Timing Measurement On GIS AN en V01

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Circuit Breaker Testing

Application Note
Timing measurements on GIS
test current we can take advantage of this property to
DualGround technology
increase ground loop impedance.
The innovative method, called DualGround, allows for
accurate, safe and efficient testing of the circuit break- Ferrites are needed when the ground loop has low
er compared to conventional timing. Conventional impedance compared to the circuit breaker loop. On
timing methods require one ground to be lifted on Air Insulated Switchgear (AIS) ferrites are normally not
one side of the breaker in order to sense the change required due to that the ground loop is considerably
in contact status. This procedure makes the test cables longer than the circuit breaker loop. On GIS break-
and the instrument a part of the induced current path ers, though, the ground loop is usually about the
while the test is performed. The DualGround method same length as the circuit breaker loop and therefore
allows for safe and reliable measurements with both ferrites are required to increase the impedance in the
sides of the circuit breaker grounded thus making the ground loop.
test faster and easier. This technique also makes it
possible to test circuit breakers in configurations such Prerequisites for breaker
as GIS applications, generator breakers and transform- At least one of the ground switches need to be of
er applications where conventional timing methods insulated type, i.e. there must be a part, connected to
requires removal of jumpers and bus-bar connections the inner conducting part (through the closed ground
which is difficult and cumbersome. switch), that is possible to disconnect electrically from
ground by detachable jumpers or shunts.
Time measurement, using TM1700/1800 with
Dynamic Capacitive Measurement (DCM) on Gas Insu-
lated Switchgear (GIS) Circuit Breakers (CB) grounded
on both sides using ground/earth switches. In order to
perform successful timing
measurement it is required
that ground links or jump-
ers at the ground/earth
switch are surrounded by
ferrites. Such ferrites are
included in the Megger The jumper must be shaped in a way that makes it
Ferrite kit (XB-40090). possible to attach a ferrite around it. Likewise, there
must be enough space between the shunt and the
One property of a fer-
casing of the ground switch to fit a ferrite (see exam-
rite is that it increases the
ple with Siemens 8DN8 breaker below). If the dimen-
impedance of the conduc-
sions of the jumper and/or the spacing does not allow
tor it surrounds. Since the
for attaching a ferrite, the jumper can be replaced by
DCM technology uses high
a flexible cable on which a round shaped ferrite can
frequency AC current as
be attached.

Subject to change without notice. Printed matter No. ZR-BL02E Doc. BL033465AE V01a 2016

Siemens 8DN8 Alstom FB14

This GIS breaker may be one of the easier for mount-

ing ferrites. The grounding bar is clearly visible and
This breaker has a ground switch with removable
accessible for the operator. Four "I" and "C" shaped
grounding bar or connection which can be used for
ferrites from the kit need to be used since grounding
ferrite mounting. Unfortunately the space is too small
bar is connected to outer tubing of GIS in two places
to fit a ferrite around the connection. In this case a
between the phases. There is enough space to put
flexible grounding is used in parallel to the original
ferrites around the copper bus, but it require some
connection which is subsequently removed.
careful handling.
DCM connections are made on the ground bar bolts
for each phase and on the GIS outer enclosure. The
bolts on outer enclosure may be painted and there-
fore it is important to find a place with good contact.

The existing ground connection must be removed, as can be

seen in the picture below.

The flexible grounding is fitted with a round ferrite

and connections are made between outer enclosure
and bolts on ground switch. It is important to avoid
connecting on bolts or other parts which are painted.
The "I" and "C" ferrites mounted on the copper bus. Another important point is to put one round ferrite
around the cable coming from the ground switch.


One of the ferrites (C plus I) on the copper bus.

Round ferrites mounted on the ground cables.

2 Circuit Breaker Testing ZR-BL02E BL033465AE

Problems to be avoided
To achieve desired functionality ferrites must be ap-
plied on all shunts and/or devices that interconnect
the insulated part of the ground switch to ground, for

Maneuver shafts
The ground switch might be operated by a maneu-
ver shaft that transfers the power from the operat-
ing mechanism to the switch, in case the operating
mechanism is externally located. If this maneuver shaft
is made of a conducting material you need to apply a
ferrite around it. If the same maneuver shaft operates
all three phases, ferrites need to be applied between
the phases to separate them from each other.

Shielded cables
If there is a signal cable going to the ground switch it
is most likely of shielded type and then it is necessary
to apply a ferrite around the cable.

All other ground connections

In some installations the isolated part of the ground
switch is not only grounded through the shunts but
also has a separate grounding bar. In such case ferrites
need to be applied to the grounding bar.

Too many parallel ground connections

A parallel shunt/ground connection decreases the im-
pedance by half although ferrites are applied on both
paths. If there are too many parallel connections to
ground the resulting impedance might be too low for
DCM to sense a difference between a closed or open
circuit breaker. The highest number of parallel paths
cannot be set explicitly; it must be experimentally
found from one installation to another.
On the contrary, putting ferrites in series on the same
shunt/ground connection increase the impedance. So
this may be a solution when there are too many paral-
lel paths to ground.

Too long measurement loop

The DCM measurement circuit is optimized for best
amplitude response when connected to GIS circuit
breakers having reasonable distance between ground
switches; say 10 m (33’), however, distances up to
20 m (66’) might be managed.

BL033465AE ZR-BL02E Circuit Breaker Testing 3

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