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Moorabool News


EMAIL: Your Local News WEB:
Tuesday 25 February, 2020 Serving Ballan and district since 1872 Phone 5368 1966 Vol 14 No 8

Masons Lane has a new playground as part of the Pick My Project program, and Minister for Regional Development Jaclyn Symes along with Moorabool Mayor David Edwards and
Member for Melton Steve McGhie, officially opened the facility. Photo – HELEN TATCHELL

Moorabool, the place to play

By Helen Tatchell on Thursday 13 February, to officially cut the ribbon to “…as well as supporting social connections,” Cr
complete the opening of the playground. Edwards said.
An ‘open-space’ has just been filled and is bound to
Cr Edward said research and consultation undertaken Minister Symes said the new playground is a wonderful
bring enjoyment and laughter.
in the preparation of Council’s Recreation and Open asset, ideal for families in the growing community.
A new playground at Mason’s Lane in Bacchus Marsh
Space Strategy, identified the need for infrastructure to “Masons Lane Reserve is a popular precinct for locals
will adorn the already well used and functional multi-
service the growing population in the area. – I’m delighted Pick My Project funding has delivered
use recreation facility.
The $120,000 outdoor play area was built under the “The provision of a playground and seating will a brand- new playground for the community – that
Pick My Project program and the area is utilised by encourage passive activities and provide a destination young families will adore.”
sporting clubs, local schools and community members. for the wider Bacchus Marsh community.” The project was popular through the Pick My Project
Minister for Regional Development Jaclyn Symes The funding from the Pick My Project was used to initiative, receiving 224 votes from the community,
joined Moorabool Council Mayor Cr David Edwards, install seating and a playground at the reserve to with $1.81 million from the program invested into the
Cr Tonia Dudzik and Member for Melton Steve McGhie promote health and wellbeing in the community. Central Highlands region.

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Page 2 The Moorabool News – 25 February, 2020 Email -

New $7 million
Senior Study Centre
Opened 2020 Delivered on time
and on budget

Bacchus Marsh Grammar proudly supports our students

by providing a state-of-the-art learning environment.
Our ongoing building program supports local families
by creating real jobs and a positive residential future
for the community of Bacchus Marsh.
Putting Education and People before Waste.

PO Box 214, Maddingley Campus Woodlea Campus

Bacchus Marsh VIC 3340 South Maddingley Road, 111 Frontier Avenue,
Bacchus Marsh VIC 3340 Aintree VIC 3336
P +61 3 5366 4800 P +61 3 5366 4900
F +61 3 5366 4850 F +61 3 5366 4950
Email -  The Moorabool News – 25 February, 2020 Page 3

TRUCKIN’ HELL Prepare for two-years of trucks –

Maddingley Brown Coal
The Maddingley Brown Coal (MBC) mine has operated since
1948. The Bacchus Marsh site is currently used for three
activities: mining coal, as a landfill and for materials recycling.
When coal has been excavated, the void is ‘refilled’ using inert
460 movements a day and contaminated soil (chemically inactive) landfill using solid landfill waste. Also, coal
from the MBC site is used as fertiliser.
By Kate Taylor “The following was stated. The State Government are
the owners of the project. It will take two years. 230 truck In 1990 the Calleja Group acquired the Bacchus Marsh-based
The state government is rushing a decision that could give Maddingley Brown Coal Mine. The original aim was to use the
movements each way per day (460 a day.) Untested soil
mine’s 13.5 million cubic metre hole as an EPA-licensed landfill
Bacchus Marsh the reputation of ‘the place with the toxic will be transported to Maddingley. It will be tested up
site. Landfill has continued on the site since then and the initial
dump’ according to Moorabool Mayor David Edwards. to 20 days later to determine what category of spoil it is. landfill site is almost full. Maddingley Brown Coal is about to
The state government is considering dumping soil The application has been sent to the minister for approval. submit an application to the EPA to put the inert (chemically
contaminated with PFAS and asbestos on the Maddingley They are bypassing Council. Council will not decide the inactive) waste in another area of the site and to consolidate the
Brown Coal (MBC) property. application. Transurban did not agree to provide Council current permits into a single easier to manage permit.
The Moorabool News asked Cr Edwards if he would with a copy of the application and supporting reports. MBC Consultative Committee (MBCCC)
be happy to comment on the idea that, with millions of We have not seen a traffic study or an environmental The MBCCC provides members of the community with an
dollars in heavy machinery sitting dormant at the West impact study on this project. Transurban and Maddingley opportunity to engage with MBC.
Gate Tunnel project every day, the state government is Brown Coal did not agree to attend the Public Community The MBCCC is an ongoing point of contact with the community.
rushing to find a place to put the contaminated soil being Meeting scheduled for Tuesday 25 February at 7 pm.” MBCCC receives information or requests from the community
removed, so that the project stops ‘bleeding’ money. MBC needs the Minister to change and sign off its and works with MBCCC to finalise requests. The MBCCC will
“Absolutely. I’m more than happy to comment. Clearly permit conditions because currently, the site cannot have also help MBC to provide information to the community about
contaminated soil let in the gate. activities on site and consult the community about those activities.
the government or Transurban need a decision made
quickly, otherwise it’s costing them millions of dollars. Newly elected Woodlands Ward Councillor Lawry MBC has obtained an Environment Protection Authority (EPA)
Borgelt also took to Facebook to voice concerns. Works Approval permit to develop new landfill cells and the
But we want to be assured that any decision that’s made
MBCCC is focusing on this project.
has all the appropriate rigors and processes in place,” he “As of right now, Transurban has not considered
Meetings are conducted several times a year to address certain
said. undertaking a net community benefit investigation or
issues which help the surrounding community of Bacchus Marsh
“Our first priority is making sure the community is safe, report for Moorabool residents, if Westgate tunnel soil to work in unison with MBC.
and our second priority is to make sure there is no cost to were to be dumped here. Nor are they willing to share
Committee Members include:
the community. We want to make sure Moorabool doesn’t their reports with council. or even come to the meeting on
Chair - Allan Comrie
lose - jobs and businesses - this will tarnish the reputation Tuesday,” Cr Borgelt posted. CFA - Nick DeLeur
of our town if there’s a toxic dump here.” Cr Edwards confirmed the proposal will be put directly Consultant - David Maltby
His comments came hot on the heels of a briefing between to the Minister, cutting council out of the process entirely Neighbour - Rick Dickson
West Gate Tunnel project consortium members, including – not that council could put together a submission as it Community - David Marnie, Parwan Creek Landcare
contractor Transurban and Maddingley Brown Coal, stands. Local Agriculture - Peter Thurn, Genetics Australia
which Cr Edwards said was clearly, and disappointingly, “Without council having been given access to the Grampians CWWRRG - Keith Jackson
just a briefing and not actual consultation. technical reports, we can only raise our concern - we can’t RDV - Richard Bales
He said that while it was confirmed that the plan is to form an informed position. So, in other words, how do we Local Business - Vincent Nguyen
bring in contaminated soil, then test it, then have some know if it’s safe or not? Without the data we have no idea EPA - Anne-Marie McCarthy
removed to a more appropriate site, “not one single study what the truth is?” MBC - Tim Tillig
or plan, no documents at all, were provided to council.” Waste to Energy - Dylan Nichols
** A public community meeting will be held tonight,
MBCCC Support - Jason Den Hollander
East Ward Councillor Tonia Dudzik took to Facebook Tuesday 25 February at 7pm in the Bacchus Marsh
(Source – MBC website)
following the meeting. Public Hall.



TOXIC to discuss the


SOIL Toxic Soil proposed PRESENTS



US MAR for Bacchus Marsh

Tuesday 25th February WOMEN'S HEALTH

Starting 7pm
Bacchus Marsh Public Hall FORUM 2020
The meeting will have local council and Victorian members of Parliament in FREE ENTRY
attendance. The Westgate Tunnel project has excavated tonnes and tonnes of
contaminated TOXIC SOIL, containing PFAS.
The State Government is in talks with a local business to dump thousands of
tonnes of this contaminated soil at the Maddingley Brown Coal site, risking our
community, local businesses and our water supplies.

There is evidence that human exposure to PFAS chemicals can lead to MARCH 11, 2020 | 5.45pm -9.00pm
adverse health effects, including cancer.
Bacchus Marsh Public Hall-207 Main Street
Our local council is being ignored, the community isn’t being consulted and the
The event is free and open to women of all ages
Andrew’s Government is forging ahead to brush this issue and the
To register visit
mismanagement of the whole project under the rug.
DO NOT let them get away with this.
or email or
WE DON’T WANT IT HERE!! call 5366 1219 to book.
PROTECT OUR COMMUNITY AND For more information visit the
We will be asking "ARE WE SAFE?" and many other questions on the night.
Come along and have your voice heard. Fantastic speakers covering: Menopause & Menstruation I  Sexual Health 
|Health Checks  |  Mental & Emotional Wellbeing  Facing Adversity  | 
Laughing Group  &  Positive Thinking I Local Health Services  |  Door Prizes
Bacchus Marsh Community Coalition

This event is being held on the land of the Wurundjeri people

Page 4 The Moorabool News – 25 February, 2020 Email -

Moorabool Shire Council

Subdivision Review
The Victorian Electoral Commission is carrying out a subdivision review of Moorabool
Shire Council and wants your input.
The review looks at adjustments to ward boundaries to ensure each voter is
equitably represented in the upcoming local council elections.
Ward boundaries are adjusted so that the number of voters represented by each
councillor is within 10% of the local council average.
The review only considers the location of ward boundaries. It will not consider the
number of councillors or wards.
The VEC will release a preliminary report on Wednesday 26 February with proposed
changes to the boundaries of all wards within Moorabool Shire Council.
Proposed ward boundaries are shown in the map below.

How can I get involved? Public hearing

You can have your say on the proposed 6.00 pm, Tuesday 31 March
changes to ward boundaries by making Council Chamber,

Lawyer suggests
a submission to the VEC. 15 Stead Street, Ballan
Submissions can be made: You can speak in support of your
• online at submission at this hearing. You must
• by email: indicate in your submission if you wish

police detected to speak at the hearing.
• by post: VEC, Level 11, 530 Collins The hearing will not be held if there are
Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 no requests to speak.
Submissions must reach the VEC by Final recommendation
5.00 pm Wednesday 25 March.

wrong vehicle
The VEC will release a final report
The report on Wednesday 22 April, with its
recommendation for the Minister for
The preliminary report contains
Local Government.
important information to help prepare
your submission, including detailed If accepted, changes to ward
maps of the proposed ward boundaries. boundaries will take effect at the local
council elections in October 2020. By Caitlin Bewley “I’m suggesting you detected the wrong
The report will be available: (3rd Yr Swinburne Uni) vehicle,” Morris’ lawyer said. “[Morris] says
• online at he was in the left lane; you say he was in the
• by calling 131 832 A man driving on the Western Freeway, right lane. Your memory is that there was
• for inspection at council offices clocked by police at 128kph, tried in vain to only one vehicle.”
during business hours. convince Magistrate Tom Barrett police had “Would you say your memory is faulty?”
the wrong vehicle. Morris’ lawyer said.
Leading Senior Constable John Volf “No, they’re my notes,” LSC Volf said.
attended court and gave evidence as the “Maybe you made a mistake on this
informant, also providing the court with the occasion,” the accused’s lawyer said.
summary on Friday 31 January. “No, I do this every day and they’re my
“Tom Morris was travelling east along the notes,” LSC Volf replied.
Western Freeway, Ballan on 8 June 2018 when Prosecutor Sergeant Ivan Blomley asked
his speed was measured by a radar detection LSC Volf if he “ever saw Morris change
device, showing that speed as 128kph. He lanes,” to which he replied that Morris did
was then intercepted,” LSC Volf said. change lanes, but it wasn’t until he was being
The court heard Morris was interviewed intercepted.
by police and said he “didn’t think he was Morris’ lawyer went on to cross examine a
travelling that fast,” and when police asked police officer on shift with LSC Volf at the
if he had been looking at his speedo he time, who answered questions relating to
replied “no.” the process of the radar’s pre-and post-shift
Morris’ lawyer argued his client’s case, checks, and whether Morris was in the left
questioning the informant LSC Volf, which or right lane.
lane his client was actually travelling in. “Your Honour, you cannot be convinced
The lawyer saying the left lane and LSC Volf beyond reasonable doubt that relevant
saying the right. checks were made on the device, and the
car detected was driven by Mr Morris,” the
“Would you say he was travelling at the
accused’s lawyer argued.
same speed as surrounding traffic?” Morris’
lawyer continued. “[The witnesses] have given evidence that
this is their normal process, and there is
“I disagree,” LSC Volf replied.
no reason that they would do anything
“Was he going faster?” the lawyer said. different,” prosecutor Blomley rebutted.
“He was going the speed I detected,” LSC Magistrate Barrett said he accepts their
Volf rebutted. evidence.
Morris’ lawyer went on to ask LSC Volf “I accept that the evidence given by the
about the inability to see anything other informant proves the identification of the
than the headlights of the cars they were correct vehicle. I find the charge proven,” he
observing. said.
“There are no streetlights in Ballan, it was Magistrate Barrett re-imposed the initial
dark, it was nighttime,” the accused’s lawyer fine of $317 and did not record a conviction
Submissions close said. against Morris.

Council Clip
5.00 pm
Wednesday 25 March
By Kate Taylor | 131 832 @electionsvic
A key document that helps council assess the need for infrastructure in communities is now
in action.
The Community Infrastructure Planning Process was put out for public exhibition in
2019 with five submissions received, however they were deemed to be in response to more
technical supporting documents rather than the process itself.
The process was officially adopted by councillors at the February 5 council meeting after
West Ward councillor Tom Sullivan moved the motion, seconded by Central Ward councillor
Authorised by W. Gately, AM, Electoral Commissioner, 530 Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria.
Paul Tatchell.
Email -  The Moorabool News – 25 February, 2020 Page 5

Join us in our
45th year
to discover
your superpower

The Ballan Autumn Festival Inc.

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Page 6 The Moorabool News – 25 February, 2020 Email -

The Plough Marquee

Terms and Conditions
be considered tentative pending receipt of deposit, and held without obligation,
even (7) days unless otherwise stipulated. Once this period has elapsed Tiger
reserves the right to cancel an unconfirmed booking and, without further
Friday 6 March, 12pm
the date to other enquiries.

considered confirmed upon receipt of 50% of the quoted price and accompanied
ms and Conditions form.
n quotes are valid for 30 days.
ctly non-refundable. If a date is rebooked within 28 days of making the
deposit previously paid may be rolled over and used as the deposit for your new

less than 30 days prior to the event date will incur the full agreed fee.
Bacchus Marsh Grammar
y me, the Performer, due to illness, injury or unforeseen circumstances, a
en of all monies paid.
es to change the date of the function Tiger Man Enterprises will endeavour to
Hospitality Students &
Darley Neighborhood House
subject to availability. However, if the request to change the date of the event
prior to the original date of the event, this will be deemed a cancellation and
on fees will apply.
bookings requested within 30 days of an event require payment in full to be
parking travel & accommodation, transfers or out of pocket expenses that are
to the booking, are payable by you up to 7 days post the event. Copy receipts

3-course Set Menu

sing room facilities are to be provided if required.
provide a safe working environment for the entertainer including reliable power
age to our equipment due to improper power is the responsibility of the Client.
is damaged by a person/s attending the function as a guest of the Client, then
liable for any loss or damage suffered.
sure that any person under the influence of alcohol/drugs does not disrupt the
ny way, and if so, that person/s will be removed from the venue by the Client.
rsons are deemed to present a threat of injury or harm or disruption to the
Plus Award-winning
rmance, Elvis Forever reserves the right to cease performing. If the Client is
he threatening situation in a reasonable amount of time (maximum of 15
formance will resume.
Elvis tribute Artist Damian Mullin
Payment Details throughout the afternoon
eposit is required within 7 days of making the booking

required seven days prior to the event.
are based on the venue access being on a flat level surface.
made either by cash, cheque or EFT

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Man Enterprises, C/- DJ Mullin – 4A Mandorah Court,

IC 3167

Bookings essential
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per month. The client may be liable for any legal fees and/or any
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(03) 5368 7173
Email -  The Moorabool News – 25 February, 2020 Page 7

Tired of being ignored Students service

Moorabool Shire Council Mayor Cr David
Edwards has called on the Andrews Labor
Government to stop ignoring the people of
Bacchus Marsh and to start listening.
Cr Edwards said there were three big
their communities 
projects impacting the Shire where proper “We also sponsor students to attend
community consultation was not happening: Leadership camps and are currently hosting
- A proposal to store, categorise and dispose an international exchange student from
of contaminated soil at Bacchus Marsh; France.”
- The construction of transmission lines
across the Shire; and Other students to receive an award were:
- Changes to the way Bacchus Marsh Hospital BACCHUS MARSH GRAMMAR
is being run, which will potentially impact School Leadership
employment and services. Oliver Eldering
“There’s a reoccurring theme here,” he said. Community involvement     
“Bacchus Marsh residents are being left out Emily Marchington             
of the conversation and I call on the Andrews
Labor Government to stop ignoring and to DARLEY PS
start listening to our community.” School service
Cr Edwards said the Government should Alexis Milner                                   
have nothing to fear from proper community Emmerson Muir                   
“If their arguments are sound, our PENTLAND PS
community will listen and be able to make Moorabool Shire Council Mayor Cr David Community involvement
an informed judgement on what’s being Edwards. Photo Helen Tatchell Axel Morton was presented his ‘Service to Jasmyn Cassar
proposed,” he said. the Community’ award by Bacchus Marsh School service                              
“Without proper consultation though, the Community residents have called a public Rotarian, John Lucas.Photo - submitted
Letisha Fuller 
void will be filled by rumour and innuendo. meeting today, Tuesday 25 February to Axel Morton, a student attending Coimadai
“Councils must, under Acts of Parliament, discuss the proposal to store, categorise and ST BERNARD’S PS
Primary School, was one of 15 students given
consult with their communities on a whole dispose of contaminated soil at Bacchus School Leadership
a Rotary Club ‘Service to the Community’
range of matters. Marsh. The meeting will be held at the Zoey Matthews                    
Award at the school Graduation held las
“The State Government should do the same Bacchus Marsh Public Hall, 207 Main Street, year. Zali Lorenc Young               
when it comes to big projects that impact the Bacchus Marsh, at 7pm. Council officers and
Axel received his award and a cheque
lives of Bacchus Marsh residents,” he said. elected officials will be in attendance. MYRNIONG PS
for $100 from Rotarian John Lucas for his
contribution to the Sporting Community. Community Service

Scooter crashes into truck Axel loves sport. He is a passionate about Cooper Bellette                   
his beloved AFL Richmond team. But after
some hockey lessons at school he then joined
a Hockey club in 2018. Contribution to the Arts
By Caitlin Bewley “It is believed the rider of the scooter
He also plays for a local cricket team. Chelsea Borchard               
accidentally accelerated into the side of a
A truck prime mover and a mobility scooter north-bound prime mover before being At school he has been a great mentor to BACCHUS MARSH COLLEGE         
collided on Friday 7 February, with a 78-year- thrown off the scooter,” a spokesperson for fellow students and assisted them during
Physical Education lessons and while School leadership
old Bacchus Marsh woman taken to hospital. Victoria Police said.
playing on the school oval during recesses. Haylee Quaife                                 
Police and emergency services responded to Ambulance Victoria said the “woman was Tristan Brockhoff                
Axel has been a great sporting role model
the collision at around 2.50pm on Gisborne taken to the Royal Melbourne Hospital in a
and will undoubtedly continue his interest
Road between Bennett and Main Street. stable condition with upper body injuries.” BACCHUS MARSH PS
in sport in Secondary School this year.
Police told the Moorabool News the rider Royal Melbourne Hospital were contacted Mr Lucas said this is another example of our Excellent student
of the scooter was “waiting at the lights at a however, could not confirm the updated Rotary Club assisting the youth of our local Torin Davidson                    
pedestrian crossing”. condition of the woman. community. Ymir Travisson-Heafield   

Rough start to life

By Helen Tatchell
Putting all
the ducks
The dumping of rubbish,
and possibly contaminated
soil is one thing, but the
dumping of newborn
animals is seriously another.
Over a week ago at Gordon

in a row
six kittens were found
dumped on the side of the
road in a box, abandoned by
their owner.
A council spokesperson
said a member of the public
found them. By Kate Taylor its business operations, with the aim of
“They then brought them developing a comprehensive plan to become
to Council’s Community Ballan District Health and Care is tidying a sustainable health service into the future,”
Safety team at Darley.” up its property titles. Ms Clift said.
And at just an estimated age The organisation currently has a planning
“As part of that review, it was discovered
of 10-14 days, they would permit application sitting with Moorabool
that the BDHC facility sits over seven titles.
still be fully reliant on their Shire Council for a three-lot subdivision, but
mother’s milk and warmth. As a result, BDHC submitted a proposal
according to BDHC CEO Rowena Clift, it’s
Moorabool Mayor David to Moorabool Shire Council to reduce our
more of a consolidation than a subdivision.
Edwards said there is a current number of Titles or Lots from seven
The Moorabool News understands that
growing problem in the to three. This is a consolidation, rather than
a large activity room currently sits across
shire of unwanted litters of a ‘subdivision’. Some of our Titles were out
two titles, showing that a consolidation
kittens. of date and not reflective of the organisation
makes sense – but still asked the question of
“The right thing to do is configuration as it is today.”
whether the move is a way for BDHC to tidy-
have your cats and dogs
program, as they are too care of a reputable rescue. up before a sale may occur. Notices of the application have recently
de-sexed, and not abandon
young to go to the pound to If you find a lost pet in the “As outlined in our December 2019 been put up on BDHC boundary fencing.
“These little fellas have been be adopted,” he said. area, please contact Council Community Update, Ballan District Health The application is yet to come before council
put in our kitten recovery The kittens are now in the on 5366 7100. & Care (BDHC) is currently reviewing for a decision.
Page 8 The Moorabool News – 25 February, 2020 Email -

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Brushed Potatoes White Nectarines Green Grapes Continental
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Corn on the Cob Carrots Sweet Potatoes Zucchini
(1kg pre-packed) (pre-packed)

.99c ea .99ea $1.99kg $1.99ea

Email -  The Moorabool News – 25 February, 2020 Page 9

Still high
chance of fire
The CFA is warning Victorians there is still
potential risk of bushfires in coming months.
Although weather conditions have
improved, February and March are set to
see dry weather conditions in some parts of
CFA’s Acting Assistant Chief Officer (West
Region), Michael Boatman, said now was

Open for business a good time for people to revisit their fire
safety plans.
“Our message to the community is there is
still the risk of fast-running scrub and grass
By Caitlin Bewley “Bacchus Marsh is mainly a service and fires, and we are not out of the danger zone
parts centre for Holden, Mitsubishi, LDV, just yet. This is still fire season and you still
Parent company General Motors has retired Nissan and Kia, and services all makes and need to be prepared,” he said.
the Holden name, but clients of the Bacchus models for the people and surrounds of “That means as we move through the next
“Victorians are reminded that some of the
Marsh dealership will see no changes for Bacchus Marsh,” Mr Mance said. few weeks with those hotter conditions,
most devastating fires in our state have
years to come. A 72-year stint wasn’t long enough to occurred throughout the month of February, there’s potential for grass fires, particularly
The discontinuation of Holden comes after keep Holden afloat in Australia and the including the St Patricks Day fires in 2018, to have considerable impact on spike days,”
an Australian leadership team presented a Motor Trades Association of Queensland Black Saturday in 2009, the North East fires he said.
business case to GM executives. (MTA) said this will affect the country both in 2003, and Ash Wednesday in 1983,” “We’ve been really pleased this season that
economically and socially. “Going further back, the Gippsland Fires people have heeded our warnings and left
This resulted in the decision to cut
investments into future Australian Holden “The departure of Holden comes at a in 1965, Red Tuesday in 1898, and Black their homes and communities when we have
time where franchised new car dealers Thursday in 1851 all took place during told them to do so,” he said.
models because of the lack of significant
are under immense pressure from global February,” Mr Boatman said. “We want people to continue to do that,
financial return.
manufacturers,” Group CEO of MTA “One of last bushfire season’s highest-impact but also to take responsibility for their own
Managing Director of Alan Mance Motors Queensland, Dr Brett Gale said. fires, the Bunyip State Park fire, destroyed 29 safety.
Group, Phillip Mance, reassured people “This development re-affirms the need homes and many more outbuildings. That “We ask that they understand the risk to
of Bacchus Marsh and surrounds with for government to thoroughly consider fire didn’t start until 1 March and burned them, how the warnings system works and
outstanding warranties will not be affected the framework of the new automotive more than 15,000 hectares before it was what they need to do on high-risk bushfire
by the closure of the company. franchising code in Australia to ensure contained two weeks later.” days in the areas they live and work in and
“Holden after sales division will be around that has adequate protection for businesses Mr Boatman said weather indications show travel to,” he said.
for 10-years, so all warranty, parts and service who’ve invested millions of dollars.” a strong chance that Victoria will exceed Visit for more information
for Holden’s will be honoured well into the Alan Mance Holden is located at 4 Graham the average temperature over the month of about bushfire planning and preparation,
future,” he told the Moorabool News. Street Bacchus Marsh. March. and about leaving early.

Moorabool Shire Council

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The next Ordinary Meeting of Council will be held on Wednesday 4 March 2020,
at 6.00pm, in the Council Chambers, 15 Stead St, Ballan.
Members of the public are welcome to attend.
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S we et

TerryWhite Chemmart Griff

ith S
4’OLeary Way
Cemetry Rd


n Rd

Werribee Vale Rd, between Bacchus St and Halletts Rd/O’Leary Way roundabout,
er W

will be closed to all traffic and pedestrians in both directions until mid-June.

l Pl
ce Dr

Dewer Cres
During this time, our contractor will be working on building a retaining wall, drainage

Harry Vallan

Tess Ct
improvements, widening the road, constructing a new walking path, landscaping and

kerb and channel work.


Sonny Cl
Traffic control and detours will be in place, so we ask people to plan ahead to avoid
Our new pharmacy is now open in the the road while the works are on. We thank you for your patience, and we look

new Maddingley Medical Centre!

forward to delivering a safer road.

TerryWhite Chemmart Maddingley OPENING HOURS: Moorabool Shire Council: PO Box 18, Ballan VIC 3342
4 O’Leary Way
Maddingley VIC 3340
Mon - Fri: 8am to 8pm
Sat: 9am to 5pm
Telephone: 03 5366 7100 Facsimile: 03 5368 1757
P: 03 4311 1561 Sun: 9am to 1pm CEO: Derek Madden
F: 03 4311 1562
Email: Web:
*Excluding Baby Formula, NDSS, DAAs, prescriptions and identified scheduled medicines. +Conditions apply. See in store for details. TerryWhite
Chemmart® reserve the right to correct printed errors. TerryWhite Chemmart® is a registered trademark of TWC IP Pty Ltd ACN 136 833 611 and used Facebook: moorabool shire council Twitter: @mooraboolshire
under licence by TW&CM Pty Ltd ACN 136 833 620. TM18768.
Page 10 The Moorabool News – 25 February, 2020 Email -

Letters to the Editor

WRITING LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Each letter must be accompanied
with the writer’s full name, address and phone number (name and suburb for publication
only) and be limited to 300 words. Letters to be received via fax, post or email (preferred
option). The Editor has the right to limit the amount of words in each letter received and
published letters are at the discretion of the Editor.
Email: You may also Post messages on the Moorabool News Facebook page.

Dear Editor, All solutions being considered are based on best practice times. Noting: recent rainfall on same day was not significant
Over the last couple of week’s we’ve heard news via the environmental management and advice from the EPA – but (14mm) compared to previous history = in excess of more
media of a possible Transurban plan to use the Maddingley it’s important to remember there has been no decision made than 65mm during one-day event.
Brown Coal site to store contaminated soil from the Westgate on a site at this stage. The simple fact of the matter is. The exact same above-
Tunnel Project. We have spoken to the Transport Infrastructure Minister mentioned road drainage infrastructure has not been
Understandably, schools, residents and community groups to make sure that Transurban and its builder understand engineered correctly. Local established agricultural
are worried about what this will mean for their community. our community’s views on the potential use of Maddingley developers have previously, including more times, proposed
It is clear that there has so far not been enough consultation Brown Coal and the need for community input to be taken drainage-easement allocation/alternatives beneficial for local
with local council. residents and concerned groups and into account. authorities, therefore sacrificing their own private properties
certainly my office has received no information at all from Minister Jacinta Allan, Member for Buninyong Michaela boundaries, in an attempt to alleviate the flash-flooding
Transurban – not even the courtesy of a phone call. Settle, and Member for Melton Steve McGhie, have been issues associated with Werribee-Vale Road. These same
It is not good enough for Transurban to simply suggest a clear with Transurban and its builder that any decisions generous proposals, have either been ignored, postponed
number of sites around the state as storage options and then they make about the soil storage must meet the expectations and/or delayed.
go silent about what this will mean for those communities. of the community, and that the highest standards are in The Member for Melton (Steve McGhie) has recently made
Before further steps are taken by Transurban, they need place to make sure there’s no risk to the environment or the mention, “The agriculture sector of Bacchus Marsh is
to assure all the affected communities that there is a long- community. benefiting from safer, better quality roads, thanks to program
term plan in place to safely store and more importantly treat We will continue to take forward all the concerns of our funding”. Well, Steve McGhie and Michaela Settle, you
contaminated soil and that it will not have any detrimental community. have an open invitation - Next time it rains along Werribee-
effect on residents. To that end I have written to Transuban Steve McGhie MP Vale Road, please feel free to take time out of your hectic-
and sought an urgent briefing as to their plans. Michaela Settle MP day, come visit Werribee-Vale Road, you will subsequently
When the Andrews’ Government’s Westgate Tunnel project witness what your program-funding has NOT ACHIEVED.
opens it will offer huge benefits to communities across Dear Editor, The photo shows a local high-profile quality control, Market
Melbourne’s west and Western Victoria – none more so than Gardener Manager, along with his dedicated son, trying in
Food Bowl Road Upgrade Disaster
Bacchus Marsh. vain with a shovel to prevent their newly planted crop from
Werribee-Vale Road has recently been upgraded with
But that does not take away from the fact that Transurban storm water inundation/devastation, created via incorrectly
a budget costing $807,500, Moorabool Shire contributed
and their construction partners need to listen the wishes of engineered drainage infrastructure.
$482,500 to this project. While additional funding has come
the people of Maddingley and Bacchus Marsh and ensure On behalf of Werribee Vale Road rate payers, including
from state government to the value of $325,00 for local road
that the final location where this contaminated soil will local established Market-Gardners.
improvements within the shire.
be stored or treated is properly licensed and safe for all
The Member for Buninyong (Michaela Settle) has previously
communities into the future.
commented,”This investment will help with access to
Catherine King MP improved productivity, including access to markets for local
Federal Member for Ballarat farmers. Agriculture is an important sector for the Bacchus
Marsh region, and we are pleased to be investing in its
Dear Editor, future.”
We understand that Maddingley Brown Coal has put This being said, on Friday 14 February the same “Food-
forward a proposal to receive soil from the West Gate Tunnel Bowl Road Project” received 14mm of rainfall. The end result
Project, this is one of a number of sites being considered and due to ‘so-called improvements’ associated with the newly
no decision has been made yet. upgraded road, worst minor-flooding during more recent

LAURELS Education & Training

229 Main Street, Bacchus Marsh Vic 3340
PO Box 309 Bacchus Marsh Vic 3340
RTO 5064


Phone: 5367 1061 Office Hours: 9am - 4pm

This course is designed to prepare students for work as an assistant in Centre Based Care, Occasional Care, Pre-school Centres, Family Day Care and other Children's Services settings.

This entry level qualification covers workers who use organisational policies, procedures and individual children's profiles to plan activities and provide care to children, facilitating their leisure and play and
enabling them to achieve their developmental outcomes.
Depending on the setting, workers may work under direct supervision or autonomously.
CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care is a nationally recognised qualification and is delivered in a classroom setting one day a week with practical placement in an early childhood
education and care service. Practical Placement is arranged by the Trainer.

CHC50113 DIPLOMA OF EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION AND CARE February/March 2020 - Mondays 6.30 pm to 9 pm
The Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care is a Nationally Recognised qualification which will provide participants with skills and knowledge that are highly sought after by industry employers.

This qualification will enable Educators to work in a senior management role within a variety of children services, including being responsible for designing, developing, implementing and evaluating curriculum as
well as supervising and supporting staff.
All participants who have successfully completed CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care will receive 12 credits towards the 28 units of the Diploma qualification. Participants holding an
older qualification will be required to complete the level 3 units through Gap Training.
All participants MUST be working or volunteering in an early childhood education and care setting for a minimum of 15 hours per week.

Pre-enrolment interviews are a requirement for all nationally recognised training and can be arranged by
contacting the office. Access to government subsidised training places is available if eligibility criteria is met.

Eligible students may be subsidised through funds made available by the State Government
*People with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Email -  The Moorabool News – 25 February, 2020 Page 11

ABN: 72 112 005 760

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Freecall 1800 680 830 Tax Invoice Ref No: G2239 S1 VBchm1017
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Computer experts
Comfort & Fashion Footwear
has arrived PROOF -
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$10 OFF
ame DATE PROOF SENT: 4/12/2017
Banh Mi Cafe & Restaurant 164 Main St, Bacchus Marsh
Shop 42, The Village Bacchus Marsh. Ph 0491 117 619
Specialising in women’s comfort & lifestyle
11/5/2017 Ph: 5370 1112

footwear, with a strong focus on affordability 20% OFF ON KERATIN

& providing the best in customer service.
Shop 57, The Village Bacchus Marsh R
ph. 0491 117 619 $200 FULL HEAD FOILS,
PHO (Noodle Soup) (Chicken, Beef & Combination) $299 CLOUD9 STRAIGHTENER
BANH MI (Bread Rolls) Mixed Ham, BBQ Pork, Tofu, S!
BBQ Skewer & Grilled Chicken
range of Hot and Cold Drinks
Kiosk 4, The Village, Bacchus Marsh
Restaurants & Cafes
Ph 0412 998 978 @phoclubbacchusmarsh LIFESTYLE Shop 53 The Village Ph 5367 2664

Cafe Restaurant
Your local
Vietnamese Cuisine Health
• BYO and Full Licence WOMEN’S Food
• Dine in or Take Away WORK store
• Catering • Home Delivery
Huge range Premium quality products
Mon 11am-3pm, Tues-Sat 11am-9pm at affordable prices
Ph 5300 4642 Mob 0426 240 456 Shop 18/160 Main St, Bacchus Marsh
(on the corner next to NAB)
Shop 25, The Village Shopping Centre

Pizza Deal
2 Large Pizzas $36.50 PREP TO
Ph: 5367 0044 YEAR 12
Shop 26, 186 Main St, Bacchus Marsh SCHOOL

Free Coffee with Double Egg & Bacon Roll $8.90
BACCHUS MARSH KARINGAL UNI HILL Upgrade to Regular Coffee add 50c *Available until 11.30am

Shop 57, The Village Bacchus Marsh Shop 56a, The Village
ph. 0491 117 619 Ph 5367 8683
Page 12 The Moorabool News – 25 February, 2020 Email -

The What’s On section is for non-profit community organisations. All free events submitted will be considered for FREE publication at the
Editors discretion. Advertising of AGMs in this section will only appear if a paid public notice also appears in the classifieds section, as per
the constitution of Business & Consumer Affairs for incorporated groups.

CWA - The Marshians Night Branch Bacchus Marsh: Meet 3rd Monday evey month at the
ADULT EDUCATION Hub, Wittick Street, Darley at 7.00pm. Enquiries - Gay Hooper 0413 350 012.
Ballan & District Community House: For class enrolment information, venue hire and Rose-Carers of Maddingley Park: Working bees every 3rd Sunday of each month. All
costs; please call 5368 1934 or email welcome. Enquiries - 0400 052 857.
Darley Neighbourhood House & Learning Centre: Short courses and classes. 33-35 Jonathan Lal Lal Moorabool Photographic Group Inc: Meeting 3rd Wednesday each month, 7pm.
Drive, Darley. BM & District Photography Club - Meetings 2nd & 4th Wednesday of month, Soldiers Memorial Hall, Lal Lal. Enquiries 5341 7535.
7.30pm. Enquiries welcome. Phone 5367 4390. Ballan Playgroup: Every Tuesday of school Term. St John’s Anglican Church Hall  - 9:30-
The Laurels – Bacchus Marsh Community College: Courses and classes. 229 Main Street, 11:30am. Enquiries - 0409 681 138 Anna or 0421 905 558 Tamsin.
Bacchus Marsh. Enquiries & enrolments - 5367 1061. Ballan Anglers Inc: Meeting second Wednesday every month. Senior Citizens Room,
U3A Bacchus Marsh: Active seniors social learning, for daily activities contact 5367 5341 or Steiglitz Street, Ballan, 7.30pm. More anglers and families needed and welcome – 0408 026
visit our website - 062.
Bacchus Marsh CWA Day Branch: Meets 2nd Thursday of each month at 11am at the Darley
MEETINGS Hub, Wittick Street, Darley. Enquiries: 5367 4690.
Alanon Support Group - for families of alcoholics: Meets at 10.30am on the 1st and 3rd
BacchChat @ Lerderderg Library: 1st Saturday of the Month, 10am-12 noon. Various topics of
Tuesdays of each month at the Uniting Church Hall, Gisborne Road, Bacchus Marsh. Enq -
interest presented. Enquiries – 5366 7100 or
0421 222 717.
Ballan & District CWA: Branch meetings – 2nd Thursday each month. RSL Hall, Inglis St,
Footscray Poultry Club (at Bacchus Marsh): Meetings held 2nd Sunday of month, 2pm.
Ballan, 7.30pm. All welcome - enquiries to 0407 992 767 or email ballandistrictcwa@gmail.
Poultry Pavilion. Racecourse Rec. Reserve, Balliang-Bacchus Marsh Rd, Bacchus Marsh. All
welcome – Kerry 9741 9705.
Ballan District Vintage Machinery & Vehicle Club: Meetings - second Monday each month,
8pm. Tom Mullane Pavilion, Ballan Racecourse Reserve. Enquiries – Brian 5368 2255 or Ray
5368 1177. MARKETS
Bacchus Marsh Playgroup: (Behind St Andrew’s Church) Cnr Gisborne Rd & Lerderderg Ballan Farmers Market: Next Market – Saturday 14 March, 9am-1pm Mill Cottage Café &
Street, Bacchus Marsh. Monday-Friday 9am, 11am, 1pm & 3pm. Enquiries – 5367 2543. Gallery, Inglis St Ballan. Enquiries - 0408 358 187
The Pottery Group: Tuesday and Saturday 1pm-3pm, at the Public Park Hall (next to Tennis Ballan Lions Club Market: Next market – Saturday 7th March 2019.
Courts), Stanley St, Gordon. All welcome. Enquiries to Maureen 0447173031. First Saturday each month - Inglis St, Ballan – 9am-1pm. Enquiries – Kristie 0406 426 460.
Moorabool Mission Recovery Group: Struggling with addiction; Pain from the past; Darley Market: Saturday 7th March, 8am - 1pm. 1st & 3rd Saturday each month at Darley
family member out of control? Meeting weekly - Wednesday, 12.30pm – Jean Oomes Room, Park Football Reserve. Enquiries – 0488 345 145 (Alan).
Lerderderg Library, Bacchus Marsh. Enq- Pastor Merv Patton – 0412 290 036.
Darley Park Native Gardens: Working Bee, 1st Tuesday of the month at 9am. Contact Andy
5367 2616 or Wendy 5367 4170. CHURCH
Bacchus Marsh & District Garden Club: Meeting 2nd Tuesday of each month, 7.30pm at Bacchus Marsh Christian Church: Sunday Services 10am with kids program. 222 Main St,
The Laurels, 229 Main St, Bacchus Marsh. Guest Speakers. Supper after each meeting. All Bacchus Marsh. Enquiries 9028 2622.
Welcome. Enquiries - Wendy 5367 4170. St John’s Anglican Church Ballan: 58 Simpson St, Ballan - Service - 10:30 every Sunday. Enq
- Rev’d Glen Wesley - 5368 2730.
Our Lady Help of Christians Korobeit: Mass every Saturday 6.30pm.
Ballan Uniting Church: (St Paul’s) - Services 11.15am every Sunday.
Bacchus Marsh Baptist Church: Sundays, 10:30am, Worship Service and Children’s Program.
Phone 5367 6550 for more details.
B3 Community: Family friendly, informal church with a difference. Every 2nd & 4th Sunday
4.30pm at The Pavilion Room, Darley Civic Centre, 182 Halletts Way, Darley.
St Malachy’s Catholic Church Blackwood: Service every Sunday at 4pm.
Holy Trinity Anglican Church - Bacchus Marsh: Service Times - Bacchus Marsh - Every
Sunday 9am and 1st, 3rd & 4th Sunday 10.30am, Saturday 5pm, Balliang - 2nd Sunday 11am,
4th Sunday 9am, Myrniong - 1st and 3rd Sunday 11am. Enquiries 5367 5362
Church of the Living God: Christian youth ministry and bible teaching. 2nd Sunday of
every month, 5pm. Open to all ages. At 14 Darcy St, Maddingley. Enq – 0408 260 727.
Golden Harvest Christian Fellowship: Non-denominational - Prayer every Sunday 10am,
Men’s KYB Monday evenings 6pm (0429 681 566.) Ladies KYB Wednesday 1pm (5367 6834).
Bacchus Marsh Life Church: Meeting 10am every Sunday at the Bacchus Marsh RSL, 203
Main Street. Enquiries Pastor Merv - 0412 290 036.
St Bernard’s Bacchus Marsh Catholic Church: Mass Times – Saturday- 5pm; Sunday –
8.30am & 10am.
Bacchus Marsh Uniting Church Parish: Services - St Andrew’s 9.30am every Sunday.
Pentland Hills 2pm 1st Sunday of month. Enquiries - 5367 2543 (office).
Email -  The Moorabool News – 25 February, 2020 Page 13

Small rise in rentals

Renting in Victoria remains There has been some relief for regional Victorian renters
tough, following another with the average rent dropping slightly to $350 a week.
month of low vacancy rates. With vacancy rates staying below 3% since March 2016
The latest rental data from in Victoria, we simply need more rental properties across
the REIV shows that vacancy Victoria to help offset this demand.
rates have remained stable New rental homes are swamped with applications, and
across regional Victoria at properties are only taking a short turnaround to be rented
1.7% through the month of
Sadly this means that many vulnerable families are still
While 1.7% is a very
missing out on gaining access to a rental home, which is
GIL KING low vacancy rate, it is an
placing a lot of pressure on local welfare services.
CEO, REIV improvement on the 1.2% we
Many landlords remain confused about the upcoming
were sitting on this time last
changes to the rental laws in introduced by the Victorian
Government, with many being apprehensive about how the
A 3% or 4% vacancy rate is considered a healthy one, having
new regulations will impact them.
vacancy rates as low as 1.7% is not sustainable.
Vacancy rates are low across the state, with the Geelong With low vacancy rates across Victoria, it’s already incredibly
region sitting at 2.2%, Bendigo at a very low 1%, Ballarat tough for a person to get a rental home, the REIV is deeply
on 2.1%, the Wimmera region on with the lowest rates in concerned of the impact that these rental reforms may have
regional Victoria on a measly 0.7 %, Shepparton on 2.7%, on the Victorian rental market.
East Gippsland is hovering on 0.9%, Warnambool is tracking As always, if a buyer or a seller is looking for objective
at 1.2% Mildura just ahead on 1.6% and Wodonga and the information on the market or an agency– they should visit
Murray region has vacancy rates of 1.5%.

120 acres (48ha) approx.

670 Old Melbourne Road, Ballan 11 acres (4.728 ha) “Fairview” 6 Smiths Road, Parwan 68 acres (27ha)

towards Saturday 2nd June, 11.00am - onsite
fers a Deposit: 10%
Settlement: 60/90 days
ecluded View by appointment
equipped LTB2778

ation or Adrian Smith

M 0400 178 945 P 03 5334 1030
Landmark Ballarat

Superb lifestyle on edge of Ballan Fantastic Investment Opportunity!

Just sitting on the edge of the pretty township of Ballan is this brilliant tranquil location, established Situated on the west side of Geelong-Bacchus Marsh Road, the site is within easy reach of Bacchus
trees and gardens all within a few minutes from the Ballan township, train station with services Marsh shopping centre to Bacchus Marsh airport, existing train station and future Parwan station.
direct into Melbourne CBD & the Western Freeway a short drive away.
The well-maintained gardens surround a neat and well-maintained brick-veneer (circa 1980’s) 4br
• Circa 1950s built neat 4 BR brick home with established garden and single car garage
family home with two living zones and rumpus/in home gym with flooring recently updated. The
• Divided into three main paddocks, well sheltered by large established trees
• Large living zone, two bedrooms have built in robes master bedroom has a walk-in robe, powder room and all other bedrooms built in robes.
• Combination of gas and combustion wood-heating The home has central heating, spilt system cooling, a vacuum system, a two-car garage/workshop
• Tanks with combined storage of approx. 11,000lt and has town water connected with an extensive garden watering system in place with in-ground
• 2 Stand Shearing Shed in good order, set of sheep yards and ramp. storage tank.
• Fencing in excellent/serviceable condition. The attractive property which is zoned “Special Use” has sealed road on three sides, and gently rolling
A magnificent opportunity for many rural lifestyle pursuits. hill country with views back to Bacchus Marsh, and is complimented by a large catchment dam.
One for the land bankers, developers (STCA) or just live-in and enjoy and watch your investment grow!
Auction: Saturday 28th March 2020 at 11am – onsite
Adrian Smith: M 0400 178 945 P 03 5334 1030 For Sale by Expression of Interest: Closes 5th March 2020 at 1pm
Tony Shanahan: M 0408 519 144 Adrian Smith: M 0400 178 945 P 03 5334 1030
Landmark Ballarat Landmark Ballarat
Page 14 The Moorabool News – 25 February, 2020 Email -

YPA Awards OUR

YPA Bacchus Bacch


Same Network | Same Passion Network
| New | Same

Most Improved Franchise

Bacchus Marsh Office

Thank you to the local community

Thinking of Buying or Selling? Thinking
Thinking of Selling? Call Vickie Ramon 0403 194 621 or Shane of0431
O’Brien Selling?
082Vickie Ramon

4/8 Church Street, Bacchus Marsh
4/8 Church Street, Bacchus Marsh
Email -  The Moorabool News – 25 February, 2020 Page 15

YPA Bacchus
andBacchus Marsh
YPA Melton
Same| New Location
Network | Same Passion | New Location

Top Salesperson Number of Listings Personal Assistant of the Year Sales Director of the Year
Sold 3rd Place, Top Sales Person Dollar Lucas Ekerbicer Shane Spiteri
Value 3rd Place - Shane O’Brien

for all their support in 2019!

Call the experts at YPA today!
94 621 or Shane O’Brienof
Thinking 0431 766 082
Selling? Call Vickie Ramon 0403 194 621 or Shane O’Brien 0431 766 082

4/8 Church Street, Bacchus Marsh
Page 16 The Moorabool News – 25 February, 2020 Email -

YPA Awards OUR

YPA Bacchus Bacch


Same Network | Same Passion Network
| New | Same

Top Office Number of Sales 2nd Place

Melton Office

And thank you to all our staff for

Thinking of Buying or Selling? Thinking
Thinking of Selling? Call Vickie Ramon 0403 194 621 or Shane of0431
O’Brien Selling?
082Vickie Ramon

4/8 Church Street, Bacchus Marsh
4/8 Church Street, Bacchus Marsh
Email -  The Moorabool News – 25 February, 2020 Page 17

YPA Bacchus
andBacchus Marsh
YPA Melton
Same| New Location
Network | Same Passion | New Location

Top Office Dollar Value 2nd Place Admin of the Year Runner Up
Melton Office Samantha Spiteri

making 2019 such a huge success!

Call the experts at YPA today!
94 621 or Shane O’Brienof
Thinking 0431 766 082
Selling? Call Vickie Ramon 0403 194 621 or Shane O’Brien 0431 766 082

4/8 Church Street, Bacchus Marsh
Page 18 The Moorabool News – 25 February, 2020 Email -

Arbee Real Estate

FOR SALE 71 Primes Court, Balliang FOR SALE 31 Clifton Drive, Bacchus Marsh
4 2 2 3 1 2

40 Plus Acres of Pure serenity Invest or Owner Occupy

Quiet court off Main Road, 42 acres of prime farming, easy access to Popular Clifton Park Estate, 889sqm block of land (approx), offers
Bacchus Marsh, Geelong, Ballarat and Melbourne. 4 bedrooms, master both convenience & location. 3 bedrooms, all with built in robes, living
with full ENS and WIR, remaining 3 bedrooms serviced by a central room that flows through to the kitchen & meals area, expansive
bathroom. Western red cedar kitchen, dining room and huge lounge undercover outdoor entertaining area looking out to huge, flat
room. Outdoor entertainment area, gardens, hot house, veggie garden, backyard with rear access. Double garage & garden shed for cars &
2 car garage, workshop, shed, new fencing/gates, 22,550L water tank. storage. Ducted heating & split system cooling.
INSPECT By appointment INSPECT By appointment
FOR SALE $950,000-$995,000 FOR SALE $549,000
CONTACT Peter Leonard 0429 671 990 CONTACT Steve Creese 0475 888 101

FOR SALE 3 Fifth Mews, Maddingley FOR SALE 6 Cromarty Circuit, Darley
3 2 2 4 2 2
Affordable Home or Investment Neat As A Pin
This affordable 2010 built home is perfect for the first home buyer or Situated in a quiet circuit is this immaculate 4 bedroom family home
investor. Featuring 3 bedrooms, master with its own walk in robe and offering space & comfort. Easy care, single level floorplan, with open
ensuite, ducted heating, split system for cooling, open plan living, and a plan living, spacious second formal lounge, large bedrooms, master
formal lounge for entertaining guests. Situated on an easy to maintain with a walk-in robe & ensuite. Fully landscaped manicured gardens,
400m2 parcel of land, with a double garage, low maintenance yard and with established fruit trees and vegie garden, ducted heating, 10 solar
an undercover pergola for the outdoor entertaining. panels, double garage with single roller door access to the rear yard.
INSPECT By appointment INSPECT By appointment
FOR SALE $399,000-$419,000 FOR SALE $599,000 - $610,000


Kelvin Gaffiero 0410 998 736 NEW LISTING CONTACT
Kelvin Gaffiero 0410 998 736

FOR SALE 36 Malcolm Street, Bacchus Marsh FOR SALE 24 Ryan Court, Bacchus Marsh
3 1 2 4 2 1

Location, Location, Location Great Family Living In Central Location

Well presented 3 bedroom home, quiet location within walking distance Perfect family home with plenty of space inside & out. Large block of
to the Village Shopping Centre and a short drive to the Railway Station. approx. 780sqm in quiet court. 4 generous bedrooms, all with BIRs,
Large entrance hall is central to the home and leads down to the front of master with ENS & large family bathroom. Comfortable lounge & spacious
the house with 2 bedrooms, family bathroom and separate toilet. Main kitchen/dining/living area that opens out to covered courtyard perfect for
lounge, family room, 3rd bedroom and the tidy kitchen with gas stove entertaining. Ducted heating & air conditioner. Externally the carport
and adjoining meals area with French doors to a paved outdoor area. provides rear access to the very spacious, private backyard.
INSPECT By appointment INSPECT By appointment
FOR SALE $530,000-$560,000 FOR SALE $530,000-$550,000
CONTACT Peter Leonard 0429 671 990 CONTACT Steve Creese 0475 888 101

FOR SALE 62 Halletts Way, Bacchus Marsh FOR SALE 5 Bernborough Court, Bacchus Marsh
Approved Development Opportunity
Great development opportunity with much of the hard work done. 3 1 2
Plans & permits approved for 2, 2 bedroom units to be added to the rear
of this low maintenance 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom home on 900sqm Million Dollar Views
block of land. Save the time, stress & money that is involved in obtaining Conveniently located in the Underbank Estate this solid 3 bedroom
permits. Potential to generate rental income from the house while you residence just oozes potential and could be turned into something
develop the rear. Less than 5 minute drive to Main Street, Bacchus really special. With open plan kitchen, living, dining leading out to a
Marsh Primary, St Bernards Primary & less than 1 minute to freeway. decked entertainment area with wonderful cascading views over the
House currently returning $17,680pa. Flexible settlement terms are valley below. If you are looking for a little project or investment this one
available. Visit our website today for full details. surely ticks the boxes.
INSPECT By appointment INSPECT By appointment
FOR SALE Contact Agent FOR SALE $370,000-$400,000
CONTACT Steve Creese 0475 888 101 CONTACT Peter Leonard 0429 671 990

FOR SALE 60 Griffith Street, Maddingley FOR SALE 65 Burbidge Drive, Bacchus Marsh
4 3 8 4 2 2

One Of A Kind Calling All Investors

Walking distance to train station, Maddingley Park and Secondary Featuring 4 large bedrooms, master with plenty of built in storage and
schools this immaculate family residence ticks all the boxes. 4 bedrooms an ensuite, open plan living, double garage with internal access, ducted
(master with ENS & WIR) 3 bathrooms. Open plan living/dining. Walk gas heating and evaporative cooling. With a long lease until August
through study. Chefs kitchen with butler’s pantry. Studio/5th bedroom 2021 and currently renting at $340.00 per week with an increase
complete with bathroom. Huge undercover outdoor entertainment area. scheduled for August 2020.
2 substantial sheds that can accommodate 8 vehicles.
INSPECT By appointment INSPECT By appointment
FOR SALE $750,000 - $780,000 FOR SALE $419,000
CONTACT Peter 0429 671 990 Daryl 0409 233 157 CONTACT Kelvin Gaffiero 0410 998 736

Steve Creese Daryl Gould Peter Leonard Kelvin Gaffiero Rikki Millington
0475 888 101 0409 233 157 0429 671 990 0410 998 736 Sales Support
140 Main Street, Bacchus Marsh 5367 2333
Email -  The Moorabool News – 25 February, 2020 Page 19

Your Questions Answered

Every week we will bring to you the answers to the most commonly asked real estate questions
& local market information. If you have a specific question or information that you would like
included please feel free to email


We recommend you consider the extra peace of mind provided by
Landlord Rental protection Insurance. This cover is available to
owners whose property PROTECTION
is managed INSURANCE
by an agency and also covers
acts of malicious damage by a tenant.
We recommend you consider the extra peace of mind provided by Landlord Rental protection
It’s an affordable premium and is also tax deductable.
Insurance. This cover is available to owners whose property is managed by an agency and also
The tenant will be responsible for insuring their own belongings,
covers acts of malicious damage by a tenant.
however the owner must ensure they cover carpets, curtains, fixtures
and an affordable
fittings premium and is also tax deductable.
to the property.

The tenant will be responsible for insuring their own belongings, however the owner must ensure
they cover carpets, curtains, fixtures and fittings to the property.

1. Engage your agent early
By contacting your agent early will allow you to get some advice
what Engage
on 1. you can doyour agenttheearly
to maximise sale of your home. They can
contacting youronagent
you information early
the sales will the
process, allow youlettoyouget some advice on what you can do to maximise th
home. They can that
or organisations giveyouyoumayinformation
need to contacton the sales process, the market, let you know whic
depending on your situation, such as mortgage brokers, financial
people or organisations that you may need to contact depending on your situation, such as mortgag
advisers, conveyancers etc
brokers, financial
2. Don’t cut corners advisers, conveyancers etc
on advertising
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you tens of thousands of dollars
Disclaimer: atcontained
All information the gathered from sources we believe to be reliable.
We cannot however guarantee its accuracy & interested parties should make & rely on their own enquiries.

For all your Real Estate needs,

Contact Arbee Real Estate 5367 2333
Arbee Real Estate or
140 Main Street, Bacchus Marsh i 5367 2333 i
Trade & Business
Page 20 The Moorabool News – 25 February, 2020 Email -

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Email -  The Moorabool News – 25 February, 2020 Page 21


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Page 22 The Moorabool News – 25 February, 2020 Email -

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advertisement cannot be placed.


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work environment where you can continue your career
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So if you think you’ve got what it takes to be part of the Bendigo
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find out more or to submit your application. Applications close on Proficient knowledge and use of social media and internet
Friendly manner, well presented, possess initiative Friday 6th March 2020.
Excellent phone manner, confidentiality and interview
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skills. Work to a deadline. Experience preferred in
(483867_v1) (17/05/2019)
Please send resume and cover letter to: community newspapers. Email – resume and references to:
* only successful applicants will be contacted for interview. Bacchus Marsh Community Bank® Branch
Successful applicants will be contacted for an interview

SELL YOUR ITEMS $100 & UNDER FOR FREE Email: Phone: 5368 1966
*Ads must be emailed by Friday 12 noon. Ads by phone must be between 9.30am–12pm Tuesday–Thursday. MAXIMUM 3 ADS PER PERSON.

AMBER BOTTLE GLASS panel, BOOKENDS matching pair COUCH 2.5 seater, leather, peach DOORS (6), interior, cavity & SEED BAGS, empty, 20kg, x10, $3
182cm x 34cm, EC, $20 - 0418 519 Egyptian Pharoah $15 lot - 0402 colour, fair condition FREE – 0408 pantry, includes handles $5 ono – - 0407 305 940
025 030 959 500 198 5367 1319 SEWING Machine, Old Singer
BASKETBALL Backboard & BOOTS line dancing (2 pairs) $10 COUCHES (2) 3 seater couches, ESKY (2) Large and medium size, Electric in a Wooden Box, VGC.
Rim, Huffy Sports GC - FREE 0417 each – 0402 030 959 Navy blue, velvet $100 lot - 0460 VGC, $30 lot - 5638 1205 $100 - 0429176679
058 794 BOOTS, Mongrel, brand new, size 569 964 FREEZER upright GE working SUIT, Mens, Fletcher Jones, 26”
9, $60 - 0411 560 121 DARLEY PS sport uniform order $60 - 0466 989 010
BBQ 4-burner with lid GC $60 - chest, new, $100 - 0407 305 940
0466 989 010 BRICKS bluestone approx. 52 $80 winter trackpants, skort, size 12 GOLF clubs (12) $30 – 0466 989 010
$50 - 0425 852 073 TABLE kitchen with glass top,
BED QS with or without mattress, - 0455 999 343 HEATER oil, (De Longhi), upright black steel frame, fits 6 chairs. $20
BUFFET CABINET, Solid Pine, 3 DESK student work desk - VGC (on wheels), as new, $30 - 0467 891
$100 VGC - 5638 1205 – 0457 170 622
glass doors on top, 3 pine doors $70 – 0417 058 794 370
BED, single White metal frame LOUNGE SUITE, 2 seater & 2 TABLE TENNIS table, bats, balls
below. GC. $80 PH: 0448918665 DISPLAY cabinet, 3 glass shelves,
wooden slats, mattress in VGC single chairs, FREE - 0434 987 210 & net. EC $50 - 0400 567 271
FREE - 0418 106 023 CARPET SWEEPER, brand new lights & cupboards EC $100 - 0412
in box, $40 - 5310 6644 707 567 JOLLY JUMPER, Deluxe, brand TABLET Samsung Galaxy Tab A
BED single green cast-iron VGC new. $35 - 5367 8933 8” 2018 Black. As new. $99 - 0415
CHAIR Recliner Chair. Leather DOG KENNEL, medium size
$80 – 9743 4154 MATTRESS single, as new, $30 - 562 593
made by plush GC $100 – 0447 639 hardly used, $70 – 5367 4793
BED timber, single, 2 drawers 021 DOG BED, Purina slab mattress 0467 891 370 TENTS, 2 Man $25, 3 man $35
below VGC $20 - 0467 891 370 scratch resistant, never used, $55 MOTORBIKE HELMET, Nolan, ONO, Ph 0407 305 940
CLOTHING, Retro, sizes 16-22,
BEDROOM Furniture, dresser, 2 skirts, blouses, dresses, $10 each x - 5367 4793 with face shield, medium, $35 - TOY TRAIN SET Battery operated
side tables, headboard, $100 - 0411 10, Ph 0407 305 940 0407 305 940 GC $10 – 5367 4956
DOG BED FRAMES (2), suit large
560 121 COAT, Dry as a Bone, Long. Size 3. hessian bags FREE – 53674793 OUTDOOR CHAIRS (2), including TV UNIT, Glass cabinet door, GC
BICYCLE, Malvern Star $80 - 0429176679 cushions, solid plastic, GC $20 - $30 - 5638 1205
DOLLS (12), monster high dolls 0408 951 676
‘Highriser’, 80s vintage, $60 - 0418 COAT, Dry as a Bone, Long. Size 7. $50 - 0435 572 051 VAPOURIZER, small ceramic
519 025 ROLLER BLADES small/med
$80 - 0429176679 DOLLS WARDROBE, monster size, knee & elbow pads incl. VGC electric. Still in box, never used
BINOCULARS, Bushmaster, $10 - COMMODE chair, wooden, $25, high wardrobe, full of accessories, $15 -5367 4956 $10 – 0402 030 959
5310 6644 Ph 0407 305 940 $25 - 0435 572 051 WORKBOOTS Mack, Black, Size
SCHOOL DESK, wooden, double
BLINDS, Black out Shades, 211 COMPOST MAKER, used, VGC, DOONA (DB) floral pattern, VGC storage under lids, GC $45 - 0418 10, Brand new, Still in box, $90 -
mm wide. GC - $45 Ph 5367 8933 $45 - 5367 8933 $20 – 0438 365 581 519 025 0438 365 581
Email -  The Moorabool News – 25 February, 2020 Page 23

Newborns in Ballan Brumbies Basketball

Results – Week ending Sunday 23 February

the district
Under 10 Boys 
Ballan 8 lost Excies Acmy 36
Under 10 Girls 
Babies born recently at Bacchus Ballan 6 lost Excies Acmy Maroon 24
Marsh and Melton Regional Hospital. Under 12 Boys
Ballan 2 lost Phoenix 2-30
Ballan Golf Club Ballan lost to Wildcats White 20
Results - Week ending Saturday 22 February Under 12 Girls 
Wednesday - Stableford Ballan 22 def Wildcats 21
Winner - Les Martin (13) 35 points. Under 14 Boys 
R/up - Chris Tudor (14) 34 points. Red Grade
Magpie - 14th Hugh Miller. Ballan 6 lost Excies Acmy 33
NTPs - 12th Les Martin, 15th Chris Tudor. Blue Grade
Saturday - Jack Papworth Qualifying Round Ballan 19 lost Phoenix Black 24
(2 Person 4BBB Stableford) Ballan 61 def Drummo Dragons Black 25
Winners - David Blythe & Jimmy Walsh 45 points. Under 14 Girls 
R/Up - Michael Di Fiore & Peter Di Fiore 42 points. Ballan 27 def Sovereign Knights 21
Third - Frank White & Don Wickson 41 points on c/b. Under 16 Boys 
Fourth - John Ryan & Brian Cran 41 points. Red Grade
NTPs - 2nd Kev Lockman, 12th Aggy Germon, Ballan 32 def Phoenix White 10
15th Michael Di Fiore. White Grade
Magpies - 14th Hugh Miller, 18th Peter Di Fiore. Ballan 42 def Saints Blazers 29
Jack Papworth Cup Semi Finals - 18 April Under 16 Girls
David Blythe & Jimmy Walsh v John Ryan & Brian Cran. Ballan 20 def Drummo Dragons Black 0
Michael Di Fiore & Peter Di Fiore v Frank White & Under 19 Boys 
Don Wickson. Ballan 50 def Prospectors 38
Maddingley couple Huan Zhang and Joseph Eric Roy have

Mitch reaps timely reward

welcomed a daughter who arrived on Valentine’s Day. Born
at 6.19pm on Friday 14 February, Jessica Zhang Roy
weighed 2.94kg.

Darley Cricket Club By Todd Whelan BCA Second Grade - (Round 14)

Lost and Found Teenage all-rounder Mitch Ward has ripped through the top
order of finals aspirant Wendouree with three quick wickets
Dunnstown 7/333, Overs 80. W. Johnson 2/32, B. Bennett
2/78. Darley 120 all out, Overs 55.2. J. Monaghan 26. Darley
lost by 213 runs. Darley now 8th (P14 W8 D1 L5).
ADOPTION to help lead the Lions to a comfortable 67 run victory on BCA Third Grade - (Round 14)
Darley Park at the weekend. Coronet City v Darley: Coronet City 90, Overs 25 & 161 all
Ward broke through with the prized wicket of Cole out, Overs 38.2. Darley 2/99 dec, Overs 35 & 1/157, Overs 20.
Roscholler (22) with the score on 37, still 124 runs shy the B. Ward 68no, R. Hoey 56. Darley won outright.
Lions target who finished with 9/160 in trying conditions Darley now 4th (P13 W8 D1 B1 L4)
from their 50 overs. With Roscholler gone, the cagey left BCA Fourth Grade - (Round 12)
arm youngster enhanced his potential by wasting no time Darley 9/102, Overs 39.6. A. Kannar 46no. Golden Point
dismissing number three Liam Wood (0) and Oliver Mahncke 6/106, Overs 35.5. S. Cornford 2/15, D. Hynes 2/20. Darley lost
(0) to have the visitors reeling at 3/45. Ward’s impact sparked by 4 wickets. Darley now 6th (P12 W7 D1 L4).
a domino effect on an ailing middle and lower order who
BCA Fifth Grade - (Round 16)
offered little resistance, succumbing to Harry Killoran (4/14)
Darley 9/248, Overs 40. G. Powell 96, J. Williams 71. VRI
and Hasi Wickramesinghe (2/16) in quick time to be all out
Delacombe 6/232, Overs 40. G. Powell 2/31, J. Fawcett 2/54.
for 93 from just 18.3 overs.
“Nala” DMH Tabby, Darley won by 16 runs. Darley now 12th (P15 W3 D4 B1 L8).
Outgoing star all-rounder Danza Hyatt (73 off 102) top
18-months old desexed Arlo” Terrier X, 5-month old
female.Microchip: desexed male. Microchip: scored for Darley after the Lions won the toss and decided to
982126053884208 953010004046497 bat which was a ‘roll of the dice’ decision according to coach
Brian Wheelahan.
“We weren’t exactly sure what to do (winning the toss),”
he said. “The slow nature of the wicket made it difficult
for batting but Danza dug in and was able to adapt to the
conditions like a champion.”
Captain Bradley Barnes (41 off 99) was the only other Lions
batsman to reach double figures on the turning deck. The
popular cult figure joined Hyatt for a match winning 82 run
partnership for the sixth wicket after the Lions looked in
trouble at 5/49. Ryan Ali (1), Hamish Jamieson (5) and Harry
Killoran (7) were the first three batsmen to go, all caught and
bowled and symptomatic by nature of a slow wicket. BACCHUS MARSH

The Lions hit just six boundaries in a grinding performance

(Hyatt 5x4s, Killoran 1x4) at 3.20 runs per over.
While Wheelahan and his pride have secured the minor
premiership he’s fully aware there is lot more to play out over
the next six weeks and is urging all supporters to turn up
and make their voices heard.
“We close the season out with a two-day match at Darley
Staghound Female found in Whippet Female found in Park against Brown Hill starting Saturday,” he said.
Mollongghip Navigators “The following day (Sunday) we host Mt Clear in the 20/20
Grand Final from 1pm.
Further details on cats “This will be Danza’s farewell game before he flies out to
and dogs available for join the West Indies (Masters) team ahead of the ICC World Photo: Tim Saultry
Cup in India.”
adoption can be viewed
Wheelahan said Sunday promises to be a huge day for the
on councils ‘Moorabool club, while Saturday is their last dress rehearsal before the
Pet Adoption’ page on ‘real stuff’ begins.
Facebook. “Pressure will be on our playing group to cement their spot
and put their hands up for finals.” Wheelahan said. NEW DOCTORS EXTENDED HOURS

For more information Rhumutullah Khwaja (hamstring) missed Saturday’s win
contact Council over Wendouree but is expected to be available for both
forms this weekend.
Customer Service on
BCA First Grade - (Round 14)
5366 7100. Darley 9/160, Overs 50. D. Hyatt 73, B. Barnes 41. Wendouree
Cat DSH Female found in 93 all out, Overs 18.3. H. Killoran 4/14, M. Ward 3/21. Darley
Gordon Source No. BR100609 won by 67 runs. Darley now 1st (P14 W12 D2 L0). MyClinic 12 Gell Street, Bacchus Marsh VIC 3340 Phone 5367 8000
Page 24 The Moorabool News – 25 February, 2020 Email -

Tabcorp Park Monday 17 February, The Knight Pistol (Group 1) Winner: Tornado Valley (9). Tabcorp Park Saturday 22 February, Race 4 Winner: Soho Almasi (2). Trainer: Michael
Trainer: Andy Gath. Driver: Kate Gath. Photo: Stuart McCormick. Stanley. Driver: Michael Stanley. Photo: Stuart McCormick.

Hurricane blows strong Double for Stanley and Gath

By Tim O’Connor Stanley was back in the winner’s enclosure
By Tim O’Connor prizemoney to over $730,000. a short time later when American Zest won
Driver Kate Gath was full of praise for the The Mick Stanley stable rolled out another the Schweppes Pace (2240m, NR 70-79).
Australia’s best trotter Tornado Valley eight-year-old, which again showed his impressive two-year-old debutant while With Stanley again at the controls, he came
notched up his eighth Group 1 victory with characteristic determination in the closing claiming a winning double at Tabcorp Park with a three-wide run in the last lap to
an emotional success in Monday night’s stages of the race. Melton on Saturday night. score victory over Glenn Douglas-trained
rescheduled Alderbaran Park The Knight
“It was pretty special actually because not Two weeks after Soho Lanikai turned heads Wotchawaitingfor.
Pistol (2240m).
everything went his way,” she said. with a brilliant 65m success at his first run, It was American Zest’s first win since
Monday night’s Tabcorp Park Melton
“I’m a Wobelee fan and I think going forward stablemate Soho Almasi starred with a 20m December last year and his 11th in a career
meeting was rescheduled from last Friday
when a heavy downpour of rain ruined parts Wobelee could be the next Tornado Valley. triumph in the Allied Express 2YO Classic spanning 46 starts.
of the track. So for him to hold his younger protege off (1720m) for fillies. The features on Saturday night were the
after doing a bit of work was nothing short of The horse was barely troubled on her way Jack Collins Memorial Pace (2240m, NR 80-
The Andy Gath-trained superstar claimed
outstanding as well. to victory in a mile rate of 1:56.3 and plans 94) and the Allied Express Ian Daff Memorial
his second successive win in the feature after
overcoming a back row draw and three-wide “He’s just stamped that he’s really going as are now there to take her to Sydney for the (1720m, mares NR 70-99) and they were won
trip through the middle stages of the race. good as ever and we’ve still got a lot to look Group 2 Pink Bonnet Stakes next weekend. by Ross Graham-trained Animated and
He hit the front at the top of the straight and forward too.” “She was a filly that I saw at the sales and Margaret Lee’s Keayang Liberty respectively.
then held off the fast-finishing Wobelee to New Zealander Temporale finished third she was a big lump of a filly. I didn’t have her Kate Gath shared driving honours with
win by a nose on the line. ahead of Kylie Sugars’ Sammy Showdown, marked down, but when I walked past her, Stanley after she also scored a winning
The triumph was a special one for which was game after leading the field in his she caught my eye and I thought she looked double. Gath partnered Peter Thompson-
connections with owner Norm Jenkin still first crack at the elite level. too good to be no good, so I bought her,” trained Ymbro Wasted to take out the
mourning the recent passing of his brother. The Gath team landed victory early on Stanley, the trainer and driver, said. Alderbaran Park Vicbred Trot (2240m, NR
“We had to bury his brother today so we’d Monday night when Miss Hartley won the “She hasn’t put a foot wrong. For a Mach 70-85) and Beefour Bacardi, trained by
like to dedicate this win to Robert,” Gath Australian Pacing Gold Pace (2240m, 4YO+) Three, she’s a beautiful relaxed filly, got great her husband Andy, to prevail in the TAB
said. before David Aiken-trained Jimmy Locke manners and a great deal of ability. Multiplier Trot (1720m, NR 52-61).
“He’s won it two years in-a-row this horse produced perhaps the most impressive win “12 months ago (owner) Rob (Watson) said I Racing returns to Melton this Saturday for a huge
and we just love him - he just keeps winning of the evening with a brilliant display in the was a bad judge and I wasn’t allowed to buy night of action that includes four Group 1 events
and winning.” Flem-Ken Bowls Club Vicbred Pace (1720m, any, but this year I bought Soho Lanikai and - the Hygain Australian Trotting Grand Prix, the
Tornado Valley’s win in the $50,000 The NR 70-77). her so hopefully I’ve justified my eye.” Lyn McPherson Memorial Breed For Speed Gold
Knight Pistol followed a narrow success in The horse charged home from back in the Soho Almasi, which is out of Fususi, was Series Final, the Alan Mance Holden Need For
the $250,000 Great Southern Star two weeks field to score by almost 20m in a mile rate of purchased for $25,000 at the Sydney APG Speed Prince Final and the IRT Australia Need
earlier and takes the son of Skyvalley’s career 1:52.4. sales last year. For Speed Princess Final.

Ballan Cricket Club BC allan

Ballan 1st X1
Ballan 1/123 drew Golden Point 10/ 213
Bowling - A Grigg 3-1-3/5, A Connor
2-0-1/4, A Britt 2-0-1/4
   C ricket
Batting - J McGregor 64 no, M Snaith 48 no Ballan Blue travelled down to Melton
Bowling - M Snaith 23-7-6/73, S Dehnert 11.5-7-3/13, D Friday afternoon to play St Anthony’s. Ballan bowled first
and Eamon Grigg took Ballan’s first wicket in his second
Avenue Bowling Club
Gardiner 4-1-1/30. RESULTS - PENNANT
over. Ballan struggled through the middle overs to break
Ballan won the toss and bowled first, all bowling an excellent
through, until Archie Connor came into the attack and ROUND 17 - Monday
line and length, led by Michael Snaith taking 6 wickets and
struck with his first ball hitting the top off the stumps and Premier Division
Sam Dehnert 3 wickets. Due to the rain last week there was
lifting the spirits of the team. Angus Britt was next to bowl Avenue 14 def Sebastopol 2
not enough overs for Ballan to chase down Golden Point’s
and took the next wicket, Ballan were really starting to put
total, with Jack McGregor and Michael Snaith finishing the Division 1
pressure on the batsmen. Eamon Grigg was brought back
day on an unbeaten 116 run partnership before the game Avenue 0 lost Beaufort 16
into the attack and took two wickets in consecutive balls
finished in a draw.
to finish the innings. After 20 overs St Anthony’s finished ROUND 18 - Saturday
on 5/91. Ballan’s best bowlers were Eamon Grigg 3 overs 3 Division 1
Ballan 2nd X1 wickets for 5 runs, Angus Britt 2 overs 1 wicket for 4 runs, Avenue 2 lost Waubra 16
Ballan 9/156 lost Elaine 8/158 and Archie Connor 2 overs 1 wicket for 4 runs. All the Ballan Division 3
Batting - D Leach 63, S Newton 25, R Lindsay 18, J McEgan boys batted well with Eamon Grigg, Angus Britt, Jackson
Avenue 13 def Learmonth 5
12, J Costello 8 no, A McCarthy 9 no Letcher, Beau Shelton and Banjo Luke all retiring after their
20 balls. Unfortunately, Ballan fell 17 runs short. Beau Shelton Division 4
Bowling - S Newton 15-0-3/26, M Vallance 3-0-2/11, D Pascoe
again showed his talent finishing on 21 runs not out in an Avenue 2 lost Webbcona 16
12-1-1/39, J Costello 12-0-1/31, A McCarthy 4-0-1/26
excellent batting display.
Ballan Under 15 Bacchus Marsh Netball Association
Ballan 8/114 lost East Ballarat 5/123 Ballan White 5/36 lost Eynesbury Green 4/53
Results – Week ending 23 February
Batting - J Jarvis 20, J Childs 17, K Heafield 14, G Muir 13 Batting - B Davenport 7 no, C McIlwaine 6 no, T Norman 5, S
Burton 4 no, M Ayres 1 Juniors - Monday
Bowling - E Boland 2-0-1/6, E Muir 2-1-1/6, K Heafield Wash out for all grades.
2-0-1/13 Bowling - J Cornwill 3-0-2/10, C McIlwaine 3-0-1/4, S Burton
3-0-0/4, T Norman 2-0-0/0, B Davenport 2-0-0/1 Seniors - Wednesday
Disappointing result; credit to Jack Jarvis who top scored
With a player short, the team worked hard to bowl well and Clover 30 def Hot Shots 12
with 20 and bowled well. Stand out fielder was Clancy
build pressure in the field. They were happy to keep one of All Site Stars 7 lost Shooters 33
Matheson with 2 run outs.
the top teams to just 53 runs. At the crease they were off to
Sparks 50 def Eynesbury Ladies 6
a fantastic start with Beth, Clover and Sarah all batting well
Under 12 Strike 22 def Mystics 18
and pushing themselves when running between the wickets.
Ballan Blue 3/74 lost St Anthony’s 5/93 Eynesbury bowled tight lines and Ballan found it difficult in Amigos lost Jayes 31
Batting - B Shelton 21 no, N Pace 5, A Britt 6 no, B Luke 3 no, the second half of the innings. They fell short and managed Queens 34 def Devils 6
A Grigg 1 no, J Letcher 1 no to maintain their record of not being bowled out this season. Storm 37 def Fireworks 21
Email -  The Moorabool News – 2522-July
CANCER—June 22 2020 Page 25
Romance takes up more of your time than usual this week.
Acquisitions are emphasized, which suggests shopping
for antiques, attending auctions or inheriting a pet.

Stars & Puzzles

LEO—July 23-August 22
Take more time to make preliminary plans before actu-
ally launching new projects. Your credibility may be
challenged Friday. Hints you have been dropping may
come to pass early next week.
VIRGO—August 23-September 22
No matter what you say, your family seems opposed. No
matter what you ask, you are answered with another
★★★★★★★★ ✯✯✯✯✯✯
question. Despite these frustrations, it’s a positive week
thanks to career advancement and surprise communiques.
LIBRA—September 23-October 22
Remarks you make, take on a special shade of meaning,
★★★★★★★★ which probably is not intended. Helping hands may get
in the way this week. You may have to turn down assist-
ance. Financial gains could come your way by the
ARIES—March 21-April 20 SCORPIO—October 23-November 21
You see a flaw in someone you thought was perfect - and Your sense of fun is in fine form. Use in a positive way
it’s a relief. Relatives may seem petty, don’t comment and cheer up someone who’s a little low. Some assist-
lest you appear guilty of the same crime. Diet-wise, your ance you have hoped for arrives by Friday.
resistance is very low.
SAGITTARIUS—November 22-December 22
TAURUS—April 21-May 22
Don’t stand on ceremony. Write, email or phone invita-
Changes in the home are accented now. You are espe- tions, even if it’s not your turn. Someone may win com-
cially gifted at decorating and building. Relations be- pliments for work you have done - speak up politely but
tween older relatives are strained and it’s up to you to promptly.
play diplomat.
CAPRICORN—December 23-January 20
GEMINI—May 23-June 21
This is a loving week. You could write a sonnet about the
Education is emphasized and there’s an overlapping way you feel right now. Watch out for nosey relatives
theme of romance. Friends are more candid than expected who say they are merely concerned. Your judgement is
on the weekend. Travel tie-ups could make life confus- fuzzy after the weekend, so put off practical decisions if
ing. Emphasize family fitness now. you can.
CANCER—June 22-July 22 AQUARIUS—January 21-February 19
NO. 9139 Romance takes up more of your time than usual this week. Brace yourself for unexpected expenses and new obliga-
Acquisitions are emphasized, which suggests shopping tions, but prepare for a weekend of love and laughter.
ACROSS DOWN for antiques, attending auctions or inheriting a pet. An unusual message arrives Thursday - Friday.
7. Shrub (12) 1. Name (8)
8. Dish (6) 2. Thought (4) LEO—July 23-August 22 PISCES—February 20-March 20
9. Native of India (6) 3. Building (7) Take more time to make preliminary plans before actu- You are one step ahead of the world, which may mean
10. Extend (7) 4. Mollusc (5) ally launching new projects. Your credibility may be people don’t make much sense to you - and vice versa.
12. Fruit (5) 5. Slope (8) challenged Friday. Hints you have been dropping may But everyone agrees you are something of a financial
come to pass early next week. genius. You could make a key gain by the weekend.
15. Bury (5) 6. Old Indian coin (4)
16. Feign (7) 11. Style (8) VIRGO—August 23-September 22 BIRTHDAY THIS WEEK
18. Respiration (6) 13. Penitent (8) You require a creative and challenging environment.
20. Number (6) 14. Introduction (7) No matter what you say, your family seems opposed. No Fighting your way upstream puts you in your element.
22. Disable (12) 17. Mould (5) matter what you ask, you are answered with another Changeability works for and against you. Adaptable, yes,
question. Despite these frustrations, it’s a positive week but also too unsure of yourself. Good teamwork is
19. Destroy (4) thanks to career advancement and surprise communiques. accented.
21. Entrance (4)
LIBRA—September 23-October 22
CRYPTIC PUZZLE Remarks you make, take on a special shade of meaning,
ACROSS which probably is not intended. Helping hands may get

7. How the stolen soap sold? (4,3,5). 8. The wife will in the way this week. You may have to turn down assist-
wish we were there (6). 9. Enjoy her perturbation about ance. Financial gains could come your way by the
the unfinished list (6). 10. Was more popular than, though weekend.
to us terribly old (7). 12. Rhubarb jam? (5). 15. Contract SCORPIO—October 23-November 21
from which a number can take comfort (5). 16. Prove to
be an evictor (4,3). 18. To beat the time by an hour, has
Your sense of fun is in fine form. Use in a positive way
to shift (6). 20. Far away again: a mere speck (6). 22. and cheer up someone who’s a little low. Some assist-
Shot in the head (6,6). ance youANSWER
have hoped forBELOW
arrives by Friday.

DOWN SAGITTARIUS—November 22-December 22

1. Eliminate one silly clue for “derision” (8). 2. A stew or Don’t stand on ceremony. Write, email or phone invita-
where to eat it (4). 3. Do have the fish, It will make you tions, even if it’s not your turn. Someone may win com-
feel better (7). 4. Arrange to nick (5). 5. Terribly sleek pliments for work you have done - speak up politely but
and overweight or just a bag of bones! (8). 6. Egyptian promptly.
goddess who is one’s double (4). 11. Keeps up with us
CAPRICORN—December 23-January 20
in marks (8). 13. Comes back with tokens (8). 14. The
hot dog, embarrased, I swallowed (7). 17. Do get cold This is a loving week. You could write a sonnet about the
before the heat comes on (5). 19. Said it’s not her song way you feel right now. Watch out for nosey relatives
who say they are merely concerned. Your judgement is
(4). 21. It does mean one’s hands aren’t free, blow it! fuzzy after the weekend, so put off practical decisions if
(4). you can.
AQUARIUS—January 21-February 19
r-I-ed. 17, C-heat. 19, Hymn (him). 21, Muff. Brace yourself for unexpected expenses and new obliga-
Skele-ton. 6, I’s-I’s. 11, S-us-tains. 13, Counters. 14, Cur- tions, but prepare for a weekend of love and laughter.
An unusual message arrives Thursday - Friday.
Across - 6, Quarrelsome. 7, Mere. 8, Gorgeous. 9, In-
Down - 1, Rid-I-cule. 2, Mess. 3, Con-sole. 4, Score. 5,
tact. 10, Titter. 12, Mullet. 15, Albert. 17, Spotless. 19,
hr-ash. 20, Re-mote. 22, Mental effort. PISCES—February 20-March 20
Gift. 20, Rattlesnake. You are one step ahead of the world, which may mean
10, Outs-old. 12, Stick. 15, L-ease. 16, Turn out. 18, T-
Down - 1, Baseball. 2, Bright. 3, Claret. 4, Love. 5, people don’t make much sense to you - and vice versa.
Across - 7, Like hot cakes. 8, Miss-us. 9, Re-lis(t)-h.
But everyone agrees you are something of a financial
Resume. 6, Queen. 11, Toboggan. 13, Umpire. 14, Tre-
ble. 15, Assess. 16, Rifle. 18, Tote.
17, Shape. 19, Ruin. 21, Gate. genius. You could make a key gain by the weekend.


dient. 6, Anna. 11, Elegance. 13, Contrite. 14, Preface.
Down - 1, Christen. 2, Idea. 3, Edifice. 4, Snail. 5, Gra-
You require a creative and challenging environment.
Across - 6, To the letter. 7, Hum-p. 8, Es-to-nian. 9, C-
20, Figure. 22, Incapacitate.
Fighting your way upstream puts you in your element.
hives. 10, N-erves. 12, Starts. 15, Pe-set-a. 17, Con-
Stretch. 12, Peach. 15, Inter. 16, Pretend. 18, Breath.
Changeability works for and against you. Adaptable, yes,
tempt. 19, R-O-an. 20, Haunt of vice. but also too unsure of yourself. Good teamwork is
Across - 7, Rhododendron. 8, Pilaff. 9, Indian. 10,
Down - 1, S-topover. 2, S’evE-N-S. 3, Be-at-en. 4, accented.
(ylra)E-ton (rev.). 5, C-R-ease. 6, Touch. 11, Rest-rain.
13, Too-thy. 14, Semite (anag.). 15, Pu-t o-ff. 16, T-race.
18, Tou-r.
Yaloak Polo Club Sunday 9th February
Page 26 The Moorabool News – 25 February, 2020 Email -

The Ballarat Cup at

Mt Wallace resident Geoff Wells and Julie Johnson from

Stomping the divots. Horse trainer David Eustace played in the celebrity match. Myrniong enjoying the marquee at the polo.

TV personality Catriona Rowntree Loretta, Robert and Cilla enjoy the Polo action in the Ballarat Cup at Madeleine from Bacchus Marsh won
played in the celebrity match. family day at the polo. TJ from Blakeville enjoys the polo. Yaloak Estate. the ‘Ladies’ fashion on the fields.

Yaloak Polo player Kelly Keyte on entire Zig Zag. Opposition on field, friends off. Photos Helen Tatchell

Sell it Local for Less Sell with a photo - $20 per edition or $50 for 3 months. Simply email
your photo and details of item to
Ph: 5368 1966 Phone 5368 1966 All vehicles must supply registration numbers if registered and dealers to supply LMCT number.


Dec 2005 (Reg XWX778) Zetec Tdci Diesel (Reg 1GT5QK) 1999 ISUZU TROOPER Fully decked out. 223,000kms. TOYOTA COROLLA
Excellent car. 1 owner. Reliable fuel efficient (6lt/100km). 4WD, V6 Petrol, Five speed New tyres, New springs. 2006 VOLKSWAGON CADDY Levin 2004 hatch auto.
Mazda/RACV service history. 2 owners. Ford/RACV service Manual, Free Wheeling No rust. 5 speed. Very reliable. 1.9 Litre Turbo Diesel, Mechanically VGC,
Leather BOSE stereo. Freeway history. Immaculate. Freeway/ Hubs, Clean vehicle. Many 240v/12v fridge freezer. TV. Auto, 183,000 kms, minor dents.
mileage 264k. Regrettable sale. countryside mileage (226k). extras. Suit Project or Parts. Gas oven, 4 burner stove. Sink, 6 months Rego & RWC Odometer - 265,000 kms,
Towbar. All works. Garaged. Everything works. Towbar. Vin.JACUBS25GV7101653. water tanks. Sleeps up to 4. Reg. YAC677, $7,000 ono 12 months. reg. (TDC 072)
$4,200 - Ph 0406 992157 Garaged. $7,200 - 0406 992157 $895. Phone: 5348 6600 $20,000 Ph 0413 071 878 Phone: 040 253 1469 $3,900 ono – 0408 508 654

Electro mechanical
swing arm gate opener
(Beninca model DU.3524).
2014 pop top, dual wheels, 2002 Pop Top, 10 months reg,
Flex tool vibrating plate
One owner, white,
great condition, A/C, heating, fridge/freezer, new tyres, new water tank, gas/ 2007 JAYCO DESTINY compactor (Model CP80). POWER WHEELCHAIR
solar panels, 100 amp battery, Pop top, shower, toilet, air con., Heartway P3DXC with
elec fridge, 2 single beds, couch,

well serviced, house battery, HWS, large bed, Stihl brushcutter (F5.85R).
200K+ mostly country kms, inverter, micro, gas/electric microwave, roller sunshade, 4 burner stove, 2 x gas bottles, Captains seat. Barely used,
Reg (XDG365), RWC, cooktop, storage, no bunks, bottle gas, many cupboards, rangehood, microwave,
All very good condition good condition, top speed
$6,900. BacchusMarsh, Rego W10086 July 2019. double wardrobe. Priced to sell TV/DVD player, elec. brakes. Phone 5368 2339 after 6pm 8kmph, range up to 30kms.
Phone 0418 597 226 $40,000 neg. Ph 0448 340 165 $8,900. Ph 0417 505 732. $26,500 Ph 0428 870 067 $800 ONO Ph 9747 6420
Email -  The Moorabool News – 25 February, 2020 Page 27


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[D5]Recommended driveaway price (RDP) shown is applicable for Private customers, Bronze, and Silver Fleet customers, and primary producers, only at participating Victorian & Tasmanian dealers. Offer on new 2018 and 2019 built Kluger models purchased between 01/02/2020
and 31/03/2020 unless extended. RDP includes 12 months registration, 12 months compulsory third party insurance (CTP), a maximum dealer delivery charge, stamp duty and metallic/premium paint. Toyota reserves the right to extend or amend the offer at any stage. [A1]
Genuine Accessories must be ordered at time of vehicle purchase. $1,000 includes the cost of dealer accessory fitment. Offer only at participating Victorian & Tasmanian dealers. Offer not exchangeable for cash. No rainchecks. Toyota Genuine Accessories are not applicable to all
models/grades. See your Toyota dealer to confirm Accessories suitable for your vehicle. Refer to Owners’ Manual for gross vehicle mass limits. Colours depicted may vary from actual colour due to display process. Visit [A]Recommended driveaway
price (RDP) shown is applicable to Private customers, Bronze, and Silver Fleet customers, and primary producers, only at participating dealers. Offer available on new May 2019 to December 2019 built models purchased between 01/02/2020 and 29/02/2020 unless extended.
RDP includes free automatic transmission, 12 months registration, 12 months compulsory third party insurance (CTP), a maximum dealer delivery charge and stamp duty. Metallic/Premium paint at extra cost. Toyota reserves the right to extend or amend the offer at any stage.
[D3] Recommended driveaway price (RDP) shown is applicable for Private customers, Bronze, and Silver Fleet customers, and primary producers, only at participating dealers. Offer available on new October 2019 to December 2019 built models purchased between 01/02/2020
and 29/02/2020 unless extended. RDP includes 12 months registration, 12 months compulsory third party insurance (CTP), a maximum dealer delivery charge, stamp duty and metallic/premium paint. Toyota reserves the right to extend or amend the offer at any stage.[D]
D2]Recommended driveaway price (RDP) shown is applicable for Private customers, Bronze, and Silver Fleet customers, and primary producers, only at participating de
Recommended driveaway price (RDP) shown is applicable for Private customers, Bronze, and Silver Fleet customers, and primary producers, only at participating dealers. Offer available on new January 2019 to December 2019 built models purchased between 01/02/2020 and
/12/2019 and 31/01/2020 unless extended. RDP includes 12 months registration, 12 months compulsory third party insurance (CTP), a maximum dealer delivery charge, s
29/02/2020 unless extended. RDP includes 12 months registration, 12 months compulsory third party insurance (CTP), a maximum dealer delivery charge and stamp duty. Metallic/Premium paint at additional cost. Toyota reserves the right to extend or amend the offer at any
stage. [F1]3.9% comparison rate available to approved applicants of Toyota Finance to finance all new & demo Corolla Hatch models (build dates from May 2018 – December 2019). Offer available for Private, Bronze & Silver Fleet customers only. Offer ends 29/02/2020. Maximum
ny stage. [A]Recommended driveaway price (RDP) shown is applicable to Private customers, Bronze, and Silver Fleet customers, and primary producers, only at participat
finance term of 48 months applies. Terms, conditions, fees and charges apply. Toyota Finance reserves the right to change, extend or withdraw an offer at any time. Ask your dealer for more information. Comparison rate is based on a 5 year secured consumer fixed rate loan of
$30,000. WARNING: This comparison rate is true only for the examples given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate. Toyota Finance, a division of Toyota Finance Australia Limited ABN 48
/12/2019 and 31/01/2020 unless extended. RDP includes free automatic transmission, 12 months registration, 12 months compulsory third party insurance (CTP), a maxim
002 435 181, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 392536. T2020-013969
Page 28 The Moorabool News – 25 February, 2020 Email -


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