Civipro Atty. Custodio Cayo 2D
Civipro Atty. Custodio Cayo 2D
Civipro Atty. Custodio Cayo 2D
WHAT IS THE CONSTITUTIONAL LIMITATION 3. Appeals from the RTC exercising original
ON THE POWER OF CONGRESS TO jurisdiction in the following cases:
DETERMINE THE JURISDICTION OF COURTS? a. If no question of fact is involved (if question of
Congress can define, prescribe, and apportion the fact, appeal to CA):
jurisdiction of various courts but: Constitutionality or validity of any treaty, PD, etc
a. it cannot deprive the sc of its minimum Legality of any tax, impost, toll, assessment,
appellate jurisdiction; penalty imposed
b. it can increase the appellate jurisdiction Jurisdiction of lower court is in issue
of the SC and;
(3) When the state sues a private party, (1) The pleader must set forth the party’s
unless to resist a claim; name and the reason for the omission;
(4) When the state fails to abide by what the (2) The court may order the inclusion of the
law or contract requires. omitted party if it finds the reason to be
unmeritorious provided jurisdiction over
WHEN IS A SUIT AGAINST THE STATE? his person may be obtained;
(1) When the suit is against the Republic in (3) Failure to comply with the order of
name; inclusion, without justifiable cause, shall
(2) When the suit is against a government be a waiver of the claim against such
office or agency without juridical party;
personality. (4) The non-inclusion of the necessary party
WHO IS A REAL PARTY IN INTEREST? does not prevent the court from
proceeding with the action, and the
He is the party who stands to be benefited or judgment rendered shall be without
injured by the judgment in the suit or the party prejudice to the rights of the necessary
entitled to the avails of the suit. As a general rule, party.
every action must be prosecuted or defended in
the name of the real party in interest. WHAT IS THE REMEDY AGAINST AN
Ex. when an agent sues in behalf of the principal
or is sued as a representative of the principal, the He may be made a defendant and the reason
principal must be made a party to the suit. therefor shall be stated in the complaint.
It is where a right to relief arising from the same Neither is a ground for a dismissal of an action.
transaction exists in the plaintiffs or against the The parties may be dropped or added by order of
defendants to be joined. the court upon motion or motu proprio at any
stage of the action and on terms that are just. A
a. The requirement of the oath does not An amended answer is proper if at the time the
apply when: original answer was filed, the counterclaim or
cross-claim ALREADY EXISTED but was not set up
i. The adverse party (against due to oversight, inadvertence, or excusable
whom the instrument is being negligence.
asserted) is not a party to the
instrument OR A supplemental answer is proper if the
counterclaim or cross-claim MATURES AFTER the
ii. Compliance with an order for answer is filed. This after acquired counterclaim is
inspection of the original not compulsory.
instrument is refused.
When there is a common cause of action against If the defendant has already appeared in court, it
several defendants and only a number of them is sufficient that a copy of the amended complaint
answer, such answers shall serve as such for be served upon him.
those who failued to answer. If the defendant has not yet appeared in court,
What is the extent of relief to be awarded in a another summons must be served with the
judgment by default? amended complaint; otherwise, the court has no
jurisdiction to render judgment on the new causes
(1) It shall not exceed the amount or be of action.
different in kind from that prayed for.
(2) It shall not award unliquidated damages SUBSTANTIAL AMENDMENTS?
(damages must be proved by evidence).
If the amendment is only the first one and is
WHEN CAN THERE BE NO JUDGMENT BY made before the responsive pleading is filed, it is
DEFAULT? a matter or right.
In actions for annulment and legal separation, to Otherwise, leave of court is necessary, as well as
prevent collusion. notice to the other party and opportunity to be
By adding or striking out: Clerical and typographical errors may be:
(1) an allegation, or; (1) Summarily corrected by the court;
(2) the name of any party, or;
The court may allow amendment of the pleadings Answer to amended 10 days from service
if the presentation of the evidence will serve the complaint of copy if matter of
ends of substantial justice. right
(4) A party seeks to set forth occurrences Answer to third Just like complaint
which happened after the pleading sought party complaint (15/30)
to be supplemented. Answer to 10 days from notice
DISTINGUISH BETWEEN AMENDED AND supplementary of order admitting
SUPPLEMENTAL PLEADINGS. complaint the same
c. Any suitable person authorized by the court, (2) The impossibility should be shown by
for justifiable reasons. stating the efforts made to serve the
summons personally and that the efforts
Service by any other person is INVALID. failed. This is shown in a proof of service.
When service has been completed, the server TEMPORARILY OUTSIDE OF THE
shall, within 5 days: PHILIPPINES?
An alias summons is issued when: All the persons can be served by:
a. Serving upon any one of them or;
When? How?
After presentation by plaintiff of evidence. DISTINGUISH BETWEEN JUDGMENT BY
Defendant may move for dismissal on the ground SUMMARY JUDGMENT, AND MOTION TO
that the plaintiff has not established a right to DISMISS.
Judgment by default when there is failure to
If denied, present evidence. answer within the proper period.
(1) in writing;
(2) stating the facts and law on which it is based;
(3) personally and directly prepared by the judge;
(4) signed by him;
(5) filed with the clerk (promulgation).
WHEN MAY THE APPELLATE COURT DIRECT (2) Unclear - When the terms of the
THE COURT OF ORIGIN TO ISSUE THE WRIT judgment are not clear and there remains
OF EXECUTION, WITHOUT APPLICATION room for interpretation;
(3) Varies - When the writ of execution
(1) Upon motion; varies the judgment;
(2) When the interest of justice requires. (4) Improvident - When in appears that the
writ of execution has been improvidently
DISTINGUISH FINAL JUDGMENTS FROM issued, defective in substance, against the
FINAL AND EXECUTORY JUDGMENTS. wrong party, issued without authority, or
Final judgments finally dispose of, adjudicate, or that the debt has been paid or satisfied.
determine the rights of the parties in the case. (5) Change - When there has been a change
They are not yet executory (as a matter of right) in the situation of the parties which makes
in the sense that an appeal may still be perfected. the execution inequitable or unjust;
Final and executory judgments become so by (6) Exempt - When execution is sought to be
operation of law; upon the lapse of the appeal enforced against property exempt from
period if no appeal is perfected. execution;
ARE THERE JUDGMENTS AND FINAL ORDERS In the above cases, the other party may file a
THAT MAY BE EXECUTED AS A MATTER OF motion to quash the writ of execution.
(1) Upon the filing of a petition for relief from
(1) Forcible entry and unlawful detainer judgment;
judgments by lower courts;
(2) When judgment is attacked for being void
(2) [SIRA] – Support, injunction, receivership, for lack of jurisdiction or obtained through
and accounting, unless otherwise ordered; fraud;
Upon motion, the court may order restitution or (3) When proceeding supplementary to
reparation of damages as equity and justice may execution are intitiated by the creditor
warrant. (examination of debtor due to unsatisfied
Reversal or annulment could by under petition for
relief under Rule 38 or annulment under Rule 47. (4) When the delay was due to the judgment
debtor’s fault.
RESTITUTION? (5) When an action to revive the judgment is
(1) Specific restitution is proper in case of
complete reversal. PERIODS ARE NOT SUSPENDED BY:
(2) In case or partial reversal, only the excess (1) Injunction enjoining execution sale.
is returned.
(2) Written extrajudicial demand or
(3) In case of properties sold to third parties acknowledgement of debt.
at an execution sale, the sale remains
valid but the judgment debtor is liable for
the amount realized plus interests.
A copy of the judgment and the writ of execution Exception: The sheriff may keep the property if
shall be served on the person required to perform the obligee puts up a bond to indemnify the third
the required act and such person may be party and the sheriff will not be liable for any
punished for contempt until he performs such act. damages to the third person if such bond is
ACTS FROM SPECIAL JUDGMENTS. 9 The third person may vindicate his claim in a
separate action.
Judgments for specific acts are for payment, sale,
or delivery of property. Upon refusal, the court 9 The sheriff keeps or releases the property at
can appoint an officer or other person to perform his discretion – with or without a bond. If no
the act. Refusal is not generally punishable by bond is filed and the sheriff keeps the
contempt. property, he can be liable for damages.
The levy shall create a lien in favor of the The judge/officer involved cannot purchase
judgment obligee subject to liens already existing. Inadequacy of price can be grounds for setting
aside the sale ONLY IF it shocks the
conscience and there can be a better price at
WHAT ARE THE PROPERTIES EXEMPT FROM a subsequent sale UNLESS there is right of
(1) Family home;
E: In ABC from the RTC, when the SC believes (3) Not supported by evidence - When
there are factual issues, it may decide them or the findings of fact are conclusions
refer them to the CA. without citation of specific evidence on
which they are based;
CERTIORARI RULE 45 AND THE SPECIAL (4) Not disputed by respondent -
CIVIL ACTION OF CERTIORARI RULE 65. When the facts set forth in the petition
as well as in the petitioner’s main and
ABC 45 SCAC 65 reply briefs are not disputed by the
WHAT IS Questions or errors Acts of
REVIEWED? of law decided by lower court, (5) Mistaken inference - When the
lower court body or inference is manifestly mistaken,
officer absurd, or impossible;
(6) Misapprehension of facts - When
judicial or
the judgment is based on a
misapprehension of facts;
functions (7) Premised on absence of evidence -
when with When the finding of fact of the CA is
or in excess premised on the supposed absence of
of evidence and is contradicted by the
jurisdiction evidence on record.
or with
GADALEJ (8) GADALEJ - When there is GADALEJ;
(1) When the lower court has decided a (7) certification of non-forum shopping;
question of substance: (8) docket and lawful fees, deposit for costs.
a. not previously decided by the SC WHO ARE THE PARTIES?
b. OR decided it not in accordance The parties are the petitioner and the respondent.
with jurisprudence
(2) When the lower court has departed from ACQUIRED?
the accepted and usual course of judicial
proceedings so as to call for an exercise Petitioner – by filing the petition
by SC of its power or supervision.
Respondent –
(1) by service of the initiatory action taken by
the court resolving either to dismiss the
At any time during the pendency of the case, the (i) Preliminary conference - Failure of the
court may call the parties and their counsel to a appellant to appear at the preliminary
preliminary conference: conference or to comply with orders,
circulars, or directives without justifiable
(a) Amicable settlement - To consider the cause.
possibility of an amicable settlement
unless the case is not subject to OTHER CAUSES FOR DISMISSAL OF APPEAL
compromise; NOT IN THE RULES:
What is the procedure when the SC en banc is (2) In an action for money or property
unable to reach a decision? embezzled or fraudulently misapplied or
converted to his own use by a public officer,
In cases to be decided en banc, where the court is or an officer of a corporation, or an attorney,
divided or the required majority cannot be had: factor, broker, agent, or clerk, in the course of
his employment as such, or by any other
(1) The case shall be re-deliberated.
person in a fiduciary capacity, or for a
(2) If there is still no decision: willful violation of duty;
a. The original case shall be (3) In an action to recover the possession of
dismissed property unjustly or fraudulently taken,
detained or converted, when the property, or
b. The decision appealed from shall
any part thereof, has been concealed,
be affirmed
removed, or disposed of to prevent its being
c. The motion or petition on the found or taken by the applicant or an
incidental matter shall be denied authorized person;
d. The sentence of death shall be (4) In an action against a party who has been
reduced to reclusion perpetua guilty of fraud in contracting the debt or
WHAT ARE THE PROCEEDINGS WHEN THE An application for damages must be made
PROPERTY IS CLAIMED BY A THIRD (a) before trial – as a matter of right
(b) before judgment becomes executory – as
The sheriff shall not be bound to keep the a matter of discretion
property under attachment if:
(c) before appeal is perfected – probably also
(1) The property attached is claimed by a a matter of discretion because judgment
third person is not yet executory
(2) The third person makes an affidavit of his … with due notice to the sureties
right to the property
The damages will be awarded only after hearing
(3) Serves the affidavit upon: and will be included in the judgment on the main
a. the sheriff case.
b. AND the attaching party This applies even if judgment in the main case is
against the adverse party. Just because the
(4) The sheriff demands a bond from the adverse party was truly liable doesn’t cure any
attaching party to indemnify the third defect in the attachment.
person claimant
(5) The attaching party fails to file the bond RECOVERY OF DAMAGES AGAINST THE BOND
This is different from the bond filed to
indemnify the adverse party (1) There is a judgment in the main action –
even if judgment is against the adverse
(2) IMPT: The application for damages is
filed in the SAME ACTION before trial,
before appeal is perfected, or before
(1) Cash judgment becomes executory;
(2) Sell property If damages are not claimed in the same
action, they are barred, except:
SEC. 1. A preliminary injunction is an ORDER (c) that a party, court, agency or person is
granted at ANY STAGE of the proceeding PRIOR doing, threatening, or is attempting to do,
TO THE JUDGMENT or final order, requiring a or is procuring or suffering to be done,
party or a court, agency or a person to REFRAIN some act or acts probably in violation of
from a particular act or acts. It may also REQUIRE the rights of the applicant respecting the
THE PERFORMANCE of a particular act or acts, in subject of the action or proceeding, and
which case it shall be known as a preliminary tending to render the judgment
mandatory injunction. ineffectual.
a. Its purpose is to require one to refrain (1) the complainant has a clear legal right – the
from a particular act. right must be clear and unmistakable because
unlike in prohibitory injunction, mandatory
b. The act to be enjoined is alleged to be injunction requires the performance of a
illegal and has not yet been particular act and does more than maintain
performed. It is enjoined because it the status quo;
would cause irreparable injury.
(2) his right has been violated and the invasion is
c. The situation is preserved in status material and substantial; and
(3) there is an urgent and permanent necessity to
(2) Mandatory prevent serious damage.
a. Its purpose is to require the HOW IS PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION
b. The party in whose favor it is issued is See definition of preliminary injunction (SEC. 1).
placed in the same situation he was
before the commission of the illegal Final injunction is a judgment rendered after trial
act. which (1) perpetually restrains the party or
person enjoined from the commission or
c. The status quo to be restored is the continuance of the act or acts OR (2) confirms the
last actual peaceable uncontested preliminary mandatory injunction.
status (LAPUS) which preceded the
ISSUED? Prohibitory injunction – order requiring a party
to refrain from a particular act
Preventive or Prohibitory
Prohibition – judgment commanding a tribunal,
When the plaintiff’s principal action is an ordinary board, corporation, officer, or person, whether
action of injunction (to restrain the commission of exercising judicial, quasi judicial, or ministerial
an act perpetually or for a limited period) and the functions, to desist from further proceeding in the
grounds in SEC. 3 are present: action or matter because it is in excess of
jurisdiction or because it acts with GADALEJ.
SEC. 3 – Grounds (alternative):
(a) that the applicant is entitled to the relief
demanded, and the whole or part of such
relief consists in restraining the Mandatory injunction – order requiring a party
commission or continuance of the act or to perform a particular act in order to restore the
acts complained of, or in requiring the last peaceable actual uncontested status (LAPUS)
performance of an act or acts, either for a which preceded the pending controversy
limited period or perpetually;
Mandamus – judgment commanding a tribunal,
corporation, board, officer, or person either (1)
Ex: An order of dismissal issued by the LTO (a) Upon verified application showing facts
Commissioner in Manila but to be enforced by a entitling the applicant to the relief demanded;
subordinate officer in Dagupan may be enjoined (b) AND filing of a bond to answer for damages
by the Dagupan courts despite the fact that the which the party enjoined may sustain if the
original action for mandamus was filed in Manila. court should finally decide that the applicant
(D) In cases of corporations, the court with was not entitled thereto.
jurisdiction over the locality of principal office of (c) With notice and hearing.
the corporation has the authority to issue
preliminary injunction, despite the fact that the
act sought to be enjoined are to be performed CAN PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION BE
1. the PARTY APPLYING for the appointment • He is an officer of the court, exercising his
if a receiver has AN INTEREST IN THE function in the interest of neither party litigant
PROPERTY or fund which is the subject of but for the common benefit of all parties in
the action or proceeding, interest.
3.) That the property has not been distrained or A: The sheriff must keep such property in a
taken for a tax assessment or a fine pursuant to secure place and shal be responsible for its
law delivery to the party entitled after receiving his
3.1) or seized under a writ of execution or fees and necessary expenses for taking and
preliminary attachment, keeping the same.
3.2) or otherwise placed under custodia
legis Q: Can the courts order the sheriff to deliver
3.3) if so seized that it is exempt from personal property when such is under
such seizure or custody attachment?
4.) The actual market value of the property. A: No, they do not have jurisdiction to order the
delivery of personal property to the applicant if
5.) A bond must be given, executed to the the property is under attachment, it being in
adverse party in double the value of the property. custodia legis.
Q: Why should it be double the value of the Q: What if the property is subject of a search
property? warrant, can it be the subject of a writ of
A: Depreciation?
A: No, if it is in the custody of another public
Q: Is the writ of replevin limited as a remedy officer by virtue of a search warrant, then it
to the plaintiff? cannot be subjected to a writ of replevin. Only the
court that issued the warrant may order its
A: No, the defendant may obtain such in a release.
counterclaim for foreclosure of chattel mortgage.
Q: What if the adverse party objects to the
Q: Why is that? sufficiency of the bond of the applicant?
A: Because in a counterclaim, the defendant is A: The adverse party cannot immediately require
actually the plaintiff seeking this provisional the return of the property.
Q: What if he does not object thereto?
Q: What does the order of the writ of
replevin contain and when is it issued? A: He may at anytime before the delivery of the
property to the applicant require the return
Q: When may the adverse party require the Q: What if the sheriff is sued for damages
re-delivery of the property to him upon when the writ is issued in favor of the
payment of the bond? Republic of the P.I.?
A: At any time before the delivery of the property, A: The filing of the bond is not required because
or within 5 days after the taking of the property of the State repleived it. The sheriff shall be
the sheriff provided that it was not yet delivered. represented by the Sol Gen, and if held liable
therefore, the actual damages adjudged by the
Q: What does the defendant-adverse party court shall be paid by the National Treasurer.
have to do if he wants the property returned
to him? Q: How may a 3rd party vindicate his claim?
Q: When does the furnishing of a copy of the A: The sheriff must file the order, with his
counter-bond have to be accomplished? proceedings indorsed with the court within 10
A: It has to be accomplished within the prescribed
period if the plaintiff is to have an opportunity to Q: What does the judgment in these
contest the redelivery of the property sought by contemplated situation state?
the defendant.
A: After trial of the issues, the court shall
Q: What if the judge approves a counter- determine who has the right of possession to and
bond beyond the 5 day period? the value of the property and shall render
judgment in the alternative for the delivery
A: The act would be GADALEJ. Certiorari will lie. thereof to the party entitled to the same, or for its
value in case delivery cannot be made, and also
Q: If the property taken is claimed by any for such damages as either party may prove.
person other than the defendant-adverse Q: What does the re-delivery bond cover?
party what happens?
A: Although a replevin re-delivery bond does not
A: The sheriff shall not be bound to keep the in terms require the property to be returned in
property under replevin or deliver it to the substantially good condition as when taken, such
applicant unless the applicant or his agent, on an obligation is always implied by law. In other
demand of said sheriff, shall file a bond approved words, the bond covers the deterioration or
by the court to indemnify the 3rd party claimant in depreciation of such personal property.
a sum not less than the value of the property
under replevin. Q: When may the prevailing party refuse to
take the litigated property?
Q: When may a claim for damages be made
against the bond?
(5) The court can the render judgment as is (1) Judgment commanding the respondent to do
appropriate. the act required to be done.
(2) Costs (probably).
The court MAY reduce the periods provided in NOTE: DAMAGES UNDER THE OMNIBUS
the Rules for filing pleadings and for all other ELECTION CODE
Q: What are the remedies of the mortgage Q: What is the rule when a personal action
creditor against the estate of the deceased? for the recovery of the debt is instituted
instead of foreclosure?
A: He may abandon the security and prosecute
his claim, and share the general distribution of A: He may pursue either of the 2 remedies but
the assets of the estates; or he may foreclose not both. By such election his cause of action
his mortgage or realized upon his security, by can by no means be impaired, for each of the 2
action in court, making the executor or remedies is complete in itself. Thus, an election
administrator a party defendant, and if there is a to bring a personal action will leave open to him
Q: What is the effect of the failure to join Q: What is the effect of a prohibition
the second mortgagee, junior against a second mortgage, sale or
encumbrancer, subordinate lienholder, or donation?
subsequent purchaser? A: Although the civil code states that a
A: While a second mortgagee is a proper and a stipulation forbidding the owner form alienating
necessary party to a proceeding to foreclose a the immovable mortgaged shall be void, a way
1st mortgage on real property, he is not an to get around it is to provide for a stipulation
indispensable party, because a valid decree may wherein such act or acts must be made with the
be made, as between the mortgagor and 1st consent of the mortgagee as a condition.
mortgagee, without regard to the second
mortgage, but the consequence of a failure to
make the 2nd mortgagee a party to such Q: What happens when the court finds that
proceeding is that the lien of the 2nd mortgagee in the action for foreclosure, the facts set
on the equity of redemption is not affected by forth in the complaint is true?
the decree of foreclosure.
A: It shall ascertain the amount due to the
The effect of the failure to implead a subordinate plaintiff upon the mortgage debt or obligation,
lienholder or subsequent purchaser or both is to including interest and other charges and costs,
render the foreclosure ineffective as against and shall render judgment for the sum so found
them, with the result that there remains in their due and order that the same be paid to the court
favor the “unforeclosed equity of redemption.” or to the judgment obligee within a period of not
But the foreclosure is valid as between the less than 90 days nor more than 120 days
parties to the suit. (equity in redemption) from the entry of
judgment, and that in default of such payment
The failure of the plaintiff to appear in the 1. affidavits of their witnesses and other
preliminary conference shall be cause for evidence on the factual issues; and
dismissal of the complaint.
2. position papers setting forth the law and
The defendant who appears in the absence of the facts relied upon by them.
the plaintiff shall be entitled to judgment on his
counterclaim based on the pleadings. All cross- The affidavits must state only facts of direct
claims shall be dismissed. personal knowledge of the affiants and shall
show their competence to testify to the matters
If the sole defendant fails to appear, the plaintiff
shall likewise be entitled to judgment on the Within 30 days after receipt of the affidavits and
pleadings. position papers or the expiration of the period
for filing them, the court shall render judgment.
But if two or more defendants sued under a
common cause of action had pleaded a common But if the court finds it necessary to clarify
defense, and at least one of them appears at the certain material facts, it may issue an order
preliminary conference, the plaintiff shall not be specifying the matters to be clarified and require
entitled to judgment on the pleadings. the parties to submit affidavits or other evidence
within 10 days. Judgment shall be rendered
CAN THE PRELIMINARY CONFERENCE BE within 15 days after receipt of the last affidavit.
Generally, no. It can only be postponed for
highly meritorious grounds. 1. Motion to dismiss, except on the ground
of lack of jurisdiction over the subject
WHAT ARE THE CONTENTS OF THE RECORD OF matter, or failure to refer the matter for
PRELIMINARY CONFERENCE? conciliation when required
Within 5 days after the termination of the 2. Motion for bill of particulars;
preliminary conference, the court shall issue an
order stating the matters taken up therein, 3. Motion for new trial, reconsideration, or
including but not limited to: reopening of trial;
1. whether the parties have arrived at an 4. Petition for relief from judgment;
amicable settlement;
5. Motion for extension of time to file
2. the stipulations or admissions entered pleadings, affidavits, or any other paper;
into by the parties;
6. Memoranda;
3. whether judgment may be rendered
without the need of further proceedings; 7. Certiorari, mandamus, prohibition
against any interlocutory order;
4. a clear specification of material facts
which remain controverted; 8. Motion to declare defendant in default;