Professional Negligence PDF
Professional Negligence PDF
Professional Negligence PDF
INTRODUCTION ............................................ 628
II. THE PROFESSIONAL STANDARD ........................ 633
A. The Standard ................................. 633
B. Analysis of the Standard ........................ 636
1. Elements of the Standard .................... 636
2. Non-expertise .............................. 637
3. Care ..................................... 637
4. Knowledge and Mechanical Functions ......... 637
5. Judgment ................................. 640
C. Setting the Standards ....................... 645
1. Standards Set by the Profession.............645
2. Standards Set by the Government ............ 646
3. Standards Set by the Professional ............ 649
4. Setting a Standard of Perfection: The Professional
as Insurer? ................................ 650
A. Introduction .................................. 652
B. Possible Limits and Bases of ProfessionalLiability ,. 654
C. Emerging Limits of Professional Liability for Negli-
gence-Beyond Privity ......................... 660
1. Accountants ............................... 660
2. Architects ................................. 661
3. Attorneys ................................. 664
4. Surveyors ................................. 666
5. Summary ................................. 667
D. Statutes and the Scope of ProfessionalLiability ..... 669
1. Federal Securities Acts ...................... 670
2. Federal Immunity Statutes ........... I ....... 674
E. Conclusion-Toward a Clearer Limit of Liability .... 676
IV. RE mDIS........................................... 678
A. Civil Damage Suits ............................ 679
B. Criminal Sanctions ............................. 681
C. ProfessionalReview ............................ 683
D. Summary .................................... 688
V. CoNCLUsIoN........................................ 689
Item: A thirty year-old woman who lost a third of her brain, one
eye, her hearing, and the baby she was carrying has been awarded
over one million dollars in damages against an engineering firm which
designed a highway left hand curve which banked to the right. Hers
was the fourteenth accident at the curve in as many. months.'
Item: An eighteen year-old high school graduate has filed suit
against the school system, contending that Ihe can neither read nor
write well enough to qualify for employment other than 'the most de-
meaning, unskilled, low paid manual labor.' ,2
Item: A chiropractor who told the parents of a young girl that he
could cure her eye cancer without surgery, and induced them to forgo
a planned operation was convicted of second-degree murder
Item: Standard & Poor's has been named a defendant in a class
action suit by bondholders who "share the unenviable distinction of
being left holding the bag the first time an issue of triple-A-rated
bonds ever defaulted on an interest payment."4 It is alleged that the
rating--" 'like God himself stamped his approval on it' "k--was mis-
leading and based on an erroneous assumption that the bonds were
backed by the state.
Item: A 10.27 million-dollar suit has been filed against an ac-
counting firm which prepared allegedly misleading and fraudulent fi-
nancial statements about a now-bankrupt cattle business.6 It is con-
tended that the firm was depicted as "'a growing, successful, solvent
business enterprise' "7 in the accounting statements which are instead
alleged to have concealed a fraudulent course of conduct.
This Comment will explore the law of professional errors, and will
reexamine aspects of the fundamental tort questions of standard of
conduct, duty, and remedy, as they have developed in the professional
field. Several questions must be asked. What is the standard of care re-
quired of a professional? Is a physician culpable when he loses his pa-
tient?' Must teachers succeed in their efforts to teach? To whom is a
N.Y. Times, Oct. 4, 1972, at 53, col. 2 (city ed.).
TpjYn, Jan./Feb. 1973, at 3.
SPeople v. Phillips, 270 Cal. App. 2d 381, 75 Cal. Rptr. 720 (Dist. Ct. App. 1969),
cert. denied, 396 U.S. 1021 (1970).
4Wall St. J., Oct. 2, 1972, at 25, col. 1.
6 N.Y. Times, Sept. 11, 1971, at 33, col. 7.
7 Id.
8 This Comment does not purport adequately to address the broad subject matter
of medical malpractice. Two factors explain this omission. First, except in a relatively
small number of circumstances (as in the case of an airplane crash proximately caused
by improper medical diagnosis and treatment) only a single plaintiff, or his estate, will
be affected by a physician's error, obviating most of the problems created by suits by
And some special sanctity has been found in the fact that professionals,
unlike merchants, do not advertise their wares, and vend services
rather than products. 58 A strict standard for professional conduct
might result in professionals becoming easy targets for malpractice
suits. The potential increase in litigation-inevitable where solvent
professionals are involved-is not a development to be welcomed en-
thusiastically. 9 The client-professional relation could be seriously im-
paired by placing professionals on the defensive for uncertainties over
which they have no control, or by causing professionals to avoid under-
taking novel problems. Moreover, the very label attached to such suits
---"malpractice"--indicates the vulnerability of the professional rep-
utation to the effects of a negligence suit. While these factors may not
outweigh a legitimate concern for client welfare, they counsel against
hasty extensions of liabilty against professionals.
Notwithstanding that the "professional standard" has been criti-
cized as being too lax, and that various reasons exist to support a spe-
cial standard for the professions, there is doubt as to how "special" the
standard is, and whether the differences from lay standards exist more
in theory than in fact. A typical statement of the professional standard
was given in Patterson & Wallace v. Frazer," 0 in a jury charge refer-
ring to attorneys:
Attorneys... are held to undertake to use a reasonable
degree of care and skill, and to possess, to a reasonable ex-
tent, the knowledge requisite to a proper performance of the
duties of their profession .... There is, however, no implied
... guaranty [of] the success of [the] proceedings in a suit,
or... of his opinions .... [E]rrors as to questions of law
which an attorney with reasonable capacity, with ordinary
investigation, might know, is a ground for liability, where
injury results therefrom. By 'reasonable care and skill' and
'reasonable knowledge' is meant such a degree of care, dili-
gence, and skill as a practicing lawyer of ordinary skill and
prudence and knowledge of the law would exercise in case
of like character under like circumstances ....61
Examination of the demands of this standard reveals no major devia-
tion from lay norms, except the possibility of shelter from liability
where a lawyer of ordinary skill, prudence, and knowledge would make
the same simple error. Whether this kind of shelter from liability was
intended is suspect. The framers of the standard apparently felt it to
be a logical extension of the reasonably prudent man test. There was
58 Newmark v. Gimbel's, Inc., 54 N.j. 585, 596-97, 258 A.2d 697, 702-03 (1969).
Professor Morris suggests that ambulance chasers would likely thrive in the new
legal climate that stricter professional liability standards would create. Morris, supra
note 55, at 1165.
60 79 SmW. 1077 (Tex. Civ. App. 1904).
61 Id. at 1079.
theless, the strictness with which the law has policed itself should at
least suggest the level of stringency at which the law has aimed for all
2. Non-expertise
In areas of non-expertise, professionals have been held only to
lay standards. Accordingly, an attorney was not deemed expert in hu-
man psychology, and was excused the failure to detect the mental in-
competence of his client, when prior conversations had seemed to
indicate her normalcy. 5 Similarly, in Reumping v. Wharton,6 6 an at-
torney was forgiven for an error in property appraisal. For like reasons
attorneys have not been required to divine the honesty of their clients,
and have been allowed to rely upon the client's having fairly stated the
facts which constitute his defense. 7
3. Care
It is firmly established that the professional is not required to ex-
ercise extraordinary care. The care demanded of him exceeds the "or-
dinary" only when his expertise makes him aware of a need for cau-
tion that a layman would not perceive, just as a layman is judged in
light of special knowledge he may have acquired. 8 It seems wise that
a separate "professional" care standard has not been demanded. To
urge that extraordinary care replace ordinary care raises delicate dem-
ocratic and philosophic problems. Since it seems a fair presumption
that ordinary care combined with average professional attainments
will result in salutary results for the client, there is no compelling
legal need to demand better-than-standard care.
4. Knowledge and Mechanical Functions
Apart from a recognition in such old cases as Von Wallhoffen v.
Newcombe6 9 and Goodman & Mitchell v. Walker"0 that a profession
may be divided into mechanical and judgmental segments, there is no
consistent recognition in expressions of the professional standard that
the area of mechanical functions involves a different standard than in
the area of judgment. Historically the two have been fused uncriti-
cally, and it is implied that the professional's obligation is to conform
to professional community norms in each, suggesting that professionals
may be insulated from liability by a relaxed community norm. What
the early framers of the professional standard intended in judging a
65 Everett v. Downing, 298 Ky. 195, 182 S.W.2d 232 (1944).
66 56 Neb. 536, 76 N.W. 1076 (1898).
67 Cf. Rapuzzi v. Stetson, 160 App. Div. 150, 145 N.Y.S. 455 (1914).
68 W. PROSSER, supra note 18, § 32, at 161. See also Beach v. Chollett, 31 Ohio App.
8, 11-12, 166 N.E. 145, 146 (1928).
69 10 Hun 236 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. 1877).
70 30 Ala. 482 (1857).
71Montriou v. Jefferys, 172 Eng. Rep. 51, 53 (N.P. 1825), phrased it thus: "God
forbid that . . . an attorney, or a counsel, or even a judge is bound to know all the
law . . . ." But cf. Moulton v. Huckleberry, 150 Ore. 538, 546, 46 P.2d 589, 592 (1935)
("fail[ure] to use . . . well-known tests" unquestionably deemed negligence); Goodman
& Mitchell v. Walker, 30 Ala. 482, 496 (1857). See also Savings Bank v. Ward, 100 U.S.
195, 199 (1879) ("[Alttorneys do not profess to know all the law or to be incapable of
error or mistake in applying it .... "); Adams v. Boyce, 37 Cal. App. 2d 541, 548, 99
P.2d 1044, 1048 (Dist. Ct. App. 1940) (physicians).
See Samueis v. Willis, 133 Ky. 459, 466, 118 S.W. 339, 342 (1909) ("Because all
men at some time are careless does not relieve any man from the legal consequences of
his careless act .... ).
73 29 App. Div. 2d 477, 288 N.Y.S.2d 831 (1968).
74102 Cal. App. 677, 283 P. 871 (Dist. Ct. App. 1929).
Id. at 684-85, 283 P. at 874.
E.g., Moser v. Western Harness Racing Ass'n, 89 Cal. App. 2d 1, 9, 200 P.2d 7,
11 (Dist. Ct. App. 1948) ("with but slight research a wealth of authority on the subject
[was] readily available").
77278 N.Y. 186, 15 N.E.2d 572 (1938).
E.g., W.I. Douglas Shoe Co. v. Rollwage, 187 Ark. 1084, 63 S.W.2d 841 (1933).
See Gilbert v. Williams, 8 Mass. 51, 57 (1811). See also Fleener v. Fleener, 263 N.E.2d
879 (Ill. App. Ct. 1970).
and skill. Clearly, errors of judgment may intrude into the most
mechanistic areas of law; conversely, a series of mechanistic decisions
is frequently involved in proceeding to the most complex and specu-
lative of judgments. Mechanical matters must be carefully extracted
and scrupulously examined by the courts. This enormous task of
distilling the known from the unknown and unknowable should engage
the efforts of talented scholars in each profession who have the wisdom
to know what they do not know, and the courage to admit what they
do know.
When a function is judgmental, the standard that is applied
requires that such judgment be rendered only after a professional is
fully qualified and has ascertained all relevant factsY5 Uninformed
judgment is equivalent to a failure to unearth mechanical principles,
and must subject an erring professional to liability. As the court in
Ramp v. St. PaulFire & Marine Insurance Co.94 indicated, a judgment
"must be the considered conclusion of the attorney."' 5 While acknowl-
edging the need for freedom in exercising judgment, the court recog-
nized that a judgment arrived at by deviations from all norms of
research is not a "judgment" at all. 6
In this vein, it should be noted that a professional cannot disclaim
liability by talismanically invoking the word "opinion." Among lay-
men, the mention of "opinion" is expected to trigger an attitude of
distrust, and produce a discounting of the "opinion" offered. In the
professional situation, however, given the unequal informational foot-
ing and the special relation of the professional and his client, an
opinion has been deemed to carry with it an implied knowledge of facts
justifying the opinion. 7
A few examples will serve to illustrate the operation of the judg-
mental standard. Litigation is an area which demonstrates the overlap
between the mechanical and the judgmental, and suggests the difficulty
of passing upon attorneys' "errors." In Pearson v. Darrington,9s an
attorney who gave full evidence of recognizing that the trial judge had
erred chose not to except. He was subsequently exonerated, with the
court indicating that in yielding to the opinion of a presiding judge
93Moore v. Tremelling, 78 F.2d 821, 824 (9th Cir. 1935). See Lally v. Kuster, 177
Cal. 783, 786, 171 P. 961, 962 (1918) (quoting 6 C.J.S. Attorney & Client § 225, at
696-97 (1914)): although an attorney "will not be responsible for a mere error of
judgment," this is so only if he is "'fairly capacitated to discharge the duties . . .of his
94 254 So. 2d 79 (La. Ct. App. 1971).
95 Id. at 82.
96 Cf. Cook, Flanagan & Berst v. Clausing, 73 Wash. 2d 393, 438 P.2d 865 (1968)
(though an attorney would not be liable for good faith errors of judgment, he must
avoid negligent errors in arriving at that judgment).
97 W. PROSSER, supra note 18, § 109, at 726-27. See also Lietz v. Primock, 84 Ariz.
273, 276-77, 327 P.2d 288, 290 (1958). Cf. American Hemisphere Marine Agencies, Inc.
v. Kreis, 40 Misc. 2d 1090, 1092, 244 N.Y.S.2d 602, 604 (Sup. Ct. 1963).
98 32 Ala. 227 (1858).
duties he undertook. Accordingly, it held that the conduct of the defendants was
See, e.g., ABA CODE OF PROFESSIONAL REsPONSIBrrY (1969) [hereinafter cited
11261 AM. JuR. 2D Physicians, Surgeons & Other Healers § 114 (1972). But see
McCoid, supra note 63, at 580.
113 Enactment of such professionally-promulgated guidelines by state legislatures
should pose no serious delegation problems. State courts, while concerned that legislative
power may not be delegated, typically have found the process of "filling up the details"
where legislatures have established a standard to guide the exercise of that process, not
to constitute a delegation. See 1 K. DAVIS, ADMINISTRATIVE LAW TREATISE § 2.15, at 148
LAW m JuDICIAL CONDUCr AND E=Cs (1971). In California, while "many 'local' bar
associations expressly adopt" the ABA CODE, supra note 111, by constitution or by-law,
in adopting state rules of professional conduct, the Code was not made binding on all
members of the state bar. Yet when the STATE BAR or CasarourA, CALIFO.NIA STATE
BAR AcT AND Ru CEs Or PROFESSIONAL CONDUCr (1972), does not cover the subject area,
an ABA canon might be adopted by supreme court decision to operate prospectively. See
129The SEC has ruled that financial statements will be presumed misleading if not
prepared in accordance with accounting principles which have substantial authoritative
support. Opinions of the Accounting Principles Board of the AICPA are considered as
having such support, and will be deemed acceptable unless the SEC states a different
position on accounting treatment in its rules, regulations, or official releases. 4 CCH FED.
SEC. L. R P. II 68,517.23 (1970).
130An excellent example of litigation on this very issue is Appalachian Power Co. v.
AICPA, 177 F. Supp. 345 (S.D.N.Y.), aff'd, 268 F.2d 844 (2d Cir.), cert. denied, 361 U.S.
887 (1959). Several power companies were denied an injunction that would have re-
strained the AICPA from distributing a statement finding it an improper auditing
procedure to credit earned surplus when recognizing the deferral of income taxes. The
SEC, it was feared, would, by its authority, force the utilities to discontinue past pro-
cedures, with the result that the companies would find their ability to obtain credit
impaired, and their growth accordingly limited.
13 1
For a good analysis of some problems of informed consent, see Salgo v. Leland
Stanford Jr. Univ. Bd. of Trustees, 154 Cal. App. 2d 560, 317 P.2d 170 (Dist. Ct. App.
132Accordingly, Owen v. Neely, 471 SAV.2d 705, 708 (Ky. 1971), suggests that
reservations as to the soundness of a title are proper only so long as there are no
"reasonable grounds to suspect the actual existence" of defects. The ABA CODE, supra
note 111, flatly excludes the possibility of an attorney limiting his personal liability,
though he may disclaim that of his associates. DR 6-102, at 74. See also 61 Aa . JUR.
2D Physicians, Surgeons & Other Healers § 107 (1972) (contractual exemption from
negligence generally invalid); RESTAT ENT (SECOND) OF TORTS § 545(2) (Tent. Draft
No. 11, 1965). When a "misrepresentation as to a matter of law is solely one of opinion
as to the legal consequences of facts, the recipient is justified in relying upon it [only]
to the same extent as though it were a representation of any other opinion." Id. And
"between bargaining adversaries, there can ordinarily be no justifiable reliance upon the
opinion, as stated in § 542" Id. comment d at 18. But "if the maker of the representation
purports to have special knowledge of the law which the recipient does not have, reliance
upon the opinion may be justified." Id.
jections have been raised against this extension of strict liability, 41 the
clear analogy to conventional products liability suggests equivalent
liability regardless of the status of the person dispensing a product.
Beyond products liability, the next logical extension would be to the
most mechanistic activities, such as the lawyer's function of drafting a
standard will, a "simple mandate of law that requires no room for ...
It is fairly apparent that each of the professions grows vastly more
complex with each passing year. The rapid proliferation of technical
sources and available expertise creates problems for the perplexed pro-
fessional who must, like Alice, run frantically just to keep abreast of
new developments. A perfection standard may seem menacing to such
a professional; yet the growing complexity of the professions creates
growing dependence upon the professional, and demands that mere
complexity be no legal justification for non-liability.
In implementing a standard of professional perfection, the prob-
lem of legal causation may in some cases assume huge dimensions. If
the law rigidly requires a plaintiff to prove beyond all doubt that a
mechanical error by the professional defendant caused his injury, then
the scheme of "strict" liability would be effectively emasculated. If, on
the other hand, a relaxed standard of proximate causation encourages
all disgruntled clients with "bad results" to bring suit for minor errors
only incidental to their injury, then the consequent increase, in litigation
could be a dismal prospect. Such a development might seriously impair
professional-client relations, and have the result of increasing the ex-
pense and diminishing the quantity of professional work amid profes-
sional overcaution; few professionals would be willing to venture into
new areas or new problems.
If the focus is shifted from the mechanical operations, to an
emphasis on insuring results, there are strong counterconsiderations
against over-weighing concern for clients' welfare. Professional bad
results-that is, "errors" where no professional standards are violated
and the practitioner's judgment conformed to accepted professional
community levels-do not seem reasonably susceptible to a system of
strict liability. Because the elements of control that exist when dealing
with only mechanical operations are lacking in such cases, such "er-
rors" will be by definition unavoidable, regardless of the amounts of
care and skill exerted. Talking about this lack of control, the court in
14lMagrine v. Krasnica, 94 N.J. Super. 228, 227 A.2d 539 (Hudson County Ct.,
L. Div., 1967), aff'd sub nom. Magrine v. Spector, 100 N.J. Super. 223, 241 A.2d 637
(App. Div. 1968), aff'd, 53 N.J. 259, 250 A.2d 129 (1969). The trial court, in denying
the strict liability of a dentist for personal injuries caused by a latent defect in a
hypodermic needle, pointed to the non-applicability of the UCC and the Uniform Sales
Act, the absence of professional control measures, the non-mercantile quality of the
transaction, and the availability of other recompense for the injured.
142 Broyles v. Brown Eng'r Co., 275 Ala. 35, 39, 151 So. 2d 767, 771 (1963).
Comment will now consider the size and character of that class and
explore the possible limits upon it. The traditional limit on professional
liability has been the privity relationship between the professional and
his client.146 Thus, when a negligence action was brought against a
professional, the threshold question was whether the plaintiff had been
the professional's client. A negative answer usually resulted in dismiss-
14 7
al, unless the plaintiff was able to allege more than mere negligence.
Although the privity limit on liability serves the goal of certainty
in the law, it may not serve other goals such as justice or deterrence of
negligent conduct.' 48 Consider the following hypothetical situation.
Homeowner H hires A, an architect, to design and supervise the con-
struction of his house. To finance the project H borrows $50,000 from-
B, a bank, with the house and land as collateral. H takes possession of
the house, later goes bankrupt, and B forecloses the mortgage. When
146 See Ultramares Corp. v. Touche, 255 N.Y. 170, 174 N.E. 441 (1931); Derry v.
Peek, 14 App. Cas. 337 (1889); Winterbottom v. Wright, 152 Eng. Rep. 402 (Ex. 1842).
When one considers the limitation or extension of liability costs, this can be done in
several ways. First, the class of persons who may sue can be limited so that only those in
a particular relationship with the group in question may sue a member of that group.
The privity limitation is an example of this method. Second, the degree of causation re-
quired to bring suit can be defined so as to limit or extend liability. Courts use this
technique when they speak in terms of proximate cause or legal cause. Third, the def-
inition of what is actionable conduct can be modified so as to change the scope of liabil-
ity. Certain conduct can thus be held nonactionable. Fourth, conduct can be held action-
able by all injured parties, but recoverable damages can be controlled by limiting damage
recovery to only certain damages. Of these methods of controlling liability costs, the first
(the privity limitation) has been used most successfully in limiting professional liability
for negligence. The others have been used no more in the area of professional negligence
than in other areas of negligence. For this reason, only the privity limitation will be dis-
cussed at length in this section, but the reader must keep in mind that the other three
methods of limiting liability are also active.
147An alternative to the privity doctrine was, however, suggested in the very case
that established its dominance in the field of professional liability. In Ultramares Corp.
v. Touche, 255 N.Y. 170, 174 N.E. 441 (1931), Chief judge Cardozo held that privity
was no bar to liability for fraud and ordered a new trial on the question of fraud with
the insight "that negligence or blindness, even when not equivalent to fraud, is none the
less evidence to sustain an inference of fraud. At least this is so if the negligence is gross."
Id. at 190-91, 174 N.E. at 449.
This suggestion that fraud need not be active or deliberate to be actionable, but that
gross negligence or recklessness would suffice to supply the needed inference of fraudulent
intent was later made a basis for liability in State St. Trust Co. v. Ernst, 278 N.Y. 104,
15 N.E.2d 416 (1938), in which the defendant accountant firm knew that the certified
balance sheet it was preparing would be used to obtain credit, and prepared 10 copies.
One month later it prepared a covering letter or supplemental statement expressing severe
doubts about some of its statements in the balance sheet, but made up only a single copy,
which it sent to its employer. Although tltramares might suggest that the accountant
has a duty only to his employer for negligent mistakes, a duty manifestly satisfied by the
covering letter, the court found reckless disregard of consequence in not sending copies to
all to whom the initial certified balance sheet had been exhibited. In its opinion this was
negligence so gross as to constitute an inference of fraud, for "heedlessness and reckless
disregard of consequence may take the place of deliberate intention." Id. at 112, 15 N.E.2d
at 419.
Gross negligence or recklessness became a substitute for the element of intent in fraud
actions; intent, always extremely difficult of proof, could be circumvented.
For other cases decided under a "gross negligence" standard, see C.I.T. Financial
Corp. v. Glover, 224 F.2d 44 (2d Cir. 1955); Duro Sportswear, Inc. v. Cogen, 131
N.Y.S.2d 20 (Sup. Ct. 1954), aff'd mem., 285 App. Div. 867, 137 N.Y.S.2d 829 (1955).
348 See W. PnossER, supra note 18, §§ 3, 4.
B attempts to resell the house it discovers that the house has grossly
defective wiring and plumbing clearly due to A's negligence. As a
result, B cannot resell the house to recover the deficiency and brings
a negligence action against A to recover the balance. In answer to the
suit, A claims that B has no cause of action against himself because it
is not in privity of contract. Under the privity doctrine the suit would
be dismissed. But is that fair to B? A was negligent, and B had no way
of protecting itself from such an occurrence short of the unreasonable
precaution of hiring its own architect. Also, the injury to B resulting
from A's negligence is quite foreseeable. The major interest served by
the denial of liability is the protection of A from the heavy burden of
liability in such circumstances.
But, the privity doctrine is no longer the controlling factor that it
once was.149 Many jurisdictions have modified it or repudiated it in
various circumstances. 5 ° What is the effect of these new developments
on situations such as that above? What new facts or circumstances are
relevant in courts' eyes to the decision to impose liability? What
should be the limits of a professional's liability for negligence? Answer-
ing questions such as these is the goal of the following discussion. 51
B. Possible Limits and Bases of Professional Liability
As a general rule a tortfeasor is liable for the foreseeable conse-
quences of his negligence.' 52 This limitation on the extent of liability
for negligence has been characterized as "[t]he risk reasonably to be
perceived defines the duty to be obeyed, and risk imports relation; it is
risk to another or to others within the range of apprehension,' 53
Foreseeability may be viewed as an alternative basis and limit of
professional liability that could be applied in the absence of the con-
tractual implications of the relationship between professional and
client. The policy that a tortfeasor should be responsible for the fore-
seeable consequences of his acts, so familiar in other areas of our tort
law, could easily form a basis of liability in this field as well. Concur-
rently, this same proposition delineates a convenient, though imprecise,
limit of liability-that of foreseeable harm.
That the foreseeability limitation is different from, and extends
farther than, the privity limitation can be seen by examining cases
149 See notes 224-35 infra & accompanying text.
15o California is the only jurisdiction to have eliminated the privity test altogether
in a significantly large area. See Biakanja v. Irving, 49 Cal. 2d 647, 320 P.2d 16 (1958).
151The reader may find it helpful to compare the analysis and conclusions of this
Comment with the predictions made on the future of professional liability for negligence
in Curran, ProfessionalNegligence-Some General Comments, 12 VAN1. L. REv. 535, 545-
47 (1959). A more comprehensive analysis of some of the cases treated in this Comment
may be found in Prosser, Misrepresentation and Third Persons, 19 VAxD. L. Rav. 231
1 , sTATEm= (SEconn) oF ToRTs § 435 (1965).
153 Palsgraf v. Long Island RA.., 248 N.Y. 339, 344, 162 N.E. 99, 100 (1928) (Car-
dozo, C..).
where the privity limitation has been applied. The most famous of
these is UltramaresCorp. v. Touche5 4 in which the defendant accoun-
tant was held not liable to a plaintiff who, in lending money to the firm
that employed the accountant, had relied on a certified original copy
of defendant's audit. The limitation on liability was based on the lack
of privity between the plaintiff and the defendant. But, if a foresee-
ability standard were applied, liability would certainly have been found,
as prospective reliance on the accountant's statement by lenders to the
accountant's employer was both foreseeable and known by the accoun-
tant. 155 In another case the defendant accountant sent his report to the
plaintiff who then relied on it in business dealings with the accountant's
employer." 6 The accountant was held not liable to the plaintiff for
negligence in preparing the audit because of lack of privity. Under a
foreseeability standard it is clear that liability would have been found,
as the defendant knew both the plaintiff's identity and of his prospec-
tive reliance. Further examples of the wider scope of the foreseeability
limit on liability as compared to the privity standard can be seen 1in
cases treating the liability of attorneys for negligently drawn wills,' T
of engineering companies for negligently prepared engineering reports
used by their employers in securing bids for construction projects,'"s
and of abstractors for negligent title searches.' 59
A second possible test for measuring the extent of liability for
negligence is that of reasonable reliance 60 This means that a profes-
sional would be liable to those who reasonably rely on his negligent ac-
154 255 N.Y. 170, 174 N.E. 441 (1931). For a discussion of the earlier development
of privity concepts, see Levi, An Introduction to Legal Reasoning, 15 U. CHL L. REv. 501,
506-19 (1948).
155 The defendants knew also that in the usual course of business the balance
sheet when certified would be exhibited by the Stern company [the accountant's
employer] to banks, creditors, stockholders, purchasers or sellers, according to
the needs of the occasion, as the basis of financial dealings. Accordingly, when
the balance sheet was made up, the defendants supplied the Stern company with
thirty-two copies certified with serial numbers as counterpart originals.
255 N.Y. at 173-74, 174 N.E. at 442.
156 Investment Corp. v. Buchman, 208 So. 2d 291 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 1968).
157 See, e.g., Lucas v. Harem, 56 Cal. 2d 583, 364 P.2d 685, 15 Cal. Rptr. 821 (1961)
(privity limitation would have prevented liability to a named beneficiary although the
likelihood of harm to such a person due to the attorney's negligence was certainly fore-
158 See, e.g., Texas Tunneling Co. v. City of Chattanooga, 329 F.2d 402 (6th Cir.
1964), rev'g 204 F. Supp. 821 (ED. Tenn. 1962) (absence of privity between the con-
tractor and the engineering company prevented liability; foreseeability of harm was ob-
vious because of the customary trade practice of contractors' relying upon the engineer-
ing company's reports of underground geological formations to be encountered in the
construction project).
1 ) See, e.g., Anderson v. Boone County Abstract Co., 418 S.W.2d 123 (Mo. 1967)
(abstractor held liable only to the party who purchased his services; foreseeability of
harm to plaintiff, a subsequent purchaser less than 2 years later, may not have been be-
yond question, but the size of the group of foreseeable plaintiffs certainly was larger than
that of the group in privity with the abstractor).
160 For a very early use of this concept in defining the extent of liability for negli-
gence, see Smith, Liability for Negligent Language, 14 HARv. L. REv. 184, 195-97 (1900).
161 See Rhode Island Hosp. Trust Nat'l Bank v. Swartz, Bresenoff, Yavner & Jacobs,
455 F.2d 847 (4th Cir. 1972); Craig v. Everett M. Brooks Co., 351 Mass. 497, 222 N.E.2d
752 (1967); Du Rite Laundry, Inc. v. Washington Elec. Co., 263 App. Div. 396, 33
N.Y.S.2d 925 (1942).
162 See Texas Tunneling Co. v. City of Chattanooga, 329 F.2d 402 (6th Cir. 1964),
rev'g 204 F. Supp. 821 (E.D. Tenn. 1962); M. Miller Co. v. Dames & Moore, 198 Cal.
App. 2d 305, 18 Cal. Rptr. 13 (Dist. Ct. App. 1961); Anderson v. Boone County Abstract
Co., 418 S.W.2d 123 (Mo. 1967).
163 Do beneficiaries under a will, a class whose potential injury is foreseeable, rely
in any sense upon the skills of the attorney who prepares the document? See Lucas v.
Harn, 56 Cal. 2d 583, 364 P.2d 685, 15 Cal. Rptr. 821 (1961).
164 351 Mass. 497, 222 N.E.2d 752 (1967).
165 Plaintiff was compelled to relocate and rebuild 2 catchbasins and a road originally
misplaced in reliance upon defendant's negligent placing of "offset stakes" on the con-
struction site. The cost of relocation was sought as damages. Id.
166 See, e.g., Anthony v. Vaughan, 356 Mass. 673, 255 N.E.2d 602 (1970). This basis
for the limitation of tort liability arising out of the breach of a contractual duty was
first articulated in the English case of Winterbottom v. Wright, 152 Eng. Rep. 402 (Ex.
When courts have confronted this reason for limiting liability it has
been persuasive in some cases in confining liability to limits near priv-
ity,"7 while in others it has been held inapplicable in the particular
17 4
circumstances of the case.
One possible solution to the problem of unduly burdensome liabil-
ity is liability insurance for professionals which would essentially pass
on the burden of liability to all who use the professional's services.175
Although there has been some discussion of the relationship between
the availability of such insurance and professional liability to third
parties for negligence in legal literature, 176 the courts seem to have
generally ignored the subject.1 7 7 Thus, any statement concerning the
effect of such insurance on the decisions of courts would be purely
Although the courts have generally ignored the existence of pro-
fessional liability insurance in their discussions of the propriety of
extending liability for professional negligence, an examination of an
area where such insurance was not ignored in the extension of liability
demonstrates its possible effects on judges' thinking. Such an area is
that of charitable immunity to negligence actions. Charitable immunity
had several different bases, 178 but the one relevant here is the argument
that the imposition of liability for negligence would allow damage
recoveries which would so deplete the funds of the charities as to
deprive the public of their benefit.17 9 This argument raises fears re-
markably similar to those expressed concerning the effects on the pro-
fessions of liability for negligence to parties not in privity.
In the jurisdictions which have rejected charitable immunity in
the past thirty years the existence of liability insurance which protects
the charity's assets from sudden depletion has been significant in reach-
ing that decision. One of the earliest and most comprehensive cases to
178 See, e.g., Anthony v. Vaughan, 356 Mass. 673, 255 N.E.2d 602 (1970).
174 See cases cited note 171 supra.
3 See C. Moasas, supra note 168, at 16-17, 246-55. See also G. CALABREsi, Tn
CosT oF AccmExTs: A LEGAL AND EcONO c ANALySIS (1970).
1 See Comment, Auditors' Responsibility for Misrepresentation: Inadequate Pro-
tection for Users of FinancialStatements, 44 WAsHr. L. REv. 139, 181-82 n.228 (1968).
17 7 The only case explicitly mentioning liability insurance as a means of relieving the
burden of professional liability for negligence is Rusch Factors, Inc. v. Levin, 284 F. Supp.
85 (D.R.I. 1968). In De Bardeleben Marine Corp. v. United States, 451 F.2d 140 (5th
Cir. 1971), the court noted that the problem of burdensome liability was not present as
the United States was the defendant. The United States of course is a self-insurer.
178 See Bing v. Thunig, 2 N.Y.2d 656, 143 N.E.2d 3, 163 N.Y.S.2d 3 (1957). The
court mentioned 4 arguments that had been used to support charitable immunity: 1) the
funds given to the charity create a charitable trust that cannot be diverted to pay tort
claims; 2) the recipient of charity waives his right to damages for injuries suffered
through the negligence of the charity's servants; 3) the rule of respondeat superior does
not apply to doctors and nurses employed in charity hospitals as they are to be regarded
as independent contractors because of their special skill; 4) the possibility that a sub-
stantial damage award would do irreparable harm to the charity and discourage the
generosity of donors.
179 See, e.g., Foster v. Roman Catholic Diocese, 116 Vt. 124, 70 A.2d 230 (1950).
180 130 F.2d 810 (D.C. Cir. 1942). The existence of such immunity in the District of
Columbia had never been decided, and the court was able to examine the question with-
out the constraint of precedent.
1811d. at 823-24.
See Bing v. Thunig, 2 N.Y.2d 656, 143 N.E.2d 3, 163 N.Y.S.2d 3 (1957) (existing
charitable immunity removed); Avellone v. St. John's Hosp., 165 Ohio St. 467, 135
N.E.2d 410 (1956) (existing charitable immunity removed); Pierce v. Yakima Valley
Memorial Hosp. Ass'n, 43 Wash. 2d 162, 260 P.2d 765 (1953) (existing charitable im-
munity removed).
1 See RESTATEmENT (SEcoaN) or TORTS § 895F (Tent. Draft No. 18, 1972).
See generally Comment, Auditor's Third Party Liability: An Ill-Considered Ex-
tension of the Law, 46 WAsir. L. REv. 675, 682-85 (1971). For a discussion of the factors
influencing liability insurance rates for attorneys, see Denenberg, Ehre & Hiling, Law-
yers' Professional Liability Insurance: The Peril, the Protection, and the Price, 1970
INS. L.J. 389; Note, 15 HAST. L.J. 574 (1964).
196A possible example of such a class would be the family of the owner of the
house which relies on the architect to see that the house is safe. It is at least arguable that
even the lender is in such a small reliant class. Compare the lender's situation with note
204 infra & accompanying text.
Another basis of architects' liability to third persons could be strict liability for un-
reasonably dangerous products, as prescribed by REsTATEMENT (SEcom) oF ToRTS §
402A (1965). This theory of liability (phrased in terms of an implied warranty) was
held applicable to a builder in Schipper v. Levitt & Sons, Inc., 44 N.J. 70, 207 A.2d 314
(1965), in which the court held that a builder would be liable for injuries caused by a
defectively designed hot water system, upon proof that the design was unreasonably
dangerous and proximately caused the injury in question. There seems little reason for
a different result, especially in view of the foregoing discussion of the professional stan-
dard of care above, if instead of designing the system itself, the defendant had employed
an architect or engineer for that purpose.
197 See generally Greenstone, Liability of Architects and Engineers for Negligent and
Defective Design and Construction, 1968 TRiAL TORt TRa s 136 (M. Belli ed.);
Witherspoon, When is an Architect Liable?, 48 A.B.A.J. 321 (1962); Note, 15 HAsT. L.J.
579 (1964).
19859 Ill. App. 2d 38, 208 N.E.2d 249 (1965), aff'd, 37 11. 2d 273, 226 N.E.2d 630
(1967). The employee, Miller, was injured when temporary shoring for the roof of a
building being remodeled collapsed under the weight of the roof. The defendant architect
had done the design work and had general supervision and control of the project, includ-
ing the right to halt the work in order to insure compliance with the plans and specifica-
tions, but had neither designed the shoring that collapsed nor approved its use. Extent of
liability was not an issue before the supreme court but it was discussed at some length
by the lower appellate court.
'99iMiller v. DeWitt, 59 Ill. App. 2d 38, 112, 208 N.E.2d 249, 284 (1965), aff'd, 37
Ill. 2d 273, 226 N.E.2d 630 (1967).
The same result has been reached in a suit by the user of a finished
building for injuries caused by an architect's negligent design defect in
remodeling the building 0 0 and where death resulted from the failure to
indicate the location of a buried power line on project plans20 l
The common holding of these cases is that an architect is under
a duty to use due care and skill in providing his various services and
that his duty is owed to all who may be foreseeably injured by his
negligence. This duty would generally extend to anyone legitimately
on the construction site or anyone legally using the finished building
or project. 20 2 Though the scope of the architect's employment is limited
by the contract with his employer, the scope of his duty to use due care
in carrying out his duties under the contract is defined by law.2" 3
An architect's liability for economic harm to third parties gen-
erally arises out of his supervisory activities. The typical situation is
that of State ex rel. National Surety Corp. v. Malvaney0 4 in which the
architect's duties included the certification of progress payments to
the contractor. The contractor defaulted on the job and the plaintiff
surety was required to finish it. The surety brought an action against
the architect for negligently certifying the progress payments. The
architect was bound by contract to the owner and the surety was obli-
gated to the owner for any defaults by the contractor.
Given these arrangements, any negligence on the part of the archi-
tect in certifying the progress payments was certain to result in damage
to the surety upon the contractor's default, a circumstance of which
the architect had constructive notice. The certification procedure was
as much for the benefit of the surety as for the benefit of the owner. 205
The court held that even though the parties were not in contractual
privity the entire scheme created a duty on the architect's part to the
surety to use due care in certifying payments.
See Montijo v. Swift, 219 CaL App. 2d 351, 33 Cal. Rptr. 133 (Dist. Ct. App.
20 1
See Mallow v. Tucker, Sadler & Bennett, Archs. & Engs., Inc., 245 Cal. App. 2d
700, 54 Cal. Rptr. 174 (Dist. Ct. App. 1966); accord, Geer v. Bennett, 237 So. 2d 311
(Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 1970); Inman v. Binghamton Housing Auth., 3 N.Y.2d 137, 143
N.E.2d 895, 164 N.Y.S.2d 699 (1957) (the court noted that the architect's liability for
personal injuries is based on principles developed in MacPherson v. Buick Motor Co., 217
N.Y. 382, 111 N.E. 1050 (1916)).
202 Cf. RESTATEIMT (SacoND) or ToPTS §§ 341, 341A, 342 (1965).
203 Contra, Reber v. Chandler High School Dist. No. 202, 13 Ariz. App. 133, 474 P.2d
852 (1970).
In our opinion these cases [Miller, Montijo, etc.] have disregarded fundamental
contractual principles in attempting to parlay general inspection or supervision
clauses which give the owner or architect a right to stop observed unsafe con-
struction processes into a duty which is neither consistent with generally accepted
usage nor contemplated by the contract or the parties.
Id. at 135-36, 474 P.2d at 854-55.
204 221 Miss. 190, 72 So. 2d 424 (1954).
205 Cf. Peerless Ins. Co. v. Cerny & Associates, Inc., 199 F. Supp. 951 (D. Minn.
1961); Westerhold v. Carroll, 419 S.W.2d 73 (Mo. 1967).
215 Liability has been extended considerably further under Biakanja in other areas.
See Barrera v. State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co., 71 Cal. 2d 659, 456 P.2d 674, 79 Cal.
Rptr. 106 (1969) (insurer held to owe a duty to potential accident victims to investigate
automobile insurance applications within a reasonable amount of time); Connor v. Great
W. Say. & Loan Ass'n, 69 Cal. 2d 850, 447 P.2d 609, 73 Cal. Rptr. 369 (1968) (lender
held liable to purchasers of homes in a development it financed for failure to prevent
defective design and construction); State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co. v. Wood, 25 Utah
2d 427, 483 P.2d 892 (1971) (following Barrera).
The foreseeability standard applied in these cases was considerably wider in scope
than that used in the attorney cases as the lender and insurer were said to owe a duty to
a general group rather than specific, known persons. Whether this difference is due to
inherent differences between professions and corporations or to the more limited re-
sources of an individual professional to meet a damage judgment is uncertain. But, in
discussing the imposition of new liability in these cases the courts seemed to disregard the
burdensome liability problem mentioned in the text. See text accompanying notes 166-74
See generally Comment, I LoYoLA U.LJ. 176 (1970); Comment, Pecuniary Lia-
bility to Third Parties for Negligent Misrepresentation, 64 Nw. U.L. Rav. 903 (1970);
Note, 37 TEam. L. Rav. 827 (1970).
217 Rozny v. Marnul, 43 Ill. 2d 54, 250 N.E.2d 656 (1969). In Rozny, a surveyor,
without knowing for whom his work was specifically intended, surveyed a lot, which was
subsequently sold by his employer to a builder. Three years after the survey, the builder
sold the lot and a house on it to the plaintiffs, who subsequently constructed further im-
provements on the property, relying on the original survey. Nine years after the original
survey, the inaccuracy was discovered.
218 The defendant testified at trial that he had no record or recollection of sending
a corrected survey to the person who had ordered the original, in accordance with his
regular procedure. Id. at 57, 250 N.E.2d at 658.
The surveyor's failure to send out the corrected survey is similar to the problem of
post-certification discovery of error and failure to appraise reliant parties of that dis-
covery in the area of accountants' liability. See Fischer v. Kletz, 266 F. Supp. 180
(S.D.N.Y. 1967); State St. Trust Co. v. Ernst, 278 N.Y. 104, 15 N.E.2d 416 (1938). See
statutes most affecting professional liability, and which have been the
subject of much recent litigation,1 7 are those federal laws regulating
the issuance and sale of securities.
1. Federal Securities Acts
Consider the following hypothetical. Buying corporation B wishes
to acquire selling corporation S. B employs lawyer L to accomplish
this task. Lawyer L hires accountant A to audit S's operations, and on
the basis of that report the acquisition is completed. Subsequently, L,
using A's earlier evaluation of S corporation's financial status, prepares
the necessary registration statements, and B corporation issues shares
of stock to the public. Investor I buys some of the stock. Subsequently,
it is learned that A failed to discover substantial operating losses of S
corporation which cause B's bankruptcy and I's loss of fortune. I then
brings an action against L and A to recover his loss. Under the common
law rules discussed above,m8 the liability of lawyer L and accountant
A is quite doubtful. None of the information about S corporation sup-
plied to B corporation by L and A was intended to be relied upon by
I. But, as will be seen, this whole situation can be changed by statute. 9
Professionals have been held liable under four distinct provisions
of the federal securities laws: sections 11 and 17(a) of the Securities
Act of 1933,240 section 18 of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934241
and section 10(b) of the latter act 242 with SEC regulation 10b-5
promulgated pursuant thereto.24 3 Of these, the last has ultimately proved
the most useful. These provisions of the securities legislation sweep
aside common law concepts of privity or reasonable foreseeability.
Their raison d'gtre is investor protection, 24 4 and it is from this perspec-
tive that the issue of professional liability has in general been ap-
Section 11 of the Securities Act of 1933 is a radical departure from
the common law in numerous aspects. It provides a statutory basis for
civil suit by "any person" acquiring a registered security 5 against
Neb. 742, 76 N.W. 471 (1898); Sackett v. Rose, 55 Okla. 398, 154 P. 1177 (1916); Gold-
berg v. Sisseton Loan & Title Co., 24 S.D. 49, 123 N.W. 266 (1909); W. PRossES, supra
note 2318, § 107, at 709.
See Ruder, Multiple Defendants in Securities Law Fraud Cases: Aiding and
Abetting, Conspiracy, In Pari Delicto, Indemnification, and Contribution, 120 U. PA. L.
Rnv.238597, 598 n.1 (1972).
See notes 225-26 supra & accompanying text.
239For the purpose of brevity, the following discussion of statutes will be limited to
the federal area, although the analysis itself is equally applicable to similarly worded
state statutes. See, e.g., CAL. CoRP. CODE §§ 25,000-04 (West Supp. 1972); Pennsylvania
Securities Act of 1972 (Pa. Legis. Serv. 924 (1973)).
240 15 U.S.C. §§ 77k, 77q (1970).
Id. § 78r.
1d. § 78j.
243 17 C.F.R. § 240.10b-5 (1972).
2 44
See notes 263-65 infra & accompanying text.
24515 U.S.C. § 77k(a) (1970).
"every person who signed the registration statement, ' 246 and "every
accountant, engineer, or appraiser, or any person whose profession
gives aiuthority to a statement made by him" who prepared or certified
any part of the statement or any report or valuation used in its prep-
aration.24 7 Section 11 has no requirement of scienter; nor are privity or
reliance necessary for a finding of third party liability. It is enough
that the statement be materially misleading. However, the provision's
effectiveness as a vehicle for recovery is limited to the purchasers of
newly registered securities, and it is of no benefit to an investor who
has otherwise made a bad investment in reliance on a negligently pre-
pared audit. He is relegated to the common law.248 Section 11 is appli-
cable only to registration statements filed with the Commission,2 49 and
does not pertain generally to all misleading statements in the securities
field. Thus not only is a commercial lender excluded from the ambit
of its coverage, but also one who purchases a security in reliance on an
annual report, press release, or other document not a registration state-
ment (when the registration statement is not materially misleading)
may not rely on section 11 as a basis of liability.""
Section 18 of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 is a less
effective instrument for dealing with professional misbehavior than is
either section 11 or the varied doctrines of the common law. Section
18(a) expressly provides a civil damage remedy to any reliant party
damaged by the purchase or sale of a security whose price is affected
by false and misleading statements of a material fact, contained in any
document filed with the Commission or any exchange, and made by
"any person."12 1' Its operation is not exclusively limited, however, to
registration statements. Thus section 18(a) is applicable in theory to
many more factual situations than section 11, which is limited to one
who buys a newly registered security. For example, both a purchaser
who bought a security in reliance upon a fraudulent annual report filed
with an exchange, and an owner who sold short in reliance on a mis-
leading press release may recover. Unfortunately, its operation is
limited to the purchase or sale of securities at an affected price; again
no protection is afforded the commercial lender.
Section 18(a) does require scienter, causation, and reliance to
maintain a cause of action. Thus, like the common law its effectiveness
is limited to fraud. The twin requisites of causation and reliance, and
a liberal good faith defense make section 18 of no new significance as
a vehicle for recovery against negligent professionals.
266 RESTATEMENT (SECOND) ox TORTS 59 (Tent. Draft No. 18, 1972) (Note to
2 67
See W. PROSSER, supra note 18, § 131. A similar immunity extends to the states.
Id. 268
See McCord, Fault Without Liability: Immunity of Federal Employees, 1966
2 69
L.F. 849, 851-52.
See Comment, The Federal Tort Claims Act, 56 YALE L.J. 534, 535 n.9 (1947).
2 0
7 Act of Aug. 2, 1946, ch. 753, §§ 401-24, 60 Stat. 842.
27128 U.S.C. § 2674 (1970).
2 72
Id. §§ 2672, 2676.
handled this problem have reached opposite results, one finding the
United States immune from suit and the other finding the United
States liable.1 This problem of statutory interpretation is of some
importance to the medical profession and should be resolved by the
courts as soon as possible.
279 Compare Wright v. Doe, 347 F. Supp. 833 (M.D. Fla. 1972), wiuh Smith v.
DiCara, 329 F. Supp. 439 (E.D.N.Y. 1971).
280 255 N.Y. 170, 174 N.E. 441 (1931). See, e.g., Investment Corp. v. Buchman, 208
So. 2d 291 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 1968) (re-affirming Florida's adherence to Ultramares).
281 See, e.g., Biakanja v. Irving, 49 Cal. 2d 647, 320 P.2d 16 (1958), where the court
2 82
its own standards of extent of liability without reference to Ultramares.
See notes 224-39 supra & accompanying text.
283 See text accompanying note 167 supra.
284 Recent legislative enactments now allow for professional incorporation. See, e.g.,
PA. STAT. Ax. tit. 18, §§ 2901-14 (Supp. 1972). One of the advantages of the profes-
sional corporation is that the other members of the corporation will not be held jointly
and severally liable for the torts of their associates, as is the case in a professional associa-
tion. Compare id. § 1609 with id. § 12,617 (1967).
285 Discussion of the theory of the better risk bearer appears in C. MORaIS, supra
note 168, at 16-17, 246-55. See also G. CALABREsI, TAE COST OF AccmDENs: A LEGAL AND
Ecowoinc ANALYsIs (1970).
"The charlatan and rogue may assume to heal the sick. The knave
and criminal may pose as a minister of justice. Such things cannot have
been intended, and will not be allowed." 29' Judge Cardozo thus aptly
expressed the frustration and indignation of those who relied upon
the expertise of a professional and suffered due to his negligence.
Although the doctrine of privity may serve to make redress difficult,29 3
the wronged individual generally has three avenues of satisfaction open
to him: a civil damage suit, a criminal action, and review before the ap-
propriate licensing or certification board. A summary of'each of these
remedies follows.
As these remedies serve varied purposes, they are generally not
exclusive of each other. Only the civil damage suit is compensatory,
but all of them to differing degrees involve punitive and deterrent ele-
ments. These latter two purposes are served both directly through tort
judgments, license suspensions, fines, and jail sentences, as well as in-
291 See, e.g., Lucas v. Hamm, 56 Cal. 2d 583, 364 P.2d 685, 15 Cal. Rptr. 821 (1961).
292 In re Rouss, 221 N.Y. 81, 91, 116 N.E. 782, 786 (1917) (Cardozo, J.).
,See text accompanying notes 146-47 supra.
B. Criminal Sanctions
In addition to seeking damages from a negligent professional, an
injured party in certain circumstances may seek the intervention of
the strong arm of the criminal law.3 20 The effect of a criminal prosecu-
tion, whether or not a conviction be obtained, becomes especially
poignant when the "defendants have been men 3 21
of blameless lives and
respected members of a learned profession."
Physicians may be found guilty of manslaughter for "gross and
reckless negligence '' 22 or mere performance of their duties without due
caution and circumspection. 23 An extreme but illustrative example is
Commonwealth v. Pierce,124 in which a doctor had directed that a sick
woman's clothes be saturated with kerosene. The woman died as a
result of the treatment, and the doctor was convicted despite the ab-
sence of any bad faith or evil intent on his part. The case raises some
serious questions as to the extent to which a professional may experi-
ment with new techniques, or follow a minority school of thought, with-
out incurring liability for failure. 25 Generally the presence or absence
of a license to practice has been held to be irrelevant in the man-
317See text accompanying notes 1-7 supra.
Even in the absence of punitive damages, the amounts sought in damages may be
extremely high. Two examples of recent suits against large accounting firms demonstrate
the magnitude of the potential recoveries sought against professionals. Several insurance
companies recently filed a $10.27 million suit against a New York firm, see N.Y. Times,
Sept. 11, 1971, at 33, col. 7, and in another suit that was eventually settled out of court,
the Bank of America and 3 other banks sued Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. for over
$6 million. Bank of America v. Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co., No. 42,748 (Super. Ct.
Marin Co., Cal. 1968) (settled).
See IV. PRossER, supra note 18, § 2, at 9-11.
819 See id. § 2, at 11; Morris, Punitive Damages in Tort Cases, 44 HeRv. L. REv.
1173 32(1931).
oSee Ruder, supra note 237. See generally Note, Federal Criminal and Administra-
tive Controls for Auditors: The Need for a Consistent Standard, 1969 WAsH. U.L.Q. 187.
The reader may find the conclusions drawn therein interesting to compare with those of
this Comment, although the focus is different.
321United States v. Simon, 425 F.2d 796, 799 (2d Cir. 1969) (Friendly, J.), cert.
denied, 397 U.S. 1006 (1970).
322 Commonwealth v. Pierce, 138 Mass. 165, 174 (1884). See generally Fletcher, The
Theory of Criminal Negligence: A Comparative Analysis, 119 U. PA. L. Rv.401 (1971).
32 3
See State v. Hardister, 38 Ark. 605 (1882); Hampton v. State, 50 Fla. 55, 39
So. 421 (1905); State v. Weiner, 41 N.J. 21, 194 A.2d 467 (1963).
324 138 Mass. 165 (1884).
325 For a discussion of this problem in the context of civil liabilities, see RSTATE-
MENT (SECOND) or TORTS § 299A, comment f at 75 (1965).
They could compensate the plaintiff more quickly, efficiently, and eco-
nomically than the courts with their crowded dockets now doY69
Professionals and nonprofessionals should be utilized in the review
procedure, safeguarding all interests. Delicensing would protect the
public from future occurrences by removal of the offender, and by
serving as a warning to others.
A brief overview of professional negligence law reveals that we are
dealing with a class-the professions-whose membership is defined
more by history than by logic. Those who practice in a profession are
measured by a standard of care that differs from the layman's standard
only when matters of judgment are involved; the professional's judg-
ment is measured by the professional community norm. When the
professional's conduct falls short of this standard, he is liable for the
resulting damage to his client, and in an increasing number of jurisdic-
tions, to an increasingly larger class of third parties whose reliance on
the professional and whose resulting injury were foreseeable. The ag-
grieved client or third party has to seek his remedy primarily in civil
litigation, facing often insurmountable problems of proof in complex
areas of professional expertise. The profession too has an interest in
remedying the errors of its members and also in preventing future harm
to the profession's reputation; its recourse is to professional review of
its errant members, and promulgation of standards to prevent future
This survey of the present status of the professional negligence
field shows the foundation upon which future developments will be
premised. First, because the very concept of professional is an his-
torical one, the class of professions is subject to continuing expansion,
as more occupations seek the prestige associated with professional
status. Doubtless this expansion will alter the meaning of the concept,
and focus greater attention on the legal consequences of achieving pro-
agency only if the authorized fines may be characterized as "cvil" rather than "criminal."
An administrative agency can never be given the power "to determine guilt or innocence
in criminal cases," because under the federal Constitution, "the criminal defendant is en-
titled to special procedural protection of the kind that is given neither in civil proceedings
in court nor in administrative proceedings." 1 K. DAVIS, ADMTINISTRATIVE LAW TreATISE
§ 2.13, at 133 (1958). A fine is civil if it is "compensatory" rather than "punitive." See
Helvering v. Mitchell, 303 U.S. 391 (1938). If the fines are ultimately paid to an injured
complainant, they are deemed civil. Cf. Southern Ry. v. Melton, 133 Ga. 277, 65 S.E. 665
or JuDIcIAL ADMnInSTRATION n PzNNsYLv = 65-70 (1961).
A recent study of state court delay in personal injury tort cases tried to a jury re-
veals, for example, in the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas during 1972 (1st 4
months), an average delay of 49.6 months from ready date to trial; in San Francisco,
38.6 months answer to trial, 31.2 months ready date to trial; in Chicago 58.0 months be-
tween the date of filing to trial. Institute of Judicial Administration, State Trial Courts
of General Jurisdiction: Personal Injury Jury Cases: Calendar Status Study-1972 (Aug.
1, 1972).