Lux Meter Manual

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-Yffiru8f{Affiffi TM-20112 A2126*r2aS

Measures light from vlsible luminaries equipped with The flux of light received in a unit area of a certain side
fluorescent, metal halide, high-pressure sodium and being shone is popularly known as illuniination. ln both
incandescent sources. United Kingdom and America its unit is known as
footcandles light, but in Europe it is known as meter
2" SAFETY PHHCAUTION candlelight.
One foot-candles light is the illumination of light that
falls on one side that lies in a distance one foot away
from a one foot-candlelight and exactly intersecting the
Take extreme care for the following
light. lts abbreviated form is written as 1 Fc=1 Lmlft,
condltions while measurin
similarly, one-meter candlelight is the illumination of
light that falls on a side that lies in a distance one meter
Da not operate the nreter under the environment away from a one meter candlelight and exactly
with explosive Eas {material), combustible gas intersects the light. lt is also called Lux i,e. the flux of
(material) steam or filled with dust.
light being received in each sq. meter is called the
ln order to avoid reading incorrect data, please illumination of one lumen.
replace the battery immediately when the symbol
"fjtl" appears on the LCD. As one foot candle=10.764 Lux, therefore,Nbr. of foot
ln arder to avoid the damage caused by (meter) candlelight =
contamination or static electricity, do not touch the
circuit board before you tal<e any adequate action. Nbr. of Lumen
Operating Environment: lndoors use. This
instrument has heen designed for being used in an
environment of potlution degree 2. Area(sq, foot or sq. meter)
a Operation Altitude: Up to 2000M.
o Operating Temperature & Humidity: -10'C 50"C, - Nbr. of Lumen=Nbr. of foot (or meter)x area
0%- 80%RH. Foot-candlelLux conversion
Storage Temperature & Humidity: -10"C - 50'C, 1 foot-candle=1 0.764 lux
1 lux=0.09290 foot-candles
0%- 70%RH.
(sq, foot or sq. meter)
EtulC:EN61 326(1 e97)+A 1(1 998)+A2(2001 )

EN.1 EN-2
-T€ruNf,EFffi T,,n-zauz[r,zaotrou TM-20112A2/2041205

o Low cost highest precision. Display 2000 count, large LCD display, easier
o Overload indication: LCD will show "OL" in the left to read.
highest positicn. Sensor Silicon photodiode and filter
i Low battery lndication.
I Measuring 20 (TM -20 2 I 205),2AO, 2000,
Sampling Rate: 2.5 times per secCInd for digital
Hange 20000,200000 Lux
{P Spectral response clcse to CIE iunrinous spectral 20,2CI4,2000,20000 Footcandles
efficiency. Accuracy tSYo (Calibrated to standard
a Casine Angular ccrrected. incandescent lamp 2856' K)
t According io JIS C 1609:1 S93 and CNS 51 19 B% other visible light source,
general A class Specificaticns. (TM-201/204)
T Measuring lights source include all visible. 6% other visible light source,
3 Measuring intensities cf illumination in Lux or (rrrt-zoztzas\
foatcandles. Angle deviation 30' t2%
6 Many applications inclucie: Warehouses, factories, from cosine
office buildings, restaurants, schools, library, characteristics 60( t 6"/"
hospitals. photographic, many video, parking B0' t 25%
garages. museums, art galleries, stadiums, building
security. Power Supply 9V NEDA 1604, IEC 6F22, JIS OO6P
s DC analog output {TM-202). battery x 1pc
s Data hold. Batterv life About 200 hours
s Zero adjustment. Dimensions Meter: 38 (H) x 55(W) x 130(L) mm(TM-201/202)
1.s(H)x 2.2(W) x s.l(L) inch(TM-2t)l/202)
e Large integrated circuit design. 38 (H) x 55(w) x 172(L) mnr(TM-2o4tzo')

3 Auto Range {TM-205)

1.s(Hlx 2.2(W) x 6.8(L) inch(TM-204t20s)
Sensor: 25{H) x 55(W) x B0(L) mm(TM-Zll.nAZ,
e.8H)x 2.2(W) x 3.1(L) inch(TM-zol/?02)

Weight 250 g (include battery)

Accessories User's manual,carrying case,gV
battery,3,/ plug (TM-202)
Length of wring for light sensor:Approx. 1.SM

EN-3 EN-4
Trd-201 t202fua4t205 TM-201t202t204t205
0. CIpH HATt0ru p $:r tr{: ffi c}qi ffi ffi lf performing the zero adjustment- after powering
on, several digits rnay not disappear. ln this case,
I 0pen the carrying csse. perforrn the zero adjustment again.

Press the ",:-'" button to rilril power on or off
Rernove tl"re cap of the liglit sensor, put the light
sensor at the spot where the testing of source of t
I (See Fig.1/ Fig.2)
light is to be conducteci, autc testing will then be f 1. Display(LCD): Display measuremenrs and function
ccnducted by the m€ter, read the testing value after I symbols.
the reading indicated becoi-nes stable. 2. Power Button: ON/OFF switching.
+. When "OL" is shown at the highest position at the J. MAX button: Lock up MAX or MtN (TM-ZAZIZ0S),
left lateral side, overload is indicated, then please value of LCD. Press M-H or MAX again to resume
choose another rafige that is located at a normal measuring. (TM-201 lZAq press M-H or
com pa rat ively h i E ti e r positio ri. (T M- ZO 1I ZAp/ ZA4) MAX 1 second to resume normal measuring. (TM-
q if you want to keep the realiiitg value on the LCD 202 or TM-205)
permanentiy after testing, press the ',D-H" Key 4. Lux/Fc button: For select Lux and Fc.
whereby the reading value will be locked 5. DATA HOLD button: The reading clata shown on
permanently irp. Press the "D-H" Key once again LCD can be locked while pressing the button.
vrhen you want to release the previous locking. 6. Range button.
b. ,After testing, put the cover of the light sensor back v. DC analog output terminal. (TM- 202) 30 plug
to its former position, and turn off the switch.
After testing is cornpleted, the iniiication value
should be 000 no mailer v,rhat its range woulcl be
after putting tiie cap of the light $ensor back to its
iornrer position. Please acijust 0 ADJ to enable LCD DC Analog Output Value
to indicate 000 if zero c&nnot be recovered. lf zero
still cannot be recovered, it means that the meter l Ranoe Output
breaks down. (TM -2^A1 I 2A2l ZA 4j T
20 Lux/FC 1 Lux/Fc=1OmV
8. Press the ZERO button for the zero adjustment if I
, 2OO_LuVFC 1
any digits is appeara {TM-405) 2000 Lux/FC
1 Lux/Fc=O.1mV
NOTE. : When the iigiit sensor cap is not aitached 20000 Lux/FC 1
"CAF" is indicated" Make sLlie that it is attached.
1200000 Lux .1 Lyx=0,00lgtV _ _____r

HN-5 EN-6

TffiWfr{Affiffi - - -rvgq1a'+eg3qi TQNMAR$,_ _ rw-2o1tzoztzo4/zos

8. Zero Adjustmerit" Fig,2(TM -2a4)
g. Fhoto detector.



g*-+: .l

jl?*j l;

; tE \-J
i t,* F

='''4 tI

EN-7 EN-8
-T€N}/LA${S r,l''za1no2tlJr)Nzas
- (SENStTtVtTy)
The deviation from the comparative standards for e set for referring the testing of source of light is
luminosity is determined by JIS standard C 1609- located at the right top end (0 de$ree) of the light
1 9S3. sensor ball plane. (See fig. 3)
Peak sensitivity wavelength:550nm c When the meter is not in use, please keep the
Typ. Ta=23t cap of the light sensor in its place to avoid the
photo diode from wearing out,
o When it is not in use for a long time, please take
;F : the batteries away. And avoid keeping it in a
80 place of high temperature and humidity.
a 40 * - TM-202 Fig.3
uJ TM-205
tr Light Source 0 degree
J 0
380 440 500 560 620 680 7.10


*ClE luminous spectral luminous

EN-g EN-10
YWF6 ft$eW-':,Igg ri:-349ry$ TM-A0iila?.l2a4i205

.!0. RSCOMMSNDH* [.ffiVtrL$ ilF

Suitable levels cf illuminance
(According to the Jl$ siandard Z 91 10-1979)
1500 to 300 Precision drawing or drafting,
precision experimenting, library
750 to 200 Classrooms, librarY reading rooms,
llluminance (lux) Piace
staff rooms, gymnasia
1500 to 750 Oi{ices, designing, drawing rooms 300 to 75 Lecture halls, assemblY rooms,
locker rooms, corridors, stairwaYs
750 tc 300 Offices, conference rooms, computer and restrooms
roonrs 75 to 30 Warehouses and emergency
300 to 100 Workrcoms, corridors, stairways,
restroorns 10 to 2 School passages
75 to 30 lndoor emerEency stairuaYs

lllunrinance (tux) Place

3000 to 1500 Where such work as assembling,

t'.!J lolease replace the battery immediately
inspecting testing, selecting,
extremely precision visual work t. Remove the battery cover
1500 to 750 Asserribling, inspecting, testing, 4
(-. Replace tlre batterY.
selecting, precision visual work 3. lnstall the battery cover.
750 to 300 Assenrbling. irrspecting, testing,
seleciirrc and visual ordinary work
300 to 150 Wrapping and packing

75 to 30 lndoor efi-rergency stairwaYs

f N*11 EN-12

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