Nov 2019

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CE Board Nov 2019

SURVEYING ____ is nothing more than a column driven
into the soil to support a structure sby
1. CE Board Nov 2019 transferring building loads to a deeper and
Mae wants to make a box with lids from a stronger layer of soil or rock.
rectangular sheet of cardboard that is 18
inches by 24 inches. The box is to be made 6. CE Board Nov 2019
by cutting a square of side x from each How do you test the relative consistency of
corner of the sheet and folding up the concrete?
sides. Find the value of x that maximizes
the volume of the box. 7. CE Board Nov 2019
What is the bulk composition of concrete
2. CE Board Nov 2019 mix?
A contractor can buy dump trucks for
200000 each (surplus) or rent them for 8. CE Board Nov 2019
1189 per truck per day. The truck has a What is the most important process to
salvage value of 100000 at the end of its prepare concrete?
blabla. Annual cost of maintenance is
20000. If money is worth 14% per annum, 9. CE Board Nov 2019
determine the number of days per year What are the methods of avoiding traffic
that a truck must be used to warrant the blabla?
purchase of the truck.
10. CE Board Nov 2019
3. CE Board Nov 2019
A Toyota Land Cruiser drives east from 11. CE Board Nov 2019
point A at 30 kph. Another car, Ford The process of levelling of floor or layer of
Expedition, starting from B at the same concrete with a straight edge using a back
time, drives S30°W toward A at 60 kph. B is and forth motion while moving across the
30 km from A. How fast in kph is the surface.
distance between two cars changing after
30 minutes? 12. CE Board Nov 2019
Signs that inform and advice road users of
4. CE Board Nov 2019 directions, distance, routes, the location of
services for road users, and points of
13. CE Board Nov 2019 20. CE Board Nov 2019
The difference between the actual travel A box contains 5 defective and 195
time and a given segment of a defective cell phones. A quality control
transportation system and uses ideal travel engineer selects 2 cell phones at random
time for that segment. with replacement. What is the probability
that exactly one is defective?
14. CE Board Nov 2019
21. CE Board Nov 2019
15. CE Board Nov 2019 Cracks approximately at right angles to the
The provision of safety sight distance pavement centreline. These may be caused
depends on the characteristics of the by shrinkage or differential thermal stress
vehicle such as of the asphalt concrete or maybe reflective
I. Type of vehicle – car and truck cracks.
II. Friction between the tire and the road
a.) Alligator cracking
III. Eye height of the driver
b.) Block cracking
IV. Speed of vehicles
c.) Transverse cracking
d.) Longitudinal cracking
16. CE Board Nov 2019
The provision of safety sight distance
depends on the characteristics on the road 22. CE Board Nov 2019
environment such as: Smith and Jones, both 50% marksmen,
I. Road geometry – grade and curvature decide to fight a duel in which they
sight limitations exchange alternate shots until one is hit.
II. Road surface – sealed or unsealed, What are the odds in favour of the man
smooth or rough who shoots first?
III. Road illumination at night
IV. Road topography 23. CE Board Nov 2019
A mountain peak is 940 m above sea level.
17. CE Board Nov 2019 From mountain peak A, the angle of
elevation of mountain peak B was 12
18. CE Board Nov 2019 degrees. The pilot upon flying directly over
peak A took the angle of depression equal
19. CE Board Nov 2019 to 48 degrees and reads to be 2420 m
Sand is pouring from a spout at the rate of above the sea level. Determine the
25 cc/sec. It forms a cone whose height is elevation of mountain peak B.
always 1/3 the radius of its base. At what
rate in cm/sec is the height increasing,
when the cone is 50 cm high?
24. CE Board Nov 2019 wrath, the vertical smoke emitted from the
Julies bakeshop is planning to buy a new volcano’s crater subtended an angle of 64
baking machines having the following costs: degree on each stations A and B. Assuming
the smoke and the two stations are on the
Machine A B
Cost of Machine 40,000 52,000 same vertical plane, find the height of the
Annual operating cost 12,000 10,000 smoke.
Salvage value 5,000 12,000

If interest rate is worth 10% per year

compounded annually, which machine
should they purchase?

25. CE Board Nov 2019

Given the end areas below, between
stations 120+00 and 122+50. If the material
shrinks 14% how much excess volume is
End Areas
Station Cut Fill
121+00 47.93
121+50 51.36
121+75 23.58
122+00 8.20 3.71
122+14 12.6 0
122+50 32.36

26. CE Board Nov 2019

Immediately after Mayon Volcano showed
telltale sights of activity, the PHIVOCS set
up stations to monitor the volcano. Two
such stations were located at points A and
B, 7 km apart and on the same horizontal
plane as the base of the volcano, B being
closer to the volcano. From A, the angle of
elevation of the top of Mayon Volcano is 8
degress. At the height of Mayon Volcano’s
NOV 2019 GEOTECHNICAL AND 4. CE Board May 2015, Nov 2019
HYDRAULICS A ship having a displacement of 24,000
metric tons and a draft of 10.4 m in ocean
1. CE Board May 2015, Nov 2019 (sp. gr = 1.03) enters a harbour of fresh
In accordance with Boussinesq theory, the water ( = 1). If the horizontal section of
vertical stress at a point below, the center the ship at the waterline is 3000 m2, what
of blabla circular blabla in a blabla depth of fresh water is required to float the
homogenous isotropic soil mass due to a ship?
uniform load is given by the expression:
1) Evaluate the bearing pressure in kPa,
5. CE Board May 2015, Nov 2019
exerted by the footing blabla the
What is the head loss in meters per
supporting soil by a 4m diameter
kilometre on a 150 mm diameter pipe
circular footing that is transmitting a
having a coefficient of friction of 0.025 if
concentrated load of 2000 kN.
the discharge is 0.0106 m3/sec?
2) Evaluate the vertical stress in kPa,
below the center of the footing at a
6. CE Board May 2015, Nov 2019
depth equal to a diameter.
What is the friction angle of the soil when
3) How deep in meters below the
the coefficient of passive resistance is
footing would the pressure be blabla
1/10 of the pressure at the base of
the footing?
7. CE Board May 2015, Nov 2019
2. CE Board May 2015, Nov 2019 What is the coefficient of passive resistance
The crest gate shown consists of a when the angle of internal friction is equal
cylindrical blabla of which AB is the base, to 33 degrees?
supported by a structural frame hinged at
C. The length of the gate per perpendicular 8. CE Board May 2015, Nov 2019
to the paper is 10 m. Compute the vertical A woman with a glass of water having a
components of the total pressure AB. height of 300 mm is inside the elevator
with an upward acceleration of 3m/s2.
3. CE Board May 2015, Nov 2019 Determine the pressure at the bottom of
A mercury barometer at the top of a the glass.
mountain reads 700 mmHg and at the
same time the barometer at its base reads
800 mmHg. Assuming that the unit weight 9. CE Board Nov 2015, Nov 2019
of air is 12 N/m3 and the specific gravity of A hydraulic jack is used to raise a 10 kN car.
mercury is 13.6, what is the approximate A force of 40 kN is applied on a 25 cm
height of the mountain? diameter plunger. What diameter of jack in
mm is required to raise a car?
10. CE Board Nov 2015, Nov 2019 ratio is decreased by one-third. Evaluate
A rectangular irrigation canal 6 m wide and the reduction in the thickness clay layers.
1.2 m depth has a hydraulic slope of 0.001
and a roughness coefficient of 0.0103. 16. CE Board Nov 2016, Nov 2019
Evaluate the discharge of the canal in In accordance with Rankine’s theory for
m3/sec. active earth pressure on a retaining wall
with horizontal backfill, evaluate the
11. CE Board Nov 2015, Nov 2019 coefficient of active earth pressure for the
wall if the angle of internal friction of the
12. CE Board Nov 2015, Nov 2019 soil is 28 degrees.
For an increase of 12 kPa in the normal
stress of a soil, the shear strength increased 17. CE Board May 2017, Nov 2019
by 8 kPa. Estimate the blabla angle of Obtain the volume of flow in liters/sec that
friction in degrees of the soil in accordance will pass through a 300 mm pipe with a
with the cohesion. head loss of 5 m per kilometre. The pipe
13. CE Board May 2016, Nov 2019 has a coefficient of friction of 0.025.
A fireman has put out a fire but is blocked
by a firewall. To reach over the wall, he 18. CE Board May 2017, Nov 2019
directed the water jet from the nozzle at an Evaluate the plastic settlement, in meter(s),
angle of 30 degrees to the horizontal. on a layer of plastic clay due to an increase
Evaluate the velocity of the water in meters of pressure caused by loads above it under
per second leaving the nozzle of his hose to the following conditions:
reach over the wall if he stands 30m away Initial intergranular pressure = 200 kPa
from the wall and the wall is standing 2 m Increase in intergranular pressure = 150
higher than the nozzle of the hose. Neglect kPa
friction in the jet. Thickness of the clay layer = 10 m
Coefficient of consolidation = 0.315
14. CE Board May 2016, Nov 2019 Void ratio of the clay = 1.5
A layer of soil clay having an initial void
ratio of 2 is 10 m thick. Under a 18. CE Board May 2017, Nov 2019
compressive load applied above it, the void A triangular gate having a horizontal base
ratio decreased by one-half. Evaluate the 1.0 m long and an altitude of 1.5 m is
reduction in the thickness of the clay layer inclined at 45 degrees from the vertical
in meters/ with the vertex pointing upward. The
vertex of the gate is 2.4 m vertically below
15. CE Board Nov 2016, Nov 2019 the surface of the water.
A layer of soft clay having an initial void 1. Evaluate the total force on the gate, in
ratio of 0.90 is 12m thick. Under a kN
compressive load applied above it the void
2. Locate the point of action of the total
force from the bottom of the gate along its
plane, in meter(s).
3. What normal force, in kN must be
applied at the vertex of the gate to open it
if it id hinged at the base?

19. CE Board May 2019, Nov 2019

In a tri-axial test for a normally
consolidated soil, the normal stress at
failure is equal to 450 kPa and the shear
stress at failure is equal to 300 kPa.
1. Compute the angle of friction
2. Compute the angle of the failure plane
with the major principal axis.
3. Compute the max. principal stress of

20. CE Board May 2019, Nov 2019

A footing 2m x 3m in plan and 0.50 m thick
is designed to support a 0.60 sq.m column.
Due to architectural requirement, the
column is so located that its external face is
push with the shorter edge of the footing.
The column, however, is located along the
minor principal axis of the footing. The
column load, including the weight of the
column itself, is 50 kN. Assume the
concrete to weigh 24 kN/m3.
1. Evaluate the total downward load on the
supporting ground, in kN.
2. Evaluate the overturning moment on the
footing, in kN.m.
3. Evaluate the maximum pressure induced
on the supporting soil, in kPa.
NOV 2019 STRUCTURAL DESIGN AND 3. CE Board Nov 2016, Nov 2019
CONSTRUCTION A simply supported girder of a bridge spans
25 m. The standard truck load consists of 2
1. CE Board May 2019, Nov 2019 moving loads, 4.3 m apart. The loads are as
The figure shows a one way slab having a follows: P1 = 142.4 kN P2 = 35.6 kN
total depth of 200mmm with a 25 mm clear
covering at the bottom. The steel
reinforcement is 20mm diameter. Spacing
of steel reinforcement is 125 mm on
centers. f’c = 30 MPa, fy = 400 MPa.
Considering 1 m width of slab. Determine
the moment of capacity of a strip of slab.
1) Calculate the maximum support
2. CE Board May 2019, Nov 2019
2) Calculate the maximum moment in
As = 8-28mm
the girder.
As’ = 4-28mm
3) Calculate the maximum shear at
ds=12mmm diam ties
h1 = 125mm
h2 = 475mm
a = 55mm 4. CE Board May 2010, Nov 2013 Nov 2019
fc’=28 MPa A load W is to be lifted using the crane
fyt = 415 MPa which is hinged at B as shown in the figure.
fys = 275 MPa The value of blabla. Neglecting the weight
Shear strength reduction factor = 0.75 of the crane.
Clear concrete cover = 40mm
Specified maximum aggregates size in the
concrete mixture = 20mm
1) Find the minimum width of beam
required to satisfy on cover
2) Find the minimum width of beam 1) Determine the force at cable AC.
adequate for a factor shear force Vu 2) Determine the resultant reaction at
= 600 kN if the spacing of 12mm B.
diameter ties is 50mm 3) Determine the largest load that can
3) If Vu = 450 kN and spacing of 12 mm be lifted if the maximum force of
diameter ties is 70 mm what is the cable is 53 kN.
required minimum width of the
5. CE Board Nov 2013, Nov 2019 2) Find the value of P by bearing.
From the figure below: 3) What is the diameter of bolt if P =
P1 = 1.8 kN 300 kN
P2 = 0.90 kN
7. CE Board May 2011, Nov 2013, May
P3 = 0.45 kN
2016, Nov 2019
30 degrees
Beam ABC is simply supported at B and C.
45 degrees
Given: Dead Load (total) = 8 kN/m
1) Live Load = 4 kN/m
Determine the resultant of the forces L1= 3m L2 = 9 m H =
P1, P2, and P3. 5m
2) Determine the vertical reaction at B. Section Properties: W350mmx55kg/m
3) Determine the horizontal reaction at A = 7200 mm2
B. d = 350mm
bf = 170mm
tf = 13 mm
6. CE Board Nov 2012, Nov 2019
Ix = 1.6x10^8
A tension member made up of a pair of
angles is connected as shown with 4-25
tw = 8mm
mm bolts in standard holes. All structure
Fy = 248 MPa
steel is A36. Assuming that the connection
between the angles and the structural.

Allowable bolt shear = 117 MPa 1) The full

Allowable tensile stress = 150 MPa length of the beam is loaded. At the
Allowable bearing stress = 480 MPa condition, what is the resulting
maximum bending stress (MPa)?
2) Calculate the maximum bending
stress considering possible live load
3) Which of the following gives the
maximum possible shear stress in
1) Find
of P by
and tension.
8. CE Board May 2013, Nov 2019 9. CE Board May 2019, Nov 2019
The butt connection shows 8-22 mm Longitudinal beams EFGH and IJKL are
diameter A325 bolts spaced as follows: simply supported at E, F, G and H and at I, J,
S1=40mm, S2=80mm, S3=50mm, K, L.
Thickness of plates (top and bottom): Ultimate load:
t1=12mm U =
Thickness of plates (middle): t2 =16mm 1.2DL+1.0LL
Steel strength and stresses are: Given:
Yield strength Fy=248 S= 2.4 m
MPa L1=L2=L3=
Ultimate strength Fu=400 MPa 7.5m
Allowable tensile stress on gross area = 148 Total DL = 4.9
MPa kPa
Allowable tensile stress on the net area = LL = 3.6 kPa
200 MPa
1) Calculate the max. reaction at K
Allowable shear stress on the net area =
2) What is the max. shear at span KL?
120 MPa
3) Find the max. negative moment at K.
Allowable bolt shear stress, Fv = 120 MPa
Bolt hole diameter = 25mm
Calculate the allowable tensile load T, 10. CE Board Nov 2015, May 2018, Nov
under the following conditions: 2019
A trial batch for normal weight concrete
with an average 28th day compressive
strength of 42 MPa is to be proportioned
based on the following
Slump 50 –
Water-cement ratio by weight 0.41
Specific gravity of cement 3.15
Specific gravity of coarse aggregates 2.68
Specific gravity of fine aggregates 2.64
1) Based on gross area of the plate Water 200
2) Based on the net area of the plate. kg/m3
3) Based on block shear strength. Volume of rodded coarse aggregate 0.64
Unit weight of sand 15.7
Unit weight of concrete 23.6
1) Compute the weight of dry coarse
2) Find the combined weight of cement
and water.
3) Compute the dry weight of sand.

11. CE Board May 2016, Nov 2019

A temporary earth retaining wall consists of
planks driven vertically into the ground.
The wall is designed to resist 2.4 m height
of soil.
Bending = 10.4 MPa
Shear = 0.8 MPa
Unit weight of soil = 17.3 kN/m3
Active earth pressure coefficient Ka = 1/3
1) Which of the ff gives the maximum
bending stress?
2) Find the maximum shear stress.
3) Calculate the required plank
thickness to avoid failure of wall.

12. CE Board Nov 2013, Nov 2017, Nov


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