Chaos Astrology Free Natal Report PDF
Chaos Astrology Free Natal Report PDF
Chaos Astrology Free Natal Report PDF
Astrology is an activity based on the principle of Unus Mundus - the Universe as Unity.
Everything - from atom to galaxy - is rooted in the same universal and all-pervasive
reality. And this reality reveals itself in the purposeful, ordered and meaningful processes
of nature, as well as in the deepest recesses of the human mind and spirit. 'As above - so
below'. Anything happening in one part of the system gets mirrored in a self-similar way
everywhere else.
Quantum Physics tells us that the very act of observing something changes it. And the
Butterfly Effect of Chaos Theory shows how even the tiniest flap of a wing can eventually
produce a hurricane. Upon examining my own life, I can see how the slightest shifts of
direction have led me down some very divergent paths and presented me with infinitely
strange and beautiful experiences. But the most satisfying and successful of these
experiences have come when I was going with the flow of time and determinism.
The Universe, being the accommodating creature that she is, will provide confirmation of
almost any paradigm we adopt. Mental events (perception) and acts of free will carry
with them pure information which is transmitted instantly throughout the material
world. To this extent, we live in an observer-created reality. Something out there (the
Great Organizing Dynamic, as some have called it) responds to what we believe about
ourselves and our world. From this standpoint, you are a channel, a vehicle, an agency,
an instrument, a representative. And your birth chart may best be described as an output
program - an indication of what should be flowing into manifestation through you.
Although I might speak of 'my' horoscope, in a very practical sense, it does not belong to
me - rather I belong to it. As do all the other entities, animate and inanimate, that came
into being at about the same time and place. Cosmic Powers, if indeed there are such
things, appear to use me and what I have to offer, and not the other way 'round.
You will not get the best out of your birth chart unless you become a go-between worthy
of relaying the best. Concentrate first on construction and creativity, and use astrology to
define the possibilities as you go along. In the fractal logic of astrology, each planet, sign
and house is a self-similar unity complete with its own rewards. For example, you may
have transiting Jupiter conjunct your natal Sun. The usual interpretation of this aspect is
one of increased vitality, luck and optimism. In reality however this may or may not
happen, because the promise of a Jupiter-Sun contact cannot happen without the proper
conditions first being in place. And only you can put them there. By adopting an out-
going attitude, by exploring new dimensions, by playing with ideas rather than holding
rigidly to one static model, you put yourself into the Jupiter mode. By opening up to the
Universe in this way, you actually invite luck into your life, and create a positive feedback
loop of openness and optimism, which attracts more of the same.
By way of confirmation, the information this report is based on is as follows:
Sun in Aries
You are a born pioneer, always wanting to be first and never afraid to go it alone. Your
sense of mission makes for impulsive, sometimes rash, but always brave actions. Aries is
self-starting and makes things happen through leadership. The Sun in this sign is
decisive and dynamic, building forward momentum by taking deliberate action: 'Do the
thing and you will have the power.' Yours is the spirit of the moment, the new impulse,
the directed effort. You operate best when you have made a personal investment and are
working purposefully toward a goal. Look for the challenge, the adventure, and for your
chance to take charge and become the master of your circumstances. Aries is the sign of
leaders and 'firsts'. It is impulsive, assertive and spontaneous. It tends to act first, only
thinking about what it may have done later. Rushing in where others fear to tread, Aries
energy is attention-getting and always provokes a response from the surroundings and
from others. It loves decisive action and self-reliance.
Moon in Taurus
You have stable emotions and tend to form strong attachments to the past, perhaps to
the extent of making you resistant to change. You value constancy and material security
in all things and possess a good business sense. You are, by nature, very domestic and
enjoy comfortable surroundings. Being able to feel in harmony with your environment is
very important, as is having a safe and solid base from which to operate.
Mercury in Aries
You have a sharp tongue and a quick wit. You speak first, then think about it. Not subtle
or complex, you are direct, simple, and to the point. An independent thinker, you would
rather speak than listen. Argumentative too. You are quite impulsive when it comes to
communicating, and often use strong words.
Venus in Gemini
Gregarious, you are very friendly indeed. You love to communicate, and thoroughly enjoy
good conversation. Change, variety, and making connections are things you deal easily
with. You have many avenues to explore when it comes to relating, but you may prefer to
keep it light when it comes to love. Always on the move, you have many different friends
and places to go. Travel will appeal.
Mars in Cancer
You have a real security drive and a need to care and protect others -- mother hen. Very
sensitive to the slightest emotional change, you have all the artistic traits and talents. If
threatened, you can be very defensive, and you hate competition. You love family,
children and animals. You have good 'common sense'.
Jupiter in Leo
You would love a career that is creative and expressive, for you were born warm and
gregarious. Exuberant, you have an inner need to express feelings and opinions to others.
You can be a bit self-centered and are driven to leadership positions by your own keen
sense of inner worth. Attract luck into your life through being confident and original.
Give out generously of time and resources - it all comes back to you tenfold!
Saturn in Aquarius
You have an innate distrust of groups or large organizations and could tend to avoid what
is new or future-oriented. You are, perhaps, too conservative and need to develop a sense
of community and sharing with others. Learn to be independent. Practice impartiality
and altruism. Strive to become more innovative.
Uranus in Capricorn
You are innovative in the political and business arena. You find new ways to manage and
control things and people. Ever practical, you come up with new or alternate forms of
management -- breakthroughs in top-level management and corporate styles. You bring
new life to conservative traditions.
Neptune in Capricorn
The practical is the ideal. Form follows function. You have a dream of being in control -
the puppetmaster. You are very interested in tradition and tend to be dignified and
conservative. You believe in an orderly society led by benevolent monarchs - those who
can see what to do.
Neptune Sextile Pluto
You work with real imagination and understanding in areas of the mind that are the most
personal or private -- depth psychology. You are like a midwife of the spirit, assisting at
the birth of each individual going through a spiritual or re-birth process. You accept the
natural process of birth, spiritual and physical, and have dedicated yourself to helping it
along. You would make a great teacher in these areas.
Pluto in Scorpio
You tear through appearances in an effort to get beneath, behind, and at the heart or
essence. You may find psychology, initiation, mysticism and the occult of great interest.
Intense personal change and inner growth are lifelong habits.
Like the twelve signs of the zodiac, the twelve houses of the horoscope can be viewed as
stages in a complete cycle: From the initial thrust of Aries and the first house, to the
maximum entropy symbolised in Pisces and the 12th house. They provide clues as to
which areas of your life can be given special attention and used depending on the signs
and planets residing there. Here is an analysis of the house activity in your chart based
on sign and planet emphasis. As you read along, keep in mind that each house represents
a department of life, and the sign falling on each house cusp indicates the mode of action
applied to the affairs of that house. In other words, the sign on each house cusp, along
with any planet(s) contained therein, shows how one deals with the conditions of that