Dynamic Stretching
Dynamic Stretching
Dynamic Stretching
Warm up exercises for volleyball matches help players get ready to play. Teams
often use dynamic flexibility stretches as a sport specific warm up before each match in
long tournaments. Dynamic flexibility exercises such as hand-walks and forward lunges
improve the long-term mobility and flexibility of your muscles.
5. Lateral Lunge
You can place your arms together out in front of
you like you are going to make a volleyball pass
when performing this exercise. To dynamically stretch the muscles of your groin and
hips. Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Step to the right, keeping your toes pointed
straight ahead and your feet flat on the ground. Squat back and down towards your lead
leg. Keep your back leg straight and your weight over the lead legs heel. Squat as low as
comfortable, hold for 2 seconds and return to the starting position.
6. Front Kicks
I call them front kicks, sometimes they are called cross kicks because you want to touch
your opposite hand to your foot if you can. After a minute of these you should really feel
your pulse going.
7. Single Leg Balance
We slow it down just a little and focus on balance for the next minute. Keep your back
flat and reach down to touch the ground, alternating arms and legs as you go. Take your
time and focus on your form and stability. It’s also great for stretching your hamstrings
and glutes