08 March 2020
08 March 2020
08 March 2020
7th /8th March 2020 Yet it was at this very point that Jesus
2nd SUNDAY OF LENT began to understand that He had to go to
Jerusalem, despite the suffering that
awaited him there. A week after He first
It’s an interesting part of life. Things announced this to the disciple, we have the
change for better or for worse, and some Transfiguration. Jesus was transfigured,
changes make no difference at all. Some ‘transformed’, and “His face shone like the
things are easy to change, others can seem sun.” I’d like to think that it was at this
impossibly difficult. Some changes are easy point that Jesus fully acknowledged the
to accept, others are painful. Some of us cross that was to come, and His
seek to constantly change things in our transformation was due to the fact that He
lives, others prefer stability and want the was ready to face it with courage and
least changes possible and. At times we are strength, trusting in the love of His Father!
excited about a change and can’t wait for
Is life not mostly about learning how to
that ‘something new’, other times we fear
face changes? We are constantly needing
the ‘unknown’. We love it, we hate it. We
to adapt and adjust to changes in our
welcome it, we reject it. Yet however we
environment: a new school, new home,
feel about it, there is no denying that it is a
new country, new people, new language,
fact of life, from the very first moment of
new job, new state of life, new viruses...!
existence until the end of time.
We can face each one of these changes
Today’s readings speak to me very much of with anguish, fear, anxiety, despair... or we
these changes. There was Abram in Haran, can learn to confront it with courage and
living a comfortable and rich life with his strength, in faith, hope and love.
wife, when God told him, “Leave your
We ask for God’s grace in this season of
country.” It seemed like the most illogical
Lent – that it may be a time for each one of
thing to do – why should he risk losing it all
us to continue growing in wisdom and
to embark on this journey to the unknown?
maturity, allowing for changes to make us
He didn’t even have any idea at that point
into a better person!
where this ‘promised land’ was! Yet in faith
God bless! Sr. Devy
and trust, Abram took on the challenge,
and ended up becoming the father of a
great nation.
Next session: Saturday, 21st March.
We thank all our Confirmation Candidates
This is a FULL DAY OF RETREAT. who hosted the FairTrade “BIG BREW” last
All candidates are to meet at 8:45am Sunday and all parishioners who
at the Turnpike Lane Tube Station. contributed to the event. Special thanks to
Isobel who donated FairTrade items for the
hampers. We raised £331.00 – well done!
Next session: Saturday, 28th Mar, 4:00pm CAFOD LENT FAMILY FAST DAY
This Lent, please support the life-saving
BAPTISM FOR INFANTS work of local experts like Sister Consilia in
Zimbabwe who gives vital medication at
If you would like to have your child
her health centre. These experts are the
baptised in May 2020 or later, please
hands that reach people living in the most
contact the Parish Office or Sr. Devy to
remote places. Please give what you can in
make the necessary arrangements.
the Retiring Collection this Sunday 7th/8th
Note that we cannot confirm any baptism
March. Thank You.
dates or booking until we receive all the
paperwork required.
SANDWICH MAKING (PREPARATION): Couples who are planning to get married
on Fri. 13th Mar. 2020 after 9:15am Mass. this year are reminded that the
Pre-Marriage Course takes place
Next SOUP RUN: Group D this Sunday 8th March 1:00pm - 4:00pm
at 4.30pm on Sat, 14th Mar 2020 in the Parish Hall.
Stations of the Cross:
Saturday, 30th May 2020 at 3pm
Fridays at 7.30pm Westminster Cathedral
[13th, 20th, 27th Mar
& 3rd Apr] If you are celebrating a 5th, 10th, 25th, 30th,
40th, 50th and 60th (and every year over 60)
Passover Meal: wedding anniversary of Catholic marriage
Wednesday 1st April at 7.30pm in 2020 and would like to attend this mass
in the Parish Hall. with the Cardinal, please give your Parish
Tickets available at the back of the church. Priest / Parish Office the following details
before 31st March: husband and wife’s
names, wedding date, full postal address
JOURNEYING WITH THE BIBLE and email (or telephone if no email)
Traditional Bacon & Cabbage Dinner/Social CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL
Sunday 15th March, 5:00pm to 9.00pm We are looking to appoint a teacher to
Ticket – £10 per Adult; £5 child (primary cover the maternity leave of our Year 1
school to age 10); pre-school/baby – free. class teacher.
Tickets available at the back of the church. Job shares, NQTs and full time teachers are
all welcome to apply to work in our happy
school with our delightful pupils. Please
THE ALPHA COURSE contact the school office for further details.
Tel: 0208 361 1445 / Email:
Following a successful run admin@st-martinporres.haringey.sch.uk
in 2019, Alpha will be back
in April (after Easter) for
those who missed out! PLANNING GIVING & GIFT AID
Join us for an evening of sharing over a OFFERTORY ENVELOPES for
meal, a video talk and group discussions 2020-2021.
We thank all those who support our parish
on life and faith.
through the weekly loose plate offerings,
If you are interested or are able to give a offertory envelopes and Standing Orders.
hand in running the sessions, either to From next weekend we will be giving out the
prepare food or be part of the group 2020-2021 envelopes for your offertory
discussion, please join our preparation donations.
meeting on Tue, 17th March at 7:15pm
STATIONS OF THE CROSS And for all the sick and those in our
Fridays [during Lent] 7:30pm parish