Script Princess and The Pauper

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Female Narrator: Long ago and far away, in a village high on a mountaintop, something

amazing was occurring. At the very same moment, two identical baby girls were born! One, a
baby princess. The king and queen were overjoyed. Princess Anneliese would have only the
finest. The second baby girl was named Erika. Her parents loved her every bit as much as the
king and queen loved the princess, but they worried. They were so poor. How would they be
able to care for their little daughter? Many years passed. The princess learned her royal duties,
while Erika worked long and hard as a seamstress for the spiteful Madame Carp. With lives so
different, it wasn't surprising that the princess and the pauper never met. But fate decreed they
would. It all started at the royal mine, where the miners informed the queen the gold had run
out. The widowed queen was shocked. The kingdom was now bankrupt. How was she going to
take care of her people? If only she could call on her trusted adviser Preminger, but he was
away on a long journey. She needed to do something quickly to save the kingdom, but what?
And then it struck her.


Anneliese: All my life I've always wanted to have one day just for me. Nothing to do and for
once nowhere I need to be. With no lessons, lords, or lunches, or 'to do' list in the way. No one
to say when to eat or read or leave or stay. That would be the day...

Erika: All my life I've always wanted to have one day for myself. Not waking up with a pile of
work on every shelf. With no hems in need of pressing, and no sleeves in disarray. No wedding
gown with a thousand stitches to crochet. And no debt to pay.

Bertie: (gasps) Madame Carp!

Madame Carp: What do you think I'm running here? A cabaret?

Erika: I would've said a debtor's prison.

Madame Carp: Keep laughing! You'll be working for me for another thirty-seven years!

Erika: But I've already paid off more than half!

Madame Carp: But there's an interest, isn't there? Your parents should've thought of that before
they borrowed so much.

Erika: They did it to feed me!

Madame Carp: Their mistake!

Erika: What would it be like to be...

Anneliese: What would it be like to be... Free

Erika: Free

Anneliese: Free to try crazy things.

Erika: Free from endless IOU's.

Anneliese: Free to fly

Erika: Free to sing

Anneliese: And marry whom I choose...

Queen Genevieve: I'm so sorry, my darling, but as you know, it is necessary to engage with
King Dominick. It is the only way to take care of our people.

Anneliese: I know, it's my duty.


Female Narrator: While the kingdom is filled with continuous problems, another problem came
up.. Someone has already put a scheme… a dreadful one to enjoy the gain from the kingdom.

Nack: Ok, who is idiot enough to put this in here?

Nick: Oh, that would be me.

Nack: Let us review, shall we? We are stealing gold! Is this shiny?

Nick: No.

Nack: Valuable?

Nick: No.

Nack: Gonna make the boss happy?

Nick: No.

Nack: Focus, Nick. That's what you need. That and a break. Shh!!!

Preminger: Why, hello.

Nick: Master Preminger, you're back... here... early. Hope you had a nice journey.

Nack: Here you are, sir. The last of the gold from the Royal Mine. There's nothing left.

Nick: Yeah, 'cos it's all yours!

Preminger: Yes, it is, very much mine. Finally! And by marrying the princess I get all that I
desire. Like a moat, an ermine coat and palace views. Even though she treats me coldly, it's a
sign of inner fire. For inside she's thinking "How can I refuse?"

Nack: Right, except for this one little problem, Boss.

Preminger: Nack! Don’t call me Boss. Call me Prince Boss instead!

Nack: Okay, so the queen has decided to marry her off to the king of Dulcinea next week.

Preminger: What?! Making a decision without me? Who does she think she is?

Nick: Uh, the queen?

Preminger: You simpering simpleton!

Nick: Well, she is the queen! She's got a crown, a scepter, and sits in her great big fancy chair...
and those...

Preminger: Silencio! (Evil laugh)


Female Narrator: Nearby, lived a rich king who is looking for someone in his life. He needed
someone to fulfill his royalty.

Ambassador Bismark: I am Ambassador Bismark, here by invitation of the queen. King

Dominick, are you quite sure about this?

King Dominick: I am.

King Dominick: On behalf of King Dominick... I present this engagement gift to you.

Queen Genevieve: Oh! Thank you! Princess Anneliese will be quite pleased.
Ambassador Bismark: May I enquire, Your Excellency, if you've set a date for the wedding?

Queen Genevieve: Will a week from today do?

Preminger: What! Next week? A most wise and thoughtful decision, Your Majesty.

Ambassador Bismark: Excellent. I will... er, send for King Dominick, so that he may meet his
new bride.


Anneliese: Come in! Julian, perfect timing. I classified this as iron pyrite. Pretty, but not
considered valuable. Commonly known as "fool’s gold".

Julian: Well done, your highness.

Anneliese: Your highness? Why the sudden formality? It's just me.

Julian: The queen has sent me. Apparently the ambassador has arrived with a gift for you.

Anneliese: The ambassador? He's here already? I need some air.

Anneliese: So happy. Free to do whatever they want. What do you think King Dominick will be

Julian: Oh I'm sure he'll be... suitable.

Anneliese: Oh, I know it's the right thing to marry him, but sometimes I wish... well...

Julian: Apparently he's a lover of music. He plays 3 different instruments. The guitar, the
trumpet, and the piano. Anneliese... you're going to need your cape.

Anneliese: Okay.


Female Narrator: There’ incentive from Julian to make Anneliese happy. He really wants
Anneliese to be happy just from once… to be away from all the royalty scenery that sickened
Julian: There's nothing like some fresh air and a change of scenery.

Anneliese: I wish it were that simple. Ah, it feels so good to be outside the castle walls. Nobody
knows who I am. So, which one was your house?

Julian: More of a room, really. We couldn't afford a house.

Anneliese: Oh, I didn't mean...

Julian: I know. Third floor, on the left. Did all my studies there. (give Anneliese a rose) A perfect
example of 'rosa centifolia'.

Anneliese: My favorite! But, you knew that. Mmm, that smells delicious.

Julian: I'll be right back.

Erika: Like a bird that flies in the morning light. Or a butterfly in the spring. When your spirit rides
on the wings of hope, You'll find your wings.

Anneliese: Let's go listen, Serafina.

Erika: For you're always free to begin again. And you're always free to believe. When you find
your place that your heart belongs-

Madame Carp: Caroling?

Erika: Madame Carp! Wait, I earned that!

Madame Carp: And you owe me. Did you really think you could make a living as a singer? Get
back to work, girl, or there'll be trouble.

Anneliese: What a beautiful song. (give some coins to Erika)

Erika: Thanks. My mom taught it... to... me.

(open their cape)

Erika & Anneliese: Whoa, we could be sisters. What's your name?

Erika: Hold on, you may go first.

Anneliese: Please, call me Anneliese.

Erika: Anneliese? You have the same name as the princess.

Anneliese: Well...

Erika: Oh. I'm Erika, Your Highness. Aren't you supposed to be inside the castle?

Anneliese: I'm savoring the first and last taste of freedom before getting married next week... to
a total stranger.

Erika: At least you're not an indentured servant.

Anneliese: Indentured servant?

Erika: If I'd like to have my breakfast hot, Madame Carp will make me pay. And I have to fetch
the eggs myself and the barn's a mile away.

It's cold and wet and still I get an omelette on my plate, but in my head I'm back in bed snuggled
up and sleeping late

Anneliese: Really?

Erika: Really, but it's alright. I mean, I'm used to it. And you?

Anneliese: Well...

Erika: Well?

Anneliese: If I want some eggs I ring the bell and the maid comes running in. And she serves
them on a silver tray and she brings a cookie tin.

And while I eat, she rubs my feet and strolling minstrels play. But I'd rather be in my library
reading science books all day.

Erika: I'm just like you

Anneliese: You are?

Erika: You're just like me. There's somewhere else we'd rather be. Somewhere that's ours,
somewhere that dreams come true. Yes, I am a girl like you.

You'd never think that it was so, but now I've met you and I know. It's plain as day, sure as the
sky is blue, that I am a girl like you.
Anneliese: So! You're a singer?

Erika: No, I work at Madame Carp's penitentiary. Uh, I mean Dress Emporium.

Anneliese: I love Madame Carp's Dresses!

Erika: I made the one you're wearing.

Anneliese: You made this? It's my favorite. The design looks so complicated!

Erika: Oh, but it isn't, really... It's amazing! Except for our hair.

Anneliese: We could be twins!

Erika & Anneliese: (laughs)

Anneliese: What about this birthmark?

Erika: Hm, no, I guess not.

Julian: Here, Your Highness.

Erika & Anneliese: (laughs)

Julian: It's... uncanny.

Anneliese: Serafina!

Bertie: Who is she?

Anneliese : She’s my little sister.

Bertie: Hey! My name is Bertie

Serafina: Well, my name's Serafina.

Bertie: Uh, I haven't seen you around here before.

Serafina: I don't think we run in the same circles, but... perhaps we can change that.

Julian: I'm sorry, Your Highness, we should be getting back.

Anneliese: One day you must sing for us at the Palace.

Erika: Really?

Anneliese: I'll send someone for you.

Erika: I'll be at Madame Carp's.

Anneliese: Goodbye, Erika! I won't forget.

Erika: Goodbye!


Female Narrator: That night, Preminger’s subordinates, Nick & Nack try to complete their boss
scheme to kidnap Anneliese and Serafina.

Nick: We did it! Let's go.

Nack: Come here, Nick. Our job is to capture the princess... not her sister!

Nick: Right. Why did we get the sister for?

Nack: Allow me to demonstrate, dimwit.

Serafina: Help! Help!

Anneliese: Serafina? Serafina, where are you? Serafina? Serafina? (Gasps)

Anneliese di kidnap sama nick and nack


Serafina: Well! That certainly wasn't called for.

Hervé: Ooo, are you okay?

Serafina: No, I am not okay! My sister is inside with two hooligans, and I've got dirt... dirt on my
bum! Who are you?

Hervé: Hervé.
Serafina: Nice to meet you, Herve. I'm Serafina. I can't believe they won't let me in there. My
sister needs me.

Hervé: I'm sure the boss will let her out.

Serafina: What boss?

Hervé: That boss!


Anneliese: I command you to unlock this door!

Nick: Yes, Your Highness!

Nack: (mimicking) Yes, Your Highness! We're in charge here!

Nick: Right. I knew that!

Knock knock..

Nack: Signed, sealed, and delivered, Master Preminger!

Preminger: Does she know I'm behind this?

Nack: No idea.

Preminger: Good! Keep her here until the wedding to King Dominick is cancelled. Then we'll see
who the princess marries!

Serafina: Oh, he is nasty! Think you could get me to the back door?

Hervé: I do not know.

Serafina: You can do this! Trust me, Herve.

In the back door

Serafina: Thank you, Herve. A girl's got to do what a girl's got to do! (open the door)

Anneliese: Serafina?

Queen Genevieve: Anneliese. Anneliese, Darling? Are you here? Where could she be? She
wasn't at breakfast.

Preminger: Is that something on her desk, Your Majesty?

Queen Genevieve: Oh, a letter to me. (Gasps) It says she's run away, so she won't have to
marry King Dominick!

Preminger: Well this is dreadful!

Queen Genevieve: We have to find her. She could be hurt!

Preminger: Well I'll send out search parties at once, Your Majesty. I'm sure she couldn't have
gotten far.

Queen Genevieve: Preminger, what would I do without you?

Ambassador Bismark: This is an outrage! The most grievous insult!

Queen Genevieve: I am sure we'll find her.

Ambassador Bismark: I insist we cancel the wedding if the princess does not return by the end
of the day!

Julian: It doesn't add up. Why would she run away?

Preminger: Why don't you see for yourself?

Julian: Lilac? Where did you find this?

Preminger: On the princess's desk.

Julian: Perhaps I can help you look for her.

Preminger: Why don't you stick to your books, schoolboy. Wouldn't that be fun? (Laughs)

Julian: Lilac? She never scented her stationary with lilac. It was always rose.

Female Narrator: Julian doubts the letter so he is coming with something to save the marriage
to assure that the kingdom’s wellness will still go on.

Madame Carp: Welcome, sir. Are you looking for a gown for a special lady? I can assure you,
you will find only the finest at Madame Carp's.

Julian: If I may, I would like to speak to one of your seamstresses, Miss Erika.

Erika: I don't believe it! The princess sent for me!

Julian: Oh, actually-

Erika: I'm going to sing at the castle... me!

Julian: I came because-

Erika: But, I'm not ready. I-I have to rehearse!

Julian: If I could just...

Erika: I better change my dress. Ho-ho, what am I talking about? I only have one dress! Wait,
isn't that why you're here?

Julian: I'm sorry, but no. The princess is missing and I need you to help me find her.

Erika: Me? Well what can I do?

Julian: Pretend to be princess Anneliese.

Erika: (Gasps) Are you out of your mind?

Julian: Just listen. I suspect Preminger, the queen's adviser, has taken the princess off
somewhere so the Royal Wedding will be cancelled.

Erika: That's awful.

Julian: If you pretend to be the princess, just for a short while, I can trick Preminger into
revealing where he's hiding her.

Erika: Pretend to be royalty? I could get thrown in prison, or worse!

Julian: As can I but...

Erika: She's in real trouble, isn't she? A girl like me... Count me in.


Erika: Would you look at the size of this place!

Julian: The likeness is remarkable.

Erika: Except for my hair.

Julian: I've thought of that. Brown in a box.

Erika: Um, Julian, we're missing one teeny tiny detail. I don't know a thing about being a

Julian: Leave that to me. It's all here in the Princess's Book of Etiquette. Let's begin. No
nagging, bragging, sweating, fretting, slipping, tripping, slurping, burping, twittering or frittering
allowed. Stay present, stay pleasant, stay proud. Breathing gently, stepping lightly. Smile
brightly, nod politely. Never show a thing you feel inside. Speak and be clever, never at a loss
for words.

Erika: I see.

Julian: Never show dismay. Be prepared whatever royal life will bring.

Erika: And be there when people call.


Ambassador Bismark: It is official, then. Due to the disappearance of the princess, the wedding
to King Dominick is cancelled.

Julian: Your Highness, wait! May I present, Princess Anneliese.

Queen Genevieve: Darling?

Erika: Whoa!

Queen Genevieve: Anneliese? Oh, you're back! Where have you been?
Erika: I am sorry. I should not have run away.

Queen Genevieve: Promise me you'll never do it again.

Ambassador Bismark: I still think we should cancel the wedding.

King Dominick: (coughs)

Ambassador Bismark: Yes, yes, but an agreement is an agreement. The wedding is back on!
King Dominick is due tomorrow!

Queen Genevieve: Wonderful.

Erika: Uh, tomorrow?

Queen Genevieve: And then, only a few short days before the wedding. Has anyone seen my

Preminger: If you'll excuse me, I must be off to see the... ack!... arrangements.

Julian: Everything alright, Preminger?

Preminger: It soon will be. (laughs)

Julian: What is it? It is from a silver fir tree. What's Preminger doing in the Western Forest?

Queen Genevieve: Julian, wait! I want to hear all about how you found Anneliese!

Julian: Ah... ah... of course, Your Majesty.


Nick: Hey! I happen to know you've got a 5 of hearts.

Nack: What do you mean? How did you know?

Nick: I saw it!

Nack: You mean.. you cheated!

Nick: Yeah. I mean, no!

Anneliese: Help, help! Please, help me!

Nick: Yes, Your Highness?

Nack: What is it?

Anneliese: Hurry!

Nack/Nick: Ghost!

Anneliese: Get it! Quick!

Nick: You're older, you get it!

Nack: You're closer, you get it! It's got me!

Nick: Help!

Nack: No, please!

Anneliese: Well done, Serafina. Go, go!

Nack: Nick, what must we do?

Nick: I dont know!!! Arghhh, we better change uppp!

Nack: Quick, hide beneath the princess' blanket. The boss is already here.

Preminger: Let me in... you idiots!

Nack: Your Bossness, everything is fine. Fine, fine, fine, fine. Just fine! See you soon. (close the

Preminger: (hold the door and come in) How did she escape?

Nack: Who?

Preminger: Who? The princess! You moron! Idiot!

Nack: The princess is here. Sleeping! Aren't you sleeping, Princess?!

Nick: (High Pitched Voice) Yes. I'm sleeping.

Nack: Now, boss, you don't want to wake her up, do you? She's a Royal.

Preminger: A royal pain in the behind!

(walk to the room)

Nick: (High Pitched Voice) Who interrupts my slipper?

Nack: (whisper) Slumber, you bonehead!

Nick: (High Pitched Voice) Slumber, right! (In normal voice): I knew that.

Preminger: Get out of that bed! (take the blanket off)

Nick: (High Pitched Voice) Arghhh!

Preminger: I can figure out how the princess escaped you two. But why didn't she tell the queen
she'd been captured? Hmm, something's odd. I must solve this Princess puzzle if I'm to be King.

Julian: King? Preminger?

Preminger: Looking for something, Julian?

Julian: How can you be King?

Preminger: You're the tutor. You're supposed to have all the answers.


Female Narrator: In her run from Preminger’s hands, she uses all his might to get back to the
kingdom. Fortunately, she sees one of the guards.

Anneliese: Excuse me.

Guard: Who goes there?

Anneliese: Princess Anneliese!

Guard: If you're the princess, I'm the king.

Anneliese: But, I am the princess.

Guard: Really? Then how come I just saw the princess eating dinner with the queen?
Anneliese: What princess?

Guard: Now move along before I lose my temper.

Anneliese: You are speaking to Princess Anneliese! Let me through!

Guard: I said move along! Now!


Anneliese: I'll find help in here.

Madame Carp: What are you doing here?

Anneliese: I beg your pardon!

Madame Carp: Not another word! You're coming with me! (showing unfinished dress)

Not done yet? If you weren't such a... lazy cow... those dresses would be finished by now.

Anneliese: How dare you speak to her that way!

Madame Carp: How dare I? H-h-how dare I?! Just who do you think you are?

Anneliese: Princess Anneliese!

Madame Carp: That's a hoot! You've got to change a lot more than your hair to look like the
princess. Why me and the princess are close, personal friends.

Anneliese: Oh really?

Madame Carp: Now, shut up and get back to work!

Anneliese: I'm warning you, if you're going to treat your seamstresses this way, we'll take our
royal business elsewhere.

Madame Carp: You're warning me? We'll see your attitude change by morning. You're not
coming out until every dress is finished... Erika!

Anneliese: Erika? Locked in again!

Bertie: Erika? That is you, isn't it?

(black out)

Anneliese: It's up to you now, Serafina. Take this to the Castle. Tell somebody that I’m here.


Ambassador Bismark: You're going to just tell her that you disguise yourself as a page? Are you
sure that's wise, King Dominick?

King Dominick: No, I'm not sure. But I have to be honest. I think she'll understand. I didn't want
to marry a stranger any more than she did.


Erika: How am I going to do this? Everyone will know I'm a fake. They'll throw me in the
dungeon in two seconds flat! Oh Julian, why aren't you here?

Preminger: Your most beautiful, Highness. Well, a thousand apologies, my lady. If I can ask you
a question. Where is your bracelet?

Erika: Uh... it's around here somewhere.

Preminger: I see. So unusual... that you don’t wear it. The queen has sent me to escort you to
meet the king.

Erika: Uhh... Thank you.


King Dominick: I appreciate your understanding, Your majesty.

Queen Genevieve: Likewise, King Dominick. I apologize for my daughter's little delay in the
wedding plans. But it's all sorted out now.

Preminger: May I announce, Princess Anneliese.

Queen Genevieve: Oh hello, Darling. Come, come. I want to introduce you to King Dominick. He
has something he wants to tell you. Where are my glasses?

King Dominick: I'm honored.

Erika: Uhh... The honor's mine, King Dominick.

King Dominick: Please, just call me Dominick.

Erika: Oh, call me Eri... I mean Anneliese. Princess Anneliese. That's my name.

King Dominick: I'm sure you're wondering why I disguised myself as a page. I wanted to meet
you without all this-this ceremony. To get to know the real you.

Erika: Uh, the real me...

Queen Genevieve: King Dominick, would you do us the honor of playing the guitar? I know you
love music.

Erika: You do?

King Dominick: I will, if the princess agrees to sing with me.

Erika: Sing with you. Uh, no, no, I couldn't.

King Dominick: Something tells me you have a wonderful voice.

Queen Genevieve: Sing, darling.


Female Narrator: Dominick then takes Erika to his favorite place where they can embrace their
moment to be together.

Dominick: Marvelous.

Erika: The prettiest sunset I've ever seen.

Dominick: There's something about you... You're honest ... no pretenses. I like that. Until
tomorrow, Your Highness.

Erika: "Honest"? "No pretenses"? Oh, Bertie, Julian and the princess are still missing. And I
think I'm falling in love with the king.

Preminger: Why, it's our missing little feline. But with an attitude, oh yes! Hm. Where is the
princess’ bracelet? . Madame Carp's Dress Shop? Maybe the answer to our mystery.

Anneliese: Preminger, you found me!

Preminger: Princess... Come quickly, Princess. You can tell me everything on the way to the
castle. (grab anneliese’ hand)

Anneliese: But first let me...

Preminger: No, no. No time, Your Highness.


Female Narrator: To fulfill his malicious plan, he locks Anneliese in royal’s mine, so the kingdom
will forget that Anneliese exists.

Anneliese: What are we doing here?

Preminger: Taking a little side trip, Princess.

Anneliese: You were behind this!

Preminger: Very clever planting a double to fool even me. But not quite clever enough.
Checkmate! I win.

Nack: Nice to see you again, Your Highness.

Nick: Watch your step.

Anneliese: I don't understand, Preminger. Why would you do this?

Nick: To be king.

Anneliese: And how would you get to be king?

Preminger: Still underestimating me? Isn't that just like a royal.

Nack: He was going to marry you.

Anneliese: What?!

Nack: Now, he's got a new bride in mind.

Preminger: Your mother is a very beautiful woman. (laughs evilly)

Anneliese: Julian! Serafina!

Julian: Anneliese?!

Preminger: How sad they'll be when they discover both of you died in a tragic accident.

Julian: They'll never give up looking for the princess!

Preminger: Oh I think they will. When I show them this! (shows them the bracelet with evil
laughter) Oh that's funny.

Julian: No good.

Anneliese: We have to stop him.

Preminger: Put a little muscle behind it! Move it!


Female Narrator: It takes only one solution for Preminger to get all the wealths from the
kingdom. He quickly travels to the Kingdom so the wedding will be cancelled and his dream will
come true.

Queen Genevieve: Everything seems to be in order. Thank you, Ambassador. The kingdoms
will be officially joined after the wedding tomorrow. Are you ready, Darling?

Erika: Ready...ha..ha, well...

King Dominick: For my bride to be.

Erika: Whoa!

Preminger: Grab her! She's an imposter!

Queen Genevieve: Preminger, what are you doing?

Erika: Get your hands off me!

King Dominick: Release the princess!

Preminger: She's a fake! A common pauper!

Queen Genevieve: Are you telling me I don't know my own daughter?

Preminger: I only just discovered the truth myself, Your majesty. Have you not wondered why
we haven't seen Julian lately? He's conspiring with this-this imposter! Together they took the
princess and hid her in the Royal Mine so- so she could take her place, marry King Dominick
and take over the kingdom!

King Dominick: And what proof do you have of this ridiculous story?

Preminger: Once I discovered this treachery, I tried to rescue the princess but it was too late.
They sabotaged the Mine, collapsing it. I'm afraid this is all my workers found in the rubble.

Queen Genevieve: No! It cannot be!

Preminger: Check her shoulder! There's no royal birthmark. I assure you.

Queen Genevieve: It's true...

King Dominick: I don't believe it.

Erika: I can explain.

Preminger: Throw her in the dungeon!

Erika: No, wait! I-I'm not the princess, but I never hurt her or anybody else!

Ambassador Bismark: Unbelievable! It's an outrage!

Erika: I-I just wanted to save the princess! From him!

Preminger: The dungeon!

Queen Genevieve: My daughter... My poor daughter...

Ambassador Bismark: What do they take us for? Fools? Trying to marry you off to a mere

King Dominick: It doesn't make sense.

Ambassador Bismark: I should say not. The sooner we leave, the happier I'll be.
Queen Genevieve: (Sobs)

Preminger: Ah! Just who I wanted to see.

Queen Genevieve: Preminger, what is it?

Preminger: So many problems. I'm here to help.

Queen Genevieve: You can't bring my daughter back.

Preminger: Too true. But I can provide the answer to saving your Kingdom. I'm as wealthy as
King Dominick. Your people soon will starve and your good luck has departed. But to give me
some incentive, there's just one thing I require that you never even use. This simple crown, yes.
I've a ring in my hand. Yes, marry me for how can you refuse? (Evil laughter)


Female Narrator: Herve then finds Bertie to accompany him in saving the princess.

Hervé: Are you Bertie? Serafina’s friend?

Bertie: I like to think so.

Hervé: She needs help, and so does the princess.

Bertie: What? Show me, quick!


Female Narrator: In the cage, Serafina, Anneliese, and Julian are already starving. They don’t
know what to do and how long they can endure this tortury.

Serafina: (Cries)

Anneliese: Sorry, Serafina!

Julian: It's hopeless. I'm sorry.

Anneliese: Do you know why I didn't want to marry the king?

Julian: You weren't ready to get married.

Anneliese: No, I was in love with somebody else. My best friend. The man who's taught me so
much. (staring at Julian’s eyes)

Julian: But I'm not a King. I can't give you what he can.

Anneliese: I think you're like this.

Julian: A rock?

Anneliese: Unassuming on the outside, and a treasure within.

Julian: We'll get out of here somehow. I promise.

Hug each other :)


Female Narrator: Bertie and Herve hears some voice from beneath the soil. They realized that it
is Anneliese’ voice.

Bertie: Don't tell me she's in there.

Hervé: Alright, I will not tell you.

Bertie: We have to rescue them.

Hervé: You are going in there?

Bertie: Of course.


Female Narrator: Erika is imprisoned, but someone arrives to save her from the penalty.

Erika is trying to unlock the prisoner’s gate until she escapes. But she is captured by “another

Erika: No, let me go!

Guard: Thought you could escape, did you? I'll lock her up.
King Dominick (In Guard's disguise): I'm going to take her to the castle.

Guard: But...

King Dominick: Queen's orders.

Guard: Oh, well, right then. (go away)

Erika is trying to escape from “another guard” by attacking his leg.

King Dominick: Hey, hey, hey! Calm down, it is me! (open his mask)

Erika: Dominick? Oops, I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was you.

King Dominick: It is okay. I deserve it. This way.

Erika: But I need to explain…

King Dominick: I don't believe you're the person Preminger says you are.

Erika: You do love disguises, don't you?

King Dominick: Come, we need to hurry!


Female Narrator: In the middle of that, Preminger is preparing himself to be ready for the
engagement. Soon to be the next king and to be the kingdom’s dictator.

Wedding Preminger and Queen Genevieve

Preminger: Smile, my Dear. You're about to become my Queen.

Queen Genevieve: Only to save my people. Your fortune will help them all.

Priest: Do you, Preminger, take this woman to be your bride?

Preminger: Yes. How could I refuse?

Priest: And do you, My Queen, take this man to be your husband?

Queen Genevieve: I... I... uh I.. I d...

Anneliese: Wait! Wait! Stop the wedding, Mother!

Queen Genevieve: (Gasps in happiness) Anneliese?

Preminger: Impossible. She's dead, Your Highness! The imposter must have escaped.

Anneliese: No, Preminger! (shows the birthmark)

Erika: It's the princess! She's alive!

Queen Genevieve: But where were you? I thought...

Anneliese: What he wanted you to think!

Queen Genevieve: (angry) Guards! Take him!

Preminger: Noooooooo! (run.)

Erika: He can't get away!

King Dominick: He won't get away!

Preminger: (slipped)

Serafina: Now you have nowhere to go.


Female Narrator: Anneliese arrives, proves her identity with her birthmark, and reveals the truth
about Preminger’s wicked plan.

Queen Genevieve: Preminger played me for a fool. I'm sorry, my Darling Anneliese. When I
think about what might have happened...

Anneliese: But it didn't. Thanks to Erika and the man I love... Julian.

Queen Genevieve: Julian?

Anneliese: He's kind, intelligent, and my best friend. Mother, it's Julian I want to marry.

Queen Genevieve: I want you to be happy. But it is our duty to take care of our people first.
Anneliese: I can do that. I found something very interesting in the mine.


Female Narrator: Princess Anneliese was right about the Mine. She discovered it was filled with
geodes. Under her direction, the beautiful crystals created a new industry. The kingdom was
saved. As for Madame Carp, without the word from the Castle, she went out of business. And
they lived happily ever after.

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