First Grade 12.10 News

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Happy Holidays


December 10, 2010

In Unit 2, our four main areas of focus
I am so proud of our Writers! They
To explore various uses of numbers,
To introduce the analog clock, have begun to confidently choose
To practice finding the values of their own topics and complete several
various combinations of pennies and pages with great enthusiasm. At this
nickels, and stage in their writing I stress the
To introduce number models for importance of making sure all
change-to-more and change-to-less
sentences are related, unfamiliar
words are sounded out phonetically
The class had a lot of fun shopping in the and proper capitalization and
classroom store and working with a punctuation are used. Before
calculator. Thanksgiving, our Writers were
given the task of telling their readers
In Unit 3, our four main areas of focus
how to prepare a turkey for dinner in
To explore numeric, visual and only 4 steps. Their work is displayed
concrete patterns, in the classroom and it is priceless!
To introduce addition and Social Studies
subtraction on the number line, We used our discussions on Peace as a springboard to
To introduce the Frames-and-Arrows the events that led up to the first Thanksgiving at
Routine, and Plimoth Plantation, Massachusetts. Through reading a
To find the values of collections of series of books and letters, we experienced how a young
dimes, nickels and pennies. pilgrim girl and apprentice sailor journeyed on the
Mayflower. We felt the emotions of a young
To keep our math lessons fun, I like to
Wampanoag Indian as he watched the “coatmen” build
incorporate movement into our topics. The
a village and steal dried corn that his tribe safely buried
children often become coins of different value
for planting the next year. On November 16th we
and are asked to find partners to make a watched a live webcast from Plimoth Plantation. The
specific sum or they are asked to make class learned about the adjustments the English settlers
exchanges. They have kinesthetically solved had to make in order to survive and how 2 completely
mathematical problems and always enjoy different cultures worked together to create peace and
coming to the board to demonstrate how harmony.
he/she arrived at an answer.
We are currently learning about the different cultural
holidays that take place during the month of December.
1-S Newsletter Page 2

Our List of Sight Words

Language Arts Introduced to Date
I is and
We love playing “Build A you we my
Word”! Build a word is an
interactive lesson that utilizes
knowledge of vowel sounds, the to of
consonants, consonant blends
and digraphs. Each student is said this that
given a set of letter cards and
an enlarged set is magnetically it would could
attached to the board. They are
challenged with the task of
should he his
building as many words as they
can with the letters provided.
Each student has the have had has
opportunity to come to the
board and share with the rest of was they up
the class.
Shared reading with will With the use
of on line projectable books, our
class has been able to learn new
vocabulary, reading strategies
and comprehension skills.
Students are able to follow
along with the teacher, read to Upcoming Events
the class, read high frequency
words and work collaboratively
to answer a comprehension December 16th: Christmas Crafts 1:30-2:30
quiz. They are looking forward
to our next shared reading
December 17th: Winter Recess begins @
activity where they will be able
to use the wireless mouse to
highlight words.
January 3rd: Classes resume

January 15th: NO CLASSES -All School

Writing Day

January 18th: NO CLASSES-Martin Luther

King Day

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