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3 Nutrisi

IMPORTANT concepts

i-THINK Peta Titi

contoh Kelas makanan Ujian makanan Gizi seimbang

examples Classes of food Food tests A balanced diet
as as
Faktor Karbohidrat dan Ujian iodin dan Dipengaruhi oleh
penghubung protein ujian Millon umur dan iklim
Relating factor Carbohydrates and Iodine and Millon’s Influenced by age and
proteins test climate

contoh Organ pencernaan Enzim pencernaan Usus besar Tisu badan

examples Digestive organs Digestive enzymes Large intestine Body tissues
as as
Faktor Mulut dan usus Amilase (mencerna Penyerapan Asimilasi dan
penghubung kecil kanji) dan protease semula air dan respirasi berlaku
Relating factor Mouth and small (mencerna protein) penyahtinjaan Assimilation and
intestine Amylase (digests Reabsorption respiration take
starch), protease of water and place
(digests proteins) defecation

Nutrisi ialah pengambilan makanan mengikut keperluan badan untuk pertumbuhan dan kesihatan
badan. Selain pengambilan makanan, nutrisi juga merangkumi penyerapan makanan dan asimilasi.
Apakah proses asimilasi?
Nutrition is the intake of food according to the needs of the body for growth and health. Besides the intake of
food, nutrition includes absorption and assimilation of food. What is the process of assimilation?


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Kelas Makanan Classes of Food

1. Karbohidrat terdiri daripada unsur karbon, hidrogen 1. Carbohydrates are made up of carbon, hydrogen rogen
dan oksigen. and oxygen.
2. Terdapat tiga jenis karbohidrat yang utama, iaitu 2. There are three main types of carbohydrates, s, i.e.
kanji, glikogen dan selulosa. starch, glycogen and cellulose.

3. Protein terdiri daripada unsur karbon, hidrogen, 3. Proteins are made up of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen
oksigen dan nitrogen. Sesetengah protein juga and nitrogen. Some proteins also contain phosphorus
mempunyai unsur fosforus dan sulfur.
4. Protein digunakan untuk membina tisu badan,
and sulphur.
4. Proteins are used for building body tissues, ssues,s
mensintesis enzim, hormon dan antibodi. synthesising enzymes, hormones and antibodies. ies.
5. Lemak juga terdiri daripada unsur karbon, hidrogen 5. Fats are also made up of carbon, hydrogen n and
dan oksigen tetapi dalam nisbah yang berlainan oxygen but the ratio is different from that at of
daripada karbohidrat. carbohydrates.
6. Vitamin diperlukan dalam kuantiti yang kecil sahaja 6. Vitamins are required in only small quantities to
untuk mengekalkan kesihatan yang baik. maintain good health.
7. Vitamin dikelaskan kepada dua kumpulan, iaitu 7. Vitamins are classified into two groups, i.e. water-
vitamin larut air (vitamin B dan C) dan vitamin larut soluble vitamins (vitamins B and C) and fat-soluble
lemak (vitamin A, D, E dan K). vitamins (vitamins A, D, E and K).
8. Vitamin diperoleh daripada sayur-sayuran, buah- 8. Vitamins are obtained from vegetables, fruits, milk
buahan, susu dan daging. and meat.
9. Badan kita memerlukan mineral dalam kuantiti yang 9. The body requires small quantities of mineral for
kecil sahaja bagi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan growth and development of our body.
badan. 10. Fibre (dietary fibre) or roughage is found in food
10. Pelawas terdapat dalam makanan yang mengandungi which contains cellulose.
selulosa. 11. Food and drinks supply water which is necessary for
11. Makanan dan minuman membekalkan air yang the body.
diperlukan oleh badan kita.
Kepentingan Gizi Seimbang Importance of a Balanced Diet
1. Gizi seimbang ialah makanan yang terdiri daripada 1. A balanced diet is made up of food that has all the
semua kelas makanan dalam kuantiti yang betul. classes of food in the right quantities.
2. Gizi seimbang diperlukan untuk bekalan tenaga yang 2. A balanced diet is necessary for supplying the
mencukupi, pertumbuhan badan yang seimbang, right amount of energy, balanced body growth,
mengekalkan kesihatan badan dan mengelakkan maintaining the health of the body and preventing
daripada menghidapi penyakit-penyakit tertentu deficiency diseases such as scurvy and rickets.
seperti skurvi dan riket. 3. The factors that affect a balanced diet are age, body
3. Faktor yang mempengaruhi gizi seimbang ialah size, gender, work, climate and the state of health.
umur, saiz badan, jantina, pekerjaan, iklim dan 4. The calorific value of food is the total energy released
keadaan kesihatan. when one gram of food is burned completely.
4. Nilai kalori makanan ialah jumlah tenaga yang 5. The amount of energy in a food is measured in units
dibebaskan apabila satu gram makanan dibakar of calorie or joule.
dengan lengkap. 6. A balanced diet, regular exercise and healthy
5. Jumlah tenaga dalam suatu makanan disukat dalam lifestyle are essential for maintaining body health.
unit kalori atau joule.
6. Gizi seimbang, kerap bersenam dan gaya hidup
yang sihat adalah penting untuk diamalkan supaya
dapat mengekalkan kesihatan badan.
Sistem Pencernaan Manusia Human Digestive System
1. Pencernaan ialah proses penguraian makanan yang 1. Digestion is the break down of complex or large food
kompleks atau besar kepada molekul yang lebih kecil to smaller molecules that are soluble and ready to
yang boleh larut dan sedia diserap ke dalam badan. be absorbed by the body.
2. Pencernaan berlaku dalam dua peringkat: 2. Digestion takes place in two stages:
(a) Pencernaan fizikal – pemecahan makanan yang (a) Physical digestion – breaking down of large
besar kepada cebisan kecil dengan bantuan gigi, food into smaller pieces with the help of teeth,
lidah dan air liur tongue and saliva.

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(b) Pencernaan kimia – penguraian molekul- (b) Chemical digestion – the breaking down of
molekul kompleks makanan kepada molekul- complex food molecules into simple molecules
molekul ringkas dengan bantuan enzim with the help of enzymes
3. Sistem pencernaan manusia terdiri daripada satu 3. The human digestive system consists of a tube that
tiub yang disebut salur pencernaan dan beberapa is called the digestive tract and several other organs
organ lain seperti hati dan pankreas. such as the liver and pancreas.
4. Salur pencernaan terdiri daripada mulut, esofagus, 4. The digestive tract is made up of the mouth,
perut, duodenum, usus kecil, usus besar, rektum dan
p oesophagus, stomach, duodenum, small intestine,
d large intestine, rectum and anus.

Pencernaan Makanan
Pence Digestion of Food

1. EEnzim ialah bahan protein yang mempercepatkan 1. Enzymes are proteins that speed up the process of
proses pencernaan makanan. Enzim memecahkan digestion of food. Enzymes break down complex food
3 m
molekul kompleks makanan kepada molekul yang
kecil dan ringkas.
molecules to smaller and simpler molecules.
2. The types of enzymes secreted and the food digested:
2. Je
Jenis enzim yang dirembeskan dan makanan yang (a) Mouth – salivary amylase (starch → maltose)
dicerna: (b) Stomach – protease in the gastric juice (protein
(a) Mulut – amilase liur (kanji → maltosa)
(a → polypeptides)
(b) Perut – protease dalam jus gaster (protein → (c) Duodenum – pancreatic juice produces
polipeptida) pancreatic amylase (starch → maltose),
(c) Duodenum – jus pankreas menghasilkan protease (polypeptides → dipeptides) and lipase
amilase pankreas (kanji → maltosa), protease (fat → fatty acids + glycerol)
(polipeptida → dipeptida) dan lipase (lemak → (d) Small intestine – maltase (maltose → glucose)
asid lemak + gliserol) and protease (dipeptides → amino acids)
(d) Usus kecil – maltase (maltosa → glukosa) dan 3. The classes of food and final products of digestion:
protease (dipeptida → asid amino) (a) Carbohydrates – glucose
3. Kelas makanan dan hasil akhir pencernaan: (b) Protein – amino acids
(a) Karbohidrat – glukosa (c) Fat – fatty acids and glycerol
(b) Protein – asid amino
(c) Lemak – asid lemak dan gliserol

Penyerapan Makanan Absorption of Food

1. Penyerapan makanan ialah proses yang berlaku 1. Absorption of food is the process in which the end
semasa hasil akhir pencernaan dibawa masuk ke products of digestion enter the bloodstream through
dalam sistem peredaran darah melalui dinding usus the walls of the small intestine.
kecil. 2. The surface of the small intestine is covered with
2. Permukaan usus kecil diliputi oleh berjuta-juta millions of fine projections, about 1 mm long. These
unjuran halus dengan panjang kira-kira 1 mm. projections are called villi.
Unjuran ini disebut vilus. 3. Food that has been digested into the simplest form
3. Makanan tercerna dalam bentuk yang paling ringkas is absorbed by the villi on the walls of the small
diserap oleh vilus-vilus pada dinding usus kecil ke intestine into the bloodstream.
dalam sistem peredaran darah. 4. The efficiency of absorption of digested food in the
4. Kecekapan penyerapan hasil-hasil pencernaan di small intestine can be increased by:
usus kecil ditingkatkan oleh: (a) having a large number of villi to increase the
(a) bilangan vilus yang banyak untuk menambahkan surface area.
luas permukaan. (b) the villi having very thin walls, i.e. one-cell thick.
(b) vilus yang mempunyai dinding yang sangat (c) the villi with many blood capillaries.
nipis, iaitu setebal satu sel.
(c) vilus yang mempunyai banyak kapilari darah.

Penyahtinjaan Defecation
1. Tugas utama usus besar ialah penyerapan semula 1. The main function of the large intestine is to reabsorb
air. water.
2. Makanan yang tidak tercerna dalam usus besar 2. Undigested food in the large intestine is removed as
disingkirkan sebagai najis atau tinja melalui proses faeces through the process of defecation.
penyahtinjaan. 3. If a person has problems passing
3. Jika seseorang mengalami kesukaran untuk motion, he or she is said to be
membuang air besar, dia dikatakan menghidap suffering from constipation.
sembelit. 4. Constipation is caused by a lack
4. Sembelit berlaku disebabkan oleh kekurangan air of water and fibre in the diet.
dan pelawas dalam gizi pemakanan. Nota Grafik


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Standard Kandungan
3.1 Kelas makanan Tarikh:

Kelas makanan dan fungsinya
Classes of food and their functions

1 Nyatakan kelas makanan berdasarkan fungsinya.

State the classes of food based on their functions. TP2

Protein/Protein Lemak/Fat Vitamin/Vitamin Air/Water

Pelawas/Fibre (Roughage) Karbohidrat/Carbohydrate Mineral/Mineral

Kelas makanan Fungsi

Classes of food Functions

(a) Karbohidrat
Membekalkan tenaga
To supply energy 3
(b) Protein Membina sel-sel baharu untuk menggantikan tisu yang rosak
Protein dan untuk pertumbuhan
To build new cells to replace damaged tissues and for growth

(c) Lemak Sebagai penebat haba dan melindungi organ dalaman

Fat As a heat insulator and to protect the internal organs

(d) Vitamin
Mengekalkan kesihatan badan
To maintain good health Gal Info
erii In
aler fo
Pelawas tidak dapat
(e) Mineral Mengekalkan kesihatan badan dipecahkan oleh
Mineral To maintain good health sistem pencernaan
Fibres cannot be
(f) Pelawas Merangsang proses peristalsis broken down by
Fibre (Roughage) To stimulate peristalsis human digestive
(g) Air Sebagai pelarut bahan kimia dan
Water mengangkut nutrien dan oksigen
As a solvent for chemicals and to transport nutrients and oxygen

2 Kelaskan makanan di bawah kepada empat kelas.

Classify the following foods into four classes. TP1

Ikan/Fish Nasi/Rice Mentega/Butter Bayam/Spinach

Minyak ikan/Fish oil Roti/Bread Susu/Milk Marjerin/Margarine
Daging/Meat Putih telur/Egg white Madu/Honey Betik/Papaya
Ubi kentang/Potato Kekacang/Nuts Kuning telur/Egg yolk Bijirin/Cereal
Pisang/Banana Nanas/Pineapple Gula/Sugar Minyak kelapa/Coconut oil

Kelas makanan/Classes of food

Karbohidrat Protein Lemak Pelawas
Carbohydrate Protein Fat Fibre

Nasi/Rice Ikan/Fish Mentega/Butter Bayam/Spinach

Roti/Bread Susu/Milk Minyak ikan/Fish oil Betik/Papaya
Madu/Honey Putih telur/Egg white Marjerin/Margarine Nanas/Pineapple
Ubi kentang/Potato Daging/Meat Kuning telur/Egg yolk Bijirin/Cereal
Pisang/Banana Kekacang/Nuts Minyak kelapa/Coconut oil Pisang/Banana

Buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran mengandungi vitamin dan mineral .

Fruits and vegetables contain vitamin and mineral .


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Kepentingan nutrien
Importance of nutrients

1 Nyatakan kesan kekurangan nutrien berdasarkan maklumat yang diberikan.

State the effects of deficiency in nutrients, based on the information given. TP1

Skurvi Beri-beri Riket Rabun malam

Scurvy Beriberi Rickets Night blindness
Goiter Mandul Anemia Kwasyiorkor
Goitre Sterility Anaemia Kwashiorkor

Kekejangan otot Darah lambat beku

Muscle cramps Prolonged bleeding

3 Nutrien Kesan kekurangan Nutrien Kesan kekurangan

Nutrients Effects of deficiency Nutrients Effects of deficiency

(a) Vitamin A Rabun malam (g) Besi Anemia

Night blindness Iron Anaemia

(b) Vitamin B Beri-beri (h) Iodin Goiter

Beriberi Iodine Goitre

(c) Vitamin C Skurvi (i) Natrium/Kalium Kekejangan otot

Scurvy Sodium/Potassium Muscle cramps

(d) Vitamin D Riket (j) Fosforus Riket

Rickets Phosphorus Rickets

(e) Vitamin E Mandul (k) Protein Kwasyiorkor

Sterility Proteins Kwashiorkor

(f) Vitamin K Darah lambat beku (l) Kalsium Riket

Prolonged bleeding Calcium Rickets

2 Lengkapkan jadual di bawah dengan menyatakan nutrien berdasarkan fungsinya.

Complete the table below by stating the nutrients based on their functions. TP2

Natrium Iodin Besi Kalsium Fluorin Kalsium dan fosforus

Sodium Iodine Iron Calcium Fluorine Calcium and phosphorus

Nutrien/Nutrients Fungsi/Functions

(a) Besi Membina hemoglobin dalam sel darah merah

Iron Builds haemoglobin in the red blood cells

(b) Fluorin Mengeraskan enamel gigi

Fluorine Hardens the enamel of teeth

(c) Iodin Penghasilan hormon oleh kelenjar tiroid

Iodine Production of hormones by the thyroid gland

(d) Kalsium Diperlukan untuk pembekuan darah

Calcium Needed for blood-clotting

(e) Natrium Memelihara fungsi sistem saraf

Sodium Maintains the functions of the nervous system

(f) Kalsium dan fosforus Membina tulang dan gigi yang kuat
Calcium and phosphorus Build strong bones and teeth Praktis


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3.3 EKSPERIMEN Ujian makanan DSKP

KBAT INKUIRI Food test Penemuan

Tujuan Menguji kehadiran kanji, glukosa, protein dan lemak

To test for the presence of starch, glucose, protein and fat

Bahan dan Larutan kanji, larutan glukosa, larutan albumen, larutan iodin, larutan Benedict, edict,
Radas reagen Millon, minyak masak, etanol, air, kertas turas, tabung uji, bikar 250 ml, silinder
penyukat, penunu Bunsen, tungku kaki tiga, kasa dawai, penitis
Starch solution, glucose solution, albumen solution, iodine solution, Benedict’s solution, Millon’s

reagent, cooking oil, ethanol, water, filter paper, test tubes, 250 ml beaker, measuring cylinder,
Bunsen burner, tripod stand, wire gauze, dropper

Prosedur Jalankan ujian makanan di bawah ini./Carry out the following food tests. 3
A. Ujian iodin bagi kanji B. Ujian Benedict untuk glukosa
Iodine test for starch Benedict’s test for glucose

larutan iodin
iodine solution
kukus air
larutan glukosa +
water bath
larutan Benedict
glucose solution +
Benedict’s solution
larutan kanji heat
starch solution

• Masukkan 2 ml larutan kanji ke • Masukkan 2 ml larutan glukosa dan

dalam tabung uji. beberapa titik larutan Benedict ke
Pour 2 ml of starch solution into a test dalam tabung uji.
tube. Pour 2 ml of glucose solution and a few
• Titiskan beberapa titik larutan iodin. drops of Benedict’s solution into a test tube.
Add a few drops of iodine solution. • Panaskan tabung uji dengan
kandungannya di dalam kukus air.
Heat the test tube and its contents in a
water bath.

C. Ujian Millon untuk protein D. Ujian alkohol-emulsi untuk lemak

Millon’s test for protein Alcohol-emulsion test for fat

minyak masak
cooking oil
larutan albumen
kukus air
+ reagen Millon
water bath
albumen solution
+ Millon’s reagent
panaskan etanol
heat ethanol

• Masukkan 2 ml etanol ke dalam

• Masukkan 2 ml larutan albumen dan tabung uji.
beberapa titik reagen Millon ke dalam Pour 2 ml of ethanol into a test tube.
tabung uji. • Titiskan beberapa titik minyak masak
Pour 2 ml of albumen solution and a few ke dalam etanol dan goncangkan
drops of Millon’s reagent into a test tube. campuran itu.
• Panaskan tabung uji dengan Add a few drops of cooking oil to the
kandungannya di dalam kukus air. ethanol and shake the mixture.
Heat the test tube and its contents in a • Tambahkan 2 ml air suling dan
water bath. goncangkan campuran itu.
Add 2 ml of distilled water and shake the


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Pemerhatian Makanan Ujian makanan Pemerhatian
Food Food test Observation

Kanji Ujian iodin Larutan kanji bertukar warna menjadi

Starch Iodine test biru tua
The starch solution turns dark blue .

Glukosa Ujian Benedict Mendakan merah bata terbentuk.

Glucose Benedict’s test A brick-red precipitate is formed.

Protein Ujian Millon Mendakan merah terbentuk.

3 Protein Millon’s test A red precipitate is formed.

Lemak Ujian alkohol-emulsi Larutan keruh/Emulsi terbentuk.

Fat Alcohol-emulsion test A milky solution /An emulsion is formed.

Analisis 1 Terangkan mengapa pemanasan terus tidak dijalankan untuk ujian Benedict dan
Millon tetapi kukus air digunakan./Explain why direct heating is not carried out for
Benedict’s and Millon’s tests but a water bath is used instead. TP4/KBAT
Untuk mengelakkan kandungan di dalam tabung uji daripada terpercik keluar .
spilling out
To prevent the contents of the test tube from .

2 Beberapa titik larutan iodin dititiskan ke atas ubi kentang. Berikan pemerhatian
dan sebab.
A few drops of iodine solution are dripped onto a potato. Give the observation and reason.
larutan iodin Warna biru tua terhasil.
iodine solution dark blue
A colour appears.
ubi kentang Ubi kentang mengandungi kanji .
The potato contains .

3 Tandakan ( ✓ ) larutan lain yang boleh digunakan untuk menggantikan larutan

Benedict./Tick ( ✓ ) another solution that can be used to replace Benedict’s solution. TP2

Larutan DCPIP/DCPIP solution ✓ Larutan Fehling/Fehling’s solution

4 Suatu cecair makanan dititiskan pada sekeping kertas. Didapati satu tompok lut
cahaya terbentuk pada kertas itu selepas pengeringan. Kenal pasti kandungan
cecair makanan itu.
A liquid food is dripped onto a piece of paper. It is found that a translucent spot is formed on
the paper after the liquid food has dried up. Identify the content of the liquid food. TP3/KBAT
Makanan itu mengandungi lemak .
Praktis fat
Kendiri The food contains .

Kesimpulan Ujian makanan Makanan Ujian makanan Makanan

Food test Food Food test Food

Ujian iodin Kanji Ujian Millon Protein

Iodine test Starch Millon’s test Protein

Ujian Benedict Glukosa Ujian alkohol-emulsi Lemak

Benedict’s test Glucose Alcohol-emulsion test Fat


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Standard Kandungan
3.2 Kepentingan gizi seimbang Tarikh:

3.4 AKTIVITI Gizi seimbang DSKP

KBAT PERBINCANGAN STEM Balanced diet Kontekstual

1 Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan gizi seimbang?/What is meant by a balanced diet? TP1
Gizi yang mengandungi nutrien daripada semua kelas makanan dalam kuantiti yang
betul .
A diet that contains nutrients from all the classes of food in the right quantities.

2 Jadual di bawah menunjukkan nilai kalori dalam satu gram karbohidrat, protein dan lemak..
The table below shows the calorific values in one gram of carbohydrate, protein and fat.

Kelas makanan Karbohidrat Protein Lemak
Classes of food

Nilai kalori makanan per gram (kJ)

Carbohydrate Protein Fat
17.2 22.2 38.5
Calorific values of the food per gram (kJ)

Seorang budak lelaki mengambil makanan yang berikut untuk sarapan pagi.
A boy took the following foods for his breakfast.

100 g karbohidrat 60 g protein 5 g lemak

100 g of carbohydrate 60 g of protein 5 g of fat
Hitung nilai kalori yang telah diambil oleh budak lelaki itu untuk sarapan paginya.
Calculate the calorific value taken by the boy for his breakfast. TP4/KBAT

Nilai kalori/Calorific value = (17.2 × 100) + (22.2 × 60) + (38.5 × 5)

= 3 244.5 kJ

3 Berdasarkan faktor yang diberi, tandakan ( ✓ ) golongan individu yang memerlukan lebih banyak
tenaga dalam kehidupan harian. Kemudian, berikan sebab dengan memilih jawapan yang betul.
Based on the factors given, tick ( ✓ ) the individual that needs more energy in daily life. Then, give reasons by
choosing the correct answer. TP2

Faktor/Factors Individu dan sebab/Individual and reasons

(a) Umur Orang muda Orang tua

Age ✓ Young people Old people

Sebab: Orang muda (kurang, lebih) aktif.

Reason: Young people are (less, more) active.

(b) Jantina Lelaki Perempuan

Gender ✓ Men Women

Sebab: Lelaki (kurang, lebih) aktif.

Reason: Men are (less, more) active.

(c) Saiz badan Saiz badan besar Saiz badan kecil

Body size ✓ Large body size Small body size

Sebab: Kadar metabolisme badan besar lebih (rendah, tinggi).

Reason: The metabolic rate of a larger body is (lower, higher).


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Faktor/Factors Individu dan sebab/Individual and reasons
(d) Pekerjaan Kerja berat Kerja ringan
Work ✓ Heavy work Light work

Sebab: Kerja berat memerlukan (kurang, lebih) tenaga untuk dilakukan.

Reason: Heavy work needs (less, more) energy to perform.

(e) Iklim Iklim panas Iklim sejuk

Climate Hot climate
✓ Cold climate

Sebab: (Kurang, Lebih) tenaga diperlukan untuk mengekalkan suhu

badan di tempat sejuk.

3 Reason: (Less, More) energy is needed to maintain the body temperature in a

cold place.

(f) Keadaan Orang sihat Orang sakit

kesihatan Healthy people
✓ Sick people
State of health
Sebab: Orang sakit memerlukan (kurang, lebih) tenaga untuk
menentang penyakit.
Reason: Sick people need (less, more) energy to fight diseases.

4 Kaji pernyataan di bawah.

Study the statement below. TP6/KBAT Pembelajaran Abad ke-21
Obesiti dalam kalangan murid sekolah semakin meningkat di Malaysia. Hal ini sangat berkaitan
dengan cara pemakanan dan gaya hidup yang tidak betul.
Obesity among schoolchildren is increasing in Malaysia. This is very much related to improper eating habits
and lifestyle.

(a) Jalankan satu kajian, dalam satu kumpulan yang terdiri daripada dua atau tiga orang murid
tentang yang berikut.
Conduct a study, in a group of two or three students, about the following.
(i) Masalah obesiti dalam kalangan murid sekolah
Obesity problems among schoolchildren
(ii) Hubung kait antara pengambilan makanan diproses dan makanan rapu dengan obesiti
Relationship between the intake of processed food and junk food, and obesity
(iii) Cara-cara untuk menyelesaikan masalah
Ways to solve the problem

(b) Persembahkan hasil dapatan anda dalam bentuk penulisan kreatif. Hasil kerja anda perlu
mengandungi aspek-aspek yang berikut:
Present all your findings in the form of creative writing. Your work should include the following aspects:
(i) Tajuk/Title
(ii) Objektif/Objective
(iii) Hasil dapatan/Information collected
(iv) Perbincangan/Discussion
(v) Kesimpulan/Conclusion
(vi) Sumber rujukan/Reference sources

(c) Maklumat yang diperlukan boleh dikumpul daripada pusat sumber atau melalui Internet.
Information can be collected from resource centres or the Internet.
(d) Penulisan kreatif anda boleh dibuat dengan menggunakan perisian komputer.
The creative writing can be done by using computer software.
(e) Serahkan hasil kerja anda kepada guru.
Hand in your work to your teacher.



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Standard Kandungan
3.3 Sistem pencernaan manusia Tarikh:

3.5 EKSPERIMEN Sistem pencernaan manusia DSKP

KBAT INKUIRI Human digestive system Penemuan

Tujuan Mengenal pasti bahagian sistem pencernaan manusia Hebat Sains Modul 11
To identify the parts of the human digestive system

Bahan dan Carta, model, transparensi atau perisian komputer tentang sistem pencernaan manusia
Radas Charts, models, transparencies or computer software on the human digestive system


1 Perhatikan sistem pencernaan manusia.
Observe the human digestive system.
2 Kenal pasti dan label organ-organ dalam sistem itu.
Identify and label the organs in the system. 3
Pemerhatian Mulut/Mouth Hati/Liver Duodenum/Duodenum m
Esofagus/Oesophagus Rektum/Rectum Dubur/Anus
Duktus hempedu/Bile duct Usus besar/Large intestine Perut/Stomach
Pankreas/Pancreas Pundi hempedu/Gall bladder Usus kecil/Small intestine

(a) Mulut (g) Esofagus

Mouth Oesophagus

(b) Pundi hempedu (h) Hati

Gall bladder Liver

(c) Duktus hempedu (i) Perut

Bile duct Stomach

(d) Duodenum (j) Pankreas

Duodenum Pancreas

(e) Usus kecil (k) Usus besar

Small intestine Large intestine

(f) Rektum (l) Dubur

Rectum Anus

Analisis 1 Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan pencernaan?/What is meant by digestion? TP1

Penguraian molekul makanan yang kompleks atau besar kepada
molekul yang lebih kecil supaya dapat melarut dan sedia diserap oleh badan.
breaking down large smaller
The of complex or food molecules into
molecules that are soluble and ready to be absorbed by the body.

2 Lengkapkan peta alir tentang pergerakan makanan dalam salur pencernaan manusia.
Complete the flow map on the movement of food in the human digestive tract. TP2

Mulut Esofagus Perut Duodenum

Mouth Oesophagus Stomach Duodenum

Usus kecil Usus besar Rektum Dubur

Small intestine Large intestine Rectum Anus


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3 Nyatakan organ pencernaan berdasarkan fungsinya.
State the digestive organs based on their functions. TP2

Organ Fungsi
Organs Functions

(a) Mulut Memotong makanan menjadi serpihan kecil dan

Mouth mencernakan kanji
Cuts food into small pieces and digests starch

(b) Esofagus Menyalurkan bolus (gumpalan makanan) ke dalam perut

Oesophagus Channels bolus (lump of food) into the stomach

(c) Perut Pencernaan protein bermula

Stomach Starts the digestion of proteins

(d) Pankreas Merembeskan jus pankreas yang mengandungi enzim

Pancreas Secretes pancreatic juice containing enzymes

(e) Hati Menghasilkan hempedu untuk membaurkan (memecahkan)

Liver lemak/Produces bile to emulsify (break down) fats
(f) Pundi hempedu Menyimpan hempedu
Gall bladder Stores bile

(g) Usus kecil Mencerna karbohidrat, protein dan lemak serta menyerap
Small intestine makanan tercerna/Digests carbohydrates, proteins and fats
and absorbs digested food

(h) Usus besar Menyerap semula air

Large intestine Reabsorbs water

(i) Rektum Menyimpan tinja

Rectum Stores faeces

(j) Dubur Menyingkirkan tinja dari badan

Anus Removes faeces from the body

4 Rajah di bawah menunjukkan makanan ditolak di sepanjang salur pencernaan oleh

otot dinding yang mengecut dan mengendur secara bersilih ganti. Namakan proses
yang berlaku.
The diagram below shows that food is pushed along the digestive tract by the alternate
contraction and relaxation of the muscles of the wall. Name the process that takes place. TP1

dinding berotot salur pencernaan makanan
muscular wall of the digestive tract food

5 Tandakan ( ✓ ) fungsi-fungsi asid hidroklorik yang dirembeskan oleh dinding perut.

Tick ( ✓ ) the functions of the hydrochloric acid secreted by the wall of the stomach. TP2

✓ Memusnahkan bakteria
Destroys bacteria Gal Info
erii In
aler fo
Praktis Menyediakan keadaan berasid untuk tindakan enzim Duodenum ialah
Kendiri ✓ Prepares an acidic medium for the action of enzymes bahagian pertama
usus kecil.
Mencernakan protein The duodenum is the
Digests proteins first part of the small

Kesimpulan Sistem pencernaan manusia terdiri daripada salur pencernaan dan beberapa organ
lain seperti hati dan pankreas.
human digestive system
The consists of the digestive tract and several other organs such
as the liver and pancreas.


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3.6 EKSPERIMEN Tindakan enzim dalam air liur terhadap kanji DSKP
KBAT INKUIRI Action of the enzyme in saliva on starch Penemuan

Tujuan Mengkaji tindakan enzim dalam air liur terhadap kanji

To study the action of the enzyme in saliva on starch

Bahan dan Larutan kanji 1%, larutan iodin, larutan Benedict, air liur, air, bikar 250 ml, termometer,
Radas penunu Bunsen, tungku kaki tiga, kasa dawai, silinder penyukat, tabung didih, penitis,
jubin putih
1% starch solution, iodine solution, Benedict’s solution, saliva, water, 250 ml beaker, thermometer,

Bunsen burner, tripod stand, wire gauze, measuring cylinder, boiling tube, dropper, white tile

Berkumur dengan air
larutan kanji untuk menyingkirkan
sebarang sisa
starch solution
makanan di dalam
only larutan kanji + air liur mulut sebelum
starch solution + saliva memulakan
kukus air eksperimen ini.
water bath Gargle your mouth
(37ºC) with water to remove
any food particles in
your mouth before
panaskan start the experiment.

1 Masukkan 5 ml larutan kanji ke dalam dua tabung didih yang berlabel A dan B.
Pour 5 ml of starch solution into each of two boiling tubes labelled A and B.
2 Tambahkan kira-kira 2 ml air liur ke dalam tabung didih B dan goncang campuran
itu./Add about 2 ml of saliva in boiling tube B and shake the mixture.
3 Titiskan beberapa titik larutan daripada tabung didih A dan B
Drip a few drops of solution from boiling tubes A and B
(a) ke atas jubin putih dan titis dengan beberapa titik larutan iodin.
onto white tiles and add a few drops of iodine solution.
(b) ke dalam tabung didih dan panaskannya dengan larutan Benedict di dalam
kukus air.
into a boiling tube and heat with Benedict’s solution in a water bath.
Rekodkan pemerhatian anda./Record your observations.
4 Kemudian, panaskan kedua-dua tabung didih bersama kandungannya di dalam
kukus air pada suhu 37oC selama 15 minit.
Then, heat both boiling tubes and their contents in a water bath at a temperature of 37°C for
15 minutes.
5 Ulang langkah 3 bagi larutan dalam tabung didih A dan B pada akhir aktiviti.
Repeat step 3 for the solutions in boiling tubes A and B at the end of the activity.

Galeri Info
The enzyme in saliva is made of protein and will be destroyed if it is boiled.
The excessive secretion of hydrochloric acid causes gastric pains. Did you know that gastric pains are the result of the
stomach wall being corroded by acid?


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Pemerhatian Ujian Awal aktiviti Akhir aktiviti
makanan Beginning of the activity End of the activity
Food test
Tabung Ujian Ujian
Ujian iodin Ujian iodin
didih Benedict Benedict
Iodine test Iodine test
Boiling tube Benedict’s test Benedict’s test

(A) Biru tua Tiada Biru tua Tiada

Larutan kanji Dark blue perubahan Dark blue perubahan
sahaja No change No change
Starch solution only

(B) Biru tua Tiada Tiada Mendakan

Larutan kanji + Dark blue perubahan perubahan merah bata
air liur No change No change Brick-red
Starch solution + precipitate

Analisis 1 Berdasarkan pemerhatian, tandakan ( ✓ ) jika kelas makanan itu hadir dan ( ✗ )
jika kelas makanan itu tidak hadir.
Based on the observations, put a tick ( ✓ ) if the class of food is present and a cross ( ✗ ) if
the class of food is not present. TP2

Awal aktiviti
Akhir aktiviti
Beginning of the
Tabung didih End of the activity
Boiling tube
Kanji Gula Kanji Gula
Starch Sugar Starch Sugar

(A) Larutan kanji sahaja

✓ ✗ ✓ ✗
Starch solution only

(B) Larutan kanji + air liur

✓ ✗ ✗ ✓
Starch solution + saliva

2 Bagaimanakah enzim dalam air liur di dalam tabung didih B bertindak terhadap
How does the enzyme in the saliva in boiling tube B act on the starch? TP2
Enzim menguraikan kanji kepada maltosa (gula) .
breaks down maltose (sugar)
The enzyme starch into .

3 Tandakan ( ✓ ) enzim dalam air liur yang mencernakan kanji.

Tick ( ✓ ) the enzyme contained in saliva which digests starch. TP1
Protease Amilase liur Lipase
✓ Salivary amylase Lipase

4 Apakah fungsi tabung didih A?/What is the function of boiling tube A? TP2

Bertindak sebagai kawalan ./It acts as a control


5 Apakah bahagian salur pencernaan manusia yang berlakunya pencernaan (analogi)

seperti yang ditunjukkan di dalam tabung didih B?/What is the part of the human
digestive tract in which the digestion (analogy) shown in boiling tube B takes place? TP2
Mulut/The mouth

6 Mengapakah suhu air perlu dikekalkan pada 37ºC?

Why should the temperature of water be maintained at 37ºC? TP2
37ºC ialah suhu optimum bagi enzim iaitu suhu badan manusia.
optimum body temperature
37ºC is the temperature for enzymes i.e. the of

Kesimpulan Enzim yang terdapat dalam air liur mencernakan kanji kepada maltosa .
starch maltose
The enzyme present in saliva digests into .


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3.7 AKTIVITI Ringkasan pencernaan makanan DSKP

KBAT PERBINCANGAN Summary of the digestion of food Masteri

1 Lengkapkan jadual di bawah tentang ringkasan pencernaan makanan dalam manusia.

Complete the table below on the summary of the digestion of food in humans. TP2

Jus gaster/Gastric juice Asid amino/Amino acids Protein/Protein

Lipase/Lipase Maltosa/Maltose Jus pankreas/Pancreatic juice
Amilase liur/Salivary amylase Kanji/Starch Lemak/Fat
Glukosa/Glucose Protease/Protease Gliserol/Glycerol

Organ Makanan yang

Jenis enzim Hasil pencernaan
pencernaan Rembesan dicerna
Types of Products of
Digestive Secretion Food which is
enzyme digestion
organs digested

Mulut Air liur (a) Amilase (b) Kanji (c) Maltosa

Mouth Saliva liur Starch (Gula)
Salivary Maltose
Perut (d) Jus gaster Protease (e) Protein Polipeptida
Stomach Gastric juice Protease Protein Polypeptides
Usus kecil (f) Jus pankreas (g) Lipase (h) Lemak (i) Asid lemak dan
(Duodenum) Pancreatic juice Lipase Fats gliserol
Small intestine Fatty acids and
(Duodenum) (Dihasilkan oleh glycerol
(Produced by the Protease Polipeptida Dipeptida
pancreas) Protease Polypeptides Dipeptides
Amilase (j) Kanji Maltosa (Gula)
pankreas Starch Maltose (Sugar)
Usus kecil Jus usus Maltase Maltosa (Gula) (k) Glukosa
(Ileum) Intestinal juice Maltase Maltose (Sugar) Glucose
Small intestine
(l) Protease Dipeptida (m) Asid amino
(Ileum) Protease Dipeptides Amino acids

2 Daripada jawapan anda di 1, nyatakan hasil-hasil akhir pencernaan bagi kelas makanan yang
diberi./From your answers in 1, state the final products of digestion of the given classes of food. TP2
(a) Karbohidrat/Carbohydrate : Glukosa/Glucose
(b) Protein/Protein : Asid amino/Amino acids
(c) Lemak/Fat : Asid lemak dan gliserol/Fatty acids and glycerol
3 Enzim amilase berfungsi baik dalam keadaan beralkali dalam air liur. Jelaskan kesan Kendiri
pencernaan pada kanji di dalam mulut jika seorang murid makan sekeping roti dan
minum jus oren pada masa yang sama.
The amylase enzyme functions well in the alkaline condition of the saliva. Explain the effect on the digestion
of starch in the mouth if a student eats a slice of bread and drinks orange juice at the same time. TP3/KBAT
Jus oren bersifat asid . Jus oren akan melambatkan pencernaan kanji .
acidic slow down starch
The orange juice is . The orange juice will the digestion of .

4 Tandakan ( ✓ ) dua organ dalam salur pencernaan yang tidak berlakunya pencernaan makanan.
Tick ( ✓ ) two organs of the digestive tract in which the digestion of food does not take place. TP2
Mulut Esofagus Usus besar Perut
Mouth ✓ Oesophagus ✓ Large intestine Stomach


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Standard Kandungan
3.4 Proses penyerapan dan pengangkutan hasil pencernaan serta penyahtinjaan Tarikh:

3.8 EKSPERIMEN Penyerapan glukosa melalui tiub Visking DSKP

KBAT BERPANDU Absorption of glucose through a Visking tube Penemuan

Tujuan Menunjukkan penyerapan glukosa melalui tiub Visking Hebat Sains Modul 11
To show the absorption of glucose through a Visking tube

Pernyataan Adakah glukosa boleh meresap melalui tiub Visking?
Masal Can glucose diffuse through a Visking tube?

Hipot Glukosa boleh meresap melalui tiub Visking.
Glucose can diffuse through a Visking tube. PERINGATAN
Bersihkan tiub Visking
dengan air suling sebelum
Pemboleh (a) yang dimanipulasikan/that is manipulated: eksperimen dijalankan. Ikat
Ubah Kehadiran kanji dan glukosa di dalam tiub Visking tiub Visking dengan kuat
Presence of starch and glucose in the Visking tube bersama kandungannya
dengan menggunakan
(b) yang bergerak balas/that responds: benang.
Kehadiran glukosa di dalam air suling Clean the Visking tube with
distilled water before the
Presence of glucose in the distilled water experiment is carried out. Tie
the Visking tube with its
(c) yang dimalarkan/that is kept constant: contents tightly by using
Jenis tiub Visking threads.
The type of Visking tube

Bahan dan Larutan kanji 1%, larutan glukosa, tiub Visking, air suling, larutan iodin, larutan
Radas Benedict, benang, tabung didih
1% starch solution, glucose solution, Visking tube, distilled water, iodine solution, Benedict’s
solution, thread, boiling tube

Prosedur tabung didih 1 Sediakan susunan radas seperti yang

boiling tube ditunjukkan pada rajah.
Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram.
air suling
distilled water
2 Uji air suling di dalam tabung didih untuk
kehadiran kanji dan glukosa masing-masing
larutan kanji
+ larutan glukosa dengan larutan iodin dan larutan Benedict
tiub Visking starch solution pada awal eksperimen.
Visking tube + glucose solution Test the distilled water in the boiling tube for
starch and glucose by using iodine solution and
Benedict’s solution respectively at the beginning of
the experiment.
3 Rekod pemerhatian anda dan beri sebab dalam jadual yang diberikan.
Record your observation and give reasons in the table given.
4 Biarkan radas selama 30 minit.
Leave the apparatus for 30 minutes.
5 Ulang langkah 2 dan 3.
Repeat steps 2 and 3.

Pemerhatian Ujian makanan

Awal eksperimen
pada air suling Akhir eksperimen Sebab
Beginning of the
Food test on the End of the experiment Reason
distilled water

Ujian iodin Tiada perubahan Tiada perubahan Kanji tidak hadir

Iodine test No change No change Starch is not present

Ujian Benedict Tiada perubahan Mendakan merah Glukosa hadir

Benedict’s test No change bata Glucose is present
Brick-red precipitate


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Analisis 1 Terangkan pemerhatian anda dalam eksperimen ini.
Explain your observations in this experiment. TP2
(a) Molekul glukosa dapat meresap menerusi dinding tiub Visking
kerana molekul glukosa adalah kecil .
molecules can diffuse through the wall of the Visking tube because the
glucose small
molecules are .
(b) Molekul kanji tidak dapat meresap menerusi dinding tiub Visking
kanji besar
kerana molekul adalah terlalu .
molecules cannot diffuse through the wall of the Visking tube because

the starch molecules are too big .
2 Apakah yang dapat dianalogikan oleh bahan dalam eksperimen ini dengan bahagianagian
dalam badan kita?/What analogy can be drawn between the materials in this experiment
iment 3
and the parts of the human body? TP2
Bahan/Material Bahagian badan/Part of the human body
(a) Tiub Visking
Visking tube
Usus kecil/Small intestine

(b) Air di dalam tabung didih

Water in the boiling tube Darah/Aliran darah/Blood/Bloodstream

3 Apakah yang akan berlaku kepada hasil-hasil akhir pencernaan di dalam usus
kecil?/What will happen to the final products of digestion in the small intestine? TP2
Meresap usus kecil
menerusi dinding ke dalam aliran darah .
Diffuse small intestine bloodstream
through the wall of the into the .

4 Rajah di bawah menunjukkan struktur dalam usus kecil.

The diagram below shows the structure of the small intestine.

dinding usus kecil X: Vilus/Vilus

wall of the small intestine

kapilari darah
blood capillary

(a) Label struktur X di dalam petak pada rajah di atas.

Label structure X in the box in the above diagram. TP1
(b) Tandakan ( ✓ ) penyesuaian usus kecil untuk meningkatkan kecekapan
penyerapan makanan tercerna./Tick ( ✓ ) the adaptations of the small intestine which
increase the efficiency of absorption of digested food. TP2
Dinding vilus adalah sangat nipis, iaitu setebal satu sel.
✓ The walls of the villi are very thin, i.e. one-cell thick.
Menghasilkan jus pankreas untuk memudahkan pencernaan makanan.
It produces pancreatic juice to facilitate the digestion of food.
Mempunyai vilus yang banyak untuk meningkatkan luas permukaannya.
✓ It has a large number of villi to increase its surface area.
Setiap vilus dikelilingi oleh banyak kapilari darah untuk mengangkut nutrien.
✓ Each villus is surrounded by many blood capillaries to transport nutrients.
Praktis Berlipat-lipat untuk menambahkan luas permukaan untuk penyerapan
Kendiri ✓
makanan./Folded to increase the surface area for the absorption of food.

Kesimpulan 1 Adakah hipotesis dapat diterima?/Is the hypothesis accepted?


2 Apakah kesimpulan yang dapat dibuat?/What conclusion that can be made?

Glukosa meresap melalui dinding usus kecil ke dalam aliran darah.
Glucose small intestine
diffuses through the walls of the into the bloodstream.


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3.9 AKTIVITI Asimilasi, penyerapan semula air dan penyahtinjaan DSKP

KBAT PERBINCANGAN Assimilation, reabsorption of water and defecation Masteri

A. Kaji struktur vilus di bawah./Study the structure of the vilus below.

(a) Apakah struktur yang berlabel X dan Y?
What are the structures labelled X and Y? TP1
X: Lakteal/Lacteal Y: Kapilari darah/Blood capillary
(b) Nyatakan tiga sistem badan yang terlibat pada makanan di usus
kecil sehingga di sel-sel badan./State three body systems involved on food

X in small intestine until in body cells. TP2

Sistem pencernaan, sistem peredaran darah dan asimilasi.
Digestive system, blood and circulatory system and assimilation.

(c) Namakan proses pengagihan hasil akhir pencernaan bagi kegunaan sel-sel badan.
Name the distribution process of the end products of digestion for the use of body cell. TP1

(d) Padankan hasil akhir pencernaan dengan kegunaannya dalam proses asimilasi.
Match the end products of digestion with their uses in the process of assimilation. TP2
Bergabung untuk membentuk lemak
(i) Asid amino/Amino acid
Combine to form fat
Membina komponen sel-sel
(ii) Glukosa/Glucose
Builds components of cells
(iii) Asid lemak dan gliserol Menghasilkan tenaga
Fatty acid and glycerol Produces energy

(e) Apakah sistem yang terlibat di (d)(ii)?/What is the system involved in (d)(ii)? TP2

B. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan sebahagian daripada sistem pencernaan manusia.

The diagram below shows the parts of the human digestive system.
1 Pada rajah yang diberikan, label organ X, Y dan
X: Usus besar Z dengan menggunakan perkataan di bawah.
Large intestine On the diagram given, label organs X, Y and Z by using
the words below. TP1

Rektum/Rectum Usus besar/Large intestine

Y: Rektum
Rectum Dubur/Anus

2 Nyatakan satu fungsi organ X.

Z: Dubur State one function of organ X. TP2
Anus Menyerap semula air/To reabsorb water

3 Apakah kepentingan proses yang berlaku di 2?

What is the importance of the process that occurs in 2? TP2
Untuk mengekalkan keseimbangan bendalir dalam badan.
balance of fluids in
To maintain the the body.
4 Namakan proses penyingkiran tinja (makanan tidak tercerna) dari badan.
Name the process of removing faeces (undigested food) from the body. TP1

5 (a) Azlan menghadapi kesukaran untuk menyingkirkan tinja dari rektum. Nyatakan keadaan
tersebut./Azlan has difficulty in removing faeces from the rectum. State the condition. TP2
(b) Cadangkan dua cara untuk mengatasi masalah yang dinyatakan di 5(a).
Suggest two ways to overcome the problem stated in 5(a). TP3/KBAT
Minum banyak air dan makan banyak buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran.
Drink more water and eat more fruits and vegetables. Praktis

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3.10 AKTIVITI Amalan pemakanan yang sihat DSKP

KBAT PERBINCANGAN STEM Habits of healthy eating Kontekstual

Tujuan Mengkaji kepentingan amalan pemakanan yang Pembelajaran Abad ke-21

sihat untuk mengelakkan sembelit
To study the importance of the healthy eating habits to avoid constipation TP6/KBAT

Prosedur 1 Anda dibekalkan dengan rajah tentang amalan pemakanan yang sihat.
You are provided with diagrams about the healthy eating habits.


Piramid makanan
Food pyramid

2 Bincangkan bersama rakan-rakan anda tentang perkara-perkara yang berikut:

Discuss with your friends about the following:
(a) Kepentingan amalan pemakanan yang sihat untuk mengelakkan sembelit.
The importance of healthy eating habits to prevent constipation.
(b) Implikasi kepada kesihatan sekiranya mengamalkan pemakanan yang tidak
seimbang terutama dalam keadaan tiada atau kurang serat.
The implications on health if there is an imbalanced nutrition, especially with no or less
3 Persembahkan hasil perbincangan dalam bentuk folio. Maklumat tambahan boleh
diperoleh daripada pusat sumber atau Internet.
Present the products of the discussion in the form of folio. The extra information can be
obtained from resource centres or Internet.
4 Hasil kerja anda perlu mengandungi aspek-aspek di bawah.
Your work should include the aspects below.
(a) Tajuk/Title
(b) Objektif/Objective
(c) Hasil dapatan/Information collected
(d) Kesimpulan/Conclusion
Serahkan hasil kerja kepada guru anda.
Hand in your work to your teacher.


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1 Karbon , hidrogen dan oksigen membina karbohidrat dan lemak.
Carbon , hydrogen and oxygen make up carbohydrate and fat.
2 NNyatakan kelas makanan berdasarkan fungsinya.
SState the classes of food based on their functions.
Kelas makanan Fungsi

Classes of food Functions

(a) Karbohidrat Membekalkan tenaga
Carbohydrate To supply energy
(b) Protein Membina sel-sel baharu untuk menggantikan tisu yang rosak
Protein To build new cells to replace damaged tissues
(c) Lemak Sebagai penebat haba
Fat As a heat insulator
(d) Vitamin Mengekalkan kesihatan badan
Vitamin To maintain good health
(e) Mineral Mengekalkan kesihatan badan
Mineral To maintain good health
(f) Pelawas Merangsang proses peristalsis
Fibre To stimulate the process of peristalsis
(g) Air Mengekalkan suhu badan dan mengangkut hasil perkumuhan
Water To maintain the body temperature and transport excretory products

3 Kelaskan makanan yang diberikan di bawah.

Classify the foods given below.

Ikan/Fish Betik/Papaya Susu/Milk Daging/Meat Putih telur/Egg white

Madu/Honey Limau/Orange Belimbing/Starfruit Mentega/Butter Kuning telur/Egg yolk
Gula/Sugar Nasi/Rice Kanji/Starch Mi/Noodles Kekacang/Nuts
Roti/Bread Nanas/Pineapple Sayur/Vegetable Marjerin/Margarine Minyak ikan/Fish oil

(a) Karbohidrat/Carbohydrates: Madu, roti, gula, nasi, kanji, mi/Honey, bread, sugar, rice, starch, noodles
(b) Protein/Proteins: Ikan, susu, daging, putih telur, kekacang/Fish, milk, meat, egg white, nuts
Mentega, kuning telur, minyak ikan, marjerin/Butter, egg yolk, fish oil, margarine
(c) Lemak/Fats:
(d) Pelawas/Fibre: Betik, limau, sayur, nanas, belimbing/Papaya, orange, vegetable, pineapple, starfruit
4 Nyatakan kesan kekurangan nutrien.
State the effects of deficiency of nutrients.
Nutrien/Nutrients Penyakit/Diseases Nutrien/Nutrients Penyakit/Diseases
(a) Vitamin A Rabun malam (e) Vitamin E Kemandulan/Sterility
Night blindness
(b) Vitamin B Beri-beri/Beriberi (f) Vitamin K Darah lambat beku
(c) Vitamin C Skurvi/Scurvy Prolonged bleeding

(d) Vitamin D, fosforus, Riket (g) Iodin/Iodine Goiter/Goitre

kalsium Rickets
(h) Besi/Iron Anemia/Anaemia
Vitamin D, phosphorus,
calcium (i) Protein/Protein Kwasyiorkor/Kwashiorkor

Gizi seimbang
5 terdiri daripada makanan yang mengandungi semua nutrien dalam kuantiti yang betul.
A balanced diet consists of food that has all the nutrients in the right quantities.


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6 Nyatakan makanan dan padankan pemerhatian bagi ujian makanan di bawah.
State the food and match the observation for each food test below.
Ujian makanan Makanan Pemerhatian
Food test Food Observations
(a) Ujian iodin Kanji Mendakan merah bata
Iodine test Starch Brick-red precipitate
(b) Ujian Benedict Glukosa Warna biru tua
Benedict’s test Glucose Dark blue colour
(c) Ujian Millon Protein Emulsi

Millon’s test Protein Emulsion
(d) Ujian emulsi Lemak Mendakan merah
Emulsion test Fat Red precipitate 3
7 Hitung nilai kalori yang diambil oleh seorang murid dalam makan malamnya jika dia memakan 100 g
nasi, 50 g telur goreng dan 50 g betik./Calculate the calorific value taken by a student for his dinner if hee took
100 g of rice, 50 g of fried egg and 50 g of papaya.

Makanan Nilai kalori (kJ/100 g) Nilai kalori

Food Calorific value (kJ/100 g) Calorific value
Nasi/Rice 1 500 = (1 500 × 1) + (950 ÷ 2) + (160 ÷ 2)
= 2 055 kJ
Telur goreng/Fried egg 950
Betik/Papaya 160

8 (a) Label sistem pencernaan manusia di bawah./Label the human digestive system below.

P: Mulut U: Esofagus
Mouth Oesophagus

Q: Hati V: Perut
Liver Stomach

R: Duodenum W: Pankreas
Duodenum Pancreas

S: Usus besar X: Usus kecil

Large intestine Small intestine

T: Dubur Y: Rektum
Anus Rectum

(b) Berdasarkan 8(a), tuliskan laluan makanan dalam salur pencernaan.

Based on 8(a), write the pathway of food in the digestive tract.


(c) Kenal pasti organ (atau organ-organ) dalam sistem pencernaan berdasarkan fungsinya.
Identify the organ (or organs) in the digestive system based on their functions.
(i) Organ yang menyerap semula air./The organ that reabsorbs water.
Usus besar/Large intestine
(ii) Organ yang mencerna makanan sahaja./The organs that only digest food.
Mulut dan perut/Mouth and stomach
(iii) Organ yang mencerna makanan dan menyerap makanan tercerna.
The organ that digests food and absorbs the digested food.
Usus kecil/Small intestine


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9 Padankan setiap organ pencernaan dengan fungsinya.
Match each digestive organ with its function.
Organ/Organs Fungsi/Functions
(a) Mulut/Mouth Mencerna protein/Digests proteins
(b) Perut/Stomach Menghasilkan jus pankreas/Produces pancreatic juice
(c) Pankreas/Pancreas Mencerna kanji/karbohidrat/Digests starch/carbohydrate
(d) Hati/Liver Menyerap semula air/Reabsorbs water
(e) Usus kecil/Small intestine Menghasilkan hempedu/Produces bile

(f) Usus besar/Large intestine Menyerap makanan tercerna/Absorbs digested food

3 (a) Jus gastrik dalam perut mengandungi asid hidroklorik dan enzim protease .
10 (a
Gastric juice in the stomach contains hydrochloric acid and the protease enzyme .
(b) Jus pankreas yang dihasilkan oleh pankreas mengandungi tiga jenis enzim iaitu
(b amilase ,
protease dan lipase .
Pancreatic juice produced by the pancreas contains three types of enzymes which are amylase ,
protease and lipase .
11 Nyatakan proses-proses yang diberikan./State the processes given.
Proses/Process Nama proses/Name of process
(a) Penolakan makanan sepanjang salur pencernaan
Pushing of food along the digestive tract
(b) Penyingkiran makanan tidak tercerna (tinja) dari badan
Removal of undigested food (faeces) from the body
(c) Kesukaran mengeluarkan tinja dari badan
Difficulty in removing faeces from the body

12 Vilus mempunyai dinding yang sangat nipis , iaitu setebal satu sel untuk
memudahkan penyerapan makanan tercerna di dalam usus kecil.
Villi have very thin walls that are one-cell thick to facilitate the absorption of digested
food in the small intestine.

13 Nyatakan pemerhatian bagi ujian iodin ke atas hasil pada akhir aktiviti dan beri kesimpulan.
State the observation for the iodine test on the products at the end of the activity and give a conclusion.
(a) Pemerhatian/Observation:
Tiada perubahan/No change
(b) Kesimpulan/Conclusion:
Enzim dalam air liur mencernakan kanji kepada
larutan kanji
air + air liur gula
waterter starch solution .
(37°C) + saliva enzyme sugar
The in saliva digests starch to .
14 Isi tempat kosong bagi aktiviti tentang penyerapan makanan tercerna.
Fill in the blanks for the activity on the absorption of digested food.

Organ yang diwakili oleh:

Organs represented by:
air suling (a) Tiub Visking/The Visking tube:
distilled water
Usus kecil/The small intestine
kanji + larutan
glukosa (b) Air suling/The distilled water:
tiub Visking starch + glucose
Visking tube Aliran darah/The bloodsteam


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Arahan: Jawab semua soalan.
Instructions: Answer all questions.

1 (a) Seorang lelaki memakan makanan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam gambar foto di bawah pada suatu
hari yang tertentu.
A man ate the food as shown in the photographs below on a particular day.


Bayam/Spinach Nasi/Rice Pisang/Banana

(i) Gizinya didapati tidak seimbang. Apakah dua kelas makanan yang perlu ditambah kepada
His diet was found to be unbalanced. What are the two classes of food that should be added to his diet?
Lemak dan protein/Fat and protein
[2 markah/2 marks]

(ii) Cadangkan satu jenis makanan yang boleh ditambah kepada gizinya pada hari itu. Terangkan
jawapan anda./Suggest one type of food which can be added to his diet on that particular day. Explain
your answer. TP3/Menilai
Telur. Putih telur mengandungi protein dan kuning telur mengandungi lemak.
Egg. Egg white contains protein and egg yolk contains fat.
[2 markah/2 marks]

(iii) Lelaki itu gemar memakan pisang dan diambil dalam kuantiti yang besar setiap hari. Didapati
berat badannya bertambah dan lelaki itu menjadi semakin gemuk. Terangkan.
The man likes to eat bananas and takes them in large quantities every day. He finds that his weight has
increased and the man has grown fat. Explain. TP4/Menganalisis
Pisang kaya dengan karbohidrat./Bananas are rich in carbohydrates.
[1 markah/1 mark]

(b) Carta di bawah menunjukkan kandungan kelas makanan yang berbeza yang terdapat pada ikan.
The chart below shows the different classes of food found in fish.

(i) Apakah kelas makanan bagi X?/What class of food is X?

[1 markah/1 mark]
(ii) Apakah ujian yang sesuai digunakan untuk X?/What is a suitable test for X?
Panaskan dengan bahan uji Millon. Mendakan merah terbentuk.
Heat with Millon’s reagent. A red precipitate is formed.
[2 markah/2 marks] Praktis


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