Tips and Tricks Toefl
Tips and Tricks Toefl
Tips and Tricks Toefl
NIM : 061730700528
Class : 6 CA
Reading Techniques.
Good reading techniques are needed in this session, if you want to do well and get
maximum results. There are two reading techniques you can use, namely : Skimming and
Scanning techniques.
a. Skimming is a quick reading of a text in order to get the main idea, main idea, or the
contents of the reading appropriately. No need to look for specific information, just
find the main ideas so that you do not need to read the entire passage.
b. Scanning is speed reading of a text to find certain information without reading others
or as a whole.
There are several types of questions contained in the Reading Comprehension session, we
will explain the following along with an explanation.
1. Main Idea
The first is the question of a main idea (Main Idea). What is meant by Main Idea
here is the main thought of a paragraph containing an explanation, explanation,
description or opinion from the author about the subject. The main idea is an
explanation for the title of the topic that explains from the author's point of view, it will
be longer and in the form of a complete sentence. The following are examples of main
idea questions:
1) what is the text talking about?
2) what is the main idea of this passage?
3) what is the author main idea of paragraph 3?
4) what is the subject of this passage?
2. Topic
Next is the question about the topic or theme of a reading. The topic here is the main
subject of a reading, about what the reading is. The topic or theme can be the core of
the contents of the writing or the title of the article. Not infrequently the topic is one
thing that is almost certain to come out in every TOEFL test. Here are sample questions
about the topic:
1) what is the main topic of this passage?
2) the text is mainly talking about?
3) the passage is about?
Tips or strategies you can use:
1) focus on reading in the main and final sentence of the paragraph
2) find keywords in each reading (usually in the form of synonyms or synonyms)
3) if the question is about a topic, then usually the answers are in the form of one
word or phrase form.
3. Detail Information.
is a question that asks for specific information contained in the reading text.
Questions that ask facts in reading (who, what, where, when, and how). This type of
question asks about a small portion of the reading, not the entire reading and also asks
about the explicit information expressed in the reading. Examples of detailed
information questions:
1) According to the passage ...
2) It is stated .....
3) It is indicated that ...
4) Which of the folowing is NOT supported by ...
5) The passage states that ...
Tips or strategies you can use:
1) The answers to these types of questions can generally be found directly in the
reading text
Name : Sri Hartini Febrilia
NIM : 061730700528
Class : 6 CA
2) The answers to the questions will be given sequentially in the reading text
3) In this type of question, you will be required to choose an answer that is a
paraphrase or re-expression of the same intonation but with different words.
4. Vocabulary Question.
A question that asks for synonyms or looks for the equivalent of words whose
meaning is closest to the word being asked. Answering this question must indeed be
guessed based on the context of the sentence. Don't just guess by relying on knowledge
without paying attention to the reading sentences. Read the sentence where a word is
asked in its entirety, then guess based on the context of the sentence. Example
Vocabulary Question:
1) What is the meaning of "...." in line 3 paragraph 1?
2) The word "... .." in line 4 can be replaced by ......
Name : Sri Hartini Febrilia
NIM : 061730700528
Class : 6 CA
First I want to give tips & tricks in general in answering this problem. The tips are:
1. Be Familiar with direction. In each part there will be directions read by the
Caucasians from the tape recorder. This direction will always be the same in every
test window. so there really isn't a need to listen carefully to the dierction. you really
should already know and be familiar with these directions before taking the test.
2. While the directions are read out, please look at the available answers. Can you guess
what the question for the answer choices are.
3. Listen carefully to the conversations and talks. So you have to really concentrate on
listening to what was said in the tape recorder earlier. Why? Because it will only play
once. So keep concentrating.
4. Know where the esier and more difficult questions are generally found. each part of
the listening comprehension session is from easy questions to difficult questions.
5. Never leave any answer blank on your answer sheet. never leave the answer sheet
blank. if you don't know, then just answer / fill in the answer sheet based on your
friends' feelings. I wonder which is the correct answer. because there will be no
reduction in value even if the answer is wrong.
6. During the work, if finished working on the first problem and there is still time left
before the Caucasian moves to the next problem, use that time to see the next answer
choice. so friends are ready to answer questions, just focus on listening, then choose
the right answer.
Now we come to a brief explanation of the part in listening comprehension.
Part A is a short conversation or a short conversation between two people. This
part consists of 30 short conversations followed by questions in each conversation that
must be answered every 1 short conversation completed.
General tips for this part are:
a. Focus on the second line (second speaker). The answer to the question from the
question is usually in the second speaker.
b. Usually the answer is a re-statement ( re-statement ) of the keywords contained in
the second speaker. So what was heard could be said not the same as what was
written in the choice of answers, but has the same purpose as what was said by the
Caucasian second speaker.
Name : Sri Hartini Febrilia
NIM : 061730700528
Class : 6 CA
c. Remember! the question is from the easy (easy) - the difficult (difficult)
d. if not understand the conversation, then:
1) if you only understand a few words -> choose an answer that is a re-statement
of the key word (keyword) that was heard or understood earlier
2) if not understand all, absolutely not understand, choose the most different
from what you hear
3) Never Choose an answer because it sounds like what you heard in the
conversation. so, don't ever choose an answer because it's the same as what
you hear ya
4) Remember! answer all the questions even though you are not sure of the
answers. Never leave any answers blank. Don't make the answer sheet blank.
In the second part it consists of two long conversations between two people and
each conversation is followed by several questions. Generally parts in Part B consist
of seven to eight questions.
a. Beware of each question
b. When listening to the conversation, you must understand the theme / topic being
c. Pay attention to the situation and conditions that occur during the conversation,
usually involving the place, time, what, and who was discussed.
In this part someone will talk long. In this part consists of 3 talks, each discussion
will be followed questions 3-4 or 5 questions. then choose the correct answer
according to the question. Similar to Part B, in this Part most of it also talks about
American History, literature, or some school life.
Tips for answering questions about Part B & C are the same, namely:
Name : Sri Hartini Febrilia
NIM : 061730700528
Class : 6 CA
a. Focus in the 1st line. So focus on the first line of each conversation or talk.
Because the first line is usually the main idea, subject, or topic being discussed.
And very often will be asked questions about it.
b. Before listening to the conversation or talk in each part, when the directions are
read or if there is time, look at the answers in Part B as well as if you have entered
Part C. While looking at the answers, try to:
1) Guess the topics that you will discuss later
2) Guess what questions might arise from the existing set of answers.
3) Guess or conclude the question about what doing next ?, when & where does
the conversation take place ?, and who's talking? this question often appears in
this part.
c. When listening, determine the topic by listening carefully to the first part of the
d. When listening to follow or follow by looking at the answers in the text book then
try to guess the right answer. All the answers are in conversation or talk, and the
answers are the same as what you hear on the tape.
e. Must guess the answer even though I'm not sure. Remember! never leave an
answer blank.
f. If there is time left, use it to look at the answers in the text book . to be ready to
hear the next conversation or talk.