SL141 Development Handbook

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Stronglink SL141 Development Handbook

RFID Integrated Reader

Development Handbook

Stronglink SL141 Development Handbook


C O M M U N I C A T I O N ................................................................................................................ 5


COMMUNICATION .................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 WIEGAND INTERFACE AGREEMENT ......................................................... 5
1.2.1 W i e g a n d 2 6 f o r m a t ................................................................................. 6
1.2.2 W i e g a n d 3 4 f o r m a t ................................................................................. 6
1.3 RS485 INTERFACE AGREEMENT .............................................................. 6

2 S E R I A L P O R T I N T E R C O M M U N I C A T I O N A G R E E M E N T ......... 8

2.1 S U M M A R I Z E ................................................................................................................ 8
2.1.1 C o m m a n d p a c k e t f o r m a t w i t h o u t a d d r e s s .............. 8
2.1.2 C o m m a n d p a c k e t f o r m a t w i t h a d d r e s s ....................... 9
2.1.3 C o m m a n d p a c k e t f o r m a t w i t h o u t a d d r e s s .............. 9
2.1.4 C o m m a n d p a c k e t f o r m a t w i t h a d d r e s s ..................... 10
2.1.5 E r r o r c o d e .................................................................................................... 11
2.1.6 F o r e x a m p l e ............................................................................................... 11
2.2 CONTROL COMMAND FORMAT OF SERIAL PORT ......................... 12
2.2.1 S e t B a u d R a t e ............................................................................................ 12
2.2.2 G e t R e a d e r V e r s i o n .......................................................................... 13
2.2.3 S e t O u t p u t P o w e r ................................................................................ 15
2.2.4 S e t F r e q u e n c y ......................................................................................... 15
2.2.5 R e a d T h e P a r a m e t e r ........................................................................ 17
2.2.6 S e t T h e R e a d e r P a r a m e t e r ...................................................... 17
2.2.7 S e t A n t e n n a ................................................................................................ 21
2.2.8 R e b o o t T h e R e a d e r ............................................................................ 22
2.2.9 S e t R e l a y ....................................................................................................... 23
2.2.10 S e t R e a d e r T i m e ................................................................................... 24
2.2.11 G e t R e a d e r T i m e ................................................................................... 25
2.2.12 A d d L a b l e I D .............................................................................................. 26
2.2.13 D e l L a b l e I D ................................................................................................. 27
2.2.14 G e t L a b l e I D ............................................................................................... 28
2.2.15 G e t R e c o r d ................................................................................................... 29
2.2.16 D e l R e c o r d ................................................................................................... 30
2.2.17 S e t R e a d e r N e t w o r k ......................................................................... 31
2.2.18 G e t R e a d e r N e t w o r k ........................................................................ 32
2.2.19 S e t R e a d e r M A C ..................................................................................... 32
2.2.20 G e t R e a d e r M A C .................................................................................... 32
2.3 COMMAND FORMAT OF SERIAL READ-WRITE TAG .................... 33
2.3.1 R e a d - w r i t e I S O 1 8 0 0 0 - 6 B c o m m a n d f o r m a t ........... 33
2 . 3 . 1 . 1 R e a d L a b e l I D ........................................................................................... 33
2 . 3 . 1 . 2 L i s t I D R e p o r t .......................................................................................... 34
2 . 3 . 1 . 3 L i s t S e l e c t e d I D .................................................................................... 35

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2 . 3 . 1 . 4 R e a d B y t e B l o c k ................................................................................... 37
2 . 3 . 1 . 5 W r i t e B y t e B l o c k .................................................................................. 38
2 . 3 . 1 . 6 W r i t e P r o t e c t ............................................................................................ 39
2 . 3 . 1 . 7 R e a d W r i t e - P r o t e c t ............................................................................ 40
2 . 3 . 1 . 8 W r i t e A B y t e ................................................................................................... 41
2.3.2 R e a d - w r i t e E P C C 1 G 2 c o m m a n d f o r m a t ................... 42
2 . 3 . 2 . 1 E P C 1 G 2 _ L i s t T a g I D .......................................................................... 42
2 . 3 . 2 . 2 E P C 1 G 2 _ G e t I D L i s t .......................................................................... 44
2 . 3 . 2 . 3 E P C 1 G 2 _ R e a d B l o c k D a t a ............................................................ 45
2 . 3 . 2 . 4 E P C 1 G 2 _ W r i t e B l o c k D a t a ......................................................... 47
2 . 3 . 2 . 5 E P C 1 G 2 _ S e t L o c k ................................................................................. 49
2 . 3 . 2 . 6 E P C 1 G 2 _ W r i t e E P C ............................................................................. 52
2 . 3 . 2 . 7 E P C 1 G 2 _ c h a n g e E A S ........................................................................ 53
2 . 3 . 2 . 8 E P C 1 G 2 _ E A S A l a r m ............................................................................ 54
2 . 3 . 2 . 9 E P C 1 G 2 _ R e a d P r o t e c t .................................................................... 55
2 . 3 . 2 . 1 0 E P C 1 G 2 _ R e l e a s e R e a d P r o t e c t .................................... 57
2.3.3 R e a d w r i t e I S O 1 8 0 0 0 - 6 D c o m m a n d f o r m a t ........... 58
2 . 3 . 3 . 1 I S O 1 8 0 0 0 - 6 D _ L i s t I D ........................................................................ 58
2 . 3 . 3 . 2 I S O 1 8 0 0 0 - 6 D _ L i s t I D R e p o r t .................................................. 59
2 . 3 . 3 . 3 I S O 1 8 0 0 0 - 6 D _ R e a d B l o c k D a t a ........................................... 60
2 . 3 . 3 . 4 I S O 1 8 0 0 0 - 6 D _ W r i t e P a g e B l o c k ( ) ......................................... 61
2 . 3 . 3 . 5 I S O 1 8 0 0 0 - 6 D _ S e t P r o t e c t .......................................................... 62
2 . 3 . 3 . 6 I S O 1 8 0 0 0 - 6 D _ G e t P r o t e c t .......................................................... 63
2.4 COLLECTION OF OPERATION COMMAND ........................................... 64
2.4.1 E P C C l a s s 1 G e n 2 c o m m a n d ..................................................... 65
2.4.2 I S O 1 8 0 0 0 - 6 B c o m m a n d .................................................................... 65
2.4.3 I S O 1 8 0 0 0 - 6 D c o m m a n d .................................................................... 65
2.4.4 O t h e r c o m m a n d ...................................................................................... 66
2.5 ELECTRONIC TAG STORAGE AREA AND NOTES ........................... 66

3 S D K S O F T W A R E D E V E L O P M E N T .............................................................. 69

3.1 SDK COMPOSE ...................................................................................................... 69

3.2 DESIGN INTRODUCTION ................................................................................. 69
3.2.1 B a s i c c o n s t a n t a n d f i g u r e ....................................................... 69
3 . 2 . 1 . 1 C o n s t a n t d e f i n i t i o n ........................................................................... 69
3 . 2 . 1 . 2 A P I f u n c t i o n r e b o u n d c o d e ........................................................ 69
3 . 2 . 1 . 3 D a t a t y p e d e f i n i t i o n ........................................................................ 70
3 . 2 . 1 . 4 P a r a m e t e r f i g u r e i n r e a d e r ..................................................... 70
3 . 2 . 1 . 5 F u n c t i o n r e b o u n d c o d e ................................................................. 73
3.2.2 C o n t r o l c o m m a n d f u n c t i o n ...................................................... 74
3 . 2 . 2 . 1 C o n n e c t r e a d e r ...................................................................................... 74
3 . 2 . 2 . 2 D i s c o n n e c t i o n .......................................................................................... 76
3 . 2 . 2 . 3 S e t b a u d r a t e ........................................................................................... 77
3 . 2 . 2 . 4 R e a d v e r s i o n ............................................................................................. 77

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3 . 2 . 2 . 5 S e t o u t p u t p o w e r ................................................................................. 78
3 . 2 . 2 . 6 S e t o p e r a t i o n f r e q u e n c y ............................................................. 79
3 . 2 . 2 . 7 S e t r e a d e r o p e r a t i o n p a r a m e t e r ....................................... 80
3 . 2 . 2 . 8 S e t r e a d e r o p e r a t i o n p a r a m e t e r ....................................... 80
3 . 2 . 2 . 9 A n t e n n a o p t i o n ....................................................................................... 81
3 . 2 . 2 . 1 0 S e t r e l a y s t a t e i n r e a d e r ................................................... 82
3 . 2 . 2 . 1 1 R e b o o t r e a d e r ................................................................................... 82
3 . 2 . 2 . 1 2 t i m e s e t .................................................................................................... 83
3 . 2 . 2 . 1 3 g a i n t i m e ................................................................................................ 84
3 . 2 . 2 . 1 4 A p p e n d l i s t ........................................................................................... 84
3 . 2 . 2 . 1 5 d e l e t e l i s t ............................................................................................. 85
3 . 2 . 2 . 1 6 G e t l i s t ...................................................................................................... 86
3 . 2 . 2 . 1 7 G a i n r e c o r d .......................................................................................... 86
3 . 2 . 2 . 1 8 D e l e t e a l l r e c o r d s ....................................................................... 87
3.2.3 N e t w o r k c o m m a n d .............................................................................. 88
3 . 2 . 3 . 1 S e t I P a d d r e s s f o r r e a d e r ......................................................... 88
3 . 2 . 3 . 2 G a i n I P a d d r e s s i n r e a d e r ........................................................ 89
3 . 2 . 3 . 3 S e t r e a d e r M A C a d d r e s s ............................................................. 89
3 . 2 . 3 . 4 G e t r e a d e r M A C a d d r e s s ............................................................. 90
3.2.4 R e a d w r i t e I S O 1 8 0 0 0 - 6 B f u n c t i o n .................................. 90
3 . 2 . 4 . 1 I d e n t i f y t a g I D n u m b e r ................................................................... 91
3 . 2 . 4 . 2 I d e n t i f y s e l e c t e d t a g I D n u m b e r ...................................... 91
3 . 2 . 4 . 3 R e a d d a t a b l o c k .................................................................................... 93
3 . 2 . 4 . 4 w r i t e d a t a b l o c k ................................................................................... 94
3 . 2 . 4 . 5 S l o w w r i t e d a t a b l o c k ................................................................... 94
3 . 2 . 4 . 6 W r i t e P r o t e c t .............................................................................................. 95
3 . 2 . 4 . 7 R e a d - W r i t e P r o t e c t .............................................................................. 96
3.2.5 R e a d - w r i t e E P C C 1 G 2 f u n c t i o n ........................................... 97
3 . 2 . 5 . 1 I d e n t i f y E P C n u m b e r s o f E P C 1 G 2 t a g ........................... 97
3 . 2 . 5 . 2 R e a d a b l o c k d a t a .............................................................................. 98
3 . 2 . 5 . 3 W r i t e a b l o c k d a t a ........................................................................... 100
3 . 2 . 5 . 4 S e t r e a d - w r i t e p r o t e c t i o n s t a t e ..................................... 101
3 . 2 . 5 . 5 W r i t e E P C n u m b e r ............................................................................. 102
3 . 2 . 5 . 6 E A S s t a t e o p e r a t i o n c o m m a n d .......................................... 103
3 . 2 . 5 . 7 E A S a l e r t c o m m a n d ......................................................................... 104
3 . 2 . 5 . 8 S e t r e a d p r o t e c t i o n ( E P C 1 G 2 _ R e a d P r o t e c t ) ...... 105 Release read protection
( E P C 1 G 2 _ R S T R e a d P r o t e c t ) ......................................................................... 106
3.2.6 R e a d - w r i t e I S O 1 8 0 0 0 - 6 D f u n c t i o n .................................. 107
3 . 2 . 6 . 1 I d e n t i f y t a g I D n u m b e r ............................................................... 107

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1 Applying development of
unilateral communication

1.1 Applying development of

unilateral communication

Apply in software development of continuous and spring working mode,

upper monitor only nee to receive tag ID numbers sent by reader, no need

to send reader command.

1.2 Wiegand interface agreement

Wiegand interface transmites unilaterally, can send read card numbers to

controller only, but controller can not send signal to reader.Transmittal

signal from wiegand interface is as follows:

Pulse Interval
+5V 2ms
Pulse Width
0V 400us



Number 0 1 0 0 0

At present, export wave type from wiegand interface is as follows:

A. A.400us in pulse width, 2.0ms in pulse interval

B. 100us in pulse width,1.6ms in pulse interval

C. 1.0ms 50us in pulse width,1.0ms in pulse interval

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Wiegand interface has wiegand26 and wiegand34 2types.

1.2.1 Wiegand26 format

Wiegand 26 transmits 26 digits data every time, 24digits of them are

efficient.We stipulates correspondent electronic tag ID for thes 24 digits,or

user defines numbers.Format of transmission is as follows:

Even: verified data adds parity bit1 is even number.

Odd: Verified data adds parity bit 1 is odd number.

1.2.2 Wiegand34 format

Wiegand34 transmits 32 digits of efficient data each time,we stipulates

electronic tag ID numbers for these 32digits or user

self-defines.Transmission format is as follows:

1.3 RS485 interface agreement

When adopts RS485 interface or 232 interface export data,need to set up

communication rate of interface RS485 or 232,output data format of

interface RS485 or RS232 is:

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02 Antenna IDnumber 03 Check
number(2byte orUser-defined Code (8 Code
ASCIIcode) bytes ASCII)


A. Symbol of data commence STX=02H,symbol of data ending ETX=03H

B. DATA is antenna serial numbers(2Byte)+tag

IDnumbers(8Bytes),length is 10bytes ASCIIcode.Expression mode of

converting hexadecimal notation to be ASCII

Divides data from high to low,every 4 igits in a team,then put value of 4

binary digits in expression of ASCII codes. As value range of 4binary digits

is 0H-FH,so converted ASCII code is 30H-39H,41H-46H.For example:data

of 32 serial number is 6A90F103H,it is 36H 41H 39H 30H 46H 31H 30H 33H

after converting to be ASCII codes.Antenna number 1(ASCII CODE) is (30H

31H),antenna number 2(ASCII code) is (30H 32H).

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2 Serial port
2 ways for application development:

1. Use control code of intercommunication to operate reader directly.

2. Use matched SDK software with reader, adjust API function to operate


2.1 Summarize

In RFID application system, reader is connected with control (PC) via RS232

port, and receives commands from control, then returns the result that the

commands are performed, to control. Therefore, we name Data

Communications Packet which sends commands from control to reader, to

be Command Packet, and name that which sends results from reader to

control, to be Return Packet.

2.1.1 Command packet format

without address

BootCode Length Command Command Param CheckSum

Like photo above, command packet composes of 5 parts:

BootCode: 1byte, fixed to be 40H

Length: including effective length, 1byte.The lenth is total bytes of lateral 3

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Command: command code, 1byte

Command Param: command parameter, length is changing with command.

CheckSum: Checksum, 1byte, is all bytes from bootcode to command

param discard patch code.

2.1.2 Command packet format with


BootCode Length Command Address Command Param CheckSum

Like photo above, command packet composes of 5 parts:

BootCode: 1byte, fixed to be 40H

Length: including effective length, 1byte.The lenth is total bytes of lateral 3


Command: command code, 1byte

Reader address, 1-254, 0 and 255 is broadcasting address.

Command Param: command parameter, length is changing with command.

Checksum, 1byte, is all bytes from bootcode to command param discard

patch code.

2.1.3 Command packet format

without address
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BootCode Length Command Return Data CheckSum

Like photo above, command packet composes of 5 parts:

BootCode: when executes command correctly, return packet is F0H, when

command failes to execute, leading code of return packet is F4H, 1byte

Length: including effective length, 1byte.The lenth is total bytes of lateral 3


Command: Command code, 1byte, same to received command code,is

reaction of return packet.

Return data: returns command and executes result, length is changing with


Checksum: 1byte, is all bytes from bootcode to command param discard

patch code.

2.1.4 Command packet format with


BootCode Length Command Address Return Data sumcheck

Like photo above, command packet composes of 5 parts:

BootCode: 1byte, fixed to be 40H

Length: including effective length, 1byte.The lenth is total bytes of lateral 3


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Command: command code, 1byte

Address: Reader address, 1-254, 0 and 255 is broadcasting address.

Command Param: command parameter, length is changing with command.

CheckSum: Checksum, 1byte, is all bytes from bootcode to command

param discard patch code.

2.1.5 Error code

When fails to execute command, bootcode of return packet is F4H, and

return data is wrong code of 1 byte.Usual error code is:

00(00H) command success or test correct

01(01H) connection antenna failure
02(02H) fail to check tag
03(03H) illegal tag
04(04H) read write power is inadequate
05(05H) write protection in this area
06(06H) check and error
07 (07H) parameter mistake
08 (08H) non-exsite data area
09 (09H) wrong password
10 (0AH) killed password can’’t be 0
11(0BH) When reader is active, the command is illegal.
12(0CH) wrong matched password illegal user
13(0dH) RF disturb from external
14 (0EH) tag read protection
30(1EH) Invalid order,say wrong parameter order
31(1FH) unknow order
32(20H) other mistakes

2.1.6 For example

For example: set up baud rate of reader to be 9600bps, command packet is

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『40H 03H 01H 04H B8H』,thereinto :

40H Lead code

03H including effective length is 3bytes
01H set command code of reader baud rate
04H 9600bps represents 9600bps
B8H checksum

Is 40H+03H+01H+04H=48H’s patch code

If executes correctly, return packet is『F0H 02H 01H 0DH』

If execute wrongly, return packet can be 『F4H 03H 01H 1FH E9H』

2.2 Control command format of

serial port

2.2.1 Set BaudRate

Function: set operating baudrate for interface of RS232.

Latest communication rate of interface RAS232 is 9600bps after reader

loads new procedure.When reader received the order,it resets baud rate of

interface according to command parameter.whatever power supply of

reader is closed or not,the performance rate will keep same to next reset.

Command code: 01H

Command parameter: 1byte BPS, value: 00H-08H, represents:

04H 9600bps
05H 19200bps
06H 38400bps
07H 57600bps
08H 115200bps

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Command packet:『40H 03H 01H BPS Checksum』

Rebound data: If order executes right, return data is empty.

『F0H 02H 01H 0DH』

Command format with reader address

Command code: 01H

Reader address parameter: address

Command parameter: 1byte of BPS, valued: 00H-08H, represents:

04H 9600bps
05H 19200bps
06H 38400bps
07H 57600bps
08H 115200bps

With address command packet: 『40H 04H 01H address BPS


Return data: If command executes right, return data is empty.

With address command packet: 『F0H 03H 01H address CheckSum』

2.2.2 Get Reader Version

Function: gets version numbers from hardware and software of reader.

Command code: 02H

Command parameter: none

command packet: 『40H 02H 02H BBH』

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Return data: If order executed right, then data part in return packet is

version number in 4bytes

Byte0 chief edition of hardware

Byte1 hypo edition of hardware
Byte2 chief edition of software
Byte3 hypo edition of software

For example: If type of reader is 1102, edition numbers of software is V1.5,

then retun packet is:

『F0H 06H 02H 0BH 02H 01H 05H DDH』

Format of command with address

Command code: 02H

Parameter of reader address

Command parameter: none

Command packet: 『40H 03H 02H address CheckSum』

Return data: If order exectutes right, then data part in return packet is

version number in 4bytes

Byte0 chief version of hardware

Byte1 hypo-version of hardware
Byte2 chief version of software
Byte3 hypo version of software

For example: If type of reader is 1102, edition numbers of software is V1.5,

then retun packet is:

『F0H 07H 02H address 0BH 02H 01H 05H CheckSum』

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2.2.3 Set Output Power

Function:set output power coefficient of reader.It takes effect after reader

sets new output power ,will keep it same till reset,whatever power supply is

closed or not.

Command code: 04H

Command parameter: 1 byte of P, expresses power cost, valued 0-160.

command packet: 『40H 03H 04H P CheckSum』

Return data: If order executes right, return data is empty.

『F0H 02H 04H 0AH』

Command format with reader address

Command code: 04H

Address parameter of reader.

Command parameter: 1 byte P, expresses power cost, values0-160.

Command packet: 『40H 04H 04H address P CheckSum』

Return data: If order executes right, return data is empty.

『F0H 03H 04H address CheckSum』

2.2.4 Set Frequency

Function:set output power coefficient of reader.It takes effect after reader

sets new output power ,will keep it same till reset,whatever power supply is

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closed or not.

Command code: 05H

Command parameter: 2bytes, byte1 expresses origination frequency fmin,

costs1-63, byte2 expresses ending frequency fmax, values1-63. If

fmin>fmax, it expresses reader works according to jump frequency, range

fmin-fmax.If fmin=fmax, it expresses reader works in mode of fixed

frequency, frequency is fmax.

command packet: 『40H 04H 05H fmin fmax CheckSum』

Return data: If command executes right, return data is empty.

『F0H 02H 05H 09H』

Command format with reader address

Command code: 05H

Reader address parameter

Command parameter: 2bytes, byte1 expresses origination frequency fmin,

costs1-63, byte2 expresses ending frequency fmax, values1-63. If

fmin>fmax, it expresses reader works according to jump frequency, range

fmin-fmax.If fmin=fmax, it expresses reader works in mode of fixed

frequency, frequency is fmax.

command packet: 『40H 05H 05H address fmin fmax CheckSum』

Return data: If command executed right, return data is empty.

『F0H 03H 05H address CheckSum』

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2.2.5 Read The Parameter

Function: operating parameter of command read from reader.

Command code: 06H

Command parameter: none

command packet: 『40H 02H 06H B8H』

Return data: If succeed, data part of return packet is 32 digits pam for

command setting.

『F0H 22H 06H PAM CheckSum』

Command format with reader address

Command code: 06H

Parameter of reader address

Command parameter: none

command packet: 『40H 03H 06H address CheckSum』

Return data: If succeed, data part of return packet is 32 digits pam for

command setting.

『F0H 23H 06H address PAM CheckSum』

2.2.6 Set The Reader Parameter

Function: set basic operating parameter of serial port baud rate, launch

frequency, and output power

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Command code: 09H

Command parameter: parameter in 32 bytes.

command packet: 『40H 22H 09H PAM CheckSum』

Return data: If order executed right, return data is empty. If succeed, data

part of return packet is 32 digits pam for command setting.

Command format with reader address『F0H 02H 09H 05H』

Command code: 09H

Address parameter of reader

Command parameter: parameter in 32 digits

Command packet: 『40H 23H 09H address PAM CheckSum』

Return data: If order executed right, return data is empty. If succeed, data

part of return packet is 32 bytes pam for command setting.

『F0H 03H 09H address CheckSum』

32bytes parameter ( 1parameter1byte) :

1) communication rate of Serial port,values 00H-08H,represents rate and

order default is 07H

2) Launch power,values:30-160

3) Origination of transmiting microwave signal frequency,default is :1-63

4) Antenna options(default1)

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1 choose antenna in interface of ANT1

2 choose antenna in interface of ANT2
4 Express antenna in interface ANT3
8 Express antenna in interface ANT4

5) Set operating mode of reader(default 2)

0 timing mode
1 spring mode
2 command mode
3 timing mode2

6) Set reading alternation (default 0): when operation in timing,

intermission time of reading.

0 10ms
1 30ms
2 50ms

7) Set output mode of card numbers (default 0): read same card

numbers for a long time, check if outputs evrytime.

0 Direct output: outputs in each time.

1 Standard output:2mins in intermission

8) Sets spring mode (default 0): when operation, choose for rising or


0 Low electrical level

1 high electrical level

9) Set card number address of storage in electronic tag(default is 0)

0 numbers of tag
1 user defined card number

10) Set if need to determine validty of card (default 0)

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0 no
1 yes

11) Set output interface and format of tag number(default 0)

0 Adopts format of wiegand 26, exports card numbers from

wiegand interface.
1 Adopts format of wiegand34, exports card numbers from
wiegand interface.
2 Exports card numbers from RS485 interface.
3 Export card numbers from RS232 interface.

12) Set most read amount, (default 2).

13) Adjust depth,values 30-160

14) types of tag:default is 01H

01H ISO18000-6B
04H ISO18000-6C
08H ISO18000-6D

03H expresses to read IS018000-6B and EPCC1 tag at the same time analogy.

15) Wiegand interface exports impulse width, default 40.

16) Export impulse alternation of wiegand, default 200.

17) Set output card numbers at origination,values0-4,default 0

18) Frequncy t,termination of sending microwave

signal ,values:1-63(default63)

19) ISO18000-6D tag data pages and duration of reading,4Bits high is

data pages,0 expresses no data page,1-2expresses with1 or 2page

data,low 4bits is duration

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time:0-5ms,1-10ms,2-20ms,3-30ms,…,16-160ms.default is 14H.

20) Standard output termination; default is 120s, 1-255.

21) function of byte is as follows:

Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0

sequen 7 6 5 4
functio - - - - 1:netwo 1:hig 1:collection 1:enab
n rk h reader le
building gain 0:non-collect buzzer
0:no 0:lo ion reader 0:unab
network w le
building gain buzzer

22) Address of reader: 0and 155 is broadcasting address, all readers

execute when receive orders or export ID actively, 1-254 is reader

personal address, reader exexutes when receives corresponding order

to itselves address.

23) 30 reservation

31) Emission model

0 expresses mode of receive and sending

1 expresses sending mode

Definition of sending mode: sending RF instantly.

32) Confection set

0 expresses no confection signal

1 expresses confection signal

2.2.7 Set Antenna

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Function: choose antenna to receive and send signal

Command code: 0AH

Command parameter: 1byte is choosen to be antenna no.

1 no.1 antenna
2 no.2 antenna
4 no.3 antenna
8 no.4 antenna

Command packet: 『40H 03H 0AH No CheckSum』

Return data: if command executed right, data in return packet is empty

『F0H 02H 0AH 04H』

Instruction format with reader address

Command code: 0AH

Address parameter of reader

Command parameter: 1byte is choosen to be antenna no.

1 no.1 antenna
2 no.2 antenna
4 no.3 antenna
8 no.4 antenna

Command packet: 『40H 04H 0AH address No CheckSum』

Return data: if command executed right, return data is empty.

『F0H 03H 0AH address CheckSum』

2.2.8 Reboot The Reader

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Function: reboot reader, same to renew electricity after electricity is off.

Command code: 0EH

Command parameter: none

command packet: 『40H 02H 0EH B0H』

Return data: if succeed, return packet is empty.

Command format with reader address:『F0H 02H 0EH 00H』

Command code: 0EH

Address parameter of reader

Command parameter: none

Command packet:『40H 03H 0EH address CheckSum』

Return data: if succeed, return packet is empty.

『F0H 03H 0EH address CheckSum』

2.2.9 Set Relay

Function: set state of reader and relay

Command code: 03H

Command parameter: 1byte

Bit0=1 no1relay close

Bit0=0 No1 relay disconnection
Bit1=1 No2relay close

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Bit1=0 No2 relay disconnection


command packet:『40H 03H 03H K CheckSum』

Return data: if succeed, return packet is empty.

『F0H 02H 03H 0BH』

Address parameter of reader

Command code: 03H

Address parameter of reader

Command parameter: 1byte

Bit0=1 no1relay close

Bit0=0 No1 relay disconnection
Bit1=1 No2relay close
Bit1=0 No2 relay disconnection


command packet:『40H 04H 03H address K CheckSum』

Return data: if succeed, return packet is empty.

『F0H 03H 03H address CheckSum』

2.2.10 Set Reader Time

Function: set reader time

Command code: 11H

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Command parameter: 5bytes: year yy/month mm/daydd

Command packet:『40H 08H 11H yy mm dd hh ff ss


Return data: if succeed, return packet is empty.

『F0H 02H 11H FDH』

Command format with reader address

11H command code: 11H

Address parameter of reader

Command parameter: none

command packet: 『40H 09H 11H address yy mm dd hh ff ss


Return data: if succeed, return packet is empty.

『F0H 03H 11H address CheckSum』

2.2.11 Get Reader Time

Function: get read time

Command code: 12H

Command parameter: none

Command packet:『40H 02H 12H ACH』

Return data: If succeed, return data is rear, month, day, hour, min

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『F0H 08H 12H yy mm dd hh ff ss CheckSum』

Command format with reader address

Command code: 12H

Address parameter of reader

Command parameter: none

command packet:『40H 03H 12H address CheckSum』

Return data: If succeed, return data is rear, month, day, hour, min

『F0H 09H 12H address yy mm dd hh ff ss CheckSum』

2.2.12 Add Lable ID

Function: increase new list based before one for reader

Command code: 13H

Command parameter: 1byte list M (S8), 1byte 1D or EPC length LEN, M pcs

ID or EPC data

Command packet:『40H 4+M*LEN 13H M LEN DATA CheckSum』

Return data: If succed, return data is empty

『F0H 02H 13H FBH』

Instruction format with reader address

Command code: 13H

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Address parameter of reader

Command parameter: 1byte list M (S8), 1byte 1D or EPC length LEN, M pcs

ID or EPC data

Command packet: 『40H 5+M*LEN 13H address M LEN DATA


Return data: If succed, return data is empty

『F0H 03H 13H address CheckSum』

2.2.13 Del LableID

Function: delete list based on before for reader

Command code: 14H

Command parameter: 1byte list M (S8), 1byte 1D or EPC length LEN, M pcs

ID or EPC data

Command packet: 『40H 4+M*LEN 14H M LEN DATA CheckSum』

Return data: If succed, return data is empty

『F0H 02H 14H FAH』

Instruction format with reader address

Command code: 14H

Address parameter of reader

Command parameter: 1byte list M (S8), M=0 expresses to dete all list in

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Command packet:『40H 5+M*LEN 14H address M LEN DATA


Return data: If succed, return data is empty

『F0H 03H 14H address CheckSum』

2.2.14 Get Lable ID

Function: read stored white list in reader

Command code: 15H

Command parameter: 2byte of origination list serial number SADDR, 1byte

list number M (≤8)

Command packet:『40H 05H 15H SADDR M CheckSum』

Return data: if succeed, return packet will be defined as follows:

『F0H 4+N*LEN 15H N LEN N*LABLE CheckSum』

Note: N(sm) is rebound list, LEN is tag ID and EPN byte length,

LABLE is LEN bytes list ID or EPC.

If record non-exsit, rebound packet is defined as follows:

『F0H 04H 15H 00H 00H F7H』

Address parameter of reader

Command code: 15H

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Command parameter: 2bytes, original list serial SADDR, 1byte list M (S8)

Command packet:『40H 06H 15H address SADDR M CheckSum』

Rebound data: If succeed, rebound packet will be defined as follows:

『F0H 5+N*LEN 15H address N LEN N*LABLE CheckSum』

Note: N(sm) is rebound list, LEN is tag ID and EPN byte length, LABLE is LEN

bytes list ID or EPC.

If record non-exsit, rebound packet is defined as follows:

『F0H 05H 16H address 00H 00H CheckSum』

2.2.15 Get Record

Function: read stored tag records in reader.

Command code: 16H

Command parameter: 6bytes, starting time STIMG, 6bytes ending time

ETIME, 2bytes origination record serial no SADDR, 1byte register digits M


Command packet:『40H 11H 16H STIME ETIME SADDR M


Rebound data: If succeed, rebound packet will be defined as follows:

『F0H 4+N*LEN 16H N LEN N *RECORD CheckSum』

Note: RECORD is 6bytes time+1byte antenna number+Lbytes tagID

or EPC.Len is record length=7+L

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For example: antenna 3 values 3

If record non-exsited, rebound packet will be defined as follows:

『F0H 04H 16H 00H 00H F6H』

Command format with reader address

Command code: 16H

Address parameter of reader

Command parameter: 6bytes, starting time STIME, 6bytes ending time

ETIME, 2bytes starting record serial number SADDR, 1byte record serial M


Command packet: 『40H 12H 16H address STIME ETIME SADDR

M CheckSum』

Return dat: if succeed, return packet will be defined as follows:

『F0H 5+N*LEN 16H address N LEN N *RECORD CheckSum』

Note: RECORD is 6bytes time+1byte antenna number+Lbytes tagID

or EPC.Len is record length=7+L

For example: antenna 3 values 3

If record non-exsited, rebound packet will be defined as follows:

『F0H 05H 16H address 00H 00H CheckSum』

2.2.16 Del Record

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Function: delte all stored tag records in reader

Command code: 17H

Command packet:『40H 02H 17H B7H』

Rebound data:if succeed,rebound packet is empty in data

『F0H 02H 17H F7H』

Command format with reader address

Command code: 17H

Address parameter in reader

command packet: 『40H 03H 17H address CheckSum』

Rebound data: if succeed, data of rebound is empty

『F0H 03H 17H address CheckSum』

2.2.17 Set Reader Network

Function: set reader address in network

Command code: 30H

Command parameter: 14bytes parameter.IP (4Bytes) +port (2bytes)

+MASK (4bytes) +gateway (4bytes)

Command packet:『40H 10H 30H IP PORT MASK Gateway


Rebound data: if succeed, rebound packet is empty in data part.

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『F0H 02H 30H DEH』

2.2.18 Get Reader Network

Function: get reader network.

Command code: 31H

Command parameter: none

command packet:『40H 02H 31H 8DH』

Rebound data: if succeed, data part in rebound packet is empty.IP (4Bytes)

+PORT (2Bytes) +MASK (4Bytes) +GATEWAY (4Bytes).

『F0H 10H 31H IP PORT MASK Gateway CheckSum』

2.2.19 Set Reader MAC

Function: set reader network MAC.

Command code: 32H

Command parameter: 6 bytes parameter MAC

Command packet:『40H 08H 32H MAC CheckSum』

Rebound data: if succeed, data part in rebound packet is empty.

『F0H 02H 32H DBH』

2.2.20 Get Reader MAC

Function: get reader network MAC

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Command code: 33H

Command parameter: none

command packet:『40H 02H 33H 8B』

Rebound data: If succeed, data part in rebound packet is 6 bytes MAC

『F0H 08H 33H MAC CheckSum』

2.3 Command format of Serial

read-write tag

2.3.1 Read-write ISO18000-6B

command format

To electronic tag, storage capcity inlay is 2048bits, which divides into

256bytes.There is an address to each byte, correspondent from 0-255.


 Address0-7eight words (64bits): tag IDnumbers, fixing when products

come out, can not be amended.

 Address 8-223user information storage area, can be self distributed.

 Address 224-255wirte protection bytes. Read Label ID

Function: list exsited recognized tag ID under range of antenna radiation

Command code: FEH

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Command parameter: none

command packet:『40H 02H FEH C0H』

Rebound data: If succeed, bytes of rebound data part=number of all list tag

M (1 byte) + (tag numberof sent out L (<=8)*8(ID) data.

『F0H 3+L*8 FEH M L*8 CheckSum』

Instruction format with reader address

Command code: FEH

Address parameter in reader

Command parameter: none

command packet:『40H 03H FEH address CheckSum』

Rebound data: If succeed, bytes of rebound data part=number of all list tag

M (1 byte) + (tag numberof sent out L (<=8)*8(ID) data.

『F0H 4+L*8 FEH address M L*8 CheckSum』 List ID Report

Function: get electronic tag ID (already passes rfs_list order) from reader

EMS memory.

Command code: FDH

Command parameter: 2bytes, first byte begins from ADDR, second byte is

tag number L (<=8)

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Command packet:『40H 04H FDH ADDR L CheckSum』

Rebound data: If succeed, part bytes from rebound data= (tag


『F0H 2+L*8 FDH L*8 CheckSum』

Command format with reader address

Command code: FDH

Address parameter in reader

Command parameter: 2bytes, first byte begins from ADDR, second byte is

tag number L (<=8)

command packet:『40H 05H FDH address ADDR L CheckSum』

Rebound data: If succeed,part bytes from rebound data=(tag


『F0H 3+L*8 FDH address L*8 CheckSum』 List Selected ID

Function: list exsited recognized tag ID under range of antenna radiation

Command code: FBH

Command parameter 1:1byte is optional tag condition SEL.

00 equal
01 not equal
02 than
03 Less than

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Command parameter 2:1byte is origination adrress ADDR of tag data,

values 0-223

Command parameter3:1byte is data mask; bit of it is corresponding to a

comparable word.

0 This byte is not for comparison

1 This byte is for comparison

Command parameter 4:8byte is comparable data.

Command packet: 『40H 0DH FBH SEL ADDR MASK DATA


Rebound data: if succeed, rebound data part bytes=listed numberd of read

tagM (1byte) + (transmitted tag numberL (<=8)*8(ID))

『F0H 3+L*8 FBH M L*8 CheckSum』

Command format with reader address

Command code: FBH

Address parameter in reader

Command parameter1:1byte is optional tag condition SEL.

00 equal
01 not equal
02 than
03 Less than

Command parameter 2:1byte is tag data origination address ADDR, values


Command parameter3:1byte is data mask; bit of the byte is corresponding

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to a comparable byte.

0 This byte is not for comparison

1 This byte is for comparison

Command parameter: 8byte is comparable data.

command packet: 『40H 0EH FBH address SEL ADDR MASK

DATA CheckSum』

Rebound data: if succeed, rebound data part bytes=listed numberd of read

tagM (1byte) + (transmitted tag numberL (<=8)*8(ID))

『F0H 4+L*8 FBH address M L*8 CheckSum』 Read Byte Block

Function:read data in tag.ISO18000 elctronic tag is with memory capacity

of 2048bits,256byte,byte address user can read is 0-223.length of data

module takes byte as unit,stipulates 32byte can be read each time.

Command code: F6H

Command parameter: 8byte ID, I byte expresses origination address;

values 0-223,1byte expresses module length, values 1-32.

Command packe: 『40H 0CH F6H id aa nn CheckSum』

Rebound packet: If succeed, rebound data divides nn byte

『F0H nn+2 F6H xx …… xx CheckSum』

Instruction format with reader address

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Command code: F6H

Address parameter in reader

Command parameter: 8byte ID, 1 byte expresses origination address,

values 0-223,1byte expresses module length, values 1-32.

Command packet: 『40H 0DH F6H address id aa nn CheckSum』

Rebound packet: If succeed, rebound data divides nn byte

『F0H nn+3 F6H address xx …… xx CheckSum』 Write Byte Block

Function: write into data to tag, take byte as unit for the data, 4byte at most

for once.byte address user can wirte is 8-223.

Command code: F5H

Command parameter: 8byte ID, 1byte express origination address, values

8-223,1byte expresses module length, values 1-4.write data for nn byte.

Command packet: 『40H 12+nn F5H id aa nn xx --- xx


Rebound packet: if succeed, rebound data is empty

『F0H 02H F5H 19H』

Instruction format with reader address

Command code: F5H

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Address parameter in reader

Command parameter: 8byte ID, 1byte express origination address, values

8-223,1byte expresses module length, values 1-4.write data for nn byte.

Commad packet:『40H 13+nn F5H address id aa nn xx --- xx


Rebound packet: if succeed, rebound data is empty

『F0H 03H F5H address CheckSum』 Write Protect

Function: set address unit of specified tag to be write protection

Command code: F4H command code

Command parameter: 8byte ID, 1byte address, values 8-223

command packet: 『40H 0BH F4H ID aa CheckSum』

Rebound data: If succeed, leading code of rebound packet is F0H, data part

is empty

『F0H 02H F4H 1AH』

Command format with reader address.

Command code: F4H command code

Address parameter of reader

Command parameter: 8byte ID, 1byte address, values 8-223

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command packet:『40H 0CH F4H address ID aa CheckSum』

Rebound data: If succeed, leading code of rebound packet is F0H, data part

is empty

『F0H 03H F4H address CheckSum』 Read Write-Protect

Function: read appointed tag if write protection

Command code: F3H

Command parameter: 8byte ID, 1byte origination address, values0-223

Command packet: 『40H 0BH F3H ID aa CheckSum』

Rebound data: if succeed, leading code of rebound packet is F0H, 1byte in

data part

0 unprotected, 『F0H 03H F3H 00H 1AH』

1 protected, 『F0H 03H F3H 01H 19H』

Instruction format with reader address

Command code: F3H

Address parameter in reader

Command parameter: 8byte ID

1byte origination address, values 0-223

command packet: 『40H 0CH F3H address ID aa CheckSum』

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Rebound data: if succeed, leading code of rebound packet is F0H, 1byte in

data part

0 unprotect, 『F0H 04H F3H address 00H CheckSum』

1 protected, 『F0H 04H F3H address 01H CheckSum』 WriteAByte

Function: write into data to tag, take byte as unit for the data, 4byte at most

for once.byte address user can wirte is 8-223.

Command code: F2H

Command parameter: 8byte ID, 1byte express origination address, values

8-223,1byte expresses module length, values 1-4.write data for nn byte.

Command packet: 『40H 12+nn F2H id aa nn xx --- xx


Rebound packet: if succeed, rebound data part is empty

『F0H 02H F2H 1CH』

Note: this command adopts to write data to tag by one byte and one

byte, slow in rate, only used in the case when tag does not support

no.5 writing instruction.

Command format with reader

Command code: F2H

Address parameter in reader

Command parameter:8byte in ID,1byte expresses origination

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address,values 8-223,1byte expresses ,odule length (nn),values1-4,written

data of nn byte.

command packet: 『40H 13+nn F2H address id aa nn xx ---

xx CheckSum』

Rebound packet: if succeed, rebound data is empty

『F0H 03H F2H address CheckSum』

2.3.2 Read-write EPC C1G2 command


Memory bank of IS08000-6Ctag divides into 4 areas.

A. EPC area: area of storing EPC code, stores 96bits EPC code at most, can

read and write.

B. TID area: keep ID number set by tag manufacturer, 32 and 64Bits two

type ID for now.

C. User area: this area is different for various manufacturer.G2 tag from

Inpinj company has no user area,company of Philips has 96 Bits,can

write and read

D. Password area:has 32bits visit password and 32Bits kill password,can

read and wirte EPC1G2_List Tag ID

Function: Identify tag ID under radiation range of antenna, according to

mask code condition.

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Command code: EEH

Command parameter 1:1byte men, choose for data area.

0 password area
1 EPC code
2 IDnumber of TID tag
3 User

Command parameter 2:2byte, introduces origination of mask code.

Command parameter 3:1byte, introduces mask code length

Command parameter4:m byte,mask;If LEN%8=0,then m=LEN/8。If LEN%

8≠0,then m=LEN/8+1。

Command parameter4: m byte, mask

Command packet:『40H m+6 EEH mem addr LEN Mask


Rebound data: If succeed, byte of rebound data part= list number of read

tagM (1byte) + (transmitted tag numberL (<=8)*8(ID))*L (EPC


Note: LEN=0expresses all tag ID can be identified under range of

antenna radiation

EPC digit:00H-0Word,01H-1Word,02H-2Word,……,FFH-256Word

『F0H 3+L*N EEH M L*N CheckSum』

Command format with reader address

Command code: EEH

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Address parameter in reader

Command parameter1:1byte mem, choose for data area

0 password area
1 EPCcode
2 ID number in TID tag
3 User

Command parameter2:2byte, introduces origination address of mask

Command parameter3:1byte, introduces mask length LEN.

Command parameter4: m byte, mask;If LEN%8=0,then m=LEN/8。If LEN%

8≠0,then m=LEN/8+1。

Command packet: 『40H m+7 EEH address mem addr LEN Mask


Rebound data: If succeed, byte of rebound data part= list number of read

tagM (1byte) + (transmitted tag numberL (<=8)*8(ID))*L (EPC


Note: LEN=0expresses that all identified ID under the range of

antenna radiation

EPC digits:00H-0Word,01H-1Word,02H-2Word,……,FFH-256Word

『F0H 4+L*N EEH address M L*N CheckSum』 EPC1G2_Get ID List

Function: electronic tag ID got from reader EMS memory

Command code: EDH

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Command parameter: 2byte. First byte is serial number of commence,

second byte is tag number m (<=8)

Command packet: 『40H 04H EDH no m CheckSum』 command


Rebound data: If succeed, digits of rebound data= (1byte tag number M*L

Bytes (EPC digit+EPC)

『F0H 2+L*8 EDH L*M CheckSum』

Command format with reader address.

Command code: EDH

Address parameter with address

Command parameter: 2byte.First byte is serial number of commence,

second byte is tag number m (<=8)

Command packet:『40H 05H EDH address no m CheckSum』

Rebound data: If succeed, digit of rebound data part= (1byte tag

numberM*L Bytes (EPC digit+EPC)

『F0H 3+L*8 EDH address L*M CheckSum』 EPC1G2_ReadBlock Data

Function: read data from designate area of tag, data block is 16 bits in

length, unit in word.

Command code: ECH

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Command parameter1:1byte EPC digits L, introduces word number for EPC

Command parameter2: L*2byte EPC number, introduces to read which tag


Command parameter 3:1byte mem, choose data area

0 Password area
1 EPC number
2 IDnumber in TID tag
3 User

Command parameter4:1byte origination address (Unite: word)

Command parameter 5:1byte data length len

Command parameter6:4byte AcessPassword, password

command packet:『40H 10+L*2 ECH L EPC mem addr len

AccessPassword CheckSum』command packet

Rebound data: If succeed, rebound data part is len*2byte data

『F0H len*2+2 ECH xx …… xx CheckSum』

Note: Access passworsjust works when password area is in

password lock.

Command format with reader address

Command code: ECH

Address parameter in reader

Command parameter1:1byte EP digit L, introduces word number of EPC

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Command parameter2: L*2byte EPC number, introduces to read which tag


Command parameter3:1byte mem, choose for data area

0 password area
1 EPCnumber
2 ID number in TID tag
3 User

Command parameter 4:1byte origination address (unit: word)

Command parameter5:1byte data length (unit: word)

Command parameter6:4byte AcessPassword, password

command packet:『40H 11+L*2 ECH address L EPC mem addr

len AccessPassword CheckSum』

Rebound data: if succeed, rebound data parties len*2 byte dataxx.

『F0H len*2+3 ECH address xx …… xx CheckSum』 EPC1G2_Write Block Data

Function: write data into tag; write data length is unit by word.

Command code: EBH

Command parameter1:1byte EPC digits L, introduces word number for EPC


Command parameter2: L*2 byte EPC number

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Command parameter3:1byte mem, choose data area MemBank

0 password area
1 No use
2 IDnumber in TID tag
3 User

Command parameter4:1byte origination address (unit word)

Command parameter5:1byte data legth len

Command parameter6: Len*2 byte data

Command parameter7:4byte accesspassword, password

Command packet: 『40H 10+L*2+len*2 EBH L EPC mem addr

len data AccessPassword CheckSum』

Rebound data: if succeed, rebound data is empty

『F0H 02H EBH 23H』

Note: Accesspassword is only efficient when data area is

locked.when unlocked, it writes none password, when data is

forever locked, password is useless.

Instruction format with reader address

Command code: EBH

Address parameter in reader

Command parameter1:1byte EPC digits L, introduces word numbers of EPC


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Command parameter2: L*2byte EPC number, introduces to write data for

which tag.

Command parameter3: one byte mem, choose data area MemBank

0 Password area
1 EPC code
2 ID number in TID tag
3 User

Command parameter4:1byte origination address.

Command parameter5:1byte data length len(Unite:word)。

Command parameter6: len*2byte written data

Command parameter7:4byte Access password, password

command packet: 『40H 11+L*2+len*2 EBH address L EPC mem

addr len data AccessPassword CheckSum』

Rebound packet:If succeed, rebound data part is empty.

『F0H 03H EBH address CheckSum』 EPC1G2_Set Lock

Function: set write protection in designated area of tag

Command code: EAH

Command parameter1:1byte of EPC digits L, introduces word numbers of

EPC code

Command parameter2: L*2byte EPC code, introduces to set read and write

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protection for which tag.

Command parameter: 1byte mem, choose protection area MemBank

0 Kill Password
1 Access Password
2 EPCnumber
3 ID number in TID tag
4 User

Command parameter4:1byte controlled word lock

0 Can write
1 Can write permanently
2 Write with code
3 Can not write permanently
4 can read write
5 Can read write permanently
6 Read write with code
7 Can not read write permanently

Password。0-3is only for EPC, TID and User 3data areas, 4-7 is only for kill

password and access password.

Command parameter5:4byte accesspassword, password.

command packet: 『40H 9+L*2 EAH L EPC mem Lock

AccessPassword CheckSum』

Rebound data: If succeed, leading code in rebound packet is F0H, data part

is empty.

『F0H 02H EAH 24H』

Instruction format with reader address

Command code: EAH

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Address parameter in reader

Command parameter1:1byte EPC digitsL, introduces word numbers of EPC


Command parameter2: L*2byte EPC code, introduces to set read-write

protection for which tag

Command parameter3:1byte mem, choose protection data area MemBank

0 Kill Password
1 Access Password
2 EPC code
3 IDnumber in TID tag
4 User

Command parameter4:1byte control word lock

0 Can write
1 Can write permanently
2 Write with code
3 Can not write permanently
4 Can read write
5 Can read write permanently
6 Read write with code
7 Can not read write permanently

0-3is only for EPC, TID and User 3data areas, 4-7 is only for kill password

and access password.

Command parameter5:4byte AccessPassword

command packet: 『40H 10+L*2 EAH address L EPC mem Lock

AccessPassword CheckSum』

Rebound data: if succeed, leading code of rebound packet is F0H, data part

is empty

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『F0H 03H EAH address CheckSum』 EPC1G2_Write EPC

Function: write EPC data into tag EPC unit, written data length is in unit of


Command code: E7H

Command parameter1:1byte EPCdigitsL, introduces word number of EPC


Command parameter 2: L*2byte EPC code

Command parameter3:4byte accesspassword

Command packet:『40H 7+L*2 E7H L EPC AccessPassword


Rebound packet: if succeed, rebound data part is empty

『F0H 02H E7H 27H』

Note: Accesspassword works only when data area is locked by

password.when data not locked, can write none password, if data is

forever locked, password is useless.

Command format with reader address

Command code: E7H

Address parameter in reader

Command parameter1:1byte EPC digits L, introduces word number of EPC

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Command parameter2: L*2 byte EPC code,

Command parameter3:4byte AccessPassword

command packet: 『40H 8+L*2 E7H address L EPC

AccessPassword CheckSum』

Rebound packet: if succeed, rebound data part is empty

『F0H 03H E7H address CheckSum』 EPC1G2_change EAS

Function: replace for Eas of tag, works for UCODE EPC G2 tag of Philips only.

Command code: E5H

Command parameter1:1byte EPC digits L, introduces word numbers of EPC


Command parameter2: L*2byte EPC number, introduces to replace for

which tag.

Command parameter3: state EASstate 1digit, 0-no alarm, 1-alarm

Command parameter4: Access password 4 byte

command packet: 『40H 8+L*2 E5H L EPC EASstate

AccessPassword CheckSum』

Rebound packet: if succeed, rebound data part is empty

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『F0H 02H E5H 29H』

Command format with reader address

Command code: E5H command code

Address parameter in reader

Command parameter1:1byte EPC digits L, introduces word number of EPC


Command parameter2: L*2byte EPC code, introduces to replace for which


Command parameter3: state EASstate 1byte 0-no alarm, 1-alarm

Command parameter4: AccessPassword 4 byte

Command packet: 『40H 9+L*2 E5H address L EPC EASstate

AccessPassword CheckSum』

Rebound packet: If succees, rebound data is empty.

『F0H 03H E5H address CheckSum』 EPC1G2_EAS Alarm

Function: EAS replaced tag responds alarm, works for UCODE EPC G2 tag of

Philips only.

Command code: E4H

None command parameter

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Command packet:『40H 02 E4H DAH』

Rebound packet: If detected tag alarms, rebound data is empty.

『F0H 02H E4H 2AH』

If tag is not alarm, tag does not work for the instruction, rebound packet is:

『F4H 03H E4H 02H 2AH』

Data part is wrong information, did not detect tag

Instruction format with reader address

Command code: E4H

Address parameter in reader

None command parameter

command packet: 『40H 03H E4H address CheckSum』

Rebound packet: If detected tag alarm, rebound data part is empty

『F0H 03H E4H address CheckSum』

If tag is not alarm, tag does not response for instruction, rebound packet is:

『F4H 04H E4H address 02H CheckSum』, Data part is wrong

information,fail to detect tag. EPC1G2_Read Protect

Function:operates read protection to specified tag,tag can not read EPC

content after success.Only efficient to tag of Philips and UCODE G2XM

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Command code: E3H

Command parameter1:4byte AccessPassword

Command parameter2:1byte EPCdigits L, L=1—6, introduces word number

of EPC code

Command parameter3: L*2byte EPC code, introduces to write data for

which tag

Command packet:『40H 7+L*2 E3H AccessPassword L EPC


Rebound packet: If succeed, rebound data part is empty

『F0H 02H E3H 2BH』

Instruction format with reader address

Command code: E3H

Address parameter in reader

Command parameter1:4byte

Command parameter2:1byte EPC digitL, L=1—6, introduces word number

of EPC code

Command parameter3: L*2byte EPC code, introduces to write data for

which tag

command packet:『40H 8+L*2 E3H address AccessPassword L EPC


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Rebound packet: If succeed, rebound data part is empty

『F0H 03H E3H address CheckSum』 EPC1G2_Release Read


Function: release from read protection to designated tag,tag can read EPC

content after success.Note:there is only one tag in field,works for UCODE

G2XM tag of Philips

Command code: E2H command code

Command parameter1:4 byte AccessPassword

command packet:『40H 06 E2H AccessPassword CheckSum』

Rebound packet: If succeed, rebound data part is empty

『F0H 02H E2H 2CH』

Command format with reader address

Command code: E2H

Address parameter in reader

Command parameter1:4byte AccessPassword

Command packet:『40H 07 E2H address AccessPassword


Rebound packet: If succeed,rebound data part is empty

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『F0H 03H E2H address CheckSum』

2.3.3 Read write ISO18000-6D

command format

ISO18000-6Dhas no data area,TK901has 8 pages of data area,8byte in

each page,every page can be write protection individually.It can write once

some page is written protection. ISO18000-6D_List ID

Function: list all discernible tag under the range of tag radiation.

Command code: CEH

Command code: none command parameter

command packet:『40H 02H CEH F0H』

Rebound data: If succeed, rebound data part byte=list tag numbers of this

readingM (1byte) + (sending tag number for this time L (<=8)*8(ID)

『F0H 3+L*8 CEH M L*8 CheckSum』

Command format with reader address

Command code: CEH

Address parameter in reader

None command parameter

Command packet: 『40H 03H CEH address CheckSum』

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Rebound data: If succeed,byte in rebound data part = list tag numbers of

this readingM (1byte)+(sending tag number for this time L(<=8)*8(ID)

『F0H 4+L*8 CEH address M L*8 CheckSum』 ISO18000-6D_List ID


Function: get electronic tag ID (passed rfs-listID command) from reader

EMS memory

Command code: CDH

Command parameter1:1byte is origination serial number ADDR

Command parameter1:1byte is tag numberM (<=8)

『40H 04H CDH ADDR M CheckSum』

Rebound data: If succeed.byte in rebound data= (tag number*8(ID)

『F0H 2+M*8 CDH M*8 CheckSum』

Command format with reader address

Command code: CDH

Address parameter in reader

Command parameter1:1byte is origination serial number

Command parameter: 1byte is tag numberM (<=8)

Command packet: 『40H 05H CDH address ADDR M CheckSum』

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Rebound data: If succeed, byte in rebound data= (tag number*8(ID)

『F0H 3+M*8 CDH address M*8 CheckSum』 ISO18000-6D_Read Block


Function: to read one piece of data in designated tag.length of data area is

in unit of page (8bytes).TK901has 15 pages data area, the final page is data

of write protection.All pages can read, the final page can not read, can read

one pag each time.

Command code: CCH command code

Command parameter1:8byte ID

Command parameter1:1byte expresses origination address AA, values0-7

Command parameter1:1byte expresses data length nn (unit page), values


Command packet:『40H 0CH CCH ID aa nn CheckSum』

Rebound packet: if succeed, rebound data part is data in nn byte.

『F0H nn+2 CCH xx …… xx CheckSum』

Command format in reader address

Command code: CCH

Address parameter in reader

Command parameter1:8byte ID

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Command parameter1:1byte expresses origination address aa (unit: page),


Command parameter1:1byte expresses data length nn(unit:page),values


Command packet:『40H 0DH CCH address ID aa nn CheckSum』

Rebound packet: If succees, rebound data part is data of nn byte

『F0H nn+3 CCH address xx …… xx CheckSum』 ISO18000-6D_WritePageBl


Function: write data to specified area in designated tag, written data length

is in unit if page, 1page at most for once.

Command code: CBH

Command parameter: 8byte ID, 1byte expresses origination addreaa aa

(unit: page), values1-7, written data of 8byte

Command packet:『40H 13H CBH id aa xx --- xx CheckSum』

Rebound packet: If succeed, rebound data part is empty

『F0H 02H CBH 43H』

Command format with reader address.

Command code: CBH command code

Address parameter in address

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Command parameter: 8byte ID (ID compositor in tag is standard).1byte

expresses origination aa (unit: page), values1-7,8byte of written data.

Command pakcet:『40H 14H CBH address id aa xx --- xx


Rebound packet: If succeed, rebound data part is empty.

『F0H 03H CBH address CheckSum』 ISO18000-6D_Set Protect

Function: set appointed area in specified tag to be written protection

Command code: CAH

Command parameter1:8byet ID

Command parameter1:1byte expresses origination address aa (unit: page),


Command parameter1:1byte expresses data length nn (unit: page),


Command packet:『40H 0CH CAH ID aa nn CheckSum』

Rebound data: If succeed, leading code of rebound packet is F0H, data part

is empty

『F0H 02H CAH 44H』

Command format with reader address

Command code: CAH

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Address parameter in reader

Command parameter1:8byte ID

Command parameter1:1byte expresses origination address aa (unit: oage),


Command parameter1:1byte expresses data length nn (unit: page),


Command packet: 『40H 0DH CAH address ID aa nn CheckSum』

Rebound data: If succees, leading code in rebound packet is F0H, data part

is empty

『F0H 03H CAH address CheckSum』 ISO18000-6D_Get Protect

Function: Read specified address unit in designated tag if written protection

Command code: C9H

Command parameter1:8 byte ID

Command parameter1:1byte expresses origination address aa =0FH

Command parameter1:1byre expresses data length nn=1

Command packet: 『40H 0CH C9H ID 0FH 01H CheckSum』

Rebound data: If succeed, leading code in rebound packet is F0H, data part

divides 2byte a and b.

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『F0H 04H C9H a b CheckSum』

Byte b from LSB to MSB expresses 0-7 data page, byte a from LSB to MSB-1

expresses 8-14 data page, each Bit=0 expresses this page is unlocked,

Bit=1expresses this page is locked.

Command format with reader address

Command code: C9H

Address parameter in reader

Command parameter1:8byte ID

Command parameter1:1byte expresses origination address aa =0FH

Command parameter1:1byte expresses data length nn=1.

Command packet:『40H 0DH C9H address ID 0FH 01H


Command packet

Rebound data: If succeed, leading code in rebound packet is F0H, data part

divides 2 byte a and b.

『F0H 05H C9H address a b CheckSum』

Byte b from LSB to MSB expresses 0-7 data page,MSB of byte a expresses

15th systematic page,each bit=0 expresses this page is unlocked,bit-=1

expresses this page is locked.

2.4 Collection of operation

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2.4.1 EPC Class1 Gen2 command

numb function
1 EEH To identify tag ID under radiation range of antenna by
mask conditions
2 EDH to get listed electronic tag ID from reader memory
3 ECH To read bloack data in appointed data area of appointed
4 EBH to write data in appointed data area of tag
5 EAH Set appointed data area to be write protection in
appointed tag
6 E7H write EPC data into EPC unit of tag
7 E5H reboot Eas state of tag
8 E4H EAS SET tag response for alarm
9 E3H to do read protection for appointed tag
10 E2H To do release read protection for appointed tag

2.4.2 ISO18000-6Bcommand

numb function
1 FEH list readable tag ID under the range of antenna radiation

2 FDH to read electronic tag ID from memory of reader

3 FBH list readable tag ID in the range of antenna radiation
according to parameters as follows
4 F6H To read block data of appointed tag
5 F5H Write data in address of appointed tag
6 F4H Set appointed address unit in tag to be write protection
7 F3H To read if appointed address of tag write protection
8 F2H Write data to appointed address unit of tag

2.4.3 ISO18000-6Dcommand

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numb function
1 CEH list readable tag ID under the range of antenna radiation
2 CDH to get listed electronic tag ID from reader memory
3 CCH To read bloack data in appointed address of tag
4 CBH write data to appointed address unit of tag
5 CAH set address unit in appointed tag to be write protection
6 C9H To read if appointed address of tag write protection

2.4.4 Other command

numb function
1 01H set operation buard rate for RS232 interface
2 02H get version numbers of hardware and software in reader
3 03H set relay state in reader
4 04H set launch power coefficient in reader
5 05H set frequency tunnel number of microwave signal lauched
by reader.
6 06H To read operation parameter from last command
7 09H set basic operation parameter of baurd rate,launch
frequency,output power in reader
8 0AH choose to receive and send signal from which antenna
9 0EH reader reboot
11 11H set reader time
12 12H to get reader time
13 13H increase new list based on original one in reader
14 14H delete new list based on original one in reader
15 15H to read stored white list in reader
16 16H to read stored tag record in reader
17 17H delete all tag record stored in reader
18 30H set reader network address
19 31H to get network address in reader
20 32H set reader network MAC
21 33H get reader network MAC

2.5 Electronic tag storage area and


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1. Memory Bank of EPC Class1 Gen2 tag divides to be 4 areas.

 EPC area (EPC): Storage area of EPC code leaves 96 Bits EPC code at

most for now, can read and write.

 TID area: Keep sett ID numbers by tag manufacturer, there are 32

and 64Bites two kinds for now, can read, and can not write.

 User: different area for different manufacturer, G2 tag of Impinj

company has no user.NXP company has 96 Bits, can read, can write.

 Password: has 32Bits access password, and 32 bits kill

password.Can read, can write, can make different protection for

these two areas.

EPC Class1 Gen2tag can set different protection mode for different storage

area, protection mode of each storage area is of 4 types:

 EPC, TID and user of G2 tag.

Read in EPC, TID and user area of G2tag is not protected, write protection


Writeable from any state---can write none accesspassword,can set

password lock or permanent write or permanent lock.

Permanently writable---can wite none accesspassword,and can not be

passwordlocked or permanent locked.

Writable from secured state---can write in the case of know accesspassword

Never writable---can not write even know password.

Read and write in password area of G2 tag can be protected,read-write

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protection state in password area does not affect usage of password,and

can put protection function to these 2 areas.

Readable and Writeable from any state---can read and write none

accesspassword, can be password secured or permanent read write or

permanent secured.

Can read and write none accesspassword, and can not be password secured


In the case of knowing password, can read and revise password, can set to

be permanent secured or permanent read-write later

Can not read or revise password, even know it.

Note: set tag read and write protection,must know tag


2. Memory bank in the tag of ISO-18000-6B divides to two area, storage

capacity inside is 2048bits, and divides to be 256 byte.there is one

address for each byte, 0-255 in correspondence.

 Address 0-7 eight byte (64bits): is tag ID numbers, solidfy before

products come out, can not be revised.

 Address 8-233 user information can be left in user aera,can

self-distributed accoding to details,can be revised and locked,but

can not revise once loced and unlocked.

 Address224-255 writes protection byte.

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3 SDK software development

3.1 SDK compose

Package in module provides SDK; it mainly composes with files as follows:

A. Reader1000DLL.dll file --- dynamic connection

B. Reader1000DLL.lib file --- state connection

C. Reader1000API.h file ---State file in API function

D. Reader1000SDK catalogue---Including example procedure of

learning API function

3.2 Design introduction

3.2.1 Basic constant and figure Constant definition

description introduction
#define ID_MAX_SIZE_64BIT 8 ID numbers in electronictag is
#define ID_MAX_SIZE_96BIT 13 ID numbers in electronictag is
#define MAX_LABELS 100 Can not be more than 100 tags for
one time of read write operation APIfunction rebound code

#define _OK 0x00 // operation success

wrong information in communictation
#define _init_rs232_err 0x81 //initialization failed in
communication interface
#define _no_scanner 0x82 //can not find reader
#define _comm_error 0x83 //wrong in send and receive

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communication data
#define _baudrate_error 0x84 // mistake in set baud rate
// rebound mistake information from reader
#define _no_antenna 0x01 //fail to connect antenna
#define _no_label 0x02 //fail to detect tag
#define _invalid_label 0x03 //llegal tag
#define _less_power 0x04 //read write power is not enough
#define _write_prot_error 0x05 //area write protection
#define _check_sum_error 0x06 //adjustment and mistake
#define _parameter_error 0x07 //parameter wrong
#define _memory_error 0x08 //data area not exsit
#define _password_error 0x09 //password not correct
#define _killpassword_error 0x0a //G2tag kills password to be 0
#define _nonlicet_command 0x0b //illegal command
#define _nonlicet_user 0x0c //illegal user with unmatched
#define _invalid_command 0x1e //
command,say,command of wrong
#define _other_error 0x1f //unknown command
//function input wrong
#define _no_cardID_input 0x20 //other mistake Data type definition

Typedef USHORT apiReturn; // rebound value type of function

One type of apiReturn value will be rebound after all API function executed,

can judge if function executed successfully from the value, if failure, what is

failure reason, and so on… Parameter figure in reader

Typedef struct tagReader1000Param

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BYTE BaudRate; //Communiction rate of Serial

port,values 00H-08H,represents rate and command.

BYTE Power; //Launch power, values 30-160.

BYTE Min_Frequence; //

Origination of sending microwave signal frequency,values1-63

BYTE Antenna; //1-ant1,2-ant2,4-ant3,8-ant4

Antenna options.

BYTE WorkMode; //

Work mode of reader:1-timing mode,2.spring mode,3.command

mode4.timing mode,5.spring mode

BYTE ReadInterval; // 0-10ms, 1-30ms, 2-50ms

Interval of read

BYTE OutMode; //

Output mode of card number.

BYTE TriggerMode; //Spring mode

BYTE IDPosition; //

Deposit address of card number in electronic tag.

BYTE IfTestValidity; //If tag is legal

BYTE OutInterface; //(Wiegan26, Wiegan34, RS485, RS232,

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RJ45)。Output interface and format of card number

BYTE NumofCard; //Most amount in card reading

BYTE Power2; //

Launch power coefficient2, values: 30-160

BYTE TagType;



Tag types

BYTE WiegandWidth; //Weigand Value of Impulse width

BYTE WiegandInterval; //Weigand Value of impulse interval

BYTE ID_Start; //

Origination of output card number,values0-4

BYTE Max_Frequence; //

Ending origination in transmitting microwave signal frequency, values1-63

BYTE ReadDuration; // RF emission duration ,just directed at tag

ISO18000-6D 10ms,1-20ms,2-30ms,3-40ms。

RF emission duration, just directed at tag ISO18000-6D

BYTE StandardTime; //Standard output interval, default is


BYTE EnableBuzzer; //Enable buzzer0: unable buzzer

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BYTE ReaderAddress; //

Reader address0-255,0and 255 is address of broadcast

BYTE HostIP1; //

Epigyny machine IP address

BYTE HostIP2; // Epigyny machine IP address

BYTE HostIP3; // Epigyny machine IP address

BYTE HostIP4; // Epigyny machine IP address

BYTE HostPort1; // Epigyny machine IP address

Epigyny machine interface

BYTE HostPort2; // Epigyny machine IP address

BYTE Reserve29; // Reservation

BYTE Reserve30; // Reservation

BYTE TX_Mode; //

Emission mode: 0expresses receive and emission mode, 1expresses

emission mode

BYTE Modulation; //Confection set: 0expresses no confection

signal, 1 expresses with confection signal

} Reader1000Param; Function rebound code

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When commands fail to be executed, function rebound with wrong code.

Usual wrong code:

command function
00(00H) command succed or test correctly
01(01H) Antenna fail to connect
02(02H) fail to test tag
03(03H) illegal tag
04(04H) read power is not enough
05(05H) this area read write protection
06(06H) adjustment and mistakes
07 (07H) parameter mistake
08 (08H) data area non-exsit
09 (09H) wrong password
10 (0AH) destroyed password is 0
11(0BH) when reader is positive in work,it receives AutoMode and
Reboot command,other command is illegal command
12(0CH) illegal user ,unmatched with password
13(0DH) expresses RF interference from outside
14 (0EH) expresses tag read protection
…… ……
30(1EH) expresses invalid command,wrong command of
31(1FH) unknown command
32(20H) other errors

3.2.2 Control command function Connect reader

Connection by serial port

apiReturn ConnectScanner(HANDLE *hScanner, char *szPort, int


Function: establish communication connection with reader, and set

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communication rate

Input parameter

SzPort: Character pointers directed at communication port, eg. 『COM1』.


nBaudRate: Baurd rate of Serial port communication ,efficient

communication rates:9600,19200,38400,57600,115200。

Output parameter

Judge if connect successfully according to rebound apiReturn value in

function, or failure reason.

hScanner :reader handle

Command with reader address

apiReturn _stdcall ConnectScanner(HANDLE *hScanner, char *szPort, int

nBaudRate,int Address);

Function: establish communication connection with reader,and set

communication rate.

Input parameter

szPort : word pointer ,directed at communication port,say:serial port


nBaudRate: Baurd rate in communication of serial port,efficient

communication rate has:9600,19200,38400,57600,115200。

Address: Reader address

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Input parameter: judge if connection succeed according to apiReturn value

of rebound function, or failure reason

hScanner :reader handle

Connection by network:

apiReturn _stdcall Net_ConnectScanner(SOCKET *hSocket,CString

nTargetAddress,UINT nTargetPort,CString nHostAddress,UINT nHostPort);

Function: establish communication connection with reader,and set

communication rate.

Input parameter





Output parameter

hSocket :reader communication handle

Return: If rebound value fo function is ok,then expresses connection is

succeeful,or connection failure.

Note: execute this command to direct at each reader, to get

correspondent reader hSocket Disconnection

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apiReturn DisconnectScanner(HANDLE hScanner);

apiReturn Net_DisconnectScanner();

Function:close connection with reader,release serial port resources

Input parameter

hSacnner: reader communication handle Set baud rate

apiReturn _stdcall SetBaudRate(HANDLE hScanner, int nBaudRate,int


apiReturn Net_SetBaudRate(SOCKET hSocket, int nBaudRate);

Function:set operation baurd rate of RS232port

Input parameter

hSacnner/hSocket: reader communication handle



Reader RS485 net address, RS485 Address=0 expresses no net.

Rebound: If rebound value of function is ok, expresses set successfully, or it

is failure reason. Read version

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apiReturn GetReaderVersion(HANDLE hScanner, WORD *wHardVer, WORD

*wSoftVer,int Address)

apiReturn Net_GetReaderVersion(SOCKET hSocket, WORD *wHardVer,

WORD *wSoftVer,BYTE * IPaddress);

Function: read version numbers of reader hardware and software

Input parameter

hSacnner/hSocket:reader communication handle

RS485Address: Reader RS485 net address, RS485 Address=0expresses no


Output parameter

wHardVer: Hardware verion number in reader

WSoftVer: Software version number in reader

Rebound: if rebound value of function is ok,expresses read successfully,or

read failure Set output power

apiReturn SetOutputPower(HANDLE hScanner, int nPower1,int Address)

apiReturn Net_SetOutputPower(SOCKET hSocket, int nPower,BYTE *


Function:set reader output power

Input parameter

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hSacnner/hSocket: reader communication handle

nPower: output power

RS485Address: Reader RS485 net address, RS485 Address=0expresses

none team net

Rebound: if rebound value of function is ok, expresses read successfully,or

set in failure. Set operation frequency

apiReturn SetFrequency(HANDLE hScanner, int Min_Frequency, int

Max_Frequency,int Address)

apiReturn Net_SetFrequency(SOCKET hSocket, int Min_Frequency, int

Max_Frequency,BYTE * IPaddress);

Function:set operation frequency for present reader.

Input parameter

hSacnner/hSocket:reader coummunication ahndle


Reader origination frequency,values1-63

Max_Frequency: Reader ending frequency, values 1-63.

When Min_Frequency = Max_Frequency, reader works frequently.

RS485Address: Reader RS485 net address, RS485 Address=0expresses

none team net

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Rebound: if rebound value of function is ok,expresses read successfully,or

set in failure. Set reader operation


apiReturn ReadParam(HANDLE hScanner, Reader2200Param * pParam,int


apiReturn Net_ReadParam(SOCKET hSocket, Reader2200Param *


Function:from reader to read operation parameter from last command.

Input parameter

hSacnner/hSocket:reader communication handle

RS485Address: Reader RS485 net address, RS485 Address=0expresses

none team net

Output parameter

pParam: Rebound operation parameter in reader,32byte.

Rebound: if rebound value of function is ok, expresses read successfully, or

set in failure. Set reader operation


apiReturn WriteParam(HANDLE hScanner, Reader2200Param * pParam,int

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apiReturn Net_WriteParam(SOCKET hSocket, Reader2200Param *


Function: set reader operation parameter

Input parameter

hSacnner/hSocket: reader communication handle

pParam: operation parameter in reader,32byte


Reader RS485 net address, RS485 Address=0expresses none team net

Rebound: if rebound value of function is ok, expresses read successfully,or

set in failure. Antenna option

apiReturn SetAntenna(SOCKET hSocket, int Antenna,BYTE * IPaddress);

apiReturn Net_SetAntenna(SOCKET hSocket, int Antenna);

Function: choose to receive and send signal by which antenna.

Input parameter

hSacnner/hSocket: reader handle


Antenna numbers, 1-1antenna, 2-2antenna, 4-3antenna, 8-4antenna

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RS485Address: Reader RS485 net address, RS485 Address=0expresses

none team net

Output parameter

IPaddress: Rebound IP address in reader

Rebound: if rebound value of function is ok, expresses read successfully, or

set in failure. Set relay state in reader

apiReturn SetRelay(HANDLE hScanner, int Relay,int Address)

apiReturn Net_SetRelay(SOCKET hSocket, int Relay);

Function: set relay state of reader

Input parameter

hSacnner/hSocket:reader handle

Relay: Relay: 1byte.Bit0=1 is for close of relay number1, Bit1=0is

disconnection of number 1 relay, Bit1=1 is for close of number 2 relay,

Bit1=0 is for disconnection of relay number 2.Analogy.

RS485Address: Reader RS485 team net address, RS485Address=0

expresses no team net

Rebound: if rebound value of function is ok, expresses read successfully,or

set in failure. Reboot reader

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apiReturn Reboot(HANDLE hScanner,int Address);

apiReturn Net_Reboot(SOCKET hSocket);

Function: replace reader, same to electrify for reader.

Input parameter

hSacnner/hSocket:reader communication handle

S485Address: Reader RS485 team net address, RS485Address=0

expresses no team net

Rebound: if rebound value of function is ok,expresses read successfully,or

set in failure. time set

apiReturn SetReaderTime(HANDLE hScanner, ReaderDate time,int Address)

apiReturn Net_SetReaderTime(SOCKET hSocket, ReaderDate time)

Function: in time of epigyny, set reader time

Input parameter

hSacnner/hSocket:reader communication handle

Time: time of epigyny, 6 byte

RS485Address: Reader RS485 team net address,RS485Address=0

expresses no team net

Rebound: if rebound value of function is ok, expresses read successfully,or

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set in failure. gain time

apiReturn GetReaderTime(HANDLE hScanner, ReaderDate *time,int


apiReturn GetReaderTime(SOCKET hSocket, ReaderDate *time)

Function: read time of reader.

Input parameter

hSacnner/hSocket:reader communication handle

RS485Address: Reader RS485 team net address, RS485Address=0

expresses no team net

Output parameter

Time: time to rebound reader, 6byte

Rebound: if rebound value of function is ok, expresses read successfully, or

set in failure. Append list

apiReturn AddLableID(HANDLE hScanner, int listlen, int datalen, BYTE *


apiReturn AddLableID(SOCKET hSocket, int listlen, int datalen, BYTE *


Function: to append white list in reader

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Input parameter

hSacnner/hSocket:reader communication handle

Listlen: additive list number

Datalen: length of each list

Data: Append list

Rebound: if rebound value of function is ok,expresses read successfully,or

set in failure. delete list

apiReturn DelLableID(HANDLE hScanner, int listlen, int datalen, BYTE *


apiReturn DelLableID(SOCKET hSocket, int listlen, int datalen, BYTE * data)

Function: delete appointed list in reader

Input parameter

hSacnner/hSocket:reader communication handle

Listlen: list

Datalen: length of each list

Data: Appointed list to delete

Rebound: if rebound value of function is ok, expresses read successfully, or

set in failure.

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apiReturn GetLableID(HANDLE hScanner, int startaddr, int listlen, int

*relistlen, int *taglen, BYTE * data)

apiReturn GetLableID(SOCKET hSocket, int startaddr, int listlen, int

*relistlen, int *taglen, BYTE * data)

Function: to read list in reader

Input parameter

hSacnner/hSocket:reader coummunication handle

Startaddr: origination list

Listlen: list numbers to read

Output parameter

Relistlen: actual read list

Taglen: length of each list actual read

Data: Read list

Rebound: if rebound value of function is ok, expresses read successfully, or

set in failure. Gain record

apiReturn GetRecord(HANDLE hScanner, ReaderDate *stime, ReaderDate

*etime, int startaddr, int listlen, int *relistlen, int *taglen, BYTE * data)

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apiReturn GetRecord(SOCKET hSocket, ReaderDate *stime, ReaderDate

*etime, int startaddr, int listlen, int *relistlen, int *taglen, BYTE * data)

Function: read identified tag record in reader

Input parameter

hSacnner/hSocket:reader communication handle

stime:starting time

etime:ending time

startaddr:start record

listlen:records to read

Output parameter

relistlen:record numbers in actual read

taglen:length of each record in actual read

data:read cord

Rebound:if rebound value of function is ok,expresses read successfully,or

set in failure. Delete all records

apiReturn DeleteAllRecord(HANDLE hScanner)

apiReturn DeleteAllRecord(SOCKET hSocket)

Function: delete all recordsin reader

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Input parameter

hSacnner/hSocket:reader communication handle

Rebound:if rebound value of function is ok,expresses read successfully,or

set in failure.

3.2.3 Network command Set IP address for reader

apiReturn SetReaderNetwork(HANDLE hScanner, BYTE IP_Address[4], int

Port, BYTE Mask[4], BYTE Gateway[4]);

apiReturn Net_SetReaderNetwork(SOCKET hSocket, BYTE IP_Address[4],

int Port, BYTE Mask[4], BYTE Gateway[4]);

Function: set network IP address in reader

Input parameter

hSacnner/hSocket:handle in reader communication port

IP_Address[4]:reader IP address

Port: interface number of network in reader


Network IP address mask in reader.

Gateway[4]:Gateway in reader

Rebound: if rebound value of function is ok, expresses read successfully, or

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set in failure. Gain IP address in reader

apiReturn GetReaderNetwork(HANDLE hScanner, BYTE *IP_Address, int

*Port, BYTE *Mask, BYTE *Gateway);

apiReturn Net_GetReaderNetwork(SOCKET hSocket, BYTE *IP_Address, int

*Port, BYTE *Mask, BYTE *Gateway);

Function:to get reader network IP address.

Input parameter

hSacnner/hSocket:handle in communication port of reader

Output parameter

IP_Address[4]:reader IP address

Port: network port number in reader

Mask[4]: mask of network IP address in reader

Gateway[4]: Gateway in reader

Rebound: if rebound value of function is ok, expresses read successfully,or

set in failure. Set reader MAC address

apiReturn SetReaderMAC(HANDLE hScanner, BYTE MAC[6]);

apiReturn Net_SetReaderMAC(SOCKET hSocket, BYTE MAC[6]);

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Function: set network MAC address in reader

Input parameter

hSacnner/hSocket: handle in communication port of reader

MAC[6]: network MAC address in reader

Rebound: if rebound value of function is ok,expresses read successfully,or

set in failure. Get reader MAC address

apiReturn GetReaderMAC(HANDLE hScanner, BYTE *MAC);

apiReturn Net_GetReaderMAC(SOCKET hSocket, BYTE *MAC);

Function:to get network MAC address in reader

Input parameter

hSacnner/hSocket:handle in communication port of reader

Output parameter

MAC: Network MAC address in reader

Rebound: If rebound value of function is ok, it expresses that set

successfully, or it is failure reason.

3.2.4 Read write ISO18000-6B


090909RevA|Page 90 of 108
Stronglink SL141 Development Handbook Identify tag IDnumber

apiReturn ISO6B_ReadLabelID(HANDLE hScanner, BYTE *IDBuffer, int

*nCounter,int Address)

apiReturn Net_ISO6B_ReadLabelID(SOCKET hSocket, BYTE *IDBuffer, int


Function: to read all electronic ID numbers under the range of antenna


Input parameter

hSacnner/hSocket: handle in communication port of reader

Output parameter

nCounter: return tag numbers that ID numbers are read

IDBuffer: Storage of read tag ID numbers

RS485Address: Reader RS485 team net address,RS485Address=0

expresses no team net

Rebound: If rebound value of function is ok, it expresses that set

successfully, or it is failure reason. Identify selected tag ID


apiReturn ISO6B_ListSelectedID(HANDLE hScanner, int Cmd, int ptr, BYTE

Mask, BYTE *Data, BYTE *IDBuffer, int *nCounter,int Address)

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apiReturn Net_ISO6B_ListSelectedID(SOCKET hSocket, int Cmd, int ptr,

BYTE Mask, BYTE *Data, BYTE *IDBuffer, int *nCounter);

Function: to identify ID numbers of optioned electronic tag, under the range

of antenna radiation.

Input parameter

hSacnner/hSocket:handle in communication port of reader

Cmd: Conditions of optioned tag

00 equal
01 unequal
02 Than
03 Less than

Ptr:origination address of tag data,values range0-223.

Mask: Data mask, each bit in the byte is correspondent to a comparable

byte.0 expresses this byte is not for comparison, 1expresses that the byte is

for comparison

Data: comparision data

RS485Address: Reader RS485 team net address, RS485Address=0

expresses no team net

Output parameter

nCounter: return tag numbers of ID read

IDBuffer: Read ID number of tag deposit

Rebound: If rebound value of function is ok,it expresses that set

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successfully,or it is failure reason. Read data block

apiReturn ISO6B_ReadByteBlock(HANDLE hScanner, BYTE *IDBuffer, BYTE

ptr, BYTE len,BYTE *Data,int Address)

apiReturn Net_ISO6B_ReadByteBlock(SOCKET hSocket, BYTE *IDBuffer,

BYTE ptr, BYTE len,BYTE *Data);

Function: read a section data of EMSmeomory on electronic tag

Input parameter

hSacnner/hSocket:handle in communication port of reader

IDBuffer: desired to read ID numbers on tag.

ptr: read origination address of tag memory(0~223 Byte)

Read start address in MES memory bank of tag

len: data block length,how many byte read in once

RS485Address: Reader RS485 team net address,RS485Address=0

expresses no team net

Output parameter rebound read data

Note:nLen must be ≤ 32.(nAddress+nLen) ≤223。

Rebound: If rebound value of function is ok,it expresses that set

successfully,or it is failure reason.

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apiReturn ISO6B_WriteByteBlock(HANDLE hScanner, BYTE *IDBuffer,

BYTE ptr, BYTE len, BYTE *Data,int Address)

apiReturn Net_ISO6B_WriteByteBlock(SOCKET hSocket, BYTE *IDBuffer,

BYTE ptr, BYTE len, BYTE *Data);

Function:to write datd into appointed address unit of tag.

Input parameter

hSacnner/hSocket:handle in communication port of reader

IDBuffer: to wrote tag ID numbers

ptr:write start addres of EMS memory in tag.

len:data block length,how many bytes to wirte once.

Data: to write data

Note:ptr should be integral times of 4 (nAddress+nLen) ≤223。

RS485Address: Reader RS485 team net address, RS485Address=0

expresses no team net

Rebound: If rebound value of function is ok,it expresses that set

successfully,or it is failure reason. Slow write data block

apiReturn ISO6B_WriteAByte (HANDLE hScanner, BYTE *IDBuffer, BYTE

ptr, BYTE len, BYTE *Data,int Address)

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apiReturn Net_ISO6B_WriteAByteBlock(SOCKET hSocket, BYTE *IDBuffer,

BYTE ptr, BYTE len, BYTE *Data);

Function:write data to appointed address in tag by byte and byte.

Input parameter

hSacnner/hSocket:handle in communication port of reader

IDBuffer:to write tag ID numbers

ptr: write start address of tag EMS memory(8-223)

len: data length,write how many bytes in once.

Data: desired to wirte data

note:(nAddress+nLen) ≤223。

RS485Address: Reader RS485 team net address,RS485Address=0

expresses no team net

Rebound:If rebound value of function is ok,it expresses that set

successfully,or it is failure reason.

Note:the command adopts to write data into tag by byte and

byte,slow in rate.just use when tag does not support previous write

instruction. WriteProtect

apiReturn ISO6B_WriteProtect(HANDLE hScanner, BYTE *IDBuffer, BYTE

ptr,int Address)

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apiReturn Net_ISO6B_WriteProtect(SOCKET hSocket, BYTE *IDBuffer,

BYTE ptr);

Function:set write protection of appointed address unit in appointed tag

Input parameter

hSacnner/hSocket:handle in communication port of reader

IDBuffer: to write tag ID numbers

Ptr:to place write protection EMS memory address of tag

RS485Address: Reader RS485 team net address,RS485Address=0

expresses no team net

Rebound: If rebound value of function is ok, it expresses that set

successfully, or it is failure reason. Read-WriteProtect

apiReturn ISO6B_ReadWriteProtect(HANDLE hScanner, BYTE *IDBuffer,

BYTE ptr, BYTE *Protected,int Address)

apiReturn Net_ISO6B_ReadWriteProtect(SOCKET hSocket, BYTE *IDBuffer,

BYTE ptr, BYTE *Protected);

Function: read appointed address unit of appointed tag if write protection

Input parameter

hSacnner/hSocket:handle in communication port of reader

IDBuffer: to write tag ID numbers to read protected EMS memory address

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in tag (0-223)


Reader RS485 team net address, RS485Address=0 expresses no team net

Output parameter

Protected: Protective dtate, 0-no protection, 1-protected

Rebound: If rebound value of function is ok, it expresses that set

successfully, or it is failure reason.

3.2.5 Read-write EPC C1G2 function Identify EPCnumbers of

EPC1G2 tag

apiReturn EPC1G2_ReadLabelID(HANDLE hScanner, BYTE mem, int ptr,

BYTE len, BYTE *mask, BYTE *IDBuffer, int *nCounter,int Address)

apiReturn Net_EPC1G2_ReadLabelID(SOCKET hSocket, BYTE mem, int ptr,

BYTE len, BYTE *mask, BYTE *IDBuffer, int *nCounter);

Function:read all EPC numbers in correspondence with identified electronic

tag under the range of antenna radiation.

Input parameter

hSacnner/hSocket:handle in communication port of reader

mem: choose data area

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0 password area
1 EPC number
2 IDnumber in TID tag
3 User

ptr: start address of mask(Unit:Bit)

len:length of mask(Unit:Bit)

Mask,if len/8 is interger,then length of mask is len/8,if len/8 is not interger,mask

length is len/8+1,final byte data in mask should be in high ,low is 0


Reader RS485 team net address, RS485Address=0 expresses no team net.

Output parameter

IDBuffer: Read EPC code in tag

NCounter: Read numbers of tag

Rebound: If rebound value of function is ok,it expresses that set

successfully,or it is failure reason.

Note: LEN=0expresses all recognizable ID of tag under the range of

antenna radiation. Read a block data

apiReturn EPC1G2_ReadWordBlock(HANDLE hScanner, BYTE EPC_WORD,

BYTE *IDBuffer, BYTE mem, BYTE ptr, BYTE len, BYTE *Data, BYTE

*AccessPassword,int Address)

apiReturn Net_EPC1G2_ReadWordBlock(SOCKET hSocket, BYTE

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EPC_WORD, BYTE *IDBuffer, BYTE mem, BYTE ptr, BYTE len, BYTE *Data,

BYTE *AccessPassword);

Function: read data in EMS memory of electronic tag

Input parameter

hSacnner/hSocket:handle in communication port of reader

EPC_WORD: EPClength L (Unit: word); say 96Bits EPC lengthL=6(words)

IDBuffer: selected tag EPC code

mem: Choose data area:0-password area,1-EPC code,2-TID tag ID


ptr: read start address(Unit :word)

len: length of read(Unit :word)

AccessPassword:4byte AccessPassword


Reader RS485 team net address,RS485Address=0 expresses no team net.

Output parameter

Data: read dta

Rebound:If rebound value of function is ok,it expresses that set

successfully,or it is failure reason.

Note:AccessPasswors works for password only when it is password


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apiReturn EPC1G2_WriteWordBlock(HANDLE hScanner, BYTE EPC_WORD,

BYTE *IDBuffer, BYTE mem, BYTE ptr, BYTE len, BYTE *Data, BYTE

*AccessPassword,int Address)

apiReturn Net_EPC1G2_WriteWordBlock(SOCKET hSocket, BYTE

EPC_WORD, BYTE *IDBuffer, BYTE mem, BYTE ptr, BYTE len, BYTE *Data,

BYTE *AccessPassword);

Function: write data to appointed address unit in tag

Input parameter

hSacnner/hSocket: handle in communication port of reader

EPC_WORD: EPC lengthL(UNIT:word),say96Bits EPC lengthL=6(Words)

IDBuffer: EPC code of optioned tag

mem: choose for data area

0 password area
2 IDnumbers in
TID tag
3 User

ptr:to write start address(unite:WORD)

len:to write length(unite:WORD)

Data: to write data

AccessPassword:4byte AccessPassword

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Reader RS485 team net address, RS485Address=0 expresses no team net.

Rebound: If rebound value of function is ok, it expresses that set

successfully, or it is failure reason.

Note: AccessPassword works only when data area is in password

locked.writes none password when data is unlocked.Password is

useless when data is permanently locked Set read-write protection


apiReturn EPC1G2_SetLock(HANDLE hScanner, BYTE EPC_WORD, BYTE

*IDBuffer, BYTE mem, BYTE Lock, BYTE *AccessPassword,int Address)

apiReturn Net_EPC1G2_SetLock(SOCKET hSocket, BYTE EPC_WORD, BYTE

*IDBuffer, BYTE mem, BYTE Lock, BYTE *AccessPassword);

Function:set appointed data area in tag to be write protection.

Input parameter

hSacnner/hSocket:handle in communication port of reader


EPC lengthL(Unit:Word),say96Bits EPC length L=6(Words)

IDBuffer: selected EPC number of tag

mem:choose for data area

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0 Kill Password
1 Access Password
2 EPCnumber
3 ID number in TID tag
4 User

Lock: Control word lock

0 can write
1 can write permanently
2 Write with password
3 can not write permanently
4 can read write
5 can read write permanently
6 read write with password
7 can not read write permanently

Note: 0-3is only for PEC,TID and user area,4-7 is only for kill password and

access password.

AccessPassword: 4byte AccessPassword

RS485Add Reader RS485 network building address,RS485Address=0

expresses no network building .

Rebound:If rebound value of function is ok,it expresses that set

successfully,or it is failure reason. Write EPC number

apiReturn EPC1G2_WriteEPC(HANDLE hScanner, BYTE len, BYTE *Data,

BYTE *AccessPassword,int Address)

apiReturn Net_EPC1G2_WriteEPC(SOCKET hSocket,BYTE len, BYTE *Data,

BYTE *AccessPassword);

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Function:to write EPC data into tag EPC unite

Input parameter

hSacnner/hSocket: handle in communication port of reader

len: EPClength L(Unite:word),say96Bits EPC length L=6(Words)

Data: to write EPC data

AccessPassword:4byte AccessPassword


RS485Add Reader RS485 network building address,RS485Address=0

expresses no network building .

Rebound:If rebound value of function is ok,it expresses that set

successfully,or it is failure reason.

Note: AccessPassword works only when data area is in password

locked.writes none password when data is unlocked.Password is

useless when data is permanently locked EAS state operation


apiReturn EPC1G2_ChangeEas(HANDLE hScanner, BYTE EPC_WORD,

BYTE *IDBuffer, BYTE State, BYTE *AccessPassword,int Address)

apiReturn Net_EPC1G2_ChangeEas(SOCKET hSocket, BYTE EPC_WORD,

BYTE *IDBuffer, BYTE State, BYTE *AccessPassword);

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Function: to replace for Eas state of tag,is for Philips and UCODE EPC G2 tag


Input parameter

hSacnner/hSocket:handle in communication port of reader

EPC_WORD: EPC length L(Unit:word),say96Bits EPC length L=6(Words)

IDBuffer:optioned EPC code of tag

State:Alert state

0 Not alert
1 alert

AccessPassword: 4byte AccessPassword,whatever accesspassword of tag is

0 or not,have to fill


RS485Add Reader RS485 network building address,RS485Address=0

expresses no network building .

Rebound: If rebound value of function is ok, it expresses that set

successfully,or it is failure reason. EAS alert command

apiReturn EPC1G2_EasAlarm(HANDLE hScanner,int Address)

apiReturn Net_EPC1G2_EasAlarm(SOCKET hSocket);

Function: tag of EAS replace responses this alarm test for

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UCODE EPC G2 tag of Philips.

Input parameter

hSacnner/hSocket: handle in communication port of reader


RS485Add Reader RS485 network building address,RS485Address=0

expresses no network building .

Return: if rebound value of function is ok, then tag alerts,or no alert. Set read


apiReturn _stdcall EPC1G2_ReadProtect(HANDLE hScanner,BYTE

*AccessPassword, BYTE EPC_WORD, BYTE *IDBuffer,int Address)

apiReturn Net_EPC1G2_ReadProtect(SOCKET hSocket,BYTE

*AccessPassword, BYTE EPC_WORD, BYTE *IDBuffer)

Function:to do read protection for appointed tag,tag can not read actual

EPC content after success.Works for UCODE G2XM tag of Philips

Input parameter

hSacnner/hSocket:handle in communication port of reader

AccessPassword: tag accesspassword

EPC_WORD: introduces word numbers of EPC code

IDBuffer:EPC号, introduces to write data for which tag

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RS485Add Reader RS485 network building address, RS485Address=0

expresses no network building.

Rebound: If rebound value of function is ok,it expresses that set

successfully,or it is failure reason. Release read protection


apiReturn EPC1G2_RStreadProtect(HANDLE hScanner, BYTE

*AccessPassword,int Address)

apiReturn Net_EPC1G2_RStreadProtect(SOCKET hSocket, BYTE


Function:to release read protection for appointed tag,tag can read EPC

content after success.Note:only one tag in the filed.and only works for

UCODE G2XM tag of Philips.

Input parameter

hSacnner/hSocket:handle in communication port of reader

AccessPassword: tag access password


RS485Add Reader RS485 network building address,RS485Address=0

expresses no network building .

Return:If rebound value of function is ok,it means release successfully,or it

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is failure reason.

3.2.6 Read-write

ISO18000-6Dfunction Identify tag ID number

apiReturn ISO18000-6D_ReadLabelID(HANDLE hScanner, BYTE *IDBuffer,

int *nCounter,int Address)

apiReturn Net_EM4442_ReadLabelID(SOCKET hSocket, BYTE *IDBuffer, int


Function:identify all ID numbers of electronic tag under the range of

antenna radiation

Input parameter

hSacnner/hSocket: handle in communication port of reader

nMax: Reserve the parameter


RS485Add Reader RS485 network building address,RS485Address=0

expresses no network building .

Output parameter

nCounterreturn to ID number of tag that read in actual

IDBuffer: to reserve ID numbers of read tag

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Return:If rebound value of function is ok,it means identified

successfully,return ID number of tag,or it is failure reason.

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