December 10, 2010 Strathmore Times

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December 10, 2010

Locally Owned & Operated STRATHMORE

Volume 2 issue 49

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Page 2 Snow removal may
fall within budget
for 2010
Shannon LeClair
Times Reporter

Winter is here again, and with it once

Wheatland Elementary again comes the headache of icy, slip-
students show pery streets and discussion of how best
helping hand to deal with snow removal. At the Dec.
1 council meeting, Councillor John
Rempel brought the subject up, to dis-
Page 3 cuss with council and to try to find a
“I believe that we need to do more in
the area of snow removal,” said Rem-
“We don’t have a whole lot of money
budgeted for snow removal and this
happened in November, and it’s going
to be a long winter if we’re going have
these kind of streets to skid around on
all winter long.”
Movember He made a motion to add $200,000 to
to remember the snow removal budget in the hope
that the streets will be better taken care
of. His motion sparked much debate
between council.
“So far this year we’ve spent about
Page 17 $35,000 and we have budgeted about
$45,000 to get us through until the end
of December,” said Dwight Stanford,
Chief Administrative Officer for the
Councillor Earl Best said an increase
of $200,000 to the snow removal budget
concerns him, since council is already
operating under a tight budget and he
wonders where the money would come
from. Quite simply, the money would
Kings split have to come from the taxpayers.
Bears and Colts “I’m very concerned that a $200,000
increase in this budget works out to a
two per cent (increase) on taxes. It’s
curious that I think most, if not all of
council, ran on the premise in this last
election that we’re going to work on
reducing taxes, rather than increasing
them,” said Councillor Bob Sobol.
He is not in favour of increasing the
budget. He said from the people he has
spoken to, no one is concerned enough
Contact Us Today!
to warrant a two per cent increase to
Climbing to success
The Grade 12’s on the Strathmore Spartans senior girls basketball team are looking forward to their final
403.934.5589 “I think we have a responsibility as a
season of high school hoops. The Lady Spartans are preparing for their upcoming home tournament Dec.
council to do a little bit more than that 10-11 at the school. The seven graduating players are Jenna Campbell (top row, l-r), Crystallee Melting
when it comes to snow removal,” said Tallow, Kirsten Barrett (middle, l-r), Stella Lopez, Megan Bradley, Liz Steele (bottom rows) and Irina Liakhar.
www. Rempel.
Mario Prusina Photo
Continued on page 2

Help tHoSe In need!

drop off nonperishable food or toys
at Byron Smith Ford
1040 Westridge Road, Strathmore I I 1-877-814-1558
Page 2 • Strathmore Times • December 10, 2010

last day to apply

for hampers is Beating
their record
thursday, december 16
for those who qualify for hampers
please be reminded to pick up
your card before you pick Shannon LeClair
Times Reporter
up your hamper!
monetary donations still gladly accepted! Anyone who walked into the front
mail to: doors of Wheatland Elementary School
strathmore & district christmas hamper from Nov. 29 to Dec. 6 might have
society, box 2156, strathmore, t1p 1K2. thought the school was packing up old
receipts will be mailed out in the new year. supplies.
Just inside the front entrance, boxes
strathmore & district christmas hamper society were stacked high, full of food items
the school had collected to donate to A few of the Grade 6 students involved in collecting items for the Christmas Hamper Society show
the Christmas Hamper Society. off some of the goods they were able to collect. On Dec. 6 students helped load the trucks that came
We’ll Make You “These are all of our hidden volun-
teers, there are just hundreds of school
to pick up all of the goodies collected. Claire Webb (l), Brooke McMurray, Josh Christiano, Mitchell
Hardy, Sam McKenzie, Brett Boc Back: Brandon Pederson

Shannon LeClair Photo
kids out there who work behind the
scenes to gather in food. All of the Each day there was a different theme the only school collecting donations to
schools within the Strathmore and dis- for what items the students wanted to help out the society; all of the schools
trict area, they just do a tremendous collect. Brandon Pederson said cans have been doing their part to gather
job,” said Dave Collins, chairperson for was his favourite theme day of the what they can.
the society. week. “What the schools get, generally
Please call 403-934-9681 Grade 6 students from the student “They came every day,” said Peder-
speaking, seems to be a real cross sec-
tion of staples. When you’re collecting
to schedule your appointment leadership council gathered 4,237 items
Dr. Elizabeth Robinson • Dr. Leanne Lesniak
to donate to the Christmas Hamper So- “It was interesting to see what people from seven or eight schools and they
ciety this. The highest record for the brought,” said Mitchell Hardy. are all collecting different items, then
NEW patIENtS WELcoME school previously was 4,036 items col- “I thought the pasta was really good. at the end of the day when you sort of
#11 - 55 Wheatland trail, Strathmore lected in 2008. Students and staff were There was a bunch of different kinds, mix and match all of those items, you
amazed and happy to beat the previous like microwave noodles and Kraft Din- come out with a pretty good selection
record. ner and stuff,” said Claire Webb. Josh of stuff,” said Collins.
Every month there is a Virtue of the Christiano liked dessert day out of the The Grade 6 students at Wheatland
Month for the students. For the month theme days. Elementary gathered, sorted and boxed
of December the virtue is Generosity. “When we did desserts, we got a lot up the items, and on Dec. 6 they helped
Times tidbits “It’s great because it’s something tan- of those too. We got a lot of cake mixes load the items onto the trucks. It took
gible that they can see,” said Michelle and stuff like that,” said Christiano. five trucks to be able to take all of the
Did you know?
Rushford, associate principal. Wheatland Elementary hasn’t been items to the society.
The popular Christmas song “Jingle Bells” was
composed in 1857 by James Pierpont and was originally
called “One Horse Open Sleigh”. It was actually
written for Thanksgiving and not Christmas. Snow cleaning a major concern for town council

Continued from page 1 land. The budget was for $146,000. Parker
There is a total of approximately “There are ruts all over the place, said in 2009 there was direction from
$135,000 in the budget for next year. you’re walking on ice, and you’re driv- council to go into the residential ar-
Roughly $75,000 of that is allocated for ing on ice. I don’t understand, if we’re eas. In 2009, $165,000 was spent in
contracted work, and the rest goes to spending this kind of money to clean contracted services. Parker said they
the town to clear the streets. streets, why we can’t, if we have to, have been trying to keep it in house
Fire & Safety “I would suggest we spend another spend a little bit more to do a better this year largely due the fact that they

$15,000 to $20,000 right now to get this job.” went more than 100 per cent over bud-
downtown cleaned up, I mean it’s de- Jesse Parker, Director of Engineer- get in 2009. The budget was just under
plorable,” said Councillor Rocky Blok- ing 
and Operations for the Town, said $200,000 for 2010, and Parker said they
LocALLy ownEd & opErAtEd they have increased the salt use down- expect to close 2010 at approximately
Fire Extinguishers NOW OPEN town. He said basically what happens
is because the 817 is salted, the salt is
“We’ve effectively managed the con-
Service & Inspections IN STRATHMORE carried on vehicle tires onto the roads tracted service this year to keep that
Safety Supplies • defibrillators PINE CENTRE downtown, which is causing the ruts. within reason, and I would say basical-

99 ¢
Safety training • consulting DAY He would like direction from council ly what you’re seeing this current year,
regarding salt use in the future. Cur- in 2010, is what you get with our own
cor programs rently the town is using one truck for forces,” said Parker.
ISnet world sanding and one for salt. They try to “Is it possible to have a mix of the
use all of the salt mixture before add- two? Absolutely, and I think that’s why
921B wheatland trail
ing sand back into the truck. Because there is a budgeted amount for con-
there are not proper storage facilities, tracted service within there, and I do
Behind the Golden Hills School division- South side of Hwy#1 OPEN 7 DAYS • 11 AM - 9 PM they have to do it one load at a time. think that we need to contract some of
Mayor Steve Grajczyk called on Stan- that out, just given our limited staffing

ford to hear his opinion and possible and limited equipment resources at our

solutions in regards to snow removal. fingertips.”
“I think one thing that we definite- After hearing the numbers from the

ly need to do is get a big grader, big last two years, Grajczyk said Rempel is
heavy duty grader. We’ve got a small probably right, and that whether they
one, we’ve got a medium sized, if we like it or not the budget has been close
get a big grader like the county has, I to $200,000.
think it could cut through some of that “We don’t have the money. I don’t
ice,” said Stanford. want to increase it either. It’s your mon-
“We’ve never used salt for multi years ey, folks, we can spend it, but taxes will
and I think that by using some more go up so what do you want to do, you
salt, that would help.” tell us what you want to do,” said Gra-
He thinks a storage area, be it a build- jczyk.
ing or tent for the salt would be ben- “It’s one way or the other. I don’t
eficial as well, and suggested that it is want to increase them either but tell us
something to be looked at adding into what to do.”
the 2011 budget, rather than buying it “The bottom line is, come February
at a high price and hiring a contractor. 15 and there is still 10 feet of snow
The snow removal budget has been and our budget is gone….we’ve got to
an issue for several years. It cost the get rid of the snow no matter what the
town approximately $183,000 for snow budget says.”
removal in 2008. There was a budget Blokland and Rempel voted in favour

“I’m ComIng to Town Soon!” of $150,000, working out to approxi-

mately $33,000 over budget.
For 2009 there was $323,000 spent.
of an increase of $200,000 bringing the
budget to $335,000, but the motion
was defeated.
December 10, 2010 • Strathmore Times • Page 3

Join our Facebook Page

Movember Joyland Theatre

comes to an end Morning gLory
Shannon LeClair
Times Reporter December 10 - 16
Rachel McAdams, Harrison
Movember is now over but the fight Members of the Strathmore Rural Fire Department, SRFD, grew out their best mustaches to show their Ford, Diane Keaton
support to the cause. A $25 donation was needed to participate. A total of $800 was raised with the
against cancer isn’t. Movember (Novem- Rating PG, Coarse Language
SFRD matching the donations they received. Country Lane Farms donated a variety pack of chicken to
ber) was designated to help raise aware- the man with the best ‘Mo’, valued at $110. Trevor Dalstra (l), Trent Bodeux, Jesse MacDonnell, Mark
ness to male cancers, specifically prostate Heilman (chief) and Nathan Haase
cancer. Wendi Tashlikowich Photo
8:00 pm Nightly, closed Mondays
Members of the Strathmore Rural Fire We paid money to grow the mustache and man.
For Movie Listings 403-934-3057
Department, SRFD, grew out their best then the association, what they do is they Movember is recognized around the
or visit our websites:
mustaches to show their support to the match the money that is raised,” said Heil- world and began in 2003, when the idea •
cause. man. came to bring the mustache back, as a bit
“Just because we could raise money for This was only the second year members of a joke, while doing something for men’s 114 2nd Ave, Strathmore, AB
the charity, we thought that was a good of the SRFD have taken part in Movember, health. No money was raised in 2003 but as

Video Gallery
thing,” said Mark Heilman, chief of the and Heilman says he can see it continuing of 2009 over $47 million was raised across
SRFD. for years to come. the globe. In 2009 Canada raised $7.8 mil-
A minimum of a $25 donation was On Dec 1 they got together to see who lion, second only to Australia where Mo-
needed to participate. A total of $800 was had the best ‘Mo’ and who had the worst. vember was originally initiated. Monies
raised, with the SFRD matching the dona- They just looked at who had the roughest raised through the Canadian campaign go Across from No Frills
tions they received. looking one for the worst, and the neatest directly to Prostate Cancer Canada to help - The Old Movie Gallery
“We actually made the donations out for the best fund vital research, which will lead to bet-
f the Week
of our pocket, that was part of our deal. “I won the worst mustache,” said Heil- ter screening tests and treatment options.
Re ntal o M e
cA b l e
d e s p i e A T e A MeAse
Town looking for new waste disposal options & T,hdeceMber 14Th rel
Shannon LeClair landfill, and it is up to the town to cover informed and no one is significantly op-
Times Reporter the charges and fees associated with the posed. The probable effects, said Deputy
hauler. They are not able to provide their Chief Administrative Officer Linda Nel- Tuesdays - TwO FOr ONe
- on qualifying titles!
On Dec. 1 Jesse Parker, Town of Strath- own hauling option or tender for a bet- son, would be public perception to living
more Director of Engineering and Op-
erations spoke to council regarding ad-
ter rate.
“We’re investigating other alternatives,
in a city instead of a town; economic de-
velopment, because Strathmore would be 403-934-4323
ditional operating costs regarding the we’re currently working with other po- marketed as a city; costs incurred by the
Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer, and Gar- tential providers. The time in which they town and businesses would be to change
bage programs. Parker came before coun- may be able to provide a solution is un- signage, business cards and letterheads,
Q: What is Embalming?
cil looking for a third and final reading known,” said Parker. among other things.
to Bylaw #10-30 and the revision of the The Town produces approximately 60 Cities are responsible for any highways
utility rates. The Sanitary Sewer program tons of bio solids per week, resulting in in the municipal boundaries, including A: Embalming, by definition, is the “process
additional costs are a result of regulatory three 20-ton trips per week to the landfill. construction, improvements and main- of chemically treating the dead human
requirements associated with the new Each trip is approximately $1,900, and at tenance. Highway 1 would likely stay body to reduce the presence and growth of
wastewater plant, and due to an increase three trips a week it costs the town ap- under the Alberta Transportation - juris- microorganisms, to temporarily inhibit organic
in capacity. proximately $350k annually in hauling diction, council would have to negotiate decomposition, and to restore an acceptable
Storm sewer costs are a result of ad- costs alone. with Alberta Transportation with regard physical appearance.” This process is usually
ditional information pertaining to the al- Council unanimously approved third to maintenance and capital costs performed by injecting a formaldehyde based
location of cost for the storm sewer pro- and final reading, accepting the revision Jurisdiction and control of the 817 may chemical into the arterial system.
gram from the EPCOR contract. Garbage to the bylaw. be given to the town, but would remain The formaldehyde reacts with proteins
as a penetrator highway, which means in the body and renders them unsuitable
costs are a result of an increase in volume
Town to a city that Alberta Transportation would want for microorganisms to grow on. This is a
of garbage, transportation of the garbage,
Council had asked Town administra- an agreement in place to ensure that it temporary situation and the body will
and tippage fees.
eventually decompose naturally depending
In order to balance the budget for each tion to look into the process to become continues to operate as a highway. They
on several external factors such as the type of
of the Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer, and a city. While there can be a lot of ben- (the city) would likely be eligible for
casket and soil conditions. Embalming is not
Garbage programs for 2011, the revised efits to changing over, such as bringing in funding for both capital and operation
legally required except when transporting
utility rates are being presented to Coun- some new businesses that may overlook costs as a penetrator highway.
across borders or with public transportation,
cil. The revised rates would become ef- Strathmore because of its town status Administration was looking for direc- although many funeral homes require
fective January 1, 2011. from a legislative perspective, a change tion from council to go ahead with the embalming if there is to be a public viewing.
The new wastewater plant has a com- in status requires a motion by council, re- public consultation, and then bring back
ponent to it that deals with bio solids. questing the Minister of Municipal Affairs the results and get further direction at Wheatland Funeral Home Ltd.
The plant separates the bio solids earlier to change the status from a town to a city. that point. Councillor Earl Best was con- 403.934.5666 I
and they basically create a cake, which Depending on the time of year, it can cerned about the costs for the 817 and
Please send questions to
goes into a roll-off bin, and then the bin take two to three months to have the sta- made a motion for it be tabled until they
tus change approved by cabinet. There can verify the study costs of all the work
is transported to a landfill. There is only
one landfill in Alberta which will accept would need to be a public consultation that has to be done on the 817. Answers to all questions will appear on the
process, because the minister would Council voted unanimously to table the website on the Funeral FAQ Page.
bio solids, and it is approximately a 270
km haul. The hauler is provided by the want to know the residents have been motion for the time being.

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Page 4 • Strathmore Times • December 10, 2010

If you live in the area
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Have your piano tuned early for your
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Kathie L. Zakresky
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Denture Clinic New firefighters sworn in
Fire Chief Muir Furzer came to council on Dec. 1 along with members of the fire department to swear in three new firefighters. Originally five were supposed to be
Terry Grant Denturist at the Town offices but due to scheduling conflicts only three were able to make it. Mayor Steve Grajczyk swore in the new officers and councillor Dave Hamilton,
Pat Fule and Bob Sobol presented them with their wallet, badges and ID cards. Fire Chief Muir Furzer (l), David Bryan, Kaleb Hembrough and Sarah Stephens and
403.934.3877 Mayor Steve Grajczyk.
Shannon LeClair Photo
• Complete / Partial Dentures

Council to look at increasing the dog limit

• Same Day Relines & Repair

• Custom Mouthguards

• Custom Night Guards Shannon LeClair fancier’s permit is you’re going to have Earl Best.
• Natural Teeth Whitening Times Reporter other groups coming forward, dog Councillor Sobol said he is confident
kennels, doggie day cares. So my rec- there are already many homes that have
Earlier this year Strathmore resident ommendation was to increase the By- more than three dogs and he would
Susan Ruzek came before previous law, from two dogs to three dogs, and like to see it legal.
council, requesting the town accept a maybe that would accommodate,” said Councillor Rempel was concerned
dog fancier’s permit, to allow her to Fuchs. with proposed change to the bylaw.
have three dogs. Teresa Fuchs, animal She looked at different towns and cit- “If we allow three dogs per house-
control/peace officer looked into the ies that have the dog fancier’s permit to hold, that’s what we’re doing, we’re
request, and on Dec. 1 her findings see what they have done. She said she opening this up to another 4,500 dogs,
were brought forward to council. often receives calls from people inter- and we have enough irresponsible dog
413 - 3rd St. Strathmore “My concern with passing the dog ested in knowing the dog limit and say- owners in this town as it is we don’t
ing ‘oh no never mind’ after they hear need more dogs,” said Rempel.
the limit is two. “I agree,” said Mayor Steve Grajczyk.

Now opeN “I would like to see it changed to

three myself, personally. We get a lot
“But like Councillor Sobol says, they
are here already and I don’t mean to be
of people that move into town, and facetious about that but at least we’re
you know they’ve had three shitzus for getting the revenue.”
10, 12 years, and now I’m going and Currently there are approximately
open 9 am Daily! knocking on their door and saying they 1,700 dog licenses issued in the town.
have to get rid of one, because that’s The proposal of instituting a dog fan-
Great how the bylaw reads,” said Fuchs. cier’s permit was dropped, and instead
“I guess my only worry with this is if council will be looking at amending
Home-Style Cooking we change it from two to three do we the bylaw. In order to discuss amend-
then get someone coming and saying I ing the bylaw it must be brought before
Great Service want to be a dog fancier and have four. council in that regard at a future date.
Where does it stop?” asked Councillor The issue was tabled until that time.

Breakfast Menu • Lunch • Dinner • Appetizers Award winning musician

Seniors Discount • pizza coming to Strathmore
Take out Menu Shannon LeClair musical talents numerous times since
Times Reporter beginning his career, including being a
2010 Juno Nominee for Roots and Tra-
John Wort Hannam first began ditional in the Solo Category, the Cal-
playing guitar and singing 10 years gary Folk Festival Songwriting Compe-
ago, after his desire to become a tition grand prize winner in 2009, and
musician finally propelled him to winning a 2008 Folk Alliance Music
launch his career. Before becoming Award for the Best Traditional Art-
a musician,Hannam taught Grade 9 ist Nominee. The one that meant the
Language Arts at the Kainai Nation for most to him was the, “Kerrville New
five years. In 1997 when he heard a Folk song writing competition in Ker-
Loudon Wainwright III record, he was rville TX. The granddaddy of US song
hooked by both the music and the sto- competitions,” said Hannam.
ries. In 1998 he bought a guitar and He said one of the coolest things in

DAiLy started learning how to play, and in

2002 he quit teaching to follow his
musical career.
his musical career is when he gets to
hear his songs on the radio.
Hannam will be in Strathmore on

SpeCiALS! 403-934-3888
Strathmore Musical Arts Society has
brought a number of acts to town al-
Feb. 4 performing at the Travelodge.
For $50 per ticket guests will receive
dinner along with the show. Tickets
ready this year, including Jack De
Keyzer and the Sixties band. They are will be available throughout Decem-

135 3rd Avenue also responsible for finding Hannam.

“They contacted me after seeing me
ber at Music Centre Canada, Pro Water
Conditioning, Assist Business Centre

in the Strathmore Hotel

play at the Mountain View Music Fes- and PJ’s Appliances. People can also
tival this past summer,” said Hannam. go online to
Hannam has been recognized for his and purchase tickets through PayPal.
December 10, 2010 • Strathmore Times • Page 5

County councillors may become

a little more IT savvy in 2011
Shannon LeClair wasn’t looking for money
Times Reporter but was instead looking for
support. They are looking at
Becoming IT savvy building a year round multi-
A presentation was made ple recreation facility, which
to council by the manager of will house a variety of differ-
administration services and ent groups. There was talk
representatives IT support. of having a bowling alley, in-
Council has been looking at door soccer and the curling
ways to modernize the of- club in the building among
fices and a presentation was different recreational type
made discussing what could activities. There will be an in-
be done and outlining all formation session put on by
the planning group on Jan.
of the options. Laptops will
be upgraded to newer ones 26 at 7 p.m. Hussar school fun
and the current LG ones will Top: Hussar School has been collect-
either go to other users, or Donation policy to be ing mittens, scarves, hats and socks
will replace older laptops looked at throughout December to send to the
in the offices. They are also Reeve Ben Armstrong Strathmore Christmas Hamper Soci-
looking at switching all of would like the county to be- ety. A group of local ladies have con-
come a major supporter of tributed to this generosity by hand knit-
the councillor’s phones to
ting a great number of warm hats to be
smart phones so that they the Cheadle Lions Club an-
donated. There were enough hats to
may access their email and nual foodgrain bank proj- cover the heads of every student in the
other important documents, ect. To be considered a ma- school plus more. We hope to make
whether at home or on the jor supporter there must many warm and happy people this
road. Internet access at his be a minimum donation of winter with our donations.
or her homes will also be up- $5,000. Every dollar dona- Left: Hussar School students were en-
graded to have everyone on tion actually works out to tertained by family singer/songwriter
$5, as it is raised $4 by the Peter Puffin on December 2nd. The
high-speed Internet service.
children enjoyed his songs and cos-
The goal is to ensure all of government. The county has
tumes. Thank you to Hussar Kinder-
council has the same level of supported the project in the garten Association for sponsoring Pe-
access and compatibility. The past, which provides food ter Puffin’s Whale Tales.

presentation was taken as in- to those in need all over the Photos Courtesy of Hussar School
formation for now and will world. Currently there is no
be looked at again for the budget or policy in place for
2011 budget. donations. Councillor Bren-
da Knight made a motion
Gleichen water tower for the budget committee to
Construction on the Glei- consider for 2011 a donation
chen water tower has been account with a county policy STRATHMORE
delayed due to the weather. put in place prior to the bud-
Crews have been working get being made.
on reinforcing the wooden
façade and David Churchill, Land use bylaw 2010-51
manager of transportation A public hearing was held
and infrastructure for the regarding amendments to
county said he predicts the the land use bylaw 2010-51.
tower will be stable by the There had been a request for
end of January. an amendment to the Land
Use Bylaw regarding por-
Safety concerns table storage. The amend-
Councillors of Wheatland ments are no more than one
County would like to see the
speed limit in Cheadle and
derelict, unlicensed, unused
vehicle per lot. Shelterbelt Join Us on
Highway 24 lowered or a
crosswalk put in. There are
trees are currently at a 75ft
setback and council would Friday,
December 10
safety concerns since Canada like to amend it to a 50ft set-
Post moved all of the mail- back.
boxes across the highway. Residents came to share
Councillor Bernice Bland their thoughts and opinions Noon to 4:30 pm

1st Year Anniversary

said even though she has not and for many of the Gleichen
personally seen it, she has residents who were at the
heard sometimes children meeting, they felt it is taking
cross the highway to collect to long to start enforcing it
the mail. Approximately 75 and would like to see some-
per cent of Cheadle’s resi- thing start happening with it
dents live across the high- soon.
way from the mailboxes and From this point forward
Councillor Ken Sauve sug- any of the existing proper-
gested calling Canada Post to ties, which have shelterbelt
move it and have boxes on trees that are not in ac-
both sides. Because High- cordance with the current
way 24 is a provincial high- bylaw, will be considered
way, the Alberta government non-conforming and will be
has to approve lowering the looked into and discussed
speed limit or adding a cross if an issue were to arise be-
walk. Motions were made to cause of them.

send a letter to both the Al- In certain cases with the

Enter to
bylaw, residents have an op-
berta government and Can-
ada Post outlining the con- portunity to come to council Enjoy Refreshments
cerns council has and asking for a variance if they feel that & Snacks!
to work together to find a
resolution to the problem.
they should be looked at in a
discretionary manner. Please bring a non-perishable item Golf
Council will be further
discussing the issue and the
to be donated to the Food Bank.
Recreational facility
Craig Stone from the bylaw may appear before
Strathmore Golf Course council again in the form of
made a presentation before a public hearing though that 202 - 114 Canal Garden, Strathmore (Trendsetter Building)
council about their Strategic was not determined at the
Planning Group. The group end of the hearing. At the End of the Day, This is Your Paper
Page 6 • Strathmore Times • December 10, 2010 best of

Christmas White Thought for the week ~

Chocolate Bark The more you give the more you live
1 pound finely chopped white chocolate
½ cup dried cranberries
1 ¼ cup chopped nuts (your favorite)
Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment or waxed
Melt the chocolate in a double boiler over simmering
water until smooth, stirring constantly. Stir in the cran-
berries & nuts and mix well.
Spoon onto the prepared baking sheet, spreading the
mixture out so all ingredients are evenly distributed.
Allow the chocolate to cool in refrigerator for about an
hour, until firm. Break bark into irregular pieces and
store in cookie tins or package in holiday Chinese food
take out cartons lined with waxed paper.

Makes a great gift for your hostess, friends, and col-

leagues or just to serve at a holiday party.

Do you have a

special recipe you
would like to share? STRATHMORE
Please submit to the Strathmore Times
by Friday noon. If you live in the area
Fax Tracey 403.934.5546 or
email (Wheatland County, Strathmore
& Langdon) and are not receiving your
Debbie Murray FREE Strathmore Times
StRatHmoRe daiRy queeN & FREE MaRkEt
touRiSt iNfoRmatioN ceNtRe
Evaluations in your mail box please
Located on the North Side of Highway #1
at 210 Ridge Road Strathmore • 403-934-5661 403.325.0372 • give us a call 403.934.5589

Attention Letters to Santa

Kids!!! Our youngest readers have signed, sealed
and delivered their Christmas lists to Santa.
May all of their holiday wishes come true!
send your
photo & Photo here
letters to
santa by
Letter T
have be

Dear Sreal good boy, anned w red bike ,
anta, e to write you. How anta, are wel
l. I’m
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for Chr e mall on Tues cold? H reindeers that bu ild snowed d I really wan omise I’ll be
, Love, brother

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Age 7 ge 8 you. this Chr brother Sam
Daria, A
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my littl
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Maria, nicer to
Than ks San
Jim, Ag

donation of non-perishable food item or money, with all proceeds going to the Food Bank.
Photo here or drop off at here
Photo our office - 2nd floor
Photo here trendsetter building,
Photo here 114 Canal
Photos & letters will be published in our Christmas Greetings section on december 17th.
December 10, 2010 • Strathmore Times • Page 7

Standing Up for Canada’s Aboriginals

Kevin Sorenson, M.P., Crowfoot
Parliamentary Report
Chiefs across the country have, in the past, unit-
ed to demonstrate their commitment to financial Pizza by the sliCe
accountability and transparency. As a Conservative Fresh and Hot • Lunch 11 am - 3 pm
Many of you will have seen the media reports Member of Parliament, I too believe in financial ac-
of the outrageous chief and council pay data re- countability and transparency. I also truly believe Canadian Pizza Unlimited
leased by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation. For that this legislation will help people on all sides.
example, approximately 50 reserve politicians took These measures would facilitate band councils and 419 - 2nd Street, Strathmore
home paycheques larger than the Prime Minister members coming together in a greater atmosphere 403-934-0006 or 403-901-1181
in 2008-09. Approximately 160 reserve politicians of trust and openness.
were paid more than their respective provincial This is a clear and straightforward piece of legis-
premiers in 2008-09. Over 600 received an income lation that will give all MPs the opportunity to sup-
that is equivalent to over $100,000 off reserve; and port accountability in First Nations communities. Times tidbits
one Atlantic Canada reserve politician was paid I trust First Nations elected officials will welcome Did you know?
$978,468 tax-free in 2008-09 (equivalent to about this as an important tool in helping deliver trans- Christmas caroling began as an old English custom called Wassailing
$1.8 million off reserve). parency to their constituents. - toasting neighbors to a long and healthy life
Canadians also know of some of the desperate Salary and expense portions of financial state-
and third-world conditions that exist on some Indi- ments would be made publicly available by the
an Reserves and want greater transparency of fed- First Nation 120 days following March 31 in each
eral spending on reserves and in particular, reserve calendar year. Failure to do so would allow the
politicians’ pay levels. Why is the federal funding Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs to make
of aboriginals not trickling down to the grassroots the remuneration and expenses information pub-
aboriginal families? licly available.
Conservative MP Kelly Block (Saskatoon-Rose- Since I was first elected as our federal represen-
town-Biggar) has introduced Private Member’s Bill, tative, I have seen that successive federal govern-
C-575 the First Nations Financial Transparency Act ments have not responded effectively to reports of
to do something about it. Bill C-575 would require extravagant and sometimes nefarious spending of
First Nations to publish the salary and expenses federal tax dollars by individual aboriginal leaders.
paid to chiefs and councillors with federal govern- All the while, we have seen governments trying to
ment funds. work toward addressing the challenges Canada’s
This important Bill is about increasing the trans- First Nations Peoples confront on and off reserves.
parency and accountability of federal government It is with the welfare of the average Aboriginal who
funds flowing to First Nations. First Nation com- is subject to the actions of these chiefs and councils
munity members, and all Canadians, have a right to in mind that I will be voting in support of C-575.
know how tax dollars are spent. While First Nation If you have any questions or concerns regard-
governments are responsible for determining sal- ing this or previous columns you may write me at
ary and other forms of compensation, this Act will 4945-50th Street, Camrose, Alberta, T4V 1P9, call
require First Nations officials to publish their salary 780-608-4600, toll-free 1-800-665-4358, fax 780-
and expenses in their annual financial statements. 608-4603 or e-mail

Crowfoot Multi 4-H Club remains busy

Shaylene Magwood Magwood won for best project book in the junior
Crowfoot Multi 4-H Club section for clothing. Toni Comstock winning two
awards in the intermediate section one for canine
The sewing group had another meeting. Level and the other for clothing. And we also has one of
ones got their pyjama project started. Also the our leaders, Rosemary Comstock got an award for
level twos and threes cut out their fabric for their being a long time leader. She has been volunteer-
quilts. On Sunday there was an award ceremony ing in 4-H for 28 years. We also got to experience
at Crossfield for those who did well in their proj- a very special award to a leader that has been in
ects. Our club was well represented winning many 4-H helping kids for thirty years. There will be a
awards at this ceremony. Stephanie Limb won for business meeting on December 6th at Crowfoot
intermediate photography project book. Shaylene Hall at 6:30 p.m. starting with a hot dog supper.

Strathmore Rusty Spurs

Sarah Wolfs Feb. 8, also at the Strathmore High School with
Strathmore Rusty Spurs Marlene Palsson.
Our Christmas party will be held at Laser
The Strathmore Rusty Spurs did their com- Quest in Calgary on Dec .7. Members need to
munity service on Nov. 30 by buying stuff that be there at 5:30 p.m. and the games will begin
the crisis shelter needed so they could improve at 6 p.m.
their shelter. We shopped at Wal-Mart and split Also, we will be having a Hoof Care Clinic
into two teams, each trying to get closest to $100 on Jan. 4, our general meeting day. Chad Lau-
and the winning team was only five cents away! sen will be there to teach us about our horses’
After that, we went back to the EnCana building hooves!
and had our meeting, pizza and our Secret Santa Our next craft date will be on Jan. 18 and it
gift exchange. There were some very cool gifts will be a leather craft.
given to each other. A reminder to our members, our leaders need
During our meeting, we decided to have our your Declaration of Mount papers handed in for
Public Speaking Competition on Feb. 20 at the our January general meeting.

Strathmore High School, and to get ready we are Merry Christmas everyone and Happy New
also going to have a Public Speaking clinic on Year!


Mario Prusina
Publisher / Editor
Shannon LeClair
Rose Hamrlik
Tracey Rogers
Office Manager
Jody Schneider
Production $195,900
Contributors - Doug Taylor, Wendi Tashlikowich C3450760
202, 114 Canal Garden, Strathmore, Alberta T1P 1Y4 • 403.934.5589
Strathmore Times is published every Friday by Strathmore Times Inc. and is distributed by Canada Post to Strathmore, Carseland, Cheadle, Cluny, Gleichen,
Hussar, Namaka, Nightingale, Rockyford, Rosebud, Speargrass, Standard, Lyalta and Langdon. We also have various pickup locations throughout our
coverage area. Our 11,500 issues are printed by Star Press Inc., Wainwright, Alberta. The content in the Strathmore Times is copyright and reproduction
without the proper written consent of the Strathmore Times is strictly prohibited.
Debbie Murray
The Times welcomes letters to the editor for publication. All submissions must signed and a phone number included for verification purposes. We reserve FREE MaRkEt Evaluations
the right to edit letters for length, legal considerations and taste. Please try and keep your letters under 400 words to ensure that it will appear as close
to its original form as possible. 403.325.0372 •
Page 8 • Strathmore Times • December 10, 2010

Providing comfort
to those in need
The 17th annual Tree of Hope,
RCMP Briefs located just outside the Hospi-
tal emergency entrance, is now
lit up filled with pink and blue
Single Vehicle Rollover bulbs. Pink signifies a Christ-
On Nov. 27, at approxi- mas greeting and a blue light
mately 8:40 p.m., the Strath- are considered a memoriam for
more RCMP were dispatched a lost friend or family member.
to a collision on Highway 24 The Tree of Hope is part of a
approximately five kilometers fundraising effort for the Pallia-
south of the Carseland Ca- tive Care unit. Palliative Care is
nal. The driver of the vehicle for people who are in the last
and the two passengers were stages of an incurable disease
transported to Strathmore providing them with a calm and
Hospital with minor injuries comfortable environment. Do-
and released the same day. nations are being raised to help
provide two new reclining chairs
Alcohol and speed are be-
to the unit. Last year $4,000 was
lieved to be factors in this
raised during the fundraising ef-
collision. The investigation is
continuing and charges are
fort. Donations can be dropped Spreading Christmas cheer
of or mailed to hospital admit-
anticipated in this matter. Workers were busy putting up Christmas decorations all over the
ting. Envelopes addressed to
Town of Strathmore last week in anticipation for Santa’s arrival
the hospital are available at all
Marijuana Trafficking Dec. 25.
of the churches in Strathmore.
On Dec. 2, the Strathmore Rose Hamrlik Photo
Shannon LeClair Photo
RCMP Crime Reduction Unit
located a quantity of Cannabis
Marijuana in the possession
of a youth from Strathmore.
The youth was charged with
Rockyford 4-H hosts awards night
Possession for the Purpose
Reece Kenney The night was enjoyable and a special thank
of Trafficking and Possession Rockyford 4-H Beef and Multi Club you was given to Paul and Tara Kathol for
of Marijuana. He is to attend their past years of leadership. It was hosted
Strathmore Provincial Youth Our club held our organizational meeting by Taylor Elder, a 4-H member and attended
Court on Dec. 21. on Nov. 7th. Our new executive for this year by many members and families. A thank you
is: President, Owen Dahm; Vice President, to Kim Geeraert and her staff for the nice
Thefts from vehicles/ Leah Dahm; Secretary, Taylor Elder; Treasur- supper and the Lions club for the evening.
break and enter er, Mark Kathol; Club Reporter, Reece Ken- Our weigh-in was held on Nov. 25, at Hil-
In the early morning hours ney; District Reps, Amy Kalbhen and Taneil ton’s feedlot. Our next meeting is Sunday,
on Dec. 6, members of the Kalbhen; Poster Makers, Christian Seeley, Dec. 5 at 7 p.m.
Strathmore Detachment of the Will Kathol, and Kennedy Elder. Our new
RCMP responded to a suspi- leader is Sean Kenney, and assistant leaders,
cious person complaint in Nathan Dahm, of the Rockyford 4-H Beef and Multi
Marni Kathol and Susan Wenstrom. We have Club, was named the Club Reserve Champion. He
the Hamlet of Langdon. In the
course of their investigation
20 beef members this year. was presented the trophy from Sean Kenney (m) Club
Our awards night was held on Nov. 22. leader and Paul Kathol (r) past club leader.
they located and arrested two
young males near Langdon It was hosted by the Rockyford Lions Club. Photos Courtesy of Reece Kenney
who had broken into a number
motor vehicles and stolen sev-
eral items from within. These
individuals are also believed
Season’s Thievings: ID fraud and holiday shopping
responsible for gaining entry rcmp café or library. until the end of the month to review your
into a number of garages and • If you plan to buy something, go direct- paper statement. Immediately report any
stealing items. They got ac- The busiest retail season of the year has ly to a store’s website by manually typing its discrepancies to your bank or to the com-
cess to the garages via sto- already begun and with an increase in fi- address into your web browser. Don’t click pany that issued the credit card.
len garage door openers. The nancial transactions comes an increase in on links in an e-mail message even if you Other tips:
RCMP’s investigation recov- opportunities for fraud artists. This year, know who sent it. • Promptly remove mail from your mail-
ered a large number of these keep your holiday shopping joyous by tak- • Verify secure connections. When shop- box after delivery and do not leave pieces
garage door openers, two GPS ing a few extra precautions: ping on-line, do not enter any financial in- of mail lying around your residence or of-
systems, flashlights, several Shopping in person: formation if you see a broken-key or open fice.
sets of car keys, and special-
• Even though you will be rushed and padlock symbol on your Internet browser. • Shred or otherwise destroy pre-ap-
ized/professional tools used
thinking about a thousand things, try to re- This means the transaction is not secure proved credit card applications, credit card
specifically for gaining access
to locked and secure motor main alert to your surroundings. and could be intercepted by a third party. receipts, bills and any documents contain-
vehicles. The culprits primar- • When paying with a credit or debit card, When the key is complete or the padlock is ing personal information when they’re no
ily targeted vehicles which never lose sight of your card. Whenever locked, your browser is indicating a secure longer needed.
had been inadvertently left possible, swipe your card yourself rather transaction. • Do not provide personal information
unlocked with valuables inside than giving it to the cashier. • Consider using a reliable third-party such as your SIN, date of birth, credit card
them. The ongoing investiga- • Always shield your PIN when entering payment company such as PayPal, a credit numbers, or PIN over the telephone or via
tion led to the identification it. Don’t be embarrassed – you’re not insult- card with a low credit limit or a single-use e-mail. There are more secure methods for
of a third adult male who was ing anyone. payment card. providing this valuable information when it
also involved. • Do not keep a written record of your • Unlike secure order forms on a web is legitimately required
Charges of theft, possession bank PIN number(s) or your social insur- site, e-mail messages are not private. Do not • Avoid mail or telephone solicitations
of stolen property, possession ance number in your wallet or hand bag. send confidential personal or financial in- disguised as promotions. Criminals involved
of break in tools and Break • If you suspect anything unusual when formation by e-mail. in this type of scam typically offer you an
and Enter to commit theft are • When browsing auction sites or un- instant prize or an award for the purpose
using a point-of-sale terminal (pin pad) or
an ATM, do not use the machine and report authorized retail websites, be cautious of of obtaining personal information, such as
The investigation is ongoing
and investigators are optimis- it immediately to the police or the financial drastic sale prices on sought-after designer your credit card numbers.
tic of identifying the owners of institution. items and popular electronics. The legiti- This holiday season, be a Scrooge with
the other recovered items. Shopping on-line: mate goods are rarely discounted. your personal information. If, despite your
People are reminded to en- • Shop only from your home computer • Monitor your bank and credit card and best efforts, you feel you’ve been victimized
sure their vehicles are locked and equip it with the latest web browser. statements on-line. Electronic statements al- by a scam or a fraud, you should report it
and to not leave valuables Using your home computer is much safer low you to review your purchases and pay- immediately to the police service of juris-
within. than shopping at a terminal in an internet ments as they happen rather than waiting diction in your area.

1st Year Anniversary Join Us on Friday, December 10

Noon to 4:30 pm

202 - 114 Canal Garden, Strathmore (Trendsetter Building)

December 10, 2010 • Strathmore Times • Page 9

Youth leadership workshop

Shannon LeClair
Times Reporter
The local drug coalition, Strathmore Wheatland
Addiction Team, SWAT, recently hosted a leadership
craft sale
opportunity for Senior High students. The Strath- Susan Wallaker (Dress
more chapter of SWAT has been in existence since it Up) from Langdon
the spring of 2007. A number of different organi- was one of the 17 vend-
ers that gathered in the
zations in Strathmore have members who are in-
UFA garden center this
volved with SWAT, including the RCMP and a town past Saturday for a
councillor. “Our particular drug coalition is targeting Christmas Craft Sale.
prevention more than anything and we know from The organizers would
research that kids that have a lot….personal assets, like to thank Lardon
like good leadership ability are less likely to mis- Rentals for supplying
use alcohol or use drugs,” said Crystal Wahl, family coffee on what was a
school liaison worker at Holy Cross Collegiate, HCC, chilly afternoon.
and a SWAT member. Wendi Tashlikowich
Students from HCC spent a day at a “Youth Lead- Photo
ership Journey Workshop” learning leadership
skills by working with horses and Lori Thompson,
a trained professional at Inner Equine Journeys. Lisa Simenoff was one of the Holy Cross Collegiate students
A number of students participated in this special who spent the day participating in a ‘Youth Leadership Journey
event, including Lisa Simenoff, who attends grade Workshop’ hosted by Strathmore Wheatland Addiction Team
12 at Holy Cross Collegiate. and taught by Lori Thompson from Inner Equine Journeys. Stu-
“I had not been around horses before. I was a bit dents had a chance to learn leadership skills with the help of
nervous at first, but you can’t let that be the prime horses.
Photo Courtesy of Crystal Wahl
focus, otherwise the horse will sense you are ner-
vous,” said Simenoff. be, and she said they had to use a lot of communica-
She said once she was able to pet and groom and tion with each other and the horses. They eventually
clean underneath the hoof, she could feel better managed to get three of the four horses into the
communication between the horse and herself. corners.
“It was a fantastic feeling when I was able to get “All of the skills that I learned can also be used for
the horse to follow me without a rope or reins. This communicating with people. I definitely would do
can only be achieved when you have established this again and would recommend these workshops
proper communication with the horse.” to others,” said Simenoff.
“I learned better communication and leadership SWAT members have done surveys in the schools
skills between myself and the horse; you cannot asking youth about their alcohol and drug patterns.
make the horse follow you or do what you want it They have also held different contests in the schools
to do unless you are communicating one on one,” including a poster contest. Spreading Christmas cheer
said Simenoff. “Anything that increases the kids personal devel- The Legion held their annual Christmas craft sale this past Sunday.
Towards the end of the day, Simenoff said, they opmental assets, like self confidence, would make The room was packed with homemade gifts and goodies. On Saturday
had to group into teams of three and get each of them less likely to choose to misuse alcohol or people gathered at the Legion for tea and a bake sale.
the four horses into the four corners. It was more drugs and so we felt that it definitely fit with our Wendi Tashlikowich Photo
complicated than they had initially thought it would mission statement,” said Wahl.

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Page 10 • Strathmore Times • December 10, 2010

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Page 12 • Strathmore Times • December 10, 2010

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One parking stall. Walking distance to everything! 2+1 bedrooms
area, seperate dining room, 2 family rooms, living • Walk-Up Basement with 9' Ceilings 2 full baths HARDWOOD FLOORS - UPGRADES
FIRST 2 SOLD CONDO FEES PAID FOR 1 YEAR AND room, hardwood, infloor heat, airconditioning, • Huge Master Suite with Amazing Full En-Suite fully finished lower level DETACHED GARAGE - LARGE PIE SHAPED LOT
REFER A BUYER BLINDS PACKAGE FOR YOUR UNIT triple car garage, security rollco blinds Upgraded with maple
and so much more!
• Vaulted Ceilings/3 Bdrm/Tile/Hardwood... CUL DE SAC LOCATION

call la shaun Quiet cul-De-sac, call sheila feature property - call robert & taMara feature property - call chantale call nonie
great unit in 4 plex!
afforDaBle anD reaDy to
Backs to park move into! $209,900
With ponD!

Everything you could want! ADULT LIVING
Simply stunning finishing's with Newly painted, Close to
awesome decor, totally upgraded downtown and schools. 3 MAIN FLOOR
with hardwood, granite,in-floor bedrooms, Large open kitchen TITLED PARKING
heating, 12 foot ceilings, under
ground sprinklers, and so much
with island to the family room 1280 SQ FT
which features a cozy
more! Located on quiet cul-de-sac
backs to park area with amazing fireplace. All appliances
Mls c3450139 professionally finished yard! Mls c3442714 included 2 BATHROOM
Mls c3450721
call la shaun Deal of the year. look feature property - call nicole Mls c3451768 feature property - call nonie
no more $374,900!
Fully developed backs to golf neeD a BungaloW? aDult living at it's finest!

course, this upgraded villa has
3 bedrooms, 3 full baths open
concept, with hardwood and
$259,900 Top floor end unit with SW view
granite! Deck is full length of
home up with covered down, and
• Fully Developed • Large Bright Kitchen 2 Bed 2 Bath and Den
Mls c3402736
bright sunny walkout! Builder is
offering bonus appliance package!
• Double Garage/ Main Floor Laundry 2 Heated Parking Stalls • Solarium
call la shaun aDoraBle & one of a kinD call robert & taMara reDuceD! noW feature property - call ron
afforDaBle tWo storey home only $124,900
Show of owners pride. This home
* Maple Hardwood, Limestone & Cork • 1,455 sq ft
of living space!
is freshly painted throughout. Flooring * 5 Bedroom 3 1/2 Bath • Newer appliances. OVER 1700 SQ FT- HARDWOOD FLOORS
A pleasure to show! Bright and
spacious, 2 bedroom, 2 baths,
* Professionally Landscaped Enormous • 3 large bedrooms. MAIN FLOOR LAUNDRY- 4 BEDROOMS
• Lots of natural light.
Mls c3450472
fenced yard and parking pad
for 2!
Back yard * Hot Tub Mls c3412616 8 Backs onto canal. 3 BATHROOMS- ATT GARAGE- PIE SHAPED LOT
Just listeD - Backs on to lake
call la shaun home, shop, fenceD call robert & taMara feature property - call robert & taMara Beautiful 2 bedroom condo in Strathmore Lakes feature property - call nonie
yarD $189,900 location, location, location! Estates. Walk out to patio, large deck with gas
Hot Tub/Greenhouse/ • 4 acres with mountain views BBQ hookup. All appliances. Fully developed
Plus Shed with Power basement with gas stove, additional two
3 Bedroom with New • Minutes to Chestemere bedrooms. Large family room.
Close to Schools and
• Gentle slope accomodates walkout Vacant - take fast possession 295,500
Mls c3444788 Amenities • Services in and ready to hook up Call Ron Kaechele 403-934-1097

feature property - call la shaun feature property - call robert & taMara call ron
enormous lot
shoW home availaBle $311,900

Mls c3435929
Partially remodelled two
$374,900! storey house
Single detached garage IMMACULATE- IMPECCABLE
• Own this home for Christmas...just add a bow! Fully fenced
Priced for sale - $149,000
• Comes fully furnished/Central Air
Mls c3442064 • Backs to walking path/24x24 Garage
Cal Ron Kaechele
403-934-1097 FULLY FINISHED......
totally renovateD, fully DevelopeD, call robert & taMara call ron call nonie
Quiet neighBorhooD $219,900! even More affordable! cozy BungaloW
27 acres $217,500
This awesome bungalow is a must see, neutral $264,900! • 3 lots and Good Well
Raw land ready to develop
into country acreage.
decor 2+1 bedrooms plus office 2 full baths • Big 1506Sq Ft Bungalow • Commuting Distance Paved access 1060 SQ FT
Gas revenue
upgraded finished like new inside and out! to Calgary UPGRADED FLOORING
On large lot 60x120 and detached garage with • Mature Trees and Double Garage • 2 or 3 Bedrooms and Good building sites
Heated Workshop Cal Ron Kaechele
extra parking at back! Call for list! • Quiet Location and Close to Amenities Mls c3436129 403-934-1097 TITLED PARKING

call la shaun Why rent When you feature property - call robert & taMara call robert & taMara fully DevelopeD call nonie feature property - call nonie

can oWn at this $234,500
price $154,900 • Well Maintained and
Great Location
One level condo with
2 bedrooms, one bath. • Double Attached Garage/ 4 BEDROOM HOME
3 Large Bedrooms
Open concept with • Balcony/BBQ Gasline/Washer
bright windows. /Dryer Included! UPGRADED
5 appliances and •First Home?
Mls c3430083 window coverings! Mls c3446442 Great Opportunity...

feature property - call la shaun call nonie $239,900

looking for country living? for all mls listings BE THE FIRST
visit our WeBsite
• 3 Bedroom Home with Updates ATT GARAGE- OPEN CUL DE SAC LOCATION
• 3 Lots with Garage • 3 Vehicle Parking Plus RV DESIGN - FIREPLACE OPEN DESIGN - 2 BEDROOMS
Mls c3448141

Beautiful upgraDeD villa, feature property - call robert & taMara call debbie call nonie feature property - call nonie
hanDicap frienDly $348,900 aBe fehr conDos - 5 left 5 ACRES
starting at $170,900! CUSTOM BUILT
OFFER. SHORT COMMUTE TO STRATHMORE AND 2 bedrooms 1.5 baths open concept, 6 appliances HOME
CALGARY. TOTALLY UPGRADED WITH HARDWOOD, FULL One parking stall. Walking distance to everything! HEATED SHOP

feature property - call la shaun feature property - debbie feature property - call nonie
Mls c3440756
BranD neW BungaloW $344,900 $359,000
• 3 Bedroom Bungalow with Upgrades BACKING ONTO PARK
• Vaulted Ceilings/Desirable Kitchen 5 BEDROOMS - 2 FIREPLACES
• Green Built & Solar Ready Mls c3450139 HARDWOOD FLOORS - VALUE PLUS
BuilDers oWn home With Beautiful fully DevelopeD,
call robert & taMara Buy a BungaloW Walkout to park call nonie
everyting you can imagine $159,000

camBriDge glen
Don't miss this exceptionally finished home first time on
the market after fully finished! Simply stunning
$239,900 RENTING ??
finishing's with awesome decor, totally upgraded with
Fully finished Totally upgrades with hardwood, • 3 +1 Bedroom /3 Bath hardwood, granite,in-floor heating, 12 foot ceilings, under DOUBLE ATT GARAGE - 3 BEDROOMS WHY ???
granite, and more. 3+2 bedrooms, 3 full baths in floor • Fully Developed with Office
heat, high efficiency heating! Landscaped and fenced • Heated Double Garage
ground sprinklers, and so much more! Located on quiet 3 BATHROOMS - OPEN KITCHEN WITH FRONTS ONTO PARK
cul-de-sac backs to park area with amazing
with view of country side! Awesome family home! • Backs onto Greenspace professionally finished yard! ISLAND - LARGE OPEN FAMILY RM LOCATION PLUS

w w w. a z t e c r e a l e s t a t e. c a
December 10, 2010 • Strathmore Times • Page 13

Robert Keith La Shaun Sheila Nicole Tamara Debbie

Desjardins Garrioch Andrews Bassen Cordes Desjardins Enslen
403-934-5533 403-333-8411 403-850-4593 403-361-0390 403-901-5855 403-934-5533 403-852-5923

"The Sign of experience"

Strathmore & area

Nonie Chantale Ron Shauna Tracy Lorna
Hall Hill Kaechele Kenworthy Larsen Phibbs
403-934-3382 403-325-3860 403-934-1097 403-934-5533 403-934-5533 403-874-7660


A portion of the proceeds earned from each transaction by Aztec and our team of professionals will be donated to local charities. A local Real Estate Company giving back to the community that has supported us throughout the years.

feature property - call shauna call lorna call lorna its all here! feature property - call lorna
11.9 acres
for all $288,000
Loads of oak.

5 bdrms, 3 baths.
rezoned west Cambridge Glen
of Strathmore location.

listings call lorna for the perfectionist!

call lorna $419,900
4.77 acres near
you may never see this again!
$329,000 Executive 1915 2 1/2 storey home. Multi color
hillvieW estates $469,900
hardwoods. 4 bedrooms on second floor. 2
visit our WeBsite Over 2500 sq.ft. of luxury living space
1400 sq ft
bedrooms or bonus area on third. 12.4 treed
bungalow. Double Upgrades galore! 3+1 bdrms, MAIN FLOOR LAUNDRY
FINISHED DOUBLE & single garage. beautiful acres in park like setting. Irrigation,
3 1/2 baths. Large pie lot FRONT ATT GARAGE Mountain views. good well and so much to offer!
aztec real call shauna call lorna call lorna
estate agents upgraded condo
46.56 call lorna hay horse
lovers! Brand neW
acres BungaloW
all do free
Immaculate with $689,444
2+1 bedrooms
Adjacent to 9.65 acres. Minutes to $349,900
2 full baths
Carseland. Langdon. 10 minutes to Over 1400 sq ft.
market evaluations fully finished lower level
Upgraded with maple Subdivision potential
Calgary. Riding arena
with lighting. View of the country.
hardwood or great investment. 5 stall barn ++ Hardwoods.

call shauna feature property - call shauna call lorna call lorna spacious split! call lorna
immaculate adult slashed! $319,900 Beautiful
living- $259,900
$155,000 2 storey

Located in Parklane Place Dynamic open plan.

Walking distance to Tons of friendly people!
4 bdrms, 3 baths. Great Hillview
downtown. 1138 sq.ft., Guest Suite! Great second location. Backs on
floor location! Heated double
1 bedroom + den green space.
Bright, spacious & SW deck with views. garage. Fully fenced
immaculate! Newly decorated. & landscaped. Priced at $324,900

feature property - call shauna call lorna call lorna call lorna
price reduction
country charm - $369,900
3 acres south of Eagle Lake
noW $137,500
Beautiful offset, 3 120 acres! ranch estates!
Immaculate bungalow bedrooms, 2 full Hiway frontage. Cultivated land. Huge country kitchen.
3+1 bdrms, 1 1/2 baths baths, soccer Backs on soccer field.
Fenced & cross fenced for horses field at rear. Surface rights income. Retire here!

call shauna upgraded condo call lorna call lorna

nightingale acreage $195,000 We can help 4.22 just listed! $249,000
$349,900 you find acres
3 bdrms, 1 1/2 baths
Granite countertops, By the lake,
3 acres 10 minutes to Strathmore. Pole shed.
2 bedrooms,
your dream home!
glass tile backsplash
Renovated 1128 sq.ft. home. 9' ceilings in New flooring & plumbing fixtures 40 gal well.
new basement. Double detached garage Located across from park 1/2 mile to pavement. attached single garage
call shauna feature property - call shauna call lorna call lorna call lorna
18.96 acres near Brand neW crystal ridge
langdon $449,900 $356,000 steal this!


Located off of Boundary
Road. Quiet cul-de-sac
1420 sq ft
bungalow, 2 bedrooms & $189,900
Older home, barn & 3 bedrooms, cozy fireplace. Totally redone, 3
garage 2 baths, Views of golf bedrooms, 2 baths,
Fenced and cross fenced course. gorgeous yard & hot tub

feature property - call shauna call lorna call lorna 3.09 acres & call lorna
gardener's paradise $241,900 small shop main floor
1200+ sq ft Irrigation for Garden lamBert
in rockyford $179,900 bungalow, Shop for your Hobby $173,000
Upgraded home across from park fully developed Or just country Large unit. Walk in
2+2 bdrms, 2 full baths. Original hardwood lower, living!! shower. Great kitchen.
floors. Single detached garage $259,900. South patio.
good condition

call shauna Beautiful lyalta call lorna Brand neW BungaloW, call lorna Buy yourself feature property - call lorna
home to Be moved - $109,900 acreage $575,000 vieW of countryside
a home &
Custom built home on
2 large bedrooms, 2
1440 sq.ft. mobile home 2.99 acres
full baths and over 3200 sq ft
Built in 2006 1 mile from Lakes of commercial building.
Muirfield Golf Course 1400 sq ft of
3 bdrms, 2 full baths development, Last use a pub.
Heated double attached Living at rear.
12'x54' deck included garage, 64'x40' shop upgrades throughout.
MLS C3450431 Priced at $249,900

call shauna crystal ridge feature property - call shauna call lorna call lorna 40+ living
condo - $169,900
local estaBlished $249,900 don't miss out!

2 bedroom condo with

panoramic view. Looks
Well kept bungalow.
Front attached
Brand neW BungaloW
onto environmental
Oak throughout
Great clientele. Excellent income. garage.
2 bedrooms, 2 baths.
1720 sq ft new bungalow.
Corner fireplace Owner will train. Owner retiring. Green space at side. Maple throughout. Hardwoods.
call shauna Westlake condo call lorna university call lorna

ranch estates $69,900
time! just listed! $249,000 free market
3 bedrms, 2 1/2 baths
Duplex - Doverglen.
Maple kitchen
Gated adult living community. By the lake,
Gas Fireplace
Partially finished 3 bdrms, 2 full baths. Open concept.
Suite up & down.
All applainces. Fully 2 bedrooms, evaluations
basement Large deck to relax on. fenced. $254,721. attached single garage

w w w. a z t e c r e a l e s t a t e. c a
Page 14 • Strathmore Times • December 10, 2010

“MY new Year’s

resOLUTIOn Is TO aLwaYs
be There fOr The gUYs.”

start 2011 now witH

up TO
manufacturer Rebate .......................................... $7,500 ‡

plus qualifying customers can get

Ford Recycle Your Ride Incentive ................... up TO


Retire Your Ride Incentive ..................................... $300


Ford Credit Cash (when financing) ............................... $1,500


Costco Incentive ................................................... $1,000



Amount shown for 2010 F-150 Super Cab XLT 4x4

2010 F-150 XLT SUPER CAB 4X4

purchase for only

28,999 $ 7,500
** ‡

manufacturer’s rebate

purchase finance for only

219 @ 6.99%

Bi-weekly financed over 72 months with $1,100 down. Offers include $1,500 freight & air tax.


OnlY FORd leTs YOu ReCYCle YOuR OR OLDER VehICle 2003

and GeT up TO $ , 3 300
t TOwaRds mOsT new FORd VehICles.

This offer is in addition to incentives currently offered when

combined with the $300 available from the Retire Your
Ride program, funded by the Government of Canada on
qualifying vehicles of model year 1995 or older. Incentives
range from $1000 to $3000. Visit for details.

In Partnership with


$ , 1 000 OFF
2011 ranger SPoRT SUPER CAB 2011 F-250 XLT 4X4
9.8L/100km hwy, 13.8L/100km city WESTERn EdiTion

Own for only purchase for only

126 6.99 37,499


$ % $ 8,000

@ $

Bi-weekly financed over 72 months with $0 down. Offer includes $1,500 freight and air tax. manufacturer’s rebate
Offer includes $1,350 freight. ON MOST 2010 AND 2011 FORD VEHICLES. VISIT FORDCOSTCO.CA

Hurry, it’s 2011 today at your alberta Ford store. but it won’t be For long.

Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offers. Offers may be cancelled at any time without notice. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. Inventory varies by dealer. Dealer order or transfer may be required. ± Receive [$1,000 / $2,500 / $3,000 / $4,000 / $4,500 / $4,750 / $5,000 / $5,500 / $6,000 / $6,500 /$7,500/ $11,000] / [$500 / $1,000 / $2,000 / $4,000 / $4,500 / $5,000 / $6,000 / $8,000] in Manufacturer Rebates with the purchase or lease of a new [2010]/[2011] [E-Series/
Focus S, Explorer 4 door, Transit Connect/Fusion Hybrid/Focus (excluding S), Fusion S, Ranger Regular Cab XL and FEL, Edge SE, Flex SE, Escape Hybrid, F-350 to F-550/Fusion (excluding S and Hybrid)/ Escape I4 Manual/Ranger Super Cab XL, Escape (excluding I4 manual and hybrid)/Taurus SE, Explorer Sport Trac/Mustang Value Leader, Taurus (excluding SE)/Mustang (excluding Value Leader), Edge (excluding SE), Flex (excluding SE), F-150 Regular Cab/Expedition, F-150 (excluding Regular Cab)/F-250 - F-450 (excluding Chassis Cab)]/[Focus S, Fusion S, Taurus
SE, Edge SE, Flex SE, Escape I4 Manual, E-Series/Fiesta (excluding S)/Mustang Value Leader, F-350 to F-550/Transit Connect/Mustang V6 (excluding Value Leader)/Expedition/Mustang GT, Ranger Super Cab (excluding XL), F- 150 Regular Cab/ F-150 (excluding Regular Cab)/F-250 – F-450 (excluding Chassis Cab)]. All Shelby GT500, F- 150 Raptor and Medium Truck models are excluded. This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. On applicable
vehicles, this offer can also be combined with the Commercial Connection Program incentives and, for eligible customers, the Small Business Incentive Program (SBIP). For small fleets with an eligible FIN, this offer can also be used in conjunction with the Commercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFIP). This offer is not combinable with any CPA/GPC or Daily Rental incentives. t Program in effect from Oct. 1/10, to Jan. 3/11 (the “Program Period”). To qualify for a Ford Recycle Your Ride Program (“RYR”) rebate (“Rebate(s)”), customer must qualify for and
take part in either the “Retire Your Ride Program” delivered by Summerhill Impact with financial support from the Government of Canada, or Summerhill Impact’s “Car Heaven Program”. To qualify for the “Retire Your Ride Program”, which offers $300 cash or rebate on the purchase of a 2004 or newer vehicle, customer must turn in a 1995 model year or older vehicle in running condition (able to start and move) which has been properly registered and insured for the last 6 months (12 months in B.C.) to an authorized recycler. To qualify for the “Car Heaven
Program”, customer must turn in a 2003 model year or older vehicle in running condition which has been registered and insured for the last 6 months to an authorized recycler. If a customer qualifies for Car Heaven or Retire Your Ride, Ford of Canada (“Ford”) will provide an additional Rebate, with the purchase or lease of an eligible new 2010/2011 Ford or Lincoln vehicle, in the amount of $1,000CDN [Focus (excluding 2011 S), Fusion (excluding 2011 S), Mustang (excluding Shelby GT500 and 2011 Value Leader), Transit Connect, Ranger (excluding 2011 XL)],
$2,000CDN [Taurus (excluding 2011 SE), Escape (excluding 2011 XLT I4 Manual), Edge (excluding 2011 SE), Flex (excluding 2011 SE), Explorer (excluding 2011 Base models), Sport Trac], or $3,000CDN [F150 (excluding Raptor and 2011 Regular Cab XL 4x2), F250-550, E-Series, Expedition, MKZ, MKS, MKX, MKT, Navigator] (each an “Eligible Vehicle”). Rebate amount may be used as a down payment or a cheque from Ford, but not both. Taxes payable before Rebate amount is deducted. RYR Rebates are available to residents of Canada only excluding Northwest
Territories, Yukon Territory, and Nunavut. Eligible Vehicle must be purchased, leased, or factory ordered during the Program Period to qualify for a Rebate. Rebates can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Rebates are raincheckable. Rebates not available on any vehicle receiving CPA, GPC, Commercial Connection, or Daily Rental Rebates and Commercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFIP). Limited time offer, see dealer for details or call Ford Customer Relationship
Centre at 1-800-565-3673. © 2010 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved. # Offer valid from Dec. 1/10, to Jan. 3/11 (the “Offer Period”). Customers who purchase finance or lease most new 2010 or 2011 Ford Ranger/F-150(excluding Raptor) (each an “Eligible Vehicle”) and finance through Ford Credit, Canada will receive $1000/$1500 (the “Offer”). The new vehicle must be delivered and/or factory ordered from your participating Ford dealer during the Offer Period. Only one (1) Offer may be applied towards the purchase or lease of one (1)
Eligible Vehicle, up to a maximum of two (2) separate Eligible Vehicle sales per customer. This offer is raincheckable. This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at the time of either factory order or delivery, but not both. This offer is not combinable with CPA, GPC, CFIP, FALS or Daily Rental Allowance incentives. Customer may use the Offer amount as a down payment or choose to receive a rebate cheque from Ford of Canada, but not both. Taxes payable before Offer amount is deducted. n Offer
only valid from Dec 1/10 to Jan 31/11 (the “Offer Period”) to resident Canadians with Costco memberships valid on or before November 30, 2010. Use this $1,000CDN Costco member offer towards the purchase or lease of most new 2010/2011 Ford or Lincoln vehicles excluding all Focus, Ranger, Shelby GT 500, Raptor, F-650 & F-750 and 2011 Fiesta S models (each an “Eligible Vehicle”). This offer is raincheckable. The new vehicle must be delivered and/or factory-ordered from your participating Ford Motor Company of Canada (“Ford”) dealer within the Offer
Period. Offer is only valid at participating dealers, is subject to vehicle availability, and may be cancelled or changed at any time without notice. Only one (1) offer may be applied towards the purchase or lease of one (1) Eligible Vehicle, up to a maximum of two (2) separate Eligible Vehicle sales per Costco Membership Number. Offer is transferable to persons domiciled with an eligible Costco member. This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford at either the time of factory order (if ordered within the Offer
Period) or delivery, but not both. This offer can be combined with RCL Program incentives, but cannot be combined with the Commercial Connection Program. For small fleets with an eligible FIN, this offer can be used in conjunction with the Small Business Incentive Program (SBIP). Offer is not combinable with any CPA/GPC or Daily Rental incentives or the Commercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFIP). Customer may use the $1,000CDN as a down payment or choose to receive a rebate cheque from Ford, but not both. Applicable taxes calculated before $1,000CDN
offer is deducted. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offer, see dealer for details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. ©2010 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved. †† Purchase a new 2010 Ford F-150 XLT Super Cab 4x4 / 2011 Ford F-250 XLT Super Cab 4x4 Western Edition (with Power Seats) for $28,999 / $37,499 after combined Total Manufacturer Rebate of $7,500 / $8,000 deducted. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Manufacturer Rebate have been deducted. Offers include freight
and air tax ($1,500/$1,500), but exclude license, fuel fill charge, insurance, PDI, registration, PPSA, administration fees, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. All prices are based on Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price. † Qualified retail customers, on approved credit from Ford Credit (not all buyers will qualify for the lowest APR payment), may purchase finance a 2010 Ford [F-150 XLT SuperCab 4x4] / 2011 Ford [Ranger Sport SuperCab/Edge SE/F-250 XLT 4x4 Super Cab Western Edition] for MSRP of [$28,999] / [$18,999
/$25,499/$26,499], a monthly payment of [$476] / [$273/$496/$626] (the sum of twelve (12) monthly payments divided by 26 periods gives payee a bi-weekly payment of [$219] / [$126/$229/$289]) for 72 months with a down payment of [$1,100] / [$0/$0/$800] or equivalent trade-in. Down payment may be required based on approved credit. Cost of borrowing is [$6,338] / [$3,635/$6,384/$8,337] or APR of [6.99%] / [6.99%/6.99%/6.99%] and total to be repaid is [$35,337] / [$19,634/ $34,483/$45,836]. All purchase finance offers include freight
and air tax (where applicable), but exclude administration and registration fees, fuel fill charge and all applicable taxes. Taxes are payable on the full amount of the purchase price. Bi-Weekly payments are only available using a customer initiated PC (Internet Banking) or Phone Pay system through the customer’s own bank (if offered by that financial institution). The customer is required to sign a monthly payment contract and furnish a cheque in the amount of the first bi-weekly payment on the contract date. Subsequent bi-weekly payments will be
made via a PC or Phone Pay system commencing 2 weeks following the contract date. ‡ Estimated fuel consumption ratings for the 2011 Ranger Sport Super Cab Automatic [10.2L/100km city and 13.9L/100km hwy], and 2011 Edge SE Manual [7.4L/100km city and 11.2L/100km hwy] Atkinson CVT based on Transport Canada approved test methods. Actual fuel consumption may vary based on road conditions, vehicle loading and driving habits.
December 10, 2010 • Strathmore Times • Page 15

The Strathmore-Brooks
Constituency office
will now be open every
Thursday starting
December 9th,
9:30am – 3:30pm,
85 Lakeside Blvd.
The staff at Byron (Wheatland Family &
Smith Ford are col-
lecting non-perish-
Community Support
able food items and Services office)
toys to give to the
Christmas Hamper
Society. The local For appointment, please
car dealership is en-
call 310-0000
couraging everyone
to bring their dona- (wait for operator then dial)
MLA Arno
tion to their build-
ing, located at 1040 403-362-6969 Doerksen
Westridge Road.

Mario Prusina Photo
Looking for
Giving back to the community a Unique
Shannon LeClair nered with the Wheatland grease in their contribution to Shopping
Times Reporter County Foodbank and are host-
ing a food and toy drive for the
the organizations.
“I know I’ll be there (the Experience?
The beginning of December month of December. foodbank) this week, help-
marked the launch of a cam- “It’s important not to lose ing out, doing what I can. It’s
paign by Byron Smith Ford to sight of the fact that people not always about money,” said
collect food for those who may don’t eat toys and realistically Hynes.

Just in time for Christmas!

be going without this winter. It the food is probably impor- Donations have already
is kind of a dual project they tant,” said Hynes. started to pile up at the dealer-
are working on: they are gath- They are also looking at do- ship, which is located at 1040
ering donations for both the nations to help the foodbank Westridge Road. For the entire Designer Watches, ipods, Cameras, Wii and
Wheatland foodbank and for with overhead costs. One way month of December, staff at Xbox Games, Christmas Decor, numerous
Household and Shop Goods.
the Christmas Hamper Society. they are helping with that is, Byron Smith Ford would like
“It is never a good feeling to $50 from every vehicle sold for to encourage Wheatland Coun-
be hungry,” said Josh Hynes, the month of December will be ty and Strathmore residents Saturday, December 11 - Skaters Skateboard Dispersal Sale
General Sales Manager at By- donated. to bring non-perishable food
Selling snowboard and snowboard equipment
ron Smith Ford. “Especially “There is no magic behind it. items and toys to the dealer-
during the holiday season, we
want to make sure we sup-
We just want to strengthen our
ties with the community a little
ship. The dealership is open
from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Monday
neXt GraHam auCtionS Sale Jan. 8, 2011
port our local charities like the bit and put it a little bit more to Thursday), 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. miscellaneous Sales 9 am • Vehicles 12:30 pm
Wheatland County Foodbank, on the forefront because obvi- (Friday), and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Viewing 9 - 5 Friday
so they can continue to provide ously we can be an outlet here,” (Saturday). Visit http://www. located 4321 84th ne, Calgary • 403-777-9393
much-needed services to those said Hynes. for direc-
less fortunate.” The staff, Hynes included, tions and contact information
Byron Smith Ford has part- are also adding a little elbow of the dealership. www.

Do You See What i See? EXPRESSION

strathmore Hidden Valley Golf Resort,
vision clinic located 1 hr. East of Calgary, just south of
Cluny, invites Expressions of Interest to
optometrists Wine Making SupplieS & gift Store
operate their seasonal (April to October)
Adult & Children Eye Examinations
Contact Lenses ChriStMaS Food & Beverage Operation.
Quality Eyewear BaSketS Venues include a full service restaurant,
Sunglasses made to order or lounge, banquet facility for tournaments
make them yourself! and special events, plus a half way Kiosk
on the golf course.
Selection of The Resort consists of 305 privately owned
Canadian products cabins and a 9 hole golf course.
Dr. Garth Anderson • Dr. russell Doig
Dr. Aaron Hesla • Dr. Kris Duguay Wine Making Supplies Turnkey facilities are provided
mon, tue, Wed & Fri 9 am - 5 pm
Check out our Mill Creek line as well as living accommodations.
thur 7 am - 5 pm • (2nd) Wed 9 am - 8 pm
gourmet goodies
321 - 3rd Street, Strathmore, Alberta ornaments
Submit proposals by January 21st, 2011 to:
SeCtion gift Basket ideas
& Stocking Stuffers Hidden Valley Golf Resort
Times Tidbits Box 9
Did You Know? “Under New Ownership” Cluny, AB TOJ OSO
Thomas Smith invented Christmas Crackers, and he had imported
the French novelties to sell as Christmas gifts, but they were not
popular until he wrapped them up and added a snapper 116 Second avenue 403-934-9590
Page 16 • Strathmore Times • December 10, 2010

AdveNt Quiet hourS

Advent is a waiting season, a time for renewal and re-
flection. Join us as we take a break from the holiday rush
to rest in the mystery and joy of God’s creative presence.
A Night At the MANger All are welcome. Saturday, November 27, 10 am –
December 10. An evening of music noon; Monday, December 6, 7 pm - 9:30 pm. St Michael
and stories celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. and All Angels Anglican Church, Strathmore. For more
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints info go to or call 934-3017.
60 Maplewood Drive. Nativity Display from 6:00 - 6:45
pm. Program begins at 7:00 pm. Free Admission
Bow river AlliANCe ChurCh
the StrAthMore ChriStMAS eveNtS
Dec. 12 Christmas Memorial Service 2:30 pm at
ChildreN’S Choir Carseland Hall. Remembering our loved ones. A time of
presents the “All I Want Is Nuttin” Christmas Concert. encouragement for all who remember loved ones during
Saturday, December 11, 2010, 7:00 PM Strathmore this season, and candle lighting for all who have lost
United Church. In lieu of admission, the choir asks that loved ones this past year. Please RSVP to Pastor Andy at
you bring a non-perishable food item to donate to the 403-934-9337 or andy.wiebe@bowriveralliance.come to
Wheatland County Food Bank. For more information, ensure a personalized candle. Dec. 24 6:30 pm
please email, or Christmas Eve Service “Come Worship Your King”
call (403) 361-9821.

StrAthMore ANd diStriCt

lANgdoN ChriStMAS CArNivAl
Sunday, December 12, 1:00 to 5:00 pm. Family skate,
ChriStMAS hAMper SoCiety
scavenger hunt, bake sale, gingerbread house contest, Meetings - Mondays at Wheatland FCSS,
kids crafts and stories, and more! For info contact 85 Lakeside Blvd at 7 pm; January 10, 2011;
Glenda at 403-936-0443 or Jody at 403-936-8768. Saturday November 13, is Kick off for the campaign.
(this is when all the Wheatland Food Bank boxes are
changed to Christmas Hamper); November 15 to
StrAthMore & diStriCt December 16 is when our lines are open for
AgriCulturAl SoCiety applications for a hamper, call 934-2266.
Annual General Meeting. Tuesday, December 14th
at 7:00 in the Chuck Mercer Room.
2nd Annual roBBie BurNS diNNer
Sponsored by Strathmore No. 53 and Gleichen No. 36
hAppy gANg ChriStMAS diNNer Masonic Lodges in the Civic Centre,
December 14 @5pm. Present exchange – bring a Saturday, January 22, 2011. Tickets $25.00.
wrapped gift, valued at $8-10. For info call Kevin 403-934-3401 or
$16 members, $21 non-members. Glen 403-901-6038.

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“The focus is on you!”

Wade Klimpke DD www. mybite .ca
december 10, 2010


The Wheatland Kings picked up their seventh win of the season with a 6-3 win over the Banff Bears
on Dec. 4 at the Strathmore Family Centre.
Doug Taylor Photo

The UFA Bisons and Strathmore Minor Hockey hosted a goalie camp for atom and peewee
Kings can’t capitalize
on hot starts
goalies Dec. 3 at the Strathmore Family Centre. Bisons netminders George Merik and Devon
Fordyce, along with forward Torrin White and goalie coach Damen Umscheid offered training
and advice for the up-and-coming puck-stoppers.
Wendi Tashlikowich Photos

Teaching up and coming

Mario Prusina nan Grasdahl scored once to pace the
Times Editor Kings offence.
On Saturday night, Tom Mikrut scored

goalies the ropes

The Wheatland Kings Junior B hock- once and added a pair of helpers, while
ey team got off to the starts they wanted Lucas Ford and Ross Fox each regis-
when they took on the Banff Bears and tered a goal and an assist to lead the
Shannon LeClair sics on how to stop the puck. That’s the Mountainview Colts this past week- way over the Bears. Racey Big Snake,
Times Reporter where it started, just teaching basic end. Brandon Neufeld and Hayden Warrack
moves and stuff like that,” said Mer- Despite scoring first in both games, also tallied for the Kings, while Leslie
The UFA Bisons hosted a goalie ik. the Kings settled for one win, which Doore added a pair of helpers in the
clinic for Strathmore Minor Hockey The third-year Bison has helped disappointed head coach Doug Murphy. win.
Players on Dec. 3. UFA Bisons goal- out with a few other goalie camps, “Another split and another one that “We came out really strong, we scored
ies George Merik and Devon Fordyce including the Elite Hockey Develop- got away from us,” said the coach refer- in the first 20 seconds of the game,” said
put on the clinic with the help of ment Camp in the summer. Merik ring to the weekend. the coach. “The first two or three shifts
their goalie coach Damon Umcheid. said he had a lot of fun teaching The Kings scored just 20 seconds into everyone had, it looked like it was go-
“We’ve both been to various goal- the kids things they may not have their home game versus the Banff Bears ing to be a real blowout. Then the guys
ies schools and whatnot and we known before or showing them the on Dec. 4, en route to a 6-3 win at the kind of went to sleep – it’s sort of the
just (did) drills that we knew,” said proper techniques. Strathmore Family Centre. However, the unfortunate thing about playing the
Merik. “Our goalie coach helped us “Our managers, Wayne Hansen following day in Didsbury, not only did lesser teams in the league. Guys don’t
out and we just basically split up and Neil Glionna, thought it would the Kings score first, they took a 2-0 think that they have to work as hard
the kids into pairs … we just went be a good thing to do and we agreed, lead, before giving up three straight and we almost let them back in before
around and showed them things that so we just put it on,” said Merik. “I goals in a 4-3 loss. we woke up again.”
they were doing right and things think they (the kids) enjoyed it to. “We got off to a good start, (then Ty- The Kings will look to improve on
that they were doing wrong and just I know I enjoyed getting taught by ler Brandon suffered an injury) and the their 7-14-0 record this weekend when
tried to help them.” older kids when I was young, so I’m guys kind of let down after that,” ex- they host the Okotoks Oilers Dec. 11 (8
It was a two hour-long clinic for sure they enjoyed it.” plained Murphy. “We let them back in p.m.) at the Strathmore Family Centre.
peewee and atom goalies in the Merik said there might be anoth- it – in a stretch of four minutes, they After playing their final home game of
Strathmore Minor Hockey system. er clinic held in January before the scored three goals. We tried to battle 2010, the Kings will travel to Medicine
“We just kind of gave them the ba- playoffs roll around. back, but it was too little, too late.” Hat on Dec. 12 (2:30 p.m.) to tangle
Lucas Ford scored twice, while Bren- with the Cubs.

o me
H ames
Saturday, December 11 • 8:00 pm vs Okotoks Bisons
Strathmore Family Centre - Gold Arena

G Saturday, January 8 • 8:00 pm Rimbey Rock

Saturday, January 22 • 8:00 pm Stettler Lightning

AWAY GAMES: Sunday, December 12 • 2:30 pm Medicine Hat; Sunday, January 9 • 1:15 pm Okotoks

Merry Christmas from the Strathmore Wheatland Kings!

Page 18 • Strathmore Times • December 10, 2010

Strathmore heavy truck repair

now has a

wheel alignment
for heavy trucks and school buses.

Call (403) 901-1522

to book your appointment today!

Please join
MP Kevin Sorenson, MLA Arno Doerksen, The Strathmore Spartans senior high school girls basketball team is hosting their annual tournament
Mayor Steve Grajczyk, Reeve Ben Armstrong, Dec. 10-11.
Mario Prusina Photo
Councillors & Staff

for a Basketball season has begun

Shannon LeClair “Our last game was against Bishop
Times Reporter Carroll from Calgary. We won 48-30.
Megan Bradley was named the game
The Strathmore High School, SHS, se- all-star. As a result, we placed 3rd place

Open House
nior girls basketball team was at SAIT
on the weekend of Dec. 4-5 for their
first tournament and games of the sea-
son. There were 32 teams playing at
in our division,” said Galandy.
The girls were back on the court as
of Dec. 6, this time playing in Okotoks.
It was a tough game for the team who
SAIT from all over Alberta and B.C. and played against Foothills Composite.

December 17, 2010 SHS played in the Emerald division.

“Our first game was against David
They were trailing behind for the first
three quarters of the game and made
Strathmore Town Office • 4 - 6 pm Thompson School from Invermere. We
won 59-34. Irina Liakhar was named
a comeback in the fourth quarter win-
ning the game 53-50.
the game all-star,” said coach Dion Ga- “It was a gutsy come from behind
landy. win for the girls,” said Galandy.
The second game was against Win- The Spartans will be playing again

2010 Tree of Hope

ston Churchill from Lethbridge. The this weekend, this time on their home
girls lost the game 34-66. Stella Lopez court when they host the Christmas
was named the all-star of that game. Classic Tournament Dec. 10-11.

17th Annual Community Palliative Care

Fundraising Event Bisons sick of the split
The 2010 Tree of Hope Campaign, in support of Mario Prusina rin White rounded out the scoring with
a powerplay goal with 9:46 left in the
Times Editor
Palliative Care is underway. Donations need to be game.
mailed or dropped off at the Hospital Admitting. Win one, lose one. “Everybody came to play on Saturday
Envelopes addressed to the Hospital Lose one, win one. – everyone was focused on what we
are available at Strathmore churches. It’s a trend the UFA Bisons have had had to do,” said Merik. “On Sunday, we
for the past five weeks, including this gave up those two (first period) goals
The objective of this years fundraiser will be the past weekend’s trip to the Edmonton early and we tried to battle back there
purchase of 2 reclining chairs for the comfort of family area. in the second, but we took a couple of
& volunteers spending time with the terminally ill. After collecting a 6-2 win over the K stupid penalties and they took advan-
The tree, a live spruce on the hospital grounds, of C Pats on Dec. 4, the Bisons took tage of it.
too many costly penalties in a 5-2 loss “The penalties definitely hurts us –
will be lit with blue & pink bulbs. Each donation is to the St. Albert Sports Raiders the fol- we took them at the wrong time.”
represented by a bulb being lit - blue for memoriams lowing day. After losing his first game of the sea-
and pink for greetings. Donations of $10 or more “These split weekend are definitely son Nov. 6, a 9-2 drubbing at the hands
will receive a charitable receipt. starting to hurt us,” said goaltender of the Red Deer Rebels – in which he
George Merik. “At the start of the sea- gave up five goals, Merik is undefeated

son it seemed like we’d win, win, win in his last three starts.
– and then have a stinker. Now it seems Despite having a tough 3.81 goals

unTil JAnuAry 5TH, 2011

like we win – have a stinker, win – have against average and .888 save percent-
a stinker. age, he boasts an impressive 6-1-1 re-
“It’s definitely disappointing. It think cord on the season.
everyone is fed up with it.” According to the Rockyford native,
Clip & Mail this ad or list names on a separate sheet of paper Mason Burr had two goals and an as- his personal game is coming around.
Submit donations to: Strathmore District Health Services sist, while Kirby Ruzesky record three “I’m starting to feel good,” said Mer-
assists in the win over the Pats. Connor ik. “I had a bit of a rough patch there …
200 Brent Blvd., Strathmore, AB T1P 1J9 Chartier and Simon Philp each added a but I feel like I’m getting into a groove,
goal and an assist, while Sam Johnson which is good coming into the Mac’s
Donors Name & Address: ____________________________________________________ and Joshua Betinol each scored once. (Midget Hockey Tournament).”
After taking a 2-0 lead, the Bisons The Bisons are hoping to improve on
surrendered two quick goals, ending their 11-5-4 record, when they host a
_________________________________________________________________________ the first period tied at two. The Bisons pair of North Division opponents this
scored a power play goal in the second weekend.
In Memory of (Blue Blub): __________________________________________________ The team will host the CAC Gregg
period before bursting out for three
Christmas Greeting to (Pink Blub): ____________________________________________ goals in the final frame. Distributors on Dec. 11 (5:30 p.m.) at
On Sunday, Darian Henry opened the Strathmore Family Centre, before
Donation Amount:__________________________________________________________ the scoring with a power play goal 7:27 once again tangling with the K of C
Please make cheques payable to SDHS Foundation Tree of Hope into the first period, before the Raid- Pats on Sunday afternoon. Game time
ers scored five unanswered goals. Tor- is 2 p.m.
December 10, 2010 • Strathmore Times • Page 19

Ice Creams
another win
Mel Boschee
Strathmore Novice Ringette Ice Creams

The Strathmore Ice Creams

showed up at the arena to play
Final volley on Saturday when the Rockyford
Ringers came to town. After a pre-

of the season vious weekend off, excitement

in the dressing room was over-
The perfect
The annual Allstar Volleyball games took place whelming and all were excited accessory
at the Strathmore High School, SHS, gym on
Dec. 1. The South Central Zone Allstar game
to show off their freshly practice
skills from Tuesday. The practice
to all your
consists of players from Canmore, Okotoks,
Airdrie and Olds. The top Grade 12 players
paid off and the excitement last- holiday outfits!
in the zone are invited to play in the Allstar
ed throughout the game and the
girls took home a win with a score Book a Mystic HD
game. There were four Grade 12 girls who
of 7-5. Although the goals were Sunless Tan today!
were split between the grey and black teams,
Mikayla Reinhardt and Irena Liakhar were on scored by Daylen Wathen (3), “The Hottest
the Black Team and Shelby Lausen and Liz Abby Hilton (2), Cayley Boschee Place in Town!”
Steele played on the Grey Team. There wasn’t (1), Ainsley Olson (1), it does not Tanning
enough interest for a boys team this year and indicate the supreme team work Vitamin D Sunbeds • Tanning
JV girls coach Jerry Flaws said the zone was displayed on the ice. With McK- Infrared Sauna • Mystic HD Sunless
short on senior boys teams this year. The Grey
team won in the fifth set by a score of 15-12.
enna Blades in the net, and the 510 Hwy 1, Strathmore - Country Lane Mall
There wasn’t a trophy or any awards given to offensive/defensive teams strong, 403-983-1803
Mon - Thurs:
the top team, just bragging rights said Flaws. Brooklyn Reinhart, Meghan Mun- 9:30 am to 8:30 pm
chrath, Payton Jensen, Jaden Tash- Fri: 9:30 am to 7 pm

Shannon LeClair Photos likowich, Jaidyn Eitzen, Emily Bai- Sat & Sun:
lie, Shelby Lane, Abbey Bratt were 10 am to 2 pm

Ice have impressive weekend the sound support system to en-

sure the win.
Next week is our team Christ-
We feature:

Tami LeMoine seemed over but following a brief time mas gathering and a game on Sun-
Strathmore Electric Ice out, the Blitz attacked with fury. They day morning in Strathmore at 9:15
were able to score one goal but were a.m. Come out and watch the fun.

The U14A Electric Ice finally played denied another by Strathmore’s out-
the South Calgary Blitz on Saturday. standing defense. Final score was 6-5
This was the only team they had not Strathmore.
played this season and the team was The Electric Ice played Sunday in
eager to see how they would fare Strathmore, against their zone two ri-
against the number two team in the vals, the Airdrie Sting. It was obvious
league. Determined to put into prac- that Airdrie had come to play and they STRATHMORE
tice what they had worked on earlier were first on the scoreboard. It took the
in the week, the girls came out hard Ice a while to get organized but once
and quickly dominated the play. The they did they were able to tie the game
Ice was first on the scoreboard with near the end of the first. Airdrie scored
an incredible shot by Shae Lane, set up a power play goal but Strathmore was
by Darcie Weir. Taylor Shpyth made it able to reciprocate and the first period
a 2-0 game but the Blitz were finally ended 2-2. The Ice obviously listened
able to get one by our Brooke McK- to what their coaches had to say in the
enzie. Rhiece Cordes scored, what was break because they came out on fire
to be the first of three goals for her, and scored five goals, while only allow-
near the end of the first period. Cal-
gary started the second period with a
ing one from Airdrie. Final score 7-3
for Strathmore. Goals were scored by Join Us on
power play and was able to make good
use of it, scoring a goal. That seemed
Payge Bratt, Gabi LeMoine, Katie Edel-
mann, Morgan Elder and Taylor Shpyth
to fire them up as they scored again to
tie the game at 3-3. Calgary fans were
with three. All goals were assisted by
Rhiece Cordes, Shae Lane, Karly Lar-
December 10
celebrating another goal, but within son, Hannah Olson, and Darcie Weir. Noon to 4:30 pm

1st Year Anniversary

seconds of pulling ahead for the first Once again Brooke McKenzie kept the
time, Taylor Shpyth tied the game. Not fans cheering with her saves.
wasting any time Rhiece Cordes scored If you would rather watch the Elec-
again. With just over a minute to play, tric Ice than read about them, their next
Calgary pulled their goalie and Rhiece game is Saturday, Dec. 11 at 2 p.m. in
Cordes was able to capitalize. The game Strathmore.

What’s On at the Gleichen RecReatiOn cOmlex

Enjoy Refreshments
& Snacks!
Enter to
Please bring a non-perishable item Golf
to be donated to the Food Bank.
202 - 114 Canal Garden, Strathmore (Trendsetter Building)
At the End of the Day, This is Your Paper
Page 20 • Strathmore Times • December 10, 2010

birthdays coming events

BATEMAN, HILL, Jeffrey Wayne
Leslie James On December 5, 2010 after a lengthy and English John
Aug. 24, 1943 - Dec. 4, 2010 courageous battle with cancer, Jeffrey Wayne Hill will be 60 on
It is with great sadness that we passed away in Strathmore Hospital surrounded by December 10th!
announce the passing of Leslie family. Jeff was born in Chatham, Ontario on January
Gleichen Community Development Council
Happy Birthday
Bateman of Strathmore, at the age of 67 years after 28, 1964. Jeff is predeceased by his dad John David
a short battle with cancer. Les was born in High Hill and his sister Denise Marie Pearce (nee Hill). Jeff AnnuAl ChristmAs
River, and was raised in the Royalties until 1957, at is survived by his mom Roberta (Don); his siblings With love from all DeCorAtinG Contest
which time the family moved to Black Diamond. Les Thomas (Ruth), Dianne and Darren; and nieces and your friends, near Business & resiDentiAl
nephews Crystal, Sean, Kathryn, Maureen, Les, JR,
had a few different jobs when he left school but his
Mackenzie and Johnathon. Jeff is also survived by and family afar! Competitions
career started in 1964 when he moved to Calgary
and went to work with the Canadian Pacific Railway his aunt Vera, aunt Jean and uncle Harry, as well as Judging to be held December 15th.
many cousins in Canada, Ireland and France. There Prizes to be awarded at the Community Christmas
as an Ice Picker, West End Verifier, Clerk, and a
Yardmaster until retirement in 2001. Les met and
married his wife Karen in 1970 and lived in Calgary.
will be a Celebration of Life reception on Saturday,
December 11, 2010 at address 4 Greenview
Cresent, Strathmore, Alberta between 2:00 p.m.
www. Skate Park at the Gleichen Recreation Complex,
Sunday, Dec. 19.
In 1978 they purchased their home in Strathmore, rememBer to turn your liGhts on sunDAy
where he spent the remainder of his life. Les was and 4:00 p.m. for anyone wishing to attend. A
niGht for the ChristmAs liGht tour!
pre-deceased by his wife of 37 years Karen Bateman tree will be planted in Jeff’s memory in Fish Creek coming events
Park. Jeff will be sadly missed by his family and
(nee Tsumagari) in December 2007, sister Elsie
friends. To send condolences, please visit www.
ChristmAs skAte &
Chisholm in April 2002, mother Jennie Bateman
(nee Adams) in December 1979, and father William WHEATLAND FUNERAL tree liGhtinG pArty
HOME LTD. (Strathmore) in care of arrangements.
Bateman in March 1976. Les will be remembered GleiChen reCreAtion Complex
by his only daughter Jennifer (Paul) Eckenswiller, 403-934-5666
sunDAy, DeC 19 • 3 - 7 pm
siblings Charles Bateman, Irene Bradley, Ronald
Bateman, Marie Walker, Edna Wick, Gordon Bateman “Your heart has brought great joy to many. Those • Public Skating
(Myrna Riches), Jean Styler, Donna (Dave) Torrance, hearts can never forget you” • Hay Rides
Dorothy Bateman (Ron Jones), Carolyn (Ingemar) ~Flavia Weeden~ • Treats for the Kids
Bjornson, Wayne (Leanne) Bateman, as well as • Christmas Decorating
numerous nieces, nephews, other family members, Contest Winners
and friends. Les will always be remembered as a
for sale for sale • Visit with Santa!!
kind hearted person; a real teddy bear who was
willing to help anyone. His best quality was his Etnie’s Footwear, wom-
Top of the line WINTER an’s size 9, black/pink, worn
sense of humour that you learned to love. Nothing
TIRES - 4 P225/60 R16 once, excellent cond. $65.
was ever too serious. Memorial services will be Goodyear winter tires used 17” Gateway flat monitor, help wanted
held on Friday, December 10, 2010 at Wheatland 3 months. Plus 1 spare used only 4 mths, excellent

help wanted
Funeral Chapel at 2:00 p.m. Inurnment Strathmore tire on new rim (225/60 cond. $75. Call 403-934-
Cemetery. To send condolences, please visit www. R16). $800.00. 403-361- 3152.
HOME LTD. (Strathmore) in care of arrangements. Maytag Dishwasher - built AT MIDNIGHT n MIDNIGHT LUNCH
403-934-5666. Get your in, (white), 6 yrs old. Good n ENTRY FOR DOOR PRIZES
Classified Ads in! working condition. $75 OBO.
403-934-5589 Call 403-934-4969. VATIONS ON THE REC CENTRE
lothian, notices
Dec. 10, 1938 – Dec. 5, 2010
Custom feedlot & farming
It is with great sadness that we JACK TABLES & 2 POKER TABLES. operation looking
announce the passing of our for full-time employees
wonderful sister, wife, mother, grandmother, great TICKETS: $45
grandmother and aunt, Penny Lothian of Strathmore, RESERVE THEM NOW Competitive wages including O.T
Alberta. Penny passed away peacefully on Sunday, RITA@4039017932 and other Benefits.
December 5, 2010 at the age of 71 years, in the
Strathmore Hospital. Penny will be greatly missed Valid driver’s licence and a good
by her loving children; son Butch and his sons Cory attitude a must. High school
and Robert Jade (RJ); son Bart and wife Johanna
diploma an asset.
and their children Nick (Geri), Robyn (Jason) and
Bailey; daughter Penny and her children Brittany Send resumes to:
and Branden; great grandchildren, Jayden, Brody
and George and one on the way. She is also survived
Strathmore’s namaka farms inC.
by her loving brother Ward and wife Anne Bailey celebration of lights Box 2409, Strathmore, AB T1P 1K3
of Strathmore and their sons Chris (Aimee) and Fax (403) 934-6133
Graham, as well as Chad Halowski. Penny was a
dedicated wife and mother whose family activities Check Us Out North Pole News
on Facebook!
were filled with joy and enthusiasm. Her family
would like to thank the staff at the Strathmore
Hospital for their care and support. We take comfort Gold Standard Events
will be at the
in knowing she has been reunited with her husband
Charlie, mother Winnifred and father Alex Bailey. thank yous Are you currently a young tech savvy
Heaven has a new Angel and no words can express
how heartbroken we are to lose her. At her request, Christmas Park this individual that is looking to double or
there will be no funeral, but a celebration of her
life will be held on Saturday, December 18 at the
Saturday, even triple your current income?
Strathmore Station – Lower Tower at 11:00 a.m. In
Thank You December 11 why go to university when you can have a long,
professional and prosperous career in the
at 6 pm.
lieu of flowers donations may be made directly to the
automotive industry. huge earning potential.
Strathmore Hospital Palliative Care Unit (200 Brent The family of Knute Larsen Guaranteed income. medical benefits. And more.
Blvd., Strathmore, T1P 1J9). To send condolences, wants to extend a most sincere thank if you are prepared to invest 2 years on the road
FREE Hot Chocolate
please visit you to all who sent flowers, cards and to financial freedom then we are prepared to
WHEATLAND FUNERAL HOME LTD. (Strathmore) in food at the time of his passing. invest in you! byron smith ford wants to talk to
& Cookies to the first
care of arrangements. 403-934-5666. A special thank you, to Scott & Brandy you. ford is on top all around the world and we
Schiffner for being there for me. want you to be there with us.
notices Thank you to the ACW and the Night- 100 people dropping world class training, world class product, and
ingale women for the lovely luncheon. a world class automotive environment are what
No words can express the wonderful by for a visit.
For a Good Read! help of Francis VanBussel for all the
funeral arrangements. We are also
we have to offer. did you know that a six figure
income is achievable in as little as 2 years?

Local Author On-line grateful to Rev. Jane Rowland for her Park Hours: if you are employed at star bucks, future shop,
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meaningful kind words.
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your resume and why we should hire you

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December 10, 2010 • Strathmore Times • Page 21

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left onto Rainbow Falls Drive, left to Rainbow Falls Manor, and follow the signs.

Contact Bernie Perry 403.689.1274

Page 22 • Strathmore Times • December 10, 2010

help wanted firewood rentals rentals real estate

The Woodcutter, Fire- CHINOOK III. 2 BDRM. $900/
wood, cut & delivered, Call mo. DD required. Heat & water For rent
Glenn 403-325-0760. included. No pets. Call Jane at
403-934-6896. Downtown
commercial strathmore
2-bedroom house for rent
help wanted space
Coring & Drilling on farm south of Strathmore.
$1100 includes utilities. For approx 1000 sq
Kori-Lynn Stepaniuk
Mortgage Specialist
PErsoNNEl Driver/Laborers re-
quired. Must have class 3/
more info call 403 901-8241. ft ideal for retail.
Strathmore & Area
Required tickets: Standard First Aid, TDG, H2S Alive Air. Contact Craig at 403- terms negotiable.
Tel: 403.333.6070 Fax: 403.901.0738
Email resume to:
533-3838. help wanted secure building.
or fax resume to: 403-901-6237 or
We are seeking staff who are hard working,
call (403) Call for an appontment today!
apply on-line at: 934-6605 to view.
conscientous and self-motivated. firSt in mortgageS
OutdOOr (nursery/field) work
Get your
and indOOr (greenhouse) work. Classified
Duties include - pruning, planting, transplantaing, lifting, Ads in the
repetitive tasks,working with plants. Experience and times!
Education in Horticulture an asset. Must have a vehicle.
Wages $12.50/hr. We are located 20mins east
Full Time of Calgary in Rockyview County. Strathmore
Truck Driver wanTeD Please send your resume to Greenview Nurseries &
Tree Farms Corp. fax to (403)
Clean Class 5 record.
936-5981 or email to info@ Retail Space
Competitive wage & benefits
for Lease
contact Shawn 403-901-6328 1500 ft2
www. Good access to
Highway #1. Kitchen
facilites available.

Get your 403-861-6258 or

Various Positions
Classified FOR RENT

Ads in the
Send resumes to: STRATHMORE

1.5 baths, 3 appliances,
W&D hookups.
or fax 403.934.4540 Private parking.
Secure building.

Call Tracey No pets.

Call 8:00 am to 4:30 pm

403-934-5589 (403) 934-6605 to view.

real estate Check Us Out on Facebook!

for sale
Are you ready to make
For Sale - Irrigation Water access
Full & Part Time help required for
housekeeping supervisor
in the Western Irrigation District your move from renting
30 acres of access associated with
Must have experience, up to $16.50/hour.
Please submit resume to
Cargill Limited’s Property at Carseland, Alberta
Please submit your signed and dated offer
to owning?
350 Ridge Road, Strathmore, AB T1P 1B5 by registered letter to:
or fax(403) 901-0016 or Cargill Limited Att: Ian Gillies
300-240 Graham Ave., Winnipeg, MB R3C 4C5
call (403) 901-0000 ext 502. Bids will be accepted up to December 31, 2010
All offers to purchase are subject to Cargill’s decision.
Before the sale is finalized, the transfer of rights must be approved
by the Board of the Western Irrigation District.

Wheatland Elementary real estate
Grade 2/3 Montessori Teacher 0.5 FTE
The Golden Hills School Division No. 75 invites Dixie’s
applications for a temporary part-time (0.5 FTE) Grade Feature Properties
2/3 Montessori teacher at Wheatland Elementary in
Strathmore, AB, commencing January 3, 2011 and Dixie Hartell 403-934-2001 A pre-approved mortgage With the federal government’s
continuing until June 30,2011. The position is full is a great way to know how “Home Buyers” plan, you can use
days Monday and Wednesday with alternating Fridays. much you can borrow for up to $25,000 in rrSp Savings
Montessori training and experience is not a your home.
prerequisite, but a willingness to learn the ($50,000 for a couple) to help pay
methodologies is a requirement.
This, in turn, helps you set a for your down payment on your first
price that’s realistic for your home. you then have 15 years to
If applying through the Golden Hills website, please
submit the on-line teacher application form along financial situation. repay your rrSp.
with your resume and appropriate documentation as
indicated. Golden Hills also accepts applications sent
through Please submit
your application to the undersigned on or before
This large 3 bedroom home with gleaming
hardwood, huge family room sits on
Starting at $170,900 + GST!
12:00 noon on Wednesday, December 15, 2010.
1/2 acre lot. triple car garage with attached
Payments as low as $593/month with only 5% down O.A.C.
(Please quote the appropriate Job Reference No. #78).
office and surrounded by mature trees.
Human Resources Department Standard $295,000
Golden Hills School Division # 75
435 A Highway # 1 “Constantly strathmore
Strathmore, Alberta T1P 1J4 Selling More
Phone: 403-934-5121 Real Estate” Kori-Lynn StepaniuK
Fax: 403 – 934-5124 or 934-5125 Mortgage Specialist
Canyon Creek (Strathmore)
e-mail: Strathmore & Area Tel: 403.333.6070
Check Us Out on Facebook! firSt in mortgageS
December 10, 2010 • Strathmore Times • Page 23

Professional Directory
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G&R Equine Centre wheatland towing inc.

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403-620-1970 15 Spruce Lane, Strathmore
403-629-9010 Bus: 403-934-3727 Fax: 403-934-3849
for 58 yearS

Attention Letters to Santa

Kids!!! Our youngest readers have signed, sealed
and delivered their Christmas lists to Santa.
May all of their holiday wishes come true!
send your
photo & Photo here
letters to
santa by
Letter T
have be

Dear Sreal good boy, anned w red bike ,
anta, e to write you. How anta, are wel
l. I’m
r. Claus e North Pole? It isit
cited Dear S Is it Dear Se you? I hope yoasu ! I really want Dear M
I am a
ant a m
my told e North Pole? all in th yesterda
long. I w s. I’m ex ly cold
Santa H
all year iend Jimmy ha cited to see y m om How ar d for Christm y little it re al to And been good
M How is
ll him an
d te e me. M Is
ld here
like my
an d I am ex are you? ’s Rudolf? Te said hi. so exci ll that looks lik ocks. Thank e
pretty co I love snow. I’v a laser
istmas day. ow I a new
do ing bl ! t
for Chr e mall on Tues cold? H reindeers that bu ild snowed d I really wan omise I’ll be
, Love, brother

th r , an I pr it.
you at the othe Love, all year istmas. if I get
Age 7 ge 8 you. this Chr brother Sam
Daria, A
Age 8
my littl
e ta!
Maria, nicer to
Than ks San
Jim, Ag

donation of non-perishable food item or money, with all proceeds going to the Food Bank.
Photo here or drop off at here
Photo our office - 2nd floor
Photo here trendsetter building,
Photo here 114 Canal
Photos & letters will be published in our Christmas Greetings section on december 17th.
Page 24 • Strathmore Times • December 10, 2010


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