Negotiations Role Cards

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Negotiation 1: Manager Negotiation 1: Employee

You conducted an appraisal with one of your After you were praised in a recent appraisal for
employees recently. He/she has asked you for a your good performance in the last 12 months, you
pay rise because of his/her good performance over have decided to ask your boss for an increase to
the last 12 months. Because of restrictions on your your salary. You heard that one of your colleagues
budget, you can only offer a maximum 5% increase recently got a 15% increase, and because you feel
to his/her salary. It is important that you do not you have worked harder than him/her (you were
lose this employee because he/she is one of your also instrumental in gaining a huge new contract
best performing staff. recently), you want a 20% increase.

Negotiation 2: Manager Negotiation 2: Company Rep.

You are responsible for the upgrade of computer One of your most important clients needs a
hardware in your company’s new offices. You have complete upgrade of their computer hardware for
a strict budget of RM30,000 but require 150 new their new offices. You know that they will probably
PCs plus all related equipment (mice, printers, need around 100 new PCs plus related equipment.
webcams etc.). Your CEO has advised you that The recommended price for each PC to corporate
there may be a very small amount of flexibility on clients is RM250, although you do have some
the budget but expects you to get the best deal flexibility on deals you can do with the related
possible. equipment.

Negotiation 3: Manager Negotiation 3: CEO

You have recently been given a major project to You have recently given one of your top-
complete by the end of next month by your CEO. performing managers a major new project to
However, you have realised that because it is such complete. You expect the project to be completed
a big project, you do not have enough time to by the end of next month because otherwise, your
complete it by the deadline. You therefore need to company will miss an important deadline. You
request for an extension, and for an increased know that it will be a difficult task, especially as
budget so you can take on more support staff (a there are severe budget restrictions in place at this
minimum of 5). time of the year. However, you have great
confidence in your manager and intend to reward
him/her if he/she can complete the project on
time and to the standard you expect.

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