Spectral Classification PDF
Spectral Classification PDF
Spectral Classification PDF
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1. Introduction
Scientists across all fields use classification systems to help them sub-divide the
vast universe of objects and phenomena into smaller groups, making them easier to
study. In biology, life can be categorized by cellular properties. Animals are separated
from plants, cats separated from dogs, oak trees separated from pine trees, etc. This
framework allows biologists to better
understand how processes are FIGURE 1: SPECTRUM OF VEGA
interconnected and quickly predict
characteristics of newly discovered
species. In Astronomy, the stellar
c l a s s i fi c a t i o n s y s t e m a l l o w s
scientists to understand the
properties of stars. Early
astronomers began to realize that
the extensive number of stars
exhibited patterns related to the
starʼs color and temperature. This
classification was good, but had limitations (especially for studying distant stars).
By the early 1900ʼs, a classification system based on the observed stellar spectra
was developed and is still used today. A STELLAR SPECTRUM is a measurement of a
Spectral Classification of Stars
2. Spectral Classification
Main Classification
The stellar classification system groups stars into the following categories:
Spectral Classification of Stars
Each spectral type is further sub-divided into narrower divisions to help classify
the subtle differences in each type. This is done through the use of the numbers 0 - 9
and the Roman Numerals I - VII. The main star in each spectral type is represented by
the number 0 and the number increases as the temperature decreases (moves toward
cooler spectral type). The Roman Numerals indicate the stars luminosity and start with
the brightest (I for SUPERGIANTS, II for BRIGHT GIANTS, III for GIANTS and IV for
SUBGIANTS), and work down to fainter (V for MAIN SEQUENCE) and fainter (VI for
• Example: Figure 1 shows the spectrum of Vega. Vega has a stellar classification
of A0V, meaning that Vega is a Main Sequence star (V) and is the main spectral
type for A-type stars (A0). From Vegaʼs spectral type, we can quickly infer that
Vega is a white star around 10,000 Kelvin that is fusing hydrogen and is of medium
Spectral Classification of Stars
“Reference” spectra over the target and move from type to type until you think you have
found a match. Be careful! Not all the spectra are exactly the same and you may have
to guess between two types. For example, if you were between a K0 and K5 star, you
could estimate a K2 or K3. Or, if you were stuck between an A5 and a F0, you could
choose an A7 or A8.
Make your estimates of the 14 “Unknown” sources and enter your results in Table 2.
When you are done, move on to Part 2 - Mass, Luminosity and the H-R Diagram.
Spectral Classification of Stars
HD66171 0.90
HD240344 19.2
HD124320 2.50
HZ948 1.25
HD35215 31.0
At the core of these stars, matter is being converted into energy through fusion. This
process is very sensitive and small changes in the stars mass can create dramatic
changes in the LUMINOSITY. Expressed mathematically, the relationship has the
following form:
Here, L is the luminosity of a main sequence star (in units of the Sun's luminosity) and
M is the mass of a main sequence star (in units of the Sun's mass). For example: if
Herzsprung-Russell Diagram
The H-R diagram is a common way for astronomers to display the stellar
classification system. It is simply a plot of a starʼs luminosity versus its spectral type (or
sometimes its color/temperature vs. absolute magnitude). Similar stellar types will tend
to “cluster” on the H-R Diagram. The stars used in todayʼs lab are all main sequence
(sub-type V) stars and their grouping should be evident though plotting. Use the Mass,
Luminosity Relationship from section 2.1 to complete the “Luminosity” column in Table 2
and plot the stars from this lab to reveal the pattern.
Spectral Classification of Stars
τ= × 109 Years = 3.5 × 109 Years = M −2.5 × 109 Years
This means that for a star with a mass 2 , then
τ = 0.5 −2.5
× 10 Years ∼ 57 × 10 Years. Choose one star from each main spectral
9 9
type and calculate the main sequence lifespan in the table below.
Spectral Classification of Stars
Unknown Spectra:
Spectral Classification of Stars