CAT MAK System
CAT MAK System
CAT MAK System
2 Load Reduction
CM8221 TAHH Abgastemperatur nach Turbolader <n-min 350 °C 0..1000 °C see page 3
Load Reduction exhaust gas temp. at turbocharger outlet 16s <400 °C NiCr-Ni
• Suppressions and time delays as requested in the „list of measuring points“ have to be executed inside the alarm system.
• Analog signals for remote indicators have to be generated in the alarm system.
250 250
engine engine
No. Exhaust gas temperatures power 25% power 100%
8211 310° C / 470° C 350° C / 450° C
8212 470° C 470° C
8218 490° C 490° C
8218 290° C / 490° C 330° C / 470° C
8221 480° C 380° C
8224 500° C 400° C
8231 540° C 540° C
General explanations
Automatic speed reduction
The MaK wiring diagrams and installation documents must be observed for If an automatic speed reduction is not possible due to the special
further handling of the monitoring equipment. conditions of the plant design ( shaft generator drive ), an automatic
output reduction to approx. 30-40% of the CP propeller power is
When using pressure transformers and transmitters for luboil and fuel, an permissible.
overpressure safety of two times rated pressure must be ensured on a
warm engine. After this period ( approx. 4-5 min. ) the speed should be reduced
All measuring points mentioned exist once per engine deviations are manually, if the operating situation permits such an action.
indicated under „remarks“ for each measuring point. It is recommended to switch over from shaft generator operation to
auxiliary engine operation via a reduction prealarm ( output from the
Summery alarm after consulting with MaK. alarm system ).
Automatic engine shut-down In the case of multi-engine installation driving one CP propeller via a
The following operations must be carried out additional in the event of combining gear, the total output of all engines of the installation will
automatic shut down: be automatically reduced to approx. 40% of the rated output of one
If the machinery spaces are unattended, the starting interlock of the engine engine instead of the automatic speed reduction.
must be activated. In parallel to this, the alarm and order will be activated to „reduce
Main engine, reversible: the speed“.
The flywheel shaft brake must be automatically activated. After the reduction of the output, the engine that released the alarm
Main engine, unidirectional: will be declutched and its speed reduced or stopped.
The clutch must be disengaged automatically. The CP propeller pitch
must be automatically set to zero. Safety Relevant Alarms:
For multi-engine installation with a combining gear and one propeller, For the following safety relevant alarms require special attention.
the respect. clutch must be autom. disengaged. These alarms should be marked with text "Operator action is
needed" in the alarm system:
6105 (stopping air pressure at engine), 9611 (rpm switch failure),
9671 (trouble at safety system)
If one of these alarms appears, corrective action is required. Since a
secure engine stop is no longer given a man needs to be stationed
at the engines local control. Change over to manuel control and
reduce engine load gradually. Stop engine when "0" load reached
and investigate and rectify reason for alarm.
1 Shutdowns
1106 PALL Schmieröldruck letztes Lager 270 kPa 0..400 kPa CO-contact
Shutdown lub. oil pressure last bearing 500 kPa binary X55: 65-67 (common alarm X55: 119-121)
1163 PALL Schmieröldruck Getriebe from gearbox / gearbox not Cat supply
Shutdown lub. oil pressure gearbox binary X55: 68-70 (common alarm X55: 119-121)
2103 PALL Frischwasserdruck HT vor Motor h) 0..400 kPa CO-contact h) 60kPa below operating value
Shutdown cooling water pressure HT at engine inlet 20s >250 kPa binary X55: 95-97 (common alarm X55: 119-121)
2 Load Reductions
1262/82 SA Schmieröl- /Drucklager temp. Getriebe from gearbox / gearbox not Cat supply
Load Reduction Lub. Oil- / thrust bearing temp. gearbox binary X55: 83-85 (common alarm X55: 125-127)
1104 PLL Schmieröldruck letztes Lager 330 kPa 0..400 kPa NO-contact
Start Pump lub. oil pressure last bearing 500 kPa binary
5105 PLL Kraftstoffdruck nach Druckpumpe 280 kPa 0..1000 kPa NO-contact
Start Pump fuel oil pressure at booster pump outlet 350 kPa extern / yard supply
6105 PALL Abstellluftdruck am Motor 600 kPa 100..1600 kPa NC-contact / A01-2 X70: 3-4 / via BUS
Alarm stopping air pressure at engine 2s 750 kPa binary operator action is needed / see page 4
5 Alarms
CM 1105 PAL Schmieröldruck letztes Lager 300 kPa 0..1000 kPa analog / A01-1 X20: 7-8 / order to reduction
Alarm lub. oil pressure last bearing 500 kPa 4-20mA used for Alarm + DICARE / via BUS
CM 1202 TAH Schmieröltemperatur vor Motor 70 °C -40-160 °C analog / A01-2 X20: 9-10
Alarm lub. oil temp. at engine inlet 60 - 65 °C Pt100 used for Alarm+ DICARE / via BUS
CM 2102 PAL Frischwasserdruck HT vor Motor h) 0..600 kPa used for Alarm + DICARE / A01-1 X20: 11-12
Alarm cooling water pressure HT at engine inlet >250 kPa 4-20mA h) 40 kPa below operation value / via BUS
2112 PAL Frischwasserdruck NT vor Kühler h) 0..600 kPa analog extern / yard supply / A01-2 X80: 1-2
Alarm cooling water pressure LT at cooler inlet >200 kPa 4-20mA h) 40 kPa below operation value / via BUS
CM 2201 TAL Frischwassertemp. HT vor Motor 60 °C -40..160 °C analog / A01-1 X20: 13-14
Alarm cooling water temp. HT at engine inlet 80-90 °C Pt100 used for Alarm + DICARE / via BUS
CM 2211 TAH Frischwassertemp. HT nach Motor 93 °C -40..160 °C analog / A01-1 X20: 15-16
Alarm cooling water temp. HT at engine outlet 80-90 °C Pt100 used for Alarm + DICARE / via BUS
5102 PAL Kraftstoffdruck vor Motor 100 kPa 0..1000 kPa analog
Alarm fuel oil pressure at engine inlet 400 kPa 4-20mA A01-2 X60: 13-14 / via BUS
5251 VAH Kraftstoffviskosität vor Motor 12,4 cSt 0..50 cSt Common alarm
Alarm Fuel viscosity at engine inlet 11 cSt binary extern / yard supply
5252 VAL Kraftstoffviskosität vor Motor 7,5 cSt 0..50 cSt Common alarm 5251
Alarm Fuel viscosity at engine inlet 11 cSt binary extern / yard supply
6101 PAL Anlaßluftdruck vor Motor 1250 kPa 0..6000 kPa analog
Alarm starting air pressure at engine inlet <3000 kPa 4-20mA A01-2 X60: 15-16 / via BUS
CM 7201 TAH Ladelufttemperatur vor Motor 65° C -40-160 °C analog / A01-1 X40: 15-16
Alarm charge air temp. at engine inlet 45-60° C Pt100 used for Alarm + DICARE / via BUS
CM8211.1 TAHH Abgastemperatur nach Zylinder 1 <n-min 0..600 °C analog / A01-1 X30 : 1/2
Alarm exhaust gas temp. after cyl. 1 16s see page 3 NiCr-Ni (mV) used for Alarm + DICARE / via BUS
CM8211.2 TAHH Abgastemperatur nach Zylinder 2 <n-min 0..600 °C analog / A01-1 X30 : 3/4
Alarm exhaust gas temp. after cyl. 2 16s see page 3 NiCr-Ni (mV) used for Alarm + DICARE / via BUS
CM8211.3 TAHH Abgastemperatur nach Zylinder 3 <n-min 0..600 °C analog / A01-1 X30 : 5/6
Alarm exhaust gas temp. after cyl. 3 16s see page 3 NiCr-Ni (mV) used for Alarm + DICARE / via BUS
CM8211.4 TAHH Abgastemperatur nach Zylinder 4 <n-min 0..600 °C analog / A01-1 X30 : 7/8
Alarm exhaust gas temp. after cyl. 4 16s see page 3 NiCr-Ni (mV) used for Alarm + DICARE / via BUS
CM8211.5 TAHH Abgastemperatur nach Zylinder 5 <n-min 0..600 °C analog / A01-1 X30 : 9/10
Alarm exhaust gas temp. after cyl. 5 16s see page 3 NiCr-Ni (mV) used for Alarm + DICARE / via BUS
CM8211.6 TAHH Abgastemperatur nach Zylinder 6 <n-min 0..600 °C analog / A01-1 X30 : 11/12
Alarm exhaust gas temp. after cyl. 6 16s see page 3 NiCr-Ni (mV) used for Alarm + DICARE / via BUS
CM8211.7 TAHH Abgastemperatur nach Zylinder 7 <n-min 0..600 °C analog / A01-1 X30 : 13/14
Alarm exhaust gas temp. after cyl. 7 16s see page 3 NiCr-Ni (mV) used for Alarm + DICARE / via BUS
CM8221 TAHH Abgastemperatur nach Turbolader <n-min 0..600 °C analog / A01-1 X40 : 3/4
Alarm exhaust gas temp. at turbocharger outlet 16s see page 3 NiCr-Ni (mV) used for Alarm + DICARE / via BUS
CM8231 TAH Abgastemperatur vor Turbolader 0..600 °C analog / A01-1 X40: 5-6
Alarm exhaust gas temp. at turbocharger inlet NiCr-Ni (mV) used for Alarm + DICARE / via BUS
9616 SA Störung elektronischer Drehzahlregler (major error) NC-contact (governor with mech. back-up)
Alarm trouble at electronic speed governor 1s binary woodward cabinet X68: 211-212
CM5201 TI Kraftstofftemperatur vor Motor 35° C -40..160 °C analog / A01-1 X20: 3-4
DICARE / Indication fuel oil temp. at engine inlet 40 - 50° C Pt100 used for DICARE / via BUS
CM5253 T Kraftstoffviskosität vor Motor 0..50 cSt analog / A01-2 X60: 11-12
DICARE Fuel viscosity at engine inlet 11 cSt 4-20mA extern / used for DICARE / via BUS
CM7109 P Ladeluftdruck vor Motor 0..400 kPa analog / A01-1 X40: 11-12
DICARE / Indication charge air pressure at engine inlet 4-20mA used for DICARE / via BUS
CM7307 PD Ladeluftdifferenzdruck am Ladeluftkühler 0..10 kPa analog / A01-2 X60: 5-6 + X2: 1-2
DICARE charge air diff. pressure at charge air coole 4-20mA used for DICARE / via BUS