Soal US Utama 2020
Soal US Utama 2020
Soal US Utama 2020
Petunjuk :
1. Tulislah Idenditas/Nama dan perintah lainnya pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia.
2. Soal terdiri dari 40 pilihan ganda dan 5 essay.
3. Berilah tanda silang (X) pada jawaban yang benar. A, B, C, D, atau E.
4. Kerjakanlah dengan cermat dan teliti dalam menjawab setiap perintah pada soal.
Raja Ampat or 'Four Kings', is the name given to some islands in West Papua and comes from a
local myth. The four major islands are Waigeo, Misool (which is home to ancient rock painting),
Salawati, and Batanta. Raja Ampat is located in the bird head of the island of Papua. Underwater
enthusiasts flock to this region because it offers the world's best marine sight. In the Raja Ampat
islands, divers can explore vertical underwater walls. The thrill of drift diving is another great
The territory within the islands of the Four Kings is enormous, covering 9.8 million acres of land
and sea, home to 540 types of corals, more than 1,000 types of coral fish and 700 types of
mollusks. This makes it the most diverse living library for world's coral reef and underwater biota.
According to a report developed by The Nature Conservancy and Conservation International,
around 75% of the world's species live here.
When divers first arrive here their excitement is palpable. It's common to hear people praise God
as they take in the remarkable scenery. Others prefer to remain in silence taking in the
overwhelming sight of so many islands with crystal clear water that softly brushes over the white
sandy beaches
Albert Einstein was born in 1879 in Germany. He graduated from the University
of Zurich in Switzerland in 1905. In 1905 he also did some of his famous work in
Physics. In 1919 he won the Noble Prize for Physics. Between 1919 and 1933 he lived in
Germany and traveled a lot to talk to other scientists. Then, in 1933 he had to leave
Germany because of Hitler and the Nazy Party. He moved to United States from 1933
until his death. He lived in Princetown, New Jersey. He died on 18th April 1955.
Class of 09, you are invited to celebrate the graduation of Katherine Sabrina Kalden from
Santa Clara University.
Time : Saturday, the thirtieth of may two thousand and ten
Venue : Wet Pine street Santa Clara, California
RSV to Monica at 650.555.7342 by may 19TH
Physics examination can not be done on Tuesday because all the question sheets had been flooded.
The school decides to delay the examination and it will be held on Monday next week. All the
students who will take the exam are required to bring a ruler with a lengthof 30cm.
I know you will all be pleased to learn that the new photocopy machine has
finally arrived. The new machine has more features and performs more functions than
the old one. While this will make things more convenient for us in the long run, it can
make it more complicated to learn how to operate the machine initially. In addition, we
all want to avoid the problem of constant breakdowns that we had with the old machine.
Therefore, if you have any problems with the machine, please ask my assistant, Ms. Ono,
to help you. Similarly, please do not attempt to remove paper jams, add toner, or refill
the paper bin until Ms. Ono has shown you how to do this. Ms. Ono has received training
from the manufacturer of the machine and is fully knowledgeable about how to run it and
how to troubleshoot it. Thank you for your cooperation and enjoy the new machine
21. What should the staff members do if they have difficulties with the machine?
A. Ask the office manager for assistance.
B. Call the manufacturer.
C. Read the training manual.
D. Speak to Ms. Ono.
E. Call the Manager
22. “... is fully knowledgeable about how ...” (2nd last sentence of the paragraph)
The underlined word is closest meaning to ....
A. Complicated
B. Interested
C. Interested
D. Pleased
E. Competent
The following text is for questions number : 23 to 25.
Don’t let all the cautions listed here turn you off the idea of checking your vehicle’s
battery. It is easy to check your battery. Just locate it and follow these steps :
1. Clean off powdery deposits on the positive and negative terminals.
The deposits that form in lovely colors on the top of your terminals are made by battery
acid. Before you clean it, remove the cables (negative first) from both terminals by
undoing the nut on each cable clamp and wiggling the cable until the clamp comes off
the terminal post.
2. Dry everything with a clean, disposable, lint-free rag. Try to avoid getting the powdery
stuff on your hands or clothes. If you do, wash it off with water right away.
3. Reconnect the terminals to the battery, replacing the positive cable first and the
negative cable last.
4. Examine the battery cables and clamps to see whether they are frayed or corroded.
Check the battery case and the terminals.
24. What will you do if powdery stuff from a battery stains your hands?
A. Dry your hands.
B. Replace the battery.
C. Disconnect the battery.
D. Wash it off with water.
E. Clean it with soap
27. According to the text, why Thomas never pulled the writer’s hair again ?
A. The teacher was angry with the writer
B. He was afraid of the writer
C. The writer was bigger than he was
D. He moved to another school
E. He afraid to his mother
28. “One day I hit him on the head with ……” (Paragraph 2).
The underlined word means ……
A. Struck
B. Offended
C. Bumped
D. Attacked
E. Drop
32. “They may make presentations and organize group events for healthcare professionals,”
The underlined word is best replaced with....
A. Occasions
B. Reunions
C. Experiences
D. Elebrations
E. News
This text for questions number : 33 to 35
Aunty , I have some good news for you. Last Month I passed my final
examination. A week ago I succeeded to join in a senior high school English
competition. Last night my parents promised to send me to a famous English course in
my town. They also promised me if my scores in English are good. They’ll send me to a
foreign Unversity. Great, isn’t it ? I will work hard. I want to be a great pediatrician like
you, Aunty.
Well, that’s all for now. Looking forward to having your news.
Emil : Hello, Rose medical Center. This is Emil, how may I help you?
Mariam : Hello, I’d like to make an appointment for my annual check- up. My name‘s
Mariam Smith. Wednesdays are good for me.
Email : Okay, Let me check the schedule. Would you please hold the line?
38. Vey : I need to visit my sister in Medan, She’s very sick, but I can’t get a flight.
Lidya : … He might be able to help you. He has a travel bureau.
A. Could you call the nearest travel bureau?
B. Why don’t you visit her on Monday?
C. Would you like to travel by car?
D. Why don’t you ask Felipe?
E. Do you need my sister?
The following text is for question numbers: 39 and 40
I am writing to express my interest in the Retail Management Trainee position you listed
recently on the MOC Job Network. I have reviewed Enterprise Rent-a-Car’s web page and
I am very impressed with your company’s commitment to excellent customer service and
your employee development training program. I will be graduating from Mount Olive
College in August and I am actively seeking a retail management position.
Jenifer Lee
Enclosure: Resume