Going To Halloween Dialogue

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Going to Halloween !

Patrick: Wow! Today is October 30th! Halloween is tomorrow already! Have you
decided what you will be dressing up for Halloween yet, Sara?

Sara: I’m not sure what I want to be yet. I want to be either a butterfly or a
pumpkin. But why do we dress up for Halloween?

Patrick: Halloween is a festival for children, and costumes make it more special. I
think we have much more fun going from house to house asking for candies (trick-or-
treating) after sunset dressed in our favourite costumes.

Sara: Yes, I remember having a lot of fun last year when mom took me around in a
bunny outfit. Do you know what you want to be yet, Patrick?

Patrick: I want to be Batman! I like wearing the cape and the mask. I think you
should be a butterfly. You are so much shorter than me, and dressed in a pumpkin
costume, someone might think you really are one and try to make a pie out of you.

Sara: How could anyone mistake me for a real pumpkin? Real pumpkins do not
have a head or arms or legs. But I suppose I will be a butterfly anyway. I can have
pretty wings.

Patrick: Great! So you will be a butterfly and I will be Batman. Let’s go ask Mom if
we can go trick-or-treating tomorrow night by ourselves. Although you are still
young, I think I am old enough to watch over the both of us.

Sara: OK, let’s go ask mom!

Patrick: MOM! Can Sara and I go trick-or-treating by ourselves tomorrow? I can

watch over Sara and make sure she stays out of trouble.

Sara: Yes, Mom. If we go by ourselves, then you can stay home and relax. You will
not have to get cold waiting for us.

Mom: Thank you for offering, Patrick. However, I will be worried and I will not be
able to relax if you and your brother go by yourselves while I stay home. Let me ask
Christine or Ian if one of them can go with both of you. Then I can stay home and
relax. Christine! Ian!

Christine & Ian: What, Mom? You called us?

Mom: Do you have any free time tomorrow night? Can one of you take Patrick and
Sara around the neighbourhood so that they can trick-or-treat on Halloween?

Christine: I can take them, Mom. I do not have any plans tomorrow.

Ian: Mom, I heard you wanted to go watch a movie tomorrow night with Dad. If you
want, I can stay at home and give out candies to any trick-or-treaters who come by
while Christine takes Patrick and Sara trick-or-treating.
Christine: Then you and Dad can have a little fun on Halloween too.

Sara: So Mom and Dad can relax!

Mom: Sounds like a plan, kids. Thanks a lot!

Patrick: Well, I think I am old enough to take Sara around by myself, but maybe we
can get more candy if Christine comes. Hey Christine, how about you trick-or-treat
with us, and give us your candy afterwards?

Christine: No way, Patrick. I will eat every Hershey’s, Reese’s, Snickers, and Twix
I get. You can have my Jolly Ranchers though.

Ian: Well, it seems as though everything is settled and everyone will have some
Halloween fun. I think I am going to have the most fun of all though. I get to eat all
the candies that I do not give away, and I do not even have to trick-or-treat for it!
Conversation 1

Patrick: What do you guys in England do at Halloween?

Andrew: We do not do much. It’s not a big holiday like in America.
Jane: I normally watch scary films with my friends.
Andrew: What would you do?
Patrick: We would all decorate our houses and try to make them look scary.
Jane: I think that is a fun thing to do. All the decorations with the cobwebs are very nice.
Patrick: Children would go trick-or-treating and get given lots of candy.
Andrew: I like the idea of being given sweets.
Patrick: Many adults would have parties with their friends or family.
Andrew: What was your favorite part when you were at home in America?
Patrick: I liked it when all the kids came to the house dressed as small monsters. They
looked so cute.
Jane: Do you want to help us have a proper Halloween party?
Patrick: Yes that would be great fun.

Conversation 2

Jane: Hi there. Do you want to come to a Halloween party?

Lucy: Yes sure, that would be great.
Jane: Great. It’s a costume party. You’ll need to find a scary disguise to wear.
Bob: It should be a fun party, but why are we having it?
Jane: It’s to make Patrick, the American exchange student, feel at home.
Tui: Why would having a party make him feel at home?
Bob: Halloween is a holiday that is celebrated a lot in America but not as much in the UK.
Tui: Ok. So you wouldn’t normally celebrate Hallow een?
Jane: Not the same as in America. I would normally just watch scary films with my friends.
Lucy: In America nearly all the houses have frightening decorations and that is not done
much in the UK.
Bob: They also carve scary faces into pumpkins and put candles inside so it glows.
Tui: It should be a fun party if we can do all that. I’m looking forward to it.
Jane: Great I’m glad you can all come.

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