Zibo 737 Checklist - Skymatix
Zibo 737 Checklist - Skymatix
Zibo 737 Checklist - Skymatix
This guide is based on my previous “Advanced Checklist” but updated and refined for flight
simming. This means that it is adapted from real world procedures and designed to satisfy
the single pilot operations in XP11 without losing too much authenticity.
Boeing 737 SOP’s between the USA, EU & South Africa as well as the different carriers
within those countries differ greatly and if you find a procedure that do not match your
knowledge you will have to accept that I am unable to satisfy every user and you may alter
the procedure, for your personal use, to make you happy as long as you do not use this
document in real world operations :)
Please also note that, walk around procedures are not included and some actions that you
need to take have been placed specifically, to trigger the appropriate FMOD sounds.
Lastly, this checklist is based upon the default state that Zibo gives the aircraft to us. Any
switches that you set differently, changing the default state is not covered by this document
Special thanks goes to Jorge, Tim & Zibo plus AudioBird without whom this project would
simply not have been possible.
Thank you to all my followers as well. You guys make the effort worthwhile for me.
Basic information, notices & requirements ………………………………… Page 002
My private hangar …………………………………………………………….. Page 002
Donations Link …………………………………………………………………. Page 002
Checklist Start
1. Flight planning & preparation ………………………………………………... Page 003
2. Aircraft Preparation (on the tablet) ………………………………………….. Page 003
3. Cockpit Preparation (First Flight) ……………………………………………. Page 003
4. Flight Deck Preparation ………………………………………………………. Page 004
5. IRS Alignment …………………………………………………………………. Page 004
6. Services on the tablet ……………………………………………………….... Page 005
7. Clock & Lights Tests (Optional) ……………………………………………… Page 005
8. Safety Tests on Overhead panel (Optional) ……………………………….. Page 005
9. Safety Tests (Recommended but optional) ………………………………… Page 006
10. Online Network - Pilot Checks (Optional) ………………………………….. Page 006
11. FMC / CDU - Set-up ………………………………………………………….. Page 007
12. FMC / CDU - Perf INT ………………………………………………………... Page 008
13. Preflight Procedures ………………………………………………………….. Page 009
14. APU Start Procedures ………………………………………………………… Page 010
15. Air Conditioning & Pressurization Panel ……………………………………. Page 010
16. Take-off and Flight Configuration ……………………………………………. Page 011
17. EFIS Panel & Altimeter ……………………………………………………….. Page 011
18. Radios ………………………………………………………………………….. Page 012
19. Before Pushback Procedures ……………………………………………….. Page 012
20. Anti-Ice Procedures …………………………………………………………... Page 012
21. Engine Start Procedure with APU …………………………………………... Page 013
22. Engine Start Procedure with the Air Starter Unit ... ……………………….. Page 014
23. After Start Checklist …………………………………………………………... Page 015
24. Before Taxi Checklist …………………………………………………………. Page 015
25. Runway Entry Procedures (Normal) ………………………………………... Page 016
26. Runway Entry Procedures (3 ºC & Below) ..………………….……………. Page 016
27. Runway Entry Procedures (Above 10,000ft) ……………………………….. Page 017
28. After Take-off Checklist (Normal) …………………………………………….. Page 017
29. After Take-off Checklist (3 ºC & Below) ……………………………………… Page 017
30. After Take-off Checklist (Above 10,000ft) …………………………………… Page 018
31. Climb & Cruise Checklist ……………………………………………………... Page 018
32. Descent Preparation Checklist …………………………………………..…... Page 019
33. Descent Checklist (Normal) ....……………………………………………...... Page 019
34. Approach Checklist (Landing above 10,000ft) …………………………….... Page 020
35. Landing Checklist ……………………………………………………………... Page 020
36. After Landing Checklist ………………………………………………………. Page 021
37. Parking Checklist ……………………………………………………………. Page 022
38. Securing the Aircraft Checklist ……………………………………………….. Page 023
Basic information, notices & requirements
1) In order to enjoy the Zibo mod to the fullest, you need to install and calibrate it
properly. The information is contained in my installation guide via my private hangar,
see link below.
2) Starting the flight and loading the Zibo, at this time, it is best to start with the default
C172 first and then change the aircraft while at the gate AND after the C172 loaded
and XP11 stopped loading the scenery and other add-ons and scripts. It is a
temporary procedure and you will be notified when this is no longer required.
3) The Zibo mod, itself, does not support failures on demand or pre-configured in any
way, yet. XP11 failures will trigger failures into the Zibo so switch it off unless you
know what you are doing.
4) The Zibo mod does support failures based on abuse of the systems and incorrect
usage or configuration thereof. One example is to disregard TO/GA and to take-off
with full thrust in the red and you will see the engines fail from abuse.
5) Hypoxia is not a failure in the Zibo code. You get it if you did not configure the
pressurization system correctly. By following this guide it will not happen to you.
My private hangar
Please visit my OneDrive folder. It contains very useful information and downloads that will
greatly enhance your experience.
You may use the following link to make a voluntary donation, to say thank you, for the work
that I do in the flight sim community by following this link.
Flight planning & preparation
Emergency Equipment
If you experience GPU disconnects, enable the Electrical Hydraulics & keep it on!
Position Lights Steady
Logo Lights As Required
IRS Alignment
* Virtual Airline Captains - This is a good time to check if you started your VA Client
software and the flight in it.
** TIP: Start the Chrono Timer function to time yourself if you are
scored for time on the ground. This will help you greatly!
Services on the tablet
Once the attendant tells you that the Law Enforcement Officer is onboard you can use
The PA system to welcome the passengers onboard
Master LIGHTS TEST and DIM switch Test & Check Lights
Disengage light TEST for AP/AT & FMC Test & Check Lights
- Verify all warning lights on this panel Extinguished
Passenger Oxygen Switch Guard Closed
CAUTION: Switch activation will cause deployment of passenger oxygen masks.
The aim is to make sure that all warning lights except the Voice recorder light, needs to be
OFF at this specific stage of the flight.
FMC / CDU - Set-up
Route Page
- Check Origin Airport ICAO
- Enter Destination Airport ICAO
- Enter the Flight Number
- Enter the Company Route (If you are importing it from Simbrief or PFPX)
- Enter the Active Runway
Activate with Execute
FMC / CDU - Perf INT
N1 Limit Page
- Enter OAT (Pres LSK L1)
- Enter the Assumed Temperature
(from your Takeoff Performance
- Select the TO Derate (OPTIONAL)
- Select the Climb Thrust (OPTIONAL)
* Make sure that you have provisioned for any HDG (Vectored) Departure, Noise
abatement procedure or speed / altitude restrictions before continuing!
Preflight Procedures
Fuel Panel
Fuel CROSSFEED Selector Closed
Fuel Pumps (All) Off
Electrical Panel
CAB / UTIL Power Switch On
IFE / PASS Seat Power Switch On
Seatbelt Signs On
APU Start Procedures
Skip this section if you will use the Air Starter Unit, later in this document
Left Aft or FWD Fuel Pump On
APU Start On
* Wait until APU is available (+- 35 seconds) *
APU Generators (Both) On
PACK Switches
(If the APU will be used to start the aircraft) Auto
ENGINE BLEED Air Switches On
- Verify Warning Lights Extinguished
(If the APU will be used to start the aircraft) On
- Verify DUCT pressure >30%
Take-off and Flight Configuration
Autobrake RTO
LNAV for SID / HDG for Vectored departure On
- PFD - Set Altimeter / QNH As Required
- Standby Altimeter As Required
Radios Check / SET
NAV 1 & 2 Check / SET
Transponder Code Check / SET
TA/RA Standby
! If you want to use the Air Starter Unit to start the aircraft, you have to connect it now !
! DO NOT start the pushback until engine 1 is running. See the ASU start procedure below
Engine Start Procedure with APU
This is the “normal” start procedure, skip if you will use the ASU
Left & Right Pack OFF
Isolation Valve Auto
Unless your SOP says differently, always start the engine furthest from the gate first
Tail left = Right engine first (Engine #2)
Tail Right = Left engine first (Engine #1)
Also take note that Engine #2 usually starts first when it is the first flight of the day
TA/RA - US Airports ON
TA/RA - NON-US Airports As required
Wait until you receive the message that everyone is strapped in and the cockpit door closes
* Wait for pushback to complete and the request to set Parking Brake *
Engine Start Procedure with Air Starter Unit
Do not attempt this with the APU running!
Wait until you receive the message that everyone is strapped in and the cockpit door closes
As the ASU is on the right hand side and we do not want to cause injury or death, we
always start Engine #1 (on the left) first!
ATC - Report Ready for Start and when Ready for Pushback after Start (Optional)
Engine 1 Generator On
Engine Start Switch CONT
At this time you can either; Push back and then start engine #2 or
Taxi to the holding point and start engine #2 then only
TA/RA - US Airports ON
TA/RA - NON-US Airports As required
Taxi Lights On
Runway Turnoff Lights As Required
ATC - Report Ready for Taxi (Optional)
Landing Lights On
Runway Turnoff Lights As Required
Taxi Lights OFF
Position Lights Strobe & Steady
Weather Radar On
Terrain Radar As required
Runway Entry Procedures (Above 10,000ft)
Very important for simulating real world operations
Right Pack Switch Auto
Isolation Valve Switch Close
Left Pack Switch Auto
Left Engine Bleed (Engine #1) OFF
APU Bleed Switch ON
Right Engine Bleed (Engine #2) OFF
Landing Gear Up
The WAI switches will automatically move to the OFF position during Takeoff.
This reduces engine bleed loads and conserves thrust for climb
Engine Anti-Ice Switches Check ON
Wing Anti-Ice Switches (Only below 35,000ft) As required
After Take-off Checklist (Above 10,000ft)
Landing Gear Up
Passing 10,000 ft
Landing Lights Off
Engine Start Switches Auto
Seatbelt Signs Auto
Engine anti-ice must NOT be used during climb and cruise below -40°C
Obtain Landing information from ATC / ATIS / METAR & Navigational Charts
Alitimiter - Set Standby QNH for Destination Set
Standby Altimeter - Set QNH for Destination Set
On the FMC
INIT REF Page > Set Landing Ref. Speed & G/S Set
ES Button > Forecast Page, Set
- Transition FL Set
- ISA / QNH Set (Optional)
- Wind Information Set (Optional)
Monitor for icing conditions and ensure engine and wing anti-ice are ON when required
The same rule applies below 10 ºC, as always
Passing 10,000 ft
Landing Lights On
Engine Start Switches Continuous
Passing Transition Level Set QNH
Approach Checklist (Landing above 10,000ft)
Monitor for icing conditions and ensure engine and wing anti-ice are ON when required
The same rule applies below 10 ºC, as always
Landing Lights On
Engine Start Switches Continuous
Start APU
Landing Checklist
After Landing Checklist
Speedbrakes Down
Autobrake Off
Flaps Retracted
APU Start
Engine Start Switches Auto
Parking Checklist
Taxi & Runway Turnoff Lights (before turning into parking) Off
Seatbelts Off
Transponder Standby
Securing the Aircraft Checklist