Fastener Failure Analysis-Pg-2

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32 Technology ® temperatures. If there an al- metal lock rut (Fig. 4 that came off a turbocharger, echaustmarifald or boiler vessel, the inside wil Look lke Fig. 6. The gold colored nuts are cadmium plated andwil fail from Liquid Metal Embrittlement at temperatures exceeding 400 or 204°C. LMEis time dependent so failure will teke longer at lower temperatures than higher Zine plating will else cause LME but at much higher temperatures, How was the fastener installed? Thi rakes a huge dilference because fastener can never beevenly tightened by hand. Trread frictions vary and so does heinstaller’s ‘eel’ Someimas the length of standard wrenches does not provide the proper leverage for higher gracesof fasteners, ‘Torque wrenches are fine but not always accurate due to 3 multitude of variables, resily include friction Pneumatic wrenches are mostly unregulated to ou put torque. They ty ta seek atall point from thread friction. Ifthe threads were lubricated, they will, have either strped the nut threads or stretched the fastener intoyield Airnrenches are quick, They can cause galling and thread locking af stainless steel fasterers, even ifthey are ofdifierent types of stainless itisthe speed thatdestrays the fastener. The speed cf assembly can also cause an inderlnaced joint and subsequent metal fatigun becauce 3 high compression rate is createdas the nut slarrs into the jont surface, ‘This compressive force hasan equal and opposite reaction or recoil which willleave the pint nat ac tight ac expected. Fig. 6. ipactwrenck flat ona nut ‘Theimeact wrench wil shay leave tell-tale Signs of abuse. h the photograph above, the hex corners of the nut cleariy displays markings from the socket on the installation side [right of the hex corners. There arealse markings onthe off-sde let which appear not only framremoval butfremthe recoil af the socket as theimpact qnes ferward and instantly recoils back Ancillary components used. ‘hisbosiaaly reans to dheck he grade strength or preperty class of thebolt drut tabesure thenut is compatible with the strength ol the bo. Knot, here willbe stripped theeads and /o fatigue marks on the fracture surlece because dap led was ost Clamp load is alco lect ifa wreught flotwesher was usedwith a Orade 18.8 meiric| bolt or higher. IF he washers have indentations, clamp load was lost. Thewashers inthe {ollawngphatagraph have caused 1a massive loss af clamp load. Metal fatigue fram this last clamp Lead will causea rapd bolt falure Fig? ‘Types of external loads and amount of toad Proper belt salection depend: enknewing what he service loads are, Ifthe balt i bent, itwes rathe correct strength or dameter or the application, Heavy vibration and impact loads will couse metal fatigueit the bolts are nat properly tightened and ‘meintsined, There should also be ‘enough tolts in tre connection to carry the loadane reduce the individual bolt stress, Environment Fa8 Some corrosive ervironments can lead te trees: corrosion-cracking, where the grain boundaries become under chemca altack, Standing water wil set upan electrolyte cell and cause hydrogen embrittement. Other tmes,when theres rust in the fracture zone, itcansignily that the fare was rot new and had been propagating for come time, Thic coud ‘also cause ether stressinitiaton sites,

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