Getting More by Stuart Diamond - Excerpt
Getting More by Stuart Diamond - Excerpt
Getting More by Stuart Diamond - Excerpt
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Diamond, Stuart.
Getting more : how to negotiate to achieve your goals in the real world / Stuart Diamond.—1st ed.
p. cm.
1. Negotiation. I. Title.
BF637.N4D53 2010
302.3—dc22 2010017638
ISBN 978-0-307-71689-7
eISBN 978-0-307-71691-0
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
First Edition
This is an optimistic book, intended to make your life better. It starts with
the principle that you can get more. No matter who you are, no matter
what your personality, you can learn to be a better negotiator. You can
get more.
In the twenty-plus years I have been teaching, I have had the palpable
experience of watching people become better negotiators before my eyes.
They became more aware of themselves and particularly others in their
quest to get more in their lives through negotiation.
A lot of the tools that they learn in my class and use in their lives chal-
lenge the conventional wisdom. Many seem counterintuitive at first. But
the success of my students’ day-to-day experiences, and their personal
growth, are the markers of a new way of looking at human interactions.
The Getting More process presented in this book redefines negotiation the-
ory: simplifying it, eliminating the jargon, and providing a more practical,
realistic, and effective way of dealing with others.
You will see how the conventional concepts of rationality, power, walk-
ing out, and “win-win” actually don’t work very well much of the time.
Instead, strategies like emotional sensitivity, relationships, clear goals,
being incremental, and viewing each situation as different are much more
My students learn to get more by communicating even in the face of
hostility, and by valuing the other side’s perceptions no matter what they
are. They learn about the loss of profit from confrontation and “us versus
them” tactics, and gain much more value by constantly pushing for col-
laboration. And they learn to handle hard bargainers by using their words
against them in the least combative way. They offer trust but insist on
commitments in return. They are not patsies. They meet their goals.
As mentioned throughout, the title of this book is Getting More, not
Getting Everything. The book is intended to significantly improve the life
of anyone who reads it and embraces its tools and strategies. Some ele-
ments will work sometimes; some will work better than others. It will
teach you to determine what works best for you and train you to make
those tools your own.
At the end of the day, Getting More is not about learning how to negoti-
ate; it is about becoming a negotiator to your core, so these tools become
as much a part of you as your personality. Once the tools are internalized,
virtually every interaction you have will improve.
Not everything in this book will apply to you. Some of you don’t have
children, and others are uninterested in public issues. But in writing this
book I tried to communicate advice that touches a very broad audience.
Something that you already know may be very fresh to someone else, and
vice versa. The point is to identify what you can use, now and throughout
your life, and key on it. Look for the things that can help you, that can add
value to your life and the lives of others.
All of the material, whether applicable to you or not, is presented
through the stories of my students and my own experiences, in the hope
that their successes—and failures—will be interesting to you even as you
are learning the tools.
Unless you practice with these tools, however, they will remain words
on a page. You must see them work for you to own them.
You may think that some of the negotiation tools in this book can-
not possibly work. But everything has been tested and tested again. They
do work; often they tap into fundamental tenets of human psychology. If
you’re skeptical, try them in nonrisky environments, and incrementally,
and see what happens. You’re likely to be pleasantly surprised. Don’t do
everything at once. Try something, feel it out, improve it for yourself, and
then add something else. You have a lifetime to do this.
Finally, let me know how you are doing. I’m a teacher at heart. I want to
know how my students are doing, and anyone else who addresses the ma-
terial. Write me at book is intended to begin a
dialogue among those who have looked around at the world we live in, and
decided it’s time to get more.
Haverford, Pennsylvania, August 12, 2010
Thinking Differently
My run slowed to a jog as we approached the gate for our flight to Paris.
The plane was still there, but the door to the Jetway was shut. The gate
agents were quietly sorting tickets. They had already retracted the hood
connecting the Jetway to the airplane door.
“Hi, we’re on this flight!” I panted.
“Sorry,” said the agent. “We’re done boarding.”
“But our connecting flight landed just ten minutes ago. They prom-
ised us they would call ahead to the gate.”
“Sorry, we can’t board anyone after they’ve closed the door.”
My boyfriend and I walked to the window in disbelief. Our long week-
end was about to fall to pieces. The plane waited right before our eyes. The
sun had set, and the pilots’ downturned faces were bathed in the glow of
their instrument panel. The whine of the engines intensified and a guy
with lighted batons sauntered onto the tarmac.
I thought for a few seconds. Then I led my boyfriend to the center of
the window right in front of the cockpit. We stood there, in plain sight, my
entire being focused on the pilot, hoping to catch his eye.
One of the pilots looked up. He saw us standing forlornly in the win-
dow. I looked him in the eye, plaintively, pleadingly. I let my bags slump
by my feet. We stood there for what seemed an eternity. Finally, the pilot’s
lips moved and the other pilot looked up. I caught his eye, as well, and he
The engine whine softened and we heard the gate agent’s phone ring.
She turned to us, wide-eyed. “Grab your stuff!” she said. “The pilot said
to let you on!” Our vacation restored, we clutched each other joyously,
snatched our bags, waved to the pilots, and tumbled down the Jetway to
our plane.
—rayenne chen, Wharton Business School, Class of 2001
cessible and impractical. Instead, they are based on how people perceive,
think, feel, and live in the real world. And they will help anyone do what
this book suggests: get more.
And that’s one of those instinctive human desires, isn’t it? More. When-
ever you do almost anything, don’t you wonder if there’s more? It doesn’t
have to mean more for me and less for you. It just has to be, well, more.
And it doesn’t necessarily mean more money. It means more of whatever
you value: more money, more time, more food, more love, more travel,
more responsibility, more basketball, more TV, more music.
This book is about more: how you define it, how you get it, how you
keep it. Whoever you are, wherever you are, the ideas and tools in this book
were meant for you.
The world is full of negotiation books telling you how to get to yes, get
past no, win, gain an advantage, close the deal, get leverage, influence or
persuade others, be nice, be tough, and so forth.
But of those who finish reading them, few can go out and do it. Besides,
sometimes you may want to get to no. Or you want to get to maybe. Or you
just want to delay things. But, instinctively, you always want to get more of
what you want.
In Getting More, I present this information in such a way that you will
actually be able to use it— immediately— whether ordering a pizza or ne-
gotiating a billion-dollar deal or asking for a discount on a blouse or a pair
of pants. This is what people who take my course are required to do. I tell
them to use the strategies the same day, write them down in their journals,
practice them, and use them again.
tion from that landscape. But the expert can make much better use of that
information to pursue opportunities or minimize risks.
What we are talking about in Getting More is learning better negotia-
tion tools so that you become exquisitely more conscious of the topogra-
phy of your dealings with others.
Like Rayenne Chen at the opening of the book, most of those who have
taken my course are ordinary people. But they have learned to achieve ex-
traordinary results by negotiating with greater confidence and skill. More
than one woman from India in my class, using tools from the course, per-
suaded her parents to let her out of her own arranged marriage. My advice
on the negotiation process helped to end the 2008 Writers Guild strike. It
is the same kind of advice taught in my classes and outlined in Chapter 2.
A business student who hadn’t made it past the first-round interview
with eighteen firms took the course, applied my negotiation tools, and got
twelve consecutive final-round interviews and the job of his choice. Par-
ents get their young children to brush their teeth without complaint.
We added up the money made and saved by students using these tools:
$7 here, $132 there, $1 million or more in some cases. The total exceeded
$3 billion for about a third of the stories we have collected. And that
doesn’t count the marriages saved, the jobs obtained, the deals concluded,
the parents who were persuaded to go to the doctor, the kids who did just
what they were asked.
Most of the more than 400 anecdotes in this book use the actual names
of the people involved. They will tell you how they got a raise, achieved
satisfaction after buying defective merchandise, got out of a speeding
ticket, got their kids to do their homework, closed a deal— how, in a mil-
lion ways, their lives became better. How they got more.
For me and the tens of thousands of people I’ve taught, unless these
tools work in real life, we’re not interested.
Who are these people? They come from all walks of life, and myriad
cultures. Senior executives of billion-dollar companies, housewives, stu-
dents in school, salespeople, administrative assistants, executives, manag-
ers, lawyers, engineers, stockbrokers, truckers, union workers, artists— you
name it. And they come from around the world: the United States, Japan,
China, Russia, Colombia, Bolivia, South Africa, Kuwait, Jordan, Israel,
Germany, France, England, Brazil, India, Vietnam, and so forth.
These tools work for all of them. And they will work for you, too.
Like Ben Friedman, who almost always asks the companies whose ser-
vices he uses if new customers are treated better than existing, loyal cus-
tomers like himself— for example, with discounts or other promotions.
By asking that question one day, Ben got 33 percent off his existing New
York Times subscription.
Or Soo Jin Kim, who looks for connections everywhere. One day she
saved $200 a year for her daughter’s after-school French program. How?
Before asking for a discount, she made a human connection with the
school’s manager, talking about her trips to France. These strategies will
save you a little here, a little there. But it can add up to many thousands of
dollars a year.
Some make millions at the start. Paul Thurman, a management con-
sultant in New York, reduced a large client’s expenses by 35 percent, an
“incredible” twenty points more than he had been able to do before the
course. He used standards, persistence, better questions, relationships,
and being incremental, as learned in the course. The first-year savings was
$34 million; by now it’s over $300 million, he said. “I have a major advan-
tage in the marketplace,” he said.
Richard Morena, then the chief financial officer of the Asbury Park
Press, got $245 million more for the company in its sale, and $1 million
more for himself, by using standards, framing, and other course tools. “I’ll
keep practicing,” he said. To benefit from the strategies in the book, as
Richard did, you have to think differently about how you deal with others.
Many, if not most, people take actions contrary to their goals because they
are focused on something else. They get mad in a store or relationship.
They attack the wrong people. In a negotiation, you should not pursue re-
lationships, interests, win-win, or anything else just because you think it’s
an effective tool. Anything you do in a negotiation should explicitly bring
you closer to your goals for that particular negotiation. Otherwise, it is ir-
relevant or damaging to you.
offer, are simply wrong. There are too many differences among people and
situations to be so rigid in your thinking. The right answer to the state-
ment “I hate you” is “Tell me more.” You learn what they are thinking or
feeling, so that you can better persuade them.
5. Incremental Is Best.
People often fail because they ask for too much all at once. They take
steps that are too big. This scares people, makes the negotiation seem
riskier, and magnifies differences. Take small steps, whether you are trying
for raises or treaties. Lead people from the pictures in their heads to your
goals, from the familiar to the unfamiliar, a step at a time. If there is little
trust, it’s even more important to be incremental. Test each step. If there
are big differences between parties, move slowly toward each other, nar-
rowing the gap incrementally.
Two things are evident about these strategies and many of the tools pre-
sented here. First, they are not rocket science. Second, unless you already
know what they are, they are invisible, buried in ordinary language.
“I started to realize,” said Eric Stark, an MBA student at the University
of Southern California, “that the people I was negotiating with had no idea
what I was doing. They had no idea.” Now a telecommunications and In-
ternet expert, he says that this is still true, fifteen years after the class.
My most common opening in a negotiation is “What’s going on?”
Seems like an ordinary question. But there are at least four tools folded
into that question. First, it helps to establish a relationship with the other
person— you start out informal and chatty. Second, it is a question—
questions are a great way to collect information. Third, it focuses first on
the other party and their feelings and perceptions, instead of on “the deal.”
Fourth, it consists of small talk to establish a comfort level between us.
Unless you explicitly know what the tools are, you can’t replicate them
effectively from situation to situation. You just keep going on instinct.
And you can’t get much better at negotiating that way.
A few years ago I was negotiating with someone on a very snowy day. I
started the negotiation by saying with some frustration, “How about this
snow?” To which the other person replied, “Actually, I love the snow. I love
to ski.” So then I said, “Well, how do you feel about the heat?”
Why did I say that? Unless you can identify the exact negotiation tool
used, you can’t do much better, because you can’t consciously replicate it in
future negotiations. I was trying to find a common enemy. Common en-
emies bring parties closer together and make the negotiation easier. That’s
why people complain about the weather; it establishes a human connec-
tion, and a shared vantage point. People complain half-jokingly about at-
torneys, or traffic, or bureaucracy for exactly that reason.
Most people are unaware of the “common enemies” tool. It is invisible
to you. You can’t make it visible unless someone tells you about it. Mutual
needs are also good (although with less psychological impact) if you can
find them at the start of negotiations.
These strategies and tools are also invisible because they are relatively
new, at least in how they are used. The modern field of negotiation, cre-
ated by lawyers around 1980, focused on resolving conflicts. This was good
but incomplete. It protected the downside of a negotiation, but didn’t
focus as much on the upside. Economists got more involved in the nego-
tiation field in the 1990s and developed more strategies to make money
and gain opportunity. But this was also incomplete, because it relied on
people being rational.
Getting More accounts for these factors, of course, but it also focuses
on the psychology of the people involved. This is what most of negotiation
should be about: the pictures in people’s heads. You can’t discover the
opportunity or the resolution of conflict unless you think hard about the
psychology of the other person.
one. It is a premise of this book that by using better negotiation skills, you
can persuade more people, by yourself, to do things willingly.
The invisible strategies stated above can be a major source of competi-
tive advantage. Nonetheless, you should share them with the other side.
This way, they won’t feel manipulated, and you will get more over the long
This book is also not about “best alternative to a negotiated agree-
ment”— BATNA— or other acronyms that seem handy. In reality, they
cause people to focus more on walking away than on working out some-
thing better with the other party. I often say, “Let’s assume everyone can
walk away and do fine. Given that, can we get more in negotiating with
each other?”
“Bargaining range” is another item less useful than many people think.
You might know the monetary bargaining range: the highest the buyer will
pay and the lowest the seller will accept. But you can change the bargain-
ing range by adding other elements to a negotiation, such as by trading
items of unequal value. So the more creative you are, the less useful bar-
gaining range, BATNA, and its various cousins are.
After all is said and done, there may be a better alternative to the op-
tion you finally develop. And you should explore your options. But first
you should find out what you can do with the people in front of you, as
creatively as possible. And if you use your options to beat up the other
party, it’s like going on a date and mentioning all the other people you
could go out with. The relationship will probably not get far. I will return
repeatedly in Getting More to the problems with power. It’s easy to fall
back into old habits, as in, let’s make them do it. I want to make sure this
doesn’t happen.
Instead, let’s define negotiation in ways that will help you organize
what you actually need to do, and give you a better window into the pro-
cess. This definition of negotiation has four levels, beginning with the
most superficial.
Negotiation is the process of:
1. Forcing People to Do What You Will Them to Do. This involves threats,
violence, take-it-or-leave-it demands, the use of raw power. Of course this
is negotiation— you’ve persuaded people that unless they do it your way,
at least for the time being, you will beat them black and blue. And some-
times it works: battles and wars have been won. Aggression has sometimes
carried the day.
The main problem with force is not that it doesn’t work. With $20 tril-
lion, the United States can probably do whatever it wants in the Middle
East for the foreseeable future. With virtually unlimited resources, the
United States could probably do whatever it wanted in Afghanistan or any-
where else. The problem is that force is very expensive, is not reinforcing,
and as such takes a long time, if not forever, for continued compliance. So
the questions to ask include: Is force the best use of my resources? Is this
the easiest way to meet our goals over time? For example, if you use vio-
lence and don’t wipe out the other side, they will probably keep fighting. If
you threaten them, they will find a way to get back at you. Mostly, you’ve
persuaded them not to fight back today.
In limited, specific situations, raw power might be justified. But to
watch TV or the movies, or listen to many leaders, you’d think it is the
human behavior of choice. In fact, it is the most suboptimal choice. Over-
all, it’s not as profitable or effective as other choices. Look how expensive it
is to fight someone in court.
2. Getting People to Think What You Want Them to Think. This second
level is better: getting people to see the rational benefit in your idea. This
is what has been called “interest-based negotiation,” and popularized in
many negotiation books. However, it depends on people being rational.
But in the real world, it usually doesn’t carry the day by itself. Most
important negotiations have a big emotional component. There is often
a lot of irrational behavior. The more important the negotiation is to
the other party, the less interest-based negotiation works. A family quar-
rel over where to go on vacation, or a workplace argument over who gets
what office, is hard to settle with interest-based negotiation alone. It’s not
3. Getting People to Perceive What You Want Them to Perceive. Now you
are looking at the world the way the other side does. And you are thinking
of ways to change their perceptions. You are starting with the pictures in
their heads. This is the right place to begin in order to persuade them.
Misperception, often from communication failures, causes conflict and
negotiation breakdowns everywhere, every day. Understanding others’
perceptions is essential to successful negotiation. You then change their
perceptions incrementally. It will actually make the negotiation shorter,
more self-enforcing, and easier.
4. Getting People to Feel What You Want Them to Feel. This approach
is totally self-enforcing. You are tapping into their emotions, their “irra-
tionality,” if you will. Almost everyone views the world through their own
feelings and perceptions. When the pressure is on, when the stakes are high,
their feelings usually take over— whether evident or not. A negotiation
that considers feelings is much broader than “interests.” And it includes all
needs— the entire menu of what people want— from the reasonable to the
crazy. When the other party realizes you care about their feelings, they will
listen more, making them more persuadable.
In my experiance, few people acknowledge or use this in negotiations.
Imagine opposing attorneys, or sports owners with striking players, or the
United States with Iran, saying, “Before we sit down to formally talk about
the issues, how do you guys feel? Are you happy? What is your favorite
food? How’s your family?” And yet this is what is required to get the best
results. Throughout this book, you will see that people who did this nego-
tiated better and got more.
The facts will change from situation to situation. But the process
should not. Doing this well will enable you to negotiate anything, with
anyone, anywhere, anytime.
Near the beginning of my courses I ask students, “Who negotiated
something today?” It doesn’t matter what the negotiation is about: a hot
dog or a hot job. Each event can be broken down and deconstructed into
its essential elements in the same way. These elements can then be exam-
ined, learned, and put back together again so you can negotiate at a higher
Think how much more effective you would be if you spent ten or
fifteen minutes before a negotiation going down the List and asking how
each strategy applies in this instance. Did you find out enough about the
other party? Are your goals clearly defined? Are you being incremental
enough? Afterward, you will assess how you did using the List, perhaps
changing it a little, and learning for next time.
This is called an inductive process: starting from each situation and then
figuring out the exact strategies and tools that are likely to be most effective.
It’s also knowledge you can then bring with you to the next negotiation.
You might, for example, find that standards worked well in one situation,
an appeal to relationships worked in another, and focusing on individual
needs worked in a third.
Now let’s start going over the List so that I can persuade you to think
This is one of the big differences between the advice in Getting More
and what you’ve likely read elsewhere about negotiation. Goals are not just
another negotiation tool to use. Goals are the be-all and end-all of nego-
tiations. You negotiate to meet your goals. Everything else is subservient
to that.
The goals are what you are trying to accomplish. Don’t try to establish
a relationship unless it brings you closer to your goals. Don’t deal with
others’ interests or needs or feelings or anything else unless it brings you
closer to your goals. Don’t give or get information unless it brings you
closer to your goals.
This is a really big point. People shouldn’t negotiate to achieve “win-
win” or to create a “relationship” or to get to “yes” unless it aligns with
their goals. “Win-win” is overused; it sounds vaguely manipulative. When
people say to me, “Let’s go for a win-win,” I think, “So they want some-
thing from me.”
The point of negotiation is to get what you want. Why should you
negotiate to create a relationship if it won’t help you meet your goals?
Why should you try for a win-win if others continue to try to hurt your
Maybe you actually want a “lose-win” outcome. You want to lose today,
so they will give you more tomorrow. Maybe you want a “lose-lose,” so
you can both see how that feels. Maybe you want a “win-lose” outcome, in
order to train them to act differently next time.
Don’t get distracted and clouded with other stuff— being nice, being
tough, being emotional, etc. Never take your eyes off the goal. It’s what
you want at the end of the process that you don’t have now.
Much has been written about meeting goals. Studies show that
goal-setting is one of the most important things someone can do for
themselves. The mere act of setting a goal has been shown to increase per-
formance by more than 25 percent.
What’s invisible is not that no one knows they need to identify and
meet their goals. What’s invisible is that they don’t do it ! They don’t do it
because they don’t focus on it. They don’t do it because they get distracted.
And then, if they finally start doing it, they don’t complete it— they lose
their way in the middle.
Some executives dismiss this advice with a wave of the hand. “We
learned this stuff in business school,” they say. Then why don’t they do it?
It’s important to execute things in a focused, ordered way. It’s not
enough to say, “Meet your goals.” We need to know exactly how to do
this. The first thing you need to do is decide what your goal is, explicitly, at
the beginning and remind yourself often along the way.
What’s your goal in going to the store? Knowing that in advance will
stop you from wasting money on impulse buying. What’s your goal in dis-
cussing vacation plans with your family? To prove who’s right? To punish
them for something else? Or to decide on a vacation you can take that will
be nice for all of you?
How many times have you gone to a meeting and said to the people
there, “What do you want at the end of this meeting that you don’t have
now?” If you haven’t done this before, try it. It’s very effective. Although
people will sometimes lie or refuse to say, by and large people will tell you.
And you will quickly find out whether everyone thinks they are at the same
meeting with the same goals. Even a slight difference in goals can wind up
as a mess in a negotiation.
Write down your goals and remind yourself. Have friends and col-
leagues remind you. Not just at the beginning of the process, but all along
the way.
Not having a goal is like getting into the car without knowing where
you are headed. And not checking your goals is like not checking the map
along the way. People often get distracted in the middle of a meeting or a
campaign. New information often emerges. Unless you check your goals
at intervals, you are less likely to meet them. It doesn’t matter how well
you know the company or person.
I knew an executive who was hired as vice president for strategy at
a leading U.S. firm. Just after she arrived, she wrote a note to the other
twelve senior executives, inviting them to a meeting, asking them to bring
their goals for the company.
After receiving the note, the company’s CEO called her up and said,
“Wait a minute. You just got here. We’ve been working here for years— we
know our goals for the company.”
“Fair enough,” the new vice president said. “But you asked me to work
on corporate strategy. I promise you that if you let the meeting happen, it
will be worthwhile. And it won’t take very long.” The CEO said okay.
The other twelve senior executives came to the meeting with their
goals for the company. The strategy vice president wrote them up on the
board, one by one. At the end, the twelve executives saw that they actu-
ally had not one, or two, or three, or four goals. They had fourteen dif-
ferent goals. And most of these goals contradicted each other. “Oh,” they
The more specific your goals, the better. “I’d like to go to Chicago” is
better than “I’d like to go to Illinois.” “Let’s put a man on the moon” is
better than “Let’s explore space.” “I want to graduate from college” is not
as good as “I want to get at least Bs while I’m writing a book.”
Too often, people think they can meet their goals only at the expense of
others. You need to think about their goals as well as yours, or others will
soon give you less. If you meet your goals today at the expense of the long
term, you have served yourself poorly. Getting More means meeting your
goals for all relevant people and periods.
Once you have identified your goals, it is important to keep asking,
“Are my actions meeting my goals?” The world is full of people who fail to
do this. They get emotional or distracted or are just not thinking this way.
It goes for you, and it goes for others you care about.
Angela Arnold’s father had a stroke. He wanted to leave the hospital
before his rehab was complete. Angela, now a consultant, asked her father
what he was most looking forward to at home. “Walking Ringo,” his dog,
Angela’s father said. “Well,” Angela said, “if you want to walk Ringo, and
you leave the hospital now, you won’t be able to walk Ringo.” She said if
he finished rehab, he’d be able to walk unassisted upon discharge. Then he
could walk Ringo. Angela showed her father that his proposal would not
have met his goals. Her father finished rehab.
Here’s a new definition of competitiveness: your ability to meet your
goals. This flies in the face of centuries of business thinking. Even today,
the philosophy of Scottish economist Adam Smith (1723–1790) is pre-
dominant. Smith, widely cited as the father of modern economics, saw
competitiveness as maximizing self-interest. It has been viewed since then
as gaining power over opponents, winner takes all, taking no prisoners;
some later called it economic Darwinism.
Today the most “competitive people” are replacing this with the think-
ing of John Nash, a Princeton University mathematician who won the
1994 Nobel Prize and was popularized in the movie A Beautiful Mind.
Nash proved mathematically the 1755 theory of Swiss philosopher
Jean-Jacques Rousseau that when parties collaborate, the overall size of
the pie almost always expands, so each party gets more than it could get
alone. The typical example is that four hunters can each catch only one
rabbit while acting alone, but they can catch a deer together.
Today, smart competitors collaborate whenever they can. Consider
the PowerBook computer created among IBM, Apple, and Motorola. Or
strategic alliances for research or marketing among pharmaceutical firms.
Research shows that almost 90 percent of the time, people in cooperative
environments perform better than people in traditional, “competitive,”
win-lose environments. In other words, performance contests in general
don’t enhance performance.
You might say, skeptically, that some pies can’t be expanded, and that
if one party wins, the other loses. If I ask for an example, the number-
one answer people give is land. To which I reply, “Fine, if land is impor-
tant to you, you take Congo, I’ll take Japan.” In other words, not all land
is equal. There are lots of ways to compete. Don’t get locked in to one
Again, write your goals down. Check them often.
In our imaginations, big, bold moves produce big successes. In the real
world, big, bold moves mostly scare people away: you are trying to go too
far, too fast. Small, incremental steps accomplish more. This is especially
true if two parties are far apart in a negotiation.
Incremental steps give other people a chance to catch their breath, look
around, decide if the steps you’ve taken feel good, and then move on with
confidence. Incremental steps anchor people to the step or steps they have
already accepted. They reduce the perceived risk of moving forward.
An analogy: If you are a .280 hitter in baseball, and you get one extra
hit every nine games, you become a .310 hitter in baseball. And that is
worth a spot in the Baseball Hall of Fame, and $10 million more a year in
compensation. All for one extra hit every thirty-six times at bat.
I’m not trying to hit home runs in negotiations. I’m trying to get one
extra hit every nine games. It’s a good lesson for negotiation, and a good
lesson for life. A few incremental improvements and you will be fabulously
more successful.
But let’s not carry the sports analogy too far. In sports, the goal is for
each side to win. Life is not a sports game. In sports, it is expected that one
side will lose. There is a finite game, tournament, or season. In life, there
is a tomorrow, and it is expected (at least normally) for people to all get
Even so, don’t be greedy. It turns people off and causes them to dis-
trust you and give you less. When you try to get a little more, you fall
below most people’s radar screens. Your proposal is digestible. You can
always ask for more the next time. I tell my students, “Every ceiling is a
new floor.”
Jan Carlson, the legendary European SAS airline executive, once said,
“The difference between success and failure is . . . two millimeters.” In
other words, it’s something as seemingly insignificant as a turn of phrase.
A look. A small gesture. The tools that work are very small, subtle, and yet
very effective.
The title of this book is Getting More, not Getting Everything. No ne-
gotiation tools and strategies work all the time. But they work more often
than if you don’t use them! This is not intended to make you perfect. It is
intended to make you better, every day.
Start with the easy things in a negotiation, and scale up from there. If
you can increase your success by even a few percent in your negotiations
with others, you will be fabulously more successful. Anyone who tells you
that this or that strategy always works is blowing smoke at you. Again, all
you’re looking for is that one extra hit every nine games.
“Before this course, my tactics worked about fifty percent of the time;
I thought I was a pretty good negotiator,” said Gerald Singleton, a former
student of mine at USC. “Now I use better tools and they work seventy-five
percent of the time. For me, that’s much better. And I have a framework to
keep improving throughout my life.”
Here is my entire negotiation course in three broad questions.
Although the tools in Getting More give you more power, they need to
be used carefully. And raw power is much more fragile than usually as-
sumed. If you overuse your power, for example, you can lose your power. If
you are too extreme, you can seem unreasonable to others and lessen your
ability to meet your goals. People hate it when others try to exert power
over them. They then try to undermine you and change the power balance.
There is a relationship between power and negotiation skill. Consider
this: women stereotypically tend to be better negotiators than men. First,
women listen more. They collect more information. And more informa-
tion leads to better persuasion and better results. Second, women try a lot
harder than men to learn the tools in Getting More. That’s because we still
live in a male-dominated world. Women have less raw power, and this is
too often used against them.
When you have a lot of raw power, your tool of choice is figuratively the
baseball bat. As noted, this invites retaliation. When you have less power,
you learn to use tools that are more subtle, less noticeable, even invisible
to those with raw power. There is less risk of retaliation. Women comprise
about 30 percent of the students who take my courses, but they get a much
higher percentage of the highest grades. The subtler tools are ultimately
more effective.
This is why small countries— Sweden, Switzerland, Malta— are more
often thought of as better at conflict resolution than large countries. And
it is why children are better negotiators than adults. And it’s why children
tend to lose those tools as they grow up and get a baseball bat—raw power.
The better negotiators watch other parties carefully, focus on the other
party, and ultimately meet their own goals more effectively. Studies show
that less powerful parties tend to be more creative than more powerful
As such, power is a complicated concept. People like to have power. So,
by giving people power or validating their power, they feel good and will
give things to you in return. We see this with children. The key is to be very
sensitive to the implications, especially the long-term ones, of the use—
and especially the misuse—of power.
who have read books, have taken courses, and can have great discussions
about negotiations. The world is not full of great negotiators who can ex-
ecute successful negotiations in real time.
Let’s say you are negotiating for a table at a crowded restaurant where
you don’t have a reservation. What do you do? How do you start with this
particular maître d’ in this particular situation?
Knowing the rules of negotiation doesn’t mean that you can negotiate
well—any more than you can beat a world-class tennis player because you
have read forty-two books on tennis.
A main purpose of this book is to turn conceptual knowledge into
operational knowledge, presenting step-by-step strategies with examples
that, with practice, work in the real world. This book is like a first tennis
lesson. To get better, you need to practice with these tools.
Rayenne Chen, the woman at the beginning of the book who got the
pilots to bring back the plane, had a List. That was her starting point. But it
wasn’t enough. Her List was internalized through practice: conscious prac-
The same tools can be applied to widely different situations. So you
don’t have to practice on big things where there will be serious conse-
quences if you make a mistake. Start with small things.
Go into a clothing store where things seem never to be on sale and ask
the manager for a discount. They will probably say no. Ask if they have
personal shoppers. Personal shoppers often work on commission— they
make money only when you buy something. They are going to go out of
their way to make a deal. Ask for their business card. Ask the manager or
the personal shopper what the store does for loyal customers.
It doesn’t matter if the item you get a discount on is priced at $1. You
are practicing for $10,000 or $100,000 items in the future— it’s the same
process. I used to practice on practically every situation imaginable. My
friends would make fun of me. They stopped making fun of me when they
needed help and I did things they could not.
Great negotiators are made, not born. Excellence comes from focus
and practice. I have taught people who were initially terrible at negotia-
tion, but they soared in a single semester. In other words, creating a List is
not enough. You have to implement it, over and over, and learn from your
mistakes. It is not hard to learn.
Wei-Wei Wang, a slight woman in my negotiation class at the Uni-
versity of Southern California, was very timid at first. She avoided most
negotiations and had a hard time meeting her goals.
mistakes if they don’t use the kinds of tools in this book. This is a new and
evolving field. Good instincts are not enough.
So use the List. Take it with you from negotiation to negotiation. Fig-
ure out what you did right and wrong the last time. Modify your List. Do
this often. Practice one strategy at a time. See what happens. Learn from
it, then do it again.
Most hard bargainers are unskilled negotiators; they don’t know any other
way. But until the other party shows you they are a lost cause, you should
try to help them. That doesn’t mean taking a lot of risk yourself. Take a
small, incremental step and see what happens. Ask, “Would you like to
make an agreement that is reasonable for both of us?” If they say yes, then
define how the parties might go about it.
Bob Woolf, the retired sports-agent superstar, essentially said to others
in a negotiation, “I have one thing that’s not negotiable. I demand that we
meet your interests.” When the other person expressed surprise, he would
say something like, “The reason we need to meet your interests is that if we
don’t meet your interests, you won’t meet mine. And I’m a real selfish guy.
I want my interests met.”
A negotiation is over when you say it is, not before. It doesn’t matter how
many times the other person says no, or disagrees with you, or gives you a
hard time. Keep asking, stay focused on your goals (without making your-
self the issue). Persistence, after all, is a focused effort, over time, to meet
your goals.
If the other party bridles at your persistence, say something like, “Well,
I’m just trying to meet my goals. Is there some way I could do this better?”
Some people won’t be interested in helping you. But more people than you
think will help you, let you keep trying, and eventually give you what you
In the first class in my course, students tend to try to negotiate for
something a couple of times and then give up. By the end of the course,
there is no limit to how many times they will ask. Each time, they ask a
little bit differently.
Diego Etcheto needed to rebook his ticket on a flight from Philadel-
phia to Miami. He missed the flight the day before because a storm pre-
vented him from getting to the airport. He wanted Delta to remove the
$150 change fee. He called thirteen times. Delta’s answers: no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, yes. It took ninety minutes, but he got the
$150 fee waived. “Be polite, but firm,” said Diego, who now works for his
family’s food business in Washington State. “When you hear no, ask ‘Why
not?’ I was prepared to negotiate all day.”
The Dr. Seuss classic Green Eggs and Ham is one of the best books on
persistence ever written, in the eyes of Jack Callahan, one of my NYU Ex-
ecutive MBA students. I agree. After more than 100 lovely requests and de-
nials, green eggs and ham are happily eaten. “I read it seven times tonight
to my persistent one-year-old,” Jack said.
With persistence comes self-confidence: the belief that you can do it.
Students describe self-confidence as their number-one benefit from the
course. Tim Essaye, by using the course tools in a company deal, secured a
25 percent bonus. The self-confidence the course gave him made a lifetime
of difference.
Colleen Sorrentino got the confidence to tell her husband, Bob, with-
out nagging, that he had promised to go food shopping so she could study.
“I didn’t argue and for once I didn’t get emotional,” she said. Colleen said
that Bob has done all the food shopping for the more than ten years since
that negotiation. “I always tended to feel guilty when I asked for some-
thing,” said Colleen, now a managing director at her family’s brokerage
firm, Wall Street Access. “I now have a way of going about things that helps
me be stronger.”
By doing the role reversal, Sharon realized that her mother would most
likely want to have a role in the lives of her as-yet-unborn grandchildren,
whom she would probably never see. She also realized that her mother,
deep down, very much wanted to read children’s books on videotape. But
Sharon also understood that her mother was afraid, and already very sad.
Her mother lived in California, 3,000 miles away, and couldn’t go through
it by herself.
Sharon also realized that if she went out to California and spent some
time with her mother, then her mother would be able to go through it. She
would remind her mother of the wonderful times they had shared with the
children’s stories when Sharon herself was young. She would talk about
how the family all felt cheated by the cancer, but that her mother could
provide a special legacy. “Whatever happens, don’t you want to be able to
read to your grandchildren?” Sharon would say. “Don’t you want them to
know the sound of your voice?”
Was Sharon trying to manipulate her mother, to take something from
her mother? I tell this story to my classes, and some people think so. The
right answer, though, is of course not. Was Sharon trying to win the ne-
gotiation? And would reading the books cause her mother to lose the ne-
gotiation? Not hardly. More broadly, should we even talk about this in
terms of win-win or win-lose? In fact, these are irrelevant terms in this
and other negotiations. They don’t capture the fundamental dynamic of
what really goes on when people interact. A lot has to do with emotional
baggage, with things that have nothing to do with the negotiation at hand.
When you give a present to someone you love, who benefits more?
When a store clerk gives you a discount because you are the first person
all day who was nice to her, who benefits more? It is much more compli-
cated than buzzwords, and requires one to look much more deeply into
the people and the situation.
In Sharon’s case, by the time she got back to California from school, her
mother was too sick to read the books on videotape, even though Sharon
was able to persuade her. Her voice was gone. Sharon’s mom died with-
out the task being completed. Today, Sharon, a Boston high-tech strategy
consultant, said she wishes she had learned the negotiation tools earlier in
life, so that she would have known how to do the negotiation before her
mom was dying.
But she now teaches what she learned to her own children, two boys
and a girl, ages five, seven, and nine. Especially about understanding and
focusing on the feelings of others. And they are better for it, Sharon says.
It is also important to underscore that Sharon did not meet her goals in
the negotiation just described, since her mother died before the tapes were
done. These processes are not perfect, nor should you expect them to be.
But if you keep trying to use them, they will make your life better in many
unforeseen ways. So use these tools now. Don’t wait.
dends. Alexei, using course tools, thought about the pictures in the heads
of each party, including investors, and how items of unequal value would
be traded.
He said he realized that the financial institutions would never suspend
dividends to ordinary investors, who were the backbone of the economy.
And he realized that the government depended on the investors for its po-
litical future and therefore would help the dividends get paid. So he rec-
ommended that his clients invest in the companies even with the threat
of default. He was right. The dividends were paid, and the stock value in-
creased by more than five times. His bank made tens of millions of dollars.
“I had arrived at my conclusion not by analyzing legal documents and fi-
nancial statements, but by thinking about the pictures in the heads of each
party,” Alexei said.
His second important negotiation was to convince his girlfriend, Qin,
to come to a boxing camp with him for a week. His girlfriend works on
Wall Street, and her friends were making fun of her for not standing up
to her boyfriend and demanding, say, Barbados and beaches. “I painted
a vision,” Alexei said. “I asked how many people get to work out next to
world-class boxers. It almost had résumé value.” He took her to a box-
ing camp started by legendary promoter Don King in Florida. She worked
out, sweaty, next to some of the greats. Her horizons were broadened. “She
wants to know when we can go back,” Alexei said.
As Cindy Greene, a Boston consultant, said, “I evaluate all interactions
in a different way now. My awareness of others is incredibly acute. My life
is fundamentally changed.” It will be the same for you.