Colonialism - Independence - Part II Blog 23k1x9z PDF
Colonialism - Independence - Part II Blog 23k1x9z PDF
Colonialism - Independence - Part II Blog 23k1x9z PDF
The Berlin Conference was a meeting of 14 nations to
discuss territorial disputes in Africa. The meeting was held in
Berlin, Germany, from November 1884 to February 1885 and
included representatives from the United States and such
European nations as Britain, France, and Germany. No
Africans were invited to the conference.
The Berlin Conference took place at a time when European
powers were rushing to establish direct political control in
Africa. This race to expand European colonial influence is
often referred to as the "Scramble for Africa." Europeans called
the Berlin meeting because they felt rules were needed to
prevent war over claims to African lands.
Berlin Conference
• Going into the meeting, roughly 10% of Africa
was under European colonial rule.
Berlin Conference
• a series of meetings held in Berlin,
Germany in 1884
• European nations attended the
• African rulers DID NOT.
• The European nations divided Africa
amongst themselves.
• Europeans owned almost all of Africa by
the end of the conference.
• Great Britain and France often fought for
control of parts of Africa.
• The British controlled the gold and ivory
trade in West Africa.