Mirabella Anne F. Odtohan, Chastney Rois M. Olesco, Pamela Marie G. Pampilon, and Alexandra Estelle
C. Pineda
Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Santo Tomas
Figure 1. 1-Phenylethanol
I. IR Spectra
Infrared spectroscopy (IR) is used to identify the functional groups of a substance. It deals with
the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum. This spectroscopic technique exploits the
molecule’s ability to absorb specific frequencies innate to their structure [1]. The frequencies absorbed
by the functional groups signify the transition energy required to vibrate the bond.
The IR spectra showed a broad band between 3400 cm-1 and 3200 cm-1, and a stretch at around
1300 cm-1 and 1000 cm-1 which indicated the presence of an alcohol group. Furthermore, it exhibited
medium peaks from 1400 cm-1 to 1600 cm-1 and beyond the 3000 cm-1, which suggested the existence of
alkene groups from an aromatic compound. An overtone at around 1600 cm -1 supported the inference
as well. Medium peaks were displayed around 1500 cm-1 to 1300 cm-1, indicative of an alkane group.
II. Mass Spectrum
Mass spectrometry (MS) is a spectroscopic technique used in identifying the molar weight and
molecular formula of an organic compound. Molecules undergo a process called ionization via the
beams of high-energy electrons, forming a species referred to as a radical cation (M+●). The radical
cation eventually breaks off into fragments as it is unstable, and the cations from the fragmentation
process are responsible for the peaks found in a mass spectrum graph.
Figure 4 shows the H-NMR spectra for the unknown compound. Table 1 shows the summary of
the data needed to identify the unknown. The chemical shift at 1.5 ppm which has a duplet splitting has
3 hydrogens which is most likely a methyl group with a neighboring carbon with only 1 hydrogen
attached to it. Then, the chemical shift at 3.4 ppm with a singlet splitting has 1 hydrogen that is attached
to an atom without a hydrogen. Moving on, the chemical shift at 4.9 ppm with a quartet splitting has
also 1 hydrogen and may be attached to a methyl group. The chemical shift at 7.4 ppm and the multiplet
splitting most likely correlates to a benzene ring. Analyzing the data given and fitting each piece
together, a possible structure, 1-phenylethanol, is proposed.
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem states that Carbon-13 that yields sharp signals and have wide
chemical shift ranges due to the fact that is a low sensitive nucleus[2].
Figure 5 depicts the Carbon-13 NMR for 1-Phenylethanol. The benzene ring, with a
chemical shift ranging from 110ppm to 175ppm, is denoted by the tall peaks at 128ppm, 127ppm, and
125ppm. These peaks are also indicative of a double bond (110ppm-140pp). A Carbon-Oxygen bond is
also showcased at 70ppm. A deshielded peak at 25ppm represents the methyl group.
[1] Shikha, D. & Awasthi, R. (2015). Application of I.R. Spectroscopy & Mass Spectrometry in
Structural Elucidation of Drugs. International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science
(IJARCS), 2 (8), 38-45.
[2] University Hebrew of Jerusalem. (n.d.). Carbon-13 NMR. Retrieved from Institute of Chemistry:
[3] University of Puget Sound. (n.d.). Introduction to Carbon NMR. Retrieved from University of Puget
National Center for Biotechnology Information. PubChem Database. 1-Phenylethanol, CID=7409, (accessed on Dec. 11, 2019)
McMurry, J. E. (9th Edition). (2019). Organic Chemistry. Boston, MA, USA: Cengage Learning