Modeling Cellular Signaling Systems: An Abstraction-Refinement Approach
Modeling Cellular Signaling Systems: An Abstraction-Refinement Approach
Modeling Cellular Signaling Systems: An Abstraction-Refinement Approach
Abstraction-Refinement Approach
1 Introduction
2 Diana Hermith, Carlos Olarte, Camilo Rueda, and Frank D. Valencia
ligands, these translate the environmental cues into specific intracellular signaling
reactions to achieve an appropriate response [1].
Formal computational methods can be useful in this setting to develop reason-
ing skills and to establish conceptual frameworks to handily represent biological
behavior. This contributes not only to theoretical biology, but also to experimental
biologists by offering a fertile substrate to think and redesign experiments.
This paper strives to contribute in the modeling of biological phenomena by using
a compositional and scalable representation of them. For this end, we shall use a
probabilistic temporal concurrent constraint language that allows for the modeling
of reactive systems where: 1) the environment reacts continuously with the system;
2) the system evolves in discrete time units; 3) there is no a complete description of
the some components (partial information); and 4) the components react accordingly
to stochastic laws. Our approach allows for building abstract models of the system
that are incrementally refined by adding new information. Furthermore, the model
can be directly executed in a simulation tool. This is a salient feature for biologists
since they can observe the reaction of the system when parameters are adjusted.
We shall apply this method to model Guanine proteins (G-proteins) and Gua-
nine nucleotide-binding protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). These components are
a crucial family of signal transduction molecules that govern a variety of physiolog-
ical functions. They have been (and continue to be) a major exploitable drug target
giving rise to a plethora of clinically relevant molecules. Compositional and extensi-
ble modeling tools as the one proposed here may help to understand the fundamental
properties of these systems, thus contributing to the future of drug discovery.
CCP features also constructs for declaring local variables as in (local x) P and for
executing processes in parallel as in P k Q. Furthermore, temporal and probabilistic
extensions of CCP have been proposed to deal with the notion of discrete time [8]
and probabilistic behavior [4]. For instance, it is possible to delay one time unit the
execution of P as in next P and to choose with a probability ρ (resp. 1 − ρ) the
execution of P (resp. Q) with the construct P +ρ Q.
In this section we describe the modeling methodology and some findings in the use
of it to model signaling systems of G-proteins and GPCRs. We tame the complexity
of the modeling task through different abstraction levels. This allows us to focus on
particular principles that helps to understand the behavior of the system.
The most simple picture of the system is the cell-surface receptor, the ligand, the
G-proteins components, and other supporting molecules interacting in three envi-
ronmental domains (Figure 1a). The extracellular domain (ED) is the model of the
signaling of G Protein. The transmembrane domain (TD) is the model of signal-
ing of the GPCRs including G Protein activation and receptor desensitization. The
intracellular domain (ID) is the model for the cycle of the heterotrimeric G Protein.
Each environmental domain is modeled by a set of stoichiometric equations of
the form a1 X1 + Xn 99K b1Y1 ... + bmYm where X1 ...Xn are reactants that inter-
act (and are consumed) yielding to the products Y1 ...Ym . Each type of molecule is
represented as a variable (e.g., Xi ) and equations as CCP processes of the form:
eq-proc = when X1 ≥ a1 ∧ ... ∧ Xn ≥ an do next (t) tell(Y1 = Y10 + b1 ∧ ... ∧Ym = Ym0 + bm )
k next tell(X1 = X10 − a1 ∧ ... ∧ Xn = Xn0 − an )
4 Diana Hermith, Carlos Olarte, Camilo Rueda, and Frank D. Valencia
Roughly, when the reactants are available, they are consumed and the right hand
components are produced t time units later. The parameter t allows us to model sys-
tems where the speed of reactions may vary (see [2] for the complete CCP model).
The set of equations leads to a simple description of the system by means of
stoichiometric analysis. We consider equations to describe binding, dissociation,
complex formation, and transfer of molecule groups [3, 5, 7, 10]. Besides, when
rates for a reaction to occur are known, they can be added to the model by choosing
probabilistically (+ρ ) the reaction to be applied.
The novelty of the modeling design is the subdivision of the macroscopic view
of the signaling system by partial descriptions conditioned on a minimal set of sup-
positions (constraints) widely applicable as possible. This abstraction-refinement
approach is certainly more difficult to achieve if we one uses models based on ordi-
nary differential equations that contain a large number of parameters.
Ongoing Work. Our model focuses on the characteristic qualitative patterns (sup-
ported by quantitative information) of the time evolution of the key components. If
the molecules concentrations and rate constants were available (fully experimental
sources), the model parameters could be re-estimated in an easy and modular way to
fit experimental data, thus obtaining a predictive model. Here CCP may be helpful
since each sub-system can be altered locally without modifying other components.
We are currently working on models of the control system of intracellular
metabolic processes for the signal transduction pathway of glycogen breakdown,
towards find some principles of the G-Protein cycle activation in a complete con-
Modeling Cellular Signaling Systems: An Abstraction-Refinement Approach 5