Negotiation ADR

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Negotiation has been defined as any form of direct or indirect communication whereby
parties who have opposing interests discuss the form of any joint action which they might
take to manage and ultimately resolve the dispute between them.

Negotiation doesn’t have any statutory recognition i.e through way of legislation.
Negotiation is self counseling between the parties to resolve their dispute. The word
"negotiation" is from the Latin expression, "negotiatus", past participle of negotiare
which means "to carry on business". "Negotium" means literally "not leisure".
Negotiation is a process that has no fixed rules but follows a predictable pattern.
Negotiation is the simplest means for redressal of disputes. In this mode the parties begin
their talk without interference of any third person. The aim of negotiation is the
settlement of disputes by exchange of views and issues concerning the parties

Indeed, the ten new rules for global negotiations advocated by Hernandez and Graham
nicely coincide with an approach that comes naturally to the Japanese:

1. Accept only creative outcomes

2. Understand cultures, especially your own.

3. Don’t just adjust to cultural differences, exploit them.

4. Gather intelligence and reconnoiter the terrain.

5. Design the information flow and process of meetings.

6. Invest in personal relationships.

7. Persuade with questions. Seek information and understanding.

8. Make no concessions until the end.

9. Use techniques of creativity

10. Continue creativity after negotiations.

Negotiations may be used to resolve an already-existing problem or to lay the

groundwork for a future relationship between two or more parties.
Negotiation has also been characterized as the “preeminent mode of dispute resolution”
which is hardly surprising given its presence in virtually all aspects of everyday life,
whether at the individual, institutional, national or global levels. Each negotiation is
unique, differing from one another in terms of subject matter, the number of participants
and the process used.
Given the presence of negotiation in daily life, it is not surprising to find that negotiation
can also be applied within the context of other dispute resolution processes, such as
mediation and litigation settlement conferences.

II. Characteristics of a negotiation

Negotiation is:

○ Voluntary: No party is forced to participate in a negotiation. The parties are free

to accept or reject the outcome of negotiations and can withdraw at any point
during the process. Parties may participate directly in the negotiations or they may
choose to be represented by someone else, such as a family member, friend, a
lawyer or other professional.
○ Bilateral/Multilateral: Negotiations can involve two, three or dozens of parties.
They can range from two individuals seeking to agree on the sale of a house to
negotiations involving diplomats from dozens of States (e.g., World Trade
Organization (WTO)).
○ Non-adjudicative: Negotiation involves only the parties. The outcome of a
negotiation is reached by the parties together without recourse to a third-party
○ Informal: There are no prescribed rules in negotiation. The parties are free to
adopt whatever rules they choose, if any. Generally they will agree on issues such
as the subject matter, timing and location of negotiations. Further matters such as
confidentiality, the number of negotiating sessions the parties commit to, and
which documents may be used, can also be addressed.
○ Confidential: The parties have the option of negotiating publicly or privately.
○ Flexible: The scope of a negotiation depends on the choice of the parties. The
parties can determine not only the topic or the topics that will be the subject of the
negotiations, but also whether they will adopt a positional-based bargaining
approach or an interest-based approach.

III. Advantages of Negotiation

● In procedural terms, negotiation is probably the most flexible form of

dispute resolution as it involves only those parties with an interest in the
matter and their representatives, if any. The parties are free to shape the
negotiations in accordance with their own needs, for example, setting the
agenda, selecting the forum (public or private) and identifying the
participants. By ensuring that all those who have an interest in the dispute
have been consulted regarding their willingness to participate and that
adequate safeguards exist to prevent inequities in the bargaining process
(i.e., an imbalance in power between the parties), the chances of reaching
an agreement satisfactory to all are enhanced.
● Like any method of dispute resolution, negotiation cannot guarantee that a
party will be successful. However, many commentators feel that
negotiations have a greater possibility of a successful outcome when the
parties adopt an interest-based approach as opposed to a positional-based
approach. By focusing on their mutual needs and interests and the use of
mechanisms such as objective standards, there is a greater chance of
reaching an agreement that meets the needs of the parties. This is
sometimes referred to as a “win-win” approach.
● Negotiation is a voluntary process. No one is required to participate in
negotiations should they not wish to do so.
● There is no need for recourse to a third-party neutral. This is important
when none of the parties wants to involve outside parties in the process,
e.g., the matter to be discussed or the dispute to be resolved may be highly
sensitive in nature.
● Unlike the outcomes of certain adjudicative processes, e.g., the courts, the
outcome of a negotiation only binds those parties who were involved in
the negotiation. The agreement must not, of course, be contrary to
Canadian law (e.g., an agreement to commit a crime would be illegal and
thus void for public policy reasons).
● Assuming that the parties are negotiating in good faith, negotiation will
provide the parties with the opportunity to design an agreement which
reflects their interests.
● Negotiations may preserve and in some cases even enhance the
relationship between the parties once an agreement has been reached
between them.
● Opting for negotiation instead of litigation may be less expensive for the
parties and may reduce delays.

IV. Disadvantages of negotiation

○ A particular negotiation may have a successful outcome. However, parties may be

of unequal power and the weaker party(ies) may be placed at a disadvantage.
Where a party with an interest in the matter in dispute is excluded or inadequately
represented in the negotiations, the agreement's value is diminished, thereby
making it subject to future challenge. In the absence of safeguards in the
negotiating process, the agreement could be viewed by a participant or others
outside the process as being inequitable, even though the substance of the
agreement may be beyond reproach.
○ A successful negotiation requires each party to have a clear understanding of its
negotiating mandate. If uncertainty exists regarding the limits of a party's
negotiating authority, the party will not be able to participate effectively in the
bargaining process.
○ The absence of a neutral third party can result in parties being unable to reach
agreement as they may be incapable of defining the issues at stake, let alone
making any progress towards a solution.
○ The absence of a neutral third party may encourage one party to attempt to take
advantage of the other.
○ No party can be compelled to continue negotiating. Anyone who chooses to
terminate negotiations may do so at any time in the process, notwithstanding the
time, effort and money that may have been invested by the other party or parties.
○ Some issues or questions are simply not amenable to negotiation. There will be
virtually no chance of an agreement where the parties are divided by opposing
ideologies or beliefs which leave little or no room for mutual concessions and
there is no willingness to make any such concessions.
○ The negotiation process cannot guarantee the good faith or trustworthiness of any
of the parties.
○ Negotiation may be used as a stalling tactic to prevent another party from
asserting its rights (e.g., through litigation or arbitration).

V. How to use negotiation

A. Objective of a Negotiation
Negotiations allow the parties to agree to an outcome which is mutually satisfactory. The
actual terms of the agreement must be concluded by the parties and can be as broad or as
specific as the parties desire. A negotiated settlement can be recorded in the form of an
agreement. Once signed, has the force of a contract between the parties. If the settlement
is negotiated in the context of a litigious dispute, then the parties may wish to register the
settlement with the court in conformity with the applicable rules of practice.
B. Negotiating Styles
Generally speaking, although the labels may vary from one commentator to the next,
negotiating styles can be divided into two categories:
■ Competitive/Positional-Based Negotiation
In the competitive model, the parties try to maximize their returns at the
expense of one another, will use a variety of methods to do so and view
the interests of the opposing party or parties as not being relevant, except
insofar as they advance one's own goal of maximizing returns.
Competitive bargaining has been criticized for its focus on specific
positions rather than attempting to discern the true interests of the
parties. Among the criticisms which have been levelled at the
competitive model are its tendency to promote brinkmanship and to
discourage the mutual trust which is necessary for joint gain
■ Cooperative/Interest-Based Negotiation
Cooperative or problem-solving negotiation starts from the premise that
the negotiations need not be seen as a “zero-sum” situation, i.e., the
gains of one party in the negotiation are not necessarily at the expense of
the other party. Common interests and values are stressed, as is the use
of an objective approach, and the goal of the negotiations is a solution
that is fair and mutually agreeable

In recent years, the form of cooperative negotiating style known as principled

bargaining has won widespread acceptance. The proponents of principled
bargaining believe that bargaining over fixed positions can lead to situations
where parties will either be stubborn (“hard bargaining”) or accept unilateral
losses (“soft bargaining”) in order to reach agreement. Principled bargaining,
which attempts to reconcile the interests underlying these positions, helps the
parties to reach agreement and circumvent the problems of hard and soft
bargaining. It is this form of negotiation which is seeing increasing use.

C. Dealing With Differences

Underlying any successful relationship is the principle of mutual respect. This is particularly true
during negotiations, where cultural and/or linguistic differences between the parties may
occasionally result in misunderstandings between them. Such differences will influence the
perceptions and assumptions of individuals and how they bargain

Differences in gender may also play a role in the negotiating process, whether the parties are of
the same or different cultural backgrounds. Reliance on stereotypes, whether they be based on
gender, cultural, physical or racial differences or physical disability, will cause and reinforce
misunderstandings between the parties.
The ability to deal with others who are not of the same gender or cultural origin or who differ in
some way from one's self varies with each individual and the degree to which she or he has been
exposed to and is willing to accept diversity. Whatever one's background, clearly demonstrating
respect for and an open-minded attitude towards others is always an appropriate course of action.
When there are cultural or other differences among parties to a negotiation, it is important to be
aware of and sensitive to these differences. In such a situation, it is essential to communicate
clearly and effectively with the other party or parties in a negotiation. Doing so will enhance the
relationship between the parties as well as minimize the chances of a misinterpretation of the
underlying message

D. Dealing With Difficult or Deceptive Conduct

At any point during negotiations, one party may decide to use a variety of tactics in order to
obtain an advantage over another party. This behaviour can range from pressure tactics
(attempting to force a party to accept specific terms), intimidation (implicit or explicit),
deliberate ambiguity regarding the scope of the negotiating mandate to blatantly unethical
behaviour (providing misleading or false information, lies, etc.)
Advance preparation is essential in order to respond effectively to these tactics, whenever they
may arise. In devising strategies to counter such behaviour, each situation must be viewed as
unique. Previous experience of others can provide useful guidelines in formulating a suitable

E. Preparing for a Negotiation

1. Initial Assessment
The negotiation process begins with a communication or signal from one party to the
other indicating a willingness to bargain. Since negotiation is a voluntary process, the
first and fundamental step to be taken is to confirm whether or not the other party or
parties are interested in negotiations. In making such an assessment, it is important to
take into account the following factors:
● the desire to resolve the dispute;
● whether a negotiated solution is in the interests of any or all of the
parties in question;
● the credibility of the other party(ies);
● the willingness of the parties to establish or preserve a relationship;
● whether or not there is a disparity between the parties to the extent
that it would be impossible to bargain equally, i.e., there is a
marked contrast between the parties in terms of the level of
education or the resources of the parties;
● the desirability of using another form of alternative dispute
resolution, such as mediation or arbitration; and
● proper authority to enter into negotiations and to reach an
agreement or settlement.
2. Contacting the Other Party
Once it has been decided that negotiations are an appropriate course of action,
arrangements that must be made with the other parties include:
● outlining the agenda and the scope of the negotiations;
● fixing the timetable, i.e., whether or not there will be a fixed period
for the talks as well as the frequency and the duration of the
● determining the identity of the participants, ensuring that all
interested parties have been consulted;
● choosing the locale for the negotiations (preferably a neutral
location) and arranging necessary support services;
● specifying the official language(s) to be used for the purposes of
the negotiations, as well as the need for translation and
interpretation services (please refer to the discussion of the Official
Languages Act).
● deciding whether or not the negotiations and any resulting
agreement will be confidential (please see the discussion of the
Access to Information and Privacy Acts).
■ Consistency in these matters will not only assist in ensuring the
negotiations are as effective as possible, they will also reinforce one's
credibility and can thus contribute to establishing mutual confidence and
3. Preparation of a Strategy and Interest Assessment
A crucial factor in achieving one's goals in negotiation is thorough preparation.
Therefore, it is suggested that the following steps should be taken prior to any bargaining
● Study the dispute in question before the negotiations. This means
not only obtaining the facts surrounding the dispute, but also
attempting to find out as much as possible about the other party or
parties, their background and their negotiating interests.
● Harmonize and reconcile the varying and sometimes competing
interests within one's negotiating side before negotiating with the
other side
● Failure to do so can undermine one's negotiating stance by making
the other party aware of internal disagreements and thus raising
doubts as to one's ability to implement any future agreement.
● When assessing one's interests as well as those of other parties,
the Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA) must
be taken into account
● The BATNA is “the standard against which any proposed
agreement should be measured”
● It is, in essence, the best of all the possible alternatives to
negotiation should the latter fail. Assessing one's BATNA is
indispensable and should be done carefully and well in advance of
any bargaining session so as to avoid unpleasant surprises from the
opposing party during the negotiations. Attempting to estimate the
BATNA of the other party will also be worthwhile when planning
one's negotiation strategy.
● Creativity is necessary when attempting to devise solutions when
at first glance the dispute appears to be insoluble. An impasse will
often result when the negotiating parties advance specific positions
and refuse to change them. Each party should then canvass the
various members of the negotiating team in order to obtain their
views regarding possible solutions, i.e., determining the parties'
underlying interests and how they may be satisfied. This should be
done in an environment which encourages the team members to
express their ideas freely and without fear of criticism, e.g., a
brainstorming session.
● Thought must be given as to how the negotiations will be handled.
For example, it must be decided in advance whether there will be
one spokesperson or whether each member of the negotiating team
will be responsible for one or more particular areas or topics.
Another consideration is fixing in advance when and how to call a
private team caucus that will interrupt the negotiations. Resorting
to a caucus of team members is helpful when a new issue emerges
at the table or an issue on the table requires clarification or further
analysis. Finally, all members of the negotiating team should be
aware of the need to resolve any internal disputes away from the
negotiating table and to avoid revealing any such disputes or
doubts to the other parties, e.g., through the use of inappropriate
body language.
4. Steps of a Negotiation
○ Each negotiation has its own unique characteristics. There is thus no uniform and
exclusive manner governing the organization of a bargaining session. For
example, the timing of an offer and the question of which party is to make the
first offer fall within the discretion of the negotiator and are determined by the
overall dynamic of a particular negotiation.
■ Negotiation Session
During any negotiation, the following considerations should be kept in
● Concentrate on interests, not positions. Try to focus on the
underlying interests of all the parties, i.e., their needs, desires,
concerns and fears, and how they might be acknowledged and
● Separate the people from the problem. Avoid blaming the other
side for the problem(s) one has encountered and discuss the
perceptions held by each side. Ensure that there is effective
communication between all parties.
● Listen carefully and actively to what the other side is saying and
acknowledge what is being said. This can be done through
methods such as asking questions and by making frequent
● Try to make the negotiations a “win-win” outcome by creating
options for mutual benefit.
○ There is no need to wait until negotiations have begun,
however, in order to develop these options. They can and
should form part of the development of the negotiating
strategy, although they are subject to modification in the
course of the negotiation.
○ Creating these options implies a willingness to look beyond
the limits of the issue(s) in question. Doing this can be
achieved through means such as brainstorming sessions
with one's negotiating team. Brainstorming can also be a
joint exercise involving all the parties. These sessions
should be structured so as to allow all participants the
opportunity to voice ideas in a non-adversarial and non-
critical environment.
● Use objective standards. Citing objective standards such as
legislation or government policies enables parties to view the
issues in rational rather than emotional terms and facilitates the
conclusion of an agreement. There is likely a variety of alternative
objective criteria that could be cited by the parties and, if possible,
they should be identified by each negotiating team prior to entering
into the negotiating session.
● Evaluate proposals of the other party and the progress of the
negotiations in light of the BATNA (Best Alternative To a
Negotiated Agreement). It may become necessary to break off the
negotiations if there appears to be no way of achieving an outcome
which is superior to the BATNA. This can occur when it becomes
apparent that the underlying interests between the parties are
irreconcilable or that the other side does not really want an
● When necessary, feel free to stop the negotiations if there is a need
for the members of the negotiating team to confer on a new
development. To avoid revealing the content of these discussions,
the caucus should be held in a private location which is preferably
not visible to the other side.
● Stay within the limits of one's negotiating mandate. Ensure that
there is constant communication with the client when acting on the
latter's behalf. The same principle applies when bargaining in the
governmental context; before committing the government to a
position Justice counsel must be clear as to the extent of her or his
bargaining authority. More specifically, counsel must be certain
that they have received specific instructions as to whether or not to
conclude an agreement as well as the limits of the mandate, e.g.,
the limits governing any offer to the other party as well as the
degree to which other options can be offered. As well, any
agreement that is reached must respect existing laws and
government policies.
● Prepare for the possibility of being confronted with provocative,
intimidating, unfair or deceptive behaviour of a party to the
● At worst, it may become necessary to end the negotiations, having
carefully examined one's BATNA and having concluded that
termination is the preferable course of action.
■ Statutory/Policy Considerations
A negotiator's authority is limited not only by the mandate given by his or
her principal or client, but also by factors that may not be explicitly
mentioned in her or his mandate, such as existing statutes, regulations or
government policies.

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