1. Introduction
Soil moisture content is a very vital component of the hydrological cycle. It is a key variable
controlling water and energy fluxes in soils (Vereecken et al. 2007). It provides the plant-
available transpirable pool of water for vegetative life. In addition, the availability or
retention of moisture in the soil controls the rainfall-runoff process. Despite its importance
to vital lives and ecosystem, the distribution of soil moisture varies tremendously over the
time and space. Spatial patterns of soil moisture are determined by a number of
pysiographic factors that affect vertical and lateral redistribution of water in the unsaturated
zone. These include topography and landscape position, slope aspect, vegetation, and
texture. Temporal patterns depend on meteorological factors and their variation over the
time. During the dry period (nonrainly periods), spatial variation in soil moisture is
controlled by vegetation (Seyfried and Wilcox 1995). Different vegetation will have different
impacts on soil moisture as their uptake will vary widely. Moisture content also exerts a
strong control on soil biogeochemistry including microbial activity, nitrogen mineralization,
and biogeochemical cycling of nitrogen and carbon (Turcu et al. 2005). Therefore,
understanding the spatio-temporal distribution and quantity of available soil moisture that
can be used without damaging the natural ecosystem are keys to sustainable development
and prevention of ecosystem decline.
Soil moisture has been traditionally measured through point measurements, which is useful
to understand field-scale soil water dynamics (Topp and Ferre 2002), and predominantly
developed for applications in agriculture. Recent advancements in remote sensing
technologies has developed capabilities that contribute to understanding of soil moisture
distribution at very large scales such as large basins or continental or global scales; however,
these prediction needs to be validated through a large number of ground based point
measurements. It would be difficult to provide such information on a larger scale. Several
techniques used in the past to represent spatial variation of soil moisture on a large scale
using geostatistical anslyses tools such as kringing and semivariogram analysis, but these
require a dense sampling character of the soil moisture field. The concept of temporal
stability was able to capture spatial variation but limited to smaller scales (Brocca et al.
2010). Robinson et al. (2008) have extensively reviewed and summarized the challenges and
opportunities for soil water content measurement in terms of laboratory, equipment,
monitoring, remote sensing, and modelling challenges.
36 Soil Health and Land Use Management
Recent advancement in watershed scale hydrology models have increasingly been adopted
for soil and water management (Jha et al. 2007, 2010a, 2010b). These models provide a more
holistic approach of modelling complex interconnected and nonlinear hydro-geological
movement of water across all physical processes. This study used a watershed scale
hydrologic model, called Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) (Arnold et al. 1998), to
quantify long-term variation in spatial distribution of soil moisture on a medium-size
watershed located in Midwestern USA. SWAT has been shown to perform well on both
large river basins and small watersheds in terms of annual water and sediment yield (Arabi
et al. 2006, Gitau et al. 2004, Spruill et al. 2000, and Jha et al. 2011, among may other studies).
Gassman et al. (2007) has reviewed over a hundred of peer-reviewed SWAT related peer-
reviewed publications, which speaks of the magnitude and reliability of model use for
hydrology and water quality analyses.
The combination of favourable climate and fertile soil makes the Midwest one of the most
productive agricultural areas in the world. However, this brings an enormous application of
fertilizers and manures on the cropland, unmanaged and overapplication, which led water
quality problems in the local rivers and ultimately to larger ecosystems, e.g. hypoxia
problem in the Gulf of Mexico (Rabalais et al. 1996). Many conservation practices have been
proposed and implemented over decades. One such practice is the inclusion of winter cover
crops in the traditional corn-soybean rotation. Winter cover crops can reduce nitrogen (N)
leaching by extending the growing season and the uptake of N beyond that for corn and
soybean (Shepherd and Webb 1999). These crops take up residual N, released by
mineralization during fall and spring, and N released from fall-applied anhydrous
ammonia. The cover crops then release this N as their residue decays the next spring or
summer. While this practice was shown to have a tremendous potential for N reduction
(Kaspar et al. 2005, Singer et al. 2011), it might have implication in soil moisture dynamics
over a long period of time. This study analyzed the impacts of this conservation practice on
spatial distribution of soil moisture.
The main objective of this present study is to use SWAT model to quantify soil moisture
distribution on a watershed scale and evaluate the impact of applying cover crop
conservation practice on soil moisture content.
Quantifying Soil Moisture Distribution at a Watershed Scale 37
been impacted by elevated levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, sediment, and bacteria pollutants
during recent decades, primarily from nonpoint sources (Hatfield et al., 2009; Jha et al., 2010;
Schilling et al., 2008).
38 Soil Health and Land Use Management
Quantifying Soil Moisture Distribution at a Watershed Scale 39
The modeled average monthly streamflow (18.4 mm) closely matched the measured
monthly average (17.9 mm) over the 228 months (19 years) simulation period. These
statistical results can be viewed as quite strong for the resutls when viewed in the context of
the suggested criteria by Moriasi et al. (2007).
Fig. 3. Soils with probable tile drainage in the watershed (adapted from Schilling et al. 2008)
40 Soil Health and Land Use Management
Quantifying Soil Moisture Distribution at a Watershed Scale 41
is uniformly distributed within a given layer. This assumption eliminates the need to model
unsaturated flow in the horizontal direction. Unsaturated flow between layers is indirectly
modelled with the depth distribution of plant water uptake (Equation 1) and depth
distribution of soil water evaporation (Equation 2).
Depth distribution of plant water uptake:
, =[ ]
. [1 − exp − . ] (1)
Where wup,z is the potential water uptake from the soil profile to a specified depth, z, on a
given day (mm), Et is the maximum plant transpiration on a given day (m), βw is the water-
use distribution parameter, z is the depth from the soil surface (mm), and zroot is the depth of
root development in the soil (mm). The potential water uptake from any soil layer can be
calculated by solving above equation for the depth at the top and bottom of the soil layer
and taking the difference.
Depth distribution of soil water evaporation:
42 Soil Health and Land Use Management
basis. Winter cover crops provide ground cover on cultivated cropland after the growing
season. Rye, oats, and alfalfa have been used as cover crops in cropland areas in the
Midwest for number of years, and continuously increasing. It has shown a promise of
significant reduction in N losses from agricultural lands (Kaspar et al. 2004) thereby
protecting local streams from nonpoint source pollution, and contributing positively to
regional ecosystems. Implementation of this practice into vast majority of traditional corn
and soybean rotation in the Midwest has potential to reduce N loss significantly, and
ultimately reducing the concern of delivering significant nutrient loadings from Iowa and
Illinois watersheds into the Mississippi and ultimately to the Gulf of Mexico.
Quantifying Soil Moisture Distribution at a Watershed Scale 43
significantly over the watershed spatially, and values range from 805 to 885 mm on a long-
term average annual basis over the period of 19 years (1986-2004). Based on the input on
temperature, other meteorological data, and information on land cover, SWAT estimated
evapotranspiration (ET) using Penman-Monteith method (Figure 6). Spatial distribution of
ET ranged from 470 to 660 mm with higher values in north and central portion of the
watershed. Average ET among subwatersheds was found to be 564 mm with standard
deviation of 36.
44 Soil Health and Land Use Management
water yield at the subwatershed level is show in Figure 7. This was achieved after the model
was calibrated for overall watershed hydrology and then for time-series data of streamflow
at the watershed outlet. Our hypothesis about water yield be equal to precipitation minus
evapotranspiration on a long term basis, was tested for each subwatershed individually for
the calibrated model. It was found that the absolute deviation of water yield values as
compared with the difference in precipitation and evapotranspiration values were very
small (mean = 3 mm, standard deviation = 3 mm, and values range from +6 to -10 mm) over
the entire watershed. This is the error of less than 1% in predicting water yield on a long-
term basis on such a large scale. This validates the accuracy of model prediction on a long-
term average annual basis. The resulting soil water content and its spatial distribution are
shown in Figure 8. Its value ranges from 164 to 300 mm with an average value of 250 mm
and standard deviation of 25mm. Higher moisture content was seem to exist mostly in the
eastern portion of the watershed.
Quantifying Soil Moisture Distribution at a Watershed Scale 45
Fig. 8. Soil moisture content predicted by SWAT at subwatershed scale on a long-term basis
Once the model was successfully tested to predict soil moisture content, a scenario was
conducted to examine the impact on soil moisture content for a promising land management
practice: inclusion of winter cover crops into cropland (corn and soybean in this case). A
winter cover crop, rye, was simulated to be planted after corn and soybean harvest each
year. While this practice is well known for both soil and water quality and conservation, this
study attempts to quantify its impact on soil moisture content. The modelling setup was run
with cover crop simulation included into the original baseline condition, and soil moisture
content was predicted at each subwatershed. The long-term impact of this management
practice on soil moisture content is reflected as shown in Figure 9. Soil moisture content was
found to reduce significantly across the watershed with a new mean of 167 mm and
46 Soil Health and Land Use Management
standard deviation of 21. The range of values across subwatershed was found to be 116 to
207 mm, while compared to the baseline condition which was 164 to 300 mm. Spatial
distribution of soil moisture was consistent with the original baseline condition where
Eastern part of the watershed had higher moisture content. Moreover, the reduction in
moisture content was found to be consistent on a spatial scale. The magnitude of reduction
was found significant as evident by reduction in mean by 67%. Even though it is an outcome
of a simulation model, the signal of impact is very high. Figure 10 show the spatial
distribution of reduction in soil water content due to inclusion of winter cover crops in
standard corn-soybean rotation on a long-term basis.
Fig. 9. Soil moisture content (after introducing winter cover crop) as predicted by SWAT at
subwatershed scale on a long-term basis
Quantifying Soil Moisture Distribution at a Watershed Scale 47
Fig. 10. Reduction in soil moisture content due to inclusion of winter cover crops in standard
corn-soybean rotation on a long-term basis
Significant reduction in soil water content raises the sustainability concern of the future crop
production and regional ecosystem. As soil water content is very vital for crop growth and
other ecosystem variables, it is imperative that it needs to be conserved. Added to that, the
uncertainties in climate change with a certain increase of temperature and uncertain changes
(may increase or decrease) in the amount of precpitation pose more threat to the sustainable
agriculture system. It is warranted that the large scale implementation of winter cover crops
should be examined with caution for changes in soil moisture content and its impact on
future use of the land for agricultural production.
4. Conclusion
Understanding the spatio-temporal distribution and quantity of available soil moisture that
can be used without damaging the natural ecosystem are keys to sustainable development
48 Soil Health and Land Use Management
and prevention of ecosystem decline. This study attempted to quantify the distribution of
soil moisture content on a 3,630 mi2 Raccoon River Watershed located in the Midwest
United States through the use of a watershed scale hydrologic model SWAT. After a
successful test of SWAT’s ability to predict soil moisture content, it was used to quantify the
impact of introducing winter cover crops in standard corn-soybean rotation in the Midwest.
The unit of analyses was at a subwatershed scale; a finer unit with total number of 112
comprise the entire watershed. Successful calibration of the SWAT modelling setup for the
watershed input parameters and databases was found to produce total water yield very
accurately (less than 1% error) which lead to the accurate estimation of soil moisture content
at a subwatershed scale. While introducing winter cover crops has shown to be effective
positively for both soil quality as well as water quality, this modelling study on the impact
of this change in soil moisture found to have an adverse impact on a long-term basis. Soil
moisture content was found to reduce significantly across the watershed with a mean of 167
mm and standard deviation of 21. The range of values across subwatershed was found to be
116 to 207 mm, while compared to the baseline condition which was 164 to 300 mm. The
magnitude of reduction was found significant as evident by reduction in mean by 67%. Even
though it is predicted by simulating a well calibrated model, signal of the impact is very
high. It is warranted that the large scale implementation of winter cover crops should be
examined with caution for changes in soil moisture content and its impact on future use of
the land for agricultural production.
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Soil Health and Land Use Management
Edited by Dr. Maria C. Hernandez Soriano
ISBN 978-953-307-614-0
Hard cover, 332 pages
Publisher InTech
Published online 25, January, 2012
Published in print edition January, 2012
Soils play multiple roles in the quality of life throughout the world, not only as the resource for food production,
but also as the support for our structures, the environment, the medium for waste disposal, water, and the
storage of nutrients. A healthy soil can sustain biological productivity, maintain environmental quality, and
promote plant and animal health. Understanding the impact of land management practices on soil properties
and processes can provide useful indicators of economic and environmental sustainability. The sixteen
chapters of this book orchestrate a multidisciplinary composition of current trends in soil health. Soil Health and
Land Use Management provides a broad vision of the fundamental importance of soil health. In addition, the
development of feasible management and remediation strategies to preserve and ameliorate the fitness of
soils are discussed in this book. Strategies to improve land management and relevant case studies are
covered, as well as the importance of characterizing soil properties to develop management and remediation
strategies. Moreover, the current management of several environmental scenarios of high concern is
presented, while the final chapters propose new methodologies for soil pollution assessment.
How to reference
In order to correctly reference this scholarly work, feel free to copy and paste the following:
Manoj K. Jha (2012). Quantifying Soil Moisture Distribution at a Watershed Scale, Soil Health and Land Use
Management, Dr. Maria C. Hernandez Soriano (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-614-0, InTech, Available from: