Changing Face of Brand Mang
Changing Face of Brand Mang
Changing Face of Brand Mang
brand management
Branding has dominated marketing literature for several decades. Though branding is an
age old concept, brand management is believed to have emerged in 1931 when the
president of Procter & Gamble decided that each P&G brand should have its own
brand assistants and managers dedicated to the advertising and other marketing
activities for the brand.
A separate sales department was responsible for getting products onto retailers' shelves.
The branding strategy required companies to spend heavily on mass media campaigns
and build a brand in the belief that the world would then beat a path to their door. Long-
standing brands such as Marlboro, Coca-Cola, Xerox, IBM and Intel are considered to be
among the world's most valuable assets. This has motivated many companies to base
their strategies almost entirely on building brands.
Basically, brands were created by marketers to address the different needs of different
segments of customers and for easy identification. The marketing department of
yesteryears thrived on the brand management principles. It was involved in researching
consumer attitudes and desires and identifying unmet needs. It was able to come up
with modifications, often trivial ones, to existing products that appealed to different
segments or market niches. Then, it went through the process of new product
development, packaging design, positioning and promoting the product. This helped
marketers to play the role of liaison men between the company and its customers.
Basically, people patronize a brand as a risk reduction strategy. When a customer is not
competent enough to evaluate the quality of a product, and the differences in the brands
that are available in the market are many, customers will tend to stick to known and
popular brands. When all the products offer more or less the same quality, then the
choice should automatically depend on price and availability in convenient outlets. We
see this happening in a number of product categories such as toiletries, biscuits, hot
beverages and so on.
It is not suggested that marketers do away with branding. What is being questioned is
the notion that a good brand can compensate for other shortcomings in the product and
competitive pressures. Once the customers get educated , then the market dynamics
changes. People do associate products with leading brands, such as Sony with television,
Casio with calculators, Tiger Balm with pain relievers, IBM with computers and so on.
However, this mindshare does not translate into market share otherwise these brands
should command close to an 80 per cent market share in their respective product
Brands are needed for identification, but the fundamentals have to be good to get
customers to buy the products. As the product gets closer to the commodity stage,
customization and value for money are the two factors that can help.
Brand equity occupied the centre stage of marketing during the 1990's. The basic idea is
that most of the assets of any business are intangible -- its company name, brands,
symbols, and slogans, and their underlying associations, perceived quality, name
awareness, customer base, and proprietary resources such as patents, trademarks, and
channel relationships.
According to David Aaker (1991) these assets, which comprise brand equity, are a
primary source of competitive advantage and future earnings. Several research studies
were done in the area of brand equity measurement and management.
Customer equity: However, with the advent of the Internet era, things have started
taking a different shape. The days of mass marketing are coming to an end. Retailers
are now moving away from the traditional segmented approach to marketing to
customizing relationships with individual customers. Instead of maximizing value per
transaction they are now able to exploit the lifetime value of a customer by taking a
holistic approach to customer satisfaction and building a relationship with individual
customers. All this is possible mainly due to the use of IT in retailing. With the
introduction of tele-shopping, online shopping and virtual shopping malls, the retailing
wars of the future are not likely to be fought in the marketplace, but rather in the virtual
market space.
Current marketing thinking revolves around the fact that it costs less to retain
customers than to compete for new ones. Marketers have realized that it makes
immense sense to retain customers for life, rather than merely making one-time sales.
It is now established that building a closer relationship with customers results in better
returns for companies through the following means:
Value equity: Having customers or owning a brand alone will not ensure success in any
business. Fundamentally companies need to offer value to customers. Earl Naumann
(1994) says that the key success factor for every business -- manufacturing, service, or
retail -- is the ability to maximize customer value. Product quality alone is not enough.
Customers must be integrated throughout a firm's decision-making process. And, from
that re-engineered corporate culture must flow three imperatives: product quality,
service quality, and value-based pricing.
The components of value equity are quality, cost and service. The unique ways in which
a company is able to deploy its value creating assets such as raw materials, production
facilities, distribution network and its core competencies will determine its success.
Value has been the prime focus of researchers in the area of strategic management. The
most notable among them is the value chain approach, to gain competitive advantage,
developed by Porter. Later, researchers like Hammel and Prahalad added intangible
assets such as core competencies to create better value and thereby gain a competitive
Business equity: Based on the above discussions, it is clear that a company will need to
build and nurture all three equities, namely, brand equity, customer equity and value
equity. A new term, business equity is introduced here to explain the combined effect of
these three equities.
Brand equity is not defined in the traditional sense of the name being used to charge a
price premium or to gain customer loyalty. In the mass marketing era goods were mass
produced, mass distributed and advertised using mass media, and the companies had no
means to interact with customers on a one-to-one basis. Hence, brand equity
substituted for customer equity. Now that we can have a separate measure of customer
equity, we need to define brand equity in a new way.
In this age of interactivity, some authors believe that brand equity should look at the
total brand experience. However, whatever can be attributed to the customer, such as
brand experience, emotional attachment with the brand, trust and long-term
relationships with the company are clubbed under customer equity.
In any case, we cannot do away with brands. Most brands will be company brands or
umbrella brands for a category of products. They will now project a consistent message
to the public including customers, users of competing products/services, suppliers,
intermediaries and the general public. Brand recognition by users as well as others,
brand image and brand personality form part of brand equity. Sponsoring of some
socially relevant and useful activities will also help the brand project itself as a good
corporate citizen.
Business equity draws from the combined synergistic effect of all three equities. If any
one component is out of sync with any other component, the overall business equity
would tend to suffer. There is no point in simply having phenomenally high brand equity
while the other two components are weak. Merely having a known brand name, such as
Marlboro, may not suffice. Nor can we build customer equity without possessing value
equity. Managers should learn to take an integrated perspective and this model m ay be
of great help in providing the same.
In sum, branding as it was used during the mass marketing era will not be relevant in
the Internet era. At the same time we cannot totally ignore branding, which will amount
to throwing out the baby with the bath water. What we need is an integrated business
equity model that combines brand, customer and value equities. It has become possible
to measure and nurture customer equity due to the emergence of new technologies that
have made it possible to personalize communication and customize products to the
needs of the individual customer. Value has been the prime focus of many researchers in
the area of strategic management, including Porter, who propounded the value chain
approach to developing competitive advantage. While value forms the foundation,
customer relationships form the core and brand image forms the topping of the business
equity model.