Mahadasha and Antardasha Analysis
Mahadasha and Antardasha Analysis
Mahadasha and Antardasha Analysis
Sex Female
Date of Birth 14-November-1985 Thursday
Time of Birth 08:16:00 PM
(17.27N 78.33E 82.30E)
Father's Name
Mother's Name
Lagna Chart
4 2
5 ASC Ardra 1 1 RAH 14:40
Bharani 1
MAR Hasta 3 6 12
*SUN Vishakha 3
VEN Swati 2 7 11
-KET Swati 3 MER 20:11
Jyeshtha 2
*MOO 27:00 Jyeshtha 4 *JUP 16:19
Shravana 2
º Sat Anuradha 1 8 10
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Know Your Dasha...
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Santosh Kumar 14/11/1985 20:16:00 SECUNDERABAD 17.27N 78.33E 82.30E
3 9
MAR 6 12 MOO 12 6
9 3
VEN 7 11 1 5
Sat 8 10 2 4
12 4 VEN 7 11
1 3 Sat 8 10
Moon Chart
Navamsa Chart
Aspects On Planets
Aspected Planet
Sun Moo Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Ura Nep Plu
208.52 237.01 167.61 230.2 286.33 192.58 216.11 14.67 194.67 232.93 248.26 191.82
Abbr - Aspect Degree Orb Weight Abbr - Aspect Degree Orb Weight
Conj- Conjuction 0 15 10 Oppn-Opposition 180 15 10
Trin- Trine 120 6 3 Squr-Square 90 6 3
Sext- Sextile 60 6 3 Ssqu-Semi Square 45 1 1
Nonl- Nonile 40 1 1 Quin-Quintile 72 1 1
Sqqd- Sesquiquadrate 135 1 1 Qcun-Quincuncb 150 1 1
Planets vs Houses
3 3
MAR 6 12 MAR 6 12
9 9
VEN 7 11 VEN 7 11
Sat 8 10 Sat 8 10
Whatever work or business Scorpios take up, they put their complete efforts and
hard work into it. Their head is also a devil’s workshop. They have strong
imagination power and a very sharp brain, but because of being more imaginative
they are caught in their own trap and they fail to take proper advantage of their
powers. One of the reasons for this is that they are very jealousy minded. A
small prank or comment for fun may hurt them badly. They start thinking about
such issues which is unfavorable for them. For example, if a friend tells the
Scorpio that his wife was seen talking to particular person in market, then the
jealousy minded Scorpio will start thinking about the illicit relations of his wife with
the person. As a result of this the peace in the family could come to an end.
The biggest weakness in a Scorpio is that with whom so ever they come in
contact, and give their complete trust to them, they try to mould themselves
according to their thinking or according to them. And as a result they have to pay
the price once they believe that their friend or their superior is try to insult him
then he will instantaneously ready himself to take revenge. They have a habit of
leading a double character life. One to show to the world and the other for
themselves. They appear very talkative and frank but hold back some important
confidential matter which they reveal when they get a proper opportunity.
Scorpios do not like to interfere in others affairs. They take interest only when
they are related to them. They are not interested in unimportant matters and
never take the help of cheating or deception. As far as possible they talk less.
Their words are very balanced.
Mars, the ruling planet of Scorpio gives them the qualities like self confidence, to
work in excitement, courage, determination, excitement and fearlessness. If they
like somebody, they like them from the depth of their heart and if they dislike
somebody they do so from their heart. They go to the extremes of anything very
quickly they get excited. They are not ready to bend before anybody, even if they
are alone. They fight for themselves along and choose their path themselves.
The main quality of Scorpios is that they are always under the control of their
emotions not only in love affairs but in all other work. If they do not get an
opportunity to stay on the highest emotional position, they fall prey to
psychological diseases. They can choose any field to express their emotions, like
social, political injustice, economical exploitation, insufficient accommodation
arrangement. They apply their energy to the fullest to fight against injustice and
they possess extraordinary intuitive power. They get a prior intimation of future
incidents by their intuitive power and they act accordingly. It is true that Scorpio
have the ability of hurting as the Scorpion does with its sting. If somebody takes
revenge from them they do not forget it easily. But after expressing their sorrow
they can take control over their anger. And at the same moment they forgive their
They are very emotional and in no time, they fall in new love affairs. At the same
time, they do not forget their old love affairs. The main reason behind breaking of
their love relations is their jealousy nature. They expect to derive too much
satisfaction from their life partners. If such things do not happen, they become
very restless and try to seek extra marital relationships. They cannot cope with a
dejected life-partner. Therefore before marrying a Scorpio, one should know very
well that a Scorpio husband wants to play the role of a lover of his wife. Soe also
a Scorpio wife wants to be a lover of her husband. If they bring such practices in
their life, then only they can lead a happy life.
For a female Scorpio, an ideal husband can only be a male Scorpio. She can be
happy also with a male Piscean or Cancerian. She can also get along with a
male Virgan or Aquarian. A Taurus husband fully tries to keep his Scorpio wife
happy. As far as possible, he will not let family matters to go out. A Taurus
husband is mostly concerned about his status and family glory. But the problem
with a Scorpio wife is that she loses her temper very quickly. In such situations,
she is not aware of anything. Neither about the position of her husband nor
anybody’s suggestions. When her excitement gets over, she repents for her
behavior. Normally Scorpio wives are very hard working, simple and truthful. The
same is with Scorpio husbands.
As far as friendship is concerned, when Scorpio make friendship very soon they
get closer to them. But their friendship very rarely remains stable. When there is
some misunderstanding or arguments between the two, then there is no enemy
as bad as a Scorpio.
Scorpios expect too much from their friends. For trivial issues they keep on
disturbing their friends, but at the same time they too are very generous. They
take their friends to best of hotels & restaurant to treat them. The squander
money to welcome them and provide hospitality to them. They do not care
whether their friend is affluent or pauper. Whether he will able to able to repay
their kindness or not. If necessary, they extend even financial help to the
In the beginning Scorpio parents love their children too much, but when they
grow, Scorpio parent impose strict discipline on them. The expectations of
parents is very stable. Due to strict discipline, children may develop a psychology
of fear from parents. With growing age the differences in their thinking widens
and this take the form of generation gap.
Parents should be very careful while brining Scorpio children. Scorpio children
have a very determined personality and are very stubborn. They wish that their
inquisitiveness should be fully satisfied. If parents fail in doing so, then the
children search their own path for their satisfaction and may follow wrong or
direction. If this is not controlled by the parents at proper time then they get
addicted to it. This may adversely affect them.
The worst quality which may develop in Scorpio children is jealousy. This attitude
could be for their younger siblings. In hostels these children may be get engaged
in search of a secret source of entertainment.
Effects of Dasha
From 05/09/2012 to 05/07/2015 in the Mahadasa of VENUS...
You will be under the influence of MERCURY's Antardasa
The MERCURY is in 6th house in your Birth - horoscope.The General effects of
MERCURY in this House/Bhava are:-
Good for mental works, mental and domestic happiness, enemies defeated, good
relations with subordinates, success in undertakings, prosperity, studies useful
and entertaining literature, in mental peace and physical comforts, earns fame
through writing and music, beneficial to the maternal uncle, many sources of
income, improved financial status.
The effect of Dasha period of the Mercury in the 6th house is as follows:--
Your expenditure will increase beyond your control. Health problems could also
be there. Your opponents will try to damage your reputation. Any how, service
conditions will be satisfactory but work burden is clearly indicated. Besides this,
you might have to be involved in a thankless job. Don't use harsh speech and
curb your tendency to criticise others. Family life will also create tension foryou.
As for as possible travel should be avoided.
Problems to/from children, bad luck, not good for speculation, shares, etc. suffers
from chronic stomach problems arising from disproportionate excretion of gastric
juices, abortions or difficulties in conceiving due to uterus defects, mal-functioning
of ovaries, skin eruptions around stomach, mentally disturbed over the inadequate
performance of his children in studies, concerned about the health of his children.
The effect of Dasha period of the Ketu in the 5th house is as follows:--
You will be inclined to do so many things at the sametime and in this process you
won't reach any where. Rashness is definitely not going to help you in this period.
Take care. A family member is likely to suffer due to ill health. On the whole,
family atmosphere will be tense. Risk taking tendencies should be curbed totally
Effects of Dasha
enemies will try to damage your reputation. Be cautious in this regard. As far as
possible travels should be avoided. You might suffer due to stomach ailments.
Loss of mental and physical strength, loss of income and wealth, children do not
obey, they may remain ill, tries to have love or sexual affair but fails, stomach
troubles with acidity complaints, relations unhelpful, feels miser.
The effect of Dasha/Antra period of the Sun in the 5th house is as follows:--
You will look forward to life with a great deal of zeal and enthusiasm during this
time. At the same time you will be bold and courageous but violent in temper. This
period is unfavourable for love and romance. Contemplation may cause losses
hence it must be avoided. Children may suffer from diseases or ill health. There
might be a possibility of sudden travel.
Good health, gain of money, enemies defeated, mental worries over, happiness,
acquisition of wanted objects, fortunate, gains position, prosperity and various
enjoyments, communicates with women, enjoys peace at home, diseases cured
but increase in expenditure.
The effect of Dasha period of the Moon in the 6th house is as follows:--
Ventures that you may undertake during this time period may not bear any fruit.
Your enemies will try to tarnish your image. Service conditions may also
deteriorate. Health problems will disturb your peace of mind. Rashness should be
checked. Family members health may cause anxiety.
The effect of dasa period of Mars in 8th house in your annual chart will be as
follows -
This is not a good period at all. Take care monetary loss is also possible. Don't
take risks and speculation should be avoided. Your health will start bothering you.
You may not be able to maintain harmonious relations with your family members.
You might hear bad news regarding the deathof some one your know.