Mastery Learning
Mastery Learning
Mastery Learning
Vahid Motamedi
Assistant Professor
Department of Educational Technology
Mofateh Avenue
Mastery learning is used in order to advance an individual�s potential for learning. Compared to
traditional learning models, sufficient time, attention, and help are afforded to each student. This
paper investigates the mastery learning model and changes that have taken place in its use as an
effective teaching strategy. It also provides a comparison of Bloom�s and Keller�s approaches
as well as a critique of both approaches using historical data. This paper shows that by applying
mastery learning as a teaching strategy, students achieve higher learning and better academic
Key words: Mastery Learning, Learning, Teaching Strategy, Personalized System of Instruction
Allowing students the opportunity to achieve mastery of content at different time
intervals has proven to be an effective method of increasing student learning. This paper will
investigate the mastery learning model and changes that have taken place in its use as an
effective teaching strategy. It also provides a comparison of Bloom�s and Keller�s approaches
as well as a critique of both approaches using historical data. By definition, mastery learning is a
method of instruction where the focus is on the role of feedback in learning. Furthermore,
performance that all students must �master� before moving on to the next unit (Slavin, 1987).
Thus, through one or more trials, students have to achieve a specified level of content knowledge
Background Information
Mastery learning though strongly influenced by the development of instructional
technology is not, however, a new concept (Bloom, 1976; Wentling, 1973). Some principles of
mastery learning originated with Aristotle and other ancient Greek philosophers. Furthermore,
the concept that most students can learn everything that is being taught, if given sufficient time,
goes back into the previous century (Block, 1973; Bloom, 1976).
Mastery learning was first introduced into the American educational system over seventy
years ago. However, during the 1920s, only a few schools in America were using mastery
learning. Washburne (1922) stated, �With the development of the achievement test movement,
we may now make units of achievement the constant factor, varying the time to fit the individual
capacities of the children.� According to Block (1971), in 1922 there was an attempt by
Washburn and others to produce mastery in students' learning. This plan was known as the
Winnetka Plan, in which "primarily self-instructional practice materials were used, although the
teacher occasionally tutored individuals or small groups" (p. 4). A further attempt was made in
1926 by Morrison in which "a variety of correctives were used -- for example, re-teaching,
tutoring, restructuring the original learning activities, and redirecting student study habits" (p. 4).
Block stated that Morrison's method was successful in the 1930s. However, because of a lack of
technology, Morrison's idea of mastery learning failed to be used by teachers across the nation.
In the early 1960s the idea of mastery learning was revived in the form of programmed
instruction. Programmed instruction derived initially from work conducted by B. F. Skinner was
further developed by other behaviorists. This program was similar to mastery learning in the
sense that the focus was on the role of feedback in learning and on individualized learning. Also,
like the original mastery learning model, this method of instruction allowed students to move at
their own pace and receive instant feedback on their current level of mastery.
though many of its elements were strongly influenced by Washburn and Morrison in the 1920s
and behaviorists in the 1960s. As cited in Carroll (1963), Bloom came up with an important
component of instruction which is time. In Carroll�s theory learning is a function of time spent
divided by the time needed (Davis & Sorrell, 1995). According to Carroll, the differences in
aptitude among students are due to the amount of time spent in learning the material. Carroll
(cited in Block & Anderson, 1975) defines aptitude as "a measure of learning rate, i.e. as a
measure of the amount of time the student would require to learn a given level under ideal
instructional conditions" (p. 2). According to Davis and Sorrell (1995), Carroll indicated that if
the student will make the effort to learn a task by allowing himself or herself the time that the
student requires for individual learning then he or she will succeed. Therefore, in a given test, the
In the late 1960s, Bloom's "Learning for Mastery" focused attention on the philosophy of
mastery learning. Bloom interpreted Carroll's ideas and philosophy of learning in terms of
mastery learning. He stated that the mastery learning proponent believes that intelligence and
aptitude are not the best indicators of potential achievement. Furthermore, Bloom (1976, 1979, &
1980) pointed out that �cognitive entry characteristics� (specific knowledge, abilities, and
skills), which are necessary prerequisites to a particular learning task, are better predictors of
later achievement. These characteristics were seen as identifiable and alterable by Bloom. In
addition, with continual academic success, Bloom felt that �affective entry characteristics�
(attitude, self confidence, and motivation) would improve over time. According to Bloom
determine the rate of learning for each individual. Bloom along with Anderson (1976), Block
(1973 & 1979), Guskey and Gates (1986), and Walberg (1984) argue that under the mastery
learning approach, differences in learning rates will decrease and can approach zero. Thus, as
students master the prerequisite skills for each new unit the need for corrective instruction will
progressively reduce on each succeeding unit (Bloom, 1976, 1980).
Bloom (1968) is known as the individual recognized for the theoretical formulation of the
mastery model. His prediction was that 95% of the students taught by the mastery approach
would achieve at a level that had previously been reached by only 5%. He suggested that
learning outcomes in most all subject areas can be enhanced through the mastery learning
method. Over time, the model of mastery learning, developed by Bloom, began to take on a
number of different variables. According to Bloom, every mastery learning program divides
instruction into small units. Feedback is always a part of mastery learning where students are
given an opportunity to practice what they have learned and are given corrective feedback
The idea of "cognitive objective" was originated by Bloom. Mastery is defined in terms
of objectives. Students will be able to perform at least 90% or higher on a test. According to
Bloom's theory of mastery learning diagnosis is required. For example, if a student is having
problems with his studies, the cause needs to be found. Instruction should be supplemented with
correctives such as tutoring, additional practice, small group study, games, or even re-teaching
Traditionally, many teachers believe that intelligence and aptitude have determined the
individual�s potential for learning. Bloom (1974a, 1976, & 1980) states that all too often,
intelligence and aptitude scores have determined opportunities for further education, student
support and encouragement, and even quality of interaction between teacher and student. Hence,
students with high scores have been the ones to whom the teachers have directed most of their
attention. However, in the mastery learning model, Bloom stated that teacher-student
relationships are greatly altered and the potential of low achievers is increased.
Bloom recognized that one aspect of mastery learning is learning in sequence, where
sequencing is described as hierarchical. Thus, mastery of each step prior to advancing to the next
step is essential. This concept goes back to the behaviorists and Skinner in 1954. The learning of
most complex behavior rests upon learning a sequence of less complex component behaviors. If
we are learning algebra, for example, an understanding of later material requires a complete
understanding of earlier material. This is related to the sequential nature of mastery learning. A
student cannot take the next step until that individual has fully mastered the previous
material. Slavin and Karweit (1984) refer to Bloom (1976) in his claim that mastery learning
"focuses primarily on students' abilities to understand instruction by attempting to insure that all
students have mastered the previous skill before attempting the next" (p. 726). Jensen (2006) also
supports mastery learning wherein a student who masters a skill or subject moves on to the next
level of learning. In this process slow learners are not kept back and gifted students would
Bloom was not without criticism, though few educators who are familiar with the mastery
learning approach deny that it can provide some positive effects. However, the claim of mastery
learning theorists that achievement variability and time variability can be minimized
simultaneously has created considerable controversy (Arlin, 1984b). Whereas, Bloom�s 1976
book on mastery learning has been described as �possibly the most significant book of its
decade� [Havighurst, 1976 (cited by Arlin, 1984b)], Glass and Smith (1978) suggest that
Bloom�s claims are mere educational rhetoric. Others call his claims of vanishing differences
�mythological statements� which deny reality and a psychological trap� which will entice
teachers to attempt unfeasible goals (Arlin, 1984b).
Studies ranging in population from elementary through university and in some cases using
Whiting and Render (1984) provided research findings to support the hypothesis that
mastery learning does produce successful learning experiences for at least 80% of the students in
their program. Their study also indicated very strong positive outcomes in the affective domain
with strong indications of satisfaction and pride in the learning accomplishments along with a
steady increase in enrollment in the classes comprising the study. A high level of retention was
illustrated with students motivated to remediate unlearned materials even though at times they
were not required to retake a test. The authors made a strong case for the use of mastery learning
while at the same time they clearly outlined some of the difficulties encountered in the
Guskey and Gates (1986) conducted a research synthesis of studies of group based
mastery learning in elementary and secondary classrooms. Twenty seven studies were selected
for the synthesis. Guskey and Gates reported �that without exception the studies showed
positive effects on a broad range of student learning outcomes, including student achievement,
retention of learned material, involvement in learning activities, and student affect.� The
synthesis revealed that the magnitude of the effect on student achievement varied widely across
studies. Several of the studies investigated variables related to time. Although Guskey and Gates
contend that student learning rates are alterable as Bloom�s model hypothesizes, their synthesis
report does state that �Arlin (1984a, & 1984b) argues that learning rate is a fairly stable and
unalterable characteristic.�
Lai and Biggs (1994) conducted a study with educationally disadvantaged students in
grade 9 biology classes. Students were classified into surface biased and deep biased. The results
of the study indicated that mastery learning benefited surface biased students while the deep
biased students� interest levels tended to progressively diminish using mastery learning. Thus
deep and surface biased learners increasingly diverge in both performance and attitude, where
surface learners did better than deep learners from unit to unit. Lai and Biggs stated that surface
students seemed to be motivated by the success they have obtained; a success that is a rare event
to these students.
Ritchie and Thorkildsen (1994) used the videodisc-based instruction method �to
instruction was chosen to help minimize differences in instructional materials, instructional time,
achievement test scores. Two possible reasons for the significant increase among mastery
learning students were such that their awareness of participating in a mastery learning program
quiz and test results will directly influence their progression and re-mediation of ensuing
instructional material.
Kulik, Jaksa, and Kulik (1978) conducted a study which demonstrated that the high
student achievement was an outcome of personalized instruction. They noted that this instruction
has at least four sources. The first important factor is PSI's high mastery standard. The second
factor is the large number of unit quizzes. The third is timing of feedback which influences
student achievement in Personalized System of Instruction (PSI) courses. The final critical factor
Semb (1980) referred to several studies that have compared Keller's (1968) personalized
system of instruction to more traditional lecture methods. The result of these studies
demonstrated that PSI has produced higher levels of academic achievement and higher student
ratings. According to Klishis, Hursh, and Klishis (1980) PSI has repeatedly been shown to be
Atkisson (cited in Klishis, Hursh, & Klishis, 1980) conducted a study with sixth-grade
students in a PSI spelling class. He found that these students completed their work early, giving
them time to work at building their vocabulary skills. Klishis, Hursh, and Klishis (1980)
demonstrated in an experiment that PSI results in more effective learning of spelling in
elementary classrooms. Results showed that students were more successful in mastering content
and faster in completing the course than they were when taught by traditional methods.
They also found that attitudinally students enjoyed PSI more than the conventional
approach and enjoyed serving as proctors. According to Kulik, Kulik, and Carmichael (1974),
Keller reported that students rated the personalized courses as much more enjoyable than
traditionally taught courses. The authors stated that students are "highly pleased with this way of
teaching and learning" (p. 379). Kulik, Kulik, and Carmichael found that 72% of students in
nuclear engineering, 91% in electrical engineering, 64% in mechanical engineering, and 59% in
operations research considered PSI better than the lecture method. They presented results of 15
studies in which examination results in Keller and conventional courses were compared.
According to the authors of the 15 studies, higher performance for the Keller section was
reported in 11 of them. The authors also stated that "content learning under the Keller plan
always equals, and most often exceeds, content learning under the lecture method" (p. 383).
One of the similarities is that students are capable of learning well. It is the task of the
teacher to design his instruction. The teacher should have a set of objectives for students to
follow. Both strategies assume that the course should be broken into smaller learning units so
that there is a better interaction between students and the teacher. Both of these approaches take
the same position on individual student performance. Individual student performance should be
Bloom and Keller both agree that each student must master each part of the course. But
Bloom believes that mastery of the parts is not the same as mastery of the whole. He bases a
student�s grade primarily on the student�s performance over all units taken as a whole,
whereas in Keller�s plan, mastery of the parts of a course is the equivalent of mastery of the
course taken as a whole. Keller bases the student�s grade mostly on his performance on each
unit. For Bloom, mastery is performance at or above a particular level on the course final
examination, whereas for Keller, mastery is perfect performance on a particular number of units
by a certain point in time. Bloom�s plan tends to use larger learning units than does Keller�s
plan. Bloom�s units usually correspond to two weeks worth of instruction; Keller�s units
usually correspond to about one week worth of instruction. In both strategies, the teacher is
encouraged to sequence his learning units; but in Bloom�s strategy, the teacher attempts to
sequence the units hierarchically so that the material in one unit builds on the material from the
preceding unit. Bloom�s units are taught using group-based methods while Keller�s units are
taught using individual based methods. The Keller strategy asks students to learn by reading,
whereas the Bloom strategy asks students to learn by reading, hearing lectures, and/or
and Berliner (1988) quoted Mueller (1976) as asserting that mastery learning
(a) takes much of the responsibility for learning away from students, who may end up not
knowing how to learn independently; (b) requires non-fixed-time instructional units or
greatly liberalized time allocations; (c) makes faster learner "wait around" while slower
learner catch up, unless the faster learners are motivated to spend their time achieving
objectives beyond the pre-specified ones; (d) commits a major part of finite instructional
resources -- corrective effort, teacher aides, peer tutoring, and alternative learning
materials -- to slower students and (e) assumes that everything in an instructional unit
must be learned equally well by almost all students, although beyond basic skills and
hierarchical subjects (such as mathematics) this assumption is hard to defend (p. 467).
Slavin and Karweit (1984) concluded that the results of their study �do not support the
formative test, corrective instruction for nonmasters, and summative test� (p. 732). According
to Slavin (1987) (cited in Gage & Berliner, 1988) longer-term experiments yield much lower
estimates of effectiveness than do briefer experiments. Also standardized achievement tests show
less effectiveness for the approach than do experimenter-made tests. Slavin, with a modified
Gage and Berliner (1988) stated that unless carefully controlled and implemented,
mastery learning often helps slower-learning students at the expense of faster-learning students
by taking educational resources such as teacher�s time and attention. Faster learners are often
Most critics do not deny that benefits accrue under the Personalized System of Instruction
or continuous-progress types of mastery programs in which students move at their own pace;
however, several critics of group based mastery learning (Arlin, 1984a; Slavin, 1987) have
questioned whether mastery learning simply shifts learning from high to low achievers. They
suggest that mastery learning sacrifices coverage for mastery and since rapid coverage is likely
to be of greatest benefit to high achievers and high mastery is of greatest benefit to low
achievers, pure group based mastery learning will likely produce a �Robin Hood� effect.
There are several other reservations about the mastery learning approach. Mueller (1976)
sees the mastery model as placing a ceiling beyond which the faster learners are not allowed to
progress. Mueller also believes that it is not useful in training students to learn independently. In
addition, he states, �the mastery model equates mastery with high quality performance� (p.
14). Mueller thinks that, in addition to what a student learns, how long it took him to learn it
Later studies countered these criticisms by questioning the efficacy of the individual
implementations of the mastery learning. Arredondo and Block (1990) stated that �when well
implemented separately, both mastery learning and thinking skills programs appear to improve
student learning.� Technology is often viewed as a useful tool for the more efficient
implementation of some of the key aspects of the mastery learning model. Both mastery learning
and PSI try to ensure remedial instruction of high quality. Alternative textbooks, workbooks,
programmed instruction, games, and interaction with a tutor may help a particular student to
agenda is to divide students based on their academic achievement. The schools function on a
system that separates the smartest from those that are not as academically inclined. That is the
If, for example, forty students were put in a classroom, there would be some students that
would have poor academic skills, while others excelled. These students are separated based on
their academic performance. The reason why we have to perform this function in education for
society is that businesses, law firms, graduate schools, etc. all want to employ the brightest and
the best students. This is the way to categorize students. This is based on the function that our
educational system performs for us in the United States. Thus, our educational system is based
on the notion that allows performance to vary in the classroom. It is acceptable for us to teach all
students the same things, access their learning, and see how students differ in terms of what they
In mastery learning, time rather than performance, varies. Time is probably the biggest
and the most important element of mastery learning. What is done in classrooms now is the same
as what was done one hundred years ago: uniform instruction is presented in the classroom. This
is what goes on in 99% of classrooms. The same instruction is presented to a number of students.
What is measured? Achievement is measured in terms of how much information students are
able to master. A bell curve is found to tell what most are learning, which is about 70% of the
Obviously students are different. Some have higher aptitude than others in the classroom.
Therefore, for all students to reach a high standard of performance it will take some students
longer than it will take others. Thus, with mastery learning, the longer period of time required for
some students to learn hinders them from reaching the desired achievement level. An advantage
of mastery learning is that more students achieve higher learning. Also, students would have
prerequisite skills to move to the next units, objectives would be stated, and better academic
performance would result for some students. An obvious disadvantage of mastery learning is that
the less capable students who do not achieve the criterion as quickly take longer to master the
material. Also, individualized instruction, a variety of material for re-teaching, and several tests
for each unit may be required. The main weakness of mastery learning is the time factor.
Mastery learning is an alternative method of teaching and learning for many students who
do not respond well to traditional instruction. Traditional instruction has not been successful for
many students in schools, colleges, and universities. Like the mastery learning theory,
students when learning the subject matter. In addition, it is a strategy like mastery learning that
makes the students responsible for their learning the subject. Cooperative learning is considered
by many educators to be the most viable means by which all students can learn the subject matter
(Motamedi & Sumrall, 2000). Constructivism, on the other hand, has been described as the
unifying theory of education that has succeeded in tying together all learning theories in all
academic areas. Constructivists use a type of learning where students are allowed "concrete,
contextually meaningful experience through which they can search for patterns, raise their own
questions, and construct their own models, concepts, and strategies" (Fosnot, 1996, p. ix).
According to Fosnot, the classroom in this model is viewed as sharing activities, discourse, and
reflection. The teacher is more of a facilitator rather than traditional controller of the classroom.
Unlike cooperative learning, the literature does not provide a positive tie between constructivism
and mastery learning.
From the research discussed above, it is evident that mastery learning is an effective
method of instruction which enhances student learning, achievement, attitude, and expectations.
There is also evidence that students enjoy this method of learning and individually can reach
success. Students prefer the Keller plan to traditional teaching methods. Mastery teaching and
learning is a very simplistic way of teaching and learning in the sense that the instructors assume
all students can learn the same material. The only difference among students is the amount of
time needed to learn the material. With such positive results shown by research studies on
mastery learning, it becomes clear that mastery learning techniques need to be more widely
implemented in American classrooms than they currently are.
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