mr. Kaliesh Sammy will be responsible for preparing advertisements for the business.

He is also responsible for the outlook of the business. Preparation of all posters, media

coverage such as our Face book page and so on.

Mr. Ishwar Becham (Operations Manager )


Mr. Ishwar Becham will be responsible for the daily operation of Sugoi Restaurant. He

will ensure that the products that is needed to prepare the meals are available. He is also

responsible that the Restaurant is up to par with strict sanitation regulations.

Note: we are in the process of interviewing certified chefs.

Business Overview

Legal name of business:

Sugoi Restaurant

Trade name of business:

Sugoi Restaurant

Business address:
Hadfield Street , Stabroke
Mailing address:
Hadfield Street , Stabroke

Phone numbers:
592-222-0476/ 592-676-1567
E-mail address:

Structure of business:
Sole Proprietorship

Date business established:

October, 2018

Nature of business:
Food Services

Bank and branch location used for business matters:

Republic Bank (Camp Street Branch)

Camp Street & Robb Street, Lacytown

Georgetown, Guyana

The restaurant’s target market will be individuals who are looking to experience

something new. The business will be able to give persons the chance to have a unique

international cuisine without having to leave the country.

The business plans to advertise several different ways:

 An advertisement will be placed in the newspaper to promote the launch of the


 The business will have a Facebook page so the gain the attention of the

individuals who are pro-actively on social media.

 An advertisement from customers, who have visited the restaurant and want to

recommend said restaurant it to their friends and family members.

These methods will be adopted by the proposed business to advertise in order

promote/market the business and its products. The restaurant will be fully operational

from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. from Monday to Saturday and 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on


The business’ target market will be persons’ from ages five (5) to fifty (50) from the

regions 3-4. According to 2012 census the number of persons from the age range 5-50

(target market) is approximately one hundred and fifty two thousand three hundred and

seventy persons (152,370).

MP = Market Potential
N = number of buyers
Q = average number purchased by each buyer

MP = N x Q

MP = 152,370 x 24 bowls of ramen

= 3,656,880 bowls of ramen over a one year period

Under perfect conditions where the entire target market is proposed to purchased two

bowls of ramen per month which is equivalent to twenty-four bowls per year. The

estimated output would be 3,565,880 bowls of ramen per year. Therefore, over a three

years period, the estimated output would be 10,970,640 bowls of ramen.

As it is, Sugoi is going to be the only restaurant to be specialising in the sale of ramen

and also have a variety of options to choose from, with prices that does not vary that


1. 1 Shio Ramen - $500

2. Shoyu Ramen- $500

3. Miso Ramen- $500

4. Noukoi Ramen- $500

5. Tonkotsu Ramen- $500

6. Vegan Ramen- $300

$500+$500+$500+$500+$500+$300= $2800/6= $466.67

Average unit price would be $466.67

Given that under perfect conditions the business would be producing appropriately

3,656,880 bowls per year, the estimated sale would be

Unit Price * Total Target Market = Gross Profit per year under perfect conditions /

estimated sales
$466.67 * 3,656,880 = $1,706,556,189.6 per year

$1,706,556,189.6* 3 = $ 5,119,668,568.8

Over a three years period, Sugoi Ramen Restaurant is estimated to sell 3,656,880 bowls

of ramen with sales being $5,119,668,568.8. This restaurant will have a chance to

capture majority of its target market because of its uniqueness in its cuisine.


Competitive Environment

Large competitors

 Large Restaurants [New Thriving Restaurants]

Strengths: Good corporate reputation because of long years of service

Weaknesses: Do not support Specialize in ramen noodles.

Competitive Opportunities & Challenges


 At present, no competitor is specialized in offering different flavors of ramen


Challenges foresee

 Because Guyana has no quality control over pricing of products this can mean

that our prices on our menu can increase over time. Simply because we have to

offset our expenses.

 Due to perceived economic struggles in Guyana, uncertainty is more pronounced

today than in the past. The sad news is that uncertainty leads to a short-term

focus. Due to this uncertainty, Sugoi Restaurant mostly focuses on short term

goals as compared to long-term goals.

 Building a customer line may be challenging because they are so many

restaurants around Georgetown.


Customer Segments

A number of customer segments exist for ramen noodles that we provide and also the

service that they will experience when the visit Sugoi Restaurant. These include:

 Young children (ages 3-5) because our ramen noodles varies we will be able to

meet their taste buds as well. Children in the whole like their food plain but tasty.

We will cater for their specific need. We will create a special menu for kids and

also create a child friendly environment for children i.e. have a little play area in

the restaurant for them and also eating tables to accommodate them during their

meal time.

 Corporate Guyana seeking a change in the lunch menu.

 Persons living in and around Georgetown that just wants to have tasty ramen


 Tourists wanting to taste the different flavors of cuisine around Georgetown.

Target Customers
At Sugoi Restaurant we just want to make delicious, healthy ramen noodles of different

flavors at an affordable price. Our main target customers are people around

Georgetown for now.


New customers will be obtained through referral from other customers or by direct
contact after coming into Sugoi Restaurant and experience the ambiance we have to


We will be launching free lunches in schools around Georgetown. We are pursuing the
possibility of getting corporate Guyana on board with this venture as to make it a weekly
sustainable project at the beginning.

Advertisements will be placed in the Sunday Kaieteur Newspapers where we will be

highlighting our Sunday Specials.

Complimentary tokens of appreciation on regular basis for clients.


 Alabama Trading
 Dabi’s Variety

Planned Changes

We are currently looking for rental spots at ________Hadfield Street, Georgetown for
October, 2018 and the Giftland Mall for December 2018 that can support the sale to a
larger target group for our noodles. These major high traffic areas, frequented by
tourists, working people and those just looking for good noodle, will be the ideal
locations to set up our restaturants.

Representatives from Giftland Mall have already been contacted and confirmation is
currently pending. Cost: $80,000- $100,000 per month; the first 3 months being
covered from the initial investment into the business.

We are looking at setting up our kitchen with all the utensils such as stove, pots, pan,
plates, spoons, and so on and the start up cost: $150,000, and $10,000 per month for
maintenance in case we need repairs to the stove or get additional utensils.

Computer hardware and software: To manage the business's accounting and finances.
Starr Computers has the ideal package with a Point of Sale attached. Cost: $170,000.

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