Magic Ebooks

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A GREAT Air Tight Prediction
PARTY TRICK... As seen at Mel Mellers’ Blackpool lecture! Now
you can perform one of today’s hottest men-

talism effects with ease! Audience members
choose different features of their dream vaca- CONFABULATION
tion. The answers they provide are ultimately
PERCEPTION discovered to match those written on your
prediction slip – a slip which was sealed inside
a balloon and safeguarded by a spectator from
Perfect for parties or as a part of your regular mentalism program. You the start of the presentation.
introduce or borrow three objects: a watch, a ring and a key on a tray. No shills or assistants • No forces, psychological or otherwise • No carbons
These are secretly chosen and pocketed along with some coins by three No Swami gimmicks or nail writing • No suspicious or extra pen movements
different spectators while your back is turned or you are out of the room.
As this is being done, you write a prediction on a small slip of paper. The gimmick? You’re looking at it!
When you turn around or return to the room, your prediction is opened
and it accurately predicts the hidden article each person has in his
pocket! You are now free to immediately repeat the effect! At last, an impression pad that defies detec-
tion. The Mentalist’s Pad is an ordinary
VOLTA’S MASTER METHOD looking writing tablet that can be handled
Add one of the most powerful freely, yet will capture a clear impression of
thought-reading weapons ever anything a spectator writes or draws. And
devised to your mentalism arsenal. while it rivals any well-made clipboard in
Originally developed by Burling Hull terms of performance and deceptive-
for his Q&A act performed at posh ness; our innovative, new device costs
supper and nite clubs, the Volta just a few dollars and takes less than
Master Method remained one of his 10 minutes to construct. Use it for pre-
most closely-guarded secrets for many show work, design duplication, and
years. Today, it is used by mentalists much more.
for everything from Q&A presenta-
tions for large groups to private, one-
“Just bought ‘the Mentalists Pad’ from you. Brilliant, really love the concept...”
on-one readings. – Mr Paul Sharp, President, Derby Magic Circle, UK
No Billets • No Tearing • No Steals • No Switches • No Carbons • No Envelopes
Real People. Real Numbers. Clever, easy-to-construct, proven card
No Forces, Switches gimmicks for forcing, card control and
or Gimmicked Pads.
location. None take more than a few sec-
THE onds to make. Plus, we’ve even included
CHINESE an improved “Card to Anywhere” forcing
gimmick that vanishes the selected card
PREDICTION without a trace immediately after it is
selected (no palming, no suspicious
The Chinese Prediction is as moves) – a card you are free to repro-
surefire a magic comedy routine duce from virtually anywhere – under
as you can add to your act! After a
a drink, in your wallet, or a spectator’s
card is selected, another spectator ALMOST REAL PREDICTION pocket or purse.
is asked to read your prediction Download our eManuscript on
which turns out to be written in Jack London’s legendary, original
“Chinese.” After being “hypno- add-a-number effect. Plus, BONUS
tized,” your helper is actually able section added with five additional Ultra-clean handling for Henry Hardin’s mental card miracle. Four cards
to read the writing and reveal the London presentation ideas! are taken from the top of the deck and displayed in the hands. They are
name of the card; which is then shown one at a time and a spectator is asked to mentally select one. You
Also available...
shown to be 100% correct! We now look at the faces of the cards and after concentrating intently for a
supply the routine, proven gags ADD-A-NUMBER METHODS moment, you place one card in your pocket and the other three cards
and bits of business along with A half dozen proven methods – on the table. After naming his thought of card, the cards on the table are
high quality, original, ready-to- from self-working ploys to the turned up and his mentally chosen card is not among them. You imme-
print art. Now in SIX LANGUAGES! approaches used by top pros. diately withdraw his thought of card from your pocket.
“An excellent manuscript, this very clean demonstration of Extra Sensory
“CardSource features the slimmest, lightest index that I’ve ever Perception is clearly presented (and easy to do!). Top stuff, with real attention
seen allowing you to present many different effects – quickly! to detail as always, from” –
Supplied complete with cards, index and a very well produced
manuscript this is the stuff that reputations are made of. Highly You and a spectator each
recommended.” – Mr Duncan Trillo, begin with a standard set

of five different ESP symbol
cards – Circle, Cross, Wavy
Lines, Square and Star. The
spectator pockets one of
Designed with today’s performer in mind, Card- his cards and then, one by
Source puts one of magic and mentalism’s most one, attempts to match
powerful secret weapons at your fingertips – the each card you lay face
card index. With CardSource, you’ll be able to down on the table by plac-
quickly and covertly acquire a duplicate of ANY card ing one of his own symbol
selected, named or even thought of by a spectator. cards face up on top of it.
CardSource takes just seconds to deliver any card.
No fumbling. No guesswork. Just the precise card
When the cards are finally
flipped over – the symbols
The ZennerEffect
you need, at the moment you need it. of every pair match exactly, including your last card and the spectator’s
pocketed card! Use standard ESP cards or regular playing cards. Every-
“...a great version of the ‘any card at any number’ effect...” thing can be examined at the end. 19-page, photo-illustrated eManu-
– MentalismUK script; which includes David Britland’s original “Zennerism” routine, plus
ESP symbol artwork.
“Just a note to tell you how much I like your take on ‘7-Keys’. It is brilliant, and

renders obsolete so many other, more complicated gaffed-up versions. This is
the one I’ll perform this season. Excellent work, great price...a true bargain. Keep
up the good work.” – Mr Tom Jorgenson, USA
Robert Nelson’s authoritative
treatise on the life and sensa-
Seven Keys to Baldpate tional mind reading feats of Axel
Now you can perform Annemann’s famous “Seven Keys to Baldpate”
Hellstrom. Every phase of “Hellstr-
without switches, extra keys, gaffed locks, change bags, special enve-
omism” is covered in detail – from
lopes, or any other gimmicks whatsoever. In fact, our new streamlined
choosing and working
handling uses ONLY an ordinary paper bag, a genuine padlock and
with subjects to suggested
seven keys; one of which opens the lock
performance routines. You’ll learn
and six that do not. That’s it! The same
everything you need to know to
properties you would use if you actually
Also available… begin developing your own abil-
had ESP and were able to do the effect
for real! We supply the color photo-il- CONTACT MIND READING ities; as well as what is required
EXPANDED and SW to take your performance to the
lustrated eManuscript, you supply the
lock and keys; which will run you about
$16 at your local hardware store.
Still More Miracles in Mentalism
ILLUSION BOOKS Imagine for a moment ribbon spreading a deck of
cards face up on the table. All of the cards are different
Whether you need a single and fair. The spectator is asked to push forward any
illusion for your club act or are one card and leave it face up on the table. This card is
interested in putting together a covered with an ashtray or drink to prevent anyone
complete stage illusion show... from touching it until the incredible climax that reveals
• Victory Carton Illusions the selected card is the only one with a different color back! And NO
• Modern Illusions the selected card is not switched in any way and YES the audience
• Illusion Secrets gets to see both the fronts and backs of the cards (no gaffs are used).
• Modern Levitations Plus, you end completely clean! The effect is Sid Solomon’s original
Undue Influence, a devastating card effect that is as strong as ANY
VIPER ever conceived; and it is just one of over 40 effects in this outstanding
compilation of practical, yet powerful mentalism miracles. 86 pages.
M E N TA L I S T ’ S F O L D E R
can be an invaluable weapon in any Give an impressive Numerology
mentalist’s arsenal, especially for private reading, even if you’ve never done
readings; since it enables you to see any- one before! In fact, with just a name
thing a sitter has written down...under and birth date, you’ll be able to give
fire and without any false moves or billet anyone a personalized and
switches. We show you how to quickly flattering reading, and leave the
and easily construct yours with just a few person with a prediction for
inexpensive items. Complete with tem- their future.
plate and performance instructions.


A spectator’s “thought of” card Book Tests
is the only one missing from the If you think you have to spend
deck when he counts the cards. hundreds of dollars to get a great
The magician then reaches into his book test, think again. Our new
pocket and without the slightest manuscript contains six out-
delay brings out the very card standing book tests with regular
named by the spectator. At no books, magazines and directories.
time does the magician touch the These are book test solutions that Introduction by DR. HARLAN TARBELL
deck. There is no force of choice. are both innovative and 100% The Greatest and Most Comprehensive Book Ever
This miracle works 100 percent of Written On Mentalism and Psychic Entertainment.
practical, including Richard Him-
Every Phase of Its Operation is Exhaustively Treated In
the time – the element of chance ber’s Magazine Test, U.F. Grant’s Detail. Here’s New, Modern Streamlined Mentalism!
plays no part. Use your own cards. Secret Magazine Test (works with
books, too), The Incredible Book Ultra modern mindreading routines for today’s smart and sophisticated
Also available...Eddie Joseph’s Test (a closely-guarded method audiences in smart clubs, theaters, radio, TV and private groups...includ-
Bombay and Staggered for many years), and more! ing the author’s own time-proven master system of mindreading...
(Synchronicity)! Psychic entertainment explained in workable detail in all its phases...
Practically every known method is brazenly exposed. Easily applied
and workable presentations for all types of audiences and situations,
THE SECRETS OF DR. A whether it be for a small home group, a mental interlude in your
Discover the billet reading methods present program or a complete theatre presentation. Long sought after,
secretly guarded information never published before this book...The
and subtleties Dr. A employed to such
key to fame and fortune as a successful mentalist...Mentalism in all its
devastating effect. Techniques you can
vast ramifications of yesterday, today and tomorrow! 21 chapters, 146
use to read minds in practically any situa-
big 8-1/2 x 11 or A4 pages, profusely illustrated. Top quality, re-typeset
tion, even when conditions are less than edition.
favorable. This is Nelson’s first engaging
and in-depth account of the exploits and Looking to add a little comic
secrets of the clever “old school” private
relief to your mentalism pre-
reader and rogue known as Dr. “A,” includ- I & II
sentations? You’ll find a wealth
ing the spiel he used for psychological of proven comedy mentalism
readings before he was ready to “pour on the heat” with the known infor- routines and ideas from well-
mation he acquired from the sitter’s billet. Entertaining and informative. known magicians and mental-
ists in Bob Nelson’s Comedy
Learn hypnosis for fun Mentalism I & II. Plus each book
also contains several excellent
and profit, and maybe... serious mentalism effects as a
even world domination! bonus. Comedy MENTALISM
Our top-rated guides make it easy. “... The method is slightly different to the one that I have been using for many
years and, with the extra two moves, moves this effect into the miracle class!”
Tired of lugging around props? – Mr John Hofner, UK
Captivate your audience with
little more than an empty stage, AL KORAN LINKING FINGER RINGS
some folding chairs and your When Al Koran first performed this little
skills of showmanship. Stage miracle on television, it caused a sensa-
hypnotists are always in demand. tion. The effect on the audience is pure
Isn’t it time you added this magic. Three men’s finger rings are bor-
important ability to your own rowed and in the fairest manner possible
skill set? Our how-to – LINKED TOGETHER to form a chain. The
publications include: rings are then unlinked and returned to
their respective owners. Used by many
MASTERING HYPNOSIS top pros. The handling is smooth, direct
NELSON’S PSEUDO STAGE HYPNOSIS COURSE and you end completely clean. Plus, we’ll
DR Q’S HYPNOTIC ACT show you how one minor adjustment
ENTERTAINING WITH HYPNOTISM will enable you to display a linked chain without touching the
PRACTICAL HYPNOTISM rings to conceal the opening in the key!

““It is very well described and SIMILAR to but not exactly the same as the Koran
handling as I mentioned above. Well worth buying and studying. You could use
this in a pro situation.” – Mr Pete Biro

“““This really is very strong magic and is ideal for intimate cabaret/after dinner
work. Once again have produced a superb eManuscript (I’ve
just finished reading a copy) in PDF and also offer the ring as a separate item if
THE SENSATIONAL HYPNOTIC RIGID TEST IS EXPLAINED IN THE NELSON COURSE. needed. A classic piece of magic that is as fresh today in its present incarnation
as the day it was invented.” - Mr Duncan Trillo,

“The quality of the products
is superb. I’ve just purchased SI STEBBINS UNPLUGGED
EpiCard, and the whole piece
PREDICT VIRTUALLY ANYTHING… Unleash the potential of magic’s most 
is well-written, clear details
with superb graphics and people, places, numbers, colors, dates, powerful card control system. In Si
templates for the ‘DIY Prop’ playing cards, you name it! An elegant Stebbins Unplugged, you’ll learn
construction section.” solution for today’s sophisticated men- how to perform mindboggling
– Mr Bruce Graham, UK talist, EpiCard uses just calling card- magic with any deck – even if
sized, numbered cards, envelopes, and you’re a newcomer! Best of all, it
wine glasses (which can be borrowed). will be a deck that you can use not
Plus, you end COMPLETELY CLEAN. just for one trick, but for an entire
performance of entertaining,
commercial card magic effects. And
when you’re done, the deck can be
examined! Clear explanations and
over 50 photographs detail every
aspect of the system – from basic
handling to innovative concepts
and techniques designed to elevate
your work into the miracle class.
Jean Hugard’s classic “how to” course Learn how to construct Nelson’s famed Mental Gimmick,
on sleight of hand magic with Cards, an Impression Playing Card and much more!
Coins, Balls, Rings, Ropes, Cigarettes,
Cigars, Bills, plus Mental Magic and SECRET WEAPONS
more. Essential sleights, moves and
“Secret Weapons” details 40+ power-
subtleties, along with the best effects
ful, yet easy-to-make gimmicks and
for parlor, club, party and night club
other subtleties you can deploy in your
entertainment are taught step-by-
magic and mentalism performances
step. 250 outstanding Nelson Hahne
to amaze your audiences. All are 100%
illustrations. Written for all skill levels
practical and geared to contemporary
by magic’s greatest teacher. Top quality
performers. Categories include gim-
new edition. 17 chap-
micks for Book Tests, Billet Switches,
ters, 310 big pages!
Predictions, Thought Reading, Cards,
Coins, Liquid Productions, and more.
THE LIFE AND MYSTERIES OF THE CELEBRATED DR. Q Packed with valuable information.
One of the most remarkable mental-
ism books ever published, written by 
“Alexander.” More than just a collection
of entertaining anecdotes, this book
contains complete explanations of the COLD READING TRADECRAFT
methods as well as detailed diagrams
of the equipment used by crystal Imagine meeting someone for the very
gazers, clairvoyants and mediums of first time and being able to reveal not
the period. Plus, numerous mentalism only some of their innermost thoughts,
effects, several major stage illusions, but details of personal events yet to
escapes, and much more. Completely come. It appears to be nothing less
re-typeset, profusely illustrated, 174 than a genuine demonstration of extra-
big pages. sensory perception, ESP. This is the
power of COLD READING – a process
The best way to get into the used by professional psychics, mind to predict one! ULTIMATE Koran Deck readers, fortune tellers, intuitive
Reveal the counselors and guides, and mentalists.
• Headline Prediction identity of a offers a full range COLD READING resources, including many
Methods card merely excellent Robert Nelson Enterprises titles. See our website for details.
• Super Prediction Tricks looked at by
• The Bally Prediction a spectator.
As impossible ROUTINELY FUNNY I & II
• Future Edition as it seems, In these compilations from,
apart from we bring you some of the funniest material in
fanning the cards at the begin- the business – updated and routined for over
ning of the effect, you never need a dozen popular tricks used by club, banquet
touch or go near the deck again! and kid show magicians.

Decks also available by mail. See our complete Magic Comedy section!

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