Communion Jan 5 2020
Communion Jan 5 2020
Communion Jan 5 2020
Text: Matthew 5:16
(As soft music is being played, reflect on this Bible passage: )
Jesus reminds us today: “In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good
deeds and praise your Father in heaven.”
Liturgist: On this day we remember the gift of God’s Word
People: Who gathers us together from everywhere to worship in Joy and hope.
Liturgist: On this day, we remember the gifts of bread and wine,
People: the simple gifts that are shaped into God’s nourishing grace.
(A young plant is brought in and laid on the altar.)
Voice 1: Born in the light of the Bright and Morning Star, we are new. Not patched, not mended…. But
new like a newborn…. Like the morning
Voice 2: The guilt blotched yesterdays are gone; the soul stains are no more! There is no looking back,
there are no regrets. In our newness we are free.
Voice 1: In the power of God’s continuing creation, we are:
Voice 2: new shoots from the root of Jesse,
Voice 1: new branches from the One True Vine,
Voice 2: new songs breaking through the world’s deafness.
Voice 1: This, then, is a new day,
Voice 2: new shoots,
Voice 1: new branches,
Voice2: New songs, new day..
People: Bathed in the promise of God’s new creation, we begin
Invocation* Liturgist
Gloria Patri*
Greetings and Reminders Minister
Song of Praise LBC Kids
Minister: The good news is not kept hidden from us but revealed in the gift of Jesus Christ. The One who
calls us is also the One who forgives us.
People: Grant us Your peace, loving God, and live with us forever. Amen
Words of Institution
Partaking the Elements
Reading if the Church Covenant
“Reflecting over the history of trials our church family faced, much like jeremiah remembered his
“affliction” and “wandering” (Lam. 3:19); whatever we’d face in the years to come, as members of
interdependent body of Christ, we could rely on the Lord. And as we continue to seek Him and support
one another, we can, as did Jeremiah, find our hope being ratified by faith-building memories of God’s
unchanging character and dependability.”
- O.D.B.
Looking Forward
Start our 2020 with God’s Word Powers!
Attend our Sunday School Classes