SL141 Development Handbook
SL141 Development Handbook
SL141 Development Handbook
Development Handbook
Stronglink SL141 Development Handbook
2 S E R I A L P O R T I N T E R C O M M U N I C A T I O N A G R E E M E N T ......... 8
2.1 S U M M A R I Z E ................................................................................................................ 8
2.1.1 C o m m a n d p a c k e t f o r m a t w i t h o u t a d d r e s s .............. 8
2.1.2 C o m m a n d p a c k e t f o r m a t w i t h a d d r e s s ....................... 9
2.1.3 C o m m a n d p a c k e t f o r m a t w i t h o u t a d d r e s s .............. 9
2.1.4 C o m m a n d p a c k e t f o r m a t w i t h a d d r e s s ..................... 10
2.1.5 E r r o r c o d e .................................................................................................... 11
2.1.6 F o r e x a m p l e ............................................................................................... 11
2.2 CONTROL COMMAND FORMAT OF SERIAL PORT ......................... 12
2.2.1 S e t B a u d R a t e ............................................................................................ 12
2.2.2 G e t R e a d e r V e r s i o n .......................................................................... 13
2.2.3 S e t O u t p u t P o w e r ................................................................................ 15
2.2.4 S e t F r e q u e n c y ......................................................................................... 15
2.2.5 R e a d T h e P a r a m e t e r ........................................................................ 17
2.2.6 S e t T h e R e a d e r P a r a m e t e r ...................................................... 17
2.2.7 S e t A n t e n n a ................................................................................................ 21
2.2.8 R e b o o t T h e R e a d e r ............................................................................ 22
2.2.9 S e t R e l a y ....................................................................................................... 23
2.2.10 S e t R e a d e r T i m e ................................................................................... 24
2.2.11 G e t R e a d e r T i m e ................................................................................... 25
2.2.12 A d d L a b l e I D .............................................................................................. 26
2.2.13 D e l L a b l e I D ................................................................................................. 27
2.2.14 G e t L a b l e I D ............................................................................................... 28
2.2.15 G e t R e c o r d ................................................................................................... 29
2.2.16 D e l R e c o r d ................................................................................................... 30
2.2.17 S e t R e a d e r N e t w o r k ......................................................................... 31
2.2.18 G e t R e a d e r N e t w o r k ........................................................................ 32
2.2.19 S e t R e a d e r M A C ..................................................................................... 32
2.2.20 G e t R e a d e r M A C .................................................................................... 32
2.3 COMMAND FORMAT OF SERIAL READ-WRITE TAG .................... 33
2.3.1 R e a d - w r i t e I S O 1 8 0 0 0 - 6 B c o m m a n d f o r m a t ........... 33
2 . 3 . 1 . 1 R e a d L a b e l I D ........................................................................................... 33
2 . 3 . 1 . 2 L i s t I D R e p o r t .......................................................................................... 34
2 . 3 . 1 . 3 L i s t S e l e c t e d I D .................................................................................... 35
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2 . 3 . 1 . 4 R e a d B y t e B l o c k ................................................................................... 37
2 . 3 . 1 . 5 W r i t e B y t e B l o c k .................................................................................. 38
2 . 3 . 1 . 6 W r i t e P r o t e c t ............................................................................................ 39
2 . 3 . 1 . 7 R e a d W r i t e - P r o t e c t ............................................................................ 40
2 . 3 . 1 . 8 W r i t e A B y t e ................................................................................................... 41
2.3.2 R e a d - w r i t e E P C C 1 G 2 c o m m a n d f o r m a t ................... 42
2 . 3 . 2 . 1 E P C 1 G 2 _ L i s t T a g I D .......................................................................... 42
2 . 3 . 2 . 2 E P C 1 G 2 _ G e t I D L i s t .......................................................................... 44
2 . 3 . 2 . 3 E P C 1 G 2 _ R e a d B l o c k D a t a ............................................................ 45
2 . 3 . 2 . 4 E P C 1 G 2 _ W r i t e B l o c k D a t a ......................................................... 47
2 . 3 . 2 . 5 E P C 1 G 2 _ S e t L o c k ................................................................................. 49
2 . 3 . 2 . 6 E P C 1 G 2 _ W r i t e E P C ............................................................................. 52
2 . 3 . 2 . 7 E P C 1 G 2 _ c h a n g e E A S ........................................................................ 53
2 . 3 . 2 . 8 E P C 1 G 2 _ E A S A l a r m ............................................................................ 54
2 . 3 . 2 . 9 E P C 1 G 2 _ R e a d P r o t e c t .................................................................... 55
2 . 3 . 2 . 1 0 E P C 1 G 2 _ R e l e a s e R e a d P r o t e c t .................................... 57
2.3.3 R e a d w r i t e I S O 1 8 0 0 0 - 6 D c o m m a n d f o r m a t ........... 58
2 . 3 . 3 . 1 I S O 1 8 0 0 0 - 6 D _ L i s t I D ........................................................................ 58
2 . 3 . 3 . 2 I S O 1 8 0 0 0 - 6 D _ L i s t I D R e p o r t .................................................. 59
2 . 3 . 3 . 3 I S O 1 8 0 0 0 - 6 D _ R e a d B l o c k D a t a ........................................... 60
2 . 3 . 3 . 4 I S O 1 8 0 0 0 - 6 D _ W r i t e P a g e B l o c k ( ) ......................................... 61
2 . 3 . 3 . 5 I S O 1 8 0 0 0 - 6 D _ S e t P r o t e c t .......................................................... 62
2 . 3 . 3 . 6 I S O 1 8 0 0 0 - 6 D _ G e t P r o t e c t .......................................................... 63
2.4 COLLECTION OF OPERATION COMMAND ........................................... 64
2.4.1 E P C C l a s s 1 G e n 2 c o m m a n d ..................................................... 65
2.4.2 I S O 1 8 0 0 0 - 6 B c o m m a n d .................................................................... 65
2.4.3 I S O 1 8 0 0 0 - 6 D c o m m a n d .................................................................... 65
2.4.4 O t h e r c o m m a n d ...................................................................................... 66
2.5 ELECTRONIC TAG STORAGE AREA AND NOTES ........................... 66
3 S D K S O F T W A R E D E V E L O P M E N T .............................................................. 69
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3 . 2 . 2 . 5 S e t o u t p u t p o w e r ................................................................................. 78
3 . 2 . 2 . 6 S e t o p e r a t i o n f r e q u e n c y ............................................................. 79
3 . 2 . 2 . 7 S e t r e a d e r o p e r a t i o n p a r a m e t e r ....................................... 80
3 . 2 . 2 . 8 S e t r e a d e r o p e r a t i o n p a r a m e t e r ....................................... 80
3 . 2 . 2 . 9 A n t e n n a o p t i o n ....................................................................................... 81
3 . 2 . 2 . 1 0 S e t r e l a y s t a t e i n r e a d e r ................................................... 82
3 . 2 . 2 . 1 1 R e b o o t r e a d e r ................................................................................... 82
3 . 2 . 2 . 1 2 t i m e s e t .................................................................................................... 83
3 . 2 . 2 . 1 3 g a i n t i m e ................................................................................................ 84
3 . 2 . 2 . 1 4 A p p e n d l i s t ........................................................................................... 84
3 . 2 . 2 . 1 5 d e l e t e l i s t ............................................................................................. 85
3 . 2 . 2 . 1 6 G e t l i s t ...................................................................................................... 86
3 . 2 . 2 . 1 7 G a i n r e c o r d .......................................................................................... 86
3 . 2 . 2 . 1 8 D e l e t e a l l r e c o r d s ....................................................................... 87
3.2.3 N e t w o r k c o m m a n d .............................................................................. 88
3 . 2 . 3 . 1 S e t I P a d d r e s s f o r r e a d e r ......................................................... 88
3 . 2 . 3 . 2 G a i n I P a d d r e s s i n r e a d e r ........................................................ 89
3 . 2 . 3 . 3 S e t r e a d e r M A C a d d r e s s ............................................................. 89
3 . 2 . 3 . 4 G e t r e a d e r M A C a d d r e s s ............................................................. 90
3.2.4 R e a d w r i t e I S O 1 8 0 0 0 - 6 B f u n c t i o n .................................. 90
3 . 2 . 4 . 1 I d e n t i f y t a g I D n u m b e r ................................................................... 91
3 . 2 . 4 . 2 I d e n t i f y s e l e c t e d t a g I D n u m b e r ...................................... 91
3 . 2 . 4 . 3 R e a d d a t a b l o c k .................................................................................... 93
3 . 2 . 4 . 4 w r i t e d a t a b l o c k ................................................................................... 94
3 . 2 . 4 . 5 S l o w w r i t e d a t a b l o c k ................................................................... 94
3 . 2 . 4 . 6 W r i t e P r o t e c t .............................................................................................. 95
3 . 2 . 4 . 7 R e a d - W r i t e P r o t e c t .............................................................................. 96
3.2.5 R e a d - w r i t e E P C C 1 G 2 f u n c t i o n ........................................... 97
3 . 2 . 5 . 1 I d e n t i f y E P C n u m b e r s o f E P C 1 G 2 t a g ........................... 97
3 . 2 . 5 . 2 R e a d a b l o c k d a t a .............................................................................. 98
3 . 2 . 5 . 3 W r i t e a b l o c k d a t a ........................................................................... 100
3 . 2 . 5 . 4 S e t r e a d - w r i t e p r o t e c t i o n s t a t e ..................................... 101
3 . 2 . 5 . 5 W r i t e E P C n u m b e r ............................................................................. 102
3 . 2 . 5 . 6 E A S s t a t e o p e r a t i o n c o m m a n d .......................................... 103
3 . 2 . 5 . 7 E A S a l e r t c o m m a n d ......................................................................... 104
3 . 2 . 5 . 8 S e t r e a d p r o t e c t i o n ( E P C 1 G 2 _ R e a d P r o t e c t ) ...... 105 Release read protection
( E P C 1 G 2 _ R S T R e a d P r o t e c t ) ......................................................................... 106
3.2.6 R e a d - w r i t e I S O 1 8 0 0 0 - 6 D f u n c t i o n .................................. 107
3 . 2 . 6 . 1 I d e n t i f y t a g I D n u m b e r ............................................................... 107
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1 Applying development of
unilateral communication
upper monitor only nee to receive tag ID numbers sent by reader, no need
Pulse Interval
+5V 2ms
Pulse Width
0V 400us
Number 0 1 0 0 0
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02 Antenna IDnumber 03 Check
number(2byte orUser-defined Code (8 Code
ASCIIcode) bytes ASCII)
of 32 serial number is 6A90F103H,it is 36H 41H 39H 30H 46H 31H 30H 33H
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2 Serial port
2 ways for application development:
2. Use matched SDK software with reader, adjust API function to operate
2.1 Summarize
In RFID application system, reader is connected with control (PC) via RS232
port, and receives commands from control, then returns the result that the
be Command Packet, and name that which sends results from reader to
without address
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patch code.
without address
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Return data: returns command and executes result, length is changing with
patch code.
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If execute wrongly, return packet can be 『F4H 03H 01H 1FH E9H』
loads new procedure.When reader received the order,it resets baud rate of
reader is closed or not,the performance rate will keep same to next reset.
04H 9600bps
05H 19200bps
06H 38400bps
07H 57600bps
08H 115200bps
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04H 9600bps
05H 19200bps
06H 38400bps
07H 57600bps
08H 115200bps
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Return data: If order executed right, then data part in return packet is
Return data: If order exectutes right, then data part in return packet is
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sets new output power ,will keep it same till reset,whatever power supply is
closed or not.
sets new output power ,will keep it same till reset,whatever power supply is
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closed or not.
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Return data: If succeed, data part of return packet is 32 digits pam for
command setting.
Return data: If succeed, data part of return packet is 32 digits pam for
command setting.
Function: set basic operating parameter of serial port baud rate, launch
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Return data: If order executed right, return data is empty. If succeed, data
Return data: If order executed right, return data is empty. If succeed, data
2) Launch power,values:30-160
4) Antenna options(default1)
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0 timing mode
1 spring mode
2 command mode
3 timing mode2
0 10ms
1 30ms
2 50ms
7) Set output mode of card numbers (default 0): read same card
8) Sets spring mode (default 0): when operation, choose for rising or
0 numbers of tag
1 user defined card number
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0 no
1 yes
01H ISO18000-6B
04H ISO18000-6C
08H ISO18000-6D
03H expresses to read IS018000-6B and EPCC1 tag at the same time analogy.
signal ,values:1-63(default63)
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time:0-5ms,1-10ms,2-20ms,3-30ms,…,16-160ms.default is 14H.
to itselves address.
23) 30 reservation
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1 no.1 antenna
2 no.2 antenna
4 no.3 antenna
8 no.4 antenna
1 no.1 antenna
2 no.2 antenna
4 no.3 antenna
8 no.4 antenna
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Return data: If succeed, return data is rear, month, day, hour, min
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Return data: If succeed, return data is rear, month, day, hour, min
Command parameter: 1byte list M (S8), 1byte 1D or EPC length LEN, M pcs
ID or EPC data
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Command parameter: 1byte list M (S8), 1byte 1D or EPC length LEN, M pcs
ID or EPC data
Command parameter: 1byte list M (S8), 1byte 1D or EPC length LEN, M pcs
ID or EPC data
Command parameter: 1byte list M (S8), M=0 expresses to dete all list in
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Note: N(sm) is rebound list, LEN is tag ID and EPN byte length,
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Command parameter: 2bytes, original list serial SADDR, 1byte list M (S8)
Note: N(sm) is rebound list, LEN is tag ID and EPN byte length, LABLE is LEN
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ETIME, 2bytes starting record serial number SADDR, 1byte record serial M
M CheckSum』
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command format
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Rebound data: If succeed, bytes of rebound data part=number of all list tag
Rebound data: If succeed, bytes of rebound data part=number of all list tag
Function: get electronic tag ID (already passes rfs_list order) from reader
EMS memory.
Command parameter: 2bytes, first byte begins from ADDR, second byte is
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Command parameter: 2bytes, first byte begins from ADDR, second byte is
00 equal
01 not equal
02 than
03 Less than
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values 0-223
comparable word.
00 equal
01 not equal
02 than
03 Less than
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to a comparable byte.
DATA CheckSum』
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Function: write into data to tag, take byte as unit for the data, 4byte at most
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Rebound data: If succeed, leading code of rebound packet is F0H, data part
is empty
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Rebound data: If succeed, leading code of rebound packet is F0H, data part
is empty
data part
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data part WriteAByte
Function: write into data to tag, take byte as unit for the data, 4byte at most
Note: this command adopts to write data to tag by one byte and one
byte, slow in rate, only used in the case when tag does not support
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data of nn byte.
xx CheckSum』
A. EPC area: area of storing EPC code, stores 96bits EPC code at most, can
B. TID area: keep ID number set by tag manufacturer, 32 and 64Bits two
C. User area: this area is different for various manufacturer.G2 tag from
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0 password area
1 EPC code
2 IDnumber of TID tag
3 User
8≠0,then m=LEN/8+1。
Rebound data: If succeed, byte of rebound data part= list number of read
antenna radiation
EPC digit:00H-0Word,01H-1Word,02H-2Word,……,FFH-256Word
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0 password area
1 EPCcode
2 ID number in TID tag
3 User
8≠0,then m=LEN/8+1。
Command packet: 『40H m+7 EEH address mem addr LEN Mask
Rebound data: If succeed, byte of rebound data part= list number of read
antenna radiation
EPC digits:00H-0Word,01H-1Word,02H-2Word,……,FFH-256Word
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Rebound data: If succeed, digits of rebound data= (1byte tag number M*L
Function: read data from designate area of tag, data block is 16 bits in
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0 Password area
1 EPC number
2 IDnumber in TID tag
3 User
password lock.
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0 password area
1 EPCnumber
2 ID number in TID tag
3 User
Function: write data into tag; write data length is unit by word.
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0 password area
1 No use
2 IDnumber in TID tag
3 User
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which tag.
0 Password area
1 EPC code
2 ID number in TID tag
3 User
EPC code
Command parameter2: L*2byte EPC code, introduces to set read and write
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0 Kill Password
1 Access Password
2 EPCnumber
3 ID number in TID tag
4 User
0 Can write
1 Can write permanently
2 Write with code
3 Can not write permanently
4 can read write
5 Can read write permanently
6 Read write with code
7 Can not read write permanently
Password。0-3is only for EPC, TID and User 3data areas, 4-7 is only for kill
AccessPassword CheckSum』
Rebound data: If succeed, leading code in rebound packet is F0H, data part
is empty.
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0 Kill Password
1 Access Password
2 EPC code
3 IDnumber in TID tag
4 User
0 Can write
1 Can write permanently
2 Write with code
3 Can not write permanently
4 Can read write
5 Can read write permanently
6 Read write with code
7 Can not read write permanently
0-3is only for EPC, TID and User 3data areas, 4-7 is only for kill password
AccessPassword CheckSum』
Rebound data: if succeed, leading code of rebound packet is F0H, data part
is empty
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Function: write EPC data into tag EPC unit, written data length is in unit of
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AccessPassword CheckSum』
Function: replace for Eas of tag, works for UCODE EPC G2 tag of Philips only.
which tag.
AccessPassword CheckSum』
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AccessPassword CheckSum』
Function: EAS replaced tag responds alarm, works for UCODE EPC G2 tag of
Philips only.
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If tag is not alarm, tag does not work for the instruction, rebound packet is:
If tag is not alarm, tag does not response for instruction, rebound packet is:
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of EPC code
which tag
Command parameter1:4byte
of EPC code
which tag
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Function: release from read protection to designated tag,tag can read EPC
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command format
each page,every page can be write protection individually.It can write once ISO18000-6D_List ID
Function: list all discernible tag under the range of tag radiation.
Rebound data: If succeed, rebound data part byte=list tag numbers of this
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EMS memory
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in unit of page (8bytes).TK901has 15 pages data area, the final page is data
of write protection.All pages can read, the final page can not read, can read
Command parameter1:8byte ID
Command parameter1:8byte ID
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1-8. ISO18000-6D_WritePageBl
Function: write data to specified area in designated tag, written data length
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Command parameter1:8byet ID
Rebound data: If succeed, leading code of rebound packet is F0H, data part
is empty
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Command parameter1:8byte ID
Rebound data: If succees, leading code in rebound packet is F0H, data part
is empty
Rebound data: If succeed, leading code in rebound packet is F0H, data part
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Byte b from LSB to MSB expresses 0-7 data page, byte a from LSB to MSB-1
expresses 8-14 data page, each Bit=0 expresses this page is unlocked,
Command parameter1:8byte ID
Command packet
Rebound data: If succeed, leading code in rebound packet is F0H, data part
Byte b from LSB to MSB expresses 0-7 data page,MSB of byte a expresses
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numb function
1 EEH To identify tag ID under radiation range of antenna by
mask conditions
2 EDH to get listed electronic tag ID from reader memory
3 ECH To read bloack data in appointed data area of appointed
4 EBH to write data in appointed data area of tag
5 EAH Set appointed data area to be write protection in
appointed tag
6 E7H write EPC data into EPC unit of tag
7 E5H reboot Eas state of tag
8 E4H EAS SET tag response for alarm
9 E3H to do read protection for appointed tag
10 E2H To do release read protection for appointed tag
2.4.2 ISO18000-6Bcommand
numb function
1 FEH list readable tag ID under the range of antenna radiation
2.4.3 ISO18000-6Dcommand
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numb function
1 CEH list readable tag ID under the range of antenna radiation
2 CDH to get listed electronic tag ID from reader memory
3 CCH To read bloack data in appointed address of tag
4 CBH write data to appointed address unit of tag
5 CAH set address unit in appointed tag to be write protection
6 C9H To read if appointed address of tag write protection
numb function
1 01H set operation buard rate for RS232 interface
2 02H get version numbers of hardware and software in reader
3 03H set relay state in reader
4 04H set launch power coefficient in reader
5 05H set frequency tunnel number of microwave signal lauched
by reader.
6 06H To read operation parameter from last command
7 09H set basic operation parameter of baurd rate,launch
frequency,output power in reader
8 0AH choose to receive and send signal from which antenna
9 0EH reader reboot
11 11H set reader time
12 12H to get reader time
13 13H increase new list based on original one in reader
14 14H delete new list based on original one in reader
15 15H to read stored white list in reader
16 16H to read stored tag record in reader
17 17H delete all tag record stored in reader
18 30H set reader network address
19 31H to get network address in reader
20 32H set reader network MAC
21 33H get reader network MAC
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EPC area (EPC): Storage area of EPC code leaves 96 Bits EPC code at
and 64Bites two kinds for now, can read, and can not write.
company has no user.NXP company has 96 Bits, can read, can write.
EPC Class1 Gen2tag can set different protection mode for different storage
Read in EPC, TID and user area of G2tag is not protected, write protection
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Readable and Writeable from any state---can read and write none
permanent secured.
Can read and write none accesspassword, and can not be password secured
In the case of knowing password, can read and revise password, can set to
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description introduction
#define ID_MAX_SIZE_64BIT 8 ID numbers in electronictag is
#define ID_MAX_SIZE_96BIT 13 ID numbers in electronictag is
#define MAX_LABELS 100 Can not be more than 100 tags for
one time of read write operation
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communication data
#define _baudrate_error 0x84 // mistake in set baud rate
// rebound mistake information from reader
#define _no_antenna 0x01 //fail to connect antenna
#define _no_label 0x02 //fail to detect tag
#define _invalid_label 0x03 //llegal tag
#define _less_power 0x04 //read write power is not enough
#define _write_prot_error 0x05 //area write protection
#define _check_sum_error 0x06 //adjustment and mistake
#define _parameter_error 0x07 //parameter wrong
#define _memory_error 0x08 //data area not exsit
#define _password_error 0x09 //password not correct
#define _killpassword_error 0x0a //G2tag kills password to be 0
#define _nonlicet_command 0x0b //illegal command
#define _nonlicet_user 0x0c //illegal user with unmatched
#define _invalid_command 0x1e //
command,say,command of wrong
#define _other_error 0x1f //unknown command
//function input wrong
#define _no_cardID_input 0x20 //other mistake
One type of apiReturn value will be rebound after all API function executed,
can judge if function executed successfully from the value, if failure, what is
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Stronglink SL141 Development Handbook
BYTE Min_Frequence; //
Antenna options.
BYTE WorkMode; //
Interval of read
BYTE OutMode; //
BYTE IDPosition; //
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BYTE Power2; //
BYTE TagType;
Tag types
BYTE ID_Start; //
BYTE Max_Frequence; //
ISO18000-6D 10ms,1-20ms,2-30ms,3-40ms。
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BYTE ReaderAddress; //
BYTE HostIP1; //
BYTE TX_Mode; //
emission mode
} Reader1000Param;
command function
00(00H) command succed or test correctly
01(01H) Antenna fail to connect
02(02H) fail to test tag
03(03H) illegal tag
04(04H) read power is not enough
05(05H) this area read write protection
06(06H) adjustment and mistakes
07 (07H) parameter mistake
08 (08H) data area non-exsit
09 (09H) wrong password
10 (0AH) destroyed password is 0
11(0BH) when reader is positive in work,it receives AutoMode and
Reboot command,other command is illegal command
12(0CH) illegal user ,unmatched with password
13(0DH) expresses RF interference from outside
14 (0EH) expresses tag read protection
…… ……
30(1EH) expresses invalid command,wrong command of
31(1FH) unknown command
32(20H) other errors
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Stronglink SL141 Development Handbook
communication rate
Input parameter
communication rates:9600,19200,38400,57600,115200。
Output parameter
nBaudRate,int Address);
communication rate.
Input parameter
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Connection by network:
communication rate.
Input parameter
Output parameter Disconnection
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apiReturn Net_DisconnectScanner();
Input parameter
Input parameter
is failure reason.
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*wSoftVer,int Address)
Input parameter
Output parameter
read failure
Input parameter
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set in failure.
Max_Frequency,int Address)
Max_Frequency,BYTE * IPaddress);
Input parameter
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set in failure.
Input parameter
Output parameter
set in failure.
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Input parameter
set in failure.
Input parameter
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Output parameter
set in failure.
Input parameter
hSacnner/hSocket:reader handle
set in failure.
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Input parameter
set in failure.
Input parameter
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set in failure.
Input parameter
Output parameter
set in failure.
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Input parameter
set in failure.
Input parameter
Listlen: list
set in failure.
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Input parameter
Output parameter
set in failure.
*etime, int startaddr, int listlen, int *relistlen, int *taglen, BYTE * data)
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*etime, int startaddr, int listlen, int *relistlen, int *taglen, BYTE * data)
Input parameter
stime:starting time
etime:ending time
startaddr:start record
listlen:records to read
Output parameter
data:read cord
set in failure.
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Input parameter
set in failure.
Input parameter
IP_Address[4]:reader IP address
Gateway[4]:Gateway in reader
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set in failure.
Input parameter
Output parameter
IP_Address[4]:reader IP address
set in failure.
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Input parameter
set in failure.
Input parameter
Output parameter
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*nCounter,int Address)
Input parameter
Output parameter
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of antenna radiation.
Input parameter
00 equal
01 unequal
02 Than
03 Less than
byte.0 expresses this byte is not for comparison, 1expresses that the byte is
for comparison
Output parameter
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Input parameter
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Input parameter
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Input parameter
note:(nAddress+nLen) ≤223。
byte,slow in rate.just use when tag does not support previous write
instruction. WriteProtect
ptr,int Address)
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BYTE ptr);
Input parameter Read-WriteProtect
Input parameter
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in tag (0-223)
Output parameter
EPC1G2 tag
Input parameter
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0 password area
1 EPC number
2 IDnumber in TID tag
3 User
len:length of mask(Unit:Bit)
Output parameter
antenna radiation.
BYTE *IDBuffer, BYTE mem, BYTE ptr, BYTE len, BYTE *Data, BYTE
*AccessPassword,int Address)
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EPC_WORD, BYTE *IDBuffer, BYTE mem, BYTE ptr, BYTE len, BYTE *Data,
BYTE *AccessPassword);
Input parameter
AccessPassword:4byte AccessPassword
Output parameter
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Stronglink SL141 Development Handbook
BYTE *IDBuffer, BYTE mem, BYTE ptr, BYTE len, BYTE *Data, BYTE
*AccessPassword,int Address)
EPC_WORD, BYTE *IDBuffer, BYTE mem, BYTE ptr, BYTE len, BYTE *Data,
BYTE *AccessPassword);
Input parameter
0 password area
2 IDnumbers in
TID tag
3 User
AccessPassword:4byte AccessPassword
Input parameter
0 Kill Password
1 Access Password
2 EPCnumber
3 ID number in TID tag
4 User
0 can write
1 can write permanently
2 Write with password
3 can not write permanently
4 can read write
5 can read write permanently
6 read write with password
7 can not read write permanently
Note: 0-3is only for PEC,TID and user area,4-7 is only for kill password and
access password.
BYTE *AccessPassword);
Input parameter
AccessPassword:4byte AccessPassword
Function: to replace for Eas state of tag,is for Philips and UCODE EPC G2 tag
Input parameter
State:Alert state
0 Not alert
1 alert
0 or not,have to fill
Function: tag of EAS replace responses this alarm test for
Input parameter
Function:to do read protection for appointed tag,tag can not read actual
Input parameter
*AccessPassword,int Address)
Function:to release read protection for appointed tag,tag can read EPC
content after success.Note:only one tag in the filed.and only works for
Input parameter
is failure reason.
3.2.6 Read-write
antenna radiation
Input parameter
Output parameter