Marketing Is TH-WPS Office

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Marketing is the study and management of exchange relationships.[1][2] It is the business process of
creating relationships with and satisfying customers through a value exchange. Because marketing is
used to attract customers, it is one of the primary components of business management and commerce.
[3] Marketers can direct product to other businesses (B2B marketing) or directly to consumers (B2C

Regardless of who is being marketed to, several factors, including the perspective the marketers will use.
These market orientations determine how marketers will approach the planning stage of marketing.[5]
This leads into the marketing mix, which outlines the specifics of the product and how it will be sold.[6]
[7] This can in turn, be affected by the environment surrounding the product [8], the results of marketing
research and market research[9], and the characteristics of the product's target market.[10]

Once these factors are determined, marketers must then decide what methods will be used to market
the product.[4] This decision is based on the factors analyzed in the planning stage as well as where the
product is in the product life cycle.[4]

Marketing is defined by the American Marketing Association as "the activity, set of institutions, and
processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for
customers, clients, partners, and society at large".[11] The term developed from the original meaning
which referred literally to going to market with goods for sale. From a sales process engineering
perspective, marketing is "a set of processes that are interconnected and interdependent with other
functions of a business aimed at achieving customer interest and satisfaction".[12]

Philip Kotler defined marketing as "Satisfying needs and wants through an exchange process".[13] and a
decade later defines it as “a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what
they want and need through creating, offering and exchanging products of value with others.”


Marketing strategy is a long-term, forward-looking approach to planning with the fundamental goal of
achieving a sustainable competitive advantage.

Scholars continue to debate the precise meaning of marketing strategy. Consequently, the literature
offers many different definitions. On close examination, however, these definitions appear to centre
around the notion that strategy refers to a broad statement of what is to be achieved.

Strategic planning involves an analysis of the company's strategic initial situation prior to the
formulation, evaluation and selection of market-oriented competitive position that contributes to the
company's goals and marketing objectives.

Strategic marketing, as a distinct field of study emerged in the 1971s, and built on strategic management
that preceded it. Marketing strategy highlights the role of marketing as a link between the organization
and its customers.

"The marketing strategy lays out target markets and the value proposition that will be offered based on
an analysis of the best market opportunities." (Philip Kotler & Kevin Keller, Marketing Management,
Pearson, 14th Edition)

“An over-riding directional concept that sets out the planned path.” (David Aaker and Michael K. Mills,
Strategic Market Management, 2001, p. 11)

"Essentially a formula for how a business is going to compete, what its goals should be and what policies
will be needed to carry out these goals." (Michael Porter, Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing
Industries and Competitors , NY, Free Press, 1980)

"The pattern of major objectives, purposes and goals and essential policies and plans for achieving those
goals, stated in such a way as to define what business the company is in or is to be in. (S. Jain, Marketing
Planning and Strategy, 1993)

"An explicit guide to future Behaviour.” (Henry Mintzberg, “ Crafting Strategy,” Harvard Business Review,
July–August, 1987 pp. 66–74)

Strategy is "reserved for actions aimed directly at altering the strengths of the enterprise relative to that
of its competitors... Perfect strategies are not called for. What counts is... performance relative to
competitors.” (Kenichi Ohmae, The Mind of the Strategist, 1982, p. 37)
Strategy formulation is built on "the match between organisational resources and skills and
environmental opportunities and risks it faces and the purposes it wishes to accomplish." (Dan Schendel
and Charles W. Hofer, Strategy Formulation: Analytical Concepts, South-Western, 1978, p. 11)


Arguably, one of the most important aspects of growing your business is your marketing
strategy. With an effective marketing plan in place, you’ll be able to flesh out such things as
potential new growth opportunities, who your actual customers are versus who you thought
they were, how to acquire more customers, and where best to spend future marketing
dollars.Companies that fail to create a marketing strategy are destined to either fail or struggle
indefinitely. However, just because you create a strategy does not guarantee success.

Here are five factors that can make or break your marketing strategy.

1. Your Understanding Of Your Target Market

Every marketing strategy has a target market that you want to reach. Even if you’re not certain
who you should target, start by inputting information that you do know. Figuring out the
demographics of your target audience is a great place to start. Once you nail down the
demographics, you’ll want to create a buyer’s persona.

The buyer’s persona is the secret weapon used by successful marketing companies.

The buyer’s persona includes information such things as age, gender, and income. Depending on
your needs, it can include details like what they enjoy eating, how many kids they have, oreven
what sports teams they cheer for.

The point is, you need to understand your target market, so you know where you can target
them, how they behave, and what kind of interests they have. If you don’t understandyour
target market you can’t possibly expect to reach them. For a company like Rpay, the buyer
persona was one of the essential first steps in creating the marketing strategy. “We knew we
had an awesome product that simplified the payment process, so it was a natural action to build
out that buyer persona from a person who needs to buy or sell online,” explains CEO Anagha

2. Communicating The Value To Your Customers

The most impressive marketing strategies in the world won’t work unless you communicate the
value of your product or service to your customers. You need to clearly communicate exactly
what your product offers. If they can purchase a similar good or service elsewhere, you need to
communicate what makes yours different—and better—than your competition. For example,
VaultBank is a copmany that aims to make investing easier and more accessible to everyone.

VaultBank didn’t invent their model, but it made it better. As Managing Director, Christopher
Cummock puts it, “Our platform far outweighs the old, clunky ways of investing, and we’ve
never been shy about advertising the uniqueness of our product to current and potential
customers. In this competitive business, marketing is more about effective communication than
anything else.”

3. Watching The Data

In these days of Google Analytics, a free marketing data tool, there’s no excuse for not keeping a
close eye on the data. With the availability of marketing data, companies can track which web
pages are generating the most clicks, how long visitors are staying on pages, where site visitors
are coming from, and much, much more. Failure to spend the time needed to watch data can
mean the failure of the entire marketing strategy.

Just ask Zhixian Yan, of Echolink. As a PhD and computer science guru, Yan knows all too well
the value of computer data in forensic customer habits investigation, as well as highlighting
areas where future marketing money should be spent.

4. Focus
The best companies out there focus on helping customers, not on making money. It isn’t an
intuitive idea, the thought of putting customers ahead of profits, but it works. “As soon as your
company starts focusing on giving value to customers, there is an almost organic growth that
occurs that is almost inexplicable,” says the founder of Marine-Chain.

The practice of placing more value on money rather than the human component sabotages any
kind of effort you make to grow your business. Good businesses don’t just work that way. To
achieve this kind of focus, be sure to include your marketing team on meetings about R&D and
find other ways your company can add value to people’s lives. This will help remind your
marketing team of the real mission of the business.
5. Passion
Never underestimate the power of passion in any business venture. If you care—or don’t care
—about a project, it will show in the final product. Whether you’re selling a hair care product or
bananas, you need to be passionate about your company, your product or service, and your
marketing strategy.

Business is a long-term investment you need to find a strong motivator at the beginning. If you
don’t have passion at the outset, you’ll never be able to keep it going in the long run. Eventually,
your lack of enthusiasm will manifest itself, whether in the quality of the product, the lack of
direction in your marketing campaign, or in the way you handle customer interactions on social
media and online forums. Simply stated, people can tell when a company doesn’t care about it’s
customers, and eventually, they will stop caring, too.


For any business venture, Marketing Strategy go hand in hand. Opportunities and go but
business comes from the ones, which are handled properly in terms of leads. Leads for any new
opportunity are very important for it to turn out a profitable venture.


Helps to have sale experience

Helps to deal with different customers

Helps to overcome the objections of the customers

Helps to understand the problems of agents in a broader prospect


To study the market share of bisleri in corporate sector

To study the factors that can lead to change in brand preference like quality, price, service, etc.
Knowing brand equity of Bisleri in the corporate sector.

To study marketing strategies adopted by Bisleri’s.

To study the level of customer satisfaction in Bisleri’s.

To study the impact of Bisleri’s promotional schemes.

To Assess brand loyalty of consumers.


The survey technique is intended to secure one or more items of information from a sample of
respondents who are representatives of a larger group. The information is recorded on a form
known as questionnaire. As data are gathered by asking questions from persons who are
believed to have desired information, the method is known as questionnaire technique.


 It can secure both quantitative and qualitative information directly from the respondents.
 It is the only method of directly measuring attitudes and motivations.
 It is quite flexible in terms of the types of data to be saaembled, the method of collection or
the timing of research.

Meaning of Research
According to D. Slessinger and M. Stephenson in the Encyclopedia of social sciences define
research as “the manipulation of things, concepts or symbols for the purpose of generalizing to
extend, correct or verify knowledge, whether that knowledge aids in construction of theory or
in the practice of an art”.


1. Exploratory Research,
2. Descriptive Research.

Exploratory Research:

Exploratory research studies are also termed as formulate research studies. The main purpose
of such studies in that of formulating a problem for more precise investigation or of the working
hypothesis forms an operational point of view.

Descriptive Research:

Diagnostic Research studies determine the frequency with something occurs or its association
with something else.

In this project, information pertaining to customer needs satisfaction and their demographic
profile was collected; hence it is a descriptive research.

1) Primary data:

Meaning: Primary sources of data are the data which needs the personal efforts of collect it
and which are not readily available.

Primary source of data are the other type of source through which the data was collected.

Following are few ways in the data was collected:

1. Questionnaires: It is the set of questions on a sheet of paper was being given to the of fill
it, bases on which the data was interpreted.
2. Direct interviewing: Direct interviewing involved the process where I asked the questions
directly to the customers and I got the feedback.

2) Secondary data:Secondary sources are the other important sources through which the
data was collected.These are the readily available sources of the data where one had need not
put much effort to collected, because it is already been collected and part in an elderly manner
by some researcher, experts and special

The secondary sources helpful for the study were

1.)Text books like marketing management research methodology

2.)Advertisement and sales promotion etc.

3.)Internet was made use for the collection of the data.

4.)News papers were also referred.

5.)Business magazines were referred.

3) Sample size:By using judgment random sampling technique 100 respondents are selected
for the purpose of the study.

4) Period of study:The study is undertaken in the duration of 34 days.

5) Research approach:The survey method was adopted for collected the primary data.
Survey research is systematic gathering of data from respondent through questionnaire.

6) Research instrument:The data for this research study was collected by survey technic
using interview method guided by questionnaire.

7) Collection of Data:Questionnaire and personal interviews are the methods that I have
used for collecting the data.
1) Deep insights would give me the clear knowledge of strategies adopted and which would
make me a better marketing professional.

2) Important from a consultant prospective finding loopholes in marketing strategy of the

company if any.
3) Contribution to the institute and my fellow collagues and a unique piece of work.


Chapter I : Research Design

Chapter II : Profile of the Organization

Chapter III : Theoretical Background

Chapter IV : Data Analysis, Presentation and Interpretation

Chapter V : Findings, Suggestions and Conclusions

: Bibliography


1.1 Overview of Industry as a whole

1.2 Profile of the organization

1.3 Problems of the organization

1.4 Competition Information

1.5 S.W.O.T. Analysis of the Organization


The global bottled water industry reached 154 billion liters in 2007. Even in areas where tap
water is safe to drink, demand for bottled water is increasing.
The total annual bottled water consumption has risen rapidly in recent times – it has tripled
between 1999 & 2009.These is boom times for Indian bottled water industry.

Bisleri was the first entrant in this sector in India. It was bought from an Italian company Felice
Bisleri in the year 1969. In its early years it faced many obstructions. Infact, Mr. Ramesh
Chauhan thought that the idea of selling packaged water in India won ’t work. But his patience &
hard work paid off. Bisleri started progressing & now Bisleri is Pioneer of the industry.

India is the tenth largest bottled water consumer in the world. The industry has estimated a
turnover of Rs. 10 billion. The Indian bottled water market grew at a compound annual growth
rate (CAGR) of 25% & the highest in the world.

The project deals in the market research on knowing Bisleri ’s share in the corporate sector. The
report further deals in seeing competitors of Bisleri from key players like kinley, kingfisher,
Aquafina to local players like hello, prime, shudh, etc.

The report further sees bisleri’s profile - its product mix, marketing mix, competitors, future
plans, etc. The analysis part shows percentage of Bisleri users in the corporate sector, the
preference of organizations to the factors that can lead to change in brand preference & about
Bisleri’s sales promotion.

The final part of report deals in the key findings that stupefies everybody because it deals with
the fact that customer is price sensitive. The key findings also include the growth share matrix
which clears bisleri’s position in the corporate sector.

AT the fourth World Water Forum held in Mexico City in March 2007, the 120-nation assembly
could not reach a consensus on declaring the right to safe and clean drinking water a human
right. Millions of people the world over do not have access to potable water supply. But it is
good times for the bottled-water industry, which is cashing in on the need for clean drinking
water and the ability of the urban elite to pay an exorbitant price for this very basic human

The fortunes of this more-than-$100-billion global industry are directly related to the human
apathy towards the environment - the more we pollute our water bodies, the more the sales of
bottled water. It is estimated that the global consumption of bottled water is nearing 200 billion
litres - sufficient to satisfy the daily drinking water need of one-fourth of the Indian population
or about 4.5 per cent of the global population.

In India, the per capita bottled water consumption is still quite low - less than five litres a year as
compared to the global average of 24 litres. However, the total annual bottled water
consumption has risen rapidly in recent times .
Bottled water is drinking water packaged in bottles for individual consumption and retail

The water used may be from any source, including spring water, well water, purified water,
municipal water, or even untreated or contaminated water. Many countries, particularly
developed countries, regulate the quality of bottled water through government standards,
typically used to ensure that water quality is safe and labels accurately reflect bottle
contents. In many developing countries, however, such standards rarely exist, or are
inconsistently applied.


BISLERI was bought from the Italian company, Felice Bisleri, in 1969 … and then the journey
began. But the company had been unable to market bottled water and wanted to exit the
market – they did not see any potential for the product at that time.
But three decades ago, what could one say about a category that had no market? They didn't
know their target group. Then, since bottled water is colorless, tasteless and odourless, it was
not an easy product to advertise.
Thus, the earlier brand building efforts focused on Bisleri being healthy with adequate minerals.
The Italian name added a dash of class to it. The first print ad campaign captured the
international and showed a butler with a bow tie, holding two bottles of Bisleri.
The punch line was, "Bisleri is very very extraordinary" (the spelling of the punch line was
designed to capture the consumer's attention). The campaign was successful and bisleri was
being noticed as someone who catered to the need for safe, healthy drinking water.
However, the real boost to mineral water came in the early-to-mid-1980s when it switched to
PVC packaging and later to PET bottles. The PET packaging did not just ensure better
transparency – it could now show sparkling clear water to the consumers. It also meant better
life for the water.
Meanwhile, Bisleri soda was doing well but it had to discontinue production as it sold its soft
drink brands to Coca-Cola in 1993. But Mr. Chuahan’s interest was in building brands and not in
bottling soft drinks. That's when he started to concentrate on developing the Bisleri water
There was a clear opportunity of building a market for bottled water. The quality of water
available in the country was bad. It was similar to what Europe faced before World War II. The
quality of water in Europe was extremely poor, which created the bottled water industry there.
In India, too, not only was water scarce, whatever was available was of bad quality.
Initially, though bottled water was something only foreigners and non-resident Indians
consumed, it still had to increase the distribution, which meant the dealer margins reduced.
And because of limited sales, the dealer margin had to be kept high to compensate low sales.
Now it had to push sales.
Though the brand building of Bisleri started in a small way in 1994-1995, it was only in the years
1999-2000 that the efforts really bore fruit. Mr.Chauhan claimed that Bisleri grew by 80 per cent
in 1998 -1999 and by 150 % in 2005. "After 2006, we hope to do 400 per cent". Mr. Chauhan
never anticipated that Bisleri would be this big a success. He feels that the launch of the half-
litre (500ml) bottle was the beginning of a dramatic rise in volumes and business prospects. .
The introduction of a comfortable-to-carry 500-ml bottle for just Rs. 5 not only answered the
need, but also meant doing away with carrying the excess water or throwing it away if you were
to buy a one-litre bottle.

The idea was a success and gave the company a growth of 400 per cent. They also introduced
the 1.2 litre bottle in 2000, which was aimed at those who share their water. This also gave
bisleri the advantage of higher margins that a crate (12 bottles) generated.
With other brands joining the fray, things were hotting up -- the bottled-water market was
estimated at Rs 300 crore (Rs 3 billion) and was growing at 50 per cent a year. Bisleri had
captured 40 per cent of the market.

Bisleri realized it was time to move to the next level -- the bulk segment. Several commercial
establishments had no access to piped water. It tapped into this segment by introducing the 12-
litre container, followed by the 20-litre can. The bulk segment also helped bring down the price
per litre from Rs 10-12 a litre to about Rs 3 a litre.
At present, the bulk segment constitutes 60 to 70 % of our sales and we intend to increase it to
80 % in the next two years. With water scarcity in several cities, even households are
demanding bottled water now.
The home pack was made more user-friendly by introducing pouring spouts and jars with
dispensers. At the same time, it was constantly looking for new ways to tap the market. They
noticed that during wedding receptions, the older guests (above 50 years of age) generally
stayed away from ice cream, soft drinks and so on.
Hence, they introduced free sampling of Bisleri at the tables where the elderly guests would sit.
Soon customers were ordering bottled water on special occasions. Currently, the consumption
of bottled water is far in excess of soft drinks on such occasions.
The other major challenge was distribution. It still has the mindset of a soft drink seller. Soft
drink sales are in glass bottles and the distribution model is built around picking up empty
bottles and getting them back to the factory. That's not the case with the retail bottled water
packs (below 2 litre). But a product that's not available where it's needed is useless.
The number of outlets where Bisleri is available has increased from 50,000 in 1995 to 2,00,000
at present. But that is not enough -- we need to keep looking for different avenues. Take
stationery shops and chemists, for instance. They don't keep soft drinks but sell Bisleri. That is
the kind of exclusivity Bisleri look for to get ahead of the distribution network that soft drink
companies talk of.



The Parle group founded by late Shri Jayantilal Chauhan starts manufacturing soft drinks


Parle group launches GOLDSPOT, an orange flavoured soft drink


Bisleri is launched in Mumbai


Parle buys Bisleri Ltd. from an Italian entrepreneur, Signor Felice Bisleri. Bisleri originated
in Italy from a spring called Angelica in a town called Nocera Umbra


The Parle group launches Limca, a lime flavoured aerated drink that delivers its name from
"nimbu-ka" (of lemon)

The Parle group launches Maaza, a mango based drink


The Parle Group launches Thums Up, a cola flavoured aerated drink


Bisleri 20 Litre is introduced as an economy pack for home and office


Launch of Bada Bisleri, a 1.2 litre pack


Bisleri changes its design and packaging from blue to green, thus differentiating itself from
the competition.


Bisleri launches Natural Mountain water from the Himalayas


Bisleri launches limited edition celebration bottles, available in 250ml and 500ml. It
ushered in the festive season of that year.


Bisleri launches limited edition range of bottles with "Celebrate Cricket" labels, available in
250ml and 500ml


Bisleri launches the 'Stay Protected' campaign with the message 'PROTECTS THE ONE YOU
LOVE'. Home-sized pack of 15 litre is introduced as an ideal pack for home use.


Bisleri launches Club Soda


Vedica Reinvented

Bisleri launches "Kiss to Drink" campaign to promote 500ml bottle and encourage every
individual to buy and kiss their own 500ml Bisleri bottle


Bisleri launches four fizzy soft drinks - Spyci, Limonata, Fonzo and Pina Colada


Bisleri launches 'Rockstar', 300 ml bottle of mineral water


Bisleri introduces regional language labels for mineral water


Bisleri Launches Fonzo, a beverage which has a unique combination of tasty mango juice
and refreshing fizz


Bisleri launches world’s first vertical manufacturing plant for mineral water


Bisleri is the pioneers in the bottled drinking water industry since 1967.bisleri has always
put quality and service on top and for us customer satisfaction has always been a priority.

Bisleri was the first to market 0bottled water in a totally virgin market and naturally
people associate the brand with bottled water. Bisleri is already ten steps ahead of its
competitors and will always endeavor to widen the gap in times to come.

Bisleri is also introducing natural mineral water i.e. bisleri natural mountain water.
Our mineral water will shortly be launched in the market as our plants in baddi and
uttaranchal are expected to be commissioned by mid 2006.

Bisleri is available in a wide range of packages ranging from 250 ml glasses and in PET
bottles/jars namely; 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 ltr, 1.5 ltr, 2 ltr, 5 ltr and 20 ltr catering to the needs
of all kinds of segments as per their requirements. Bisleri product is packaged only in PET
bottles/jars, which are approved and accepted world wide as food grade packaging

Since people have become more health conscious and are diverting from carbonated soft
drinks into water; recognizing the potential of packaged drinking water in the market,
bisleri today, is the top selling brand in India.

Last but not the least; we are always striving to provide the highest quality product,
keeping in mind all aspects including freshness, purity, and safety.

Bisleri is produced by a painstaking rigorous process. Source water is put through a 7 –

stage purification process. It is then packaged in tamper proof packs with our unique ’
breakaway seal ’. And all this is done in completely automated plants to ensure it reaches
to consumers perfectly pure and safe.


Kills microorganisms, Removes organic matters.

Sand Filteration

Removes suspended matter and turbidity.

Carbon Filter

Removes residual chlorine and odours


Removes bacteria and makes water sparkling clean

Micron Filters

Additional safety measures of filters

Reverse osmosis system

Controls total dissolved solids.


Ensures water remains bacteria free for longer shelf life

Perfectly pure water is shipped


Aquafina is a non- carborated bottled waterproduced by PepsiCo.It was first distributed in
Wichita, Kansas in 1994, was distributed across the United States by 1997, and as of 2006, had
become the United States' top-selling bottled water brand in measured retail channels. The
water is mainly driven from municipal tap water that goes through an extensive purification
process that includes charcoal filtration, reverse osmosis and ozonation. Aquafina touts their
water is "Pure" because of their "state-of-the-art" HydRO-7 purification system used to remove
substances that “most other”bottled water leave in.

In India, Aquafina, manufactured by PepsiCo. India Holdings Private Ltd, is the most popular
bottled water brand. PepsiCo produces several other products under the Aquafina label:

Aquafina Esentials , bottled water with various vitamins added, available in five different flavors:
Tangerine Pineapple,etc.

Aqua fina Sparkling, carbonated flavoured water , avialable in Berry Blast and Citrus Twist.

1.3.2. KINLEY
Kinley water comes with the assurance of safety from the Coca-Cola Company. That is why they
introduced Kinley with reverse-osmosis along with the latest technology to ensure the purity of
our product. They go through rigorous testing procedures at each and every location where
Kinley is produced .Kinley is being manufactured in 15 bottling plants across the country and
according to Coca-Cola India President and CEO Alex von Behr, Coke had invested Rs. 4,000
crore in India before entering the market in 1993 and December 2006.



Bisleri was the first entrant in this virgin industry.

Highest market share.

Bisleri is a name for portable water, Bisleri is a generic brand.

Bisleri has a brand image.

It has a strong distribution network.


Bisleri is not promoting its brand i.e. since last year we have not seen any advertisement.

As we know that customer is price sensitive but Bisleri is following skimming price strategy.


As Indian bottled water industry is still progressing & the consumption level is increasing. This is
an opportunity to capture markets where quality is top priority.

As Bisleri knows market trends, than its competitors like kinley, Aquafina, etc. who have just
joined the race so Bisleri has competitive edge over other players.

Every now and then there are opening of malls. So, bisleri should try and grab this opportunity
and have tie–ups.


Bisleri faces tough competition from local brands.

Entry of new players who have low pricing strategies.

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