Ethics Reaction Paper

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Jun-Mari L.

Visaya 11-27-19

MGA191 Ethics

A Clockwork Orange

(Reaction Paper)

A Clockwork orange is film directed by Stanley Kubrick in 1971

released in USA based on the novel story of Anthony Burgess, published in
1962 in England. This film is a realism of trustworthy of humans and
changes of being bad unto forcing to be good that implies the youth violence
in the futuristic and totalitarian governance implying by its government
along with parents accountability on their child as its child goes in adult
stage. The protagonist of the story is Alex who where good in classical music
and the leader of their small gang who spends their nights at milk bar
beating other man, robbing, and raping innocent women until there is a
crime led by Alex that make changes on his life and along with his gang.

Alex been accused for rape and killing an old woman on its own
house, but before that case, he also lead the brutality and raped happen on
a house of an old man with his wife so that Alex been jailed for 14 years. In
that case, only Alex go for jailed while his other friends in gang are still free
and in fact, they are also one of the reason why Alex caught by the
policemen, this makes a realization that even if they’ve been your friends
and leading them for a long time it is not an essential thing when there is a
big problem that you will be encounter. Alex wanted to out of jail so he
decided to undergo a therapy called Ludovico Technique that forcing by
brutal and sexual experiment in order to be good. Alex force to be good
through a bad way, he experience what he do to other before he jailed but
for a good purposes of letting him be good. It means that even it is for good
there is still bad at the same time.

Alex successfully completed and passed the therapy in order to go out

of jail and live a normal life. As he goes home, his family been shocked
because he is now actually free and good but they consider him still a
criminal before because he is out of jail. It makes a realization that the mass
of being bad even if it is before is heavier than being good from now wherein
some people trust’s affects and based on what will be their treatment
through the majority of its past personality than to present on the people.

As Alex goes out, he been encounter some of his victim, one of it is the
old man on the street where that old man get revenge on him along with
other old people. The second is his two friends in their gang where become
now a policeman that also revenge on Alex through beaten and abused.
Lastly is the old man in a house where his wife raped by Alex where the old
man realizes that Alex is the reason why his wife died so he got the chance
to revenge on Alex by locking him in a room with classical Beethoven music
plays where it become the weakness or trauma of Alex because of the
treatment on him to be good in order for Alex to commit suicide. This
implies a realization where even good people can stop their being well by
past bad experience caused by bad people and if there is a chance to make
revenge some people choose to grab it because the fact that their trust is
already gone even if the people is good now.

Alex’s family accepts him and apologizes; the minister also apologizes
with its treatment that affects Alex’s condition on personality dominantly. At
last, Alex realizes to himself that he wanted also a normal life, as he saw his
old friend in a gang before with a wife now. He is now cured; he wanted to
have a wife and a son. The life always begins anytime and any person could
be done it and it is a realization that makes good been more dominant than
bad. Being good or bad is a choice; being good or bad can do at the same
time and being good and bad is within all the time. People is initially can be
good or bad on itself but before or after of doing things, it will be based on
what they going to choose as treatment or way in order to be good or bad as
for the end on their decisions come.


Lowne, C. (2018, October 23). A Clockwork Orange.

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