Basketball Scoring Rubric
Basketball Scoring Rubric
Basketball Scoring Rubric
Students will learn/demonstrate offensive and defensive strategies and utilize effective game strategies while participating in a variety of
lead-up basketball activities.
Students will proficiently demonstrate learned rules, skills, and strategies in a modified game of basketball. They will be able to display
successful game strategies and skill performances in a game setting.
Strategies Student always demonstrates Student frequently demonstrates Student sometimes demonstrates Student rarely demonstrates
effective offensive and defensive effective offensive and defensive effective offensive and defensive effective offensive and defensive
Offensive strategies used in basketball. strategies used in basketball. strategies used in basketball. strategies.
Rules Student always demonstrates an Student frequently demonstrates Student sometimes demonstrates an Student rarely demonstrate an
understanding for all of the an understanding for most of the understanding of the rules in a understanding of the rules in a
Game Rules rules in a basketball game. rules in a basketball game. basketball game. basketball game.
Safety Rules