Cyber Security Architecture Risk Assessm
Cyber Security Architecture Risk Assessm
Cyber Security Architecture Risk Assessm
You can also link this to the Risk Management Framework (RMF) and the Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) process.
Please note that we added the "completed RA" example to this document. The example only shows the RA for
the technical features.
Please rememeber you cna add and subtract any type or system or process when creating your own end-to-end
RA matrix process
Good hunting
Common Security Product or process description
Architecture and
Technical solutions
Data Loss Prevention (for Data loss prevention solution is a system that is designed to
databases/storage, the detect potential data breach / data ex-filtration transmissions
network, and endpoints and prevent them by monitoring, detecting and blocking
e.g. Symantec Vontu) sensitive data while in-use (endpoint actions), in-motion
(network traffic), and at-rest (data storage). In data leakage
incidents, sensitive data is disclosed to unauthorized
personnel either by malicious intent or inadvertent mistake.
Such sensitive data can come in the form of private or
company information, intellectual property (IP), financial or
patient information, credit-card data, and other information
depending on the business and the industry.
Encrypted file system The Encrypting File System (EFS) is a feature of the
Windows 2000 and newer operating system that lets any file
or folder be stored in encrypted form and decrypted only by
an individual user and an authorized recovery agent. EFS is
especially useful for mobile computer users, whose
computer (and files) are subject to physical theft, and for
storing highly sensitive data.
Expired account removal The primary goal of expired account removal is to identify
processes that target and manage user accounts that meet
certain inactivity thresholds and/or account properties.
Email Filtering (e.g., Anti- Email filtering is the processing of email to organize it
virus, Anti-Spam, Content according to specified criteria. Most often this refers to the
Filtering)_x000D_ automatic processing of incoming messages, but the term
also applies to the intervention of human intelligence in
addition to anti-spam techniques, and to outgoing emails as
well as those being received.
Endpoint Protection (e.g., Antivirus and personal firewall products centrally managed
Anti-Virus, Personal corporate environments provide reduce risks by improving
Firewall, and Application security for servers and workstations for attacks that have
Executable Control from penetrated other layers of a Defense-In-Depth (DiD)
security architecture.
vendors such as
Symantec and
External to internal External scanning device used to discover web facing
scanning tools devices and applications, identify network security
vulnerabilities, measure and manage overall security
exposure and risk, ensure compliance with internal policies
and external regulations
Log Monitoring (e.g., Logging and review is a fundamental security control used
Windows, Unix, Linux, for the identification of potential or actual security incidents.
Networking, and Third-party tools may increase efficiency and overhead in
Applications leveraging correlating large quantities of data into actionable events.
tools such as Kiwi, Snare,
Arcsight, and LogLogic)
Logging and Auditing Logging and review is a fundamental security control used
for the identification of potential or actual security incidents.
Operating System and Operating System and Application Vulnerabililty scans are
Application Vulnerability an essential component of a secure environment identifying
and Patch Analysis and assuring the timeliness of patch management and
Vulnerability Scanning implementation of secure application code.
and Penetration Testing
Tools (Tripwire,
Foundstone, etc)
Proxy for messaging like Proxy servers are systems established to act on behalf of
Ironport other systems providing a layer of protection and anonymity.
Proxy for user web access The blocking, or "filtering" of undesirable Internet content.
control like Blue Coat Blocking content can be based on traffic type or filtered by
category through the use of URL lists that are cataloged by
content (these catalogs are subscription based and updated
Remote Access Remote access services provide centralized Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA
Authorization and
Authentication (RADIUS,
Secured, IPSEC and SSL
Rogue device A set of technologies and solutions built into the network
identification when placed infrastructure enforcing security policy compliance on all
in environment devices seeking to access network computing resources,
thereby limiting damage from emerging security threats.
Security Incident and Logging and review is a fundamental security control used
Event Management (SIEM) for the identification of potential or actual security incidents.
Third-party tools such as SIEMS may increase efficiency
and reduce overhead in correlating large quantities of data
into actionable events.
Security Operations A SOC provides fundamental security operations
Center management and serves as the threat management alerting
and analysis nerve center for company. Large companies
like generally have an in place SOC or outsource the
Scheduled recertification Must ensure that the server build is not corrupted and that
new vulnerabilities have not been introduced.
Secure File Transfers Secure file transfers allow the sending and receiving of non-
(e.g., Sterling, Forum public data across untrusted insecure network segments.
Systems, Ipswitch, sftp,
ftps, https, and ftp with
Self help password reset Password Self Service provides customers with a fast and
secure method to restore user access to business-critical
resources. Once the solution is deployed, users may enroll
in the service by completing a set of configurable security
Server hardening process Server hardening is the first line of defense against a
possible intrusion. The process ensures that all non-
essential services are shut down and a strict access control
policy is put in place. All relevant security updates are
applied to the system to safeguard against all known
Server platform hardening Server hardening refers to the activities that are performed
to help secure an operating system platform and bring it into
compliance with security standards in an effort to reduce the
server's exposed surface and vulnerability to attack.
UNIX compliance tool like eTrust Access Control provides an independent security
SeOS management system which complements the native
operating system (OS) model and enables a
strong defense-in-depth security practice.
Vulnerability management Tool to allow both internal and external scanning used to
tools discover web facing devices and applications, identify
network security vulnerabilities, measure and manage
overall security exposure and risk,
ensure compliance with internal policies and external
Windows (AD, OU, GPO Active Directory (AD) is Microsoft's trademarked directory
etc service, an integral part of the Windows 2000 architecture.
Like other directory services, such as Novell Directory
Services (NDS), Active Directory is a centralized and
standardized system that automates network management
of user data, security, and distributed resources, and
enables interoperation with other directories. Active
Directory is designed especially for distributed networking
Advanced Persistent An advanced persistent threats are a set of stealthy and
Threat (APT) continuous computer hacking processes, often orchestrated
by human(s) targeting a specific entity.
Asset Management Suite Asset management, broadly defined, refers to any system
that monitors and maintains things of value to an entity or
group. It may apply to both tangible assets such as
buildings and to intangible assets such as human capital,
intellectual property, and goodwill and financial assets.
Control Compliance Suite Control compliance suites utilize a group of security and
vulnerability management technologies such as scanners,
standards/comliance assessments and monitoring in a
centralized interface.
Database Security Database security concerns the use of a broad range of
information security controls to protect databases
(potentially including the data, the database applications or
stored functions, the database systems, the database
servers and the associated network links) against
compromises of their confidentiality, integrity and availability.
It involves various types or categories of controls, such as
technical, procedural/administrative and physical.
Mobile Security Mobile security also refers to the means by which a mobile
device can authenticate users and protect or restrict access
to data stored on the device through the use of passwords,
personal identification numbers (PINs), pattern screen locks
or more advanced forms of authentication such as
fingerprint readers, eye scanners and other forms of
biometric readers.
Multifactor Multi-factor authentication is a security process in which the
Authentication user provides two means of identification, one of which is
typically a physical token, such as a card, and the other of
which is typically something memorized, such as a security
code. In this context, the two factors involved are
sometimes spoken of as something you have and
something you know. A common example of two-factor
authentication is a bank card: the card itself is the physical
item and the personal identification number (PIN) is the data
that goes with it.
Process and
Audit and Regulatory
Issues (e.g., SOX)
Application and Web (e.g., Web 2.0, SOAP, SOA, Secure Messaging)
Layer Security
Develop Master Unified threat management (UTM) refers to a
Vulnerability and comprehensive security product that includes protection
against multiple threats. A UTM product typically includes a
Compliance Scan/Audit firewall, antivirus software, content filtering and a spam filter
Plans Procedure in a single integrated package
Disaster Recovery
Firewall and IDS-IPS
Management Process
Identity and access ma In computer security, access control includes authentication,
authorization and audit. It also includes measures such as
physical devices, including biometric scans and metal locks,
hidden paths, digital signatures, encryption, social barriers,
and monitoring by humans and automated systems.
Security Incident
Response Center
Assessment Program
(Scheduled for annual
A framework of security The practice of applying a comprehensive method for
policy and standards describing a current and/or future structure and behavior for
an organization's security processes, information security
systems, personnel and organizational sub-units, so that
they align with the organization's core goals and strategic
direction. Although often associated strictly with information
security technology, it relates more broadly to the security
practice of business optimization in that it addresses
business security architecture, performance management
and security process architecture as well.
Account provisioning
Asset classification and Conducting a detailed assessment and inventory of an
organization's information infrastructure and information
assets to determine an appropriate level of security.
Business continuity Planning for disasters--natural and man-made--and
management: . recovering from them
Enterprise Security
External pen testing At least once a year, an organization needs to hire an
process external company to pen test against its applications and
Firewall Administration
Incident response plan Defines processes and procedures need to react to and
and documentation manage security incidents
Integrated security
management system
such as seen in ISO
Internal pen testing Penetration testing is the process of attempting to gain
process access to resources without knowledge of usernames,
passwords and other normal means of access. User
workstation: legitimate access to critical assets, connects
the internet with internal network
IT security plan process The IT security plan is updated to reflect the security
requirements and usage roles within the organization. The
security plan reflects changes in the IT environment as well
as the unique security requirements of security
requirements of specific systems.
Governance monitoring Must have tool to define and segment compliance to
pertinent audit and compliance tools
Key performance
Messaging Virus
Protection Process
Patch management proc end to end metric-based functionality used to ensure that all
system patches as related to business infrastructure and
functionality are deployed within the SLA timelines
established by an organization.
Personnel security Making security a key component of the human resources
and business operations. This includes writing security
expectations in job responsibilities (IT admins and end
users), screening new personnel for criminal histories, using
confidentiality agreements when dealing with sensitive
information and having a reporting process for security
Physical and Establishing a policy that protects the IT infrastructure,
environmental security: physical plant and employees. This includes controlling
building access, having backup power supplies, performing
routine equipment maintenance and securing off-site
Regulatory Support
plan such as HIPPA
Risk Acceptance. A formal documentation and acceptance of residual risk with
related offsets, including adequate insurance coverage,
contractually negotiated liabilities and self-insurance.
Management manages risk mitigation through a formal
documented process
Scheduled user account On a regular basis, process performed to ensure that user
recertification accounts with privileged access are recertified by owners
Security Forensics
Security lifecycle Defines specific process by which each phase of a Software
management process or Infrastructure project incorporates security within the
Security Lifecycle NIST strongly recommends all organizations have a security
Management Process process that integrates security into all phases of the
system development lifecycle (SDLC) process
(SLCMP) for project
Security metrics Defines the measurable business process conducted by the
program Information Security Team. Used to measure success of
processes and security Slaps
Security organization Having a management structure for security, including
appointing security coordinators, delegating security
management responsibilities and establishing a security
incident response process. The data protection function
must adhere to IT and compliance governance principles
such as ITIL and SOX. Data protection must be integrated
into all phases of the project lifecycle.
Server Antivirus
Server build hardening
Server HIDS
Unified threat
management system
assessment program
Workstation Firewall
and IDS
Workstation Hard Drive
Business and IT Security requirement for Organization tool Per cent
product or service name deployed
Describe business Risk type. IT, Vulnerabilities, CIA FIPS Confidentiality,
and or IT Security Data, Exposures and Exploits Integrity and Availability
risk of not having Operational, mitigated by product or 199 Impact Rating of
this product or Strategic, service high, medium and low
service Reputational,
High, Medium and Low Likelihood event could Applicable NIST Business impact
Risk levels if product or happen (L,M.H) given the Control if risk or
service not deployed at Organization deployed vulnerability is
Organization (consider tool and procedure exploited.
other defense in depth
tools and procedures)
Residual risk given Solution description
deployed tool or
Residual Risk Level Risk level Risk Acceptance or Cost to plan, build,
(L,M,H) based on SOLUTION buy new tool or deploy, operate
DESCOrganizationPTION service (maintain)
Total cost of Return on Remediate Ownership
ownership 1, 3, 5 investment decision = yes or
year trend no
Common Security Architecture and
Certificate authority
Fraud management
Hard disk encryption for lap tops
Identity management
Identity management (Federated)
PKI architecture
Proxy for messaging like Ironport
Scheduled recertification
Single sign on
Spam filtering
Threat management function
VPN Architecture
Vulnerability management tools
Change detection
Change management
Mobile Security
Multifactor Authentication
SSL Certificates
User Authentication
Remote access services provide centralized Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) management for users who co
Must ensure that the server build is not corrupted and that
new vulnerabilities have not been introduced.
Designated DLP solutions detect and prevent Financial loss, customer Data, IT,
unauthorized attempts to copy or send sensitive data, loss, employee PII loss, Reputational,
intentionally or unintentionally, without authorization, strategy compromised, Strategic
mainly by personnel who are authorized to access the intellectual capital
sensitive information. In order to classify certain compromised, easier
information as sensitive, these solutions use network enumeration,
mechanisms, such as exact data matching, structured reputational
data fingerprinting, statistical methods, rule and regular
expression matching, published lexicons, conceptual
definitions, and keywords.
(CAs) are a critical component of PKIs which manage Digital encryption becomes Operational,
the lifecycle of all digital certificates within a PKI. The a manual process with the Reputational,
CA is the party which both the owner of the certificate potential for human error, Regulatory
and the party using the certificate trusts. Because of increasing administrative
this critical dependency, CAs underpin the security of overhead, and a lack of
not only the PKI, but of all transactions and exchanges reporting functionality.
that are protected by the certificates that they issue.
Many industries have specific and multiple compliance Achieving and maintaining Data, Operational,
requirements in order to maintain competiveness or compliance can cause high Regulatory
perform functions within the law. Compliance levels of administrative
management tools streamline the process and assist in overhead with potentially
maintenance of compliance as environments and large fines and loss of
regulations change. reputation due to loss of
When applied over the life cycle of a system, provides Lack of automation IT, Operational,
visibility and control of its performance, functional and introduces: Risk of human Regulatory
physical attributes. CM verifies that a system performs error in creating and
as intended, and is identified and documented in maintaing known secure
sufficient detail to support its projected life cycle. The configuration or coding
CM process facilitates orderly management of system practice, Lack of
information and system changes for such beneficial configuration change
purposes as to revise capability; improve performance, auditing, Potential for
reliability, or maintainability; extend life; reduce cost; compliance failure
reduce risk and liability; or correct defects.
Content filtering controls can block malware and other Unauthorized disclosure of Operational,
content that is or contains hostile, intrusive, or information, Disruption of Regulatory,
annoying material including adware, spam, computer computer services, Loss of Reputational
viruses, worms, trojan horses, and spyware. productivity, Financial loss
due to compromised
workstations and servers,
reputation loss due to
security breach
Database Security is integral to the design and function Unauthorized or IT, Data, Operational,
of a database. There are three important pieces to unintended activity or Regulatory
database security; Physical, User, and Network. These misuse by authorized
pieces work in conjunction with policies, standards, and database users, database
procedures. Policies are directions that support a goal. administrators, or
Standards describe the minimum that must be done on network/systems
a goal. Performance and tasks can also be scored to a managers, or by
standard to verify how well they meet the standard. unauthorized users or
hackers; Malware
infections causing
incidents such as
unauthorized access,
leakage or disclosure of
personal or proprietary
data, deletion of or
damage to the data or
programs, interruption or
denial of authorized access
to the database, attacks on
other systems and the
unanticipated failure of
database services;
overloads, performance
constraints and capacity
issues resulting in the
inability of authorized users
to use databases as
intended; Design flaws and
programming bugs in
databases and the
associated programs and
systems, creating various
security vulnerabilities ,
data loss/corruption,
performance degradation
etc.; Data corruption and/or
loss caused by the entry of
A DoS is an attack against "Data availability", a term Constant risk of DDoS Data, IT,
used by computer storage service providers (SSPs) to extortion, backscatter, and Reputational
describe products and services that ensure that data numerous methods of DoS
continues to be available at a required level of attacks.
performance in situations ranging from normal through
"disastrous." Any loss of data availability can have
detrimental effects to an organization.
The encryption of data at rest should only include Any data stored on devices Data, Operational,
strong encryption methods such as AES, RSA, and lost or within physical Regulatory
SHA-256. Encrypted data should remain encrypted access of attackers is lost.
when access controls such as usernames and
password fail. Increasing encryption on multiple levels
is recommended.
Key management is the management of cryptographic Vulnerability of keys from Data, Operational,
keys in a cryptosystem. This includes dealing with the outside hackers/malicious Regulatory
generation, exchange, storage, use, and replacement insiders.
of keys. It includes cryptographic protocol design, key
servers, user procedures, and other relevant protocols.
The encryption of data at rest should only include Because of its nature Data Data, Operational,
strong encryption methods such as AES, RSA, and at Rest is of increasing Regulatory
SHA-256. Encrypted data should remain encrypted concern to businesses,
when access controls such as usernames and government agencies and
password fail. Increasing encryption on multiple levels other institutions. Mobile
is recommended. Data encryption keys should be devices are often subject
updated on a regular basis. Encryption keys should be to specific security
stored separately from the data. Periodic auditing of protocols to protect Data at
sensitive data should be part of policy and should Rest from unauthorised
occur on scheduled occurrences. Store the minimum access when lost or stolen
amount of sensitive data as possible. and there is an increasing
recognition that database
management systems and
file servers should also be
considered as at risk; the
longer data is left unused
in storage, the more likely
it might be retrieved by
unauthorized individuals
outside the network.
Account security parameters must be set and centrally Stale accounts can be IT, Operational,
managed such as auto-lockout and expiration dates via exploited to gain Regulatory
group policy or standardized base images. unauthorized access to
sensitive company
resources by internal and
external attackers.
A filtering solution applied to your email system uses a Increased risk of social Operational,
set of protocols to determine which of your incoming engineering attacks, Reputational,
messages are spam, fradulent messages, contain phishing, spam, malware, Regulatory, strategic.
malicious software, and which do not. Email filtering trojans, account credential
software inputs email. For its output, it might pass the theft, and other attacks.
message through unchanged for delivery to the user's
mailbox, redirect the message for delivery elsewhere,
or even throw the message away. Some mail filters are
able to edit messages during processing.
Email encryption can rely on public-key cryptography, Email is prone to Data, Operational,
in which users can each publish a public key that disclosure of information. Regulatory
others can use to encrypt messages to them, while Most emails are currently
keeping secret a private key they can use to decrypt transmitted in the clear (not
such messages or to digitally encrypt and sign encrypted). By means of
messages they send. some available tools,
persons other than the
designated recipients can
read the email contents
Endpoint clients are kept current with automatic Anti-malware, anti-spam, Data, Operational,
updates and regulated communications content anti-virus clients are Regulatory
providers. regulatory requirements of
multiple security
frameworks. Vulnerable
systems have no defense
against known threats that
have penetrated other
layers of defense.
The goal of computer forensics is to examine digital Lack of ability to Data, Operational,
media in a forensically sound manner with the aim of investigate security Regulatory
identifying, preserving, recovering, analyzing and incidents, service outages,
presenting facts and opinions about the digital compliance audits, suspect
information. employee behavior, errors,
and other events that may
require legal proceedings.
Secure configuration and configuration management, Increased risk of data Data, IT, Operational,
auditing capabilities, patch/firmware management. availability and service Reputational,
outage. Regulatory
Understand fraud and misconduct risks that can Increased risk of policy or Operational,
undermine business objectives, reduce expore to legal abuse by internal and Reputational
corporate liability, sanctions, and litigation. external parties.
Require pre-boot authentication and centralized Any data stored on devices Data Operational,
management. should only include strong encryption lost or within physical Reputation,
methods such as AES, RSA, and SHA-256. Encrypted access of attackers is lost. Regulatory
data should remain encrypted when access controls
such as usernames and password fail. Increasing
encryption on multiple levels is recommended.
Production honeypots are placed inside the production Lack of knowledge of IT, Strategic
network with other production servers by an external attack surface and
organization to improve their overall state of security. vulnerabilities.
IdM covers issues such as how users gain an identity, High administrative IT, Operational,
the protection of that identity and the technologies overhead - account Regulatory
supporting that protection (e.g., network protocols, management, lack of audit
digital certificates, passwords, etc.). and compliance visibility
regarding Authentication,
Authorization, Accounting,
Roles, and data
FIdM, or the "federation" of identity, describes the High administrative IT, Operational,
technologies, standards and use-cases which serve to overhead - account Regulatory
enable the portability of identity information across management, lack of audit
otherwise autonomous security domains. and compliance visibility
regarding Authentication,
Authorization, Accounting,
Roles, and data
RMF provides a disciplined and structured process that Lack of auditory IT, Strategic
integrates information security and risk management compliance. IT System and
activities into the system development life cycle. Risk management become
ad-hoc and inefficient.
Penetration testing is really a form of QA that looks for Lack of knowledge of Regulatory,
flaws in network architecture and design, operating external attack surface and Reputational
system and application configuration, application vulnerabilities.
design, and even human behavior as it relates to
security policies and procedures.
IdM covers issues such as how users gain an identity, High administrative IT, Operational,
the protection of that identity and the technologies overhead - account Regulatory
supporting that protection (e.g., network protocols, management, lack of audit
digital certificates, passwords, etc.). and compliance visibility
regarding Authentication,
Authorization, Accounting,
Roles, and data
The goal of computer forensics is to examine digital Lack of ability to Data, Operational,
media in a forensically sound manner with the aim of investigate security Regulatory
identifying, preserving, recovering, analyzing and incidents, service outages,
presenting facts and opinions about the digital compliance audits, suspect
information. employee behavior, errors,
and other events that may
require legal proceedings.
Respone systems integrate an understanding of Inefficiency in log data Data, IT, Operational,
multiple technologies and individual components of a correlation of multiple Regulatory
Defense-In-Depth (DiD) architecture. security products. Difficultly
in discerning actionable
Scans are typically an initial phase of a network-based A software attack on a Data, Operational,
attack or penetration test. Regular scans emulating an computer system looks for Regulatory
external attacker with remediation of results are a best security weaknesses, to
practice for maintaining an effective security posture. potentially gain access to
the computer's features
and data may be the result
of a successful scan.
Secure OS configurations and baselines provide a Lack of auditory Data, IT, Operational,
practical implementation of hardware and software in compliance. IT System Regulatory
computer systems enabling security and systems configuration and security
engineers to perform real time repair, enable security management become ad-
features, forensic investigations, as well as preventive hoc and inefficient.
maintenance and improvements.
Password strength is a measure of the effectiveness of Unauthorized disclosure of Operational,
a password in resisting guessing and brute-force information, Disruption of Regulatory
attacks. In its usual form, it estimates how many trials computer services, Loss of
an attacker who does not have direct access to the productivity, Financial loss,
password would need, on average, to guess it Legal implications, Lack of
correctly. The strength of a password is a function of compliance/auditability
length, complexity, and unpredictability.
Patch management is the process of using a strategy Exposure to vulnerabilities IT, Operational,
and plan of what patches should be applied to which steadily increase over time Regulatory
systems at a specified time in order to maintain proper as new vulnerabilties are
functionality and security posture. discovered on a daily
The per-computer scope of personal firewalls is useful Personal firewall clients Operational,
to protect machines that are moved across different are regulatory Regulatory
networks. Unlike network firewalls, many personal requirements of multiple
firewalls are able to control network traffic allowed to security frameworks.
programs on the firewalled computer. Vulnerable systems have
no defense against known
threats that have
penetrated other layers of
The purpose of a PKI is to facilitate the secure Digital encryption becomes Operational,
electronic transfer of information for a range of network a manual process with the Reputational,
activities such as e-commerce, internet banking and potential for human error, Regulatory, Strategy
confidential email. It is required for activities where increasing administrative
simple passwords are an inadequate authentication overhead, and a lack of
method and more rigorous proof is required to confirm reporting functionality.
the identity of the parties involved in the
communication and to validate the information being
Content filtering controls including message filtering Unauthorized disclosure of Operational, IT,
can block malware and other content that is or contains information, Disruption of Reputational
hostile, intrusive, or annoying material including computer services, Loss of
adware, spam, computer viruses, worms, trojan productivity, Financial loss
horses, and spyware. due to compromised
workstations and servers,
reputation loss due to
security breach
Content filtering controls can block malware and other Unauthorized disclosure of Operational, IT,
content that is or contains hostile, intrusive, or information, Disruption of Reputational
annoying material including adware, spam, computer computer services, Loss of
viruses, worms, trojan horses, and spyware. productivity, Financial loss
due to compromised
workstations and servers,
reputation loss due to
security breach
Remote access solutions increase the productivity and Risk an attacker may: IT, Operational,
flexibility of users who work from home computers or intercept information as it Regulatory
from mobile devices such as laptops while working travels between the remote
remotely. user and your intranet;
make an unauthorized
remote access connection
by successfully
impersonating a legitimate
remote access user; gain
direct access to
information that is stored
on computers within
Sensors utilize passive and active scans on both wired Rogue access points and Operational,
and wireless networks to identify unauthorized systems computer-based threats Reputational,
and report them to security administrators. allowing unauthorized Regulator
access and use of
company resources as well
as staging ground for more
complex attacks.
Certification in the context of information system Loss of system IT, Data, Regulatory
security means that a system has been analyzed to compliance, lack of secure
determine how well it meets all of the security configuration baselines,
requirements of the organization. reduced ability to examine
deviations from standards
hardware, software,
firmware, and testing
Secure network protocols that provide file access, file Data transfer not IT, Data, Regulatory,
transfer, and file management over any reliable data trustworthy, all other Reputational
stream across insecure networks (internet). security mechanisms
potentially bipassed
including but not limited to
malware injection,
eavesdropping, data theft,
Servers, application, network and security devices Lack of ability to IT, Operational,
generate log files. Errors, problems, and more investigate security Reputational,
information is constantly logged and saved for analysis. incidents, service outages, Regulatory
In order to detect problems automatically, security compliance audits, suspect
events, outages, forensics, compliance reporting, and employee behavior, errors,
other events useful logs must be securely stored and and other events that may
reviewed. require legal proceedings.
Self-service password reset (SSPR) is defined as any Reduced efficiency and Operational, Data,
process or technology that allows users who have ability to provide reliable Regulatory
either forgotten their password or triggered an intruder authentication of users.
lockout to authenticate with an alternate factor, and
repair their own problem, without calling other
The process of enhancing server security through a Server nodes are IT, Regulatory,
variety of means which results in a much more secure unnecessarily exposed to Reputational
server operating environmen due to the advanced multiple vulnerabilities due
security measures that are put in place during the to open ports, open
server hardening process protocols, unnecessary
software, and other
The process of enhancing server security through a Server nodes are Data, IT, Operational,
variety of means which results in a much more secure unnecessarily exposed to Regulatory
server operating environmen due to the advanced multiple vulnerabilities due
security measures that are put in place during the to open ports, open
server hardening process protocols, unnecessary
software, and other
Certification in the context of information system Loss of system IT, Data, Operational,
security means that a system has been analyzed to compliance, lack of secure Regulatory
determine how well it meets all of the security configuration baselines,
requirements of the organization. reduced ability to examine
deviations from standards
hardware, software,
firmware, and testing
Single Sign-On enables Company XX to have an Access control may require IT and Operational.
enterprise-class secure single sign-on (SSO) and significant investment of
flexible identity access management so that Company time and resources. It will
XX can authenticate users and control access to Web prevent Company XX
applications and portals. Across Internet, intranet and customers from smoothly
cloud applications, it helps enable the secure delivery accessing applications due
of essential information and applications to Company to multiple accounts and
XX employees, partners, suppliers and customers via lack of integration. It could
secure single sign-on. possibly allow user and
application compromise.
A filtering solution applied to your email system uses a Increased risk of social Operational,
set of protocols to determine which of your incoming engineering attacks, Reputational,
messages are spam, fradulent messages, contain phishing, spam, malware, Regulatory
malicious software, and which do not. Email filtering trojans, account credential
software inputs email. For its output, it might pass the theft, and other attacks.
message through unchanged for delivery to the user's
mailbox, redirect the message for delivery elsewhere,
or even throw the message away. Some mail filters are
able to edit messages during processing.
Cyber Threat Management a management program Lack of auditory Data, IT, Operational,
enabling early identification of threats, data driven compliance. IT System and Regulatory,
situational awareness, accurate decision-making, and Risk management become Reputational,
timely threat mitigating actions. ad-hoc and inefficient. Strategic
The use of two-factor authentication to prove one's Unauthorized disclosure of Data, Operational,
identity is based on the premise that an unauthorized information, Disruption of Regulatory
actor is unlikely to be able to supply both factors computer services, Loss of
required for access. If in an authentication attempt at productivity, Financial loss
least one of the components is missing or supplied due to compromised
incorrectly, the user's identity is not established with workstations and servers,
sufficient certainty and access to the asset being reputation loss due to
protected by two-factor authentication then remains security breach
SeOS is a host based access control utility that runs on Compliance tools assist to Data, Operational,
UNIX and Windows NT. It provides granular control to build default images with Regulatory
files and resources on the operating system based on protection in mind. Out of
access rules stored in a local database. Internally, box protection may be
SeOS operates by intercepting system calls at the improved.
kernel and checks the request against the local SeOS
Remote access solutions such as VPN architectures Risk an attacker may: Data, IT, Operational,
increase the productivity and flexibility of users who intercept information as it Regulatory,
work from home computers or from mobile devices travels between the remote Reputational,
such as laptops while working remotely. user and your intranet; Strategic
make an unauthorized
remote access connection
by successfully
impersonating a legitimate
remote access user; gain
direct access to
information that is stored
on computers within
Scans are typically an initial phase of a network-based A software attack on a IT, Operational,
attack or penetration test. Regular scans emulating an computer system looks for Reputational,
external attacker with remediation of results are a best security weaknesses, to Regulatory
practice for maintaining an effective security posture. potentially gain access to
the computer's features
and data may be the result
of a successful scan.
Content filtering controls can block malware and other Unauthorized disclosure of Operational, IT,
content that is or contains hostile, intrusive, or information, Disruption of Reputational
annoying material including adware, spam, computer computer services, Loss of
viruses, worms, trojan horses, and spyware. productivity, Financial loss
due to compromised
workstations and servers,
reputation loss due to
security breach
APTs usually targets organizations and/or nations for Compromised systems and Strategic, Regulatory,
business or political motives. APT processes require a attackers undiscovered. Reputational
high degree of covertness over a long period of time. Loss of control.
All assets should be clearly identified, documented and Unidentified assets cannot Operational,
regularly updated in an asset register, shall have be protected if security Stragetic, Regulatory
designated owners and custodians listed in the asset controls are unaware of
register, have the respective CIA (Confidentiality, their precense. Loss of
Integrity and Availability) rating established in the asset CIA.
registe, all employees shall use company assets
according to the acceptable use of assets procedures,
all assets shall be classified according the asset
classification guideline of the company
Cloud security architecture is effective only if the Insecure cloud computing Operational,
correct defensive implementations are in place. An creates the risk of lack of Regulatory,
efficient cloud security architecture should recognize confidentiality during data Reputational
the issues that will arise with security management and transfer, MitM attacks, loss
utilize Deterrent, Preventative, Detective, and of integrity, risk of
Corrective controls. compromised hardware by
cloud service provider.
Servers, application, network and security devices Lack of ability to IT, Operational,
generate log files. Errors, problems, and more investigate security Regulatory
information is constantly logged and saved for analysis. incidents, service outages,
In order to detect problems automatically, security compliance audits, suspect
events, outages, forensics, compliance reporting, and employee behavior, errors,
other events useful logs must be securely stored and and other events that may
reviewed. require legal proceedings.
The most common use of certificates is for HTTPS- Risk of lack of domain, Operational,
based web sites. A web browser validates that a TLS organization, and extended Regulatory,
(Transport Layer Security) web server is authentic, so validation of connecting Reputational
that the user can feel secure that his/her interaction host.
with the web site has no eavesdroppers and that the
web site is who it claims to be.
Access control or Access Management systems Unauthorized disclosure of IT, Data, Operational,
provide the essential services of authorization, information, Disruption of Regulatory
identification and authentication, access approval, and computer services, Loss of
accountability where authorization specifies what a productivity, Financial loss,
user can do, identification and authentication ensure Legal implications, Lack of
that only legitimate users can log on to a system, compliance/auditability
access approval grants access during operations, by
association of users with the resources that they are
allowed to access, based on the authorization policy,
accountability identifies what a user has done.
Monitoring actual user interaction with a website or an Without effective privileged Data, Regulatory
application is important to operators to determine if user monitoring, these
users are being served quickly and without errors and, users can cause immense
if not, which part of a business process is failing. damage without ever being
detected. In addition,
Industry and compliance
regulations including PCI
DSS, SOX and others,
require that privileged
users be closely monitored
and their activities
Scans are typically an initial phase of a network-based A software attack on a Data, Operational,
attack or penetration test. Regular scans emulating an computer system looks for Reputational,
external attacker with remediation of results are a best security weaknesses, to Regulatory
practice for maintaining an effective security posture. potentially gain access to
the computer's features
and data may be the result
of a successful scan.
Content filtering controls can block malware and other Unauthorized disclosure of Operational, IT,
content that is or contains hostile, intrusive, or information, Disruption of Reputational
annoying material including adware, spam, computer computer services, Loss of
viruses, worms, trojan horses, and spyware. productivity, Financial loss
due to compromised
workstations and servers,
reputation loss due to
security breach
Vulnerabilities, CIA FIPS Confidentiality, High, Likeliho Applicable NIST
Exposures and Exploits Integrity and Availability Medium od event Control
mitigated by product or 199 Impact Rating of and Low could
service high, medium and low Risk happen
levels if (L,M.H)
product given
or service the
not Compan
Infectious malware, virus, deployed y XX
Trojan Rootkit, Backdoor, at deploye
·Zombie computer, Man-in-the- Company d tool
middle, Man-in-the-browser, XX and
Clickjacking (consider procedu
other re
defense AC, AU, CM, RA,
in depth SI, MP
tools and
No control of data
confidentiality in unregulated
environment(internet), inability
to meet industry and
government regulations, no
safe harbor from breach
notification, privacy and data AC, IA, PS, SC,
assurance, or secure data SI
Email-based social
engineering, data loss, data
theft, spam, spear-phishing
attacks, compromised
workstations, and accounts.
Email-based social
engineering, data loss, data
theft, spam, spear-phishing
attacks, compromised
workstations, and accounts.
attacks, loss of data
confidentiality, loss of
Innefficiency or failure to
provide security control
selection and specification that
considers effectiveness, AT, PL, PM, RA,
efficiency, or constraints due to M H H H H
applicable laws, directives, SA, SI
Executive Orders, policies,
standards, or regulations.
Unathorized system access,
poor resource utilization, and
stepping stone entrances for
malicious third-parties.
attacks, loss of data
confidentiality, loss of
Lack of data analytics that
would provide proactive
management, baselining, trend
analysis, and the possibility of
addressing issues before they
become problems, assist M M L M L AC, AU, SC
forensics, outage investigation.
Reduced efficiencies to IR and
event management.
Password compromise,
application compromise,
prevents numerous accounts
form being created, enhanced
monitoring and filtering.
Email-based social
engineering, spear-phishing,
data loss, data theft,
compromised workstations,
and compromised accounts.
Inability to utilize automated
intelligence gathering and
threat analytics,
comprehensive methodologies
for real-time monitoring
including advanced techniques
such as behavioral modeling,
analytics to optimize
intelligence, generate security
intelligence, or provide
situational awareness,
technology and skilled people H H H H H AU, SA
leveraging situational
awareness to enable rapid
decisions and automated or
manual actions dictated by
policies and procedures. This is
vital to APT and IR initiatives.
Credential guessing/dictionary
attacks, identity theft, and other
online fraud and access
attempts. Systems with only
passwords increase the
likelihood to give a malicious M H M H L AC, IA, MA
3rd parties access to
organizational informatino or
attacks, loss of data
confidentiality, loss of
Lack of knowledge of attack
surface and publicly available
information to hackers. Servers
and work stations can remain
unpatched causing
vulnerabilities to go
unmanaged and exposures to
increase over time. An
organization needs ideas of
malicious attack behavior
exposing vulnerabilites seen by
3rd parties in order to provide
opportunity remediate prior to a
true attack.
attacks, loss of data
confidentiality due to AC, AU, CM, SC,
eavesdropping, loss of H M M H L
credentials SI
Credential guessing/dictionary
attacks, identity theft, and other
online fraud and access
attempts. Systems with only
passwords increase the
likelihood to give a malicious M H M H L AC, IA, MA
3rd parties access to
organizational informatino or
Inability to prevent
unauthorized users or
workstations that lack antivirus,
patches, or host intrusion
prevention software from
accessing the network and
placing other computers at risk H M H H L AC, CM, IA, SC
of cross-contamination of
computer worms; Policy
enforcement; Increased
difficulty with identity and
access management.
Inefficiency in risk
Identification, assessment,
treatment and monitoring.
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