Admixtures Assignment

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Christian Jade A.



Different Kinds of Admixtures

Air-entrained Admixtures
Air-entrained concrete contains billions of microscopic air cells per cubic foot. These air pockets
relieve internal pressure on the concrete by providing tiny chambers for water to expand into when it
freezes. Air-entrained concrete is produced using air-entraining portland cement, or by the introduction
of air-entraining agents, under careful engineering supervision, as the concrete is mixed on the job. The
amount of entrained air is usually between four and seven percent of the volume of the concrete but
may be varied as required by special conditions.

Air-entrained admixtures are anionic, because the hydrocarbon structures contain negatively
charged hydrophilic groups, such as COO, SO3 and OSO so that large anions are released in water.
Conversely, if the hydrocarbon ion is positively charged, the compound is cation active or cationic.

In other words, anionic surface-active agents produce bubbles that are negatively charged,
cationic charged cause bubbles to be positively charged, surface active agents of all classes can cause air
entrainment in concrete, but their efficiency and characteristics of air-void system vary widely.

- Properties of Air entraining Admixtures

o These are foaming agents, gas producing chemicals. It introduces millions of tiny, stable
bubbles of uniform size that are uniformly distributed throughout the mix (usually about
5% of the volume).
o Improves properties of fresh concrete such as workability, cohesion and reduces
segregation and bleeding.
o Improves properties of hardened concrete – For every 1% of air there is a 4% loss in
strength which is minimized by the reduction in water content. It improves durability of
hardened concrete.

Accelerating Admixtures
Increase the rate of early strength development, reduce the time required for proper curing and
protection, and speed up the start of finishing operations. Accelerating admixtures are especially useful
for modifying the properties of concrete in cold weather. It provides higher early strength development
in freshly cast concrete.

- Main uses of Accelerating Concrete Admixtures

o These admixtures are suitable for concreting in winter conditions
o During any emergency repair work
o In case of early removal of formwork
- Disadvantages of Accelerating Concrete Admixtures
o It has increased drying shrinkage
o It offers reduced resistance to sulphate attack
o CaCl2 high risk of corrosion of steel – not permitted in reinforced concrete
o It is more expensive and less effective

Water Reducing Admixtures

Usually reduce the required water content for a concrete mixture by about 5 to 10 percent.
Consequently, concrete containing a water-reducing admixture needs less water to reach a required
slump than untreated concrete. The treated concrete can have a lower water-cement ratio. This usually
indicates that a higher strength concrete can be produced without increasing the amount of cement.
Recent advancements in admixture technology have led to the development of mid-range water
reducers. These admixtures reduce water content by at least 8 percent and tend to be more stable over
a wider range of temperatures. Mid-range water reducers provide more consistent setting times than
standard water reducers.

- The presence of water reducing admixture in a fresh concrete results in

o A reduction of the interfacial tension.
o An increase in the electro kinetic potentials and;
o Protection sheath of water dipoles around each particle i.e. mobility of fresh mix
becomes greater, partly because of reduction in inter-particle forces and partly because
of water freed from the restraining influence of the highly flocculated system which is
now available to lubricate the mixture. Hence less water is required to achieve given
- Advantages
o Concrete having greater workability be made without the need for more water and so
strength losses are not encountered
o By maintaining some workability, but at a lower water content, concrete strengths may
be increased without the need for further cement addition
o While maintaining the same w/c ratio and workability concrete can be made to a given
strength as in the reference concrete at lower cement content.
- Properties
o Durability - The straight addition of admixtures of this type does not came any increase
in permeability and indeed where the admixture is used to reduce the w/c, then
permeability is considerably reduced.
o Shrinkage - Admixture of this type when used as workability aids on water reducers do
not adversely effect the shrinkage.
o Effect on Creep - Materials of this type of admixture have no deleterious effect on the
creep of concrete.
- Applications of Water Reducing Admixtures
o When concrete pours are restricted due to either congested reinforced of this sections.
o When harsh mixes are experienced such as those produced with aggregates (crushes).
Then considerable improvement in the plastic properties of concrete can be obtained.
o When required strengths are difficult to obtain within specified maximum cement
content and where early lifting strengths are required.
o By addition of this admixture in concrete cement economics of about 10% can be
Retarding Admixtures
Slow the setting rate of concrete, are used to counteract the accelerating effect of hot weather on
concrete setting. High temperatures often cause an increased rate of hardening which makes placing and
finishing difficult. Retarders keep concrete workable during placement and delay the initial set of
concrete. Most retarders also function as water reducers and may entrain some air in concrete.

- Other Definition

The function of retarding concrete admixture is to delay or extend the setting time of cement paste
in concrete. These are helpful for concrete that must be transported to long distance in transit mixers
and helpful in placing the concrete at high temperatures, specially used as grouting admixture and water
reducers results in increase of strength and durability.

- Advantages
o The hydroxyl carboxylic acid type admixture normally produces concrete having a slightly
lower aim content them that of a control mix.
o Materials of this class (lignosulphonate containing sugar and derivatives of hydroxyl
carboxylic acid) in some cases have a much higher dispersing effect and hence water
reducing capacity.
o Durability increases.
- Applications of Retarding Admixture: Retarding admixtures are used;
o Where long transportation of ready mixed concrete is required then premature setting
can be usefully avoided by this type admixture.
o When concrete is being placed or transported under conditions of high ambient
o In case of large concrete pours
o Concrete construction involving sliding formwork

These are the second-generation admixture and also called as Superplasticizers. These are
synthetic chemical products made from organic sulphonates of type RSO3, where R is complex organic
group of higher molecular weight produced under carefully controlled condition.

This admixture acts as the same way as that of a water reducing admixture acts. It disperses the
cement agglomerates when cement is suspended in water and adsorbed on to the surface of cement,
causing them mutually repulsive as a result of the anionic nature of super plasticizers.

The second use of this admixtures is in the production of concrete of normal workability but
with an extreme high strength (super plasticizer can reduce the water content for a given workability by
25 – 35 percent compared with half that value in the case of conventional water reducing admixtures).

- Advantages
o The concrete using this admixture can be placed with little or no compaction and is not
subject to excessive bleeding or segregation.
o They can be used as high dosages became they do not markedly change the surface
tension of water.
o It does not significantly affect the setting of concrete except that when used the cements
having a very low C3A content.
o They do not influence shrinkage, creep modulus of elasticity or resistance to freeing to
- Disadvantages
o High Cost
- Applications of Super Plasticizer Admixtures
o In very heavily reinforced sections, in inaccessible areas in floor or road slabs.
o Where very rapid placing is desired.

Selection of Concrete Admixtures

Concrete admixtures shall be selected carefully as per the specifications and shall be used as
recommended by the manufacturer or by lab testing report. The quantity of admixtures to be used for
specific application of admixtures are recommended by the manufacturers.

For use in large construction projects, the quantity of the admixture to be used shall be obtained
from tests reports for concrete mixed with admixtures at various percentage admixtures use. These tests
are conducted to understand the behavior of admixtures on the desired quality and strength of concrete
at different quantity of admixtures used. Thus, the optimum quantity of admixtures can be selected for
specific application based on results.

The selection of specific admixtures for use in concrete to alter properties of concrete should be
selected carefully as per requirement of concrete works. Concrete admixtures should be used judiciously
according to specification and method of application to avoid adverse effect on concrete properties at
fresh and hardened state.

After selecting the admixtures product, one should carefully choose the supplier with quality
product, timely service and at competitive price. The admixture supplier should be with good history and
should possess the staff with efficient and professional experience to guide on effective application/use
of admixture in right way.

Concrete admixtures should be accepted with test certificate, manufacturing date and its
chemical composition, should comply specifications given by the authorities.

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