Delhi Building Byelaws PDF
Delhi Building Byelaws PDF
Delhi Building Byelaws PDF
Unified Building Bye-laws for National Capital Territory of Delhi are applicable
since 1983. Since then, a number of amendments/modifications, both in the Development
Control Regulations (DCRs) and Building Bye-laws have been made and are in operation.
The Master Plan for Delhi 2021 was notified on 7th February, 2007 and subsequently, certain
Master Plan Regulations are also amended.
In the present study on the applicable Bye-laws for Delhi and Development Control
Regulations as amended up to 2013 were grouped together and simplified. Certain new
provisions have been added to cut down the delay for sanctioning and Issue of Completion
This study has been conducted by the Delhi Urban Art Commission in consultation
with the professionals (Architects and Planners).The Delhi Urban Art Commission appreciate
the efforts of the team and the advisors for formulation of this document.
Raj Rewal
Dated: 30.09.2013 Delhi Urban Art Commission
Consultancy team:
1. S.C. Gupta - Senior Consultant
2. Shanu Raina - Consultant
DUAC Staff:
Rajeev Kr Gaur, Raghvendra Singh, Amit Mukherji, V.K Tyagi, Nishi Sachdeva, Sidharth Sagar, Neelam
Bhagat, Manju Anjali, Indu Rawat & Nihal Chand
The Delhi Urban Art Commission with the approval of the Ministry of Urban Development
initiated an exercise for the simplification of the Delhi Building Bye Laws- 1983 on sumo moto
basis with objective of making user friendly clear cut and unambiguous.
Delhi’s Unified Building Byelaws framed in 1983 were based on Development Control
Regulations (DCRs), Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) Building Bye Laws 1957 and 1967
and also National Building Code – 1971. Later on the National Building Code was revised twice,
the latest in 2005. Development Control Regulations of Delhi Master Plan were extensively
amended in 1990 and 2007 and form part of MPD 2001 and MPD 2021.During this period, a
number of additions/alterations were also made in 1983 Building Byelaws. These amendments
MPD-2021 up to September, 2013 are also incorporated.
Other aspects such as provision for Physically Challenged persons, Water Harvesting, Water-
Waste Recycling System, regulations for conservation applicable in the vicinity of National
Monuments, Green Building Concept and provisions for mitigating Disaster, Structural and Fire
Safety Codes; all these are required to be the part of Unified Building Byelaws. Thus, in the
present exercise on simplifying Unified Building Bye Laws for Delhi, all these aspects have been
considered and also wherever felt necessary references from National Building Code- 2005, other
documents and various websites have been quoted.
In these present modified Unified Building Bye laws for Delhi, additional provisions have been
made so as to make professional more responsible by assigning the power of “Deemed
Sanction/Completion” of building plans/completion certificate for low rise residential buildings
on plots, forming part of approved Layout Plans.
Similarly, incentive FAR to the extent of 1 percent is proposed for buildings where energy saving
techniques are adopted. Also to encourage innovative and creative design, relaxations in the
Building Bye- Laws are suggested subject of adherence to DCRs of Master Plan of Delhi.
Under the provision of “Bulk Characteristics” for Development on specific site/plot, the
Owner/Architect of the project may approach to the Local Body/Authority to get information of
the applicable DCRs such as basement area, ground coverage, FAR, height, number of dwelling
units, parking norms, setbacks and other requirements for planning and designing the project.
Also, fees and charges to be paid at various stages have been grouped together.
The Unified Building Bye Laws as proposed to be amended are comprehensive, clear to
understand and easy to follow by Owners/Professionals and Local Body/Authority. However,
unless a change in Building Bye Laws/Development Control Regulations of Delhi Master Plan is
notified and up loaded on the website, it should not be made applicable for sanctioning the
building plans.
1. General ....1-2
1. Short tittle, extent and commencement
1.1 Applicability
1.2 Jurisdiction
1.3 Definitions
1.4 General
1.5 Interpretation
1.6 Precode building permit
1.7 Development and construction
2.0 Notice
2.1 Copies of plan and statements
2.2 Key plan
2.3 Requirement of site
2.4 Means of access
2.5 Layout/subdivision plan
2.6 Site plan
2.7 Building plan
2.8 Building plans for multi-storey and special buildings
2.9 Service plans
2.10 Specifications
2.11 Supervision
2.12 Documents to be submitted along with notice
2.13 Signing of plans
2.14 Notice for alteration only
2.15 Building permit not required
2.16 Fees and charges
2.17 Bulk characteristics for development on specific plot
2.18 Innovative /creative design
2.19 Qualification and competence of various professionals
2.20 Sanction
2.21 Grant or refusal
2.22 Validity period of building permit
2.23 Procedure for obtaining revalidation of building permit
2.24 Revocation of building permit
2.25 Procedure during construction
2.26 Inspection
2.27 Procedure for obtaining completion cum occupancy certificate
2.28 Deemed- completion/occupancy certificate
2.29 Deemed- completion/occupancy certificate
2.30 Projects n not covered under deemed sanction
2.31 Occupancy /completion certificate- multi-storey building
2.32 Communication to owner/architect
2.33 Unauthorised development
2.34 Penal action
2.35 Unsafe buildings
3. MPD-2021, Development Control Regulations (DCRs) .... 16-41
3.1 Shelter
A. Residential plot- plotted housing
B. Group housing
C. cluster court housing
D. Foreign mission
E. Hotel/guest house/lodging & boarding house/dharamshala
F. Night shelter
G. Farm house
3.2 Trade and commerce
3.3 Wholesale trade
3.4 Industry
3.5 Government offices
3.6 Environment
3.7 Transportation
3.8 Social infrastructure
a) Health
b) Education
c) Sports
d) communication
e) Security (Police) Facilities
f) Safety / Fire Facilities
g) Distributive facilities
h) Socio – cultural facilities
i) Other community facilities
3.9 Development Code
3.10 DCR FOR Civil line/Bunglow area
3.11 DCR norms applicable for land assembly & land pooling
i. To Provide Facilitates in the Public Building excluding Domestic Buildings
for Handicapped Persons .... 76-77
ii. Qualification and competence of professionals .... 78-79
iii. Conservation of Heritage Sites including Heritage Building, Heritage/ Precincts
and Natural Feature Areas .... 80-84
iv. Compounding and penal action .... 85-86
v. Number and types of lifts for different occupancies. .... 87-88
vi. Spaces for electrical installations .... 89-90
Chapter -1 GENERAL
The regulations earlier notified under these clauses vide Notifications No. S.O. 513, dated 26-2-1959
Gazette of India, Part-II, Section 3 (ii) dated 7-3-1959 and the building byelaws in force, as adopted by
the Delhi Development Authority, vide Resolution No. 229 dated 1-5-1965 and subsequent resolutions
and amendments thereof shall stand superseded from the date the Building Bye-Laws for, NCTD ,2013
shall come into force.
1.3. Definitions:
1.4.1 In these bye-laws, unless the context otherwise requires the definition given above,
under clause 1.3 shall have the meaning indicated against each term.
1.4.2 The words and expressions not defined in these bye-laws shall have the same
meaning or sense as in Delhi Development Act, 1957 and Master Plan for Delhi,
2021(MPD 2021).
1.4.3 All mandatory Master Plan/Development Control Regulations regarding use,
coverage, FAR, set-backs, open spaces, height, number of storeys, number of
dwelling units, parking standards etc., for various categories of buildings, including
modifications therein, made from time to time, shall be applicable mutatis-mutandis
in the building Regulations under this clause. All amendments/ modifications made
in these Regulations will automatically be included as part of these Unified Building
Note: - Extract relating to Development Control Regulations/provisions are
reproduced from Delhi Master Plan-2021, including amendments up to September,
2013.(BBl No- 3)
1.5 Interpretation
1.5.1 In these bye laws, the use of present tense includes the future tense; the masculine
gender includes the feminine and the neutral. The singular number includes the
plural and the plural includes the singular. The word “person” includes Corporation,
an individual, writing includes printing and typing and signature includes thumb
1.6 Pre-Code Building Permit: Where any building permit which has been issued by the
Authority before the commencement of the Building Bye-Laws and where construction is in
progress and has not been completed within the specified period from the date of such permit,
the said permission shall be deemed to be sanctioned under these Bye-Laws and shall only be
eligible for revalidation there under. Accordingly, where the validity of sanction has expired and
construction has not commenced, construction shall be governed by the provisions of these
Building Bye-Laws.
1.7.1 Except hereinafter or otherwise provided, these Bye-Laws shall apply to all
development, redevelopment, erection and/or re-erection of a building etc. as well as to
the design, construction of, or reconstruction and additions and alterations to a building.
1.7.2 Development permission: No person shall carry out any development or redevelopment
including sub-division on any plot or land (not forming part of any approved layout plan
or scheme) or cause to be done without obtaining approval from the Authority for the
Layout Plan.
1.7.3 Building Permit: No person shall erect, re-erect or make addition/ alterations in any
building or cause the same to be done without, first obtaining a separate building permit
for each such building from the Authority.
1.7.4 Reconstruction: The reconstruction in whole or part of a building which has ceased to
exist due to fire, natural collapse or demolition having been declared unsafe, or which is
likely to be demolished by or under an order of the Authority as the case may be and for
which the necessary certificate has been given by the Authority shall be allowed subject
to these Bye-Laws.
2.1 Copies of Plans and statements: - Normally 4-copies of plans and statements shall be
made available along with the notice. In case of building schemes, where clearance is required
from Delhi Fire Service, the number of copies of the plans and statements accompanying the
notice shall be 6. Where clearance is required from Delhi Urban Art Commission, the number of
copies of the plans and statements accompanying the notice shall be 8.
2.1.1 Information accompanying Notice: - The notice shall be accompanied by the site plan,
building plan services plans, specifications and certificate of supervision and
ownership title and other documents prescribed by the Authority.
2.1.2 Size of Drawing Sheets:- size of drawing sheets shall be any of those specified in
table below:-
S.No Designation Trimmed size, mm
1 A0 841X1189
2 A1 594X841
3 A2 420X594
4 A3 297X420
5 A4 210X297
6 A5 148X210
2.1.3 Recommended notation for colouring of plans – The site and building plans shall be
coloured as specified in the table given below where items of work are not
identified, the colouring notation used shall be indexed:
S. Item Site Plan Building Plan
1. Plot lines Thick green Thick green
2. Existing street Green ……..
3. Permissible building line Thick dotted green ……..
4. Existing work (Outline) Green Green
5. Work proposed to be Yellow hatched Yellow hatched
6 Proposed--
a) Additions/ Alterations. Red Red
b) Entirely new work Not to be coloured Not to be coloured
7. Drainage Red dotted Red dotted
8. Water Supply Green dotted thin Green dotted thin
2.2 Key Plan: - A key plan drawn to a scale of not less than 1: 10,000 shall be submitted along with
notice, showing boundary, location of the site with respect to neighborhood landmarks.
2.3.3 Minimum Size of Site: -The minimum size of sites for the construction of different
types of building or different use groups shall be in accordance with provisions of
the Master Plan and any land development Rules and Regulations of the Authority.
2.3.4 Distance from Electric Lines:- No verandah, balcony, or the like shall be allowed to
be erected or erected or any additions or alterations made to a building within the
distance quoted below in accordance with the Indian Electricity Rules and its
amendments from time to time between the building and overhead electric supply
Vertically (m) Horizontally (m)
a) Low and medium voltage 2.4 1.22
lines and service lines.
b)High voltage lines up to 3.66 1.83
and including 33KV
c) Extra high voltage lines (Plus o.3 m for every (Plus 0.3 m for every
beyond 33KV. additional 33KV. or part additional 33KV or
thereof) part thereof.
Notification No. S.O. No. 917(E) dt. 28 th August ‘2002.
2.7.4 Details to be shown on Section: Include sectional drawings showing clearly the size of the
footings, thickness of basement wall, wall construction, size and spacing of framing
members, floors slabs and roof slabs with their materials. The section shall indicate the
heights of building, rooms and also the height of the parapet; and the drainage and the slope
of the roof. Name of external finishes material to be used has to be shown on section. At
least one section should be taken through the staircase, kitchen, toilet, bath and W.C.
2.7.5 Details to be shown on Elevation: Show all elevations, indicating details of service privy, if
any, give dimensions of the permissible projected portions beyond the permissible building
line, give indications of the north point relative to the plan, details of parking spaces
provided, give indication of all doors, windows and other openings including ventilators
with size in a proper schedule form. Name of external finishes material to be used has to be
shown on elevations.
2.8 Building Plans for Multi-Storeyed and Special Buildings: For multi-storeyed buildings, which are
above four storeyed and buildings above 17.5 m. in height and for special buildings like assembly,
institutional, industrial storage and hazardous occupancies, additional information with regard to fire
protection and life protection, are to be shown on the drawings for various occupancy. These can be
referred in National Building Code - 2005 (Part –IV, Fire & Life Safety), Delhi Fire Protection and Service
Act 2007. Further, the following details may be checked from Delhi Fire Rules 2010(Chapter V, General
Measure for Fire prevention ):-
2.8.1 Access to fire appliances/vehicles with details of vehicular turning circle/clear motorable
access way around the building.
2.8.2 Size (width) of main and alternate staircase, along with balcony approach, corridor, ventilated
lobby approach.
2.8.3 Location and details of lift enclosures.
2.8.4 Location and size of fire lift.
Plans are to be signed by Fire Engineer/Consultant. -Annexure 2
2.9 Service Plan: Service plans for water supply, sewage disposal system and details of building services, as
per norms and standards (Part IX Plumbing Services- Section 1- Water Supply, Section – 2- Drainage and
Sanitation and Section 3- Gas Supply of National Building Code- 2005 of India, with amendments time to
time) these are to be shown on a scale not less than 1: 100.
2.10 Specifications: - General specifications of proposed construction, giving types and grades of material to be
used in buildings. -Appendix A-2
2.11 Supervision: - Notice shall be further accompanied by a certificate of supervision. -Appendix A-3
2.12 Documents: - In addition to above, application for building permit shall be accompanied by the following
2.12.1 Ownership Document /Sale deed.
a) Sale deed/Lease Deed along with the site plan.
b) NOC from lessor if lease deed is not executed.
2.12.2 Rain Water Harvesting Certificate. -Appendix A-4
2 Fire Regulations
Affidavits /Undertakings and indemnity Bond are to be submitted as per details given in
following Appendixes:-
2.12.5 Affidavit/Undertaking by the Architect that he has been appointed by the owner.
-Appendix A-7(1)
2.12.6 Affidavit/Undertaking by the Engineer that he has been appointed by the owner
-Appendix A-7(2)
2.12.7 Affidavit/Undertaking by supervisor, that he has been appointed by the owner.
-Appendix A-7(3)
2.12.8 Undertaking by owner for payment of balance Peripheral charges.
-Appendix A-8
2.12.9 Indemnity Bond by the owner, incase basement is to be constructed.
-Appendix A-9
2.12.10 Latest receipt of Property Tax payment from House Tax department of the Municipal
2.12.11 For individual plot, approval of the site from the Competent Authority, if plot is not the part
of an approved Layout Plan, then key plan is also required.
2.12.12 In case the site falls in the built-up area declared, as Slum Area under the Act No Objection
Certificate from the Competent Authority, for Slum Clearance/Land Use.
2.12.13 In case of a Farmhouse, NOC from the Competent Authority from land acquisition point of
2.12.14 Approval of the Chief Inspector of Factories in case of industrial buildings; and also from
the Pollution Control Board, wherever required.
2.12.15 Approval from Chief Controller of Explosives, Nagpur and Chief Fire Officer, in case of
hazardous buildings wherever permitted.
2.12.16 No objection certificate from the Delhi Development Authority regarding land use as per
Master/Zonal Plan, if required.
2.12.17 NOC from Airport Authority/Civil Aviation Department where the plot falls in the Air
Funnel as per notification.
2.14 Notice for addition/alteration: - When the notice is for an alteration in the building, only such plans and
statement as may be necessary shall accompany the notice. -Appendix A-1
b. Stacking Charges: -
i) Rs. 5.00 per sqm of plot area plots size up to 100 sqm;
ii) Rs. 10 per sqm. of plot area Plots size above 100 sqm;
iii) In case of Govt. housing, Govt. aided institutions & charitable Trust/Wakf Board Rs 5/- per sqm
of built up area.
c. Peripheral charges:- Peripheral charges are to be paid by plot owner of Co-operative House Building
Society Group IV for laying of such services by the DDA @ Rs. 70/-(in view of Hon’ble Court
orders and consequent office order No. 80 dt. 12.06.03) per sqm. of net plot area at the time of
sanction of building plans. Also, individual plot owner will submit an undertaking in the
prescribed format for deposition of peripheral charges, at the time of submission of Building Plans.
-Appendix A-8
d. Betterment charges for additional construction at Barsati floor: - As per Notification No. K-
12016/10/82-DD IIA dt. 10.08.83, the permission of barsati floor as a dwelling unit was permitted,
provided the intending builders deposit betterment charges@150/-per sqm. of built up area either
at the time of sanction of building plans or regularization of structure at the time of issue of
completion/occupancy certificate. The betterment charges are levied for coverage beyond 25% and
in case of provision of regular dwelling unit proposed even with 25%.
e. Additional FAR charges: - Means levy payable on the additional FAR allowed @ Rs. 450/- per
sqm to be calculated for additional FAR, applicable on individual residential plot vide Notification
f. Surcharge: In cases where the additional construction has already been carried out without getting
sanction as per notification 23.07.1998 norms but which are within the norms as revised vide
notification dated 23.7.1998, the construction will be regularized on payment of the levy plus a
surcharge of 10%. This will be addition to the existing compounding fee, etc.
Note: The building plans shall be sanctioned subject to certification by the Chief Town Planner,
Local Body that up gradation of infrastructure and services has been done or are inexistence and
layout/services plans revised in consonance with July 23,1998 Notification.
Note: The orders of Hon’ble Supreme Court, dated 14 th March 2008, with regard to permissibility
in respect of ground coverage, FAR and height according to building norms as per MPD – 2021
shall be applicable subject to the terms laid down in the above order (in the matter of M.C Mehta
v/s UOI and others in IA nos.212-2212 in W.P (Civil)No. 4777 of 1985).
These charges shall be levied on difference in maximum ground coverage (%), FAR, number of dwelling
units and height between notification dated 23.07.1998 and notification dated 22.09.2006 are as given
S. No. Area of the Plot FAR as per Notif. FAR as per Difference in FAR
(Sq. mt.) dt. 22.09.06 Notif. dt 23.08.98
1 Below 32 350 225 125
2. Above 32 to 50 350 225 125
3. Above 50 to 100 350 225 125
4. Above 100 to 250 300 200 100
5.(a) Above 250 to 500 225 150 75
(b) Above 500 to 750 150 120 0
6. Above 750 to 1000 120 100 30
7. Above 1000 to 1500 120 100 20
8. Above 1500 to 2250 120 100 20
9. Above 2250 to 3000 120 100 20
10. Above 3000 to 3750 120 100 20
11. Above 3750 120 100 20 Fee for approval: - Fee for approval of LOP Rs. 200 per block. Fees for sanction of building plans Rs. 1500/- each floor of the building. Betterment levy/additional FAR charges and penalty/compounding charges/special
compounding charges: -
a) The gazette notification of 23.07.98 regarding enhanced FAR, number of Dwelling
Units shall be charged @ Rs. 450/- sq.m over and above the FAR of group housing
given in MPD- 2001.
b) The building plan shall be sanctioned subject to certification by chief town planner local
body, regarding up gradation of infrastructure and services, has been done or are in
existence and LOP/services plans revised in consonance with 23.07.98 notification.
c) Surcharge:- In cases where the additional construction has already been carried out
without getting sanction as per notification 23.07.1998 norms but which are within the
norms as revised vide notification dated 23.7.1998, the construction will be regularized
on payment of the levy plus a surcharge of 10%. This will be addition to the existing
compounding fee, etc.
2.17.1 Procedure: The Architect/Owner is to submit the above details along with a Performa along with a fee of
Rs. 1000/- to the Local Body/Authority. After the receipt, the Authority/Local Body to verify the details
submitted in Performa, may verify the details or modify according to applicable planning requirements and
communication within a period of 30 days. The details verified by the Local Body/Authority may be used
by the architect for planning /designing the project on the said plot.
Note:-This procedure, however, will be optional and only operative if so desired by the Owner/Architect of
the project. -Appendix ‘A-10’
2.20 Sanction:-
2.20.2 Sanction of building plan by the Authority: In cases not covered under deemed building permit
shall follow the regular channel, in building plans with all other requirements including all
documents (as provided in BBL no 2.12) Delhi fire service department and Delhi Urban Art
Commission etc.Fees & charges (as provided in BBL no 2.16) laid down in these building bye
laws will be submitted to building sanctioning Authority. The building sanctioning Authority
will issue the sanction within 30 working days. –Appendix B-1
2.20.4 In case where the building scheme requires the clearance of Heritage Conservation Committee
then the Authority shall issue the building permit only after getting the clearance from the
Heritage Conservation Committee, additional documents required for conservation of heritage
site including heritage building, heritage precincts and natural feature areas, be also submitted ,
as given in Annexure -3.
2.20.5 Standard building plan: In case of standard building plans prepared by the concerned Authority
for residential plots up to in size and forming part of the approved layout plan, the
owner shall be entitled to sign such standard plans and the required documents for the sanction of
the Local Body/Authority. In such cases, architect/licensed engineer/ licensed supervisor
certification would not be necessary and the owner shall be responsible to follow the standard
plans for construction at site. In case of standard plans no compoundable deviation shall be
permissible. The construction shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the standard plans
and will be entitled to obtain completion/occupancy certificate after following the procedure
mentioned above.
2.21 Grant or Refusal: - After receiving all documents and information submitted by the owner/Architect
with proper authentication, the Local Body/Authority will issue the Sanction on the certification of the
requisite professionals if on scrutiny observed certain deficiency may call architect and owner to rectify
within a period of 45 days from the date of receipt of permit.
b) In other cases not covered under the instant sanction the building plans will be sanctioned within a period
of 30 days or will communicate the refusal giving full reasons through the communication. -Appendix B-2
2.22 Validity period of building permit: - The sanction once accepted through building permit shall remain
valid for five years from the date of issue of sanction and shall be revalidated before the expiry of this
period. Revalidation shall be subject to the Master Plan/Zonal Plan Regulations and Building Bye-laws
Note: a) No building activity can be carried out after the expiry of validity of such building permit.
Owner/architect should apply for completion/occupancy certificate within five working days of
the validity period.
b) No completion/occupancy shall be entertained after the expiry of valid extension of time for
2.23.2 The application for revalidation shall be processed and revalidation or objection, if any, shall be
communicated within 5 working days from the date of the application.
2.24 Revocation of building permit: - The Authority may revoke any building permit issued under the
provisions of the bye-laws if there has been any false statement or any mis-representation of material facts
in the application on which the building permit was based.
2.25.2 Intimation for taking up work at the site: - The owner / applicant who has been granted such
building permit, shall intimate the authority in writing in (within 7 days) of starting the
construction work at the site. Failure to send this intimation is a violation of the condition of
sanction. -Appendix C-1
2.25.3 Intimation at completion of the work up to plinth level:- At this stage, the owner through his
Registered Architect, in the Performa , will inform the sanctioning Authority to enable the
Authority to ensure that work conforms to the sanctioned Building plans and Building Bye-laws.
The following documents are also to be submitted along with the notice: -Appendix C-2
i. Copy of valid Certificate of registered Architect/ Engineer Supervisor;
ii. Building plans, indicating the plinth constructed at site in relation to the plot dimensions, area
and setbacks, duly signed by the Owner and registered Architect/Engineer supervisor.
2.26 Inspection: -Authority will inspect the site and intimate the objection, if any, to the
owner/Architect/Engineer/Supervisor Engineer. It will be obligatory on the part of the Authority to
inspect the work and inform the objection, if any, to the Owner and Architect/Engineer within 10 working
days from the receipt of such notice. IT will be the responsibility of the Owner/Supervising
Architect/Engineer to ensure construction of the building in accordance with the sanctioned building plan.
Under the provisions of MPD 2021 and BBL. -Appendix C-3
2.28 Notice for Occupancy-cum-Completion: The owner shall submit the notice of occupancy/completion.
2.28.1 along with the required documents and plans as listed below:-
a) Copy of Lease-deed / Sale-deed.
b) Extension of time up to the date of applying for completion certificate and Valid extension of time up
to the date of applying for completion certificate; and in case completion is applied in phases, valid
extension of time up to the last phase (for lease hold property) is to be submitted.
c) One set of structural drawings of the building as executed at site along with Structural safety
Certificate. -Appendix D-1
d) Additional documents required by Delhi fire service department, Delhi Urban Art Commission and
Heritage Conservation Committee will also have to be submitted for their clearance/approval.
e) Three copies of completion plan;
f) Three photographs of the building taken from different angles so as to show the overall view of the
g) A copy of valid registration certificate of the professionals.
h) Certification that the erection/re-erection or material alteration, the workmanship and all the materials
(type and grade) are strictly in accordance with general and detailed specification and the work has
been completed to our satisfaction. -Appendix D-2
i) Certification that the sanitary/water supply works have been executed under supervision of Architect
supervisor/Engineer supervisor and as per building bye-laws/sanctioned plan. -Appendix D-3
2.30 Projects not covered under Deemed Sanction: For projects not covered under the Deemed
Sanction, occupancy/completion certificate will be processed by the Authority on the bases of the
completion plans, documents and fees submitted by the owner/Architect.
2.30.1 In cases, where the building scheme requires the clearance of Delhi Urban Art Commission, the Authority
shall issue the completion/occupancy certificates only after getting the clearance from Delhi Urban Art
Commission, CFO and other statutory agencies including clearance from heritage conservation
committee(wherever required).
2.31 Occupancy/Completion certificate for multi stored buildings/special buildings: In the case
of multistoried buildings/special buildings, the occupancy/completion certificate shall be issued by the
Authority only after the clearance from the Delhi Urban Art Commission, Delhi Chief Fire Officer and
other statutory agencies including clearance from heritage conservation committee(wherever required).
2.33 Unauthorized Construction: In case of unauthorized development, the Authority shall take suitable
action, which may include demolition of unauthorized works, sealing of premises, prosecution and
criminal proceeding against the offender in pursuance of relevant laws in force.
2.34.3 Construction to be in conformity with Building Bye-Laws – Owners’ liability: Neither granting
of permission nor approval of the buildings and specifications, nor the inspection by the
Authority during erection of the building, shall in any way relieve the owner of such building
from full responsibility for carrying out the work in accordance with the Building Bye-Laws
and in case of any violation shall be liable for action under the Law.
2.35 Unsafe Buildings: - All unsafe buildings shall be deemed to constitute a danger to public safety,
hygiene and sanitation and shall be demolished/restored by repairs or dealt with as otherwise directed.
The relevant provisions of the MCD Act shall apply for action for unsafe buildings.
Master Plan for Delhi -2021(MPD): –The Development Code applicable for development is given in
Master Plan of Delhi (MPD)-2021.The purpose of the code is to promote quality of built environment by
organizing the appropriate development of the land in accordance with the development policies and land
use proposals contained in the Plan. The layout plans are prepared based on Development Control
Regulations (DCRs)/planning norms given in MPD
i. The Local Body concerned shall be competent to disregard variation up to 2% in plot size,
arising from conversion of area from sq. yard to sqm. and to grant the norms applicable to the
lower category of plot size in accordance to Para (ii) below
ii. *100% ground coverage shall be eligible for regularization of construction, already existing as
on 22.09.06 on payment of charges as notified.
iii. Minimum size of the residential plot shall be 32 sqm. However, in case of Government
sponsored economically weaker section schemes, size could be reduced further.
iv. **100% ground coverage and 350 FAR shall be eligible for regularization of construction
already existing as on 22.09.06 on payment of charges as per the notification, in respect plot
size between 100 to 175 sqm.
v. Permissible FAR and dwelling units shall not be less than MPD – 2001.
F. Night shelter
Min. Plot size 1000sqm.
Maximum Ground Coverage 30%
Maximum FAR 120
Maximum Height 26m
Table 4.4.3(G)
Other controls:-
i) Where the property abuts urban road, the dwelling house building should be setback from the
Centre line of that road by 30m. Where the property abuts village road, the building setback from
the Centre line of that road should be 15m in the front side and 5m in the three sides.
ii) For dwelling unit on National Highway, the prescribed norms of NHAI will be applicable.
iii) For infrastructure roads etc. land holders will be required to cede land to enable the building up of
infrastructure after Public notice and hearing by the Authority.
iv) Every part of the building including the basement used for normal habitation will be counted in
FAR. Basement used for recreational purpose, home office,
storage, parking services and utilities installation will not be counted in FAR.
v) Pool/pond/water bodies are permitted and excluded from FAR setback norms.
vi) The watch & ward unit will be permitted adjacent to boundary or entrance gate as per provision of
building bye laws and it is to be excluded from the FAR
and setback norms.
vii) For plots 0.4 to 2 hectare, the use activities such as fitness/wellness Centre’s, Naturopathy clinics
may be allowed subject to the condition that minimum 50%
of plot area be left for soft parking and landscaping. For activities permitted, provision of parking
must be ensured within the plot.
viii) Apart from use/activities permitted in (vii) above, for plots more than 2.0ha (5acres) located
on roads of minimum width of 18m. use/activities such as recreational/club may be allowed subject
to the conditions that minimum 25% plot area for landscaping and maximum 25% of the plot area
for functions/building purposes.
ix) No low density residential premises should be built on lands notified for acquisition, the legality of
which has been upheld by the hon’ble Supreme Court except it falls within the boundary of an
unauthorized colony listed for regularization as per Union Government’s decision of 8th Feb, 2007
*Amended vide S.O. No. 1199 (E) Dated 10th May, 2013.
Use / use premises Max. FAR Height ECS/100 Other controls
Cov. (mts.)
(%) floor area.
a) Commercial Centers
i. Convenience Max. 10% additional Ground Coverage shall
Shopping 40 100 15 2 be allowed for providing atrium only in LSC.
Centre /
Centre /
Local Level
ii. Service Market
iii. Organized 40 100 15 2 Maximum10% additional ground coverage
informal Bazaar 40 40 8 - shall be allowed for providing atrium.
iv. Community Maximum 10 % additional ground coverage
Centre/Non shall be allowed for providing atrium.
hierarchical 25 125 NR* 3
v. District
Central Business 25 150 NR* 3
l areas.
*Amended Vide S.O. No. 2895(E) dated 23 rd September, 2013.
Modification Vide S.O. 2034(E) dated 12-08-2008
[NR* - No Restriction, subject to clearance from AAI, Delhi Fire Service and other Statutory bodies.)
In case of hotels - FAR# , the norms of 225 FAR and 40 % ground coverage shall be applicable in respect
of all hotels including hotel plots in (a) Commercial Centers ((iv), (v) and (b) Metropolitan City
Centre/Central Business District except those located in LBZ area, Civil Lines, Bungalow Area and hotels
existing on heritage structures above table. This shall apply to all categories of hotels is permitted in
Commercial Use Zone, Commercial Centers in Industrial Use Zone, and Transport Nodes(ISBT, Bus
Depot/Terminal, Railway station, Airport, Integrated Freight complex, Metropolitan Passenger Terminal
(Para 5.8, chapter 5- Trade and Commerce, MPD-2021). The FAR for Commercial Centers mentioned at
above Table (a) and (b) also shall stand enhanced automatically to that extent, for this purpose only if not
i. The utilities such as, underground water storage tank, roof top water harvesting system,
separate dry and wet dustbins, post-delivery counter etc. are to be provided within the plot.
All hotels, restaurants, auto workshops, hospitals */tertiary health care centres etc. will have
to make arrangements for solid waste disposal and primary effluent treatment.
ii. Individual plot with floor area of 5000 sq. mt. or above will provide ESS and generator within
the plot. They have to submit energy consumption / audit at the time of sanction of building
iii. Height subject to clearance from ASI, Airport Authority of India, Delhi Fire Service and
concerned authority.
iv. Wherever parking is provided within the plot / basement and is misused, the same is liable to
municipalisation / taken over by the Authority.
v. Wherever redevelopment of existing commercial areas stipulate preparation of a
comprehensive scheme, the same can be initiated jointly by the lessees / owners themselves
and submitted to land owning agency / Planning Authority for approval. Wherever any
enhancement in FAR is approved, the same will be subject to charging appropriate levies
from the beneficiaries. For Metropolitan City Centre and, in Special Area, Development
Control is as per approved scheme.
*Amended vide S.O. No. 2893(E) dated 23 rd September, 2013.
*Amended vide S.O. No. 2894 (E) dated 23 rd September, 2013.
(i) Height permitted subject to clearance from Airport Authority of India, Fire Department and
other statutory bodies.
(ii) In case of plots up to 300 sq. mt. Common parking is to be provided.
(iii) In case of plots of 300 sq. mt. and above, the utilities such as E.S.S. underground water storage
tank, roof top water harvesting system, separate dry and wet dustbins, solar heating /lighting
system etc; are to be provided within the plot.
In case of individual plots not forming part of any comprehensive integrated development scheme, the
Development Control Regulations shall be as per already approved scheme/layout plan. Industrial Plot
*Amended vide S.O. No. 1215 (E) dated 13th May, 2013
Development of green areas such as city park, district park, community park at sub city level,
neighborhood park, housing area park, tot lot at housing cluster level at neighborhood level and city
multipurpose ground, district multipurpose ground and community multipurpose ground for
multipurpose grounds, the norms in terms of plot area and the population along with control for these
Use for soft parking or other activities are given under table 9.1, 9.2& 9.3 of chapter 9, MPD-2021.
* The FAR is to be calculated on the Building plot. Area under Bus Shelter not to be included in FAR
2. This enabling provision of property development would have the following broad development
i. 25% ground coverage and 100 FAR, including area under Metro Station with no height
restrictions and subject to approval of the statutory bodies such as ASI, Airport
Authority, and DUAC etc.
ii. In addition to the requirement of parking for Metro Stations, parking for the commercial
component will be @ 2 ECS per 100 sq. mt.
iii. The development shall be undertaken in a composite manner and DMRC shall obtain
approval of all the concerned local bodies/ agencies.
3. The following structures shall be treated as operational structures:
(i). All Metro Stations and tracks supporting at grade, elevated and underground
including entry structures, ancillary buildings to house DG sets, chilling plants and
electric substation, supply exhaust and tunnel ventilation shafts etc.
(ii) Depots and maintenance workshops.
(iii) Traction Sub-stations.
(iv) Operational Control Centres
(v) Police Station.
a) *Health:
Table 13.2 Development Controls for Health Facilities
*^ Natural sky light condition is exempted for Atrium and construction over the Atrium may be
*# Height restriction of 30 mts. In Hospital Buildings should be reviewed in consultation with Fire
Deptt. of GNCTD.
1. Plot area for all *Hospital/Tertiary Health Care Centre would be worked out @ 100
of gross floor area per bed. However, for other health facilities like Maternity/Nursing
homes, family Welfare and other centers, the plot area would be worked out @ 60
of gross floor area per bed.
2. Maximum up to 300 sq. mt. of floor area shall be allowed to be used for community space
/ religious shrine / crèche / chemist shop/ bank counter on Hospital sites and also
Medical College/ Nursing and Paramedic institutes sites.
Other Controls:
a. In case of super specialty medical facilities/hospitals duly certified as such by the
competent authority, the gross area shall be worked out @ upto 125 sq. mt. Per
b. In case of existing premises/sites, the enhanced FAR shall be permitted, subject to
payment of charges as may be prescribed by the Authority / land owning agency and other
c. *Basement after utilization for Parking; Services Requirements such as air conditioning
plant and equipment, water storage, boiler, electric sub-station, HT & LT panel rooms,
transformer compartment, control room, pump house, generator room; staff locker room,
staff changing room, staff dining facilities without kitchen facility, Central sterile supply
deptt., back end office; Other Mechanical Services; Installation of Electrical and
firefighting equipment’s; and other services like kitchen, laundry and radiology lab and
other essential services required for the maintenance/functioning of the building may be
used for healthcare facilities with prior approval of the concerned agencies.
b) Education:-
i) Table 13.4 Development Controls for Education Facilities
S.No Category Maximum Other Controls
*Amended Vide S.O. No. 2895(E) dated 23rd September, 2013.
Pre-Primary Schools/Nursery Schools/Montessary Schools/Creche, Play Schools, are permissible in
residential use premises as per Mixed use policy.
Other Controls:
1. In case of new schools, the front boundary wall shall be recessed by 6 mt. to accommodate
visitors parking within setback area.
ii) Table 13.6 Development Controls for Education Facilities (Higher Education)
e) ***Security - Police
Table 13.11 Development Controls for Security (Police) Facilities.
** 60% of the Plot land shall be utilized for the Police Station with 200 FAR and 40% of the plot land
shall be utilized for Police Personnel Housing with 400 FAR. Whereas other Development Control
Norms i.e., ground coverage, set-back and parking requirement, etc. shall be as prescribed in Table
13.11 and para 4.4.3B Residential Plot-Group Housing, respectively. Existing police station sites shall
also be eligible for afore-said provision.
***Amended vide S.O. No. 2894 (E) dated 23 rd September, 2013.
f) Safety
Table 13.13 Development Controls for Safety / Fire Facilities
Sl. Category Maximum Other Controls
Gr. Cov. FAR Height
1. Fire Post 30% 120 26 mt. 1. Up to 25% of maximum FAR can be
2. Fire Station 30% 120 26 mt. utilized for residential use of essential staff
3. Disaster Management 30% (on 120 26 mt. in fire station.
Centre building 2. Parking standard @ 1.33 ECS/100 sq. mt.
area of floor area.
only) 3. Up to 15% of maximum FAR can be
4. Fire Training 30% 120 26 mt. utilized for residential use/hostel for
Institute/College essential staff and student accommodation,
in Fire Training Institute/College.
4. Other controls related to basements etc.
are given in Chapter 17,Development
Code , MPD - 2021
j) Public & Semi –Public Facilities/Premises (Para No. 13.11 of MPD 2021)
Other controls:-
Parking @2ECS/100sqm. Of floor area other controls as given in Development Code Chapter.
i. *In case of plots allotted to political parties by the government land housing agencies, upto
15% of maximum FAR may be utilized for residential hostel accommodation.
ii. **Amalgamation of the smaller PSP plots or sub division of the larger PSP plots for a single or
its multiple use, is allowed with permissible PSP facilities as per the provisions of MPD-2021.
*Amended vide S.O. No. 2894 (E) dated 23 rd September, 2013.
*Amended vide S.O. No. 2895(E) dated 23 rd September, 2013.
Clause 8.0 sub division of use zones, permission of use premises in use zones and control of
Notes: *(v) land use of Village abadi (Lal Dora/phirni) **and Extended Lal Dora located in any use
zone is residential.
*Amended vide S.O. No. 2034 (E) dated 12.08.2008
**Amended Vide S.O. No. 2890(E) dated 23 rd September, 2013.
General notes
1. Where development controls are not stipulated for nay premise, the same can be formulated by the
2. The mezzanine floor and service floor wherever provided shall be considered as a part of the total
FAR. *In case of the buildings with 26m. and more height in all use-zones, Technical Committee
of DDA may permit the following in special circumstances:
a) In case of provision of stack-parking in stilt floor or basement, minimum height should be
b) Intermittent service floor may be permitted for installation of equipments and services
required for the maintenance of the building with prior approval of the agencies concerned
and are not to be counted in FAR. The height of the service floor is to be decided based on the
depth of structural members, the height requirement for providing water-reservoirs, other
equipment’s, etc. The height of Service floor in the building shall be limited to 1.8m.
3. If the building is constructed with stilt area of non-habitable height (2.4mts) and is proposed to be
used for parking, landscaping, etc. the stilt floor need not be included in FAR.
4. Wherever the building regulations are given for different categories of plots, the area covered and
the floor area shall in no case be less than the permissible covered area and floor area respectively
for the largest size of plot in the lower category.
*Amended Vide S.O. No. 2895(E) dated 23rd September, 2013.
i. In existing buildings having plot area of more than 2000sqm; an extra ground coverage of
5% shall e permissible for construction of automated multi-level parking to provide
dedicated parking structures for additional needs.
ii. For the provision of car parking spaces, the spaces standards shall be as given in table
iii. In the use premises, parking on the above standards shall be provided within the plot.
iv. In cases, where the building (except hotel) with sanctioned plan is existing/under
construction and where building plans stand sanctioned as per MPD-2021, the parking is to
be provided for additional FAR availed, shall be as per the parking standards prescribed in
Table 17.3 Space Standards for Car Parking:
Sl. No. Type of Parking Area in Sq. mt. per ECS
1. Open 23
2. Ground floor covered 28
3. Basement 32
4. Multi level with ramps 30
5. Automated multilevel with lifts 16
8(5) Basement(s):
(a) Basement(s) up to setback line maximum equivalent to parking and services requirement, such
as Air Conditioning Plant and equipment, water storage, Boiler, Electric Sub-station HT and
LT Panel rooms, Transformer Compartment, Control Room, Pump House, Generator Room
and other mechanical services and installation of electrical and firefighting equipment’s, and
other services required for the maintenance of the building with prior approval of the
concerned agencies, could be permitted and not to be counted in FAR. However, the area
provided for services should not exceed 30% of the basement area.
(b) The basement(s) above the plot level shall be kept flushed with the ground and shall be
ventilated with mechanical means of ventilation; and
(c) Basement(s) shall be designed to take full load of the fire tender, wherever required and subject
to adequate safety measures.
i. Recycling of treated waste water with separate lines for portable water and recycled water.
Dual piping system to be introduced.
ii. Ground water recharge through rain water harvesting, conserving water bodies and regulating
groundwater abstraction.
iii. Treated sewage effluent should be recycled for non-potable uses like gardening, washing of
vehicles, cooling towers, etc.
iv. Utilities such as, underground water storage tank, roof-up water harvesting system, separate
dry and wet dustbins etc. are to be provided within the plot.
v. All hospitals, commercial, industrial, hotels, restaurants, auto workshops, etc. will have to
make arrangements for primary effluent treatment within the plot.
vi. Provide ESS and generator and to submit energy consumption/audit will be submitted at the
time of sanction of building plans.
vii. Provision of cavity walls, atriums, shading devices in building will be encouraged to make
them energy efficient.
viii. Solar heating system will be provided on all plots with roof area of 300 sqm. and above.
ix. In order to encourage the above, 1% to 4% extra ground coverage and FAR, on each, may be
given as an incentive by the local bodies, depending upon the provisions made. In exceptional
cases 5% incentive may be permitted.
x. These incentives shall be based on the rating criteria prescribed by ‘Green Rating for
Integrated Habitat Assessment’ (GRIHA) for green buildings.
xi. In case of non-compliance of above, after obtaining occupancy certificate, penalty at market
rate shall be levied for incentive FAR by land owning agency.
*The regulation of above shall be prepared by the Director, Local Self Government, GNCTD in
consultation with Environment Department, GNCTD within a period of six months (after notification of
modifications) and notified with the approval of the Authority/Central Government.
3.10 DCR for Civil line/Bungalow area:- For civil line/bungalow area the Draft Zonal
Development Plan for Zone – “C” (Civil lines Zone) approved by Authority ON
30.10.2007 Vide item No.82/2007, Area Planning – II, Delhi Development Authority.
Reference: -,Report040108.pdf
3.11 *Development Control norms applicable for land assembly & land pooling (chapter- 19,
(ii) Sub-division of gross residential areas and provision of facilities)local and city level) shall be
as per MPD-2021.
(iii) Local level facilities to commensurate with the density specified at a 19.6(i) (d) above
Tradable FAR is allowed for development, However, in case of residential use, tradable can
only be transferred to another DE in the same planning Zones having approval/license of
projects more than 20 Ha.
4.1 Space requirement for different parts of building of different size of Dwelling Units:
4.1.1 Main Building: The plinth or any part of a building or outhouse shall be so located with respect to
average road level from site so that adequate drainage of the site is assured but at a not height less
than 45 cm.
4.1.2 Interior Courtyards, Covered Parking Spaces and Garages: These shall be raised at least 15 cm.
above the surrounding ground level and shall satisfactorily drain.
4.1.3 Minimum Size, Width and height of different components of residential premises, as given in Table
Table 4.1
S.No. Components of Building Min. Requirement for a Min. Requirement for a
Dwelling Unit up to Dwelling Unit above in size. in size.
1. Habitable Area Area
Width 2.1 mt Width 3.2 mt
Height 2.75 mt Height 2.75mt
2. Kitchen Area Area 4.5
Width 1.8 mt Width 2.4 mt
Height 2.75 mt Height 2.75mt
3 Pantry ------------- Area 3.0
Width 0 .4 mt
Height 2.75mt
4. Bathroom Area Area 1.8
Width 1.0mt Width 1.2 mt
Height 2.2mt Height 2.2mt
5. W.C. Area Area 1.2
Width 0.9mt Width 0.9 mt
Height 2.20mt Height 2.20mt
6. Combined Bath and W.C. Area Area
Width 1.0mt. Width 1.20mt
Height 2.20mt Height 2.20mt
7. Store room Area and width of the store has no restriction, however
Minimum Height has to be 2.20mt. If the area of the
store is 9.5sqmt and above, the light and ventilation
clause shall also apply.
8. Projections Permitted within the setbacks up to 0.75 mt width
9. Garage --- Area
Width 2.70 mt.
Height 2.40mt
Length 5.40mt.
10. Passage way Width 1.0 mt.
11. Door Ways (habitable rooms) Width .80mt. Width .80mt.
Height 2.0mt Height 2.20mt
5. Duplex: -House design as duplex (dwelling unit) may not be objected if planned by owner/architect.
However, the maximum permissible DU shall remain the same.
4.4 Basement
The construction of the basement shall be allowed by Authority in accordance with the land use
and other provisions specified under the Master Plan/Zonal Plan. The basement shall have the
following requirement:
4.4.1 Every basement shall be in every part at least 2.5 m. in height from the floor to underside
of the roof slab or ceiling.
4.4.2 Adequate ventilation shall be provided for the basement. The standard of ventilation shall
be the same as required by the particular occupancy according to Building Bye-Laws. No.
4.14 Any deficiency may be met by providing adequate mechanical ventilation in the
form blowers, exhaust fans (one exhaust fan for 50 sq m. t area), air-conditioning system,
4.4.3 The minimum height of the ceiling of any basement shall be 0.9 m. and maximum of 1.2
mt. above the average road level on the front side of the building, however subject to
provision of MPD/Zonal Plan.
4.4.4 Adequate arrangement shall be made such that surface drainage does not enter the
4.4.5 The walls and floors of the basement shall be watertight and be so designed that the effect
of the surrounding soil and moisture, if any, are taken into account in design and adequate
damp proofing treatment is given.
4.4.6 The access to the basement shall be either from the main or alternate staircase providing
access to the building. In case a lift is provided in a building (including residential
buildings) the same may also serve the basement area.
4.4.7 Basement in an individual plot touching the adjacent property shall be allowed subject to
i. In all cases the owners shall have to indemnify the local body against any damage
caused to the adjacent property.
4.4.8 In case partition in the basements are allowed by the Authority, no compartment shall be
less than 50.0 sq m. in area and each compartment shall have ventilation standards as laid
down in sub-clause, above separately and independently and confirm to the norms laid
down by Fire Services.
4.4.9 Basement is not to be counted in FAR if used for parking, household storage and services
however if partly used as part of dwelling unit of ground floor subject to its counting in
FAR may be permitted with an internal access and shall satisfy all light and ventilation
requirements of these bye laws.
4.11.1 Stairways
i. Interior stairs shall be constructed of non-combustible material throughout.
ii. Interior stairs shall be constructed as a self-contained unit with at least one side adjacent to
an external wall and shall be completely enclosed.
iii. A staircase shall not be arranged round a lift shaft for buildings 15.0 m. and above height.
The staircase location shall be to the satisfaction of Chief Fire Officer.
iv. Hollow combustible construction shall not be permitted.
v. The minimum width of internal staircase shall be as given in bye-law No. 4.11.2.
vi. The minimum width of treads without nosing shall be 25 cm. for an internal staircase for
residential high-rise buildings. In the case of other buildings, the minimum tread shall be 30
cm. The treads shall be constructed and maintained in a manner to prevent slipping.
Winders shall be allowed in residential buildings provided they are not at the head of a
downward flight.
vii. The maximum height of riser shall be 19 cm. in the case of residential high rise buildings
and 15 cm in the case of other buildings these shall be limited to 14 per flight.
viii. Handrails shall be provided with a minimum height of 100 cm. from the centre of the tread.
ix. The minimum headroom in a passage under the landing of a staircase and under the
staircase shall be 2.2 m.
x. For building more than 24 m. in height, in height, access to main staircase shall be through
a lobby created by double door of one hour fire rating. One of the doors will be fixed in the
wall of the staircase and other after the lobby.
xi. No living space, store or other fire risk shall open directly into the staircase or staircases.
xii. External exit door of staircase enclosure at ground level shall open directly to the open
spaces or can be reached without passing through any door other than a door provided to
form a draught lobby.
xiii. The main staircase and fire escape staircase shall be continuous from ground floor to the
terrace level.
xiv. No electrical shafts/AC ducts or gas pipe etc. shall pass through the staircase. Lift shall not
open in staircase landing.
xv. No combustible material shall be used for decoration/wall panelling in the staircase.
xvi. Beams/columns and other building features shall not reduce the head room/width of the
xvii. The exit sign with arrow indicating the way to the escape route shall be provided at a
suitable height from the floor level on the wall and shall be illuminated by electric light
connected to corridor circuits. All exit way marking sign should be flush with the wall and
so designed that no mechanical damage shall occur to them due to moving of furniture or
other heavy equipment’s. Further all landings of floor shall have floor-indicating boards
indicating the number of floor as per bye-law. The floor indication board shall be placed on
the wall immediately facing the flight of stairs and nearest to the landing. It shall be of size
not less than 0.2 m. x 0.5 m.
xviii. Individual floors shall be prominently indicated on the wall facing the staircase.
4.12 Doorways
i. Every doorway shall open into an enclosed stairway, a horizontal exit, on a corridor or
passageway providing continuous and protected means of egress.
ii. No exit doorways shall be less than l00 cm in width and 150 cm in case of hospital
and ward block. Doorways shall not be less than 200 cm in height.
iii. Exit doorways shall open outwards, that is away front the room but shall not obstruct
the travel along any exit. No door when opened shall reduce the required width of
stairway or landing to less than 100 cm. Overhead or sliding door shall not be
iv. Exit door shall not open immediately upon a flight of stairs. A landing equal to at
least, the width of the door shall be provided in the stairway at each doorway. Level of
landings shall be the same as that of the floor, which it serves.
v. Exit doorways shall be open able from the side, which they serve without the use of a
vi. Revolving doors shall not be allowed.
4.13 Provision of exterior open spaces and height limitation around the building:
4.13.1 The open spaces (setbacks), covered area, FAR shall be as per Master Plan/Zonal Plan
requirements as given in the development controls of MPD- 2021. (Bye Law No. 3).
4.13.2 Every room that is intended for human habitation shall abut on an interior or exterior
open space or on to a verandah open to such interior or exterior open space.
4.13.3 In case of multi storeyed buildings the exterior open space around a building as in
Building Bye Laws No. 4.13.1 shall be of hard surface capable to taking load of fire
engine weighing up to 45 tonnes.
4.17 Exemption to Open Spaces/Covered area: The following exemption to open space shall be
4.17.1 Projections into Open Spaces: Every interior or exterior open space shall be kept, free
from any erection thereon and shall be open to the sky. Nothing except cornice, chajja
or weather shade (not more than 0.75 m. wide) shall overhang or project over the said
open spaces so as to reduce the width to less than the minimum required.
Note: Such projections shall not be allowed at a height more than 2.20 m. from the
corresponding finished floor level.
4.17.2 The following shall not be included in covered area for FAR calculations.
a) Machine room for lift on top floor as required for the lift machine installation.
Note: The shaft provided for lift shall be taken for covered area calculations only on one
b) Rockery, well and well structures, plant nursery, water pool, swimming pool (if
uncovered), platform round a tree, tank, fountain, bench, chabutara with open top and /
or unenclosed sides by walls, open ramps, compound wall, gate, slide swing door,
uncovered staircase (uncovered and unclosed on three sides except for a 0.90 m. high
railing/wall, overhead water tank on top of building/open shafts.
c) A mumty over staircase on top floor.
d) Culvert on Municipal drains.
e) Watch and ward port cabins of area not more than 4.5sqm at the entry point.
4.24 Special buildings not covered: In case of special buildings not covered above, norms will be
followed as decided by the Authority.
4.25 Provisions in the public buildings for handicapped persons: The building to be designed for
Handicapped persons need special treatment and the provisions for site planning, building
requirements etc. are given in Annexure-1.
4.26 Provision for conservation of Heritage Sites including Heritage Buildings, Heritage Precincts
and natural feature areas :The building regulations for above are given in Annexure -3
5.1 Occupant load: The population in rooms, area of floors shall be calculated based on the occupant
load given in the table below:-
Table 4.2
S.No. Group of Occupancy Occupant Load Gross area* in
1. Residential 12.5
2. Educational 4
3. Institutional 15+
4. Assembly
a. With fixed or loose seats and dance 0.6++
b. Without seating facilities including 1.5++
dining rooms
5. Mercantile
a. Street floor and sales basement 3
b. Upper sale floors 6
6. Business and industrial 10
7. Storage 30
8. Hazardous 10
5.2. Quality of materials and workmanship: All material and workmanship shall be of good quality
conforming generally to accepted standards of Public Works Department and Indian Standard
Specification and Codes as included in Part-V Building Materials and Part-VII Construction
Practices and Safety of National Building Code of India.
5.2.1. Alternative materials, methods of design and construction and tests: The provision of the Bye-
Laws are not intended to prevent the use of any material or method of design or construction not
specifically prescribed by the bye-law provided any such alternative has been approved. The
building materials approved by B.I.S. or any statutory body will form part of the approved
building material and technology as part of the Bye-Laws.
5.3. Building services
5.3.1. The Planning design and installation of electrical installations, air conditioning installation of lifts
and escalators can be carried out in accordance with Part-VIII Building Services, Section–2
Electrical Installation, Section–3 Air conditioning and heating, Section-5 installation of Lifts and
8. Storage(including warehouses) 30
9. Hazardous 30
10. Intermediate stations (excluding mail and express stops. 45(25)*
11. Junction stations 70(45)*
12. Terminal stations 45
13. International and domestic Airports 70
* The values in parenthesis are for such stations, where bathing facilities are not provided.
Note: The number of persons for Sl. No. 10 to 13 shall be determined by the average number of
passenger handled by the station daily with due consideration given to the staff and workers likely to
use the facilities.
Note 1: If the premises are situated at a place higher than the road level in front of the premises, storage
at ground level shall be provided on the same lines as on floors.
2: The above storage may be permitted to be installed provided that the total domestic storage
calculated on the above basis is not less than the storage calculated on the number of down take fittings
according to scale given below:
i. Down take taps 70 l. each
ii. Showers 135 l. each
iii. Bathtubs 200 l. each
Note: i) It may be assumed that the two-thirds of the number are males and one- third females
ii) One water tap with drainage arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons or part
thereof in the vicinity of water closet and urinals.
7. Cleaner’s One per Floor One per Floor One per Floor One per Floor
Sink minimum minimum minimum minimum
Nursery Schools
S.No Sanitary unit Requirement
1 Water Closet one per 15 pupils and part thereof
2 Ablution Taps One in each W.C.
3 Urinals --
4 Wash Basins One for every 15 pupils or part thereof
5 Baths One bath sink per 40 pupils
6 Drinking Water Fountains One for every 50 pupils or part thereof
7 Cleaner’s Sink --
Note: 1. one water tap with draining arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons or part
thereof, in the vicinity of water closets and urinal.
2. For teaching staff, the schedule of sanitary units to be provided shall be the same as in case of
office buildings (Table 5.9).
Table-5.8 Sanitation Requirements for Institutional (Medical) Occupancy- (staff quarters and Hostels)
S.No Sanitary Unit Doctor’s Dormitories Nurses Hostel
Table 5.9 Sanitation Requirements for Governmental and Public Business Occupancy and
Sl.No. Sanitary Unit For Male Personnel For female Personnel
1. Water Closet (WC) One for 25 persons or part thereof One for 15 persons or part thereof
2. Ablution taps One in each WC One in each WC
3. Urinals Nil up to 6 persons
1 for 7-20 persons
2 for 21-45 persons ----
3 for 46-70 persons
4 for 71-100 persons
From 101 to 200 add @ 2.5 %
4. Wash Basins One for every 25 persons or part -----
5 Drinking Water fountains One for every 100 persons with a
minimum of one on each floor -----
6. Baths Preferably one on each floor -----
7. Cleaner’s Sinks One per floor minimum;
preferably in or adjacent to ------
sanitary rooms.
Table 5.11 Sanitation Requirements for Assembly Occupancy Buildings (Cinema, Theaters, Auditoria,
Sl. Sanitary Unit For Public For Staff
Male Female Male Female
1. Water Closet One for 100 Two per 100 persons One for 15 One for 1-12 persons.
persons up to 400 up to 200 persons. persons.
persons. For over For over 200 persons
400 persons, add add @ 1 per 100 Two for 13-25 persons.
@ 1 per 250 persons or part Two for 16-35
persons or part thereof. persons.
2. Ablution Taps One in each WC One in each WC One in each WC One in each WC
3. Urinals One for 50 persons Nill up to 6
or part thereof ------ persons
One for 7-20 -----
Two for 21-45
4. Wash Basins One for every 200 One for every 200 One for 1-15 One for 1-12 persons
persons or part persons or part persons.
thereof. For over thereof. For over 200 Two for 13-25 persons.
400 persons, add persons, add @ 1 per Two for 16-35
@ 1 per 250 150 persons or part
persons or part thereof.
5. Cleaner’s Sink One per floor, minimum.
6. Drinking One per 100 persons or part thereof.
Water Fountain
Note:- It may be assumed that two thirds of the number are males and one third female.
Note:- 1 For many trades of a dirty or dangerous character, more extensive provisions are required.
Note : Provision for wash basins, baths including shower stalls, shall be in accordance with part ix
section 2- Drainage and Sanitation of National Building Code of India and amendments time to
* At least one Indian style water closet shall be provided in each toilet. Assume 60 % males
and 40 % females in any area.
5.5.1 For new construction: Provision shall be made for underground tank for the storage of
water, having capacity at 200 lts. per person with adequate pumping arrangements to
supply water to upper floors. Filtered water connection will be allowed only for use of
drinking and bathing needs. For other purposes i.e. flushing and gardening etc., the
individual shall be required to have own arrangements of tube well water within the
premises. While according sanction to Layout Plan, the Authority shall make a special
mention that provision for space shall be kept for the construction of underground
reservoir of adequate capacity along with booster pumping station.
5.5.2 Arrangements as given in 5.5.1 above shall also be provided in Group Housing Societies.
5.5.3 The plumbing arrangement in case of new constructions shall be made in a way that the
potable water shall be used for drinking, cooking & bathing only and for rest of the uses,
provision for ground water can be made with dual piping system.
5.5.4 Low capacity cistern should preferably be provided instead of normal 12.5 l. capacity.
5.7.3 Auxiliary System: Wherever hot water requirement is continuous, auxiliary heating
arrangement either with electric elements or oil of adequate capacity can be provided.
5.7.4 No new building in the following categories in which there is a system of installation for
supplying hot water shall be built unless the system of the installation is also having an
auxiliary solar assisted water heating system:- Hospitals and Nursing Home. Hotels, Lodges, and Guest Houses, Group Housing with the plot area of 4000 sq
m. Hostels of Schools, Colleges and Training Centres with more than 100 Students.
6.1 Building regulations for Special area, Unauthorized Regularized Colonies and Villages:
Building regulations for Special area, Unauthorized Regularized Colonies and Villages, Notified
vide S.O. 97 (E), F.No.F.3 (28)2008/MP/Part], Dated 17th January 2011.
6.2 Regularizations and Guidelines for Redevelopment: Regularizations and guidelines for
redevelopment of existing planned industrial areas, Notified vide
S.O. 683(E), [F.No .F. 17(5)2007/MP], Dated 1st April, 2011.
6.3 Regularization of Farm Houses: Regularization of Farm Houses in Delhi, Notified vide S.O.
2622 (E), [F.No.F.3 (103)96/MP], Dated 30th October, 2012.
6.4 The (Permission of Banquet Halls) Regulations, 2012, Notified vide S.O.2272(E), Dated 21st
September, 2012
NOTE: Regulations notified by the GOI/DDA from time to time shall be part of this document
and shall be enforced accordingly.
I hereby give notice that I intend to erect/re-erect or to make alteration in the Building No___________ or to
_________________ on/in plot No_________________Block No__________ House
at_________________________________________Scheme____________________and in accordance with the
building Bye-laws of Delhi, Bye-law No_____________________________________________________and I
forward herewith the following plans and specifications duly signed by me
and________________________________________________________________(name in block letters of
Registered Architect), Architect’s Registration No__________________who has prepared the plans, designs etc.
and a copy of other statements/documents (As applicable).
The construction shall be carried out in accordance with the sanctioned building plan. The Owner/Engineer/
Supervisor, supervising the construction shall be responsible for any lapse on their part for such construction.
Signature of Owner______________
Name of Owner_________________
(In Block Letters)
Address of Owner_______________
Dated ________________________
APPENDIX- ‘A-2’ (Chapter 2, Para 2.10)
To be submitted by registered architect/Engineer.
The ______________________
New Delhi.
I hereby certify that erection/re-erection demolition or material alteration in and the drainage/sanitary work shall be
carried out executed by me under my strict supervision/of Building No.________________________on/in Plot
No.__________________ in Block No._________________situated at ___________________________Scheme
shall be carried out under my supervision work shall be carried out by me as per approved building plan and I
certify that all the materials ( type and grade) and workmanship of the work shall be generally in accordance with
the general specifications submitted along with and the work shall be carried out according to the sanctioned plans
which also includes the services like drainage, sanitary, water supply & electrical and no non – Compounding
deviations shall be carried out during the course of construction
APPENDIX ‘A-4’ (Chapter 2, Para 2.12.1)
To be submitted by registered architect
I Certified that the building plans submitted for approval satisfy the water harvesting requirements as well as
minimum anticipated discharge of waste water as stipulated under provision given in chapter 2, Para 2.12.2 and the
information given therein is factually correct to the best of my knowledge and understanding.
The following certificate is to be submitted along with the building plans drawing while submitting the plans for
obtaining building permission for Building No. ____________________ on Plot no. ____________________
situated at ___________________________ Scheme ______________________________.
1. Certify that the building plans submitted for approval shall be designed for safety requirements.
2. It is also certified that the structural design including safety from natural hazards based on soil conditions
will be taken into consideration and would be duly incorporated in structural drawings of the building to
be constructed.
Signature of the Registered Structural Engineer
Name in Block letters_____________
Address: ________________________
Affidavit of Architect on Rs. 2/- Non-judicial e-Stamp paper to be attested by Notary Public/Metropolitan
I, ---------------------------------------, Son of Shri ---------------------------------occupation Architect, office at -----------
------------------------------ do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under :
1.That I am an Architect by profession and duly registered with council of architecture vide registration
no______________, in the Competent authority vide Registration No.------------------.
2. That I have been engaged as an Architect for preparing the construction on Plot No. -----------------------------------
--BlockNo.---------------------------------- situated at ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
----------- as per sanctioned building plans.
3. That in case the owner dispenses with my services at any stage whatsoever; I shall inform the Authority within 7
days along with the photograph of the building showing the level/status of the building.
4. In case I (Architect) decide not to continue further with project then i shall inform Authority within 7 days
with copy to the owner.
I, the above named deponent, do hereby verify at Delhi/New Delhi on this ------------------------------------- day of --
-------------------------201---------------------------------------------- which contents of the above affidavit are true and
correct to my knowledge and belief and nothing is false therein or has been concealed there from.
APPENDIX –‘A-7(2)’ (Chapter 2, Para 2.12.6)
Affidavit –cum- undertaking
By Engineer as per detail, that he has been appointed for project
Affidavit of engineer on Rs. 2/- Non-judicial e- Stamp paper to be attested by Notary Public/Metropolitan
I--------------------------------------- Son of Shri ---------------------------------occupation engineer, office at --------------
--------------------------- do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under :
1. That I am an engineer by profession duly registered with in the Competent authority vide Registration
2. That I have been engaged as an engineer for preparing the construction on Plot No. --------------------------
------------ Block No.---------------------------------- situated at ------------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------- as per sanctioned building plans.
3. That in case the owner dispenses with my services at any stage whatsoever; I shall inform the Authority
within 7 days.
I, the above named deponent, do hereby verify at Delhi/New Delhi on this ------------------------------------- day of --
-------------------------201---------------------------------------------- which contents of the above affidavit are true and
correct to my knowledge and belief and nothing is false therein or has been concealed there from.
APPENDIX –‘A-7(3)’ (Chapter 2, Para 2.12.7)
Affidavit –cum- undertaking
By Supervisor as per detail, that he has been appointed for project
Affidavit of supervisor on Rs. 2/- Non-judicial e- Stamp paper to be attested by Notary Public/Metropolitan
I------------------------------------------ Son of Shri ---------------------------------------occupation supervisor office at ----
----------------------------------------------- do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:
1. That I am Supervisor duly registered with the Competent authority vide Registration No.----------------
2. That I have been engaged as Supervisor for construction on Plot No. --------------------------------------
Block No.---------------------------------- situated at -------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------- as per sanctioned building plans.
3. That in case the owner dispenses with my services at any stage whatsoever; I shall inform the Authority
within 7 days.
I, the above named deponent, do hereby verify at Delhi/New Delhi on this ------------------------------------- day of --
-------------------------201---------------------------------------------- which contents of the above affidavit are true and
correct to my knowledge and belief and nothing is false therein or has been concealed there from.
Verified at Delhi on this ____________________day of _______________201_____that the contents of this
affidavit are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and that nothing has been concealed there from.
APPENDIX – ‘A–9’ (Chapter 2, Para 2.12.9)
(To be submitted by owner)
Indemnity bond for basement
To be submitted on non-judicial e- stamp paper of Rs. 10/- duly attested by the Oath Commissioner/Magistrate First
Indemnity Bond is executed by Shri ____________________________ Son of
Shri____________________________Residents of _____________________________
______________________ hereinafter called the owners of Plot No. ________________
_______________________in_________________________Delhi/New Delhi in favours of Authority its
successors or entitled.
Whereas the owners have submitted the plan of basement & whereas the owners have represented to the Authority
and if sanction is granted for the construction of the said basement the owners shall indemnify the authority of any
loss at the time of digging of foundation of the said basement or in the course of construction of the basement or
even thereafter.
_______________________ (1) _________________________________
APPENDIX – A -10 (Chapter 2, Para 2.17)
Performa for bulk characterizes for development on specific plot.
(To be submitted by the Owner/Architect for obtaining Planning/Designing information)
Yours faithfully,
For Competent Authority _______________
New Delhi.
New Delhi.
I hereby certify that the erection/ re-erection/ demolition or material alteration on /in Plot no. _______________
in Block No. __________________________ situated at _______________________________Scheme, will be
commenced on _______________ as per your Permission vide office communication No. _________________
dated _____________ under the supervision of ____________________ licensed Architect/Engineer/Supervisor
registration No. _________________ and in accordance with the sanctioned plans.
Signature of owner
Name of owner
(In block letters) ______________________
Address of owner ____________________
Dated: _______________________
APPENDIX ‘C-2’ (Chapter 2, Para2.25.3)
New Delhi.
This is to intimate that the Construction up to plinth/column up to plinth level has been completed in Building No.
_________________________________on/in Plot No.
rd_________in accordance with permission/Letter No. _____________________dated______________ under my
supervision and in accordance with the sanction.
Yours faithfully,
Signature of Architect/Engineer/Supervisor______________________
Name (in Block Letters) _____________________
Address __________________________________
Dated ___________
APPENDIX ‘C-3’ (Chapter 2, Para 2.26)
1. It is certified that the sanctioned building plans satisfy requirements as stipulated under BBL no 5.0 of
building bye laws and the information based on which safety requirements incorporated are factually
correct to the best of our knowledge and understanding.
2. It is also certified that the structural design including safety from natural hazards based on soil conditions
has been duly incorporated in the design of the building and these provisions shall be adhere to during
Signature of the owner with date
Name in Block letters ____________________
Address: ______________________________
New Delhi.
We hereby certify that the erection/re-erection or material alteration in/at building no. ________ on/in
______________ Plot no.____________________ Block No. ________________________ situated at
____________ scheme has been supervised by us and has been completed on ___________ according to the plans
sanctioned, vided office communication no. ______________ date _____________. The work has been completed
to our satisfaction, the workmanship and all the materials (type and grade) have been strictly in accordance with
general and detailed specifications.
2. Certificates :
(i) Certified that the building(s) has been constructed according to the sanctioned plan and structural design
(one set of structural drawings as executed is enclosed) which incorporate the provisions of structural
safety as specified in relevant prevailing IS Codes/Standards/Guidelines.
(ii) Further certified that water harvesting as well as waste water re-cycling systems have been provided as
per the sanctioned building plans.
(iii) it is also certified that construction has been one under our supervision and guidance and adheres to the
drawings submitted and the records of supervision have been maintained by us.
3. Permission to occupy or use the building may be granted.
4. Any subsequent change from completion drawings will be the responsibility of the owners.
A) Signature of the owner with date
Name in Block letters ____________________
Address: ______________________________
B) Signature of Structural Engineer with date
Name in Block letters ____________________
Address: ______________________________
C) Signature of Architect with date
Name in Block letters ____________________
Address: ______________________________
File No.__________________________ Dated :_______________
Plan No.________________________
Shri/ Miss/Smt.___________________
With reference to your notice of completion dated-----------------I hereby certify that building, as per
description below certified plan at Plot No---------------Block No ------------- Scheme ----------------------------whose
plans were sanctioned vide No------------------------------------- has been inspected with reference to building bye-law
in respect of the structural safety, fire safety, hygienic and sanitary conditions inside and in the surroundings and is
declared fit for occupation and release of regular water and electricity connection. The
description of the construction work completed is given as under:
Yours Faithfully
Name of the Authority_________________
Total Compounding Fee Rs. -------------------------------------
2. Cheques will not be accepted and the cash payment will be accepted between 10A.M. and 2 P.M. on all
working days.
3. You are, therefore requested to do the needful by ---------------------- failing which your request for the
issue of Occupancy Certificate will be rejected without any further reference to you and necessary action
under the law will be initiated.
4. Please quote your file number while sending the reply of the letters
Yours Faithfully
For Competent Authority
1. Definitions
Ambulant Disabled People: Disabled who are able to walk but who may depend on prostheses
(Artificial Limbs) orthoses (Calipers), Sticks, crutches or walking aids.
Non-Ambulant Disabled People: Disabled people with impairments that confine them to wheelchair.
Wheel Chair: Chair used by disabled people for mobility.
(i) Size of small wheel chair: 750 x 1050 mm
(ii) Size of large wheel chair: 800 x 1500 mm
2. Scope
These bye-laws are applicable to public buildings and exclude domestic buildings. Building which shall
provide access to ambulant disable and Non-Ambulant disabled are listed below. Distinction is made for
buildings to be designed for the use of large wheel chairs and small wheel chair.
4. Building to be designed for Non-Ambulant Disabled People: Schools for physically handicapped,
cremation, buildings as mentioned in 3, Botanical Gardens, Religious Buildings, Old People Clubs,
Village Halls, Day Centers, Junior Training Centres, Post Offices, Banks, Dispensaries, Railway
Stations, Shops, Super Markets, and Departmental Stores.
Notes: Large wheel chair criteria shall be applicable on ground floors of the following building, post
banks, dispensaries, railway station, shops, supermarkets, and departmental stores.
6. Buildings Requirements:
6.1 The following building requirements are to be provided for building mentioned above.
10.4.2 For Toilets Designed for Non-Ambulant Disabled Small Wheel Chair
The minimum size of W.C. shall be 1350 x 1500 mm with a minimum depth of 1500 mm from entry
door. 900 mm long handrail on the side closer to W.C. shall be provided. To provide movement space
for wheel chair, W.C. seat shall be fixed towards one side to the opposite adjacent wall. The centerline
of W.C. from the adjacent wall shall be 400 mm and minimum 950 mm from the other wall. Minimum
size of the clear door opening shall be 780 mm.
10.4.3 For Toilets Designed for Non-Ambulant Disabled Using Large Wheel Chair The minimum size
of W.C. shall be 1500 X 1750 with a minimum depth of 1750 mm for entry door. 900 mm long handrail
on the side wall closer to W.C. shall be provided. To provided movement space for wheel chair, W.C.
seat shall be fixed
towards one side of the opposite wall. The centerline of the W.C. from the adjacent wall shall be 400
mm and a minimum of 1100 mm from the other wall. Min. size of clear door opening shall be 860 mm
1.1 Essential requirements:-Every building/development work for which permission is sought shall
be planned, designed and supervised by registered professionals. The registered professionals for
carrying out the various activities shall be (a) Architect, (b) Civil Engineer, (C) Structural engineer,
(d) Supervisor, (e) Town Planner, (f) Landscape Architect, (g) Urban Designer, and Utility Service
Engineer. Requirements of registration for various professionals by the Authority /Local Body and
the Body governing such profession constituted under a statute, applicable to practice within the
local body’s jurisdiction. The competence of such registered personnel to carry out various
activities is indicated below:-
1.2 Requirements for registration and competence of professionals :
a) Architect: Minimum qualification and experience requirements for architects, for being
considered for listing with authorities, as registered architect shall be as follows:
1. The architect must hold a valid registration with the council of Architecture, India,
issued as per the provisions of the Architects Act, 1972, and
2. The Architect must have a minimum of two years of experience in practice of
Architecture, after having held a valid registration with the Council of Architecture,
Competence: - The registered architect shall be competent to carry out the work related to the
building/development permit as given below:
1. All plans and information connected with building permit except engineering services
of multistoried/special buildings.
2. Issuing certificate of supervision and completion pertaining to architectural aspects.
3. Preparation of sub- division plans and related information connected with
development permit of area up to 1 hectare for metro- cities and 2 hectare of other
4. Issuing certificate of supervision for development of land of area up to 1 hectare for
metro-cities and 2 hectares for other places.
5. To supervise the construction based on the sanction Building Plan.
b) Civil Engineer: The minimum qualifications for an engineer shall be graduate in civil
engineering/architectural engineering of recognized Indian or foreign university, or the Member of
Civil Engineering Division/ Architectural engineering or recognized Indian or foreign university, or
the Member of Civil Engineering Division/Architectural Engineering Division of the Institution of
Engineers (India) or the statutory body governing such profession, as and when established.
Competence: The registered engineer shall be competent to carry out the work related to the
building/development permit as given below:
1. Supervision of building work as per approved drawings for all buildings.
2. Assist architect/planner for certifications of supervision for all buildings.
3. Structural details & calculations for buildings up to 11 meters in height.
4. Issuing certificate of supervision for development of land of all areas.
c) Structural Engineer: The minimum qualifications for a structural engineer shall be graduate in civil
engineering of recognized Indian or foreign university, or Corporate Member of Civil Engineering
Division of Institution of Engineers (India), and with minimum 3 years’ experience in structural
engineering practice with designing and field work.
Note: The 3 years’ experience shall be relaxed to 2 years in the case of post-graduate degree of
recognized Indian or foreign university in the branch of structural engineering. In case of doctorate
in structural engineering, the experience required would be one year.
Competence: The registered structural engineer shall be competent to prepare the structural details
and calculations for all buildings and its supervision as per rules of the Authority.
c) Supervisor: The minimum qualifications for a supervisor shall be 3 year full time diploma in civil
engineering or architectural assistantship, or the qualification in architecture or engineering
The supervisor shall be competent to assist Civil Engineers & Architect in supervision of building
and development works.
e) Town Planner: The minimum qualification for a town planner shall be the Associate Membership
of the Institute of Town Planners or graduate or post-graduate degree in Town and Country
Competence: The registered town planner shall be competent to carry out the work related to the
development permit as given below:
1. Interpretation of provision of the Delhi Master Plan including the applicability of DCR,
Planning permit and matter related to obtaining planning permission.
2. Preparation of plans for land sub-division/layout land related information connected with
development permit for all areas.
3. Issuing of certificate of supervision for development of land of all areas.
f) Landscape Architect: The minimum qualification for a landscape architect shall be the bachelor or
Master’s degree in landscape architecture or equivalent from recognized Indian or foreign
Competence: The registered landscape architect shall be competent to carry out the work related to
landscape design for building /development permit for land area 5 hectares and above . In case of
metro-cities, this limit of land area shall be 2 hectares and above.
Note: - For smaller areas below the limits indicated above, association of landscape architect may
also be considered from the point of view of desired landscape development.
g) Urban Designer: The minimum qualification for an urban designer shall be the master’s degree in
urban design or equivalent from recognized Indian or foreign university.
Competence: The registered urban designer shall be competent to carry out the work related to the
building permit for urban design for land areas more than 5 hectares and campus area more than 2
hectares. She/he shall also be competent to carry out the work of urban renewal for all areas.
Note: - For smaller areas below the limits indicated above, association of urban designer may be
considered from the point of view of desired urban design.
h) Engineers for Utility Services: For buildings, the work of building and plumbing services shall
be executed under the planning, design and supervision of competent personnel. The qualification
for registered mechanical engineer ( including HVAC), electrical engineering and plumbing
engineering for carrying out the work of Air-conditioning., Heating and Mechanical Ventilation,
Electrical installations, Lifts and Escalators and Water Supply, Drainage, Sanitation and Gas
Supply installations respectively shall be as given in Part 8’ Building Services’(NBC-2005) and
Part 9 ‘Plumbing Services’ (NBC-2005)or as decided by the Authority taking into account
practices of the National professional bodies dealing with the specialist engineering services.
i) Further building covered in building bye laws relating to the fire protection
measures shall be signed by the Fire Engineer/Consultant having following qualification:-
Advance diploma in fire engineering from NFSC Nagpur or equivalent/ a pass of graduate ship
examination from IFE India or UK/MI (Fire) E, B.E(Fire).
j) Eminent professionals:
1. Eminent Architect: Architect (reference 1.2 (a), having minimum 5 years of Professional
2. Eminent engineer: Engineer (reference 1.2(c ), having minimum 5 year of experience.
3. Eminent Town Planner: Eminent Town planner (reference 1.2 (e), with minimum 5 years of
experience and having a background in Architecture (minimum B.Arch.)
1.1. Applicability: This regulation shall apply to heritage sites which shall include those
buildings, artifacts, structures, streets, areas and precincts of historic, architectural, aesthetic, cultural or
environmental value ( hereinafter referred to as Listed Heritage Buildings/Listed Heritage Precincts)
and those natural feature areas of environmental significance or of scenic beauty including but not
restricted to, sacred groves, hills, hillocks, water bodies ( and the areas adjoining the same), open areas,
wooded areas, points, walks, rides, bridle paths (hereinafter referred to as ‘listed natural feature areas’)
which shall be listed in notification(s) to be issued by Government/identified in Master Plan.
1.1.1 Definitions:
(a) “Heritage building” means and includes any building of one or more premises or any part
thereof and/or structure and/or artifact which requires conservation and/or preservation
for historical and/or environmental and/or architectural and/or artisanary and/or aesthetic
and/or cultural and /or environmental and /or ecological purpose and includes such portion
of land adjoining such building or part thereof as may be required for fencing or covering
or in any manner preserving the historical and/or architectural and/or aesthetic and/or
cultural value of such building.
(b) “Heritage precincts” means and includes any space that require conservation and/or
preservation for historical and/or architectural and/or aesthetic and/or cultural and/or
environmental and/or ecological purpose. Such space may be enclosed by walls or other
boundaries of a particular area or place or building or by an imaginary line drawn around
(c) “Conservation” means all the processes of looking after a place so as to retain its
historical and/or architectural and/or aesthetic and/or cultural significance and includes
maintenance, preservation, restoration, reconstruction and adoption or a combination of
more than one of these.
(d) “Preservation” means and includes maintaining the fabric of a place in its existing
state and retarding deterioration.
(e) “Restoration” means and includes returning the existing fabric of a place to a
known earlier state by removing accretions or by reassembling existing components
without introducing new materials.
(f) “Reconstruction” means and includes returning a place as nearly as possible to a
known earlier state and distinguished by the introduction of materials (new or old) into
the fabric. This shall not include either recreation or conjectural reconstruction.
1.2 Responsibility of the Owners of Heritage Buildings: It shall be the duty of the owners of
heritage buildings and buildings in heritage precincts or in heritage streets to carry out regular
repairs and maintenance of the buildings. The Government, the Municipal Corporation of
Delhi or the Local Bodies and Authorities concerned shall not be responsible k for such repair
and maintenance except for the buildings owned by the Government, the Municipal
Corporation of Delhi or the other local bodies.
1.3 Restrictions on Development /Re-development / Repairs etc.
(i) No development or redevelopment or engineering operation or additions/ alterations, repairs,
renovations including painting of the building, replacement of special features or plastering or
demolition of any part thereof of the said listed buildings or listed precincts or listed natural
feature areas shall be allowed except with the prior permission of Commissioner, MCD, Vice
Chairman DD/Chairman NDMC. Before granting such permission, the agency concerned
shall consult the Heritage Conservation Committee to be appointed by the Government and
shall act in accordance with the advice of the Heritage Conservation Committee.
(ii) Provided that, before granting any permission for demolition or major alterations / additions to
listed buildings (or buildings within listed streets or precincts, or construction at any listed
natural features, or alternation of boundaries of any listed natural feature areas, objections and
suggestions from the public shall be invited and shall be considered by the Heritage
Conservation Committee.
Before finalizing the special separate regulations for precincts, streets, natural features, areas,
the draft of the same shall be published in the official gazette and in leading l newspapers for the
purpose of inviting objections and suggestions from the public. All objection and suggestions received
within a period of 30 days from the date of publication in the official gazette shall be considered by the
Commissioner, MCD/ Vice-Chairman DDA/Chairman NDMC/Heritage Conservation Committee.
After consideration of the above suggestions and objections, the agency concerned acting on
the advice of the Heritage Conservation Committee shall modify ( if necessary) the aforesaid draft
separate regulations for streets, precincts, areas and natural features and forward the same to
Government for notification.
1.8 Road Widening: Widening of the existing roads under the Master Plan of Delhi/ Zonal
Development Plan or in the Layout Plan shall be carried out considering the existing heritage buildings
(even if they are not included in a Heritage Precinct) or which may affect listed natural features areas.
1.9 Incentive Uses for Heritage Buildings: In cases of buildings located in non-commercial
use Zones included in the Heritage Conservation List, if the owner /owners agree to maintain the listed
heritage building as it is in the existing state and to preserve its heritage state with due repairs and the
1.11 Restrictive Covenants: Restrictions existing as on date of this Notification imposed under
covenants, terms and conditions on the leasehold plots either by Government or by Municipal
Corporation of Delhi or by Delhi Development Authority or by New Delhi Municipal Council shall
continue to be imposed in addition to Development Control Regulations. However, in case of any
conflict with the heritage preservation interest/environmental conservation, this Heritage Regulation
shall prevail.
1.12: Grading of the Listed Buildings/Listed Precincts: Listed Heritage Buildings/ Listed
Heritage Precincts may be graded into three categories. The definition of these and basic guidelines for
development, permissions are as follows:-
Listing does not prevent change of ownership or usage. However, change of use of such Listed
Heritage Building/Listed Precincts is not permitted without the prior approval of the Heritage
Conservation Committee. Use should be in harmony with the said listed heritage site.
Grade I Grade-II Grade-III
(A) Definition Heritage Grade-II (A&B) Heritage Grade-III comprises building and
Heritage Grade-I comprises comprises of buildings and precincts of importance for townscape; that
buildings and precincts of precincts of regional or local evoke architectural, aesthetic or sociological
national or historic importance possessing special interest though not as much as in Heritage
importance, embodying architectural or aesthetic merit, or Grade-II. These contribute to determine the
excellence in architectural cultural or historical significance character of the locality and can be
style, design, technology and though of a lower scale in representative of lifestyle of la particular
material usage and/ or Heritage Grade-I. They are local community or region and may also be
aesthetics; they may be landmarks, which contribute to distinguished by setting, or special character
associated with a great the image and identify of the of the façade and uniformity of height, width
historic event, personality, region. They may be the work of and scale.
movement or institution. master craftsmen or may be Heritage Grade-III deserves intelligent
They have been and are the models of proportion and conservation (though on a lesser scale than
prime landmarks of the ornamentation or designed to suit Grade-II and special protection to unique
region. All natural sites shall a particular climate. features and attributes)
fall within Grade-I. Heritage Grade-III deserves intelligent
conservation (though on a lesser scale than
(B) Objective: Heritage Heritage Grade-II deserves Grade-II and special protection to unique
Grade-I richly deserves intelligent conservation. features and attributes).
careful preservation.
(C ) Scope for Changes: (Grade-II (A) Internal changes Internal changes and adaptive re-use may by
No interventions be and adaptive re-use may by and and large be allowed. Changes an include
permitted either on exterior large be allowed but subject to extensions and additional buildings in the
or interior of the heritage strict scrutiny. Care would be same plot or compound. However, any
building or natural features taken to ensure the conservation changes should be such that they are in
unless it is necessary in the of all special aspects for which it harmony with and should be such that they
interest of strengthening and is included in Heritage Grade-II do not detract from the existing heritage
prolonging, the life of the Grade-II (B) In addition to the building/precinct.
buildings/or precincts or any above, extension or additional
part or features thereof. For building in the same plot or
this purpose, absolutely compound could in certain Development permission for the changes
essential and minimum circumstances, be allowed would be given on the advice of the Heritage
Nothing mentioned above should be deemed to confer a right on the owner /occupier of the plot to
demolish or reconstruct or make alterations top his heritage building/buildings in a heritage precinct or
on a natural heritage site if in the opinion of the Heritage Conservation Committee, such
demolition/reconstruction/alteration is undesirable.
The Heritage Conservation Committee shall have the power to direct, especially in areas designated by
them, that the exterior design and height of buildings should have their approval to preserve the beauty
of the area.
1.13 Signs and Outdoor Display Structures Including Street Furniture on Heritage Sites:
Commissioner, MCD/Vice-Chairman DDA/Chairman NDMC on the advice of the Heritage
Conservation Committee shall frame regulations or guidelines to regulate signs, outdoor display
structures and street furniture on heritage sites.
1.14 Composition of Heritage Conservation Committee:- The Heritage Conservation Committee
shall be appointed by the Government comprising of:
(a) The Committee shall have the power to co-opt up to three additional members who may have
related experience.
(b) The tenure of the Chairman and Members of other than Government Department/Local
Bodies shall be three years.
1.15 The terms of reference of the Committee shall inter alia be:
(i) To advice the Commissioner, MCD/Vice Chairman DDA/Chairman NDMC whether
development permission to be granted under this Building Bye-Laws No. 23.3 and the
conditions of permission.
(ii) to prepare a supplementary list of heritage sites, which include buildings artifacts,
structures, streets, areas, precincts of historic aesthetic, architectural, cultural, or
environmental significance and a supplementary list of natural feature areas of
environmental significance, scenic beauty including but not restricted to sacred groves,
hills, hillocks, water bodies ( and the areas adjoining the same), open areas, wooded areas,
points, walks, rides, bridle paths etc. to which this Building Bye-law would apply.
(iii) To advise whether any relaxation, modification, alteration, or variance of any of the
Building Bye-laws is called for;
(iv) To frame special regulations/ guidelines for precincts and if necessary for natural feature
areas to advise the Commissioner, MCD/ Vice-Chairman DDA/Chairman, NDMC
regarding the same;
(v) To advise whether to allow commercial / office/hotel use in the (name the areas) and when
to terminate the same;
(vi) To advise the Commissioner, MCD/ Vice-Chairman DDA/Chairman, NDMC in the
operation of this Building Bye-law to regulate or eliminate/erection of outside
advertisements/ bill boards/street furniture;
(vii) To recommend to the Commissioner, MCD/ Vice-Chairman DDA/Chairman, NDMC
guidelines to be adopted by those private parties or public/ government agencies who
sponsor beautification schemes at heritage sites;
(viii) To prepare special designs and guidelines/ publications for listed buildings, control of
height and essential façade characteristics such as maintenance of special types of
balconies and other heritage items of the buildings and to suggest suitable designs
adopting appropriate materials for replacement keeping the old form intact to the extent
(ix) To appear guidelines relating to design elements and conservation principles to be
adhered to and to prepare other guidelines for the purposes of this Regulation;
(x) To advise the Commissioner, MCD/ Vice-Chairman DDA/Chairman, NDMC on any other
issues as may be required from time to time during the course of scrutiny of development
permissions and in overall interest of heritage/conservation;
(xi) To appear before the Government either independently or through or on behalf of the
Commissioner, MCD/ Vice-Chairman DDA/Chairman, NDMC in cases of Appeals under
DDA/MCD/NDMC Act in cases of listed buildings / heritage buildings and listed
precincts/ heritage precincts and listed natural feature areas.
1.16 Implications of Listing as Heritage Buildings: The Regulations do not amount to any
blanket prevention of demolition or of changes to Heritage Buildings. The only requirement is to
obtain clearance from Commissioner, MCD/ Vice-Chairman DDA/Chairman, NDMC and Heritage
Conservation Committee from heritage point of view.
1.17 Ownership not affected: Sale and purchase of Heritage Buildings does not require
any permission from Municipal Corporation of Delhi / Delhi Development Authority/ New Delhi
Municipal Council or Heritage Conservation Committee. The Regulations do not affect the
ownership or usage. However, such usage should be in harmony with the said listed precincts/
buildings. Care will be taken to ensure that the development permission relating to these buildings
is given with 60 days.
In case of increase in size of canopy in front open space from the prescribed limits or bye-laws, the
same shall be charged at the rate of Rs.20/- per sqm.
In case of increase in size of canopy in front from the prescribed limits or bye-laws, the same shall
be charged at the rate of Rs.20/- per sqm.
1.3 Various deviations in the constructed building which can be considered for
regularization/compounding are listed below:
1.3.1 Residential Building Item: If no landing provided after 12 steps then the Rs. 100/- per step.
Remaining steps in that building will be compounded.
1.4 Group Housing : In case of group housing the Authority/Local Body(s) shall be empowered,
after levying penalty to compound deviations to the extent of 5% FAR beyond permissible FAR
at the time of considering the completion/occupancy certificate.(Chapter 17, Clause 3, under
sanction of plan3(12), MPD- 2021)
1.5 Rs. 100/- per of the covered area constructed unauthorized: Residential building above 500 plot size (Group housing & Guest Houses, Industrial building, Storage
buildings(underground and above ground) and Hazardous buildings.
Rs. 500/- per of covered area constructed unauthorized: commercial & business Building
(offices, hotel, shop etc.), Cinema & theatre buildings & Petrol pumps (filling/service stations).
Number and Type of Lifts Required for Different Occupancies and Space for Electrical
1. The number and type of lifts required depending on the capacity of lift, desired speed nature of
operation are as given in table below:
a) For all non-residential buildings, the traffic cleared in 50 minutes is considered adequate and is
approved by
Authority. As such for calculation the number of lifts required, the rate of the clearance of traffic in
column 9 and 10 and the population may be taken into consideration.
b) In addition to total number of lifts required as above, provision of one lift of the same capacity may
be considered to serve as stand-by.
Note-2: The population may be worked out on the basis of useful carpet area which the person occupies
(excluding area of Verandah, Lobbies, Halls, Passages, Lavatory blocks, etc.)
Note-3: The population on ground and first floor may not be taken into consideration since these floors
are not generally served by lifts.
0.75 meter per sec. Equivalent to 150 ft. per Min.
1.00 meter per sec. Equivalent to 200 ft. per Min.
1.5 meter per sec. Equivalent to 300 ft. per Min.
Note-5 The height of buildings for lift installation i.e. the travel on the lift presumed in the above
statements is
as below:
7 floors 21.0 mt.
11 floors 33.0 mt.
16 floors 48.0 mt.
* For buildings more than 15 mt. in height collapsible gates shall not be permitted.
The dimensions and relevant information for lift installations like lift well, pit depth, machine room,
clearance from top floor landing to machine room flooring is given in table below:
Carrying Load( Lift speed Dimension of (Cm Lead Dimension of Clearan Imposed load in
capacity kg) lift well front ) ing machine room ce from tones on top of lift
of lift depth(in cm.) pit top well due to
(person) entra floor may
number nce( landing be noted that figures
cm) to do not include
machin weight of the
e room machine from floor
floorin and well etc.
g cm
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
4 272 Up to & 175 115 70 140 230 275 245 450 6.5
1 m/s
6 408 Do 195 135 80 140 230 335 275 450 7.0
8 544 Up to & 200 170 80 150 245 395 275 450 8.5
1 m/s
10 680 Up to & 225 170 90 150 245 395 305 475 10.5
1.5 m/s
13 884 --do-- 235 188 90 150 245 425 335 470 13.0
16 1088 --do-- 235 205 105 150 245 520 335 480 15.0
20 1360 --do-- 235 255 105 150 245 520 335 480 15.0
Note: i) All lift well dimensions are minimum clear finished plumb requirements.
ii) Where more than one lift is located in the lift well, extra width of 10 cm. Separator beam should be
iii) 1 m/s = 200 ft./min.
iv) The height of landing entrance should be 210 cm. (about 7 ft.) for all lifts.
1. For additional 1000 Covered area, a load of 90 KVA will come up with 150 KVA TR.
Capacity at 60 % loading.
2. For additional of one transformer as per covered area, a space of additional 16 is to be
3. In case of any deviation in space size due to unavoidable circumstance, the same may be considered
with the approval of Electricity Board.
4. The floor of the sub-station shall have cable trenches of 0.6 mt. depth, the layout for which will be
given at the time of actual construction. For this purpose, a dummy floor of 0.6 mt. depth shall be
provided to facilitate cutting/digging of floor for installation of equipment’s and making subsequent
changes in trenches. This floor shall be capable to withstand minimum load of 10 tones of each
transformer mounted on flour wheels. The break-up spaces required for different installations in a
sub-station are given as below:
b) Transformer Rooms: The number and size of transformer rooms shall be ascertained from the
total power requirements of the company. To determine the size of transformer and clearance
around a transformer, reference may be made to good practice (I.S.1887-1967 code of practice
for installation and maintenance of Transformer). A 500 KVA transformer may be provided
with a minimum space of 4 mt. X 4 mt. If transformer is to be installed outdoor space shall be
provided on similar considerations and adequate provision for safety enclosure is to be made.
For transformer having large oil content (more than 2000 lt.) soak pits are to be provided in
accordance with rule 64 of Indian Electricity Rules, 1956.
c) High Voltage Switch Rooms – In case of sub-station having one transformer, the owner is
required to provide only one high voltage switch. In the case of single point supply for two
transformers, the number of switches required is 3 and for ‘n’ transformers the number of
switches is n+1. The floor area required in case of a single switch will be roughly 4 mt. X 1mt.
and for every additional switch the length should be increased by 1mt.
d) Low Voltage Switch Rooms – The floor area requirement in respect of low voltage switchgear
room cannot be determined by any formula.
e) Room for Stand-by-Generator – A room space not less than 6 mt. X 9 mt. may be provided for
housing a standby Generator set of 50 KW.
1.2.2 Location of Switch Room: In large installations other than where a sub-station is provided, a
separate switch room shall be provided. This shall be located as closely possible to the electrical
load center and suitable ducts shall be laid with minimum number of bends form the point of entry
of the supply to the position of the main switchgear. The switch room shall also be placed in such
a position that rising ducts may readily be provided there from to the upper floors of the building
in one straight vertical run. In larger building, more than one rising duct and horizontal ducts may
also be required for running cables from the switch room to the foot of each rising main. Such
cable ducts shall be reserved for the electrical services only, which may, however, include
medium and low voltage installations, such as call bell systems. Telephone installation should be
suitably segregated.
1.2.3 Location and Requirement of Distribution Panels: The electrical gear distribution panels and
other apparatus, which are required on such floor may conveniently be mounted adjacent to the
rising mains, and adequate space should be provided at each floor for this purpose.
1.2.4 Location and Requirement of PBX/PABX Room: Information regarding provision and location
of PBX/PABX room, telephone outlets and riser shall be ascertained form the relevant Authority.
Adequate space should be provided for installation of Sub-Distribution Board.
1.3. General
1.3.1 The maintenance of the built up space for electric sub-station, distribution equipment,
Vertical shafts and enclosure at each floor shall be done by the owner. The standby
arrangement for electricity supply up to and including the sub-station equipment and
distribution pillars at the sub-station shall be provided compulsorily.