Midterm Exam Raw
Midterm Exam Raw
Midterm Exam Raw
- Section:------------------------------------------------
Test I a. excess
Circle the letter of the best meaning for the b. variety
underlined word as it is used in context. c. superiority
1. My brother said, “I just freed myself from d. lack
a very loquacious history professor. All 4. There is a large demand all over the
he seemed to want was an audience.” United States for plants indigenous to the
a. pretentious desert. Many people in Arizona have made
b. grouchy a good business of growing and selling
c. talkative cacti and other local plants.
d. worried a. native
2. There is no doubt that the idea of living in b. necessary
such a benign climate was appealing. The c. foreign
islanders seemed to keep their vitality and d. alien
live longer than Europeans. 5. After the Romans left, a millennium and a
a. tropical half passed before people again lived in
b. not malignant such comfort. Churchill wrote, “From the
c. kind year 400 until the year 1900 no one had
d. favorable central heating and very few had hot
3. It is difficult to imagine a surfeit of talent baths.”
in one individual, yet Leonard Bernstein a. a decade
simply does not have the time to make b. many years
complete use of his talent as conductor, c. 1000 years
performer, writer, and lecturer. d. a century
Test II
How well do you know the eight parts of speech? This activity will test your mettle! Write ten
sentences using the parts of speech in the order specified. If the abbreviations are capitalized,
the word in the sentence should be capitalized as well.
Here is the abbreviation code: n- noun; pro- pronoun; adj - adjective; v - verb; advb- adverb; c-
conjunction; prep -preposition; hv -helping verb; mv -main verb; pro-adj -pronoun adjective
(such as these); art- article ( a, an, or the ) .
1. Pro / hv / mv / art / n / prep / pro.
2. Pro / prep / pro-adj / n / v / adj.
3. MV / pro-adj / n / advb.
4. N / conj / N / hv / mv / prep / N.
5. Pro-adj / n / hv / conj / hv / mv / prep / pro-adj / n.
6. HV / pro / mv / art / adj / n / prep / art / adj / n?
7. Pro / hv / mv /, conj / pro / v / n.
8. N / v / pro / advb / advb.
9. Art / n / advb / v / pro-adj / n / advb / prep / art / n.
10. Prep / pro-adj / noun, art / n / v / prep / art / n.
Test III-A
Tell me about K-12 Curriculum in 300 words. Count your words per line. Write your counting at
the end of the sentence. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
Test III-B
Identify the following words in the sentence.
1. Loving my parents is a way of giving them a precious gift.
Test IV
1-4 Properties of a well- written text
5-6 Types of Morpheme
7-8 Varieties of Suffixes
9-10 Common Types of context clues