MP Challenges 16 Nov 10

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Monetary Policy: Challenges, Recent Reforms

and Planned Reform Agenda

Shahid Hafiz Kardar

State Bank of Pakistan

Pakistan Development Forum

November 15, 2010

Monetary Policy Framework in Pakistan

 Objective(s) of SBP’s monetary policy is to strike a

delicate balance on inflation containment and
maintaining/supporting economic growth.
 Change in the monetary policy stance is communicated
through adjustment in the policy rate – the overnight
rate at which SBP provides collateralized cash to bank(s).
If required, changes in the Cash Reserve Requirement
(CRR) and Statutory Liquidity Requirement (SLR) are also

Inherited Macroeconomics Imbalances

 Government inherited large macroeconomic imbalances

owing to expansionary monetary and fiscal policies,
with them having spillover effects on the current
account but without adjustment of the exchange rate
because of large capital inflows.
FY 05 FY 06 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10

Inflation % 9.0 8.0 8.0 12 21 12

Overall Fiscal Deficit % age of
GDP 3.3 4.3 4.4 7.6 5.3 6.3
Current Account Deficit % of
GDP 1.5 4.4 5.1 8.5 5.7 1.7

Money Supply (%) 19.1 15.1 19.3 15.3 * 9.6 * 12.5

Pvt./FDI/Portfolio (US$ billion) 2.0 4.5 8.4 5.4 2.6 2.1

* - Low money growth in FY08 and FY09 was due to depletion of reserves.
Recent experiences with monetary management: Inflation

 After a sustained reduction, from 20.8 percent in FY09 to 11.7

percent in FY10, inflation has started to increase again in FY11,
September & October in excess of 15.4% YoY.
 Most of this inflation is being contributed by food, fuel and
transportation groups after floods.
 The resurgence in inflation is attributable to a number of factors.
 Reform measures (to dismantle past distortion/suppression of
energy and oil prices) whose impact is being felt in the short-term.
o Reduction in energy related subsidies.
o Automatic pass through of increase in international prices of oil
in electricity tariffs.

Recent experiences with monetary management: Inflation
Average Consumer Price Inflation
Jun-09 Jun-10
12-month average YoY

Overall 20.8 11.7 13.1 15.3

Food, Beverages and Tobacco 23.7 12.5 15.1 20.1
Apparel Textile & Footwear 14.2 6.3 7.8 10.8
House Rent 17.1 13.8 10.8 7.1
Fuel and Lighting 25.5 14.1 16.7 21.1
Household Furniture and Equipment 13.1 6.4 6.8 9.4
Transport & Communication 23.8 6.0 13.8 18.5
Recreation and Entertainment 11.3 5.9 9.8 14.5
Education 17.3 12.4 9.9 6.3
Cleaning, Laundry & Personal Appearance 18.0 10.6 10.2 10.5
Medicare 11.4 6.6 8.5 10.5
Core inflation
Non-Food Non-energy 17.6 11.0 10.1 9.3
Trimmed Mean 19.2 11.6 11.9 12.8
Source: Federal Bureau of Statistics

Recent experiences with monetary management: Inflation
Administered Prices (Rs.)
% change during
Item Unit Jun-09 Jun-10 Oct-10 July,1-
FY 09 FY 10
Oct,30, 2010
Electricity Charges
Upto 50 Units Unit 1.4 1.7 1.8 0.0 18.6 10.0
From 01-100 Units Unit 3.3 3.9 4.3 6.8 18.8 9.6
From 101-300 Units Unit 5.0 5.9 6.5 21.6 18.8 9.8
From 301-1000 Units Unit 8.0 9.5 10.4 22.9 18.4 9.7
Above 1001 Units Unit 10.0 11.9 13.0 28.2 18.7 9.8
Kerosene oil Liter 69.0 76.2 81.8 -4.1 10.5 7.3
Petrol Super Liter 62.8 68.7 73.8 -17.4 9.5 7.4
High Speed Diesel Liter 63.2 72.3 79.1 14.1 14.5 9.3
Gas Charges
Up to 3.3719 mmbtu 100.0 115.4 116.2 -0.6 15.4 0.6
From 3.3719 - 6.7438 mmbtu 182.0 210.1 211.4 -0.6 15.4 0.6
From 6.7438 - 10.1157 mmbtu 385.3 444.8 447.7 31.5 15.4 0.6
From 10.1157 - 13.4876 mmbtu 501.2 578.6 582.4 31.5 15.4 0.6
Source: Federal Bureau of Statistics

Recent experiences with monetary management: Inflation
Multiple Shocks/Factors
 External-Increase in international commodity prices such as those of edible oil,
wheat, rice, corn, etc.
 Domestic
Food inflation (Prices of perishables increased by 48 percent during Aug-Sep,10 and
have declined by only 6.7 percentage points in October) after floods (supply chain
o Crop Losses
o Damage to communication infrastructure
o Increase in transportation costs.
o Hoarding and cartelization
 Impact of expansionary fiscal operations to finance relief expenditures.
 Government borrowings from SBP (Rs 184 billion since 1st July) owing to security &
flood related expenditures and delayed receipt of external assistance and re-
 To contain inflationary pressures SBP has raised the policy rate twice since the
beginning of FY11 (in July and September 2010), by 50 bps each. 7
Recent experiences with monetary management: Inflation
International commodity prices
% Change during
Item Unit Jun-09 Jun-10 5-Nov-10 Jul 1- Nov
FY09 FY10
5, FY11
Arab Light Spot USD/barrel 71 76 88 -47.6 6.8 15.1
Furnace Oil CA cents/Liter 60 60 65 - -0.2 9.8
Aluminum USD/Metric ton 1,586 1,929 2,171 -46.5 21.6 12.5
Copper USD/Metric ton 5,013 6,502 7,730 -39.5 29.7 18.9
Tin USD/Metric ton 15,009 17,258 22,694 -32.2 15.0 31.5
Cotton Index 61 92 105 -20.3 49.3 14.2
Sugar US Cent/Pound 17 15 23 37.4 -6.9 46.9
Rice USD/Metric ton 549 460 518 -34.3 -16.2 12.6
Wheat USD/Metric ton 253 158 272 -27.3 -37.8 72.4
Palm oil USD/Metric ton 691 765 880 -37.0 10.7 15.1
Urea USD/Metric ton 237 229 329 -62.2 -3.4 43.6
DAP USD/Metric ton 278 448 575 -76.4 61.3 28.3
Source: Bloomberg

Pressure on the External Account

 In FY10 the external current account deficit (CAD) had improved following some
reduction in international commodity prices relative to their FY08 levels and
demand management policies, including a tight monetary policy.
 But CAD expected to widen during FY11 with import growth projected to accelerate
with increase in exports expected to remain soft in view of weak growth prospects
 Unprecedented international capital inflows, especially FDI and portfolio
investments, which had been the major sources of financing the CAD in previous
years (and which allowed overspending ) have declined sharply.
Current Account and Trade Deficit Financial Inflows (billion USD)

Current Account Deficit Trade Deficit FDI FPI Foreign long-term loans/credits (net)

0 12

-2 10
billion US$

6 1.9
-6 1.2 0.0
4 1.0
-8 2.0
0.1 5.1 5.4
2 3.5
-10 0.3 0.6 3.7 2.2 0.2 0.1
0 0.9 1.5 -0.1
-12 -1.6 -1.1 0.4
FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11
FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 (Jul-Sep)

Recent Policy, Administrative and Procedural reforms in monetary
 Removal of SBP support for oil payments.
 Increased flexibility in exchange rate movement- with minimal SBP
 Separation of liquidity and debt management.
- Transfer of decision on amount to be raised in T-bill auctions and the
cut-off rate to the MoF has removed ambiguities, enhancing the role of
SBP’s policy rate as the sole instrument for signaling monetary policy
- Advance announcement of a T-bill auction calendar by the Ministry of
Finance (MoF). This has reduced uncertainty and improved liquidity
forecasting and management.
 Introduction of corridor framework for overnight money market rate.
- Has helped in containing excessive volatility in overnight money market
rate, strengthening transmission of monetary policy signals.

Recent Policy and Administrative Monetary Policy
 Establishment of a Monetary Policy Committee (MPC).
- A 9 member MPC chaired by Governor SBP with two external academic
- Minutes of MPC meetings along with votes of members (without names)
on monetary policy decisions posted on SBP’s website, increasing
transparency of monetary policy formulation process and SBP’s credibility.
 Frequency of Monetary Policy reviews and decisions has been increased.
- Instead of twice a year SBP now announces its monetary policy decisions
six times a year.
- This has reduced uncertainty and increased SBP’s ability to influence
market expectations and respond to changing economic conditions in a
timely manner.

Challenges to effective Monetary Management and
 Government Borrowing -Challenges
- Financing mix of fiscal deficit heavily tilted towards borrowings from banks. Apart from
causing inflation, unrestricted access of GoP to borrowing from SBP complicates liquidity
management, dilutes the impact of the monetary policy stance, puts pressure on the
exchange rate and hurts the private sector by affecting availability and cost of credit.
Net credit to government grew by 63% in FY08, 35% in FY09, 20% in FY10 and 36% so far
this year.
- Total Government borrowings-Rs. 2.6 trln-50% of NDA of banking system (56% if PSEs
included-PSE borrowings of Rs. 325 billion more like a quasi fiscal deficit)- are at high and
at rising rates of interest because of borrowing of Rs 390 billion for trade in commodities
like wheat, sugar, rice, fertilizer etc.
Reforms Undertaken
 MoF has piloted an amended SBP Act through the National Assembly. It Limits
government borrowing from SBP to only 10% of previous year’s revenues (and that too
for just 3 months) and links it to FRDL. Government also bound to gradually reduce its
current stock of borrowing from SBP (Rs 1355 billion or 65% of revenue) in next 5 years.

- Enhances autonomy of SBP

Challenges to effective Monetary Management and
 Provincial government borrowings now being restricted to their
Ways and Means Limits.

 Public sector commodity operations being phased out

 Monetary policy transmission mechanism
- Different components of credit affected by interest rate changes
with different intensities. Understanding of other channels
through which monetary policy influences economic behavior
needs improvement.
- Despite weaknesses, monetary policy remains effective in
controlling inflation (as the graph on next slide shows), reflected
also in the decline of core inflation.
Discount rate
Inflation (YoY)

Policy Rate vs. Inflation in Pakistan

Challenges to effective monetary management and Reforms
 Large banking spreads and credit concentration
- Large spreads between interest rates on deposits and interest rates on loans
(700 basis points) partly due to limited saving avenues and heavy reliance of
borrowers (government, private and public sector) on banks to finance their
needs. The weighted average return on deposits are low because most of the
deposits are in zero return current accounts (26%) and 5% minimum-return
saving account s (38%).
- Presence of large informal sector also contributing to transmission weaknesses.
Planned Reforms
o Widening access to government paper.
o Creating greater awareness on high-return term deposits.
o Development of a market for corporate debt.
o Phasing out role of institutional investors in National Saving Schemes.
Challenges to effective monetary management and Reforms
 Documentation of economy through introduction of RGST and mandatory e-filing of tax
returns expected to help reduce impact of such weaknesses.
 Subsidized credit facilities
- Facilities like Export Finance Scheme (EFS) and Long-term Financing Facility (LTFF),
complicate monetary management (their effect similar to printing money) and promote
economic inefficiency.
- Efforts of banks to mobilize deposits and raise returns constrained by easy availability
of re-finance from SBP.
- These schemes also dilute the clarity of the main objectives of SBP, which are price
and financial stability.
Reforms Undertakes
- Removal of distortions by narrowing the difference of interest rates on subsidized
schemes with the market interest rates and making them more focused to achieve
objectives for which created.

Challenges to effective Monetary Management and Planned
Areas of Reform
 Several in-house studies in progress to limit inflationary impact of refinancing
by enhancing focus on development finance and improve functioning of credit
markets e.g.

a) reforming EFS to consider focus on SME and non-traditional exports

b) developing incentive packages for agriculture, Micro finance and SME

by experimenting in flood affected areas

 Tackling above will also help improve process of financial intermediation ,

which will gradually narrow banking spreads.

Challenges to effective Monetary Management and Planned Areas
of Reform
 Coordination between Monetary and Fiscal policies.
- Increased coordination between monetary and fiscal policies required
to achieve mutual and desirable macroeconomic goals through sharing of
data and information and regular interaction at the technical and policy
level to ensure consistency between monetary and fiscal policies.
- Data on key macroeconomic variables, such as real GDP, not available
with appropriate frequency. Lack of information resulting in second
guessing on what is happening, constraining SBP’s ability to accurately
gauge aggregate demand pressures. Such uncertainty raises risk premium
of private sector.
- Better coordination of monetary and fiscal policy now possible
because of same mindset and excellent relations between the leaderships
at the MoF, Planning Commission (PC) and SBP – a weakness until now

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